Illegal Immigration Folly?

The Michael Medved Show blog yesterday, “Simplistic Silliness on Immigration Courtesy of “Grandma,” is the typical Bush Republican mantra which amounts to what one commenter said – it’s pure “BOVINE EXCREMENT!!!”

Here are few excerpts:

“Isn’t it possible that “closing the borders” isn’t just inconvenient – but virtually impossible? . . .

“Could we really shut out all immigrants (including the more than half-a-million who enter legally each year) and block all visitors too? Does any sane individual believe that sealing off the United States from all foreigners for some period of time would help our economy or our country? Would we also make it impossible for, say, the Japanese managers and automotive engineers from Honda and Toyota to enter the country to help supervise the new production plants that employ tens of thousands of Americans? . . .

“The reason that mainstream conservatives insist on comprehensive immigration reform rather than simplistic sloganeering is their recognition of government’s limited ability to control human behavior. . .

“Meanwhile, on our side of the aisle discussion of elegantly, instantly, effortlessly “closing the border” or wondering “why we don’t stop illegal immigration, now” isn’t helpful, and amounts to childish wishful thinking. . .”

Ok, there you go Michael – hummmm… I don’t recall any sane person suggesting that we seal off the US from all foreigners – especially the “Japanese managers and automotive engineers from Honda and Toyota”! Give us a break, what kind of a nit wit are you? Or more to the point, what kind of childish and simplistic “wishful thinkers” do you thing we are?

The only limitation the US has to controlling illegal human behavior is one thing – the will to end ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION NOW! The great majority of American citizens have the will, but not our elected officials.

Let’s get to your real agenda of what you call the “mainstream conservatives.” First let me correct you. Michael, you don’t represent the mainstream. We are the mainstream conservatives and the elitist Bush Republicans, like you, have quite forgotten us. All your blather is nothing more than an attempt to cloak a globalist free trade agenda that relies on a continued supply of cheap illegal labor.

The “free trade” Bush Republicans as well as the “adopt an illegal” leftist Democrats will find out in 2008, that the collective will of the mainstream American people will not be ignored. Nothing is impossible – especially if the life of this great nation depends upon stemming the tide of ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION!!!

Open Trackback Weekend???

Hey, there’s a party going on and I’ve got the open invite, but I can’t get a ticket.

You see, I am stuck here in Blogger Beta land where TrackBack seems like a secret, mysterious, and very “occult” social club. Actually I used the term “occult” because that simply means hidden knowledge. And those of us using Blogger Beta feel very left out of the “knowledge base” of the TrackBack social club.

Finally a few folks in the know are attempting to reveal the secrets of Trackback.

Here’s a good explanation of how to use Trackback from the Alliance of Free Blogs

Here’s another good explanation of Trackback from Bad Example

Bad Example also shared this:


Be sure to check out Bad Example’s “poor man’s trackback” tip. I’ll just call it the “Poor Blogger Beta trackback tip”.

Until today, I didn’t’ even realize that the TrackBack URL is different from the regular permanent link URL. Who knew, go figure?

Woman Honor Thyself provided the vital piece of info about finding the trackback URL

“Just include this permalink in your post and…
use this url for the trackback ..(Just right click where it says “permalink” or “trackback” below and then click on “copy shortcut” to get the “permalink” and trackback URL.)”

Wow! This was all so new to me. So I did just as she said and this is the trackback URL to the Woman Honor Thyself post.

Notice how the above differs from her permalink below.

So how on earth could I find the TrackBack URL for my Blogger Beta Blog post???

Oh, yes, I keep forgetting. I DON’T HAVE TRACKBACK BECAUSE BLOGGER BETA DOESN’T SUPPORT IT!!! But all is not lost. If you are willing to do a little template manipulation you can add some template code to get trackback. But from the comments I’ve read, I’m not ready to tackle that yet.

There are some ways to hack your Blogger Beta’s template to get HaloScan comments and/or trackback on Blogger Beta.

Here’s a template hacking solution from Fresh Blog

Potentate Matthew I has a good solution.

Well I might play with this a little bit. I think for the most part, I’ll be using Bad Example’s “poor man’s trackback” tip and when I can find a trackback URL, I’ll just fill out the Wizbang Standalone Trackback Pinger or the Kalsey pinger.

If you have any Blogger Beta solutions that are simple and easy for non hackers to understand, please add your comments.

Update (a few minutes later)

Well, I could only send 1 succsssful trackback – the other’s generated error messages on both the Wizbang Standalone Trackback Pinger and the Kalsey pinger. So, for now, it definitely the “poor man’s trackback” method.

Thanksgiving Greetings: All Europeans are Illegal???

This is the day when all Americans should be grateful to our creator for shedding so much bounty upon this great nation. But along with gratitude comes duty – the duty to defend our nation from those who would destroy all that America is. Please take the time to read these messages . . .

From the Americans for Legal Immigration (ALIPAC) Team:

“While we gather with our families and pause to reflect on the things we are thankful for, please remember how thankful we are to have the support and participation of so many wonderful Americans dedicated to our cause. Our growth and abilities increase each month thanks to you and it is an honor to stand side by side with so many truly patriotic and thoughtful Americans.

When we think about the hardships that the Pilgrims went through during their first winter on this Continent, it makes our current troubles seem pale by comparison.

As millions of illegal aliens invade our nation, many carry a very hostile attitude towards us. Far to many of them apply blame to use for their poverty and hate us for perceived historic injustices. We read it on their signs in protest after protest. They say “It’s our land and we are taking it back.” and “Go back to Europe! Go back to Africa!” while holding signs that read…

“We are indigenous! The only owners of this Continent”
“All Europeans are illegal on our continent since 1492” . . .”

Join Americans for Legal Immigration (ALIPAC)

Watch for these phrases
(from an informative ALIPAC forum post)

“The phrase “El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido” which illegals repeat constantly in these videos is the famous phrase for all the working class to unite and to arm themselves . This is a line from the song “The people united will never be defeated” or the classic version ” The people armed will never be crushed- “ El pueblo armado jamas sera aplastado “ .

It was used in many coups and revolutions in different countries and is adopted by Socialists and Communists as the slogan of power Nothing is peaceful about these words . You can google this phrase – there is a lot of info on lline and the pictures . the classic is the picture of the fist with a Communist star on it .”

Mexico Cozies up to Iran

Tehran, 20 November 2006 (CHN Foreign Desk) — Iran and Mexico will sign cooperation agreement for developing cultural heritage and tourism interactions between the two countries.

The agreement will be signed in the Mexican capital during the visit of Esfandiar Rahim Mashayi, president of Iran’s Cultural Heritage and Tourism Organization (ICHTO) to Mexico. During his visit, Rahim Mashayi will meet with Mexico’s ministers of tourism and culture to discuss the terms of cooperation in detail. . . .


Selections from “A Native view of immigration”
Published Nov 22, 2006 12:34 AM

The following talk was given by Mahtowin Munro, a member of the Lakota Nation and co-leader of United American Indians of New England (UAINE), at a Nov. 18 Boston Workers World Party forum entitled “The Struggle for Indigenous sovereignty and immigrant rights.”

As Indigenous peoples, we have no borders. We know that our sisters and brothers from Mexico, Central America and South America have always been here and always will be. . . .

The United States is the true culprit in this situation through the robbery of the Mexican people, which began with the theft of their land . . .

. . .the land of course belongs rightfully to Indigenous peoples. So we see that the U.S. literally stole millions of acres of land from the Mexican people, then established arbitrary borders such as the Rio Grande, and now hunts down those who dare to cross those borders. . . .

Step by step, day by day, this movement will grow. The government can pass anti-immigrant laws but those laws will be repealed in the streets . . .

I believe that someday we can make a new map of the world together, a map that does not have borders among workers. Ultimately we will take back everything that is rightfully ours, everything that was stolen from us and built by the blood and sweat of our ancestors.

What is required is a new movement of unity, solidarity and resistance in all parts of the world.

Workers World Party is and will continue to be in the forefront of that new movement and we invite you to join us.

Our future, and the very future of our Mother Earth, requires us to struggle toward a socialist future.

We must come together in unity to fight against this vicious government and the corporations that control it. Together, we can build a new movement, the likes of which this country has never seen before!

Sisters and brothers, this is OUR world. Let’s work together to take it back!
Free Leonard! Free Mumia! Ho!

There we have it. America is under attack from a united effort on all sides. How many more Thanksgiving Days will this great republic have left to celebrate? The answer is up to each of us.
What is the price of our gratitude?

Why Are Many Liberals Willing Pawns for Islamic Terrorism?

That’s the burning question many American bloggers are asking today. In the coming weeks, many bloggers may unite to concentrate on the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CA–IR) and their liberal American apologists. Here are some blogs devoted to the issue of Islamic terrorism today:

CA-IR BearS, Dems & the FBI
“More than 1,000 people turned out on Saturday at the Council on American-Is–lamic Relations (CA–IR) banquet in Arlington, Va., to hear addresses by several elected officials, including Keith Elli-son, the first Mus–lim in Congress. . . .”

Read more at Woman Honor Thyself

Spoon Fed Hatred, Morning, Noon and Night
“These are disturbing to say the least and I suggest you watch the full video… many watch a couple minutes and then see Glenn Beck start to talk and think the clips are over, they are not. The disturbing ones are after he speaks…One example is of a little girl screaming as she is being prepped for surgery so that her eyes could be stolen by the “Jews”. In another it shows a three yr old child being taught hatred to the Jewish people, calling them dogs and pigs and such, over and over… at THREE YEARS old. . . .”

Read more at Wake Up America

Here’s a non-link to the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

Why should this blog up their Google ratings?

See Also:

Anti-Cair: In Defense of the Constitution

Jihad Watch

A Progressive God Responds to the War on Christmas

Yesterday I was forwarded a rather long e-mail letter from God, so I thought you just might be interested. If you are reading this, then you will most likely receive it too. I was really disappointed, however, that I wasn’t on God’s initial list of friends, but I guess I should be thankful that the e-mail finally made it into my inbox.

The letter starts out . . .

“Dear Children,

It has come to my attention that many of you are upset that folks are taking My name out of the season. Maybe you’ve forgotten that I wasn’t actually born during this time of the year and that it was some of you’re predecessors who decided to celebrate My birthday on what was actually a time of pagan festival. Although Ido appreciate being remembered anytime.

How I personally feel about this celebration can probably be most easily understood by those of you who have been blessed with children of your own. I don’t care what you call the day. If you want to celebrate My birth just, GET ALONG AND LOVEONE ANOTHER. . . .”

The letter goes on to suggest that we all stop worrying about the War on Christmas, and start acting like real Christians by performing acts of Christian love and charity etc. Now who can argue with that? And more to the point, who would dare argue with God???

Well, for starters, how can I be sure that God actually wrote this e-mail? I did notice that there were a few grammatical errors, but perhaps God doesn’t really care much about grammar either or perhaps His secretary was off for the day?

The next question I had was that if God really did write this e-mail, which person of the Trinity was actually involved in the writing? The implication is that it must be Jesus because God is talking about “MY birthday.” We Christians all know that God the Father “Is, Was, and Always Will Be.” God the Father never had a birth date. If Jesus is writing about “My name” and “My birthday”, why didn’t He even once mention His name??? He could have at least signed the letter but HE didn’t.

Perhaps God was avoiding any mention of Jesus in order to keep Christians and Non-Christians alike from Christmas-time divisiveness? But that doesn’t ring true. It’s really hard to imagine a God “who sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him” (John 4:19), not even wanting to mention that fact on his only son’s birthday.

But this letter is hard to figure out, kind of like trying to figure out God. So I’m just not sure. Isn’t it funny that God would remind folks to read John 15: 1 – 8 (“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. . .), tell folks to pray, and to send money to missionaries who would spread his name, but fail to spread His name in this very letter???

And why wouldn’t God want folks to heed Jesus’ own words?

“And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father.” (John 14:13)

God made several good suggestions in his e-mail but I was struck by the fact that God had little interest in keeping alive the Christian tradition of Christmas. I would assume from reading this e-mail from God that He’s not at all opposed to secularizing the day.

“Stop worrying about the fact that people are calling the tree a holiday tree, instead of a Christmas tree. It was I who made all trees.”

That got me to thinking about the importance of tradition – to humans at least. Why should protecting our cherished religious traditions be important to all Americans regardless of our differing faith perspectives?

Oddly enough I found the answer from an Australian – Professor Mark Cooray. Dr. Cooray was once a socialist/progressive activist but he turned from socialism because, “I have come to believe that socialism and progressivism are in practice, as far as human development is concerned, retrogressive philosophies.”

Here’s a quote from a very interesting chapter on Tradition from the book, The Australian Achievement: From Bondage To Freedom by Dr. Mark Cooray.

“The Internationale contains a line “No more tradition’s chains shall bind us.” This is one of the fundamental ideas of socialist/progressivist thinking. Man must be freed from tradition. Reason is to be the guiding light. The devil can cite scripture for his purposes. Reason can often be used to support any position. If men and women are freed from tradition, the experiences of history and the family environment, they can be manipulated and used by ideological and religious leaders, eccentrics and maniacs. If tradition declines, ideologues can mould and influence individuals.”

Note: The Internationale is the international song of both Marxist and non-Marxist socialist parties. It was written in French by Eugene Pottier, a woodworker from Lille, after the fall of the Paris Commune of 1871, and set to music by P. Degeyter.

Now it’s just possible, even plausible, that perhaps God didn’t really write this e-mail letter. And if the devil can cite scripture for his purposes, then who is to say who really wrote the letter? That got me to thinking about “inversion” – the turning of faith or any philosophy inside out.

Now anyone can be susceptible to ideologues who would manipulate faith, and those who are only too willing to overthrow tradition for political correctness are often the most susceptible. The clever part about the inversion of faith is that it is often very subtle. The primary rule of inversion is that the big lie is usually hidden amid much truth. And that big lie is often hidden through the process of expanding definitions and redefining commonly accepted theological truths. We usually call it “revisionism”.

I don’t know who wrote the letter and most likely it was written by someone who has the best of Christian humanistic intentions. I do know that the letter was forwarded to me from one of my liberal/ progressive friends who is a member of a very liberal/progressive Christian denomination. I won’t mention the particular denomination’s name but you can usually tell which Christian denominations have a liberal/progressive bias. They are the denominations with well known old names that are rapidly losing membership due in no small part to the fact that they subtly promote moral equivalency with any faith perspective, and they avoid, at all costs, the mention of sin. The easiest way to spot them is that they quote every Biblical verse devoted to Love but recoil from any passage having to do with the cost of sin. And if you read any of their literature you will find that they have quite neutered the language by never referring to God as “He”. The most extreme of the progressives refer to God as “He/She”.

My friend sent the e-mail on to all of her many church friends and to me because she was afraid that we Americans are “politicizing our God.” But somehow this letter from God feels just like a politicized message especially when God tells us to pray for George.

I do not doubt the sincerity and devout faith of my friend and of most liberal/progressive Christians. But what I do know is that, as Dr. Cooray aptly pointed out concerning the progressives, “they can be manipulated and used by ideological and religious leaders, eccentrics and maniacs.”

If anyone would like me to send them the entire e-mail from “God”, please e-mail me.

The Active Democrats Revolution

Last week I wrote Democrats Attacked from Within. This is a follow up to that article.

Today I’m asking: Who are these “Active Democrats”? Common sense might tell you that they are the folks who help raise big money for candidates. They will tell you that they are the “people;” the lowly activist workers – the ones who knock on doors and actively canvass for their party. Both ideas are completely true. But “Active Democrats” are much more than that.

The key words “Active Democrat” are showing up in more and more new Political Action Committee names. The words are deliberately designed to link radical activists to the left-leaning P.A.C. that will represent their interests. Often the only difference between the existing local party name and the active P.A.C. name is the lone word “Active”. If the word “Active” isn’t included in the P.A.C. name, then it is used repeatedly in just about every communication.

The Active intent is three-fold. (1) They want to attract new members to the Democratic Party without raising the eyebrows of the sleepy 21st Century challenged centrists, and (2) they want to attract the left kind of member, and (3) they want to gradually take over the functions of the existing local party by appearing, on the surface, to be the official local party organization.

Although the Actives won’t openly admit this, they are linked to Democracy for America, the far left leaning organization founded by Howard Dean’s brother. Democracy for America provides these Actives training in how to “kidnap” a local party. Actives also see themselves as aligned with the Young Democrats of America , and they communicate through networking dominance of the blogosphere in sites such as,, the far, far left DailyKos, , and .

President Jimmy Carter’s eldest son told those attending a Young Democrats of America conference that if they would use, Democrats would win in 2006. Apparently he was right.

“If you and your MySpace friends get five people apiece … Democrats will win in 2006,” he said.

Since 2004 left-leaning candidates and their “Active” supporters have been using the networking potential of Meetup , a meeting-planning service. Recently The Democratic Party has revealed a new social networking tool – PartyBuilder . Anyone who joins can “Roll Your Own Political Network.” This site is geered to a wider “adult” level of Actives. A registered user with PartyBuilder can find other active Democrats in a particular geographic area via a ZIP code search. It has been reported that PartyBuilder attracted almost 10,000 registered users in its first week, and that the number of political networks are growing exponentially!!!

Is it time that traditionalists, conservatives, moderates and centrists, the Blue Dogs etc., just roll over, play dead, and give up??? No – Not on our collective lives!!! American political parties need to rediscover America’s majority center – the heart, mind, and soul of America. That’s us folks! And we must be dedicated to taking back America from the special interests dominating both far, far left and far, far right!!!

There’s no sense in reinventing the wheel. The tools are already there and we all need to take advantage of how the left has led the social networking dominance of the internet in 2006 well before 2008!!! We must use 21st century tools today!!!

For more details about this revolution, I recommend that you read two overview articles: The New Breed of Democrat Part One, And Part Two, which describes the typical tactics of the new breed “Active Democrats.”

Democrats Attacked from Within

The following account is most likely playing out across the country – especially in small rural communities. My source has asked me to keep silent until after the elections are over. Tomorrow I will reveal more of this story. But for now, suffice it to say that activists Democrats are quietly taking over the party and silently eliminating duly elected local party chairs by very unscrupulous and possibly illegal means.

Here’s how it works. . . Much of rural America is still operating by 20th century standards and that includes how the Democratic Party communicates in rural areas. Many party chairs are not too internet savvy. Usually information is still shared with party members by newsletters sent via snail mail. Many local parties in rural areas don’t even have a web page.

In comes a new party volunteer that offers to help get the local party online with a new web site. The local party is delighted. Donations come in, money is spent finding a good web site developer, and the local party web site goes online.

The helpful new volunteer offers to act as web administrator. The country chair is delighted. But little by little, the new web administrator takes more and more liberties and begins to publish “news articles” that are filled with questionable inflammatory opinions. The party chair asks the new volunteer to cease these activities. But the new volunteer refuses. Then the party chair is forced to remove the new volunteer as web administrator.

That doesn’t stop the new volunteer. After all, the new volunteer is part of a larger group of well-connected newcomers to the community that have already made plans to take over the local party. The volunteer begins to hack into the web site. Eventually the party chair is forced to take the web site down. A month later, a new web site shows up – almost an exact duplicate of the official party web site. The only difference is the name of the web site which now has “Active” as part of its title. For example: Dufus County Democrats becomes Dufus County Active Democrats. Oh yes, and the name of the party chair is missing from the new “Active” web site. The assumption is that few new visitors to the web site will even bother to think about the fact that there is a duly elected party chair.

The new “Active” party web site asks for donations. In one case that I know of the new “Active” party actually did take the time to register as a P.A.C. and that can be verified by the State Ethics Commission. In another case, the new “club” is seeking donations without even bothering to register as a P.A.C.

The official party chair turns to the state chair and the DNC, as-well-as to the candidates seeking assistance, but no help comes. There’s lots of sympathy and offers to look into it after the election. The conspiracy of silence even extends to the wronged party chairs because no one wants to rock the boat prior to the elections. Many Democrats are still in denial but some party chairs now realize, all too well, that this take-over effort is a well orchestrated national strategy by the far far left.

Share this information with an unfortunate moderate Democratic party chair who is probably already a target and may soon wake up to find out that he or she has simply been cut out of the party without so much as a local party election!!! So much for leftist style democracy!!!

Election Games and Dirty Tricks

Will the Democrats gain control of Congress Tuesday?

Well if you haven’t yet voted (Awe come on now . . . And you are a blogger???)

Vote for your favorite Nancy Pelosi quote on the NRCC site
This one is currently in the lead at 36%:

I don’t really consider ourselves at war, Pelosi said. We’re in a struggle against terrorism throughout the world… (Newhouse News Service, 5/6/02)


Today’s top blogging story: Republican Fake Phone Call “Scandal” or a Sinister Counter Plot by the Leftist and Daily Kos ???

These are often called “false-flag” harassing phone calls. They are calls that purport to be from candidate A when in fact they are from candidate B.

Lot’s of liberal ranting going on but has anyone bothered to record the calls?

Here’s the Daily Kos Plan for today

“If you have a camera, sign up to Video the Vote. If any voter suppression or election irregularity occurs, let’s make sure we have it documented.
Contact your local party to help out on election day. Are you a lawyer or a law student? Join the DNC’s National Lawyers Council. Here’s to hoping we won’t need an army of lawyers after Tuesday. “

Then if you follow the Daily Kos links you will come to this from

“Devote an hour at a computer
Make Calls anytime, anywhere as long as you have access to the internet and a phone. Use’s phone program to call voters in crucial districts all across the country. You can make one or one hundred calls, and take breaks as often as you like. Their program is user-friendly and proven to work, so get started today.
Call Voters for the Final 5 Days before Election Day!”


Found this joke at Make your own fake phone calls

Why not play the Prediction game while you still have a chance?
Go to Predict06 at

Virtual Border Watch Update

Texas Border Watch: I watched the cameras for about 10 minutes early this morning during the dark. There are only nine camera thumbnails showing today. Two cameras are apparently down from yesterday. Same issues as reported yesterday (See yesterday’s blog entry). New issue: Click on thumbnail for camera 9 and camera 7 pops up.

Cameras placed in undeveloped areas are blank. Cameras placed in lighted areas or on a well-traveled road are apparently showing still photos, but there is no way of knowing how much time has actually passed since the photos were taken. There is no time stamp for the image or “refresh image” button to click for a new image. The cameras do not appear to refresh images very often. Perhaps photos are taken randomly? A new still image did appear while I was watching one of the cameras, but that same still image remained for almost 10 minutes. Not too helpful at all.

Border Watch Boredom

Texas just launched its Virtual Border Watch Program
by starting a public test of border web cams.

According to . . .

Live images from eight border surveillance cameras are streaming at the Web site

The test run is a step forward for Governor Rick Perry’s”virtual border watch” program, a plan to place cameras along theborder to cut down on drug activity and illegal crossings.

I decided to try it out tonight. First you have to register and then log in. Then you will have to download a small E-watch application. That takes less than five minutes. So I did all of that.

There are about 11 cameras up with small thumbnails. Pick a camera thumbnail and click on it and a wider blank box will appear. Unfortunately that box isn’t large enough for good viewing. Click on the box to activate it.

Out of the 11 cameras, only 4 were visible and that’s because they appeared to be placed in parking lots where there were overhead lights. The rest of the cameras appeared to be either out of service or it was too dark to register anything. Additionally, of those cameras that did appear to be working, they weren’t providing live streaming video – just still shots. Who knows when the shots were actually taken?

So, with all of that, what kind of suspicious activity could anyone possibly see, especially in the dark?

A suggestion box is provided if you want to send Texas an e-mail. Here’s my suggestions:
Infrared cameras for undeveloped areas, actual live streaming video, full screen viewing boxes, and a way to determine if the picture is actually live or just canned.