War News: McClatchey News Anti-Americanists


These poor excuses for journalistic integrity couldn’t get a story straight if their lives depended on it. And, by the way, it does. They just don’t or won’t see the threats from the enemy. They are very similar if not identical to the chronic malcontents at SmolderingMutantBlobs. Every time I read such disingenuous TP worthy trash written by members of the anti-Americanist class of fools, I always question their motives, their Patriotism and their social integrity. We all know their motives – lose the war at any cost in order to be able to say, “See? We told you so.” We all know to whom and to what they swear their allegiances to – anyone that hates the United States; anyone that will replace the United States Constitution with some morphed socio-commie tripe; anyone that will rid this land of Traditional Americana; anyone that will replace a thriving Capitalist Economy with a failed socialist “everyone is equally poor” economy; anyone that can defeat the United States.

As for their social integrity – they wouldn’t know what integrity means. We also know that they most assuredly do not follow Ethics In Journalism. Ethics and integrity are alien in conceptual reality to an anti-Americanist socialist hack group such as McClatchey News. They take snippets of data out of context and feed it to their drones of ignorance like it is socialist gospel. The Abyss of Obscurity is too good for them.

Donald Douglas has two fantastic articles up where he takes this sycophant drones of ignorance behind the woodshed and leaves them there to wallow in pain and hate. The articles are entitled Antiwar Rush to Judgment on Alleged Pentagon Surrender Report and Distorted Antiwar Propaganda. Both pieces are must reads due to his keen flare to detail and pointing out the obvious to the oblivious – that would be to the anti-Americanist hacks.

Our functions and jobs as Keyboard Warriors is to expose these pathetic minions of the George Soros ilk of cowards and fools and support our Troops AND The Mission(s) at hand. We understand the enemy and they either don’t or won’t. It is either or and there can be no other intent of these ill-advised doom and gloomers.

The Leftinistra writers and whiners can be found here in abundant supply as they dig into non-issue issues as they so commonly do in the hopes that they can vindicate themselves from being on the wrong side of every issue at every turn due to their pure, unadulterated hatred of President Bush – BDS. Nothing else matters to them, they are so blinded by their hate.

Ed Morrissey has a great piece as well on this same subject. So does Macsmind. As does Protein Wisdom. More recent chatter on this topic is at Memorandum. The bottom line is as follows. The report in question is about issues in and around the time frame of 2002 > 2004. It has nothing to do with current issues but the Leftinistra disregard that factoid all together. Typical Moonbattery.

From Macsmind:

At least that the way the anti-Bush rag McClatchy summed it up. Unfortunately for them it’s not the truth. Small Wars Journal did a little digging and interviewing the author of the study and former Sec. Rumsfeld deputy Joseph Collins and discovered that journalists sometimes toss the truth and go for the good old fashion BS. Here via SWJ is the response of Mr. Collins. (Note the McClatchy story ran as well in the Miami Herald). […]


From Hot Air:

The Miami Herald reports on a study at the National Defense University that it claims calls the war in Iraq a “major debacle” with the outcome in doubt. However, what the Miami Herald didn’t report was that the study looked at a specific time period and has little bearing on the current status of the conflict. How do we know that? A blogger decided to do what the Herald couldn’t – journalism. […]

Ouch. We are The New Media, folks. We check, cross-check and verify everything. Our agenda is The Truth whether we like it or not.

Naturally, from the readings on the subject, the first anti-Americanists that jumped on another wagon with no wheels was Think Like A Socialist Hack

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War News: McClatchey News Anti-Americanists


These poor excuses for journalistic integrity couldn’t get a story straight if their lives depended on it. And, by the way, it does. They just don’t or won’t see the threats from the enemy. They are very similar if not identical to the chronic malcontents at SmolderingMutantBlobs. Every time I read such disingenuous TP worthy trash written by members of the anti-Americanist class of fools, I always question their motives, their Patriotism and their social integrity. We all know their motives – lose the war at any cost in order to be able to say, “See? We told you so.” We all know to whom and to what they swear their allegiances to – anyone that hates the United States; anyone that will replace the United States Constitution with some morphed socio-commie tripe; anyone that will rid this land of Traditional Americana; anyone that will replace a thriving Capitalist Economy with a failed socialist “everyone is equally poor” economy; anyone that can defeat the United States.

As for their social integrity – they wouldn’t know what integrity means. We also know that they most assuredly do not follow Ethics In Journalism. Ethics and integrity are alien in conceptual reality to an anti-Americanist socialist hack group such as McClatchey News. They take snippets of data out of context and feed it to their drones of ignorance like it is socialist gospel. The Abyss of Obscurity is too good for them.

Donald Douglas has two fantastic articles up where he takes this sycophant drones of ignorance behind the woodshed and leaves them there to wallow in pain and hate. The articles are entitled Antiwar Rush to Judgment on Alleged Pentagon Surrender Report and Distorted Antiwar Propaganda. Both pieces are must reads due to his keen flare to detail and pointing out the obvious to the oblivious – that would be to the anti-Americanist hacks.

Our functions and jobs as Keyboard Warriors is to expose these pathetic minions of the George Soros ilk of cowards and fools and support our Troops AND The Mission(s) at hand. We understand the enemy and they either don’t or won’t. It is either or and there can be no other intent of these ill-advised doom and gloomers.

The Leftinistra writers and whiners can be found here in abundant supply as they dig into non-issue issues as they so commonly do in the hopes that they can vindicate themselves from being on the wrong side of every issue at every turn due to their pure, unadulterated hatred of President Bush – BDS. Nothing else matters to them, they are so blinded by their hate.

Ed Morrissey has a great piece as well on this same subject. So does Macsmind. As does Protein Wisdom. More recent chatter on this topic is at Memorandum. The bottom line is as follows. The report in question is about issues in and around the time frame of 2002 > 2004. It has nothing to do with current issues but the Leftinistra disregard that factoid all together. Typical Moonbattery.

From Macsmind:

At least that the way the anti-Bush rag McClatchy summed it up. Unfortunately for them it’s not the truth. Small Wars Journal did a little digging and interviewing the author of the study and former Sec. Rumsfeld deputy Joseph Collins and discovered that journalists sometimes toss the truth and go for the good old fashion BS. Here via SWJ is the response of Mr. Collins. (Note the McClatchy story ran as well in the Miami Herald). […]


From Hot Air:

The Miami Herald reports on a study at the National Defense University that it claims calls the war in Iraq a “major debacle” with the outcome in doubt. However, what the Miami Herald didn’t report was that the study looked at a specific time period and has little bearing on the current status of the conflict. How do we know that? A blogger decided to do what the Herald couldn’t – journalism. […]

Ouch. We are The New Media, folks. We check, cross-check and verify everything. Our agenda is The Truth whether we like it or not.

Naturally, from the readings on the subject, the first anti-Americanists that jumped on another wagon with no wheels was Think Like A Socialist Hack

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