Isabel Garcia-Deputy Pima County Public Defender-Needs to Go-UPDATE


The issues with this attorney and her criminal activities was addressed today by the Pima County Board of Supervisors. Her partner in crime presented a letter of support with 739 signatures. The number of people wanting her gone was not given. Here is the article published by the Tucson Citizen today (link here):

Pima County lawyer slammed, defended over sheriff piñata
Tucson Citizen

Controversy continued Tuesday over Isabel Garcia, the Pima County legal defender who carried a paper-mâché head of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio in front of a cheering crowd during a protest last month.

The issue was not on the agenda for Tuesday’s Pima County Board of Supervisors meeting, but about 20 speakers – about half in support of Garcia and half in protest of her actions – came to a microphone during a call to the audience.

During a July 10 protest she organized, Garcia, who is a defense attorney, was seen holding the paper head – which had been beaten off of a piñata by youths wielding sticks – while the crowd cheered. The episode sparked calls for Garcia’s disbarment and firing.

The issue is not about immigration or Joe Arpaio, who was in Tucson for a book signing, but about Garcia, who is also director of the Coalición de Derechos Hermanos, inciting children to violence, Kendra Wood said.

“I don’t think she has any business holding a position of public trust,” Wood told the supervisors.

Kat Rodriguez of Derechos Hermanos, sent the supervisors a letter supporting Garcia. The letter contained 739 signatures supporting a woman who has worked tirelessly for immigrants’ rights, Rodriguez said.

The protest was not intended to incite violence; it was a traditional form of protest, she said.

“It was a symbol of the oppression we have seen,” Rodriguez said.

Lori Oien seemed less concerned about Garcia’s actions than the county’s reaction.

“What is concerning to me is your approval by silence,” she said.

County Administrator Chuck Huckelberry said after the meeting that the county is looking into Garcia’s actions. The Legal Defender’s Office, which Garcia heads, takes indigent defense cases the Pima County public defender can’t because of conflicts or other reasons.

“It’s under review,” he said.

Several speakers decried Garcia’s actions as hurtful to law enforcement officers. Larry Lopez, president of the Tucson Police Officers Association, demanded an investigation.

“Law enforcement around this state does not think this is funny,” he said.

Leilani Clark was at the July 10 protest and held the piñata. She denied Garcia had any hand in what the youths did.

“She had no control over us. . . . We acted on our own,” Clark said.

Notice how the kids have been brainwashed into protecting her–juveniles.

Here is the letter of support, complete with all 739 names (pdf link here):

I suggest everyone contact ICE (866-347-2423) and the Border Patrol Tucson Sector (520-748-3000) with these names and demand investigation of them. The reasoning is they support illegals and are most likely illegal themselves. At the very least, report Garcia and Rodriguez to ICE, DHS and Border Patrol. The office information for Garcia is: Pima County Legal Defender, 32 North Stone Avenue, Suite 703, Tucson, 85701 (520) 740-5775 and fax of (520) 740-882-7338; Derechos contact information is: 631 South 6th Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85701; (520) 770-1373 and fax of (520) 770-7445.

Keep in mind this is not a First Amendment issue, this is an issue of an attorney’s blatant disregard for the law, her signing documents with the Mexican government stating she would give aid and succor to illegal border crossers, her disregard for the law regarding juveniles, her attempts to stifle the freedom of others in their free speech, her encouragement of violence upon lawfully elected law enforcement officials, her delight in exhibiting a severed head (a la Nick Berg) and doing it all on the taxpayer dime. It is about an attorney violating the Model Rules of Procedure and her oaths of office.

It is not about hate speech–the only hate speech is her own. It is not about hate actions–the only hate actions are her own. It is not about legal immigration, it is about enforcement of current laws regarding ILLEGALS.

It is about a corrupt city council and board of supervisors who shield her.

It is about time she is gone. Call, write, email–all the information is here and below. Flood these offices with the demand she be removed from public employ and disbarred. Don’t let this rest.

[UPDATE JULY 17, 2008 #3]
Izzy’s “partner in crime” Kat Rodriguez [coordinator of Coalicion de Derechos Humanos] weighs in, using almost word for word Izzy’s whiny, spin filled diatribe from the Derechos site here.

[UPDATE JULY 17, 2008 #2] Sheriff Joe weighs in on Izzy here.

[UPDATE JULY 17, 2008]

Original article here.

This story is starting to pick up some traction and we need to keep up the pressure on Pima County Administrator Chuck Huckelberry [contact information below], the State Bar of Arizona and the ethics review boards of the Bar and Pima County Merit Rules and Personnel Policies [Pima County Human Resources].

Speaking of the Pima County Merit Rules and Personnel Policies, they can be found here. Isabel Garcia has violated Rule 7-119 [Rules of Conduct] and the disciplinary procedures are addressed under Rule 12 [Disciplinary Actions, Administrative Suspension and Administrative Suspension; specifically Rule 12.1 C 10 and 12]. I know people who were fired for “dirty” emails on county time–Garcia’s behavior is far more egregious in scope and gravity.

I also reported this woman to the State Attorney and received this response via email:

If you believe a public official to have broken the criminal or ethical
laws- then please put it all in writing along with links or print outs
of your pictures, videos etc and send them to:

Fraud and Public Corruption Section
Office of the Arizona Attorney General
1275 W Washington St
Phoenix, AZ 85007-2926

We cannot take complaints on the internet or phone still. Only in writing.

I would strongly suggest taking this action as well and keep flooding them with reports.

It’s interesting to note the media in Tucson [the notable exception, of course, being Jon Justice’ morning show on 104.1 The Truth, from 6-9am Monday through Friday, who first broke the story] has yet to pick up this story but has, in fact, buried it, despite the outcry from the citizens of Tucson wanting investigation and exposure. Of course, Garcia is a democrat and figures she’s protected.

However. Legal, taxpaying citizens of Tucson, those who pay Garcia’s wage, have spread the word far and wide. Michelle Malkin has two stories about this incident, “Unhinged in Arizona: Open Borders mob, led by public official, ravages Joe Arpaio effigy” here and “Tucson open-borders official gloats about effigy-beating here”. So far, there are 211 comments on the first article and 39 on the second article. Some of those comments are hilarious, yet a few bring home a point people are noticing and it’s not a pretty point.

Some of the comments from “Unhinged”:

RedDog said: Dang! Does that chick holding up the effigy in the lead still photo look like Linda Blair or what!? eeeeeeeeee!

right_on said: At what point does “free speech” and the right to peacefully assemble, become “hate speech” and the encouragement to commit violence against
law enforcement?

The only difference I see here, between Islamo-terrorists, and Azlano-terrorists is the language.

Unfortunately, to our demise, the liberals not only tolerate this type of action, they openly encourage it.

What we need is a law enforcement, Rapid Deployment Force, that would descend on this type of illegal alien love-fest, round up all participants/lookers-on, identify them, and if here illegally, deport them.

What would you suppose would happen, if someone created an effigy of a Latino “Illegal Jose,” and began beating it with a bat (to the cheering and encouragement of a pro-American crowd, of, oh I don’t know, say white people?) You got it! It would not be tolerated…but this is?

vickisoup said: If our US citizens and [some] public officals don’t see anything wrong with proudly strutting around with an effigeal head of another public
official (outrageous conduct previously reserved to the neanderthal
Islamofascists), we are closer to a complete takeover than I’d feared.

Alphonse said: Wow, looks just like pictures you see of Mugabe’s thugs ravaging Zimbabwe. That’s what chamberpot immigration will do for you.

And, some comments from “Tucson Open Borders”:

RaisedRight said: “We stand for the principles of peace and justice… except when you try to reinforce laws that we don’t like, then we tear your heads off.”

Blind_Mule said: Jeeez, this stuff just makes me want to go out and kick the Chihuahua.

These people and this women in paticular have absolutley no respect,morals or shame. Reminds me of some middle eastern street protest,what’s next burning the American Flag and Death to America signs.

abstractmind said: I’d love to see some resident trolls explain how this event represents their tolerance, but also how it demonstrates peace and justice.

I’m glad that they are putting pressure on this vile woman. She looks like a replacement for one of the zombies in a Romero film, btw.Scary stuff.

Bill Grant said: Caution, disturbing links. Does this photo remind anyone else of the Nick Berg beheading? Do these creeps realize that? I wonder.

One thing more and more people are seeing in Garcia’s actions is how similar her actions are to the terrorists we are fighting and to the Mugabe regime. This is disturbing in the extreme. Commenter Bill Grant, above, has the photos exactly right–Garcia emulates Berg’s murderers well.

Several commenters and people calling in to Jon’s show have made the observation should anyone have committed this “act of free speech” upon an effigy of Garcia or an illegal, there would be an uproar for weeks based on the alleged hate crime implicit in such an action, yet Garcia gets away with this action with impunity. Such is the hypocrisy of the lunatic left and their fringe followers. The commenters and callers are, of course, correct. Here is the official, 2004 definition of “Hate Crime” from the FBI website here:

A hate crime, also known as a bias crime, is a criminal offense committed against a person, property, or society that is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnicity/national origin.

It’s about time that definition applied to those covered and committing such acts themselves. Garcia committed a hate crime–and encouraged juveniles to commit a hate crime themselves–with her actions. Just because she is Mexican and follows the Reconquista/Aztlan/La Raza agenda does not mean she’s immune from the laws applying to the United States.

She claims Jon Justice and Joe Arpaio are “haters”–yet who stands like a Nick Berg murderer holding an effigy severed head? Jon Justice is just as entitled to his opinion and Freedom of Speech as Garcia; Joe Arpaio is doing his job of enforcing laws on the books, as he was elected to do. Neither are inciting riots, contributing to the delinquency of minors or disrupting private business. They are not involved in conflicts of interest as Garcia is–encouraging illegal activities while on the county payroll; hiding behind hate crime legislation when it suits their purpose; committed to the overthrow of the US Government she’s sworn to uphold and violating her oath as an attorney.

If people don’t like what Jon has to say they won’t tune him in. If they don’t like Arpaio’s actions, they’ll vote him out of office. We don’t have those choices with Garcia. She was appointed to her position and Huckleberry refuses to remove her, despite a growing demand from the legal taxpayers of Pima County.

Now, here’s the “rich” part. Garcia responds on the Coalicion de Derechos Humanos website here. Her “rebuttal” is entitled, “Response to Sheriff Arpaio Protest” and is nothing more than a “whine fest”; not once does she address her own wrongdoing. She pulls the usual spin; below are some quotes (comments of mine inserted and emphasized):

…many of us in Tucson have made a promise that we will not allow him to come into our town without him hearing from those of us who stand in support of the thousands of workers and their families who have borne the brunt of his narrow-minded, ignorant policies. That he would come to Tucson to promote a book filled with lies, fear, and ignorant perspectives about immigrants, was especially appalling to us.

The leaflet states that we “continue to work for a community that is diverse, respectful, and appreciative of each other’s differences.” Others brought signs and megaphones, with someone bringing a large piñata with Arpaio’s face glued on the head. I am sure you are aware that these types of symbolic images are not only
common, but generally are used in context of referring to the policies of individuals in power.

I am now the target of a corporate-media-sponsored campaign to get me fired from my job as the Pima County Legal Defender (who is the corporate-media-sponsor?). The first thing that you should know is that this is not a community-based campaign by those that disagree with me, but a campaign
that was instigated by Jon Justice (not his true name) who has a program in the new hate-radio in town, 104.1 FM. On Friday morning, he was on his program urging everyone to call Chuck Huckelberry to fire me because I dared exercise my 1st Amendment right to express my views. (And we are entitled to exercise our First Amendment rights to express OUR views in wanting you GONE-Jon didn’t hold guns to our heads to call and write!) They cover it by saying that the breaking of a piñata is a violent act! ??? That is simply absurd. The piñata was a symbol of Arpaio’s racist, violent and brutal policies. The youth did not hit Arpaio,
they hit the piñata to break the policies that keep us fearful of each other, and that have caused so much pain to so many hardworking men, women and their children. (And this differs from the actions of islamists in the Middle East how?) He is the violent one. I have spoken directly to some of his victims/survivors of his power, and have cried just listening to their accounts.

I am proud to have been part of the community’s response to his arrival in Tucson. We stand committed to stop hatred and xenophobia (it seems you and your cadre are the ones exhibiting the hatred and xenophobia by your actions and encouragement), and to work for a society that respects human rights for
everyone regardless of their age, color, race, ethnic background, gender, gender-preference, religion. As an attorney I find it is not only my right, but my responsibility to stand up when the power of the state is used to crush people (it is not your right or responsibility to advocate the overthrow of a legal government or engage in inappropriate political activity nor to advocate illegal activity in minors). I will continue to do so.

Follow the link and read the entire drivel–make sure your stomach is empty beforehand as you will be heaving at the heaping of self serving, absolute delusional lunatic agenda.

The Tucson Citizen also has an article up entitled, “The big debate: Joe Arpaio, pinata”. Below are some quotes from that article:

Immigration rights protesters acted like “out-of-control, raving lunatics” when they destroyed a piñata bearing the likeness of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, “a bully with a badge” who was in Tucson last week to promote his book, says Citizen columnist Anne T. Denogean.

Garcia, whose Human Rights Coalition organized the protest, said breaking the piñata was “funny.”

No, it was “classless,” says Reyes F. and “treasonous,” (Chris F.). Garcia should make a public apology, Adam L. says. Bruce S. terms the protest “disgusting” and wonders how Pima County officials would distinguish between Garcia’s involvement in it and another employee’s participation in a Ku Klux Klan rally.

And that last line is the very heart of the matter–had this been a white person engaging in this kind of behavior, a white Pima County Deputy Public Defender, paid by the legal taxpaying citizens, and this had been a klan rally, they would have been fired already.

Denogean’s article, “Protesters as offensive as Sheriff Arpaio”, has this to say:

But I don’t think you persuade the public that the man is an
out-of-control, raving lunatic by behaving like out-of-control, raving

That’s the kindest description I have for the immigration rights protesters who beat to a pulp a piñata meant to represent the sheriff during Arpaio’s visit to Tucson last week.

What occurred about midway through the protest, however, was truly disturbing. Several young protesters outside the store brought out a piñata meant to represent Arpaio.

The piñata, with a picture of Arpaio’s face taped or glued to the head, was clad in a sheriff’s uniform and equipped with pink handcuffs. One woman held up the piñata, while teenage protesters took turns bashing it with sticks. The Tucson Citizen ran a picture the next day of a teenage boy carting away the remains of the beheaded piñata.

While the beating of Arpaio in effigy proceeded, Isabel Garcia, head of Humanos Derechos, a group that purports to stand for the dignity of all human beings, stood by and laughed.

Follow the link above to the rest of the article–it’s extremely enlightening. The Citizen also ran a poll with that article asking, “Do you think Coalicion de Derechos went too far when it smashed an Arpaio pinata?”. Overwhelmingly, the answer was “Yes, members act like the people they say they hate (91%) compared to just six percent saying “No, it was deserved” and two percent saying “Other” (total number of votes=759).

The bottom line is this: Isabel Garcia, Pima County Deputy Public Defender, paid by the legal taxpayers of Pima County, needs to be fired and disbarred. Please follow the links to the appropriate officials and agencies and keep up the pressure. The officials and agencies will do NOTHING about it without overwhelming public pressure, stating clearly and unequivocally we are tired of this nonsense and we want the cancer GONE. Do your part to remove the cancer that is Isabel Garcia.

Pima County Administrator Chuck Huckelberry Contact Information:
(520) 740-8661

KGUN 9 Email:
KVOA 4 Email:
FOX 11 AZ Email:
News 13 Hotline: (520) 744-6397
Jon Justice: Website here.

Isabel Garcia-Deputy Pima County Public Defender-Needs to Go-UPDATE


The issues with this attorney and her criminal activities was addressed today by the Pima County Board of Supervisors. Her partner in crime presented a letter of support with 739 signatures. The number of people wanting her gone was not given. Here is the article published by the Tucson Citizen today (link here):

Pima County lawyer slammed, defended over sheriff piñata
Tucson Citizen

Controversy continued Tuesday over Isabel Garcia, the Pima County legal defender who carried a paper-mâché head of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio in front of a cheering crowd during a protest last month.

The issue was not on the agenda for Tuesday’s Pima County Board of Supervisors meeting, but about 20 speakers – about half in support of Garcia and half in protest of her actions – came to a microphone during a call to the audience.

During a July 10 protest she organized, Garcia, who is a defense attorney, was seen holding the paper head – which had been beaten off of a piñata by youths wielding sticks – while the crowd cheered. The episode sparked calls for Garcia’s disbarment and firing.

The issue is not about immigration or Joe Arpaio, who was in Tucson for a book signing, but about Garcia, who is also director of the Coalición de Derechos Hermanos, inciting children to violence, Kendra Wood said.

“I don’t think she has any business holding a position of public trust,” Wood told the supervisors.

Kat Rodriguez of Derechos Hermanos, sent the supervisors a letter supporting Garcia. The letter contained 739 signatures supporting a woman who has worked tirelessly for immigrants’ rights, Rodriguez said.

The protest was not intended to incite violence; it was a traditional form of protest, she said.

“It was a symbol of the oppression we have seen,” Rodriguez said.

Lori Oien seemed less concerned about Garcia’s actions than the county’s reaction.

“What is concerning to me is your approval by silence,” she said.

County Administrator Chuck Huckelberry said after the meeting that the county is looking into Garcia’s actions. The Legal Defender’s Office, which Garcia heads, takes indigent defense cases the Pima County public defender can’t because of conflicts or other reasons.

“It’s under review,” he said.

Several speakers decried Garcia’s actions as hurtful to law enforcement officers. Larry Lopez, president of the Tucson Police Officers Association, demanded an investigation.

“Law enforcement around this state does not think this is funny,” he said.

Leilani Clark was at the July 10 protest and held the piñata. She denied Garcia had any hand in what the youths did.

“She had no control over us. . . . We acted on our own,” Clark said.

Notice how the kids have been brainwashed into protecting her–juveniles.

Here is the letter of support, complete with all 739 names (pdf link here):

I suggest everyone contact ICE (866-347-2423) and the Border Patrol Tucson Sector (520-748-3000) with these names and demand investigation of them. The reasoning is they support illegals and are most likely illegal themselves. At the very least, report Garcia and Rodriguez to ICE, DHS and Border Patrol. The office information for Garcia is: Pima County Legal Defender, 32 North Stone Avenue, Suite 703, Tucson, 85701 (520) 740-5775 and fax of (520) 740-882-7338; Derechos contact information is: 631 South 6th Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85701; (520) 770-1373 and fax of (520) 770-7445.

Keep in mind this is not a First Amendment issue, this is an issue of an attorney’s blatant disregard for the law, her signing documents with the Mexican government stating she would give aid and succor to illegal border crossers, her disregard for the law regarding juveniles, her attempts to stifle the freedom of others in their free speech, her encouragement of violence upon lawfully elected law enforcement officials, her delight in exhibiting a severed head (a la Nick Berg) and doing it all on the taxpayer dime. It is about an attorney violating the Model Rules of Procedure and her oaths of office.

It is not about hate speech–the only hate speech is her own. It is not about hate actions–the only hate actions are her own. It is not about legal immigration, it is about enforcement of current laws regarding ILLEGALS.

It is about a corrupt city council and board of supervisors who shield her.

It is about time she is gone. Call, write, email–all the information is here and below. Flood these offices with the demand she be removed from public employ and disbarred. Don’t let this rest.

[UPDATE JULY 17, 2008 #3]
Izzy’s “partner in crime” Kat Rodriguez [coordinator of Coalicion de Derechos Humanos] weighs in, using almost word for word Izzy’s whiny, spin filled diatribe from the Derechos site here.

[UPDATE JULY 17, 2008 #2] Sheriff Joe weighs in on Izzy here.

[UPDATE JULY 17, 2008]

Original article here.

This story is starting to pick up some traction and we need to keep up the pressure on Pima County Administrator Chuck Huckelberry [contact information below], the State Bar of Arizona and the ethics review boards of the Bar and Pima County Merit Rules and Personnel Policies [Pima County Human Resources].

Speaking of the Pima County Merit Rules and Personnel Policies, they can be found here. Isabel Garcia has violated Rule 7-119 [Rules of Conduct] and the disciplinary procedures are addressed under Rule 12 [Disciplinary Actions, Administrative Suspension and Administrative Suspension; specifically Rule 12.1 C 10 and 12]. I know people who were fired for “dirty” emails on county time–Garcia’s behavior is far more egregious in scope and gravity.

I also reported this woman to the State Attorney and received this response via email:

If you believe a public official to have broken the criminal or ethical
laws- then please put it all in writing along with links or print outs
of your pictures, videos etc and send them to:

Fraud and Public Corruption Section
Office of the Arizona Attorney General
1275 W Washington St
Phoenix, AZ 85007-2926

We cannot take complaints on the internet or phone still. Only in writing.

I would strongly suggest taking this action as well and keep flooding them with reports.

It’s interesting to note the media in Tucson [the notable exception, of course, being Jon Justice’ morning show on 104.1 The Truth, from 6-9am Monday through Friday, who first broke the story] has yet to pick up this story but has, in fact, buried it, despite the outcry from the citizens of Tucson wanting investigation and exposure. Of course, Garcia is a democrat and figures she’s protected.

However. Legal, taxpaying citizens of Tucson, those who pay Garcia’s wage, have spread the word far and wide. Michelle Malkin has two stories about this incident, “Unhinged in Arizona: Open Borders mob, led by public official, ravages Joe Arpaio effigy” here and “Tucson open-borders official gloats about effigy-beating here”. So far, there are 211 comments on the first article and 39 on the second article. Some of those comments are hilarious, yet a few bring home a point people are noticing and it’s not a pretty point.

Some of the comments from “Unhinged”:

RedDog said: Dang! Does that chick holding up the effigy in the lead still photo look like Linda Blair or what!? eeeeeeeeee!

right_on said: At what point does “free speech” and the right to peacefully assemble, become “hate speech” and the encouragement to commit violence against
law enforcement?

The only difference I see here, between Islamo-terrorists, and Azlano-terrorists is the language.

Unfortunately, to our demise, the liberals not only tolerate this type of action, they openly encourage it.

What we need is a law enforcement, Rapid Deployment Force, that would descend on this type of illegal alien love-fest, round up all participants/lookers-on, identify them, and if here illegally, deport them.

What would you suppose would happen, if someone created an effigy of a Latino “Illegal Jose,” and began beating it with a bat (to the cheering and encouragement of a pro-American crowd, of, oh I don’t know, say white people?) You got it! It would not be tolerated…but this is?

vickisoup said: If our US citizens and [some] public officals don’t see anything wrong with proudly strutting around with an effigeal head of another public
official (outrageous conduct previously reserved to the neanderthal
Islamofascists), we are closer to a complete takeover than I’d feared.

Alphonse said: Wow, looks just like pictures you see of Mugabe’s thugs ravaging Zimbabwe. That’s what chamberpot immigration will do for you.

And, some comments from “Tucson Open Borders”:

RaisedRight said: “We stand for the principles of peace and justice… except when you try to reinforce laws that we don’t like, then we tear your heads off.”

Blind_Mule said: Jeeez, this stuff just makes me want to go out and kick the Chihuahua. :smile:

These people and this women in paticular have absolutley no respect,morals or shame. Reminds me of some middle eastern street protest,what’s next burning the American Flag and Death to America signs.

abstractmind said: I’d love to see some resident trolls explain how this event represents their tolerance, but also how it demonstrates peace and justice.

I’m glad that they are putting pressure on this vile woman. She looks like a replacement for one of the zombies in a Romero film, btw.Scary stuff.

Bill Grant said: Caution, disturbing links. Does this photo remind anyone else of the Nick Berg beheading? Do these creeps realize that? I wonder.

One thing more and more people are seeing in Garcia’s actions is how similar her actions are to the terrorists we are fighting and to the Mugabe regime. This is disturbing in the extreme. Commenter Bill Grant, above, has the photos exactly right–Garcia emulates Berg’s murderers well.

Several commenters and people calling in to Jon’s show have made the observation should anyone have committed this “act of free speech” upon an effigy of Garcia or an illegal, there would be an uproar for weeks based on the alleged hate crime implicit in such an action, yet Garcia gets away with this action with impunity. Such is the hypocrisy of the lunatic left and their fringe followers. The commenters and callers are, of course, correct. Here is the official, 2004 definition of “Hate Crime” from the FBI website here:

A hate crime, also known as a bias crime, is a criminal offense committed against a person, property, or society that is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnicity/national origin.

It’s about time that definition applied to those covered and committing such acts themselves. Garcia committed a hate crime–and encouraged juveniles to commit a hate crime themselves–with her actions. Just because she is Mexican and follows the Reconquista/Aztlan/La Raza agenda does not mean she’s immune from the laws applying to the United States.

She claims Jon Justice and Joe Arpaio are “haters”–yet who stands like a Nick Berg murderer holding an effigy severed head? Jon Justice is just as entitled to his opinion and Freedom of Speech as Garcia; Joe Arpaio is doing his job of enforcing laws on the books, as he was elected to do. Neither are inciting riots, contributing to the delinquency of minors or disrupting private business. They are not involved in conflicts of interest as Garcia is–encouraging illegal activities while on the county payroll; hiding behind hate crime legislation when it suits their purpose; committed to the overthrow of the US Government she’s sworn to uphold and violating her oath as an attorney.

If people don’t like what Jon has to say they won’t tune him in. If they don’t like Arpaio’s actions, they’ll vote him out of office. We don’t have those choices with Garcia. She was appointed to her position and Huckleberry refuses to remove her, despite a growing demand from the legal taxpayers of Pima County.

Now, here’s the “rich” part. Garcia responds on the Coalicion de Derechos Humanos website here. Her “rebuttal” is entitled, “Response to Sheriff Arpaio Protest” and is nothing more than a “whine fest”; not once does she address her own wrongdoing. She pulls the usual spin; below are some quotes (comments of mine inserted and emphasized):

…many of us in Tucson have made a promise that we will not allow him to come into our town without him hearing from those of us who stand in support of the thousands of workers and their families who have borne the brunt of his narrow-minded, ignorant policies. That he would come to Tucson to promote a book filled with lies, fear, and ignorant perspectives about immigrants, was especially appalling to us.

The leaflet states that we “continue to work for a community that is diverse, respectful, and appreciative of each other’s differences.” Others brought signs and megaphones, with someone bringing a large piñata with Arpaio’s face glued on the head. I am sure you are aware that these types of symbolic images are not only
common, but generally are used in context of referring to the policies of individuals in power.

I am now the target of a corporate-media-sponsored campaign to get me fired from my job as the Pima County Legal Defender (who is the corporate-media-sponsor?). The first thing that you should know is that this is not a community-based campaign by those that disagree with me, but a campaign
that was instigated by Jon Justice (not his true name) who has a program in the new hate-radio in town, 104.1 FM. On Friday morning, he was on his program urging everyone to call Chuck Huckelberry to fire me because I dared exercise my 1st Amendment right to express my views. (And we are entitled to exercise our First Amendment rights to express OUR views in wanting you GONE-Jon didn’t hold guns to our heads to call and write!) They cover it by saying that the breaking of a piñata is a violent act! ??? That is simply absurd. The piñata was a symbol of Arpaio’s racist, violent and brutal policies. The youth did not hit Arpaio,
they hit the piñata to break the policies that keep us fearful of each other, and that have caused so much pain to so many hardworking men, women and their children. (And this differs from the actions of islamists in the Middle East how?) He is the violent one. I have spoken directly to some of his victims/survivors of his power, and have cried just listening to their accounts.

I am proud to have been part of the community’s response to his arrival in Tucson. We stand committed to stop hatred and xenophobia (it seems you and your cadre are the ones exhibiting the hatred and xenophobia by your actions and encouragement), and to work for a society that respects human rights for
everyone regardless of their age, color, race, ethnic background, gender, gender-preference, religion. As an attorney I find it is not only my right, but my responsibility to stand up when the power of the state is used to crush people (it is not your right or responsibility to advocate the overthrow of a legal government or engage in inappropriate political activity nor to advocate illegal activity in minors). I will continue to do so.

Follow the link and read the entire drivel–make sure your stomach is empty beforehand as you will be heaving at the heaping of self serving, absolute delusional lunatic agenda.

The Tucson Citizen also has an article up entitled, “The big debate: Joe Arpaio, pinata”. Below are some quotes from that article:

Immigration rights protesters acted like “out-of-control, raving lunatics” when they destroyed a piñata bearing the likeness of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, “a bully with a badge” who was in Tucson last week to promote his book, says Citizen columnist Anne T. Denogean.

Garcia, whose Human Rights Coalition organized the protest, said breaking the piñata was “funny.”

No, it was “classless,” says Reyes F. and “treasonous,” (Chris F.). Garcia should make a public apology, Adam L. says. Bruce S. terms the protest “disgusting” and wonders how Pima County officials would distinguish between Garcia’s involvement in it and another employee’s participation in a Ku Klux Klan rally.

And that last line is the very heart of the matter–had this been a white person engaging in this kind of behavior, a white Pima County Deputy Public Defender, paid by the legal taxpaying citizens, and this had been a klan rally, they would have been fired already.

Denogean’s article, “Protesters as offensive as Sheriff Arpaio”, has this to say:

But I don’t think you persuade the public that the man is an
out-of-control, raving lunatic by behaving like out-of-control, raving

That’s the kindest description I have for the immigration rights protesters who beat to a pulp a piñata meant to represent the sheriff during Arpaio’s visit to Tucson last week.

What occurred about midway through the protest, however, was truly disturbing. Several young protesters outside the store brought out a piñata meant to represent Arpaio.

The piñata, with a picture of Arpaio’s face taped or glued to the head, was clad in a sheriff’s uniform and equipped with pink handcuffs. One woman held up the piñata, while teenage protesters took turns bashing it with sticks. The Tucson Citizen ran a picture the next day of a teenage boy carting away the remains of the beheaded piñata.

While the beating of Arpaio in effigy proceeded, Isabel Garcia, head of Humanos Derechos, a group that purports to stand for the dignity of all human beings, stood by and laughed.

Follow the link above to the rest of the article–it’s extremely enlightening. The Citizen also ran a poll with that article asking, “Do you think Coalicion de Derechos went too far when it smashed an Arpaio pinata?”. Overwhelmingly, the answer was “Yes, members act like the people they say they hate (91%) compared to just six percent saying “No, it was deserved” and two percent saying “Other” (total number of votes=759).

The bottom line is this: Isabel Garcia, Pima County Deputy Public Defender, paid by the legal taxpayers of Pima County, needs to be fired and disbarred. Please follow the links to the appropriate officials and agencies and keep up the pressure. The officials and agencies will do NOTHING about it without overwhelming public pressure, stating clearly and unequivocally we are tired of this nonsense and we want the cancer GONE. Do your part to remove the cancer that is Isabel Garcia.

Pima County Administrator Chuck Huckelberry Contact Information:
(520) 740-8661

KGUN 9 Email:
KVOA 4 Email:
FOX 11 AZ Email:
News 13 Hotline: (520) 744-6397
Jon Justice: Website here.

Tucson Teacher Exposes "Raza" Studies In TUSD

While getting ready for work this morning and listening to my morning talk, I noticed my commentator was reading a letter that had appeared in our local newspaper as a guest opinion. He was rather animated about it so I “tuned in” a little more to get the full story.

As anyone with a pulse in the past year or so knows, Tucson is ground zero for the illegal immigration battle. We not only fight it on the border, we fight it in our schools (which have decided to become sanctuary schools and have told the police, ICE and Border Patrol they aren’t allowed on school properties even in an emergency) through the “Ethnic Studies” programs.

We have long suspected what was taught with our tax dollars, whether we like it or not. Our suspicions were confirmed by this guest opinion. Much like Ben Stein’s movie “Expelled” (which shuts up and black lists those who disagree with the globull warming hysteria), the “Ethnic Studies” here are churning out kids who have no respect for authority and who buy the lie the American Southwest is actually Aztec land under the memories of Aztlan–of course with no historical reference to the fact the Aztecs forcibly invaded and controlled the lands themselves. Whites are interlopers.

The author of this guest opinion is a former teacher of these studies. However, he is a teacher with conscience and refused to teach this drivel as history. Below is his guest opinion as published by the Tucson Citizen May 21, 2008:

All emphasis mine.

Guest opinion: Raza studies gives rise to racial hostility


As a former teacher in Tucson Unified School District’s hotly debated ethnic studies department, I submit my perspective for the public’s consideration.

During the 2002-2003 school year, I taught a U.S. history course with a Mexican-American perspective. The course was part of the Raza/Chicano studies department.

Within one week of the course beginning, I was told that I was a “teacher of record,” meaning that I was expected only to assign grades. The Raza studies department staff would teach the class.

I was assigned to be a “teacher of record” because some members of the Raza studies staff lacked teaching certificates. It was a convenient way of circumventing the rules.

I stated that I expected to do more than assign grades. I expected to be involved in teaching the class. The department was less than enthusiastic but agreed.

Immediately it was clear that the class was not a U.S. history course, which the state of Arizona requires for graduation. The class was similar to a sociology course one expects to see at a university.

Where history was missing from the course, it was filled by controversial and biased curriculum.

The basic theme of the curriculum was that Mexican-Americans were and continue to be victims of a racist American society driven by the interests of middle and upper-class whites.

In this narrative, whites are able to maintain their influence only if minorities are held down. Thus, social, political and economic events in America must be understood through this lens.

This biased and sole paradigm justified teaching that our community police officers are an extension of the white power structure and that they are the strongmen used “to keep minorities in their ghettos.”

It justified telling the class that there are fewer Mexican-Americans in Tucson Magnet High School’s advanced placement courses because their “white teachers” do not believe they are capable and do not want them to get ahead.

It justified teaching that the Southwestern United States was taken from Mexicans because of the insatiable greed of the Yankee who acquired his values from the corrupted ethos of Western civilization.

It was taught that the Southwest is “Atzlan,” the ancient homeland of the Aztecs, and still rightfully belongs to their descendants – to all people of indigenous Mexican heritage.

As an educator, I refused to be complicit in a curriculum that engendered racial hostility, irresponsibly demeaned America’s civil institutions, undermined our public servants, discounted any virtues in Western civilization and taught disdain for American sovereignty.

When I raised these concerns, I was told that I was a “racist,” despite being Hispanic. Acknowledging my heritage, the Raza studies staff also informed me that I was a vendido, the Spanish term for “sellout.”

The culmination of my challenge to the department’s curriculum was my removal from that particular class. The Raza studies department and its district-level allies pressured the Tucson High administration to silence my concerns through reassignment to another class during that one period.

The Raza studies department used the “racist” card, which is probably the most worn-out and desperate maneuver used to silence competing perspectives.

It is fundamentally anti-intellectual because it immediately stops debate by threatening to destroy the reputation of those who would provide counter arguments.

Unfortunately, I am not the only one to have been intimidated by the Raza studies department in this way.

The diplomatic and flattering language that the department and its proponents use to describe the Raza studies program is an attempt to avoid public scrutiny. When necessary, the department invokes terms such as “witch hunt” and “McCarthyism” to diminish the validity of whatever public scrutiny it does get.

The proponents of this program may conceal its reality to the public. But as a former teacher in the program, I am witness to its ugly underbelly.

Arizona taxpayers should ask themselves whether they should pay for the messages engendered in these classrooms with their hard-earned tax dollars.

The Raza studies department has powerful allies in TUSD, on its governing board and in the U.S. House of Representatives (sidenote: one of the board members is Adelita Grijalva, daughter of US Congressman Raul Grijalva who got his start on the Tucson Unified School District board himself and was the initiator of these studies) and thus operates with much impunity.

Occasionally there are minor irritations from the state superintendent of public instruction and the Legislature.

Ultimately, Arizona taxpayers own TUSD and have the right to change it. The change will have to come from replacing the board if its members refuse to make the Raza studies department respect the public trust.

John A. Ward is a former teacher at Tucson High Magnet School.

Now, quite some time ago I wrote about a protest at another TUSD school, Catalina High Magnet School, wherein an illegal was suspected to have drugs on campus, it was found he was illegal, ICE removed him and his brother from a junior high and deported the family. Read about that here, here and here.

Ladies and gentleman, this is not an issue exclusive to Tucson. Check into your own school district’s curriculums. We have four schools on the chopping block due to budget deficits. The school district wants to close schools and continue to teach this hate rather than give up these special interest studies, cut their pork (Adelita’s learning well from her father, isn’t she?) and teach a proper curriculum. Your school district may be doing the same thing.

The writer makes an excellent point. Ultimately, the school districts are owned by the taxpayers. The legal residents who pay the taxes, not the illegal alien front groups who wish to continue educating illegals at your expense. Therefore, it is up to the taxpayers, the legal citizens, to do something (and NO I am NOT advocating violence) about this. The easiest thing to do is VOTE THEM OUT and put in supervisors who will teach instead of preach.

What are YOU going to do about your own school district? Contact information for TUSD can be found here, on the 104.1 The Truth morning show blog. Make your voice, your opinion and your vote heard.

Tucson Teacher Exposes "Raza" Studies In TUSD

While getting ready for work this morning and listening to my morning talk, I noticed my commentator was reading a letter that had appeared in our local newspaper as a guest opinion. He was rather animated about it so I “tuned in” a little more to get the full story.

As anyone with a pulse in the past year or so knows, Tucson is ground zero for the illegal immigration battle. We not only fight it on the border, we fight it in our schools (which have decided to become sanctuary schools and have told the police, ICE and Border Patrol they aren’t allowed on school properties even in an emergency) through the “Ethnic Studies” programs.

We have long suspected what was taught with our tax dollars, whether we like it or not. Our suspicions were confirmed by this guest opinion. Much like Ben Stein’s movie “Expelled” (which shuts up and black lists those who disagree with the globull warming hysteria), the “Ethnic Studies” here are churning out kids who have no respect for authority and who buy the lie the American Southwest is actually Aztec land under the memories of Aztlan–of course with no historical reference to the fact the Aztecs forcibly invaded and controlled the lands themselves. Whites are interlopers.

The author of this guest opinion is a former teacher of these studies. However, he is a teacher with conscience and refused to teach this drivel as history. Below is his guest opinion as published by the Tucson Citizen May 21, 2008:

All emphasis mine.

Guest opinion: Raza studies gives rise to racial hostility


As a former teacher in Tucson Unified School District’s hotly debated ethnic studies department, I submit my perspective for the public’s consideration.

During the 2002-2003 school year, I taught a U.S. history course with a Mexican-American perspective. The course was part of the Raza/Chicano studies department.

Within one week of the course beginning, I was told that I was a “teacher of record,” meaning that I was expected only to assign grades. The Raza studies department staff would teach the class.

I was assigned to be a “teacher of record” because some members of the Raza studies staff lacked teaching certificates. It was a convenient way of circumventing the rules.

I stated that I expected to do more than assign grades. I expected to be involved in teaching the class. The department was less than enthusiastic but agreed.

Immediately it was clear that the class was not a U.S. history course, which the state of Arizona requires for graduation. The class was similar to a sociology course one expects to see at a university.

Where history was missing from the course, it was filled by controversial and biased curriculum.

The basic theme of the curriculum was that Mexican-Americans were and continue to be victims of a racist American society driven by the interests of middle and upper-class whites.

In this narrative, whites are able to maintain their influence only if minorities are held down. Thus, social, political and economic events in America must be understood through this lens.

This biased and sole paradigm justified teaching that our community police officers are an extension of the white power structure and that they are the strongmen used “to keep minorities in their ghettos.”

It justified telling the class that there are fewer Mexican-Americans in Tucson Magnet High School’s advanced placement courses because their “white teachers” do not believe they are capable and do not want them to get ahead.

It justified teaching that the Southwestern United States was taken from Mexicans because of the insatiable greed of the Yankee who acquired his values from the corrupted ethos of Western civilization.

It was taught that the Southwest is “Atzlan,” the ancient homeland of the Aztecs, and still rightfully belongs to their descendants – to all people of indigenous Mexican heritage.

As an educator, I refused to be complicit in a curriculum that engendered racial hostility, irresponsibly demeaned America’s civil institutions, undermined our public servants, discounted any virtues in Western civilization and taught disdain for American sovereignty.

When I raised these concerns, I was told that I was a “racist,” despite being Hispanic. Acknowledging my heritage, the Raza studies staff also informed me that I was a vendido, the Spanish term for “sellout.”

The culmination of my challenge to the department’s curriculum was my removal from that particular class. The Raza studies department and its district-level allies pressured the Tucson High administration to silence my concerns through reassignment to another class during that one period.

The Raza studies department used the “racist” card, which is probably the most worn-out and desperate maneuver used to silence competing perspectives.

It is fundamentally anti-intellectual because it immediately stops debate by threatening to destroy the reputation of those who would provide counter arguments.

Unfortunately, I am not the only one to have been intimidated by the Raza studies department in this way.

The diplomatic and flattering language that the department and its proponents use to describe the Raza studies program is an attempt to avoid public scrutiny. When necessary, the department invokes terms such as “witch hunt” and “McCarthyism” to diminish the validity of whatever public scrutiny it does get.

The proponents of this program may conceal its reality to the public. But as a former teacher in the program, I am witness to its ugly underbelly.

Arizona taxpayers should ask themselves whether they should pay for the messages engendered in these classrooms with their hard-earned tax dollars.

The Raza studies department has powerful allies in TUSD, on its governing board and in the U.S. House of Representatives (sidenote: one of the board members is Adelita Grijalva, daughter of US Congressman Raul Grijalva who got his start on the Tucson Unified School District board himself and was the initiator of these studies) and thus operates with much impunity.

Occasionally there are minor irritations from the state superintendent of public instruction and the Legislature.

Ultimately, Arizona taxpayers own TUSD and have the right to change it. The change will have to come from replacing the board if its members refuse to make the Raza studies department respect the public trust.

John A. Ward is a former teacher at Tucson High Magnet School.

Now, quite some time ago I wrote about a protest at another TUSD school, Catalina High Magnet School, wherein an illegal was suspected to have drugs on campus, it was found he was illegal, ICE removed him and his brother from a junior high and deported the family. Read about that here, here and here.

Ladies and gentleman, this is not an issue exclusive to Tucson. Check into your own school district’s curriculums. We have four schools on the chopping block due to budget deficits. The school district wants to close schools and continue to teach this hate rather than give up these special interest studies, cut their pork (Adelita’s learning well from her father, isn’t she?) and teach a proper curriculum. Your school district may be doing the same thing.

The writer makes an excellent point. Ultimately, the school districts are owned by the taxpayers. The legal residents who pay the taxes, not the illegal alien front groups who wish to continue educating illegals at your expense. Therefore, it is up to the taxpayers, the legal citizens, to do something (and NO I am NOT advocating violence) about this. The easiest thing to do is VOTE THEM OUT and put in supervisors who will teach instead of preach.

What are YOU going to do about your own school district? Contact information for TUSD can be found here, on the 104.1 The Truth morning show blog. Make your voice, your opinion and your vote heard.

New Life for an Old Symbol: “Come And Take It!”

Whether it’s Obama’s elitist disdain for the great unwashed who, “cling to guns or religion,” or McCain’s disregard for the majority of American citizens who don’t want to grant amnesty to ILLEGAL ALIENS, one symbol stands out as the symbol of the day! It’s the Come And Take It” symbol, flag, and slogan used in the Texas Revolution in 1835. This symbol is no longer hiding in a dusty history book. It is now being resurrected as the symbol of America’s fight against Illegal immigration.
Since the 1980’s gun-rights advocates have modified the original cannon symbol; using instead an aggressive looking assault rifle. But the original cannon has behind it the strength and subtle symbolic power of our long history with Mexico. The symbol of that little original 6 pound Come And Take It cannon now belongs to all American citizens who stand up in defiance of the Mexican invasion!
We will not be overwhelmed!
Imagine May Day 2009. Instead of retching at the sight of Mexican flags flying over our American streets, imagine a sea of white and black Come and Take It flags flying as a sign of American Unity against illegal immigration!
Imagine walking into your local grocery store or Wal-Mart any day and seeing many other Americans proudly wearing their Come And Take It T-shirts or ball caps.
Imagine thousands of bumper stickers in this election year with the simple words “Come And Take It!” Talk about sending a message to both candidates!!!
If we can’t see ourselves flying the Come And Take it Flag, or wearing the T-shirt or ball cap, then we better be able to envision ourselves living under the domination of Mexican Flag!
Note to Mexico: Those who fail to remember history are doomed to repeat history!
Here’s the brief history of Come And Take It from the Gonzales, Texas Chamber of Commerce.
“In 1831 the Mexican government loaned the citizens of Gonzales a six-pound cannon as protection against the Indians. In September of 1835, as political unrest grew, Mexican officials at San Antonio de Bexar demanded the cannon be returned.”
Well that just didn’t happen! Read the entire story here.
Here’s how it ended:
“There, in the early-morning hours of Oct. 2, 1835, the colonists crossed the river with their cannon, surprising the troops and waving their hastily fashioned flag, which proclaimed “Come and Take It.” Almost immediately the cannon fired, killing one of Castenada’s men and scattering the rest, forcing them to retreat to San Antonio de Bexar. Thus was fired the shot that set off the struggle for Texas independence from Mexico.”
It’s such a simple symbol that anyone with a black permanent marker and white cloth can quickly duplicate it! But wouldn’t it be nice to find a place where we can buy Come and Take It! items?
When I suggested a line of Come And Take It gifts, clothing, and caps to Texas Fred, he immediately got with the folks at CafePress and added an entire page of Come And Take It goodies. Fred wisely included both the original and modified symbols on his products.
Disclaimer: I am not involved in Texas Fred’s financial ventures but I applaud his initiative in getting the ball rolling! Check out the Come And Take It gifts here.
Here are some Come and Take It Flag resources:
“ . . .The truth is that the overwhelming evidence proves that a super majority of Americans oppose Comprehensive Immigration Reform, Guest Worker Program, Temporary Worker Program, Path to Citizenship, etc… That is why the supporters of amnesty have to keep changing the name!
A majority of Americans support the enforcement of our existing immigration laws only, which results in illegal aliens returning home on their own or with government assistance.
Any lawmaker, candidate, reporter, activist, or organization that supports the current lack of enforcement of the existing laws, or supports the overthrow of these laws by passage of new legislation, which a majority of Americans oppose, is a traitor to the American republic and an enemy of the citizens of the United States. . . .”

Cross-posted from Faultline USA

New Life for an Old Symbol: “Come And Take It!”

Whether it’s Obama’s elitist disdain for the great unwashed who, “cling to guns or religion,” or McCain’s disregard for the majority of American citizens who don’t want to grant amnesty to ILLEGAL ALIENS, one symbol stands out as the symbol of the day! It’s the Come And Take It” symbol, flag, and slogan used in the Texas Revolution in 1835. This symbol is no longer hiding in a dusty history book. It is now being resurrected as the symbol of America’s fight against Illegal immigration.
Since the 1980’s gun-rights advocates have modified the original cannon symbol; using instead an aggressive looking assault rifle. But the original cannon has behind it the strength and subtle symbolic power of our long history with Mexico. The symbol of that little original 6 pound Come And Take It cannon now belongs to all American citizens who stand up in defiance of the Mexican invasion!
We will not be overwhelmed!
Imagine May Day 2009. Instead of retching at the sight of Mexican flags flying over our American streets, imagine a sea of white and black Come and Take It flags flying as a sign of American Unity against illegal immigration!
Imagine walking into your local grocery store or Wal-Mart any day and seeing many other Americans proudly wearing their Come And Take It T-shirts or ball caps.
Imagine thousands of bumper stickers in this election year with the simple words “Come And Take It!” Talk about sending a message to both candidates!!!
If we can’t see ourselves flying the Come And Take it Flag, or wearing the T-shirt or ball cap, then we better be able to envision ourselves living under the domination of Mexican Flag!
Note to Mexico: Those who fail to remember history are doomed to repeat history!
Here’s the brief history of Come And Take It from the Gonzales, Texas Chamber of Commerce.
“In 1831 the Mexican government loaned the citizens of Gonzales a six-pound cannon as protection against the Indians. In September of 1835, as political unrest grew, Mexican officials at San Antonio de Bexar demanded the cannon be returned.”
Well that just didn’t happen! Read the entire story here.
Here’s how it ended:
“There, in the early-morning hours of Oct. 2, 1835, the colonists crossed the river with their cannon, surprising the troops and waving their hastily fashioned flag, which proclaimed “Come and Take It.” Almost immediately the cannon fired, killing one of Castenada’s men and scattering the rest, forcing them to retreat to San Antonio de Bexar. Thus was fired the shot that set off the struggle for Texas independence from Mexico.”
It’s such a simple symbol that anyone with a black permanent marker and white cloth can quickly duplicate it! But wouldn’t it be nice to find a place where we can buy Come and Take It! items?
When I suggested a line of Come And Take It gifts, clothing, and caps to Texas Fred, he immediately got with the folks at CafePress and added an entire page of Come And Take It goodies. Fred wisely included both the original and modified symbols on his products.
Disclaimer: I am not involved in Texas Fred’s financial ventures but I applaud his initiative in getting the ball rolling! Check out the Come And Take It gifts here.
Here are some Come and Take It Flag resources:
“ . . .The truth is that the overwhelming evidence proves that a super majority of Americans oppose Comprehensive Immigration Reform, Guest Worker Program, Temporary Worker Program, Path to Citizenship, etc… That is why the supporters of amnesty have to keep changing the name!
A majority of Americans support the enforcement of our existing immigration laws only, which results in illegal aliens returning home on their own or with government assistance.
Any lawmaker, candidate, reporter, activist, or organization that supports the current lack of enforcement of the existing laws, or supports the overthrow of these laws by passage of new legislation, which a majority of Americans oppose, is a traitor to the American republic and an enemy of the citizens of the United States. . . .”

Cross-posted from Faultline USA

Thanksgiving Greetings: All Europeans are Illegal???

This is the day when all Americans should be grateful to our creator for shedding so much bounty upon this great nation. But along with gratitude comes duty – the duty to defend our nation from those who would destroy all that America is. Please take the time to read these messages . . .

From the Americans for Legal Immigration (ALIPAC) Team:

“While we gather with our families and pause to reflect on the things we are thankful for, please remember how thankful we are to have the support and participation of so many wonderful Americans dedicated to our cause. Our growth and abilities increase each month thanks to you and it is an honor to stand side by side with so many truly patriotic and thoughtful Americans.

When we think about the hardships that the Pilgrims went through during their first winter on this Continent, it makes our current troubles seem pale by comparison.

As millions of illegal aliens invade our nation, many carry a very hostile attitude towards us. Far to many of them apply blame to use for their poverty and hate us for perceived historic injustices. We read it on their signs in protest after protest. They say “It’s our land and we are taking it back.” and “Go back to Europe! Go back to Africa!” while holding signs that read…

“We are indigenous! The only owners of this Continent”
“All Europeans are illegal on our continent since 1492” . . .”

Join Americans for Legal Immigration (ALIPAC)

Watch for these phrases
(from an informative ALIPAC forum post)

“The phrase “El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido” which illegals repeat constantly in these videos is the famous phrase for all the working class to unite and to arm themselves . This is a line from the song “The people united will never be defeated” or the classic version ” The people armed will never be crushed- “ El pueblo armado jamas sera aplastado “ .

It was used in many coups and revolutions in different countries and is adopted by Socialists and Communists as the slogan of power Nothing is peaceful about these words . You can google this phrase – there is a lot of info on lline and the pictures . the classic is the picture of the fist with a Communist star on it .”

Mexico Cozies up to Iran

Tehran, 20 November 2006 (CHN Foreign Desk) — Iran and Mexico will sign cooperation agreement for developing cultural heritage and tourism interactions between the two countries.

The agreement will be signed in the Mexican capital during the visit of Esfandiar Rahim Mashayi, president of Iran’s Cultural Heritage and Tourism Organization (ICHTO) to Mexico. During his visit, Rahim Mashayi will meet with Mexico’s ministers of tourism and culture to discuss the terms of cooperation in detail. . . .


Selections from “A Native view of immigration”
Published Nov 22, 2006 12:34 AM

The following talk was given by Mahtowin Munro, a member of the Lakota Nation and co-leader of United American Indians of New England (UAINE), at a Nov. 18 Boston Workers World Party forum entitled “The Struggle for Indigenous sovereignty and immigrant rights.”

As Indigenous peoples, we have no borders. We know that our sisters and brothers from Mexico, Central America and South America have always been here and always will be. . . .

The United States is the true culprit in this situation through the robbery of the Mexican people, which began with the theft of their land . . .

. . .the land of course belongs rightfully to Indigenous peoples. So we see that the U.S. literally stole millions of acres of land from the Mexican people, then established arbitrary borders such as the Rio Grande, and now hunts down those who dare to cross those borders. . . .

Step by step, day by day, this movement will grow. The government can pass anti-immigrant laws but those laws will be repealed in the streets . . .

I believe that someday we can make a new map of the world together, a map that does not have borders among workers. Ultimately we will take back everything that is rightfully ours, everything that was stolen from us and built by the blood and sweat of our ancestors.

What is required is a new movement of unity, solidarity and resistance in all parts of the world.

Workers World Party is and will continue to be in the forefront of that new movement and we invite you to join us.

Our future, and the very future of our Mother Earth, requires us to struggle toward a socialist future.

We must come together in unity to fight against this vicious government and the corporations that control it. Together, we can build a new movement, the likes of which this country has never seen before!

Sisters and brothers, this is OUR world. Let’s work together to take it back!
Free Leonard! Free Mumia! Ho!

There we have it. America is under attack from a united effort on all sides. How many more Thanksgiving Days will this great republic have left to celebrate? The answer is up to each of us.
What is the price of our gratitude?