Miss Beth is PISSED and It’s All Her Boss’s Fault or DON’T PISS OFF YOUR PARALEGAL!

Mary Frances Berry (current head of U.S. Commission on Civil Rights) — “Civil rights laws were not passed to protect the rights of white men and do not apply to them.” [Civil Rights Under Reagan, San Francisco, ICS Press, 1991, p. 141.] http://www.amren.com/antiwht.htm

The above quote needs to be deposited into the BS bag immediately. This is one white chick that doesn’t buy your anti-white discrimination and your communist crap.

HEY! LIBERALS! LISTEN UP AND LISTEN WELL! AND THAT INCLUDES YOU, OH BOSS OF MINE! MISS BETH IS KICKING ASS AND TAKING NAMES AND THAT INCLUDES YOURS!Y’all need to pull your heads out of your asses. Plain and simple. Particularly you anti-white, racist, liberal attorneys who think by screaming talking dulls at least two years old and then threatening your paralegals you’re making points for “your cause”.

In fact, all you’re doing is showing your ignorance and your laziness in educating yourself to the realities of today. And you’re doing it in a way designed to show yourself as rabid, frothing at the mouth, idiot two year olds who stomp and scream and when you don’t get your way, threaten. You want me to respect you? Then you DAMN well better respect me–you DON’T get what you DON’T earn, particularly in OUR profession.

The plain, simple, unvarnished truth is y’all are losing. Oh, you’re bitching every step of the way and intent on blaming Bush for anything and everything in your blind BDS when in fact you should try doing some research into your “issues” before you start running your mouths in diarrhea mode.

And, dear boss of mine, you went to law school–ever hear the words “debate” and “research”?

DEBATE does NOT mean effectively sticking your fingers in your ears and shouting la-la-la-la when you start losing an argument because you have no evidence for insane claims you can’t back up–other than you being stupid enough to allow yourself to be led around by the nose and to accept at face value because you “heard it on the news”–the ADMITTED liberal bias news of the MSM. A judge you are presenting a case to wouldn’t accept such shoddy preparation for that case and you’d be liable for a bar complaint for failure to properly represent your client.

So what makes you think it’s acceptable to be so ill-informed–BY CHOICE–in the real world for real time situations? DEBATE is you come to the table prepared with hard core research, not talking points from Screamin’ Dean (Howard Dean) and the KOSmonoffs and you try to persuade someone to your point of view through discussion and rebuttal. Ever hear of it? BUT YOU DAMN WELL BETTER HAVE YOUR RESEARCH DONE before you rebut–much like a closing argument.

Short and sweet? You don’t go to court unprepared–but from your actions you come to LIFE unprepared. And, in my eyes, that makes you a class A idiot living in a land of fantasy and non-reality.

Here are some of the absolute asinine arguments I hear from the foaming at the mouth moonbats on the web, as well as my own boss:

1. “We can’t deport all the illegals” BULLSHIT. Check out this article, and if you don’t like the title of the operation, take it up with Eisenhower. The operation name? “Operation Wetback” and it can be referenced here on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Wetback

The fact of the matter is, it’s simply a way for you to do nothing, absolutely NOTHING while sitting on your elitist asses and condemning those of us that want CURRENT laws on the books enforced. My own boss (an attorney) and his wife (mexicans) use her aunt as their hired help. How’s that for irony? Granted, she’s legal, as is the entire family, American born all. But how about that–bitching about the white man “enslaving” the mexican for menial jobs–and they’re doing it to their own family member. Talk about hypocrites.

Just this past week, in PERHAPS one of the MOST EGREGIOUS examples of your bullshit, four college students were shot execution style; three died. The one who lived was able to identify one of the attackers. All three attackers ARE ILLEGAL ALIENS. The one identified by the survivor has also been charged with raping a 5 year old girl. Peruvian illegals.


Learn MY LANGUAGE and MY CULTURE of the land YOU COME TO BY YOUR CHOICE. And quit pissing off those immigrants and their descendants who have come here LEGALLY and done it the RIGHT WAY.

2. “We can’t enforce current border laws so we’ll raise taxes and give federal benefits to all the illegals”. Once again, I’ll use my boss as an example–YOU’RE ALREADY BEHIND ON YOUR TAXES WITH A TAX LIEN. Just WHO do you THINK pays those taxes and the TAX RAISES? I DO AND YOU DO. You BITCH you can’t afford to provide benefits to your employees but you’re MORE THAN WILLING TO PROVIDE SOCIALIZED MEDICINE FOR THE ILLEGALS. Well, moron–JUST WHO DO YOU THINK PAYS FOR THAT?

You, my dear boss, personally bitch about dental care. Do you think you’re going to have decent dentists under socialized medicine and your grandiose plans under your communistic brethren? NOPE. The decent dentists will take cash only clients as they do now–and if you think they’re expensive NOW, just wait till your stupid plan kicks in. YOU and YOUR family will NOT be able to pay the good dentists and you’ll have to settle just like the rest of us.

You’ll still bitch, though, because you’re not willing to do your research as to the consequences of raising all those taxes to pay for socialized medicine. And that’s just for legal citizens. You want to expand it to all your illegal buddies as well! I can hear you now.

You’ll still blame Bush–because it’s the fashionable thing to do. To do the actual investigative work on your own and learn who the blame really should be attributed to–your own beloved liberals and democrats that you’re so PROUD to associate yourself with–is too much work and might wreck your preconceived notions of who is REALLY to blame for the mess this country’s in. Start with FDR and the communists. That’s a good place. Google Venona Project.

And, by the way all you BDS idiots–the democrats STEALING THE VOTE ON THE LEGISLATION GIVING ILLEGALS FEDERAL BENEFITS? AND THEN TRYING TO COVER IT UP? You were CAUGHT–RED-HANDED–ON VIDEOS AND IT CAN’T BE HIDDEN–BY C-SPAN, NO LESS. DON’T try to spin it any other way–you LOST and you STOLE, LITERALLY from the American taxpayer. That’s not Bush’s hand in the cookie jar, THAT’S YOUR HAND FOR ALL THE WORLD TO SEE.

3. “A bridge falls down in Minnesota–it’s Bush’s fault, raise taxes for them”. DUH—the money was THERE–Minnesota FAILED TO USE THE MONEY THEY HAD EARMARKED AND MANDATED FOR INFRASTRUCTURE, preferring to build a sports stadium instead. How is that Bush’s fault? Why the hell should more taxes be raised to REWARD those morons for misappropriating and mishandling their own funds?

I agree with Bush–it’s not a question of more taxes, it’s a matter of better management of the billions already in place.

4. “Katrina”. Please tell me just HOW a hurricane is Bush’s fault? WHY is it Bush’s fault the populace that CHOSE to live in a city below sea level, the populace that CHOSE to IGNORE storm warnings and not seek safety, the mayor CHOSEN BY THOSE SAME PEOPLE CHOSE to keep the buses parked and not use them to evacuate those people–those people that WAITED ON THE GOVERNMENT TO RESCUE THEM RATHER THAN GET OFF THEIR ASSES AND GET OUT OF THE WAY–WHY IS THAT BUSH’S FAULT?

Those were CHOICES all the way down the line the populace made–not Bush, the people. THEY elected that mayor. THEY chose to stay put in the face of imminent danger. THEY chose to rely on the government–that was dealing with the government’s business–rather than THEMSELVES for safe evacuation.

Monies were appropriated. Monies were wasted. NOT by Bush. But by those self-same people who made such disastrous choices for THEMSELVES.

Plain and simple, all possible help was given to them and they CHOSE TO BE VICTIMS. Bush didn’t make those choices for them, they made those choices themselves. If the city isn’t rebuilt by now, again, those are choices in the LA governmental infrastructure to waste and misappropriate funding, NOT BUSH’S FAULT.


CLASSIC Democrat bullshit. Gee, boss, aren’t you PROUD of what YOUR follow-the-leader-and-never-look-beyond-the-carrot-to -consequences-idealism and YOUR party have done to YOUR FELLOW CITIZENS and YOU ENDORSE IT?

4. “Illegal War”. Again, this has been addressed many, many times in innumerable arenas.

The fact of the matter IS WE WERE ATTACKED LONG BEFORE 9/11 and previous administrations REFUSED to take action. REFUSED. Do you not remember Lebanon? Oklahoma City? 1993 WTC? Just to name a few?

FINALLY we get a president that takes a stand, says ENOUGH MOTHERF******, and takes COMPLETELY APPROPRIATE ACTION, VOTED ON AND APPROVED BY CONGRESS (videos are above in my vodpod) with the SAME intelligence the president had, and all of you lose your lunch AND your balls. You ALL want to make nice with these barbarians. You CONSISTENTLY refuse to acknowledge the reality of what’s going on in the world so intent are you in blaming US for being attacked, so INTENT on SHOWING YOUR HATRED OF AMERICA yourselves you will say and do anything to make the CIC look like the villain.

You ALL act as if Bush 43 is the one who went into Afghanistan against the Soviets–you REFUSE to acknowledge it was Jimmah Carter. THEREFORE, YOU ARE PERPETRATING A DECEITFUL, facetious and disingenuous argument. A LIE YOU continue to perpetuate. How about Carter’s ineptitude in dealing with Iran?

The LAST TWO DEMOCRATIC CIC’S got us INTO these messes–it’s taken REPUBLICANS to get us out because only REPUBLICANS have the balls to stand up to the barbarians, only the REPUBLICANS care enough about this country to protect it and ONLY REPUBLICANS have the moral fortitude to draw a line in the sand and say NO MORE.

Again, FACTS you REFUSE to acknowledge because you MIGHT have to GROW UP and quit acting like spoiled sheeple. It takes ADULT MEN AND WOMEN to protect this country’s interests, NOT children playing at being adults, not children afraid of making the hard decisions, not children more interested in getting blow jobs in the Oval Office than running the country.


Has the war gone perfectly? HELL NO! Mistakes were made; miscalculations abounded. But that doesn’t mean you surrender and give up–you do EXACTLY what Bush has done, acknowledge you haven’t wrought a perfect war (by the way…DEFINE PERFECT WAR–SHOW ME a war with no mistakes!) and you keep changing your strategy until you find something that works.

NOW, we have something that’s working and that’s just eating you guys for lunch! The mere fact the country and the soldiers ARE NOT going to let you do to them or us what you did after Vietnam is enough to send you into an apoplectic rage. Well, GET OVER IT.

We ARE NOT in a quagmire, the troops and generals see progress and we ARE winning. And this time around, each and every attempt your side has made to discredit our soldiers from Haditha to Scott Thomas Beauchamp has FAILED.

Those of us who LOVE our COUNTRY and OUR FREEDOMS, those of us participating in the NEW MEDIA, are emerging and we will NOT ALLOW YOU to do now what you did then. Your continued attempts at disinformation dissemination SHOULD be met with Title 18 proceedings of sedition, treason and giving aid and comfort to the enemy in time of war for you are no better than war criminals yourselves, doing your best to undermine the sovereignty of the United States. Unfortunately, we have an absolutely useless, I-love-mexico-more-than-I-love-America Attorney General. So it’ll never happen. You are no better than the traitors of old, whether you will ever understand or not.

My guess is you understand all too well and are counting on Gonzales not to prosecute because of his laziness. If we had a REAL attorney general, you know damned good and well you WOULD be prosecuted.

That’s NOT BUSH–that’s YOU. Look into a MIRROR before you start throwing around accusations without doing your research or investigating your facts.

However, if you DO want to discuss illegal actions on the part of a CIC, let’s talk Waco, Ruby Ridge, Elian Gonzalez, Monica Lewinsky and perjury. And that’s just on Clinton’s watch.

Let’s talk how Syria offered OBL to Clinton not once but SEVERAL times–and Clinton couldn’t be bothered. So when you ask your idiotic “Why don’t we have OBL?” Go ask Clinton. Go ask the one who couldn’t be bothered.

5. “This war is just for Halliburton/Bechtel/Boeing [name your favorite big business to hate]. Okay, tell me again, HOW STUPID ARE YOU? The United States only imports 13-18% of our oil from the entire Emirates. We import NONE from Iran, so don’t even go there.

Furthermore, the United States has tremendous oil reserves–oil reserves the idiotic environmentalists won’t allow us to drill–something you again have not investigated or researched.

Take up the war with the environmentalists that scream they want us off foreign oil but won’t allow us to drill Alaska, the Rocky Mountains or the Gulf of Mexico. Go ahead–I DARE you.

Take it up with the EPA that forces the refineries to rotate their production schedules because of “CO2 emissions” and “global warming”. THOSE are the people that keep the gas prices high at the pumps AND this country dependent on foreign oil. Your beloved environmentalists and Al Gore.

HAD this war been just about the oil, we would have simply seized it. We didn’t. So why do you keep perpetrating YOUR LIES? Because they sound good? You failed that class–take your “F” and go home.

6. “Global Warming”. This is just plain ridiculous. First, I want you to tell me, in no uncertain terms, with hard reliable sources, what the temperature of the earth SHOULD be. Can’t do it, can you? BECAUSE NO ONE KNOWS.

Next, I want you to go back in the Newsweek archives, Time, all of them. About 10-15 years. According to them, we should be in an ice age now because we’re overdue. So, which is it?

Just for giggles, I’m going to give you two terms I want you to investigate–IF you have the courage to do so. They are: “Glaciation” and “Wurm”. Then I want you to research who signed the Kyoto treaty y’all are screaming about.

Oh, wait–that’s easy–CLINTON signed it. Irregardless of the other countries that DIDN’T, the countries contributing far and away MORE CO2 emissions than America, namely China and India. They’re exempt. Why? Because they’re emerging countries. Well so the f*** what. If they’re the major contributors, they should be the ones cleaning up their mess, NOT US. THEY should be taking care of their own backyards, NOT US.

It was a good thing our representatives overrode the idiot’s signature on that.

And, because of these “emerging nations”, I don’t want to hear how evil America is.

Let’s look at ethanol. Boss of mine, you bitched about how much food cost this summer. You, who drives a Tahoe and your son drives a Pathfinder. First, knock off your hypocrisy again–if you’re so f****** concerned, start with yourself and your own habits.

Now, back to the food. Cows eat corn. Cows produce milk, dairy, cheese, meat. If the corn isn’t available to feed the cows, what little there is available for the cows will cost more. That cost gets passed on to the consumer. Second, if the EPA continues to force production rotations of the refineries, gas is going to cost more. Power is going to cost more. All of those costs get passed along to the consumer. Are you following so far?

So where’s the corn? It’s being converted to ethanol. At a higher cost of conversion than oil to gasoline. Because it’s “green” for the environment. It all goes back to the corn, Al Gore, Global Warming and the environment. And, no matter HOW MUCH corn goes into producing ethanol, it will NEVER meet the demands of the population. So we force the soil to produce more and more, at higher and higher costs, in and out of the food chain. The soil wears out.

Ever been to Brazil? Ever notice the stench and the ridiculous pollution? Try to buy a pound of Brazilian beef for a reasonable price. Their beef isn’t any better than our Angus. AHHH…but ALL of their cars run on ethanol. And their beef are fed on corn. Corn oil STINKS–I’m sure you’ve burned it when you’re cooking, you know the smell. Hence the ungodly smell there.

And that’s what you idiots want for the US. Well, when you are forced to become vegetarian because you can’t afford meat, I don’t want to hear it. And when your vegetables won’t grow because the soil quality is gone from forced corn production, I REALLY don’t want to hear it.

You better go look in that mirror again and face yourself and your idiocy for buying into the alleged global warming.

Then, maybe you can go to the real scientists that are debunking this crap daily–but you won’t listen–you’d rather listen to sham theory than hard science. AND DON’T FREAKING BLAME BUSH–BLAME YOUR OWN DAMN SELVES FOR YOUR IDIOCY.

7. “There was no AQ in Iraq until we went in…Saddam hated OBL” and variants thereof.

This again has been debunked by reputable outlets repeatedly, the most recent of which is two videos in my vodpod above. Fact is, they WERE in Iraq. Fact is Saddam DID allow OBL to train in Iraq prior to 9/11. And, if you want more links, you can find them here: http:/ht/regimeofterror.com/, (Saddam’s Reign of Terror) here: http://www.floppingaces.net/saddam-documents/ (Flopping Aces Saddam docuts) and here: http://amyproctor.squarespace.com/blog/2007/8/11/captured-iraqi-terrorist-says-bin-laden-had-al-qaeda-camps-i.html (Amy Proctor’s Bottom Line Up Front).

Y’all DESPERATELY WISH your spin were true so you could claim we are the evil aggressor intent on raping the middle east for oil. DREAM ON.

The FACTS once again dispute your screeching screeds. But, apparently, it truly is too much trouble to do any research from reliable sources. I don’t want to hear you don’t have access to encyclopedias to do your homework, either. Or your mommies wouldn’t take you to the library so you could get your sources. YOU ARE LAZY AND IRRESPONSIBLE WHEN IT COMES TO THE IDIOCY YOU PROCLAIM. And, you’re scared shitless over what we are truly facing and have no courage to stand up for your very lives. Those that DO have the courage, you’d rather spit on and disparage. The very ones that give fight, with their lives and their blood, for your right to be so irresponsibly hateful and treasonous to your country.

Go hide your heads in shame and let the jihadists kick your asses hanging in the air. It’s what you deserve.

8. Pakistan and Obama. If this dumbo-eared, madrassa educated muslim in hiding is what y’all call a friend of the people, you sure don’t know how to use a dictionary. This man wants to sit down to tea with the enemy and bomb a shaky ally–a shaky ally who already has nukes.

Enter my boss’s so called wisdom again. “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer”.

Well, that doesn’t really apply when you want to bomb your friends because 2005–two years ago–had actionable intelligence about OBL. Intelligence that was NOT acted upon for some reason we are not privy to (oh, that’s right, you seditionists and traitors think it’s okay to leak any and all information to the press so they can immediately publish it for the enemy to see to give the enemy a “fair shake”–New York Times, ring a bell anyone?). So now, two years later, let’s go bomb them.

I told my boss, while discussing this point–well, I was discussing, he was foaming and ranting–look at it from the Pakistani people’s point of view–they hear this MORON ON TV advocating bombing them and they panic.

His educated response? Well, aren’t they better educated than that? Don’t they know he doesn’t have any power?

WHAT PLANET ARE YOU LIVING ON? NO they’re not educated better than that–to educate a suppressed people gives them power, you MORON.

The money phrase here? Which is DIRECTLY RELATED to point #2 above and provides a nice segue-way into my next point…”If you feel that way about bombing Pakistan, then you shouldn’t have any problem bombing Mexico for the EXACT SAME REASON”. There IS actionable intelligence regarding terrorists working with mexican drug cartels to get into the United States and “lose” themselves because of our OPEN BORDERS IDIOTS. So, go bomb mexico.

He didn’t want to hear that. That’s when he decided to threaten me if I didn’t change my politics/views/political attitude he would fire me.

So, you little bastard—you, who owe the IRS money, you who can’t pay your staff living wages while you and your wife use your mexican relatives as your menial help, you who spends over $6,000/month combined and still can’t pay your bills, you who can’t pay your business expenses because you have no business acumen and won’t take a class or two and learn OR TAKE ADVICE FROM THOSE WHO LIVE WITHIN A BUDGET, you who can’t comply with your own party’s demands of free health care for everyone through their employers (yet insists on raising taxes for your illegal buddies), you who insists its BUSH who demands we lockstep for him because he’s Hitler incarnate (yeah? Where’s the ovens and the concentration camps and the medical experiments, you little shit? Oh–yeah–that’s reserved for the free abortions given to underage girls without parental consent and stem cell research on human embryos advocated for by YOUR party as the culture of death) are going to FORCE ME to lockstep to what YOU THINK I SHOULD BELIEVE OR LOSE MY JOB BECAUSE YOU CAN’T STAND THE TRUTH AND YOU’RE TOO IGNORANT TO DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH? YOU WHO IS TERRIFIED TO FIND OUT YOU’RE WRONG AND YOUR LIFE IS A LIE? You’re going to threaten ME?

Think again. YOU just violated MY first amendment rights to free expression. And, by the way, I’m doing this post on my computer at home on my time. You DON’T own my time.

Further, I DON’T blog at work…and any reading I may do at work is on my lunch hour–you know the one mandated by law, along with two 10 minute breaks throughout the day? As for my email being open? WELL WHO THE HELL WANTS ME TO EMAIL CLIENTS AND PRISONS AND WAIT FOR THE ANSWERS–DO YOU THINK THE ANSWERS ARE GOING TO COME BY CARRIER PIGEON? DUH!

9. “Bomb Mexico”. There are terrorists there working with the mexican drug cartels to get into the United States and connect with their cells. Don’t like that fact? Tough shit. Again, do your research. Again, just google in American Sovereignty and Mexico Drug Cartels/Terrorists. Oh wait, there’s an article here: http://missbethsvictorydance.blogspot.com/2007/08/dea-report-shows-terrorists-teaming-up.html and it’s titled ”DEA Report Shows Terrorists Teaming Up With Drug Cartels”. Oh–wait–it’s another GOVERNMENT report and so it’s just GOT to be a conspiracy, doesn’t it?

10. “Islam is a Peaceful Religion and it’s all Bush’s fault for upsetting the Extremists”. Yeah, okay–that’s why there’s an entire series on my blog regarding Exposing Islam, along with a whole set of sites to go for REAL education. Follow the links if you have the balls and try to learn something along the way.

My guest poster Dean just posted an excellent article for all you raving liberals and your feel good policies and diversity issues and what will happen to them–and you–when you appease the jihadists. CAN YOU READ? The link is here: http://missbethsvictorydance.blogspot.com/2007/08/america-and-demon-within.html and titled “America and the Demon Within”…and this time it’s not about the communists trying to tear the country apart from the inside, oops, I mean the democrats.

11. “Government schools aka Public Schools”. Think back to your own school days, those of us over 40. By 2nd grade we had mastered addition and subtraction, multiplication tables to 12 and division to three spaces, not to mention full penmanship. Now, those concepts aren’t even presented until 6th or 7th grade.

Your kids are being dumbed down and you are allowing it, again, letting “Big Brother” aka democrats control your future and that of your offspring. But that’s okay, because it’s free.

Free, how? Taxes–the NEA being one of the biggest communist infiltrators out there. Don’t let the pay scale of teachers fool you. They’re paid better than most professions but because they have the communist unions behind them, they can bitch for more, do less, teach worse and get away with it.

There are more students molested by teachers in one year than were molested by priests throughout the entire revelation and scandal (although it’s great fun for all of you to poke fun at priests).

Besides, by screaming about priests, we can further drive a wedge and force more people into secularism, right? They don’t need faith or God, do they? Let’s make sure we wipe out ANY Christian or Jewish religious symbols as being a violation of church and state AND MAKE SURE WE APPEASE THE JIHADISTS WITH OUR TAX DOLLARS, SPECIAL PRAYER TIMES, FOOTBATHS AND CAFETERIAS (and again, my dear boss, take a look around my office–what’s missing? Figure it out bozo) which is NOT what the Constitution states–the Constitution states there will be no GOVERNMENT church imposed upon the people and each shall worship according to their own desires. But, of course, the communists, er, democrats, have bastardized that as well.

How proud of yourself and your party are you now? You who proclaim to be Catholic yet cheat on your wife at any given opportunity? Did you stand up and fight for your religious freedom? DID YOU? No? Why the hell not? I’ll tell you why not–because you’re a lily-livered, yellow-bellied coward. That’s why.

Further idiocies I just don’t have the time or patience for? Evolution (soft theory debunked by Darwin himself in his Black Book–no fossil record, doesn’t exist, but YOU and your party believe it as true–MORONS, do research); Sex Ed of Kindergartners (another Obama jewel–yeah, my 5 year old granddaughter needs to know how to put a condom on a cucumber); AIDS was engineered by the military and is an equal opportunity infector (HOW STUPID ARE YOU? That was debunked when C. Everett Koop was run out of office and he admitted he was under pressure by the gay union to promote that idea–IT’S A GAY DISEASE IDIOTS–RESEARCH!); the alleged bad economy so raise taxes–yeah, okay that’s why you have more money in your pocket than ever before, those evil tax cuts that actually invigorate the economy–and you still can’t budget your money or pay your taxes. But let’s raise taxes so more people can lose their jobs, go on welfare, not have any health care because businesses are going broke from the tax increases…yeah, let’s raise those taxes. Dirty Bombs and reports coming in posted here: http://missbethsvictorydance.blogspot.com/2007/08/aq-and-dirty-bombs-on-american-soil.html (AQ and Dirty Bombs on American Soil). And the last one? Government pork spending–which, coincidentally, I have a rePORK CARD post on here: http://missbethsvictorydance.blogspot.com/2007/08/congress-pork-spending-spelled-out-so.html (Congress Pork Spending Spelled Out So Easy a Democrat Could Understand it!) .
But then, all you good democrats and liberals–you actually think your elected officials DON’T waste your money, don’t you. Silly boys and girls.

I’m done–y’all are ignorant idiots who are too damned lazy to get off your fat asses and find out the truth for yourselves. You’d rather sit around and wait for someone to take care of you from cradle to grave while you tax the country into oblivion and bankruptcy and blame it all on Bush.

I have no earthly use for such a waste of skin and oxygen. If you don’t have enough sense to find out the reality of life for yourselves, then you have no one to blame when it’s slicing off your head, very slowly, with a dull kitchen knife–no one but yourselves. Don’t come crying to me for sympathy–I don’t have any for you.


So, you little bastard—you, who owe the IRS money, you who can’t pay your staff living wages while you and your wife use your mexican relatives as your menial help, you who spends over $6,000/month combined and still can’t pay your bills, you who can’t pay your business expenses because you have no business acumen and won’t take a class or two and learn OR TAKE ADVICE FROM THOSE WHO LIVE WITHIN A BUDGET, you who can’t comply with your own party’s demands of free health care for everyone through their employers (yet insists on raising taxes for your illegal buddies), you who insists its BUSH who demands we lockstep for him because he’s Hitler incarnate (yeah? Where’s the ovens and the concentration camps and the medical experiments, you little shit? Oh–yeah–that’s reserved for the free abortions given to underage girls without parental consent and stem cell research on human embryos advocated for by YOUR party as the culture of death) are going to FORCE ME to lockstep to what YOU THINK I SHOULD BELIEVE OR LOSE MY JOB BECAUSE YOU CAN’T STAND THE TRUTH AND YOU’RE TOO IGNORANT TO DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH? YOU WHO IS TERRIFIED TO FIND OUT YOU’RE WRONG AND YOUR LIFE IS A LIE? You’re going to threaten ME?

Think again. YOU just violated MY first amendment rights to free expression. And, by the way, I’m doing this post on my computer at home on my time. You DON’T own my time.

Further, I DON’T blog at work…and any reading I may do at work is on my lunch hour–you know the one mandated by law, along with two 10 minute breaks throughout the day? As for my email being open? WELL WHO THE HELL WANTS ME TO EMAIL CLIENTS AND PRISONS AND WAIT FOR THE ANSWERS–DO YOU THINK THE ANSWERS ARE GOING TO COME BY CARRIER PIGEON? DUH!