Islamophobia or the Jihad Against American Society?

Although the FBI announced this month that hate crimes reported by Muslims have decreased significantly since the year of the September 11, and that harassment against Jews outnumber incidents against all other religious and ethnic groups, American Muslims have launched a major PR war against “Islamophobia.”

Obviously, the great majority of Americans are not Islamophobic, but they are deeply concerned that moderate American Muslims have failed to step forward to condemn and to end the radical Islamist take over of Islam – at least in America. American Muslims have had five years since 9/11 to stand up and show where their loyalties lay. It is no longer tolerable to most Americans that American Muslims give lip service to the condemnation of terrorism while shielding terrorists within their own communities. It is obscene that American Muslims should choose to play the role of victim while their major mouth-piece, the terrorist linked Council on American Islamic Relations, wages jihad against American society.

Ultimately, the decision about whether America becomes Islamophobic lies in the hands of American Muslims. It is now time for American Muslims to speak out against the Islamists in their midst. As Martin Luther King Jr. said, “We will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”

FYI: Islam is the fastest growing religion in America.

Read Jihad comes to Small Town, USA

Must See Video Clips

“Obsession is without exaggeration one of the most important films of our time. ” — Glenn Beck CNN Headline News

“Obsession is required viewing for everyone. ” — Howard Gordon Executive Producer “24”

Click Here to Watch Obsession

Click here to watch Obsession (Abridged Version)

Other important videos you must watch:

Iran Undercover: The Hidden Revolution
In the Name of God
Jihad in America
Lifting the Veil: Zarmina’s Story
American Jihad: The Terrorists Living Among Us
Islam: What the West Needs to Know
“A Great Series On The History Of Jihad”

Cross posted excerpt from Spruce Goose

Iran Press News: One of the many regime-run news agenciesAyandeh’yeh Roshan reported:
“Those who obstinately refuse to accept religion will have the sword of the Imam will decisively come down on their neck.”

Update: Read all about the
Transportation Security Administration’s “Muslim Sensitivity Training” program.

Tracked back to:
Woman Honor Thyself
Iowa Voice
Foundation For The Defense of Democracies
Jihadi Du Jour
American Patriot Journal

America’s Left in Total Denial

Yesterday after posting America’s Leftist- Marxist Islamic Alliance Fuels Anti-Semitism, I decided to visit other blogs that have written about the same subject. As luck would have it, I came across a few leftie sites and decided to read what they had to say. Well I hit laughter pay dirt. Not only is the left denying that there is a Culture War, or a War on Christmas, or that they are the pawns of Islam – the Islamist’s “useful idiots,” now the left is even denying that they are left! One particular leftie blog had over one hundred comments. I’m not giving them any plugs here or links. I didn’t read all of the comments (who needs that kind of punishment), but one comment sent me rolling off my chair in laughter.

“Barack Obama wouldn’t know a leftist if he tripped over one!”

Well before I head off to celebrate Christmas, I thought I’d give some traction to my poor Beta Blogger blog by using a manual trackback pinger such as Simple Tracks
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America’s Left in Total Denial

. . . now the left is even denying that they are left! . . . but one comment sent me rolling off my chair in laughter. . .

Here are some other blogs worth reading today:

Right Wing Guy, Right Truth, Planck’s Constant, Don Surber, The Thunder Run, Thinking’bout Stuff, Red_State_Blue, The Hill Chronicles, 123beta, Mark My Words, Wake Up America, Freedom Folks, My Weekly Thoughts, Independent Conservative, Woman Honor Thyself, Dumb Ox News, Rhymes With Right

America’s Leftist- Marxist Islamic Alliance Fuels Anti-Semitism

By now you’ve seen it all over the news. “Rep.Virgil Goode, Fifth District of Virginia, sent a letter to some voters in his district attacking Minnesota Representative Ellison’s plan to use the Koran as the scripture by which he will be sworn into office for the coming Congressional term.”

If you want a “fair and balanced” view from the far left, go to today’s New York Times and read The Lone Muslim Congressman Speaks Out. It’s a recap of CNN’s Wolf Blitzer’s gentle interview with Ellison. Oh, and of course Blitzer asks Ellison if he thinks Goode is a Bigot. Not surprisingly, Blitzer failed to mention Ellison’s anti-semitism or his C.A.I.R. sponsorship. I do suggest that you read this if only to leave a comment!

Gates of Vienna posted on Mr. Ellison’s somewhat checkered past, including his extreme anti-Semitism and the fact that CAIR had underwritten his campaign.

The leftist Jihad has already taken over Europe. Read today’s “The Death of Europe.”

Mark Steyn’s excellent new book is raising an issue that very few people are thinking about these days; namely the demographic time bomb that threatens the very existence of Europe as we know it. . . According to writer Paul Bekien of the Brussels Journal – who catalogued some of these figures – the European decline also explains the anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism in Europe. America and Israel will fight for freedom. Too many Europeans will submit to tyranny.

A very good read on this Jihad in the west is “The Grand Chess Masters: The Bear and the Dragon,” by David J. Jonsson, author of Islamic Economics and the Final Jihad: The Muslim Brotherhood to the Leftist/Marxist – Islamist Alliance (Salem Communications (May 30, 2006).

Here are some excerpts:

. . .Few are addressing who are the enemies and what are their goal. In effect the West is still rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, deciding how may tables to have and what time the games should start and of course when they should end.

The game has started, the strategies for “Checkmate” are in place. It is time for the America and the West to wake up. The “Cold War” has not ended, the nuclear armed totalitarian regimes have united, and this time they have added the Isalmists who are willing to die for the cause. . . .

Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu on Novemeber 13 drew a direct analogy between Iran and Nazi Germany.

“It’s 1938 and Iran is Germany. And Iran is racing to arm itself with atomic bombs,” Netanyahu told delegates to the annual United Jewish Communities General Assembly, repeating the line several times, like a chorus, during his address. “Believe him and stop him,” the opposition leader said of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. “This is what we must do. Everything else pales before this.” . . .

The Isalmists along with their Leftist/Marxist alliance partners meanwhile are quietly assuming key positions in the governments, the media and even financial institutions. . . .

The enemy has the goal of removing the hegemony of the United States and the West and to take away our freedoms and liberty to be replaced by a totalitarian government in a New World Order. The strategy is not limited to war, WMDs, and terrorism; it extends to economic warfare, illegal immigration and open borders, media propaganda and even the control of the government by elected officials. . . .

Perhaps most importantly, the administration needs to have a coherent plan for achieving energy independence. Independence cannot be attained in a reasonable time frame through alternative fuels such as wind, solar, ethanol and biomass. All energy forms and conservation must be addressed in an all out program.

Republicans last year offered oil and other fuel companies some $11 billion in tax breaks – funds that will encourage them to drill more domestically. These provisions are now in jeopardy by the newly elected members of Congress. Last year the UK instituted increased tax on domestic production, the result was a decline in exploration in the North Sea. The UK is now a net importer of natural gas.

Funding for the totalitarian regimes bent on the destruction of America, Israel and the West comes from the control of oil and the sale of products and services purchased by the U.S. and other Western countries in the name of near term increased profits and low cost. Remember you are voting at the ballot box and the dollars and Euro you spend. Vote wisely!

Meanwhile the Iran-Armenia gas pipeline will be launched in March of 2007.

On Tuesday, the Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, predicted that Britain, Israel and the US would eventually disappear, like the Egyptian pharaohs.

“Any power that is close to God will survive while the powers who are far from God will disappear like the pharaohs,” he was quoted as saying.

Ahmadinejad on Thursday once again proclaimed that the Iranian nation will celebrate the international acknowledgement of its nuclear programmes on the 28 anniversary of the 1979 Islamic revolution next February. . .

Iran plans to make operational 3000 centrifuges until the end of the Iranian year (20 March 2007) but so far only two cascades of each 164 centrifuges have officially been completed.

According to the Islamic Republic News Agency, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Thursday:

He said the Iranian nation will soon reach the zenith of nuclear success and will celebrate a nuclear victory during the `Ten-Day Dawn’ ceremonies (Feb 11-20) marking the anniversary of the victory of the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

The Iranian nation will resist bullying powers and will change its approach towards them if they continue in their wrong policies toward the Islamic Republic of Iran, the president said.

Another good read is “Analysis: Three crises pileup?”

Here are some excerpts:

America’s enemies took advantage of a quagmired U.S. in Iraq to advance their quest for membership in the nuclear club. North Korea blasted its way into the club to become its ninth member and Iran was well on its way to becoming number ten. Both North Korea and Iran long ago concluded that nuclear power was the only credible deterrent against a U.S. attack. The U.S. predicament also gave Iran a rare opportunity to push its radical Shiite pawns forward in Iraq, Lebanon and the Palestinian territories. . .

Clearly, whatever watered down compromise the U.N. Security Council’s five permanent members plus Germany can agree to, Iran won’t be deterred. Much has been made of Iran’s Achilles’ heel, e.g., its limited refining capacity for gasoline to keep almost five million vehicles on the road. Three out of four cars are more than 30 years old or have logged 120,000 miles (President Ahmadinejad drives a battered 20-year-old Peugeot). Even though it pumps 10 percent of the world’s oil, Iran still has to import 43 percent of its gasoline, . . .

Iran’s staunch ally Venezuela has pledged to make up whatever shortfall occurs. Cars and trucks are being converted to run on natural gas at over 100 conversion centers. The government believes this will save $5 billion a year on gasoline imports. Iran has the world’s second largest natural gas reserve after Russia — 16 percent of the world’s total. . .

Baiting the U.S. and its allies, Ahmadinejad announced Iran “is now a nuclear power” and added the United States and Britain to Israel on the list of countries doomed to disappear. “The Iranian nation will continue on its nuclear path powerfully and will celebrate a nuclear victory soon,” said the diminutive president.

Radical Islam is not confined to Iraq and Iran. It is spreading among Europe’s 20 million Muslims from Sweden to Spain. Militant minorities reject multiculturalism. And non-Muslim Europeans are beginning to reassess their pre-World War II and post-Cold War doctrine that appeasement is the better part of valor.

Read more about Venezuela’s illegal alien smuggling to America racket

This article linked to:
Woman Honor Thyself, Gates of Vienna, Independent Conservative, Discerning Texan