ACLU to Sue over FISA Bill

Jay at Stop the ACLU! wants this spread far and wide and I’m happy to oblige! The link to his article is here.

The meltdown continues!

Today, in a blatant assault upon civil liberties and the right to privacy, the Senate passed an unconstitutional domestic spying bill that violates the Fourth Amendment and eliminates any meaningful role for judicial oversight of government surveillance. The FISA Amendments Act of 2008 was approved by a vote of 69 to 28 and is expected to be signed into law by President Bush shortly. This bill essentially legalizes the president’s unlawful warrantless wiretapping program revealed in December 2005 by the New York Times.

I’m glad they included the reminder of the New York Times act of treason, revealing specifics on a secret program and informing our enemies of the tools we use against them. Of course the ACLU think this was a courageous act of “whistle blowing” and in their twisted world, an act of patriotism. In the real world it was an a cowardly act of treason.

Once again, Congress blinked and succumbed to the president’s fear-mongering. With today’s vote, the government has been given a green light to expand its power to spy on Americans and run roughshod over the Constitution,” said Anthony D. Romero, Executive Director of the American Civil Liberties Union. “This legislation will give the government unfettered and unchecked access to innocent Americans’ international communications without a warrant. This is not only unconstitutional, but absolutely un-American.”

Of course the ACLU have made up all these accusations out of thin air, and can’t win any lawsuit they have launched against this program. They can’t provide any evidence to prove their claims and have been smacked down numerous times because they have absolutely no standing. Of course they have repeated their own lies so many times they believe them to be true now. That is what happens to the paranoid. The program is not designed to spy on innocent Americans, and the government would have no interest in those conversations anyway. The program is designed to listen to international phone calls that flagged to known terrorists and their financers. The program is designed to protect innocent Americans.

The bill further trivializes court review by authorizing the government to continue a surveillance program even after the government’s general spying procedures are found insufficient or unconstitutional by the FISC. The government has the authority to wiretap through the entire appeals process, and then keep and use whatever information was gathered in the meantime. A provision touted as a major “concession” by proponents of the bill calls for investigations by the inspectors general of four agencies overseeing spying activities. But members of Congress who do not sit on the Judiciary or Intelligence committees will not be guaranteed access to the agencies’ reports.

Any information obtained on terrorists should be used, and when compromising…one must make concessions.

The bill essentially grants absolute retroactive immunity to telecommunication companies that facilitated the president’s warrantless wiretapping program over the last seven years by ensuring the dismissal of court cases pending against those companies. The test for the companies’ right to immunity is not whether the government certifications they acted on were actually legal – only whether they were issued. Because it is public knowledge that certifications were issued, all of the pending cases will be summarily dismissed. This means Americans may never learn the truth about what the companies and the government did with our private communications.

Blah, blah, blah. These telecom companies cooperated with the government and provided protection and prevention of terrorist attacks on many innocent Americans. What they did was their patriotic duty, and they should be seen as heroes, not criminals. Of course the ACLU are disappointed they can’t sue these rich companies to line their own pockets.

Still…the ACLU remain steadfast:

In advance of the president’s signature, the ACLU announced its plan to challenge the new law in court.

“This fight is not over. We intend to challenge this bill as soon as President Bush signs it into law,” said Jameel Jaffer, Director of the ACLU National Security Project. “The bill allows the warrantless and dragnet surveillance of Americans’ international telephone and email communications. It plainly violates the Fourth Amendment.”

Can’t wait to watch you guys get shot down again. Anyone know how we can sue the ACLU for continually thwarting the government’s efforts to protect us?

Go visit Jay for more up to the minute information.

ACLU to Sue over FISA Bill

Jay at Stop the ACLU! wants this spread far and wide and I’m happy to oblige! The link to his article is here.

The meltdown continues!

Today, in a blatant assault upon civil liberties and the right to privacy, the Senate passed an unconstitutional domestic spying bill that violates the Fourth Amendment and eliminates any meaningful role for judicial oversight of government surveillance. The FISA Amendments Act of 2008 was approved by a vote of 69 to 28 and is expected to be signed into law by President Bush shortly. This bill essentially legalizes the president’s unlawful warrantless wiretapping program revealed in December 2005 by the New York Times.

I’m glad they included the reminder of the New York Times act of treason, revealing specifics on a secret program and informing our enemies of the tools we use against them. Of course the ACLU think this was a courageous act of “whistle blowing” and in their twisted world, an act of patriotism. In the real world it was an a cowardly act of treason.

Once again, Congress blinked and succumbed to the president’s fear-mongering. With today’s vote, the government has been given a green light to expand its power to spy on Americans and run roughshod over the Constitution,” said Anthony D. Romero, Executive Director of the American Civil Liberties Union. “This legislation will give the government unfettered and unchecked access to innocent Americans’ international communications without a warrant. This is not only unconstitutional, but absolutely un-American.”

Of course the ACLU have made up all these accusations out of thin air, and can’t win any lawsuit they have launched against this program. They can’t provide any evidence to prove their claims and have been smacked down numerous times because they have absolutely no standing. Of course they have repeated their own lies so many times they believe them to be true now. That is what happens to the paranoid. The program is not designed to spy on innocent Americans, and the government would have no interest in those conversations anyway. The program is designed to listen to international phone calls that flagged to known terrorists and their financers. The program is designed to protect innocent Americans.

The bill further trivializes court review by authorizing the government to continue a surveillance program even after the government’s general spying procedures are found insufficient or unconstitutional by the FISC. The government has the authority to wiretap through the entire appeals process, and then keep and use whatever information was gathered in the meantime. A provision touted as a major “concession” by proponents of the bill calls for investigations by the inspectors general of four agencies overseeing spying activities. But members of Congress who do not sit on the Judiciary or Intelligence committees will not be guaranteed access to the agencies’ reports.

Any information obtained on terrorists should be used, and when compromising…one must make concessions.

The bill essentially grants absolute retroactive immunity to telecommunication companies that facilitated the president’s warrantless wiretapping program over the last seven years by ensuring the dismissal of court cases pending against those companies. The test for the companies’ right to immunity is not whether the government certifications they acted on were actually legal – only whether they were issued. Because it is public knowledge that certifications were issued, all of the pending cases will be summarily dismissed. This means Americans may never learn the truth about what the companies and the government did with our private communications.

Blah, blah, blah. These telecom companies cooperated with the government and provided protection and prevention of terrorist attacks on many innocent Americans. What they did was their patriotic duty, and they should be seen as heroes, not criminals. Of course the ACLU are disappointed they can’t sue these rich companies to line their own pockets.

Still…the ACLU remain steadfast:

In advance of the president’s signature, the ACLU announced its plan to challenge the new law in court.

“This fight is not over. We intend to challenge this bill as soon as President Bush signs it into law,” said Jameel Jaffer, Director of the ACLU National Security Project. “The bill allows the warrantless and dragnet surveillance of Americans’ international telephone and email communications. It plainly violates the Fourth Amendment.”

Can’t wait to watch you guys get shot down again. Anyone know how we can sue the ACLU for continually thwarting the government’s efforts to protect us?

Go visit Jay for more up to the minute information.

Stop the ACLU! "Weekly" Roundup 06/03-07/06/2008

Life just keeps getting in the way and yet Jay, with a brand new child (CONGRATULATIONS Jay!) keeps sending out incredible news. Go visit him at Stop the ACLU! for more of his great work!

ADF Sues NY Governor: “No Authority” to Redefine Marriage.

Attorneys with the Alliance Defense Fund filed suit Tuesday in New York state court on behalf of lawmakers and taxpayers to halt implementation of Gov. David Paterson’s directive ordering state agencies to recognize same-sex “marriages” from other jurisdictions.

“The governor should respect New York’s marriage laws over the laws of foreign jurisdictions. The governor has no authority to issue directives which conflict with New York’s public policy. His actions are an assault on the democratic process,” said ADF Senior Legal Counsel Brian Raum.

A List of Things About Obama that are NOT Rumor.
Obama’s whitey rant and the conspiracy Obama’s a Muslim set to undermine our democracy are rumor, but there are plenty of facts the media have slacked on covering that are very disturbing. Please help me complete the list.

Supreme Court Creates Killing.
In a 5 to 4 decision, the idiots on the Supreme Court have decided that terrorists are covered by our Constitution, no matter where they are captured and held.

This is as wrong headed a decision as can be imagined and two of the Justices, Scalia and Roberts, were scathing in their dissent.

But, here is the real result of this ruling. No, it doesn’t “help” the murderers and terrorists get habeas corpus, or find rights, it will kill them on the battlefield. What battlefield commander will waste his time trying to figure out what rights the terrorist he is facing has or doesn’t have?

The proper and reasonable decision to make on the battlefield will be to automatically kill EVERY captured person as soon as you do a quick interrogation. After all, anything else will simply just get the commanders on the line in trouble with the “law.”

And, I cannot say I’d blame any American soldier on the battlefield. Just kill every one of those captured without regard for their status. Their innocence? Immaterial. Kill them anyway.

ACLU and Allies Attempt to Shut Down Public Prayer in Ohio and Wisconsin.
The number one religious censor in America is at it again.

Louisiana Governor Jindal Vows to Amend State Law to Maintain Death as a Penalty for Child Rape.
I’m sure everyone heard about the horrible Supreme Court decision in which we think someone needs impeached, if not a few. It is good to know however, that there is at least one politician out there that won’t take this lying down.

ACLU Attempt to Stamp Out Prayer at Naval Academy
Once again the seperation claus nazis are trying to stamp out Christian free speech.

Why Aren’t We Impeaching Some Supreme Court Justices?
My take on the attrocious legislation from the bench in the Boumediene v. Bush decision by the Supreme Court. The courts will be flooded with habeas corpus petitions soon enough, and the ACLU will be lining their pockets with bloody money to defend the terrorists who want to kill us. Oh, and guess who pays the ACLU to defend these detainees? You do! The American taxpayer!

Hey Supreme Court, Since You Think Death Isn’t Proportional Punishment for Rape, How About Castration?
I think a lot of folks will like Bobby Jindal’s response to the idiotic ruling of the Supreme Court. Since they don’t think death is proportional punishment, I wonder how they’ll feel about castration?

They get a choice: physical or chemical. Oh, and they don’t just get castrated and leave – they still have to serve out their sentence.

SB 144 by Senators Nick Gautreaux, Amedee, Dorsey, Duplessis and Mount provides that on a first conviction of aggravated rape, forcible rape, second degree sexual battery, aggravated incest, molestation of a juvenile when the victim is under the age of 13, or an aggravated crime against nature, the court may sentence the offender to undergo chemical castration. On a second conviction of the above listed crimes, the court is required to sentence the offender to undergo chemical castration.

Gov. Jindal made it absolutely clear that signing this bill today was about more than just sending a no-tolerance message across his state: “I want to send the message loud and clear – to the Supreme Court of the United States and beyond – make no mistake about it, if anyone wants to molest children and commit sexual assaults on kids they should not do so here in Louisiana. Here, we will do everything in our power to protect our children and we will not rest until justice is won and we have fully punished those who harm them.”

Activist Federal Judges Force Taxpayers to Subsidize Idaho ACLU.
The state of Idaho owes lawyers from the pro-abortion ACLU law firm $66,000 after failing to uphold a law requiring parental consent for abortions. In losing the lawsuit, the state was forced to pay for attorney fees for the pro-abortion firm, which represented the Planned Parenthood abortion business.

In total, the state of Idaho will have paid ACLU lawyers over $400,000 by the time all of the payments are complete.

During the lawsuit, federal District Court Judge Lynn Winmill enjoined the state from enforcing the parental consent law because of his concerns over the notification of parents in the event an abortion practitioner performed an emergency abortion on their child.

The effort to get a consent law on the books goes back to the 1998 session of the Idaho Legislature.

Idaho Gov. Butch Otter signed the third and final version of the parental consent measure into law in March 2007.

What Will They Do After Bush?
What will they do without Bush?

WaPo After Free Republic Again, Now Over Barack-is-a-Muslim Email
Washintong Post is attacking and blaming them for starting the chain email stating that Obama is a Muslim. What are they basing these accusations on? Nothing but assumptions.

Google Shuts Down Anti-Obama Sites on its Blogger Platform.
Yes, it sure seems that Google has begun to go through its many thousands of blogs to lock out the owners of anti-Obama blogs so that the noObama message is effectively squelched. Thus far, Google has terminated the access by blog owners to 7 such sites and the list may be growing. Boy, it must be nice for Barack Obama to have an ally powerful enough to silence his opponents like that! It isn’t just conservative sites that Google’s Blogger platform is eliminating.

ACLU and EFF Sue Justice Department to Uncover Records of Cell Phone Tracking
A lot of paranoia going on about this one, but some folks are keeping level heads. Nothing is being searched. Their is no seizure of anything private. People can be followed without a warrant. So why would a warrant be needed to know someone’s location? Take a look, weigh in with your opinion, and share with others.

Judge Throws Out Wiretap Suit from Suspected Al Qaida Charity
The case against the NSA from a suspsected Al Qaeda charity has been dismissed. Civil liberty groups had high hopes for this case because it was the only case they had that had anything resembling evidence.

Obama Makes Huge Flip-Flop on Iraq

“I’ve always said that the pace of withdrawal would be dictated by the safety and security of our troops and the need to maintain stability. That assessment has not changed,” he said. “And when I go to Iraq and have a chance to talk to some of the commanders on the ground, I’m sure I’ll have more information and will continue to refine my policies.”…

Rumor: McCain Chooses Romney for VP
Just spreading this rumor. Don’t know what to make of it.

YouTube Allows a Video That Shows a Marine Being Shot in Iraq. UPDATE: Video Removed

Please help by flagging the video. Its absolutely horrible, and telling that youtube hasn’t pulled this video!

Hannity on the Obama-Khalidi Connection.
Yet another radical connection the media ignores. Why is Hannity the only media I’ve heard report on this?

Chris Matthews Uses Death of Russert to Display Elitism.
Chris Matthews shows us how he is from the bottom of the barrel once again. Check this out.

Mass Democrat to Child Rape Victims: “I Will Destroy You!”
Outrage for the night! This may cause your head to explode! It did mine!

Shocker! Obama Also Disagrees With Idiotic Supreme Court Decision.
Oh, and an update on the terrible Supreme Court decision. Even Obama disagrees!

House Dems Call to “Nationalize” Oil Industry.
Outright blatant communism! The true colors of theft shine throught the socialist party!

Who is Pastor Mannings, and What Does He Have on Obama?
This has peaked my curiosity. Does anyone have more info on this?

30Years of Useless Politicians on Oil
30 years of empty promises from weasle politicians on oil independence, and still nothing has been done. Don’t fall for their false promises on either party. Check out this awesome video that displays this.

More on Obama and His Terrorist Friends the Ayers
Please spread and share this video on Obama and Ayers!

Obama Gives Vets and Military Families the Middle Finger, Stands With Code Pink

Democratic presidential presumptive Sen. Barack Obama (IL) met with his terrorist supporting fundraiser, Jodie Evans, at a $5 million Hollywood fundraiser held last week at the Dorothy Chandler Pavillion on Tuesday, June 24.

In what can only be described as a big middle finger to the veterans and military families who have urged Obama to renounce Evans, Obama met with Evans and was photographed with her at the fundraiser.

Evans is co-founder of the leftist anti-American group Code Pink. She and Code Pink have endorsed the terrorists in Iraq and have sent over $600,000 in cash and humanitarian aid to “the other side” in Fallujah.

Happy Independence Day Open Thread!
Happy Independence Day Everyone! I’ve put up an open post if anyone is interested in using it to promote their own posts on Independence Day, or whatever topic you write about today.

Stop the ACLU! "Weekly" Roundup 06/03-07/06/2008

Life just keeps getting in the way and yet Jay, with a brand new child (CONGRATULATIONS Jay!) keeps sending out incredible news. Go visit him at Stop the ACLU! for more of his great work!

ADF Sues NY Governor: “No Authority” to Redefine Marriage.

Attorneys with the Alliance Defense Fund filed suit Tuesday in New York state court on behalf of lawmakers and taxpayers to halt implementation of Gov. David Paterson’s directive ordering state agencies to recognize same-sex “marriages” from other jurisdictions.

“The governor should respect New York’s marriage laws over the laws of foreign jurisdictions. The governor has no authority to issue directives which conflict with New York’s public policy. His actions are an assault on the democratic process,” said ADF Senior Legal Counsel Brian Raum.

A List of Things About Obama that are NOT Rumor.
Obama’s whitey rant and the conspiracy Obama’s a Muslim set to undermine our democracy are rumor, but there are plenty of facts the media have slacked on covering that are very disturbing. Please help me complete the list.

Supreme Court Creates Killing.
In a 5 to 4 decision, the idiots on the Supreme Court have decided that terrorists are covered by our Constitution, no matter where they are captured and held.

This is as wrong headed a decision as can be imagined and two of the Justices, Scalia and Roberts, were scathing in their dissent.

But, here is the real result of this ruling. No, it doesn’t “help” the murderers and terrorists get habeas corpus, or find rights, it will kill them on the battlefield. What battlefield commander will waste his time trying to figure out what rights the terrorist he is facing has or doesn’t have?

The proper and reasonable decision to make on the battlefield will be to automatically kill EVERY captured person as soon as you do a quick interrogation. After all, anything else will simply just get the commanders on the line in trouble with the “law.”

And, I cannot say I’d blame any American soldier on the battlefield. Just kill every one of those captured without regard for their status. Their innocence? Immaterial. Kill them anyway.

ACLU and Allies Attempt to Shut Down Public Prayer in Ohio and Wisconsin.
The number one religious censor in America is at it again.

Louisiana Governor Jindal Vows to Amend State Law to Maintain Death as a Penalty for Child Rape.
I’m sure everyone heard about the horrible Supreme Court decision in which we think someone needs impeached, if not a few. It is good to know however, that there is at least one politician out there that won’t take this lying down.

ACLU Attempt to Stamp Out Prayer at Naval Academy
Once again the seperation claus nazis are trying to stamp out Christian free speech.

Why Aren’t We Impeaching Some Supreme Court Justices?
My take on the attrocious legislation from the bench in the Boumediene v. Bush decision by the Supreme Court. The courts will be flooded with habeas corpus petitions soon enough, and the ACLU will be lining their pockets with bloody money to defend the terrorists who want to kill us. Oh, and guess who pays the ACLU to defend these detainees? You do! The American taxpayer!

Hey Supreme Court, Since You Think Death Isn’t Proportional Punishment for Rape, How About Castration?
I think a lot of folks will like Bobby Jindal’s response to the idiotic ruling of the Supreme Court. Since they don’t think death is proportional punishment, I wonder how they’ll feel about castration?

They get a choice: physical or chemical. Oh, and they don’t just get castrated and leave – they still have to serve out their sentence.

SB 144 by Senators Nick Gautreaux, Amedee, Dorsey, Duplessis and Mount provides that on a first conviction of aggravated rape, forcible rape, second degree sexual battery, aggravated incest, molestation of a juvenile when the victim is under the age of 13, or an aggravated crime against nature, the court may sentence the offender to undergo chemical castration. On a second conviction of the above listed crimes, the court is required to sentence the offender to undergo chemical castration.

Gov. Jindal made it absolutely clear that signing this bill today was about more than just sending a no-tolerance message across his state: “I want to send the message loud and clear – to the Supreme Court of the United States and beyond – make no mistake about it, if anyone wants to molest children and commit sexual assaults on kids they should not do so here in Louisiana. Here, we will do everything in our power to protect our children and we will not rest until justice is won and we have fully punished those who harm them.”

Activist Federal Judges Force Taxpayers to Subsidize Idaho ACLU.
The state of Idaho owes lawyers from the pro-abortion ACLU law firm $66,000 after failing to uphold a law requiring parental consent for abortions. In losing the lawsuit, the state was forced to pay for attorney fees for the pro-abortion firm, which represented the Planned Parenthood abortion business.

In total, the state of Idaho will have paid ACLU lawyers over $400,000 by the time all of the payments are complete.

During the lawsuit, federal District Court Judge Lynn Winmill enjoined the state from enforcing the parental consent law because of his concerns over the notification of parents in the event an abortion practitioner performed an emergency abortion on their child.

The effort to get a consent law on the books goes back to the 1998 session of the Idaho Legislature.

Idaho Gov. Butch Otter signed the third and final version of the parental consent measure into law in March 2007.

What Will They Do After Bush?
What will they do without Bush?

WaPo After Free Republic Again, Now Over Barack-is-a-Muslim Email
Washintong Post is attacking and blaming them for starting the chain email stating that Obama is a Muslim. What are they basing these accusations on? Nothing but assumptions.

Google Shuts Down Anti-Obama Sites on its Blogger Platform.
Yes, it sure seems that Google has begun to go through its many thousands of blogs to lock out the owners of anti-Obama blogs so that the noObama message is effectively squelched. Thus far, Google has terminated the access by blog owners to 7 such sites and the list may be growing. Boy, it must be nice for Barack Obama to have an ally powerful enough to silence his opponents like that! It isn’t just conservative sites that Google’s Blogger platform is eliminating.

ACLU and EFF Sue Justice Department to Uncover Records of Cell Phone Tracking
A lot of paranoia going on about this one, but some folks are keeping level heads. Nothing is being searched. Their is no seizure of anything private. People can be followed without a warrant. So why would a warrant be needed to know someone’s location? Take a look, weigh in with your opinion, and share with others.

Judge Throws Out Wiretap Suit from Suspected Al Qaida Charity
The case against the NSA from a suspsected Al Qaeda charity has been dismissed. Civil liberty groups had high hopes for this case because it was the only case they had that had anything resembling evidence.

Obama Makes Huge Flip-Flop on Iraq

“I’ve always said that the pace of withdrawal would be dictated by the safety and security of our troops and the need to maintain stability. That assessment has not changed,” he said. “And when I go to Iraq and have a chance to talk to some of the commanders on the ground, I’m sure I’ll have more information and will continue to refine my policies.”…

Rumor: McCain Chooses Romney for VP
Just spreading this rumor. Don’t know what to make of it.

YouTube Allows a Video That Shows a Marine Being Shot in Iraq. UPDATE: Video Removed

Please help by flagging the video. Its absolutely horrible, and telling that youtube hasn’t pulled this video!

Hannity on the Obama-Khalidi Connection.
Yet another radical connection the media ignores. Why is Hannity the only media I’ve heard report on this?

Chris Matthews Uses Death of Russert to Display Elitism.
Chris Matthews shows us how he is from the bottom of the barrel once again. Check this out.

Mass Democrat to Child Rape Victims: “I Will Destroy You!”
Outrage for the night! This may cause your head to explode! It did mine!

Shocker! Obama Also Disagrees With Idiotic Supreme Court Decision.
Oh, and an update on the terrible Supreme Court decision. Even Obama disagrees!

House Dems Call to “Nationalize” Oil Industry.
Outright blatant communism! The true colors of theft shine throught the socialist party!

Who is Pastor Mannings, and What Does He Have on Obama?
This has peaked my curiosity. Does anyone have more info on this?

30Years of Useless Politicians on Oil
30 years of empty promises from weasle politicians on oil independence, and still nothing has been done. Don’t fall for their false promises on either party. Check out this awesome video that displays this.

More on Obama and His Terrorist Friends the Ayers
Please spread and share this video on Obama and Ayers!

Obama Gives Vets and Military Families the Middle Finger, Stands With Code Pink

Democratic presidential presumptive Sen. Barack Obama (IL) met with his terrorist supporting fundraiser, Jodie Evans, at a $5 million Hollywood fundraiser held last week at the Dorothy Chandler Pavillion on Tuesday, June 24.

In what can only be described as a big middle finger to the veterans and military families who have urged Obama to renounce Evans, Obama met with Evans and was photographed with her at the fundraiser.

Evans is co-founder of the leftist anti-American group Code Pink. She and Code Pink have endorsed the terrorists in Iraq and have sent over $600,000 in cash and humanitarian aid to “the other side” in Fallujah.

Happy Independence Day Open Thread!
Happy Independence Day Everyone! I’ve put up an open post if anyone is interested in using it to promote their own posts on Independence Day, or whatever topic you write about today.

Stop the ACLU! Roundup 04/23-06/02/2008

It’s been about six weeks since I last published a compilation from Jay at Stop the ACLU! And a fascinating six weeks it’s been. Buckle up your seatbelts, follow the links and come along for the ride–it’s a roller coaster!

Must Not Mention Reality
A coalition of American Muslim groups are now demanding that McCain ignore truth and reality and speak in a more politically correct manner when referring to terrorists. They would rather just refer to them as “criminals”.

ACLU Stops LA School District Bible Giveaways
An article written and submitted to Jay by a reader.

The Aztlan Civil Liberties Union
The ACLU teams up with the Mexican government to encourage illegal immigration and litigate against law enforcement.

ACLU Will Challenge Florida License Plate With Cross…Of Course
I think everyone knows this one was bound to happen. The ACLU never met a cross they didn’t like.

Another Unsavory Obama Associate, Official Blogger a Communist?
In case you didn’t know…yet another anti-American associate for Obama’s company. So, what we have here is a kid who is an official blogger for the Obama campaign having written for a socialist magazine, is known to favor the anti-American views of Noam Chomsky, had a “communist flag” in his dorm room in college, and has attended riots in France and acted as a flack for them here in America. None of these ideas as espoused by our young Obama blogger are those commonly held by a majority of Americans. In fact, many people would consider a person who appreciates communism not an American at all.

What Presidential Hopefuls Might Look Like in 4 Years
Fun, but scary stuff for a Friday night!

Blog Of The Day (With Petition to Sign)
The Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act (CIANA) will make it a federal offense to transport a minor girl across state lines for the purpose of obtaining an abortion if done to evade a parental notification or parental consent law that is in effect in the girl’s home state. In addition, the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act will require, in a state without parental consent laws, that before an abortion provider performs an abortion on a minor girl who is the resident of a different state, that provider must notify a parent. The abortion provider does not have to notify a parent if the minor has already received authorization from a judge in her home state (judicial bypass), or unless she falls into carefully drafted exceptions to cover cases of abuse or medical emergencies. Sign here:″target=”_blank”>

ACLU Extremely Upset With Supreme Court Decision on Indiana Voter ID Law
An important ruling by SCOTUS that will hamper voter fraud has the ACLU “extremely upset”.

My Endorsement of Obama
I am officially endorsing Barack Obama for the Democratic nominee. Agree or disagree, I think he will be the easier of the two candidates to beat…and yes, I know my endorsement means absolutely nothing, but it was a fun one to write.

ACLU Take Over South Carolina Branch
The question coming up at the South Carolina branch is whether they are a target for their criticism of the national organization. A website of dissenting/former ACLU members protesting hypocritical internal dealings of the ACLU silencing its own board members for dissent AND spying on them. The South Carolina branch signed up for that website, and many think the take over is punishment to silence their criticism.

Public School Helps Parents Create 9 Year Old Transsexual
Absolutely sickening example of how backwards things have gotten out there. Reason 5 billion to homeschool. Parents of a third-grade student at Chatham Park Elementary School approached the administration on April 16 to ask for help in making a “social transition” for their child. The Haverford School District consulted experts on transgender children, then sent letters to parents advising them that the guidance counselor would meet with the school’s 100 third-grade students to explain why their classmate would now wear girls’ clothes and be called by a girl’s name.

David Corn’s Dishonest B.S. Argument Against McCain
If you haven’t heard yet, the left are trying to create a Reverend Wright controversy over pastor’s that have endorsed McCain. They want McCain to refuse their endorsements, blah, blah, blah. One pastor they think is horrible for speaking the truth about how dangerous Islam is. All and all the argument is an ignorant one…a controversy they are trying to create where there isn’t one. I try my best to deconstruct it.

Planned Parenthood: Kill a Baby for Mother’s Day
Sickening sense of irony, and gall from Planned Parenthood this Mother’s Day.

ACLU: Judges Gave us a Gift
Jay’s co-blogger Nathan Bradfield does a great job summing up the California Supreme Court decision today on gay marriage, and how it affects the overall battle for families. He also does an excellent job interpreting the socialist response of the ACLU, who admits they are circumventing the will of the people and asking for money to continue to do so by convincing courts to overrule the votes of the majority.

ACLU Defends Youthful Terrorists
Here’s an outrage for you. The news is a few days old, but it still should boil the blood. How about rehabilitation and re-integration into society for terrorist bombing, captured enemy combatants under the age of 18? That’s what the ACLU want to do. I guess we once again see where their sympathies lie.

Good News! Sockpuppet to Blog for ACLU’s New Blog!
Good news! The blogosphere’s infamous sock puppet, Glenn Greenwald, will be blogging at the ACLU’s “blog of rights” about one of his favorite subjects, how evil the U.S. is and how we torture people! They’ve also lined up other great bloggers from places like Daily KOS! In case you are wondering, yes I am being sarcastic!

Tenn. Declares Only Dumbest Kids Wanted For State Jobs
Warner Todd Huston informs us of on the state of Tennessee not allowing home school students to work for the government. Homeschool students are probably too smart to be working for the government anyway, but still…

Is John McCain Losing Conservative Support?
McCain has done a huge flip-flop on his position promise to secure the border first and went back to his previous position of immigration reform first and remebers fond memories of he and Kennedy working hard on it. Some Conservatives are ready to jump ship!

Murderer Gets Probation
I’m probably extra-sensitive about this right now, having a newborn and all…but it’s quite outrageous for all. What do you get for throwing your baby into a garbage can resulting in death? How about 30 days of jail time and about 695 days of electronic monitoring? She also will be placed on five years’ probation.

Boy Scouts Sue Philly to Stay in HQ
I know the topic is touchy for some, but I expected to see more support from rightwing blogs for the Boy Scouts on this than I did today. I’ll still throw it out there in case there are some that didn’t know it was going on and want to weigh in on this.

UN “Peacekeepers” Continue to Rape Children
This sick and evil ongoing scandal continues to be ignored at the U.N. It boils the blood! These poor children suffer for this stupid organization’s corrupted evil lusts! Sick!

McClellan Book Connected to Soros?
The McClellan controversy just got more interesting.

Obama Sought Endorsement of Marxist Third Party in 1996
Here is some interesting as well as character confirming info about one of Barack Obama‘s former runs for office. Apparently, Obama actively sought and received the stamp of approval of a Marxist third party that operated briefly in Chicago between 1992 and 1998. The group was called the “New Party” and was started in 1992 by Daniel Cantor (a former staffer for Jesse Jackson‘s 1988 presidential campaign) and Joel Rogers (a sociology and law professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison).

ACLU Advice for Muslims Under Surveillance
A report that mosques in Los Angeles and San Diego are under federal surveillance has resurrected fears in the Muslim community about government monitoring and led two civil rights groups Wednesday to call for congressional hearings.


Corey Saylor, Washington spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said the article in the San Diego Union-Tribune “has again raised concerns that our community is being watched.”


ACLU lawyers regularly go to mosques to advise worshipers that they do not have to answer questions from FBI agents about how long they have been in the United States, how often they attend services and what they get out of the sermons…

Obama’s Pastor: He Says What He Has To Say as a Politician
Soon to be the next controversy…Jay’s got a video snippet and rounding up reactions.

Hero Dad Tackles Sexual Predator Intruder
His ten year old daughter woke up to this freak stroking her hair and screamed. Dad took it from there. The kid confessed to several other break-ins and touching sessions…some more perverted in nature. No telling how many people this father prevented from being violated by taking this kid down.

Chris Matthews: White People Willing to Pick Up Black Heroes, If They’ll Win for Their Side
This is Matthew’s advice to Obama: You got to talk like a firebrand because if you’re carrying their fight for them, they’re going to like you. You know, a lot of white people root for black athletes because they’re winning for the home team. People are quite willing to pick up black heroes, if they’ll win for their side.

Fred Thompson: Would Not Accept Vice President
Disappointing, but not surprising. See the video from Hannity’s interview.

Scalia Explains Originalism
Check out the rare video of an interview with Justics Scalia. He explains the originalist philosphy, and talks about the idiocy of a “living constitution”.

Sneak Peak Into the State of the Democrats
Heh, aren’t these guys super-delegates? I got a kick out of this, hope you enjoy it too.

Tim Russert: Obama is the Nominee
Tim’s already called it, and Drudge reports Hillary is giving herself another loan. Check it out, looks downhill from here for Hillary.

Stupid Liberal Idiot Destroys Pro-Life Display
Liberal thinking: Abortion is a right…you don’t have a right to challenge.

10 Year Old Raped By Illegal Immigrant Gives Birth

Words are inadequate for this horror story…at least they are failing me. This is the kind of news that makes me want to punch the wall….or much worse.

Obama Wants to Be President of 57 States
Major exhaustion gaffe alert! This guy wants to be president??? What a great gaffe!

Sunday Funny
Heh! Why won’t she drop out? She’s a sore loser who’s supporters are racist. Check out the SNL clip.

The Socialist Militant and the ACLU
Please check out Cao’s video and report on the Socialist Militant and the ACLU groupthink on prosecuting illegal alien criminals.

Hillary: I’m Staying In, Just In Case Obama Gets Assassinated?
Major gaffe comes from Hillary. “My husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right? We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California. I don’t understand it,” she said, dismissing calls to drop out.

Democrat Congressman Admits Party Lied About Ending War to Win Election
BUSTED! Congressman Kanjorski: “I’ll tell you my impression. We really in this last election, when I say we…the Democrats, I think pushed it as far as we can to the end of the fleet, didn’t say it, but we implied it. That if we won the Congressional elections, we could stop the war. Now anybody was a good student of Government would know that wasn’t true. But you know, the temptation to want to win back the Congress, we sort of stretched the facts…and people ate it up.”

Is Obama Willing to Meet Ahmadinejad But Not Petraeus?
McCain made Obama squirm into this corner, and now he’s exposing Obama’s cowardice like there is no tomorrow!

Free Healthcare
Great YouTube parody on free health care! Hope you get a chuckle out of it.

Obama Kicks Trinity United To The Curb, Resigns Church Membership?
20 years too late, but political pressure finally cracks him. It will probably actually cost him votes now, in my opinion.

Stop the ACLU! Roundup 04/23-06/02/2008

It’s been about six weeks since I last published a compilation from Jay at Stop the ACLU! And a fascinating six weeks it’s been. Buckle up your seatbelts, follow the links and come along for the ride–it’s a roller coaster!

Must Not Mention Reality
A coalition of American Muslim groups are now demanding that McCain ignore truth and reality and speak in a more politically correct manner when referring to terrorists. They would rather just refer to them as “criminals”.

ACLU Stops LA School District Bible Giveaways
An article written and submitted to Jay by a reader.

The Aztlan Civil Liberties Union
The ACLU teams up with the Mexican government to encourage illegal immigration and litigate against law enforcement.

ACLU Will Challenge Florida License Plate With Cross…Of Course
I think everyone knows this one was bound to happen. The ACLU never met a cross they didn’t like.

Another Unsavory Obama Associate, Official Blogger a Communist?
In case you didn’t know…yet another anti-American associate for Obama’s company. So, what we have here is a kid who is an official blogger for the Obama campaign having written for a socialist magazine, is known to favor the anti-American views of Noam Chomsky, had a “communist flag” in his dorm room in college, and has attended riots in France and acted as a flack for them here in America. None of these ideas as espoused by our young Obama blogger are those commonly held by a majority of Americans. In fact, many people would consider a person who appreciates communism not an American at all.

What Presidential Hopefuls Might Look Like in 4 Years
Fun, but scary stuff for a Friday night!

Blog Of The Day (With Petition to Sign)
The Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act (CIANA) will make it a federal offense to transport a minor girl across state lines for the purpose of obtaining an abortion if done to evade a parental notification or parental consent law that is in effect in the girl’s home state. In addition, the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act will require, in a state without parental consent laws, that before an abortion provider performs an abortion on a minor girl who is the resident of a different state, that provider must notify a parent. The abortion provider does not have to notify a parent if the minor has already received authorization from a judge in her home state (judicial bypass), or unless she falls into carefully drafted exceptions to cover cases of abuse or medical emergencies. Sign here:″target=”_blank”>

ACLU Extremely Upset With Supreme Court Decision on Indiana Voter ID Law
An important ruling by SCOTUS that will hamper voter fraud has the ACLU “extremely upset”.

My Endorsement of Obama
I am officially endorsing Barack Obama for the Democratic nominee. Agree or disagree, I think he will be the easier of the two candidates to beat…and yes, I know my endorsement means absolutely nothing, but it was a fun one to write.

ACLU Take Over South Carolina Branch
The question coming up at the South Carolina branch is whether they are a target for their criticism of the national organization. A website of dissenting/former ACLU members protesting hypocritical internal dealings of the ACLU silencing its own board members for dissent AND spying on them. The South Carolina branch signed up for that website, and many think the take over is punishment to silence their criticism.

Public School Helps Parents Create 9 Year Old Transsexual
Absolutely sickening example of how backwards things have gotten out there. Reason 5 billion to homeschool. Parents of a third-grade student at Chatham Park Elementary School approached the administration on April 16 to ask for help in making a “social transition” for their child. The Haverford School District consulted experts on transgender children, then sent letters to parents advising them that the guidance counselor would meet with the school’s 100 third-grade students to explain why their classmate would now wear girls’ clothes and be called by a girl’s name.

David Corn’s Dishonest B.S. Argument Against McCain
If you haven’t heard yet, the left are trying to create a Reverend Wright controversy over pastor’s that have endorsed McCain. They want McCain to refuse their endorsements, blah, blah, blah. One pastor they think is horrible for speaking the truth about how dangerous Islam is. All and all the argument is an ignorant one…a controversy they are trying to create where there isn’t one. I try my best to deconstruct it.

Planned Parenthood: Kill a Baby for Mother’s Day
Sickening sense of irony, and gall from Planned Parenthood this Mother’s Day.

ACLU: Judges Gave us a Gift
Jay’s co-blogger Nathan Bradfield does a great job summing up the California Supreme Court decision today on gay marriage, and how it affects the overall battle for families. He also does an excellent job interpreting the socialist response of the ACLU, who admits they are circumventing the will of the people and asking for money to continue to do so by convincing courts to overrule the votes of the majority.

ACLU Defends Youthful Terrorists
Here’s an outrage for you. The news is a few days old, but it still should boil the blood. How about rehabilitation and re-integration into society for terrorist bombing, captured enemy combatants under the age of 18? That’s what the ACLU want to do. I guess we once again see where their sympathies lie.

Good News! Sockpuppet to Blog for ACLU’s New Blog!
Good news! The blogosphere’s infamous sock puppet, Glenn Greenwald, will be blogging at the ACLU’s “blog of rights” about one of his favorite subjects, how evil the U.S. is and how we torture people! They’ve also lined up other great bloggers from places like Daily KOS! In case you are wondering, yes I am being sarcastic!

Tenn. Declares Only Dumbest Kids Wanted For State Jobs
Warner Todd Huston informs us of on the state of Tennessee not allowing home school students to work for the government. Homeschool students are probably too smart to be working for the government anyway, but still…

Is John McCain Losing Conservative Support?
McCain has done a huge flip-flop on his position promise to secure the border first and went back to his previous position of immigration reform first and remebers fond memories of he and Kennedy working hard on it. Some Conservatives are ready to jump ship!

Murderer Gets Probation
I’m probably extra-sensitive about this right now, having a newborn and all…but it’s quite outrageous for all. What do you get for throwing your baby into a garbage can resulting in death? How about 30 days of jail time and about 695 days of electronic monitoring? She also will be placed on five years’ probation.

Boy Scouts Sue Philly to Stay in HQ
I know the topic is touchy for some, but I expected to see more support from rightwing blogs for the Boy Scouts on this than I did today. I’ll still throw it out there in case there are some that didn’t know it was going on and want to weigh in on this.

UN “Peacekeepers” Continue to Rape Children
This sick and evil ongoing scandal continues to be ignored at the U.N. It boils the blood! These poor children suffer for this stupid organization’s corrupted evil lusts! Sick!

McClellan Book Connected to Soros?
The McClellan controversy just got more interesting.

Obama Sought Endorsement of Marxist Third Party in 1996
Here is some interesting as well as character confirming info about one of Barack Obama‘s former runs for office. Apparently, Obama actively sought and received the stamp of approval of a Marxist third party that operated briefly in Chicago between 1992 and 1998. The group was called the “New Party” and was started in 1992 by Daniel Cantor (a former staffer for Jesse Jackson‘s 1988 presidential campaign) and Joel Rogers (a sociology and law professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison).

ACLU Advice for Muslims Under Surveillance
A report that mosques in Los Angeles and San Diego are under federal surveillance has resurrected fears in the Muslim community about government monitoring and led two civil rights groups Wednesday to call for congressional hearings.


Corey Saylor, Washington spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said the article in the San Diego Union-Tribune “has again raised concerns that our community is being watched.”


ACLU lawyers regularly go to mosques to advise worshipers that they do not have to answer questions from FBI agents about how long they have been in the United States, how often they attend services and what they get out of the sermons…

Obama’s Pastor: He Says What He Has To Say as a Politician
Soon to be the next controversy…Jay’s got a video snippet and rounding up reactions.

Hero Dad Tackles Sexual Predator Intruder
His ten year old daughter woke up to this freak stroking her hair and screamed. Dad took it from there. The kid confessed to several other break-ins and touching sessions…some more perverted in nature. No telling how many people this father prevented from being violated by taking this kid down.

Chris Matthews: White People Willing to Pick Up Black Heroes, If They’ll Win for Their Side
This is Matthew’s advice to Obama: You got to talk like a firebrand because if you’re carrying their fight for them, they’re going to like you. You know, a lot of white people root for black athletes because they’re winning for the home team. People are quite willing to pick up black heroes, if they’ll win for their side.

Fred Thompson: Would Not Accept Vice President
Disappointing, but not surprising. See the video from Hannity’s interview.

Scalia Explains Originalism
Check out the rare video of an interview with Justics Scalia. He explains the originalist philosphy, and talks about the idiocy of a “living constitution”.

Sneak Peak Into the State of the Democrats
Heh, aren’t these guys super-delegates? I got a kick out of this, hope you enjoy it too.

Tim Russert: Obama is the Nominee
Tim’s already called it, and Drudge reports Hillary is giving herself another loan. Check it out, looks downhill from here for Hillary.

Stupid Liberal Idiot Destroys Pro-Life Display
Liberal thinking: Abortion is a right…you don’t have a right to challenge.

10 Year Old Raped By Illegal Immigrant Gives Birth

Words are inadequate for this horror story…at least they are failing me. This is the kind of news that makes me want to punch the wall….or much worse.

Obama Wants to Be President of 57 States
Major exhaustion gaffe alert! This guy wants to be president??? What a great gaffe!

Sunday Funny
Heh! Why won’t she drop out? She’s a sore loser who’s supporters are racist. Check out the SNL clip.

The Socialist Militant and the ACLU
Please check out Cao’s video and report on the Socialist Militant and the ACLU groupthink on prosecuting illegal alien criminals.

Hillary: I’m Staying In, Just In Case Obama Gets Assassinated?
Major gaffe comes from Hillary. “My husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right? We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California. I don’t understand it,” she said, dismissing calls to drop out.

Democrat Congressman Admits Party Lied About Ending War to Win Election
BUSTED! Congressman Kanjorski: “I’ll tell you my impression. We really in this last election, when I say we…the Democrats, I think pushed it as far as we can to the end of the fleet, didn’t say it, but we implied it. That if we won the Congressional elections, we could stop the war. Now anybody was a good student of Government would know that wasn’t true. But you know, the temptation to want to win back the Congress, we sort of stretched the facts…and people ate it up.”

Is Obama Willing to Meet Ahmadinejad But Not Petraeus?
McCain made Obama squirm into this corner, and now he’s exposing Obama’s cowardice like there is no tomorrow!

Free Healthcare
Great YouTube parody on free health care! Hope you get a chuckle out of it.

Obama Kicks Trinity United To The Curb, Resigns Church Membership?
20 years too late, but political pressure finally cracks him. It will probably actually cost him votes now, in my opinion.

Stop the ACLU! Weekly Roundup 04/14-04/20/2008

As usual, Jay at Stop the ACLU! has some great stuff! These are the highlights; visit his place for the rest!

Supreme Court Upholds Lethal Injection; ACLU Upset
Voting 7-2, It comes as no surprise that the dissenters were Souter and Ginsburg. The ACLU are of course very upset with the decision.

A New Low-Bama: Tom Coburn Same As Terrorist

Anyway, after hemming and hawing (I’m getting pretty sick of this
stuttering stiff being described as “eloquent” and “articulate”) about how it is
illegitimate to even bring up the topic of his decade-long relationship with
another America-hating scoundrel, William Ayers, what does he do?

That’s right…just like his poor little grandma is no different than
Jeremiah Wright (who Obama said tonight is patriotic because he served 40
years ago in the Marine Corps…note to Obamanable…not everyone who served at
one time loves his country, so your reference to his service is meaningless),
the honorable Senator Tom Coburn is no different from unrepentant Weather
Underground terrorist William Ayers.

Let Us Pray-But Don’t You Dare Bow Your Head
Another ridiculous lawsuit from the ACLU, and another idiot judge that doesn’t understand the First Amendment.

Hillary’s Bittergate Attack Ad
With the PA vote in the countdown Hillary is exploiting the “bitter” remarks of Obama for all she can get. Check it out. Could it backfire?

Maine Uni. Puts U.S. Flags on Floor As “Art”
Yet another idiot liberal disgracing the American flag as a form of “artistic expression”. Yet another controversy. An awesome vet counter-protests it. Heartbreaking. Check it out.

Frank Luntz Focus Group: Hillary Wins Debates…Or Was It McCain Who Won?
Heh…did you think I made a typo in the subject? Nah…check out this video to see who the real winner was from tonight’s debate. The most interesting thing from the focus group was how many were willing to vote for McCain if their candidate wasn’t the nominee. Why? Because he is a liberal Republican.

Why Obama’s Association With the Weather Underground Matters
Just a little history lesson on who the Weather Underground, Ayers, and Dohrn are…and what Obama’s association with them are…

At a “War Council” in Flint, Michigan in 1969, their leader Bernardine Dohrn praised the serial murderer Charles Manson: “Dig it. First they killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them. They even shoved a fork into the victim’s stomach. Wild.” She then proclaimed that the
time had come to launch the war against “Amerikkka” (the Weathermen always
spelled America this way) and to form a Weather Underground to carry out
terrorist activities.

Hmmm…the company we keep. Where have we heard about Amerikkka before again?

Is Obama Giving Hillary The Finger?
This video is making the rounds on some pro-Hillary lefty blogs. Take a look and see what you think. Is Obama flipping Hillary the bird, or just scratching his face with his middle finger?

Hillary Speaks Out Against MoveOn.Org
If there was any doubt Hillary was done before, this should get rid of it. The far left will never forgive this.

Newt: Left Wing of the Democratic Party “Kind of Admires American Terrorists”
Check out the video the left are having a meltdown over.

Also posted at Digg! here; GOP Hub here ; Grizzly Groundswell here and Real Clear Politics (gee, I haven’t been censored in a week!) here.

Stop the ACLU! Weekly Roundup 04/14-04/20/2008

As usual, Jay at Stop the ACLU! has some great stuff! These are the highlights; visit his place for the rest!

Supreme Court Upholds Lethal Injection; ACLU Upset
Voting 7-2, It comes as no surprise that the dissenters were Souter and Ginsburg. The ACLU are of course very upset with the decision.

A New Low-Bama: Tom Coburn Same As Terrorist

Anyway, after hemming and hawing (I’m getting pretty sick of this
stuttering stiff being described as “eloquent” and “articulate”) about how it is
illegitimate to even bring up the topic of his decade-long relationship with
another America-hating scoundrel, William Ayers, what does he do?

That’s right…just like his poor little grandma is no different than
Jeremiah Wright (who Obama said tonight is patriotic because he served 40
years ago in the Marine Corps…note to Obamanable…not everyone who served at
one time loves his country, so your reference to his service is meaningless),
the honorable Senator Tom Coburn is no different from unrepentant Weather
Underground terrorist William Ayers.

Let Us Pray-But Don’t You Dare Bow Your Head
Another ridiculous lawsuit from the ACLU, and another idiot judge that doesn’t understand the First Amendment.

Hillary’s Bittergate Attack Ad
With the PA vote in the countdown Hillary is exploiting the “bitter” remarks of Obama for all she can get. Check it out. Could it backfire?

Maine Uni. Puts U.S. Flags on Floor As “Art”
Yet another idiot liberal disgracing the American flag as a form of “artistic expression”. Yet another controversy. An awesome vet counter-protests it. Heartbreaking. Check it out.

Frank Luntz Focus Group: Hillary Wins Debates…Or Was It McCain Who Won?
Heh…did you think I made a typo in the subject? Nah…check out this video to see who the real winner was from tonight’s debate. The most interesting thing from the focus group was how many were willing to vote for McCain if their candidate wasn’t the nominee. Why? Because he is a liberal Republican.

Why Obama’s Association With the Weather Underground Matters
Just a little history lesson on who the Weather Underground, Ayers, and Dohrn are…and what Obama’s association with them are…

At a “War Council” in Flint, Michigan in 1969, their leader Bernardine Dohrn praised the serial murderer Charles Manson: “Dig it. First they killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them. They even shoved a fork into the victim’s stomach. Wild.” She then proclaimed that the
time had come to launch the war against “Amerikkka” (the Weathermen always
spelled America this way) and to form a Weather Underground to carry out
terrorist activities.

Hmmm…the company we keep. Where have we heard about Amerikkka before again?

Is Obama Giving Hillary The Finger?
This video is making the rounds on some pro-Hillary lefty blogs. Take a look and see what you think. Is Obama flipping Hillary the bird, or just scratching his face with his middle finger?

Hillary Speaks Out Against MoveOn.Org
If there was any doubt Hillary was done before, this should get rid of it. The far left will never forgive this.

Newt: Left Wing of the Democratic Party “Kind of Admires American Terrorists”
Check out the video the left are having a meltdown over.

Also posted at Digg! here; GOP Hub here ; Grizzly Groundswell here and Real Clear Politics (gee, I haven’t been censored in a week!) here.

Stop the ACLU! Weekly Roundup 03/16-04/13/2008

Boy have I been lax! Sorry, dear readers, many things going on at home. However, Jay at Stop the ACLU! has had many, MANY excellent reads. Check them out as well as his new look on the site here.

Why is Obama Speaking on Race Tomorrow?
I understand he has to speak strongly to survive about his pastor’s hateful remarks, but he says he will also address the issue of race and how some of these issues are viewed in the black church. This controversy didn’t really have anything to do with race unless he plans on addressing the racism of his pastor. My thoughts are that this can go two ways. If he plays the victim and race card he only digs his hole deeper.

Obama Pastor’s Theology: Destroy the White Enemy
As Obama gives his speech on “race” and the black church tomorrow…let’s see if he touches on this:

While Barack Obama has responded to an admitted “firestorm” over hispastor’s racist and anti-American statements by claiming he didn’t hear them in
person, Rev. Jeremiah Wright has defended himself in the past by referring to
his foundational philosophy, the “black liberation theology” of scholars such as
James Cone, who regard Jesus Christ as a “black messiah” and blacks as “the
chosen people” who will only accept a God who assists their aim of destroying
the “white enemy.”

“If God is not for us and against white people,” writes Cone, “then he
is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill
gods who do not belong to the black community”

Obama’s Church: White Church is the Anti-Christ
And the controversy and absurdity just keeps rolling out of Obama’s church!

NH ACLU Goes To Bat for Sex Offenders
You know the laws we pass to protect our children? Common sense stuff like not letting child rapists live next door to elementary schools and playgrounds? The ACLU are fighting against those laws once again. The NH ACLU are going to bat for rapist and child molesters to live wherever they like…and I think we know where they like. Lots of idiotic ACLU quotes and a good little rant from me.

LiveLeak Pulls FITNA Due to Death Threats
A sad day for free speech. Just in case you haven’t heard the news yet.

Obama: Babies are Punishment
Speaking to supporters in PA on the topic of abortion, Obama elequantly described his feelings on abortion. Nathan Bradfield informs us:

“Look, I got two daughters — 9 years old and 6 years old,” he said. “I am going to teach them first about values and morals, but if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby.”

The answer appeared to be in response to his opposition to abstinence-only education, but rather a preference of comprehensive sexual education that includes some abstinence sprinkled in.

Regardless of your feelings on sexual education, this statement oozes with animosity. It also reveals the true heart of Barack Obama

Kermit the Frog Hates Oil Companies? Next Muppet Movie Anti-Capitalist?
News has leaked out from the folks at Muppet central (The Jim Henson Company) that the next Muppet feature film will sport a story line that attacks oil companies. According to, the story will center around all our favorite Muppets producing a show to raise money to save their old theater. They need the money, of course, because an “evil character” is trying to buy the building so that he might tear it down to “get at the oil underneath.”
Why is it we have to turn everything into an anti-capitalism, anti-oil hatefest?

If Hillary Can’t Pay Her Own Health Care Bill…
Oh the irony! Of course it begs the question…if she can’t pay her own campaign’s health care bills…then…well…fill in the blank. Among the debts reported this month by Hillary Rodham Clinton’s struggling presidential campaign, the $292,000 in unpaid health insurance premiums for her campaign staff stands out.

Hillary Was Fired From Congressional Job For Unethical Behavior
The icing on the top of all the lies. If this gets legs, it could do her in, and her future…in my opinion. In one written legal memorandum, she advocated denying President Nixonrepresentation by counsel. In so doing she simply ignored the fact that in the committee’s then most recent prior impeachment proceeding, the committee had afforded the right to counsel to Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas.

ACLU Re-Asserts Its Love Affair With al-Quaida Terrorists
The left side of the blogosphere are foaming at the mouth over recently revealed memos on how we rough up captured terrorists to get important info. Not very many rightwingers are even commenting. Fellow contributor Gribbit gives a good rant.

ACLU Fails In Attack On Baptist Children’s Home
The ADF thwarts another ridiculous attack from the ACLU on a charitable group just because they are Christian.

ACLU Assembles Dream Team to Defend Gitmo Terrorists
The ACLU gets the best for the worst…

Judge Places Liens On Westboro Baptist Church
Left and right can celebrate something together! A Judge deserves an award! The Hate cult is dealt a blow! Awesome stuff!

A federal judge in Maryland on Thursday ordered liens on the Westboro Baptist Church building and the Phelps-Chartered Law office.

If the case presided over by U.S. District Court Judge Richard D. Bennett is upheld by an appeals court, the church, at 3701 S.W. 12th, and the office building, at 1414 S.W. Topeka Blvd., could be obtained by the court and sold, with the proceeds being applied toward $5 million in damages Bennett imposed on church members for picketing a military funeral.

ACLU Sues Prison to Appease Muslims Over Meal Times
Does Allah put a penalty on someone if their prayer time is 20 minutes early or late? I don’t see any real grounds for this lawsuit. Maybe I’m wrong.

Arizona Monument That Blames America for 9/11 Gets Facelift
Remember the controversial memorial in Arizona that had phrases all over it blaming America for 9/11? A bit of good news about it.

The Arizona House voted to alter the 9/11 memorial this month.

Unfortunately, we ended up with another example of why Democrats cannot be trusted with our security as well as why it is a good assumption that most Democrats hate their own country. The Republic reports that the vote was practically a party line vote at 32 in favor to 26.

But, the fight isn’t over. Many who favor the anti-military and anti-American aspects of the “memorial” are vowing to fight to preserve their vision.

“I don’t see how anyone can say this bill will actually end the controversy,”
said Rep. Steve Farley, a Tucson Democrat who argued against Kavanagh’s measure.
“This is just the tip of the iceberg.”

Boy Scouts in Philadelphia Threatened by Left

The Pennsylvania primary election is on April 22. We’re asking Americans who support the Boy Scouts to sign a petition to the Pennsylvania media, calling on them to ask the candidates at local, state, and federal levels about the Boy Scouts. From city councils to Congress and the presidency, our politicians can either affirm the Boy Scouts or they can side with the ACLU and other groups that are attacking the Scouts.

The ACLU tried to stop a military base from holding the Boy Scout Jamboree. The ACLU has worked to get Boy Scouts out of our schools and public parks. And one presidential candidate said that if elected he would renounce the title of Boy Scouts honorary president.

We need to make the attacks on Scouting an issue in this election.

6 Teenage Girls Beat Another Girl, Just to Film it For The Internet-Updated With Video
Here is the horrible shocking news of the day…yet another example of where our youth are going down the wrong path. I want to warn you this is absolutely horrifying stuff here!

An Arizona School Board Promotes an Illicit After Prom Activity
A rant from a special guest, my co-blogger’s pregnant wife!

New Mexico “Human Rights” Commission: Christian Photographer “Guilty of Discrimination” for Declining to Photograph Same-Sex “Committment Ceremony”; Slapped With Nearly $7K in Legal Fees
Political correctness trumps freedom of speech once again. Where is the ACLU on this one?

Pro-Life Speaker Banned From Catholic University but Transgender Speaker OK
Another University that believes in “selective” free speech. Conservatives need not apply.

Herndon, VA – Liberal administrators at the University of St. Thomas, a Catholic university and private college in Minnesota, censored the appearance of prominent pro-life and black speaker Star Parker. On April 21, 2008, Star—the best-selling author of numerous books—was slated to speak on campus about the devastating impact abortion has on minority communities. UST Vice President of Student Affairs Jane Canney nixed the idea entirely, citing “concerns” that the lecture was being underwritten by Young America’s Foundation.

Katie Kieffer, a 2005 alumna of St. Thomas and founder of the independent conservative newspaper on campus, the St. Thomas Standard, as well as the non-profit Conservative Student News Inc., was an organizer of the Star Parker lecture. She confronted Canney on her refusal to allow Star on campus. “Our Catholic university has hosted two decidedly liberal speakers in the past year, Al Franken and Debra Davis, an outspoken transgender woman,” Kieffer wrote in the St. Thomas Standard.

Why, then, won’t St. Thomas welcome Star Parker—a pro-life, Christian speaker?

Jane Canney told Katie and her sister, Amie Kieffer, a senior at St. Thomas and editor of the St. Thomas Standard, “As long as I am a vice president at St. Thomas, the Young America’s Foundation will not be allowed on campus.” Canney didn’t return the Foundation’s phone calls seeking comment. The Student Life Committee, on which Jane Canney resides, denied the Students for Human Life and the St. Thomas Standard a room on campus for Star Parker’s lecture. The young conservatives only needed a room and advertising space to host Parker, as Young America’s Foundation and Conservative Student News Inc. were covering all other costs.

ACLU Calls for Independent Counsel to Investigate Bush
Wouldn’t it be a beautiful headline if it were the other way around? Idiots at the ACLU still think the Constitution applies to foreign terrorists.


Ferraro Quits
We all knew it was coming, but it was fun to watch the liberal identity meltdown over this one.

Obama Refuses to Disown His Racist Pastor
Obama gave his speech. The leftards and talking heads are swooning. However, much of it fails for me.

Obama: Grandmother is a “Typical White Person”
The true feelings of harbored racism come out as Obama throws white people under the bus now. Foot in mouth.

CNN Spin for Obama
CNN spins like crazy but it has nothing to do with facts.

CBS Exposes Hillary’s Exaggerations on Foreign Policy
If you haven’t seen the video yet, you gotta check it out. Hillary will most likely keep digging.

McCain: When Will Hillary Apologize to General Petraeus?

McCain makes a nice move here…I just hope he isn’t holding his breath for the apology.

Obama’s Church Buys Rev. Wright a $1.6 Million Mansion

I guess it pays well to preach to the poor!

More Obama Lies the Media Will Ignore

In a speech to a Selma, Alabama crowd meant to pump up his civil-rights movement authenticity and his Kennedy Camelot image, Barack Obama claimed that the Kennedy administration paid for his Kenyan father to travel to America on a student scholarship and therefore was responsible for his “very existence”. However, the first march on Selma took place on March 7, 1965. Obama would have been about three and half years old at that time. For some reason the media never did the math on this. There were more lies as well.

John McCain Answers Hillary’s 3 a.m. Ad
Pretty awesome political ad from McCain answering Hillary’s 3 a.m. ad. Very nice. But why do these people keep calling so late?

Geraldine Ferraro: Randi Rhodes Should be Fired
Can the Democratic nomination process get any nastier? I hope so.

Vigilante Vet Sentenced for Desecrating Mexican Flag
Patriotic hero to some, racist criminal to others. I think I know where most people lean.

In Honor of Michael Monsoor
The media are absent in covering this hero and others. Lets not let the blogosphere fail in that area. Post something honoring these heroes if you haven’t already.

Father of Beaten Lakeland Girl: No Choice But to Home School
A wise choice in my opinion…especially under the horrific circumstances and the embarrassment she went through having her beating shown across the nation.

SnOb-ama on Small Town Voters: Bitter, Xenophobic, Religious, Anti-Immigration
I’ve also got a video of Hillary’s response.

Obama: Socialist Agenda?
Video of a discussion between Mark Stein and Glenn Beck on Obama’s socialist agenda.

Also posted at Digg! here; GOP Hub here and Real Clear Politics (again, unless continuing the censorship antics) here.

Stop the ACLU! Weekly Roundup 03/16-04/13/2008

Boy have I been lax! Sorry, dear readers, many things going on at home. However, Jay at Stop the ACLU! has had many, MANY excellent reads. Check them out as well as his new look on the site here.

Why is Obama Speaking on Race Tomorrow?
I understand he has to speak strongly to survive about his pastor’s hateful remarks, but he says he will also address the issue of race and how some of these issues are viewed in the black church. This controversy didn’t really have anything to do with race unless he plans on addressing the racism of his pastor. My thoughts are that this can go two ways. If he plays the victim and race card he only digs his hole deeper.

Obama Pastor’s Theology: Destroy the White Enemy
As Obama gives his speech on “race” and the black church tomorrow…let’s see if he touches on this:

While Barack Obama has responded to an admitted “firestorm” over hispastor’s racist and anti-American statements by claiming he didn’t hear them in
person, Rev. Jeremiah Wright has defended himself in the past by referring to
his foundational philosophy, the “black liberation theology” of scholars such as
James Cone, who regard Jesus Christ as a “black messiah” and blacks as “the
chosen people” who will only accept a God who assists their aim of destroying
the “white enemy.”

“If God is not for us and against white people,” writes Cone, “then he
is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill
gods who do not belong to the black community”

Obama’s Church: White Church is the Anti-Christ
And the controversy and absurdity just keeps rolling out of Obama’s church!

NH ACLU Goes To Bat for Sex Offenders
You know the laws we pass to protect our children? Common sense stuff like not letting child rapists live next door to elementary schools and playgrounds? The ACLU are fighting against those laws once again. The NH ACLU are going to bat for rapist and child molesters to live wherever they like…and I think we know where they like. Lots of idiotic ACLU quotes and a good little rant from me.

LiveLeak Pulls FITNA Due to Death Threats
A sad day for free speech. Just in case you haven’t heard the news yet.

Obama: Babies are Punishment
Speaking to supporters in PA on the topic of abortion, Obama elequantly described his feelings on abortion. Nathan Bradfield informs us:

“Look, I got two daughters — 9 years old and 6 years old,” he said. “I am going to teach them first about values and morals, but if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby.”

The answer appeared to be in response to his opposition to abstinence-only education, but rather a preference of comprehensive sexual education that includes some abstinence sprinkled in.

Regardless of your feelings on sexual education, this statement oozes with animosity. It also reveals the true heart of Barack Obama

Kermit the Frog Hates Oil Companies? Next Muppet Movie Anti-Capitalist?
News has leaked out from the folks at Muppet central (The Jim Henson Company) that the next Muppet feature film will sport a story line that attacks oil companies. According to, the story will center around all our favorite Muppets producing a show to raise money to save their old theater. They need the money, of course, because an “evil character” is trying to buy the building so that he might tear it down to “get at the oil underneath.”
Why is it we have to turn everything into an anti-capitalism, anti-oil hatefest?

If Hillary Can’t Pay Her Own Health Care Bill…
Oh the irony! Of course it begs the question…if she can’t pay her own campaign’s health care bills…then…well…fill in the blank. Among the debts reported this month by Hillary Rodham Clinton’s struggling presidential campaign, the $292,000 in unpaid health insurance premiums for her campaign staff stands out.

Hillary Was Fired From Congressional Job For Unethical Behavior
The icing on the top of all the lies. If this gets legs, it could do her in, and her future…in my opinion. In one written legal memorandum, she advocated denying President Nixonrepresentation by counsel. In so doing she simply ignored the fact that in the committee’s then most recent prior impeachment proceeding, the committee had afforded the right to counsel to Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas.

ACLU Re-Asserts Its Love Affair With al-Quaida Terrorists
The left side of the blogosphere are foaming at the mouth over recently revealed memos on how we rough up captured terrorists to get important info. Not very many rightwingers are even commenting. Fellow contributor Gribbit gives a good rant.

ACLU Fails In Attack On Baptist Children’s Home
The ADF thwarts another ridiculous attack from the ACLU on a charitable group just because they are Christian.

ACLU Assembles Dream Team to Defend Gitmo Terrorists
The ACLU gets the best for the worst…

Judge Places Liens On Westboro Baptist Church
Left and right can celebrate something together! A Judge deserves an award! The Hate cult is dealt a blow! Awesome stuff!

A federal judge in Maryland on Thursday ordered liens on the Westboro Baptist Church building and the Phelps-Chartered Law office.

If the case presided over by U.S. District Court Judge Richard D. Bennett is upheld by an appeals court, the church, at 3701 S.W. 12th, and the office building, at 1414 S.W. Topeka Blvd., could be obtained by the court and sold, with the proceeds being applied toward $5 million in damages Bennett imposed on church members for picketing a military funeral.

ACLU Sues Prison to Appease Muslims Over Meal Times
Does Allah put a penalty on someone if their prayer time is 20 minutes early or late? I don’t see any real grounds for this lawsuit. Maybe I’m wrong.

Arizona Monument That Blames America for 9/11 Gets Facelift
Remember the controversial memorial in Arizona that had phrases all over it blaming America for 9/11? A bit of good news about it.

The Arizona House voted to alter the 9/11 memorial this month.

Unfortunately, we ended up with another example of why Democrats cannot be trusted with our security as well as why it is a good assumption that most Democrats hate their own country. The Republic reports that the vote was practically a party line vote at 32 in favor to 26.

But, the fight isn’t over. Many who favor the anti-military and anti-American aspects of the “memorial” are vowing to fight to preserve their vision.

“I don’t see how anyone can say this bill will actually end the controversy,”
said Rep. Steve Farley, a Tucson Democrat who argued against Kavanagh’s measure.
“This is just the tip of the iceberg.”

Boy Scouts in Philadelphia Threatened by Left

The Pennsylvania primary election is on April 22. We’re asking Americans who support the Boy Scouts to sign a petition to the Pennsylvania media, calling on them to ask the candidates at local, state, and federal levels about the Boy Scouts. From city councils to Congress and the presidency, our politicians can either affirm the Boy Scouts or they can side with the ACLU and other groups that are attacking the Scouts.

The ACLU tried to stop a military base from holding the Boy Scout Jamboree. The ACLU has worked to get Boy Scouts out of our schools and public parks. And one presidential candidate said that if elected he would renounce the title of Boy Scouts honorary president.

We need to make the attacks on Scouting an issue in this election.

6 Teenage Girls Beat Another Girl, Just to Film it For The Internet-Updated With Video
Here is the horrible shocking news of the day…yet another example of where our youth are going down the wrong path. I want to warn you this is absolutely horrifying stuff here!

An Arizona School Board Promotes an Illicit After Prom Activity
A rant from a special guest, my co-blogger’s pregnant wife!

New Mexico “Human Rights” Commission: Christian Photographer “Guilty of Discrimination” for Declining to Photograph Same-Sex “Committment Ceremony”; Slapped With Nearly $7K in Legal Fees
Political correctness trumps freedom of speech once again. Where is the ACLU on this one?

Pro-Life Speaker Banned From Catholic University but Transgender Speaker OK
Another University that believes in “selective” free speech. Conservatives need not apply.

Herndon, VA – Liberal administrators at the University of St. Thomas, a Catholic university and private college in Minnesota, censored the appearance of prominent pro-life and black speaker Star Parker. On April 21, 2008, Star—the best-selling author of numerous books—was slated to speak on campus about the devastating impact abortion has on minority communities. UST Vice President of Student Affairs Jane Canney nixed the idea entirely, citing “concerns” that the lecture was being underwritten by Young America’s Foundation.

Katie Kieffer, a 2005 alumna of St. Thomas and founder of the independent conservative newspaper on campus, the St. Thomas Standard, as well as the non-profit Conservative Student News Inc., was an organizer of the Star Parker lecture. She confronted Canney on her refusal to allow Star on campus. “Our Catholic university has hosted two decidedly liberal speakers in the past year, Al Franken and Debra Davis, an outspoken transgender woman,” Kieffer wrote in the St. Thomas Standard.

Why, then, won’t St. Thomas welcome Star Parker—a pro-life, Christian speaker?

Jane Canney told Katie and her sister, Amie Kieffer, a senior at St. Thomas and editor of the St. Thomas Standard, “As long as I am a vice president at St. Thomas, the Young America’s Foundation will not be allowed on campus.” Canney didn’t return the Foundation’s phone calls seeking comment. The Student Life Committee, on which Jane Canney resides, denied the Students for Human Life and the St. Thomas Standard a room on campus for Star Parker’s lecture. The young conservatives only needed a room and advertising space to host Parker, as Young America’s Foundation and Conservative Student News Inc. were covering all other costs.

ACLU Calls for Independent Counsel to Investigate Bush
Wouldn’t it be a beautiful headline if it were the other way around? Idiots at the ACLU still think the Constitution applies to foreign terrorists.


Ferraro Quits
We all knew it was coming, but it was fun to watch the liberal identity meltdown over this one.

Obama Refuses to Disown His Racist Pastor
Obama gave his speech. The leftards and talking heads are swooning. However, much of it fails for me.

Obama: Grandmother is a “Typical White Person”
The true feelings of harbored racism come out as Obama throws white people under the bus now. Foot in mouth.

CNN Spin for Obama
CNN spins like crazy but it has nothing to do with facts.

CBS Exposes Hillary’s Exaggerations on Foreign Policy
If you haven’t seen the video yet, you gotta check it out. Hillary will most likely keep digging.

McCain: When Will Hillary Apologize to General Petraeus?

McCain makes a nice move here…I just hope he isn’t holding his breath for the apology.

Obama’s Church Buys Rev. Wright a $1.6 Million Mansion

I guess it pays well to preach to the poor!

More Obama Lies the Media Will Ignore

In a speech to a Selma, Alabama crowd meant to pump up his civil-rights movement authenticity and his Kennedy Camelot image, Barack Obama claimed that the Kennedy administration paid for his Kenyan father to travel to America on a student scholarship and therefore was responsible for his “very existence”. However, the first march on Selma took place on March 7, 1965. Obama would have been about three and half years old at that time. For some reason the media never did the math on this. There were more lies as well.

John McCain Answers Hillary’s 3 a.m. Ad
Pretty awesome political ad from McCain answering Hillary’s 3 a.m. ad. Very nice. But why do these people keep calling so late?

Geraldine Ferraro: Randi Rhodes Should be Fired
Can the Democratic nomination process get any nastier? I hope so.

Vigilante Vet Sentenced for Desecrating Mexican Flag
Patriotic hero to some, racist criminal to others. I think I know where most people lean.

In Honor of Michael Monsoor
The media are absent in covering this hero and others. Lets not let the blogosphere fail in that area. Post something honoring these heroes if you haven’t already.

Father of Beaten Lakeland Girl: No Choice But to Home School
A wise choice in my opinion…especially under the horrific circumstances and the embarrassment she went through having her beating shown across the nation.

SnOb-ama on Small Town Voters: Bitter, Xenophobic, Religious, Anti-Immigration
I’ve also got a video of Hillary’s response.

Obama: Socialist Agenda?
Video of a discussion between Mark Stein and Glenn Beck on Obama’s socialist agenda.

Also posted at Digg! here; GOP Hub here and Real Clear Politics (again, unless continuing the censorship antics) here.