How Long Do We have?

And the last email archive for the night. And again, I don’t give a damn what Snopes may or may not say about it so don’t even bring it up.

How Long Do We Have?

About the time our original thirteen states adopted their new constitution in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years earlier:

“A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government.”

“A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury.”

“From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.”

“The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years.”

“During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following sequence:

1. From bondage to spiritual faith;
2. From spiritual faith to great courage;
3. From courage to liberty;
4. From liberty to abundance;
5. From abundance to complacency;
6. From complacency to apathy;
7. From apathy to dependence;
8. From dependence back into bondage”


Professor Joseph Olson
Hamline University School of Law
St. Paul, Minnesota, points out some interesting facts concerning the 2000 Presidential election:

Number of States won by: Gore: 19; Bush: 29
Square miles of land won by: Gore: 580,000; Bush: 2,427,000
Population of counties won by: Gore: 127 million; Bush: 143 million
Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by: Gore: 13.2; Bush: 2.1

Professor Olson adds: “In aggregate, the map of the territory Bush won was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of this great country. Gore’s territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in government-owned tenements and living off various forms of government welfare…”

Olson believes the United States is now somewhere between the “complacency and apathy” phase of Professor Tyler’s definition of democracy, with some forty percent of the nation’s population already having reached the “governmental dependency” phase.

If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal invaders called illegals and they vote, then we can say goodbye to the USA in fewer than five years.


Pass this along to help everyone realize just how much is at stake, knowing that apathy is the greatest danger to our freedom

Immigration-Legal and Otherwise (HT: Greg)

Another subject extremely relevant to today’s America–Immigration, legal and otherwise. Folks, I’m the product of immigrants and proud of it. They came through Ellis Island and pioneered through Oklahoma and Colorado. The stories my great-grandparents told were incredible. Their strength and fortitude in laying down roots is something a lot of us have forgotten in today’s “easy” world and everything we take for granted.

One thing that was different about these early immigrants was the fact they ASSIMILATED into their adopted country, the United States. They gave up their native languages for English; they fought in the wars as Americans; the flags they waved were American. They didn’t ask for concessions and demand the United States accomodate them. THEY BECAME AMERICANS.

I have a few friends that are recently sworn in citizens as well. Their take on the “new breed” of immigrants? Well, let’s just say I’ve seen my cats fight nicer. The new citizens are PROUD of America, PROUD to be AMERICAN, they have children serving in the Armed Forces and they have NO PATIENCE and NO SYMPATHY for those that come here illegally, those that refuse to assimilate into this country and demand accomodations for their needs rather than become full-fledged Americans. My hat is off to these new citizens who are excited to vote for the first time and who are in direct opposition to the illegals.
Immigration has played an important role in American history, and the United States continues to have the most open immigration policy in the world. Before the era of rapid communications and transportation, America encouraged relatively open immigration to settle its empty lands. After certain states passed immigration laws following the Civil War, the Supreme Court in 1875 declared the regulation of immigration a federal responsibility. The Immigration Service was established in 1891 to deal with the big increase in immigration which started in 1880.

The outbreak of World War I reduced immigration from Europe, but mass immigration resumed upon the war’s conclusion, and Congress responded with a new immigration policy: the national-origins quota system, passed in 1921 and revised in 1924. Immigration was limited by assigning each nationality a quota based on its representation in past U.S. census figures. Also in 1924, Congress created the U.S. Border Patrol within the Immigration Service.

There was very little immigration over the next 20 years, with net immigration actually dropping below zero for several years during the Depression. Immigration remained relatively low during the 20 years following World War II, because the 1920s national-origins system remained in place after Congress re-codified and combined all previous immigration and naturalization law into the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952. American agriculture continued to import seasonal labor from Mexico, as they had during the war, under a 1951 formal agreement between the United States and Mexico that made the Bracero Program permanent.

In 1965, Congress replaced the national origins system with a preference system designed to unite immigrant families and attract skilled immigrants to the United States. This change to national policy responded to changes in the sources of immigration since 1924. The majority of applicants for immigration visas now came from Asia and Latin America rather than Europe. The preference system continued to limit the number of immigration visas available each year, however, and Congress still responded to refugees with special legislation. Not until the Refugee Act of 1980 did the United States have a general policy governing the admission of refugees.

Legal immigration alone in the 1990s likely matched or exceeded the previous historical peak decade of 1901-1910, when 8.8 million legal immigrants were admitted. Adding the settlement of illegal aliens makes the 1990s without doubt the period of greatest immigration in America’s history.


The Politics of Labor Scarcity: Expediency and the Birth of the Agricultural“Guestworkers” Program by Cindy HahamovitchCenter for Immigration Studies Backgrounder, December 1999

“Immigrant Indigestion”: A. Philip Randolph, Radical and Restrictionist by Daryl Scott ((held the Center’s 1998-99 Fellowship in Immigration Studies)Center for Immigration Studies Backgrounder, June 1999

“Cast Down Your Bucket Where You Are”: Black Americans on Immigration by Robert MalloyCenter for Immigration Studies Paper No. 10, June 1996

Three Decades of Mass Immigration: The Legacy of the 1965 Immigration ActCenter for Immigration Studies Backgrounder, September 1995

Other links:

BCIS history page

Census Bureau paper on “Historical Census Statistics on the Foreign-born Population of the United States: 1850-1990”


OpenTrackback Weekend

Here’s a News-roundup You Will Not Likely Discover in the Mainstream Media

The Marxist Dominated Far Left Admits Pandering to Illegal Aliens
Here’s a hat-tip to Immigration Watchdog who shared this information. The following excerpt is from the Peoples Weekly World (a Communist publication). (Bold emphasis added by me to get your reading attention.)

Time to unite against Bush administration’s anti-immigrant ‘surge’
. . .In total, 186,600 immigrants were deported in 2006, a 12 percent increase over 2005’s 165,000. This is less than 2 percent of the 12 million undocumented, but it has sent a wave of anxiety through working-class immigrant communities.

The motives are obvious:
• Repression is a “logical” response to the massive marches for immigrant rights.
• A crackdown appeases the most racist right-wing elements like Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.) who have been denouncing Bush as being soft on “illegal immigration,” and encourages the ultra-right base.
• Raids serve to pressure business and others into supporting a guest worker program. Threatened with loss of their cheap labor, companies will be eager to get Congress to replace it with guest workers who can be controlled and exploited “legally.” Meanwhile, the terrorization of immigrants by means of repression is part of a long-term trend to prevent them fighting for better wages and thus helps to amass profits through super-exploitation.
So, by means of stepped up repression, Bush thinks to keep the upper hand on the immigration issue, staving off attacks from left and right and controlling the direction of legislation.

This must be contested. We can not allow the 12 million undocumented immigrants in this country, and their millions of citizen and documented spouses and children (potential future voters), to be used as policy hostages by Bush. . . .

The League of United Latin American Citizens, the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund, and the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials have united in calling for a moratorium on immigration raids and deportations. At Christmas, the American Friends Service Committee, along with the Labor Council on Latin American Affairs, the National Council of Latin American and Caribbean Communities and others, circulated a sign-on letter demanding such a moratorium, and dozens of national and local organizations added their names.

At the local and regional level, Centro Sin Fronteras and others in Chicago and the Midwest organized a 30,000-strong demonstration demanding a moratorium last July 19, and there have been a number of such protests in communities where raids have taken place. . .

To read the entire article, replace (dot) with a period. I don’t give free links to the far, far left and/or to Commies!

In which country are Muslims being taught the following lessons?

Hat-tip to Crusade Media for this excerpt:

* “Everyone who does not embrace Islam is an unbeliever and must be called an unbeliever. . . . One who does not call the Jews and the Christians unbelievers is himself an unbeliever.” *

“Whoever believes that churches are houses of God . . . or that what Jews and Christians do constitutes the worship of God . . . is an infidel.”

* To offer greetings to a Christian at Christmas — even to wish “Happy holidays” — is “a practice more loathsome to God . . . than imbibing liquor, or murder, or fornication.”

* Jews “are worse than donkeys.” They are the corrupting force “behind materialism, bestiality, the destruction of the family, and the dissolution of society.

* Muslims who convert to another religion “should be killed because [they] have denied the Koran.”

* Democracy is “responsible for all the horrible wars” of the 20th century, and for spreading “ignorance, moral decadence, and drugs.”

If this sounds to you like the kind of fanaticism you might encounter in Saudi Arabia — where the established creed is Wahhabism, an intolerant and extremist version of Islam — you’re right. Unfortunately, this religious hatred isn’t confined to the Arabian peninsula. Thanks to the Saudi government’s elaborate campaign to export Wahhabism worldwide, such anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, anti-Western poison can also be found throughout the United States.

We know this from the work of Freedom House, a venerable human rights group that promotes democracy around the globe. In a new report, it documents the alarming degree to which Wahhabist propaganda has penetrated American mosques. . . .

It is important to note that most Muslims do not share the xenophobic Wahhabi dogma. Freedom House undertook its study in part because “many Muslims . . . requested our help in exposing Saudi extremism in the hope of freeing their communities from ideological strangulation.” Now that Freedom House has done so, it is up to moderate American Muslims to purge their mosques of the Saudi toxin, and to ostracize the extremists in their midst.

Note: The Center for Religious Freedom was a self-sustaining division of Freedom House. Founded in 1941 by Eleanor Roosevelt and Wendell Willkie to oppose Nazism and Communism in Europe.

Freedom House and the Center for Religious Freedom Announce Separation
The Center for Religious Freedom, which for the past ten years has functioned as a part of Freedom House, will move to the Hudson Institute on December 31, 2006. At a meeting of the Freedom House Board of Trustees in New York City on October 26, a formal resolution was adopted clearing the way for the transfer of assets and liabilities.

A majority of Americans (57%) now believe the United Nations should be scrapped and replaced if it cannot be reformed and made more effective. That result is from an extensive national benchmark survey about the UN on the 5th anniversary of 9/11, conducted by Luntz Maslansky Strategic Research.

Year of the Dhimmi

Here’s an excerpt:

. . .The mainstream media have by and large already capitulated to Islamic dhimmitude. Most have banned the use of the word “terrorist.”

Some even refuse to mention Islam when reporting terrorism-related arrests. When Canadian authorities broke up a terrorist ring earlier this year, the Toronto Star lamented that fact the suspects were, “from all walks of Canadian life, with no apparent connection to one another.” . . .

Note: Dhimmi are the subjugated Christians Jews and other non-Muslims living in Muslim lands.

Hate Crimes

FBI’s 2005 statistics: “When it comes to hate crimes involving religion, Jews are the victims nearly 70 percent of the time.”

Unchecked Immigration = National Balkanization
Is this America’s Future?

(Here’s a couple of news items from the UK)

Muslims ‘should get special health care’
Muslims should be provided with faithbased services – including male circumcision – on the NHS, says one healthcare expert.
Professor Aziz Sheikh is also calling for women patients to see same-sex medics, better access to prayer facilities in hospitals and more information so Muslims can avoid alcohol and pig-derived drugs. . .

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Bank to woo Polish immigrants with bilingual branches
Banking giant Lloyds-TSB is to convert a number of branches to offer specialist services for Britain’s fast-growing Polish community.

In a UK first, the branches will have signs, brochures and account opening forms in Polish. Dubbed ‘international finance superstores’, they will offer services both to existing British customers and a wide range of nationalities.
However, the main focus will be to serve the thousands of Polish workers who have jobs in this country over the past two years. . . .

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The End of Deterrence
This article originally appeared in the January 11, 2007, Weekly Standard online.
January 11, 2007 by S. Enders Wimbush

If President Bush is persuaded by the Iraq Study Group to speak directly with Iran, he will be under strong pressure to cut a deal that makes Iran a significant partner in salvaging, at least temporarily, the mess in Iraq. For its quid pro quo in aiding America to come up with a face saving exit strategy, Iran will insist on a free hand to develop its “peaceful” nuclear power. One can almost hear the inevitable claims by those seeking to justify the president’s giving ground on this issue. A nuclear Iran can be “managed” or deterred, we will hear; moreover, this is a good trade-off for extricating America from Iraq. President Bush should not be taken in. He must reject even the hint of compromise. . . .

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Your Mainline Christmas Sermon: Immigration and Social Justice

In a letter to members it was pointed out by Roy Beck, Executive Director of NumbersUSA Education & Research Foundation, and recipient of the first United Methodist Communicator of the Year award as Associate Editor of the United Methodist Reporter, that many religious leaders will use their microphones and pulpits to advocate for open borders and for the “rights” of illegal immigrants, “to decry the raids and to equate illegal aliens with Mary and Joseph and their newborn babe.”

It is a shame that the religious leadership would not be standing beside us and against outlaw businesses’ efforts drive down the incomes of working-class Americans and their families. But to have so many standing on the side of the economic oppressors is truly disheartening.

I completely concur with Beck’s statements. I know well of what he speaks. I earned my Masters in Theology from a highly esteemed liberal Protestant seminary not long ago. Every attempt to indoctrinate me in the ways of socialistic-style social justice failed miserably. Fortunately, I already had a strong background in traditional Christian theology, an understanding of what it means to be an American, and enough years of experience not to be easily intimidated.

Before I entered the seminary, I was somewhat politically naive. That changed rapidly as I learned that theology and politics are intimately linked. For years mainline seminaries have functioned as the religious arm of the far left progressives. Admission of any conservative political bent is literally the kiss of death. No doubt there are many closet conservative professors who would not long survive if their personal politics were known. Students hoping for plumb assignments following ordination are well-aware of which sides their daily bread is buttered.

Just as few Americans are very much aware of the growing influence of Islamofascism on American politics, even fewer Americans are aware of the Marxist trends (born of Liberation Theology) that are fast overcoming mainline denominations and informing new ministers in mainline Protestantism! Catholics and Evangelicals are not immune to this growing trend either.

Read Roy Beck’s response printed in the liberal protestant (pro-amnesty) Christian Century Magazine.

Here’s an excerpt:

But Mr. Ufford-Chase’s approach to handling the illegal immigration problem in this country displays the huge blind-side that most mainline church national leaders have on the immigration issue by promoting the idea that illegal immigration is a victimless crime. While focusing on poor people in other countries who wish to break the law to get into this one, he ignores poor people and lower-middle-class people in this country for whom immigration laws are most clearly designed. The Supreme Court in the past has ruled that the chief reason for our immigration laws is to protect workers. Mr. Ufford-Chase does mention the issue of job displacement and quickly dismisses it. And then he brings up the issue of wage depression and speaks admiringly of Fed Chairman Greenspan’s suggestion that we should have high immigration in order to hold down wages. I frankly am amazed to see Mr. Ufford-Chase think that is a worthy aim. . .

In covering and commenting on the immigration issue, you should at the least consider that in the last public act of her illustrious life of public service, Barbara Jordan led a bi-partisan national commission that concluded that illegal immigration should be eliminated to the extent possible and that legal immigration should be dramatically reduced in numbers. The reason, Jordan said, was that the numerical level of immigration is so high that it serves as a tool of economic injustice against the most vulnerable members of our community. (bold emphasis added)

Beck gives us all some good advice. Don’t let this kind of sermon go unchallenged! Speak to your minister, or if you feel too shy to speak directly, write a short note and drop it in the offering plate or comments basket in the foyer.”

Bring it up as a discussion issue in Sunday school class!

If you are deeply concerned about illegal immigration, join NumbersUSA

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Woman Honor Thyself, Right Truth