Cultural Jihad: It’s Not My Fault


We are living in an American Society where no one has to take responsibility for their own actions because the “whatever it is” (pick a subject and insert) is always due to someone else’s actions or inactions.

Bookworm has a “case in point” article at The American Thinker which illustrates that very happenstance where the Finger of Blame points in the general direction of every where else except the Root Cause. Read it and carry on.

Also, we live in a society where the vast majority of one particular major political party and a very significant part of the other major political party are in the habit of being against anything and everything someone else comes up with as a viable plan to solve a “whatever it is” issue.

Take the Global Warming Myth, for example. Everyone knows that the Global Warming issue is a fraudulent exercise in ignorance and shamster connivery (yes I made those two words up – get over it) but the proponents of said scam beat GWB over the head with it. So, in an attempt to sway the fray as it were, GWB comes up with perhaps a talking point to “move forward” with the discussion. It isn’t good enough due to BDS. The loudest mouth whining about it is Mr Incompetent himself, Harry Loser Reid. “Whatever it is I’m against it” comes to mind. Personally, I think GWB is a flake for coming up with the greenhouse gas ignorance but, hey, each to their own. The point is, the Liberal Mind is a mental disorder and the Global Warming Myth is killing people. Al Gore, “playing on our fears” needs to face the crimes against humanity he has wrought. If not, at least take his dumb peace prize back and give it to Milton Berle.

In other news, we have yet another fine article by Debra Baker at The American Thinker adding credence to my previous post here in regards to Saddam Hussein and the plethora of links to Global Jihad terrorists and terrorist organizations. I guess it wasn’t his fault seeing that the terrorist mind is also a mental disorder just as the liberal mind is a mental disorder. What goes around comes around. It is GWB’s fault…I forgot…how silly of me.

And then, we have the once upon a time Main Stream Media, now defunct and renamed/dubbed the Lame Stream Media, giving way to us, the Conservative Citizen Journalists, as The New Media. Seeing that the Leftinistra bloggers ape and mimic the “old media”, we don’t even consider them to be media, ergo, insignificant pawns in a sewer ripe with all manner of disease, hate and discontent – mental disorders.

Ralph Peters brings them all to the woodshed in a piece entitled MEDIA’S WAR LIES; WARPED GLEE OVER DESERTERS. Bloody hell. It isn’t their fault, really. Flip Wilson loved the New York Slimes at one time. The devil makes the old media do crazy things like blow issues out of proportion or taking a known fact and building an entire ill-conceived premise based in nothing but wishful thinking. They are so invested in defeat to save face – sound familiar to anyone – that they will mislead just to say “I told ya so” and then when the Truth comes out, they are silent as a dead skunk. The stench gives them away.

Attaturk at SmolderingMuttGoo is yet another prime example of placing blame elsewhere. Some how, some way, the final DNC debate quagmire was Michelle Malkin’s and Steve Doocy’s fault. The Liberal Mind is a mental disorder.

Cultural Jihad: It’s Not My Fault


We are living in an American Society where no one has to take responsibility for their own actions because the “whatever it is” (pick a subject and insert) is always due to someone else’s actions or inactions.

Bookworm has a “case in point” article at The American Thinker which illustrates that very happenstance where the Finger of Blame points in the general direction of every where else except the Root Cause. Read it and carry on.

Also, we live in a society where the vast majority of one particular major political party and a very significant part of the other major political party are in the habit of being against anything and everything someone else comes up with as a viable plan to solve a “whatever it is” issue.

Take the Global Warming Myth, for example. Everyone knows that the Global Warming issue is a fraudulent exercise in ignorance and shamster connivery (yes I made those two words up – get over it) but the proponents of said scam beat GWB over the head with it. So, in an attempt to sway the fray as it were, GWB comes up with perhaps a talking point to “move forward” with the discussion. It isn’t good enough due to BDS. The loudest mouth whining about it is Mr Incompetent himself, Harry Loser Reid. “Whatever it is I’m against it” comes to mind. Personally, I think GWB is a flake for coming up with the greenhouse gas ignorance but, hey, each to their own. The point is, the Liberal Mind is a mental disorder and the Global Warming Myth is killing people. Al Gore, “playing on our fears” needs to face the crimes against humanity he has wrought. If not, at least take his dumb peace prize back and give it to Milton Berle.

In other news, we have yet another fine article by Debra Baker at The American Thinker adding credence to my previous post here in regards to Saddam Hussein and the plethora of links to Global Jihad terrorists and terrorist organizations. I guess it wasn’t his fault seeing that the terrorist mind is also a mental disorder just as the liberal mind is a mental disorder. What goes around comes around. It is GWB’s fault…I forgot…how silly of me.

And then, we have the once upon a time Main Stream Media, now defunct and renamed/dubbed the Lame Stream Media, giving way to us, the Conservative Citizen Journalists, as The New Media. Seeing that the Leftinistra bloggers ape and mimic the “old media”, we don’t even consider them to be media, ergo, insignificant pawns in a sewer ripe with all manner of disease, hate and discontent – mental disorders.

Ralph Peters brings them all to the woodshed in a piece entitled MEDIA’S WAR LIES; WARPED GLEE OVER DESERTERS. Bloody hell. It isn’t their fault, really. Flip Wilson loved the New York Slimes at one time. The devil makes the old media do crazy things like blow issues out of proportion or taking a known fact and building an entire ill-conceived premise based in nothing but wishful thinking. They are so invested in defeat to save face – sound familiar to anyone – that they will mislead just to say “I told ya so” and then when the Truth comes out, they are silent as a dead skunk. The stench gives them away.

Attaturk at SmolderingMuttGoo is yet another prime example of placing blame elsewhere. Some how, some way, the final DNC debate quagmire was Michelle Malkin’s and Steve Doocy’s fault. The Liberal Mind is a mental disorder.