Power to the People at Work

I mentioned in the Friday Potpourri (March 30, 2007) about the six MN imams trying to sue the passengers that reported their suspicious activity prior to and immediately after boarding a US Air flight in November, 2006. Brigitte Gabriel (author of “Because They Hate”), at American Congress for Truth, sent out an action alert to protect these people. From that, we got Michelle Malkin’s already classic “I Am John Doe”. Rep. Pearce quickly drew up HR 1640 to protect AMERICAN CITIZENS from being sued from this intimidation tactic, the language was included in Rep. Schuster’s HR 1401 and the bill passed the House with the overwhelming vote of 304-121. Yes, 121 of YOUR REPRESENTATIVES voted AGAINST protecting AMERICAN CITIZENS from terrorist intimidation tactics.

Here’s the email I received from Ms. Gabriel regarding the passage of this bill:

Protecting John Doe bill passed

Thanks to the thousands of you who acted immediately after receiving our action alert, by writing and calling your elected officials nationwide. Your calls, emails and faxes have swamped our elected officials and your action paid off. This is the power of people being informed and coming together, as one voice to take action in a timely manner. I cannot be more proud and honored to have such an active membership. Thank you for your involvement and your activism.

The language for HR1640 was put into Rep. Shuster’s bill HR1401. Rep. Pearce’s leadership on this issue was central to this language being put into HR1401 which passed the House overwhelmingly by a vote of 304 to121.

“This is a big victory for all Americans,” Shuster said. “No American should ever be sued because they tried to stop a terrorist act. No American should be forced to second guess a decision to alert authorities that could save the lives of others.”

The Republican motion to recommit H.R. 1401, the Rail and Public Transportation Security Act of 2007, provides that any person who makes a voluntary disclosure regarding suspicious activity that constitutes a possible threat to transportation security to appropriate security and law enforcement authorities shall be immune from civil liability for such disclosure.

The amendment protects any such disclosure relating to threats to transportation systems, passenger safety or security, or possible acts of terrorism.

The amendment also shields transportation systems and employees that take reasonable actions to mitigate perceived threats.

The amendment is retroactive to activities that took place on or after November 20, 2006 – the date of the Minneapolis incident involving six Islamic leaders who were removed from a U.S. Airways flight after they were observed acting suspiciously.

Finally, the motion authorizes courts to award attorneys fees to defendants with immunity. To find out the list of those who voted for the bill and against click here.

It is so vitally important that we tell our elected representatives exactly what we think about legislation that will protect America.

Without concerned citizens like you, American Congress for Truth would not be able to make a difference for our nation’s security. We at ACT are dedicated to informing and empowering Americans to make a difference in protecting our country from evil and those who wish to do us harm.

Thank you for your activism and patriotism. Thank you for helping me protect America , the dream that became my address.

Let my nation rise.

Brigitte Gabriel


Power to the People at Work

I mentioned in the Friday Potpourri (March 30, 2007) about the six MN imams trying to sue the passengers that reported their suspicious activity prior to and immediately after boarding a US Air flight in November, 2006. Brigitte Gabriel (author of “Because They Hate”), at American Congress for Truth, sent out an action alert to protect these people. From that, we got Michelle Malkin’s already classic “I Am John Doe”. Rep. Pearce quickly drew up HR 1640 to protect AMERICAN CITIZENS from being sued from this intimidation tactic, the language was included in Rep. Schuster’s HR 1401 and the bill passed the House with the overwhelming vote of 304-121. Yes, 121 of YOUR REPRESENTATIVES voted AGAINST protecting AMERICAN CITIZENS from terrorist intimidation tactics.

Here’s the email I received from Ms. Gabriel regarding the passage of this bill:

Protecting John Doe bill passed

Thanks to the thousands of you who acted immediately after receiving our action alert, by writing and calling your elected officials nationwide. Your calls, emails and faxes have swamped our elected officials and your action paid off. This is the power of people being informed and coming together, as one voice to take action in a timely manner. I cannot be more proud and honored to have such an active membership. Thank you for your involvement and your activism.

The language for HR1640 was put into Rep. Shuster’s bill HR1401. Rep. Pearce’s leadership on this issue was central to this language being put into HR1401 which passed the House overwhelmingly by a vote of 304 to121.

“This is a big victory for all Americans,” Shuster said. “No American should ever be sued because they tried to stop a terrorist act. No American should be forced to second guess a decision to alert authorities that could save the lives of others.”

The Republican motion to recommit H.R. 1401, the Rail and Public Transportation Security Act of 2007, provides that any person who makes a voluntary disclosure regarding suspicious activity that constitutes a possible threat to transportation security to appropriate security and law enforcement authorities shall be immune from civil liability for such disclosure.

The amendment protects any such disclosure relating to threats to transportation systems, passenger safety or security, or possible acts of terrorism.

The amendment also shields transportation systems and employees that take reasonable actions to mitigate perceived threats.

The amendment is retroactive to activities that took place on or after November 20, 2006 – the date of the Minneapolis incident involving six Islamic leaders who were removed from a U.S. Airways flight after they were observed acting suspiciously.

Finally, the motion authorizes courts to award attorneys fees to defendants with immunity. To find out the list of those who voted for the bill and against click here.

It is so vitally important that we tell our elected representatives exactly what we think about legislation that will protect America.

Without concerned citizens like you, American Congress for Truth would not be able to make a difference for our nation’s security. We at ACT are dedicated to informing and empowering Americans to make a difference in protecting our country from evil and those who wish to do us harm.

Thank you for your activism and patriotism. Thank you for helping me protect America , the dream that became my address.

Let my nation rise.

Brigitte Gabriel


Friday Potpourri-March 30, 2007

The COMPLETELY shameful Senate bill (S.965 Report No. 110-37 Calendar No. 83), laden with PORK, assuring our troops surrender and which emboldens our enemies completely can be found here in PDF form: http://victorycaucus.com/S965.pdf

It’s 157 pages long, but fully downloadable.

The Senate betrayed our troops and our country March 27, 2007.Here’s the article on the Democratic “Blue Dogs” (those that ran as “conservative” Democrats and “a group that purports to fight for fiscal responsibility and strong national security”) and how they voted on the March 23,2007 House bill (HR 1591): http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=20009

The US Air imams are raising hell again, this time raising the possibility of suing the passengers who reported them. That link is here: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,259263,00.html

You can support the passengers (and YOUR) right to keep yourself safe from suspicious activity on an airline as well as publicity stunts such as these imams have engaged in by going here: http://www.americancongressfortruth.com/ArchDetails.aspx?id=155

This column of Michelle Malkin’s tells who is helping these ordinary citizens fight these terrorists (and yes, anyone pulling such a publicity stunt in a post-9/11 world is a terrorist) as well as a “John Doe Manifesto”. Look for the Manifesto at the top of the blog! : http://www.townhall.com/columnists/column.aspx?UrlTitle=the_john_doe_manifesto&ns=MichelleMalkin&dt=03/28/2007&page=1

Well, Rosie’s at it again! At least Lorie Byrd has it right in her March 29, 2007 Townhall Column, “Rosie O’Donnell is Bad News”, linked here: http://townhall.com/columnists/LorieByrd/2007/03/30/rosie_o_donnell_is_bad_news

Which of course, brings me to the homosexual propaganda these days. I have MANY gay friends. My gay friends, however, know and have known since we met (some over 20 years ago), that I in NO WAY condone or approve of their lifestyle. That being said, they refrained then and have continued to refrain from “flaming” (their term, not mine) in my and my children’s presence. However, homosexuals like Rosie give gays a bad name and leave a rotten taste in the mouth of anyone confronted with homosexuality. Do I agree with gay marriage? Unequivocally, NO. Nor do I approve of gays forcing their lifestyle and agenda down my throat, and when I or anyone else (including General Pace) voice an opinion, something called “free speech” in this country, we’re hounded. TOO BAD. Call me fundamental all you like, the fact remains I, like General Pace, believe homosexual behavior is immoral. It’s in the Bible. End of story.

And for the gays that want to force their agenda on youth groups (such as the Cub/Boy Scouts) and subsequently THINK they’re ruining an institution…get over it. I was a scout leader and had I known another scout leader was gay and was attempting contact with my son or any of the boys under my care, I would have ordered my son and all the boys under my care to avoid that leader and been extremely explicit as to why. Then I would have sent letters to the parents explaining my actions. This is called protecting the children and being a responsible leader of children.

Over at moonbat central (also known as the GOP.com blog), the lunatics are crawling out of the woodwork. Seems they think Congress is doing the right thing in loading up the emergency troop funding bill with pork (remember all those Democrats that ran for re-election on the platform of cutting pork out of the budget), bi-partisan cooperation (have you seen any of that yet?) and support of the troops (so much support the troops are going to have to go without the funds they need!). Then, of course, Congress goes on spring break. Guess they don’t think there IS a need for emergency funding for the troops–the only emergency is for the pork in the bills. THANK GOD BUSH IS GOING TO VETO THIS TRAVESTY!

Moonbat central is still trotting out the old chestnut, “Bush lied, our kids died”. Did anyone ever stop to think: “Democrats lie, babies die” (abortion and stem cell research)? Or, with reference to the above paragraph, “Democrats lie, troops die”? Not once have any of these moonbats admitted going to war was supported by their Democrats as well as the Republicans…it was a bi-partisan AUMF. I could go on and on. If you want a good laugh, though, go over there and sign in. FAIR WARNING, THOUGH–BE PREPARED FOR TOTAL INCOHERENCE! Here’s the link: http://www.gop.com/Blog/BlogPost.aspx?BlogPostID=2687.

Also a caveat: if you do sign in, DO NOT USE ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION! They are stalkers and like trying to infect your computers with nasty viruses. That’s how far they’ll go to promote their communist/socialist/fascist agenda. They will not answer questions and everytime you get them pinned to a wall, they bolt. They can’t answer because their propaganda machines don’t teach how to answer. They will attempt every diversionary tactic in the books…much like Billary. Be prepared! If you really want to toy with them, though, continue to ask them questions, hammer the questions in. Also, demand they cite their sources and question their personal integrity. Be prepared for sexual harassment, name calling, etc. And, above all, keep in mind, THIS is what our men and women in uniform are fighting and dying for–their right to spout this nonsense. And keep in mind the shameful protests across the country of filthy, unwashed protestors, thinking they live in the 60’s, burning our flag and our soldiers and our president in effigy.

That’s it for this week! Stay safe and see you soon!

Response to Michelle Malkin’s "I Am John Doe" (HR: Snooper)

My friend over at http://takeourcountryback.townhall.com/Default.aspx?mode=post&g=ebeb9eff-2c8d-46da-a0d5-284425c01d9a sent me this oozingly sarcastic, totally on target response to “I Am John Doe”. It truly shows the difference between the subversive, seditious Democrats and TRUE patriots. Patriots are JOHN DOE; Democrats AREN’T. Read the response below.

In Michelle Malkin’s CLASSIC item in regards to the suing Imams (see two posts below) , this was one of the replies and it will go down in the Wall Of Fame in Blogdom!PRICELESS!!

I am A Loyal Democrat.

I am Loyal Democrat.

I will take the side of any entity that declares itself to be an enemy of the United States. I will consider any action taken by my government to be improper, and defend the position of any nation that opposes my own. I will not stand by while the concepts of freedom and liberty are allowed to infect the thoughts of repressed peoples. Rather, I will combat such efforts and convince the slaves of dictatorships that they have it better than anyone else.

I am Loyal Democrat.

I will tell all Americans that they had 9/11 coming as retribution for all of our evil deeds inflicted upon members of the most peaceful religion on earth. I will work to undermine any effort to destroy the Islamic tidal wave of terror that has vowed to wash onto our beaches. I will strive to weaken our military as it attempts to carry out its mission overseas. I shall encourage total surrender to any foe that threatens us.

I am Loyal Democrat.

I shall stir up domestic unrest by separating my fellow citizens into groups, and then I will encourage each group to distrust the next, and convince each that I am their one true friend. Through this magnificent deception, I will rule them all. I will convince minorities that they are inferior, and that they need my special help to succeed in life. Once I have them suspicious of others and fully demoralized, I will keep them down, and make their every gain dependent on what I decide to let them do. I shall oppress minorites worse than any avowed racist could ever hope to.

I am Loyal Democrat.

I will make every effort to criticize people that achieve, to hinder those that aspire, and ridicule those that display self-worth. In spite of my lack of personal merit, I will elevate myself in the eyes of others by bringing people with actual character down. I will prey on people’s envy of others’ success, and I will gain undeserved power as a result. I will take from those that earn until they lose the motivation to build up mankind any longer.I am Loyal Democrat.I will promote the tyranny of socialism, and crush the only economic system that has advanced mankind. And when we are all financially destitute and controlled by an omnipotent government, I shall laugh at the destruction I have wrought, for I truly hate mankind.

I am Loyal Democrat.

Remember me in 2008 kiddies…..

Response to Michelle Malkin’s "I Am John Doe" (HR: Snooper)

My friend over at http://takeourcountryback.townhall.com/Default.aspx?mode=post&g=ebeb9eff-2c8d-46da-a0d5-284425c01d9a sent me this oozingly sarcastic, totally on target response to “I Am John Doe”. It truly shows the difference between the subversive, seditious Democrats and TRUE patriots. Patriots are JOHN DOE; Democrats AREN’T. Read the response below.

In Michelle Malkin’s CLASSIC item in regards to the suing Imams (see two posts below) , this was one of the replies and it will go down in the Wall Of Fame in Blogdom!PRICELESS!!

I am A Loyal Democrat.

I am Loyal Democrat.

I will take the side of any entity that declares itself to be an enemy of the United States. I will consider any action taken by my government to be improper, and defend the position of any nation that opposes my own. I will not stand by while the concepts of freedom and liberty are allowed to infect the thoughts of repressed peoples. Rather, I will combat such efforts and convince the slaves of dictatorships that they have it better than anyone else.

I am Loyal Democrat.

I will tell all Americans that they had 9/11 coming as retribution for all of our evil deeds inflicted upon members of the most peaceful religion on earth. I will work to undermine any effort to destroy the Islamic tidal wave of terror that has vowed to wash onto our beaches. I will strive to weaken our military as it attempts to carry out its mission overseas. I shall encourage total surrender to any foe that threatens us.

I am Loyal Democrat.

I shall stir up domestic unrest by separating my fellow citizens into groups, and then I will encourage each group to distrust the next, and convince each that I am their one true friend. Through this magnificent deception, I will rule them all. I will convince minorities that they are inferior, and that they need my special help to succeed in life. Once I have them suspicious of others and fully demoralized, I will keep them down, and make their every gain dependent on what I decide to let them do. I shall oppress minorites worse than any avowed racist could ever hope to.

I am Loyal Democrat.

I will make every effort to criticize people that achieve, to hinder those that aspire, and ridicule those that display self-worth. In spite of my lack of personal merit, I will elevate myself in the eyes of others by bringing people with actual character down. I will prey on people’s envy of others’ success, and I will gain undeserved power as a result. I will take from those that earn until they lose the motivation to build up mankind any longer.I am Loyal Democrat.I will promote the tyranny of socialism, and crush the only economic system that has advanced mankind. And when we are all financially destitute and controlled by an omnipotent government, I shall laugh at the destruction I have wrought, for I truly hate mankind.

I am Loyal Democrat.

Remember me in 2008 kiddies…..

Friday Potpourri-March 30, 2007

The COMPLETELY shameful Senate bill (S.965 Report No. 110-37 Calendar No. 83), laden with PORK, assuring our troops surrender and which emboldens our enemies completely can be found here in PDF form: http://victorycaucus.com/S965.pdf

It’s 157 pages long, but fully downloadable. The Senate betrayed our troops and our country March 27, 2007.

Here’s the article on the Democratic “Blue Dogs” (those that ran as “conservative” Democrats and “a group that purports to fight for fiscal responsibility and strong national security”) and how they voted on the March 23,2007 House bill (HR 1591): http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=20009

The US Air imams are raising hell again, this time raising the possibility of suing the passengers who reported them. That link is here: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,259263,00.html

You can support the passengers (and YOUR) right to keep yourself safe from suspicious activity on an airline as well as publicity stunts such as these imams have engaged in by going here: http://www.americancongressfortruth.com/ArchDetails.aspx?id=155

This column of Michelle Malkin’s tells who is helping these ordinary citizens fight these terrorists (and yes, anyone pulling such a publicity stunt in a post-9/11 world is a terrorist) as well as a “John Doe Manifesto”. Look for the Manifesto at the top of the blog! : http://www.townhall.com/columnists/column.aspx?UrlTitle=the_john_doe_manifesto&ns=MichelleMalkin&dt=03/28/2007&page=1

Well, Rosie’s at it again! At least Lorie Byrd has it right in her March 29, 2007 Townhall Column, “Rosie O’Donnell is Bad News”, linked here: http://townhall.com/columnists/LorieByrd/2007/03/30/rosie_o_donnell_is_bad_news

Which of course, brings me to the homosexual propaganda these days. I have MANY gay friends. My gay friends, however, know and have known since we met (some over 20 years ago), that I in NO WAY condone or approve of their lifestyle. That being said, they refrained then and have continued to refrain from “flaming” (their term, not mine) in my and my children’s presence. However, homosexuals like Rosie give gays a bad name and leave a rotten taste in the mouth of anyone confronted with homosexuality. Do I agree with gay marriage? Unequivocally, NO. Nor do I approve of gays forcing their lifestyle and agenda down my throat, and when I or anyone else (including General Pace) voice an opinion, something called “free speech” in this country, we’re hounded. TOO BAD. Call me fundamental all you like, the fact remains I, like General Pace, believe homosexual behavior is immoral. It’s in the Bible. End of story. And for the gays that want to force their agenda on youth groups (such as the Cub/Boy Scouts) and subsequently THINK they’re ruining an institution…get over it. I was a scout leader and had I known another scout leader was gay and was attempting contact with my son or any of the boys under my care, I would have ordered my son and all the boys under my care to avoid that leader and been extremely explicit as to why. Then I would have sent letters to the parents explaining my actions. This is called protecting the children and being a responsible leader of children.

Over at moonbat central (also known as the GOP.com blog), the lunatics are crawling out of the woodwork. Seems they think Congress is doing the right thing in loading up the emergency troop funding bill with pork (remember all those Democrats that ran for re-election on the platform of cutting pork out of the budget), bi-partisan cooperation (have you seen any of that yet?) and support of the troops (so much support the troops are going to have to go without the funds they need!). Then, of course, Congress goes on spring break. Guess they don’t think there IS a need for emergency funding for the troops–the only emergency is for the pork in the bills. THANK GOD BUSH IS GOING TO VETO THIS TRAVESTY!

Moonbat central is still trotting out the old chestnut, “Bush lied, our kids died”. Did anyone ever stop to think: “Democrats lie, babies die” (abortion and stem cell research)? Or, with reference to the above paragraph, “Democrats lie, troops die”? Not once have any of these moonbats admitted going to war was supported by their Democrats as well as the Republicans…it was a bi-partisan AUMF. I could go on and on. If you want a good laugh, though, go over there and sign in. FAIR WARNING, THOUGH–BE PREPARED FOR TOTAL INCOHERENCE! Here’s the link: http://www.gop.com/Blog/BlogPost.aspx?BlogPostID=2687.

Also a caveat: if you do sign in, DO NOT USE ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION! They are stalkers and like trying to infect your computers with nasty viruses. That’s how far they’ll go to promote their communist/socialist/fascist agenda. They will not answer questions and everytime you get them pinned to a wall, they bolt. They can’t answer because their propaganda machines don’t teach how to answer. They will attempt every diversionary tactic in the books…much like Billary. Be prepared! If you really want to toy with them, though, continue to ask them questions, hammer the questions in. Also, demand they cite their sources and question their personal integrity. Be prepared for sexual harassment, name calling, etc.

And, above all, keep in mind, THIS is what our men and women in uniform are fighting and dying for–their right to spout this nonsense. And keep in mind the shameful protests across the country of filthy, unwashed protestors, thinking they live in the 60’s, burning our flag and our soldiers and our president in effigy.

That’s it for this week! Stay safe and see you soon!