The New Look of The Victory Caucus!!

Cross-posted by request…Snooper

The Victory Caucus is THE one-stop place if you are looking for everything and anything that is related directly to the Global War On Terror…the good AND the bad. We hide not a thing.

As I was listening to the caterwauling of the Democratic Presidential Aspirants this evening, I couldn’t help notice that their sources of progresses and shortfalls in the War In Iraq is wanting. It is wanting intellectual fervor and the Democrats cannot, NAY!, WILL not accept that we, America, are WINNING this war.

We have also been saying that the Democrats CANNOT afford to win in Iraq. It will disappoint them GREATLY and their “popular” stature will wax thin and cold. Little do they realize, it has already happened. They are in for a major landslide come November 2008…the problem is, the landslide that comes their way will bury them and their ignorant defeatist shit for DECADES to come.

Losers are as losers do.

Do we, America, want a “change in direction”? Yes. We do. But the “direction” is not a “location”. The “direction” is an event. We, America, want to WIN THE WAR. And, we are…now. The ROE has been modified. The obvious signs are clear to this DAVOFW.

Wake Up America has an excellent (as usual) piece up about how American Support for War Inches Up. I listened to how we were failing. Failing to do what, exactly? Lose? Like in Vietnam? I and others have been blogging, writing, screeching, preaching and getting the word out that nothing could be more wrong than as Reid has stated, “The war is lost…” Some people’s kids. I swear!

IBD Editorials has a piece up from earlier today entitled “Heart and Minds”.

Not listening to Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi, Iraqi Sunni and Shiite tribal leaders have formalized an alliance with U.S. forces and against al-Qaida. The Arab street is rising up, and they’re on our side.

How long have we been hearing about this and the Leftinistra, the Armies of the Socialist Liberals, aka the Democratic Party leadership and their far left nemesis and the Republican Party RINOs, absolutely refuse to accept this news. They would “Rather” delude themselves into thinking that their politically driven lies and deceitfulness will garner them more support and have some kind of a MAJOR landslide similar to the Reagan landslide of yore.

Just in case anyone has forgotten what that entailed, here is a graphic for your enjoyment or hair-pulling.
Now, the above is a landslide. What happened last November, was (“IS”) by no means a landslide, nor was it a mandate for the Democratic Party. What it was is this; a wake-up call for the complacent Republicans that we, The Reagan Era Conservatives, were displeased with the RINOs among us and guiding the country down the wrong path…NOT about Iraq, but about the spend-thrift machinations of a party gone unchecked.

The Contract With America was brushed aside and we tried to warn them but they were not listening to “We The People”, were they? No, they were not. They most assuredly heard us over the Shamnesty deal, yes? And, thank God above, we have EVERYONE’S attention now. Don’t we? Yes, we do.

We have their attention so badly at the moment that the Defeatocrats want to shut us down. “It’s not fair that our bleeding heart liberal communist pinko fag agenda garbage fails at every turn or it is not as popular as the conservative agenda that succeeds at every turn!” “It’s not our fault. It is GWB’s fault that we fail so miserably!


Here is another graphic. It is how Reid and his genre of Democrats and RINOs act when “things” don’t go as they so lustfully pine and yearn for them to go.

The overwhelming success of CONSERVATIVE talk radio and other venues SHOULD BE their sign…here’s your sign. “You might be a Leftinistra if your radio talk show goes tits up. Here’s your sign.”

The cut-and-run Democrats have long argued that our presence in Iraq has merely stirred things up and given al-Qaida an effective recruiting tool. Well, we’ve certainly stirred things up — and thanks to the success of our surgin’ general, David Petraeus, we have a bevy of new Iraqi recruits. Except they’ve got al-Qaida in their cross hairs.

On Saturday, members of the 1st Cavalry Division based near Taji brokered a formal agreement between Sunni and Shiite tribal leaders to join forces against al-Qaida and other jihadists. The Sunni and Shiite agreed to use members of more than 25 local tribes to protect the area around Taji, just 12 miles north of Baghdad.

Take a few minutes and think about that. Take a few minutes and think about this as well.

The deal is just the latest example of the progress Democrats claim isn’t happening in Iraq — a series of deals with various tribes and militia groups that at one point were part of the insurgency. But it’s the first involving both Sunni and Shiite sheiks together.

After the agreement, soldiers from the 1st Cav’s 7th Regiment could be seen walking calmly through the streets of nearby Falahal. “A month ago, every single one of these people were shooting at us,” Sgt. Richard Fisk told the Washington Times as he pointed out places in Falahal were roadside bombs were once planted.

Who would have thought that? Oh. WAIT! General David Petraeus did! The General the Senate UNANIMOUSLY confirmed and APPROVED of The Plan! I smell shit in Shinolla here. You? Why do you suppose is the “real agenda” here, folks?

The “real agenda” is this. The Democrats and RINOs cannot afford a victory in Iraq, plain and simple.

Last October, al-Qaida in Iraq declared Baqouba to be the capital of the Islamic State in Iraq, and claimed to control both Anbar and Diyala provinces, of which Baqouba is the capital. But that was before Operation Arrowhead Ripper. Of the 1,000 al-Qaida who were thought to have been in Baqouba, those who haven’t been killed or captured have fled.

And we’re not doing it alone. Despite mainstream media reports, Iraqis are fighting and dying for their freedom in ever greater numbers. Progress is being made. But as even New York Times reporter John Burns notes: “The most likely outcome of an American withdrawal any time soon would be cataclysmic violence.”

Sounds like the tell-tale story of an imminent victory to this old warrior!! What does it sound like to you?

The article ends thusly and it is a chilling consternation:

The choice for Democrats is Petraeus or betray us.

The New Look of The Victory Caucus!!

Cross-posted by request…Snooper

The Victory Caucus is THE one-stop place if you are looking for everything and anything that is related directly to the Global War On Terror…the good AND the bad. We hide not a thing.

As I was listening to the caterwauling of the Democratic Presidential Aspirants this evening, I couldn’t help notice that their sources of progresses and shortfalls in the War In Iraq is wanting. It is wanting intellectual fervor and the Democrats cannot, NAY!, WILL not accept that we, America, are WINNING this war.

We have also been saying that the Democrats CANNOT afford to win in Iraq. It will disappoint them GREATLY and their “popular” stature will wax thin and cold. Little do they realize, it has already happened. They are in for a major landslide come November 2008…the problem is, the landslide that comes their way will bury them and their ignorant defeatist shit for DECADES to come.

Losers are as losers do.

Do we, America, want a “change in direction”? Yes. We do. But the “direction” is not a “location”. The “direction” is an event. We, America, want to WIN THE WAR. And, we are…now. The ROE has been modified. The obvious signs are clear to this DAVOFW.

Wake Up America has an excellent (as usual) piece up about how American Support for War Inches Up. I listened to how we were failing. Failing to do what, exactly? Lose? Like in Vietnam? I and others have been blogging, writing, screeching, preaching and getting the word out that nothing could be more wrong than as Reid has stated, “The war is lost…” Some people’s kids. I swear!

IBD Editorials has a piece up from earlier today entitled “Heart and Minds”.

Not listening to Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi, Iraqi Sunni and Shiite tribal leaders have formalized an alliance with U.S. forces and against al-Qaida. The Arab street is rising up, and they’re on our side.

How long have we been hearing about this and the Leftinistra, the Armies of the Socialist Liberals, aka the Democratic Party leadership and their far left nemesis and the Republican Party RINOs, absolutely refuse to accept this news. They would “Rather” delude themselves into thinking that their politically driven lies and deceitfulness will garner them more support and have some kind of a MAJOR landslide similar to the Reagan landslide of yore.

Just in case anyone has forgotten what that entailed, here is a graphic for your enjoyment or hair-pulling.
Now, the above is a landslide. What happened last November, was (“IS”) by no means a landslide, nor was it a mandate for the Democratic Party. What it was is this; a wake-up call for the complacent Republicans that we, The Reagan Era Conservatives, were displeased with the RINOs among us and guiding the country down the wrong path…NOT about Iraq, but about the spend-thrift machinations of a party gone unchecked.

The Contract With America was brushed aside and we tried to warn them but they were not listening to “We The People”, were they? No, they were not. They most assuredly heard us over the Shamnesty deal, yes? And, thank God above, we have EVERYONE’S attention now. Don’t we? Yes, we do.

We have their attention so badly at the moment that the Defeatocrats want to shut us down. “It’s not fair that our bleeding heart liberal communist pinko fag agenda garbage fails at every turn or it is not as popular as the conservative agenda that succeeds at every turn!” “It’s not our fault. It is GWB’s fault that we fail so miserably!


Here is another graphic. It is how Reid and his genre of Democrats and RINOs act when “things” don’t go as they so lustfully pine and yearn for them to go.

The overwhelming success of CONSERVATIVE talk radio and other venues SHOULD BE their sign…here’s your sign. “You might be a Leftinistra if your radio talk show goes tits up. Here’s your sign.”

The cut-and-run Democrats have long argued that our presence in Iraq has merely stirred things up and given al-Qaida an effective recruiting tool. Well, we’ve certainly stirred things up — and thanks to the success of our surgin’ general, David Petraeus, we have a bevy of new Iraqi recruits. Except they’ve got al-Qaida in their cross hairs.

On Saturday, members of the 1st Cavalry Division based near Taji brokered a formal agreement between Sunni and Shiite tribal leaders to join forces against al-Qaida and other jihadists. The Sunni and Shiite agreed to use members of more than 25 local tribes to protect the area around Taji, just 12 miles north of Baghdad.

Take a few minutes and think about that. Take a few minutes and think about this as well.

The deal is just the latest example of the progress Democrats claim isn’t happening in Iraq — a series of deals with various tribes and militia groups that at one point were part of the insurgency. But it’s the first involving both Sunni and Shiite sheiks together.

After the agreement, soldiers from the 1st Cav’s 7th Regiment could be seen walking calmly through the streets of nearby Falahal. “A month ago, every single one of these people were shooting at us,” Sgt. Richard Fisk told the Washington Times as he pointed out places in Falahal were roadside bombs were once planted.

Who would have thought that? Oh. WAIT! General David Petraeus did! The General the Senate UNANIMOUSLY confirmed and APPROVED of The Plan! I smell shit in Shinolla here. You? Why do you suppose is the “real agenda” here, folks?

The “real agenda” is this. The Democrats and RINOs cannot afford a victory in Iraq, plain and simple.

Last October, al-Qaida in Iraq declared Baqouba to be the capital of the Islamic State in Iraq, and claimed to control both Anbar and Diyala provinces, of which Baqouba is the capital. But that was before Operation Arrowhead Ripper. Of the 1,000 al-Qaida who were thought to have been in Baqouba, those who haven’t been killed or captured have fled.

And we’re not doing it alone. Despite mainstream media reports, Iraqis are fighting and dying for their freedom in ever greater numbers. Progress is being made. But as even New York Times reporter John Burns notes: “The most likely outcome of an American withdrawal any time soon would be cataclysmic violence.”

Sounds like the tell-tale story of an imminent victory to this old warrior!! What does it sound like to you?

The article ends thusly and it is a chilling consternation:

The choice for Democrats is Petraeus or betray us.

Fellow Bloggers and "Right" Thinkers

Since the inception of The Victory Caucus ( or hit the direct link button on the left side bar), and my appointment as moderator, I’ve been blessed to be associated with many fine bloggers. Many of our members are retired Veteran’s, parents of troops currently serving, members of the Gathering of Eagles–in short, people you want on your side in a dark alley or backing you up against the barking mad moonbats.

You will also notice a Victory Coalition Blogroll, along with my links, also on the left sidebar. I highly recommend taking some time to visit each of the Coalition bloggers (more added periodically) as well as many of the links.

One of my favorite blogs is this one: “Capitalism or Socialism…You Decide” and the direct link is here: This is hosted by my friend Snooper, a Veteran and an Eagle. I also call him friend.

Below is a sampling of what you can find on Snooper’s blog:

“The Pathology of the Leftinistra:

This is an excellent piece of analyzing the Leftinistra as to what drives them and what to do about it.

Please visit this site to read, learn, heed and combat Moonbatisms.


From the inception of psychology over 100 years ago, conditions such as autism, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, narcissism and Tourette’s syndrome were thought to be psychological in origin – and that with enough therapy, enough blaming inadequate parenting, enough talk, enough delving into “feelings,” the sufferer could be treated successfully or even cured.

Liberal pathology

I suspect that at the core of liberal “thinking” is the same kind of pathology that characterizes other mental disorders, i.e., a glitch in the brain that produces “feelings” and behavior over which liberals have no control.

Liberals are like children

Liberals, like children, live in a world of utopian dreaminess, clinging to a narrow, circumscribed reality and believing that if everyone would just be nice to each other – let’s talk, let’s chat – all the noisy death threats and pesky suicide bombings would go away, and all those grumpy grownups in the current administration would see the light.

A rage that knows no bounds

Children take things personally. “My father is bigger (stronger, smarter) than your father” is just about intolerable to the average child. “Is not!” “Is too!” is an exchange that inevitably results in either tears or fists. In 2000, when George W. Bush ascended to the presidency, the initial despair of liberals quickly morphed into childlike, irrational anger, which has obsessed them for the past six years.

Fathoming liberal rage

To understand the left’s treasonous rage, it is important to understand that the most cherished value in the life of children (read liberals) is to be “liked” by their peers, a theory that Judith Rich Harris has exhaustively documented in her best-selling and revolutionary book, The Nurture Assumption…” Read the full story at the link above.

Another recent article from Snooper:

“Censure the Leftinistra:

Put Up Or Shut Up!!

Where are ALL the men in DC? Out washing dishes or what? Are you men or mice? Squeak up!!!Expulsion, Censure, Reprimand, and Fine: Legislative
Discipline in the House of Representatives Summary

The House of Representatives is expressly authorized within the United States Constitution (Article I, Section 5, clause 2) to discipline or “punish” its own Members. This authority of the institution of the House to discipline a Member for “disorderly Behaviour” is in addition to any criminal or civil liability that a Member of the House may incur for particular misconduct, and is a device or procedure designed not so much as merely a punishment of the individual Member, but rather ultimately as a measure to protect the institutional integrity of the House of Representatives, its proceedings and its reputation…” Complete story at above referenced link.

And yet a third:

“Impeach Pelosi:

I wonder if there are any men left in DC, especially in our Congress and any of the other branches of Government.

Clearly and, once again, a Leftinistra has overstepped their bounds and not one coward will stand up to IT.

WHY IS THAT?Are there no men left in Washington? Or are they all cowards? (Where have we heard those questions before?)

The Logan Act

Conducting Foreign Relations Without Authority: The Logan Act Summary

The Logan Act, codified at 18 U.S.C. § 953, states:

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply, himself or his agent, to any foreign government or the agents thereof for redress of any injury which he may have sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects…” Again, read complete story at above referenced link.

The bottom line is this, people. We are incessantly battered and inundated with a very vocal minority bent on turning this nation into a failed utopian mess ala Stalin, Marx and Lenin.

We are faced with this minority shoving their lack of moral values upon us, forcing us into the goose-stepping political correctness, cultural diversity mess we see.

We are faced with a bunch of children who haven’t grown up, yet are controlling our Congress.

Do you remember the Johnson years? The Carter years? The Clinton years?

Do you really want your children to learn revisionist history, excluding the Holocaust for fear of offending islamofascists bent on killing us and completely annihilating this country–as they have repeatedly stated?

Do you want your children learning that homosexuality is an acceptable lifestyle, AIDS doesn’t discriminate, tax increases are the only way to a healthy economy, illegal aliens should not have to follow the law of the land, God doesn’t exist, etc., etc., etc., all in the name of liberal defeatism shouted from the rooftops from the vocal minority?

If the answer is a vehement and unequivocal NO!, then get off your asses and get in the game.

Start educating yourself on the real issues, what’s really going on and how you can change it. Get over to the TVC, participate in the forums, read the blogs of those who have been there, done that, have the tshirt.

Quit being the mealy-mouthed, “oh I’m so afraid I’ll offend someone” MOUSE you’re being by giving in to these barkers, grow a spine and stand up for yourself, your family, your beliefs, your values, your rights and your country, THE GREATEST NATION IN THIS OR ANY OTHER TIME ON THIS EARTH.

Everybody in this country is called to serve in one way or another. If you can’t actively serve in the Armed Forces then support those who can and do. Adopt a soldier; hell, adopt a whole unit!

Believe it or not, the most important story of the day is NOT Anna Nicole or Brittany,or anything out of Hollyweird, nor is it the Goracle and his mad ravings. It’s here, NOW, and protecting our freedoms as our Founding Fathers laid out.

You either enjoy your freedom or you don’t. That’s the TRUE choice you have to make. God help you if you make the wrong choice.

The Question the Defeatists CAN’T or WON’T Answer….

No one can make a coherent, intelligent case as to why losing in Iraq is in OUR best interest. No one can make a coherent, intelligent case as to why losing in Iraq improves our prospects of winning the larger war on militant Islamic Fascism. No one can make a coherent, intelligent case as to why losing in Iraq is good for our military, retention and morale. No one can make a coherent, intelligent case as to why losing in Iraq is good for our ability to develop and maintain alliances, when our word will have proven hallow and insincere, just as they were in April 1975. No one can make a coherent, intelligent case as to why losing in Iraq would persuade moderate Muslims and moderate Arab governments that the U.S. is a steadfast ally in the fight against militant Islamic Fascism. No one can make a coherent, intelligent case as to why losing in Iraq does not empower al Qaeda, validate its strategy that we are weak and have no stomach for protracted war, and enhance its recruitment of terrorists. No one can make a coherent, intelligent case as to why losing in Iraq makes it easier for us to deter the Irans and North Koreas of the world.

This quote came from two sources, but I’ll just give you one of the links:

Those of us for VICTORY can answer the questions…how about you?

The Question the Defeatists CAN’T or WON’T Answer….

No one can make a coherent, intelligent case as to why losing in Iraq is in OUR best interest. No one can make a coherent, intelligent case as to why losing in Iraq improves our prospects of winning the larger war on militant Islamic Fascism. No one can make a coherent, intelligent case as to why losing in Iraq is good for our military, retention and morale. No one can make a coherent, intelligent case as to why losing in Iraq is good for our ability to develop and maintain alliances, when our word will have proven hallow and insincere, just as they were in April 1975. No one can make a coherent, intelligent case as to why losing in Iraq would persuade moderate Muslims and moderate Arab governments that the U.S. is a steadfast ally in the fight against militant Islamic Fascism. No one can make a coherent, intelligent case as to why losing in Iraq does not empower al Qaeda, validate its strategy that we are weak and have no stomach for protracted war, and enhance its recruitment of terrorists. No one can make a coherent, intelligent case as to why losing in Iraq makes it easier for us to deter the Irans and North Koreas of the world.

This quote came from two sources, but I’ll just give you one of the links:

Those of us for VICTORY can answer the questions…how about you?