The American Democrat Party: Culture of Death

I have been saying this for years and folks just laughed and some just laughed it off. Some said that this too shall pass. To me, those that laughed for whatever reason are still in a state of insanity due to their purposeful neglect.

Recently, J.R. Dunn wrote a column entitled, “Democide“. In that piece, in part:

“Over the past fifty years, something on the order of a half-million Americans have been killed by liberal policies.”

That line appears to have gotten to people, as it should. Among the many welcome comments on my piece on Christopher Buckley, a number both on AT and elsewhere referred to that statement — my contention that liberalism is not only a failed ideology, but a deadly one, an ideology that kills, and kills in large numbers. Many of the comments called it “incredible”, “unbelievable” and “shocking”.

That’s in no way difficult to understand. Achieving awareness of the lethal nature of liberalism’s excesses is much the same as coming to realize that your friendly, familiar neighborhood is actually overrun by vampires. […]

Most of you that know me know that I am undertaking a project that proves the above beyond a reasonable doubt. The proponents of American Liberalism, no matter their stature in life and position are directly responsible for not only killing millions dying of Malaria, they have murdered entire generations of “voters”…they died of abortion. They are directly responsible for the deaths and wounding of American and Allied Forces in several wars and Police Actions, Iraq and Afghanistan being in the present tense.

I loathe them all. They disgust me. They cannot be trusted. Their ideologies have been attempted in many Nations and those principles of which they stand resulted in entire populations to be enslaved to the governments under which they lived and live and those governments have failed time and time again. Their system does not work. Period. It never has and it never will. Slavery – that is what the Democrat Party of the USA is all about. A historical search will bear that out, especially before, during and after the American Civil War.

But, that won’t stop them. It is all about Power to these people. Nothing else matters. If our Troops are killed, maimed or wounded, they could care less. I have seen it first hand. If they can enslave the American Population, the more Power they will have.

Barack Obama is the Shining Example of the Culture of Death. He supports infanticide, no matter how he tries to spin it. He voted FOR infanticide and that is a matter of public record. He and his Goons can deny it all they want to…facts are facts and the record is the record. SPIN THAT.

The Vatican has declared the American Democrat Party as the Culture of Death. Joe Biden has been practically excommunicated from The Church. Nancy Pelosi was heavily and handily chastised by her Archbishop over her rewriting Vatican principles and history. Nancy now knows that history didn’t start the day she was hatched.

The American Democrat Party is directly responsible for the MILLIONS of deaths following their cowardly retreat from Vietnam. They are directly responsible for American deaths in Vietnam. That is a historical fact. They can deny all they want to and spin as much as they want to but I bet they have a hard time explaining it all when the demons come.

[…] It will come as no news to readers of this site that liberal policies tend to fail. But some of them fail catastrophically. And when they do, they kill. They kill in large numbers. They have been killing for decades, and they will continue to kill for as long as we allow it.

The process is called democide, the murder of a populace by its own government. It can occur through malice, or indifference, or through incompetence. Almost always, it is instigated by an ideology — fascism, Nazism, communism… and liberalism. According to Dr. R.J. Rummel, the sole scholar of democide (you’d think there would be droves of researchers working on such a critical topic — but you’d be wrong), 262 million people have died by such means over the past century. Against that number, a half-million is a bagatelle, a drop in the bucket.

But it happened in our country. It happened in America. […]

We can stop it and we can change things but we have to actually ACT and DO something and hopefully, we do it via the ballot box and getting our Vertical Alignment all squared away with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

For further reading, feel free to consult a minor collection of writings on the subject of Democrats and Terrorists.

The DNC Rift Tsunami

The Democrat Party is falling apart but one would not know that reading the Lame Stream Media. However, those of us that comprise the Main Street Media are hearing a different song. It is the Death Knell Dirge of the DNC.

Barack Hussein Obama did Hillary wrong and she isn’t about to forget or forgive, no matter the public appearances of both Hillary and Bill and their subsequent rhetoric in support of Obama. If anyone truly believes that the Clinton’s are supporting Obama, they are certainly lost in space.

When I was building the blog for the Stop Her Now Campaign, called the Hot Rodham Blog, we spent hours and hours and hours researching the Clinton Clan and we got to know them very well. They are not about to forgive or forget the railroading they received from the DNC leadership, George Soros or Barack Hussein Obama. Not by a long shot. The Democrat Convention was a sure-fire give-away.

Please recall that when Hillary saw that she was going to walk away from the Convention with the nomination, The Big Nod, she realized what that would mean. I have to give her credit. She quickly went to a microphone and asked to not have the usual voting procedures, thus bypassing what was to come. When reviewing the videos, one can hear a vast majority booing her decision. Nancy Pelosi was quick to ask for those that approve and not once did she allow for those that did not approve to have their say. That is a typical maneuver of the Party of Intolerance…if you disagree, you have no say.

Sound familiar?

We saw decades of Identity Politics come crashing down and the rift is growing. However, don’t believe me. Believe this; from the American Thinker, Steven M. Warshawsky brings us the following: Signs Pointing To A McCain Victory

[…] This is the “narrative” that the mainstream media has been imposing on this year’s presidential campaign almost from the start. Remember how quickly the MSM jumped off the Hillary Clinton bandwagon and onto Obama’s? Remember how annoyed and angry they became as Hillary refused to concede the nomination? The MSM decided that electing the nation’s first black, socialist, anti-American president was politically and historically more important (and, for them, more exciting) than electing the nation’s first female, socialist, patriotic president. And they are doing everything they can to achieve this goal.

Well, there is another story out there that the MSM refuses to address. A huge story. One that could, and I think will, significantly affect the outcome of this race. I’m referring to the widespread phenomenon of registered Democrats openly supporting John McCain. There are numerous “Democrats for McCain” type organizations. There are numerous websites and blogs written by Democrats touting McCain’s candidacy. There are pro-McCain grassroots efforts being led by Democrats. And we all know friends or relatives who are Democrats, who voted for John Kerry in 2004, and who are no fans of President Bush – but who are going to vote for John McCain this year.

Yet, surprise surprise, the mainstream media is not talking about these voters, not talking about the real rift that is occurring within the ranks of the Democratic Party. Needless to say, if a similar rift were occurring in the Republican Party, it would be treated as the major story that it is. (Indeed, as such stories about the political fault lines in the Republican Party have been treated in the recent past.) […]

By now, all we have been hearing of late is the “rift” between McCain and Palin. This is near laughable but mostly ignorant. The morphing of the stories are woefully skewed with the wishful thinking more than obvious. Just remember, that which happens to or is caused by the DNC that can be “bad news” is quickly shrugged off somewhere else. It is their trademark.

Another thing that the pollsters are “forgetting” is the Joe The Plumber voters. Another aspect is the NRA. Another aspect is the Angry White Man. Most everyone with half a brain can see the race baiting going on by Barack in that 90 to 95 percent of the “African-Americans” are voting for Barack BECAUSE he is black and ONLY because he is black, even though he is NEITHER black or white. He is a fraud and come election day, the fraud will not be victorious.

If there is any election racism in this nation it is on the part of the black community as stirred up by Obama, Sharpton and Jackson. That much is plainly obvious.

More at Memeorandum…the laughs I got from there are truly spirit lifting…

The Feminist and The Fauxminists

Cross-posted from America Needs Me

A cruel person would enjoy watching alleged feminists, hereafter referred to as fauxminists, endure prolonged spasms of apoplexy as Sarah Palin continues her march right over their illogical assertions about why she doesn’t really represent them.

The main thing separating Sarah Palin from the fauxminist ideal is that she has been able to accomplish their dream with greater success and without a shitty hairdo.

It is time for these caterwauling pro-choice maniacs to exercise their right to choose to shut the hell up.

Most galling are the comparisons between “Good Bitch Hillary” and Gov. Palin. Hint to the ladies: you might want to focus on the woman who didn’t need to let a man crap all over her to get where she is. Just sayin’.

The Wall Street Journal is the last major American newspaper that one doesn’t have to travel to Barack Obama’s backside to read. As such, while covering Sarah Palin this week the paper has offered forth that rarest of all finds in the American press: some actual journalism. Even its Opinion pieces seem more like real reporting than what we’ve seen above the fold from the major newspapers this week.

The rambling nature of my A.D.D. riddled brain doesn’t allow for me to be succinct. Here’s a paragraph from this article that explains what I have been saying for the past few days:

“Sarah Palin has put the flim-flam nature of America feminism sharply into focus, revealing the not-so-secret hypocrisy of its code and, whatever her future, this alone is an accomplishment. As she emerged into the nation’s consciousness, a shudder went through the feminist left-a political movement not restricted to females. She is a mother refusing to stay at home (good) who had made a success out in the workplace (excellent) whose marriage nevertheless is a rip-roaring success and whose views are unspeakable-those of a red-blooded, right-wing principled pragmatist.”

I could never pull off using a phrase like “flim-flam”.

As the above quote indicates, left-leaning men have subscribed to the feminist ideal for years.


It’s interesting that the McCain campaign features some female CEOs and a female VP candidate. The Democratic ticket has a couple of dudes and a vanquished token. You can see why the fauxminists are mad, can’t you?

There’s a palpable fear being exhibited by the women who have largely been treating feminism like a fashionable fetish now that a real woman has shown up and done all that they’ve wanted to do. That their first instinct is to tear her apart is very telling about just how deep their convictions are.

It is impossible to open a world of possibilities by narrowly defining what the achievement of those possibilities is. Saying “You can have whatever you want as long as you’re exactly like me…” isn’t exactly the path to a dream.

The feminist movement in America lost the largest part of its credibility when it embraced Bill and Hillary Clinton. Singularly focused on abortion, it ignored the fact that Bill was a sexual predator and celebrated Hillary acting like a spineless pushover to achieve her goals. Hillary Clinton, feminist icon, would have gotten absolutely nowhere without her husband.

Ah…there’s the rub.

Sarah Palin didn’t use her husband’s money, position or permission to get where she is.

It’s the exposition of tokenism vs. merit that has the Feminist Left up in arms. Gov. Palin earned her position without quotas or a man paving her way. She earned it by working hard and being Sarah Palin.

That doesn’t resonate with people who believe that government intervention trumps individual accomplishment.

Don’t know about you but I look forward to watching the Woman Who Has Done It go up against the Women Who Have Talked About It.

Obama site urges: ‘Revolution’ against U.S. ‘oppressive’ regime

Marxists, socialists, communists form group to plot on official campaign blog

Posted: June 30, 2008
By Aaron Klein

© 2008 WorldNetDaily

JERUSALEM – Marxists, socialists and communists have created a safe space online to congregate, exchange ideas – including a stated revolution against the U.S. “oppressive” regime – and support their favored presidential candidate.

Their meeting spot? Sen. Barack Obama’s official campaign website, which allows registered users to form groups and post content in online “community” blogs.

One popular community group on the Illinois senator’s official MyObama website calls itself “Marxists/Socialists/Communists for Obama.”

This group is for self-proclaimed Marxists/Communists/Socialists for the election of Barack Obama to the Presidency. By no means is he a true Marxist, but under Karl Marx’s writings we are to support the party with the best interests of the mobilization of the proletariat,” states the groups charter.

“We support Barak Obama because he knows what is best for the people!” exclaims the group’s online creed.

And on Obama’s site, the declared Marxist, communist and socialist bloggersrant against such varied targets as Republicans, capitalism and the Fox News Channel. According to author profiles, the bloggers range from registered voters to underage high school students who state they are looking to foment revolt.

In a posting titled “The Nature of the Proletariat,” one group member calls for revolution against the U.S. “oppressive” regime.

According to Marxist doctrine, the proletariat is the only class that can
overpower and vanquish the oppressive bourgeoisie. … In America, the
‘peasantry’ is not scattered from each other but rather seem (sic) to be
isolated in certain high-population areas. This then leaves the
Petty-Bourgeoisie. Are they a possible force of a Revolution? I believe so. Not
because I think that they could on there own, but because of the fact that they
seemed to have assimilated with the Proletariat.

The middle class is now made up of the laborers who must face the grueling
task of providing the bourgeoisie with power and capital. This assimilation only
proves that the Revolution is inevitable.

“Eventually, the bourgeoisie controlled government will fail to keep the ever growing masses at bay, and the Revolution will occur,” adds the posting.

The user argues Obama will help advance the “revolution,” which he says can be a physical revolt or massive governmental reform:

“The Neo-proleatarian is now the bearer of the Revolution. That’s why I support Obama. He helps destroy the paradigm of bourgeoisie government, which is best for the Proletariat. In the end, this will only hasten the Revolution even if the Revolution must come as a massive government reform.”

Another posting by a registered group member calling himself “The Chalk Graffiti Terrorist” argues on Obama’s site against the “evils” of capitalism.

“We can’t just accept the evil side of capitalism. The nature of capitalism is to maximize profits, and this is often done by minimizing expenditure—in short, cutting costs. And cutting costs means less benefits, less pay, and poorer conditions for the workers. But capitalism has more evil in it than that. The profit motive drives the destruction of our environment, it has caused the current foreclosure crisis, and it exploits and basically enslaves those poor not protected by legitimate representative government.”

One group member urges Obama site readers to support the Fair Tax bill, which calls for the abolishment of the IRS and for the income tax to be replaced with a national consumption tax.

The bill has some support across the U.S. political spectrum, including with some Republicans.
“This bill was created to try and rectify the problems that have emerged from the Federal Income Tax and the IRS’s existence. It would repeal the 16th Amendment and put in its place a national sales tax for the United States Government to collect revenue.”

It was not immediately clear whether Obama’s website staff approves new groups registered on his site. His campaign did not return WND e-mail and phone requests for comment. While the website carries a disclaimer that it does not monitor all blog posts, the site doesn’t state whether staff approve new groups.

According to the MyObama site, there were 18,911 registered community groups as of yesterday, including such groups as “Atheists for Obama,” “Jedi Knights for Obama,” “Muslims for Obama” and “‘The Secret’ Believers for Obama.”
Obama spokesmen previously have stated the campaign cannot monitor all content posted on blogs, but it promptly removes content brought to its attention that is deemed inappropriate or hateful.
Yesterday WND reported a blog posting on Obama’s official campaign site urged Americans to take action to secure the release of imprisoned terrorist fundraiser Sami Al-Arian, comparing the controversial former professor to Martin Luther King and Malcolm X.
The posting, which has been removed since publication of the story, is just a sampling of a large volume of racist, anti-Semitic and pro-Palestinian rhetoric published on the user-friendly MyObama community blog pages.
One recently removed posting claims Jews control the media. Another referred to Jews as “puppet masters” and “war criminals.” Yet another posting, titled “The Israeli connection to 9/11,” claimed Israeli intelligence was involved in the mega-attack and planted “false flags” to blame Arab countries.
Other MyObama posts have warned of “Judeofacists and their Neocon comrades” who “already destroyed America” and declare the “entire Congress should be overthrown by revolution for having sold America to the Israelis.”
A popular topic on Obama’s site apparently is the so-called Israel Lobby.
An Obama site search under the key words “Israel lobby” brings up a large number of pages with titles such as “Bush uses Nazi history against Obama to pander to the Jewish lobby” and “The Israel Lobby: bad for the world.”

In one recently removed posting, titled, “How the Jewish Lobby works,” the page read, “No lobby is feared more” and claimed Jews “run the Federal Reserve Bank, US Homeland Security, and the US State Department.”

Obama site urges: ‘Revolution’ against U.S. ‘oppressive’ regime

Marxists, socialists, communists form group to plot on official campaign blog

Posted: June 30, 2008
By Aaron Klein

© 2008 WorldNetDaily

JERUSALEM – Marxists, socialists and communists have created a safe space online to congregate, exchange ideas – including a stated revolution against the U.S. “oppressive” regime – and support their favored presidential candidate.

Their meeting spot? Sen. Barack Obama’s official campaign website, which allows registered users to form groups and post content in online “community” blogs.

One popular community group on the Illinois senator’s official MyObama website calls itself “Marxists/Socialists/Communists for Obama.”

This group is for self-proclaimed Marxists/Communists/Socialists for the election of Barack Obama to the Presidency. By no means is he a true Marxist, but under Karl Marx’s writings we are to support the party with the best interests of the mobilization of the proletariat,” states the groups charter.

“We support Barak Obama because he knows what is best for the people!” exclaims the group’s online creed.

And on Obama’s site, the declared Marxist, communist and socialist bloggersrant against such varied targets as Republicans, capitalism and the Fox News Channel. According to author profiles, the bloggers range from registered voters to underage high school students who state they are looking to foment revolt.

In a posting titled “The Nature of the Proletariat,” one group member calls for revolution against the U.S. “oppressive” regime.

According to Marxist doctrine, the proletariat is the only class that can
overpower and vanquish the oppressive bourgeoisie. … In America, the
‘peasantry’ is not scattered from each other but rather seem (sic) to be
isolated in certain high-population areas. This then leaves the
Petty-Bourgeoisie. Are they a possible force of a Revolution? I believe so. Not
because I think that they could on there own, but because of the fact that they
seemed to have assimilated with the Proletariat.

The middle class is now made up of the laborers who must face the grueling
task of providing the bourgeoisie with power and capital. This assimilation only
proves that the Revolution is inevitable.

“Eventually, the bourgeoisie controlled government will fail to keep the ever growing masses at bay, and the Revolution will occur,” adds the posting.

The user argues Obama will help advance the “revolution,” which he says can be a physical revolt or massive governmental reform:

“The Neo-proleatarian is now the bearer of the Revolution. That’s why I support Obama. He helps destroy the paradigm of bourgeoisie government, which is best for the Proletariat. In the end, this will only hasten the Revolution even if the Revolution must come as a massive government reform.”

Another posting by a registered group member calling himself “The Chalk Graffiti Terrorist” argues on Obama’s site against the “evils” of capitalism.

“We can’t just accept the evil side of capitalism. The nature of capitalism is to maximize profits, and this is often done by minimizing expenditure—in short, cutting costs. And cutting costs means less benefits, less pay, and poorer conditions for the workers. But capitalism has more evil in it than that. The profit motive drives the destruction of our environment, it has caused the current foreclosure crisis, and it exploits and basically enslaves those poor not protected by legitimate representative government.”

One group member urges Obama site readers to support the Fair Tax bill, which calls for the abolishment of the IRS and for the income tax to be replaced with a national consumption tax.

The bill has some support across the U.S. political spectrum, including with some Republicans.
“This bill was created to try and rectify the problems that have emerged from the Federal Income Tax and the IRS’s existence. It would repeal the 16th Amendment and put in its place a national sales tax for the United States Government to collect revenue.”

It was not immediately clear whether Obama’s website staff approves new groups registered on his site. His campaign did not return WND e-mail and phone requests for comment. While the website carries a disclaimer that it does not monitor all blog posts, the site doesn’t state whether staff approve new groups.

According to the MyObama site, there were 18,911 registered community groups as of yesterday, including such groups as “Atheists for Obama,” “Jedi Knights for Obama,” “Muslims for Obama” and “‘The Secret’ Believers for Obama.”
Obama spokesmen previously have stated the campaign cannot monitor all content posted on blogs, but it promptly removes content brought to its attention that is deemed inappropriate or hateful.
Yesterday WND reported a blog posting on Obama’s official campaign site urged Americans to take action to secure the release of imprisoned terrorist fundraiser Sami Al-Arian, comparing the controversial former professor to Martin Luther King and Malcolm X.
The posting, which has been removed since publication of the story, is just a sampling of a large volume of racist, anti-Semitic and pro-Palestinian rhetoric published on the user-friendly MyObama community blog pages.
One recently removed posting claims Jews control the media. Another referred to Jews as “puppet masters” and “war criminals.” Yet another posting, titled “The Israeli connection to 9/11,” claimed Israeli intelligence was involved in the mega-attack and planted “false flags” to blame Arab countries.
Other MyObama posts have warned of “Judeofacists and their Neocon comrades” who “already destroyed America” and declare the “entire Congress should be overthrown by revolution for having sold America to the Israelis.”
A popular topic on Obama’s site apparently is the so-called Israel Lobby.
An Obama site search under the key words “Israel lobby” brings up a large number of pages with titles such as “Bush uses Nazi history against Obama to pander to the Jewish lobby” and “The Israel Lobby: bad for the world.”

In one recently removed posting, titled, “How the Jewish Lobby works,” the page read, “No lobby is feared more” and claimed Jews “run the Federal Reserve Bank, US Homeland Security, and the US State Department.”

Why Snooper Will Vote Against Obama Or Clinton


I will not sit on my ass and let the world slide by to a Marxist.

I will not abandon The Troops.

Those that have fought for it, Freedom has a taste the “PROTECTED” will NEVER know.

I don’t give a damn about the Republican Party. Nor do I desire to “teach them a lesson”. We see how that lame attitude worked in 2006, did we not?

“McCain”, in the words of many a familiar blogger, “MIGHT secure the border. Obama will not. McCain MIGHT continue the Bush tax cuts. Obama will not. McCain DOES support The Troops and their Mission. Obama does not. McCain might emplace conservative judges. Obama will not”. That right there is a no brainer.

It is McCain for many reasons which goes against the grain of a feigned and ill-conceived principle based on emotion and disappointment and frustration.

The silliness and folly of “teaching the GOP a lesson” by “staying home” and thereby and by default casting a vote for a known Marxist and Troop Hater, does not and cannot pass muster, no matter the alleged reasoning. Such folly is a direct groin kick from behind to the crotch of every veteran of every war we have ever fought. It is pissing on the graves of every Fallen Hero from every war we have ever fought. This is unacceptable. Recent SCOTUS decisions should be a clear indicator even to the casual observer.

I am a Troop. My son is a Troop. My wife is a Troop. My brother (KIA VN ’68) is a Troop. My father is a Troop and all my uncles are Troops. Our family has served this Nation since the Revolutionary War and before. We know what sacrifice is and what it means. Most Americans don’t know what it means.

The C’est la Guerre post still stands as it is written and is even more applicable today than it was when I wrote it as does Go Ahead: Allow Obama To Win…I find it chillingly eerie that a Pfc has more common sense than those of “principle” no matter who that person may or may not be. Once again, someone with Boots On The Ground trumps those that have no earthly concept what that would be like. And, more’s the pity.

No. Snooper will not roll over in frustration and weariness of The Good Fight to teach anyone a lesson about anything because I don’t have the time to play that game of hysterics. I will lead by example. I am a fighter. When a Flag falls, I will pick it up and charge forward, not sit down and let someone else do it. If not me, who?

The Battle Field lies in the House and Senate, not in the Presidency. That much is obvious even to the oblivious. Over the next 2 to 6 years, that is where the conflict lies- in the House and Senate – and bears merit. All other argument(s) fall flat because they carry no merit or worth. The Good Fight has yet to be realized and that which we have accomplished in the last 8 years will all be for naught should we sit back and let the country fall to a Marxist.

I didn’t serve this nation to allow the silliness and folly of “teaching the GOP/RNC/RINO/MORON class of sycophant a lesson” about anything to become some demonstrative chant of see-I-told-ya-so. That attitude causes me to practically hurl. Our Troops’ blood is worth so much more than that. You want to “teach someone” a lesson? Get off of your ass, turn off the idiotic boob tube – the device of complacency, indoctrination, and escapism – and begin to write letters, send faxes and emails and phone calls to every CONgressman and every Senator. Be a pest. That is what the enemy does and is good at it. Your basic Conservative is about as lazy as a hog in mud by design and it hurts to work and fight.

If I can take power naps on a rocky crag while observing enemy movements to keep you safe at night; if our Troops can sleep in mud holes in the rain to keep you safe at night; if my son could sleep in an environment that would make an outdoorsman cringe to keep you safe at night; the least you can do is turn your goddamn TV off and commence to fight and at least try to repay them what they are so deserving of…your support. And, turning the country over to a known Marxist is not the support we Troops will except. EVER.

We got Reagan because of several events: the aftermath of Vietnam, Nixon, Agnew, Ford, Carter and the economy. And, we are STILL digging out of the Carter Quagmire on many levels. We will never see another Reagan. Period. Get over it. Step away from the ‘shrooms. We got McCain because of lazy Silent Majority Conservatives too damned lazy to act until it is too late and then they whine and complain and bitch when the going gets tough.

The “lesson” to be taught and learned right here and now is this: when the going gets toughest, that is when you lay the pressure on, without mercy and without remorse. We beat Shamnesty thrice. We have exposed the Leftinistra for what they are and we are gaining. Why surrender now to teach the unteachable a lesson? What will they learn and who will teach them? There are men and women poised to snag seats away from RINOs and socialists and we are going to let Obama defeat them?

Vanity. All is vanity. And, there is nothing new under the sun.

No. It is McCain because the alternative is not only unthinkable, it is unacceptable.

Snooper speaks.

Vote it up at: Digital Journal & RCP

Why Snooper Will Vote Against Obama Or Clinton


I will not sit on my ass and let the world slide by to a Marxist.

I will not abandon The Troops.

Those that have fought for it, Freedom has a taste the “PROTECTED” will NEVER know.

I don’t give a damn about the Republican Party. Nor do I desire to “teach them a lesson”. We see how that lame attitude worked in 2006, did we not?

“McCain”, in the words of many a familiar blogger, “MIGHT secure the border. Obama will not. McCain MIGHT continue the Bush tax cuts. Obama will not. McCain DOES support The Troops and their Mission. Obama does not. McCain might emplace conservative judges. Obama will not”. That right there is a no brainer.

It is McCain for many reasons which goes against the grain of a feigned and ill-conceived principle based on emotion and disappointment and frustration.

The silliness and folly of “teaching the GOP a lesson” by “staying home” and thereby and by default casting a vote for a known Marxist and Troop Hater, does not and cannot pass muster, no matter the alleged reasoning. Such folly is a direct groin kick from behind to the crotch of every veteran of every war we have ever fought. It is pissing on the graves of every Fallen Hero from every war we have ever fought. This is unacceptable. Recent SCOTUS decisions should be a clear indicator even to the casual observer.

I am a Troop. My son is a Troop. My wife is a Troop. My brother (KIA VN ’68) is a Troop. My father is a Troop and all my uncles are Troops. Our family has served this Nation since the Revolutionary War and before. We know what sacrifice is and what it means. Most Americans don’t know what it means.

The C’est la Guerre post still stands as it is written and is even more applicable today than it was when I wrote it as does Go Ahead: Allow Obama To Win…I find it chillingly eerie that a Pfc has more common sense than those of “principle” no matter who that person may or may not be. Once again, someone with Boots On The Ground trumps those that have no earthly concept what that would be like. And, more’s the pity.

No. Snooper will not roll over in frustration and weariness of The Good Fight to teach anyone a lesson about anything because I don’t have the time to play that game of hysterics. I will lead by example. I am a fighter. When a Flag falls, I will pick it up and charge forward, not sit down and let someone else do it. If not me, who?

The Battle Field lies in the House and Senate, not in the Presidency. That much is obvious even to the oblivious. Over the next 2 to 6 years, that is where the conflict lies- in the House and Senate – and bears merit. All other argument(s) fall flat because they carry no merit or worth. The Good Fight has yet to be realized and that which we have accomplished in the last 8 years will all be for naught should we sit back and let the country fall to a Marxist.

I didn’t serve this nation to allow the silliness and folly of “teaching the GOP/RNC/RINO/MORON class of sycophant a lesson” about anything to become some demonstrative chant of see-I-told-ya-so. That attitude causes me to practically hurl. Our Troops’ blood is worth so much more than that. You want to “teach someone” a lesson? Get off of your ass, turn off the idiotic boob tube – the device of complacency, indoctrination, and escapism – and begin to write letters, send faxes and emails and phone calls to every CONgressman and every Senator. Be a pest. That is what the enemy does and is good at it. Your basic Conservative is about as lazy as a hog in mud by design and it hurts to work and fight.

If I can take power naps on a rocky crag while observing enemy movements to keep you safe at night; if our Troops can sleep in mud holes in the rain to keep you safe at night; if my son could sleep in an environment that would make an outdoorsman cringe to keep you safe at night; the least you can do is turn your goddamn TV off and commence to fight and at least try to repay them what they are so deserving of…your support. And, turning the country over to a known Marxist is not the support we Troops will except. EVER.

We got Reagan because of several events: the aftermath of Vietnam, Nixon, Agnew, Ford, Carter and the economy. And, we are STILL digging out of the Carter Quagmire on many levels. We will never see another Reagan. Period. Get over it. Step away from the ‘shrooms. We got McCain because of lazy Silent Majority Conservatives too damned lazy to act until it is too late and then they whine and complain and bitch when the going gets tough.

The “lesson” to be taught and learned right here and now is this: when the going gets toughest, that is when you lay the pressure on, without mercy and without remorse. We beat Shamnesty thrice. We have exposed the Leftinistra for what they are and we are gaining. Why surrender now to teach the unteachable a lesson? What will they learn and who will teach them? There are men and women poised to snag seats away from RINOs and socialists and we are going to let Obama defeat them?

Vanity. All is vanity. And, there is nothing new under the sun.

No. It is McCain because the alternative is not only unthinkable, it is unacceptable.

Snooper speaks.

Vote it up at: Digital Journal & RCP

Vultural Jihad: American Politics BAU


As we head into the Democrat Brokered Convention in Denver and the vacuous rantings of the Leftinistra Whinosphere, I can’t help but see the enemies within on the run. 40+ years of socialist/marxist/stalinist garbage has come to a shrilling head and the members thereof cannot help but eat each other alive.

Yes. I said we have them on the run. Just like Al Qaida in Iraq and the Taliban in Afghanistan – two peas in a pod, as it were. The enemy is the enemy is the enemy no matter how you look at it.

As the enemy, the Leftinistra – armies of the socialist democrat – spar back and forth about who has more of what following and who is electable or not, the feminists and the racists are tearing at each other’s throats and clawing each other’s eyes. For what? A decisive hammering come November? Laughable that.

They delude themselves seeing that 2007 revealed their “udder” inability to lead. It has come down to not being able to tell the two DNC aspirants one from another and today, Hillary accused Barack of being a copy-cat. Copy-cat? Please. Two peas in a pod and that’s the best she has? Unbelievable.

To the Leftinistra, everything is always the fault of something or someone else. Incredible. The Leftinistra rhetoric of the Global Warming Myth wrought upon the world is creating devastation across the globe driving prices higher and higher as the Leftinistra try to out-socialist each other. And now, it has created food shortages right here in the United States. Who will they blame for this?

As we all know, Barack isn’t even close to being ready to lead an ant farm on a field trip in the woods, and he certainly isn’t ready to lead this nation. He will most assuredly be handed his walking papers when going up against McCain. Hillary won’t fair much better, either. The problem is, neither know it. Yet. Her two-faced “misspeaks” (whatever those are) will come home to roost and her blatant pandering while scratching for political survival are indicative of an unstable mind. Nuke Iran? That’s almost as bad as Barack saying the same thing about Pakistan.

Hillary we know about and her budding Leninisms are well known. Barack, on the other hand, is an unknown. That is slowly being changed and as soon as he is completely exposed, then the socialist democrats will have to decide which friend of the terrorists and other anti-Americanists that they would “Rather” choose as their candidate. Jimmy Carter has already selected Obama (not officially) and that right there is a clear indication of a Clear and Present Danger to this nation.

Let them whine, scratch and claw. It is a pride thing now because neither DNC aspirant can reach the magic number before Denver and every step of the way, they are making it that much more obvious, even to the oblivious, that John McCain will be the next President of the United States.

Like we say at A Newt One:

Karl Rove says that Obama ain’t ready for Prime Time, either.

Vultural Jihad: American Politics BAU


As we head into the Democrat Brokered Convention in Denver and the vacuous rantings of the Leftinistra Whinosphere, I can’t help but see the enemies within on the run. 40+ years of socialist/marxist/stalinist garbage has come to a shrilling head and the members thereof cannot help but eat each other alive.

Yes. I said we have them on the run. Just like Al Qaida in Iraq and the Taliban in Afghanistan – two peas in a pod, as it were. The enemy is the enemy is the enemy no matter how you look at it.

As the enemy, the Leftinistra – armies of the socialist democrat – spar back and forth about who has more of what following and who is electable or not, the feminists and the racists are tearing at each other’s throats and clawing each other’s eyes. For what? A decisive hammering come November? Laughable that.

They delude themselves seeing that 2007 revealed their “udder” inability to lead. It has come down to not being able to tell the two DNC aspirants one from another and today, Hillary accused Barack of being a copy-cat. Copy-cat? Please. Two peas in a pod and that’s the best she has? Unbelievable.

To the Leftinistra, everything is always the fault of something or someone else. Incredible. The Leftinistra rhetoric of the Global Warming Myth wrought upon the world is creating devastation across the globe driving prices higher and higher as the Leftinistra try to out-socialist each other. And now, it has created food shortages right here in the United States. Who will they blame for this?

As we all know, Barack isn’t even close to being ready to lead an ant farm on a field trip in the woods, and he certainly isn’t ready to lead this nation. He will most assuredly be handed his walking papers when going up against McCain. Hillary won’t fair much better, either. The problem is, neither know it. Yet. Her two-faced “misspeaks” (whatever those are) will come home to roost and her blatant pandering while scratching for political survival are indicative of an unstable mind. Nuke Iran? That’s almost as bad as Barack saying the same thing about Pakistan.

Hillary we know about and her budding Leninisms are well known. Barack, on the other hand, is an unknown. That is slowly being changed and as soon as he is completely exposed, then the socialist democrats will have to decide which friend of the terrorists and other anti-Americanists that they would “Rather” choose as their candidate. Jimmy Carter has already selected Obama (not officially) and that right there is a clear indication of a Clear and Present Danger to this nation.

Let them whine, scratch and claw. It is a pride thing now because neither DNC aspirant can reach the magic number before Denver and every step of the way, they are making it that much more obvious, even to the oblivious, that John McCain will be the next President of the United States.

Like we say at A Newt One:

Karl Rove says that Obama ain’t ready for Prime Time, either.

Vultural Jihad: Barack The Sore Loser


Ever since the ABC hosted “final debate” between the two Marxists Hillary and Obama last week, Barack has had an obvious chip on his face that needs to be knocked off. When folks have presidential aspirations, they really should be ready for subjects and circumstances which causes skin to crawl but need to be faced and hammered out as best they can. A President doesn’t address issues that he or she chooses to.

So, with Barack losing as he did in Pennsylvania, a 10-point spread for Hillary and over 200K in popular votes, Barack lost pretty badly. So, what does he do? According to that mean and nasty ABC, he has thrown a temper tantrum.

White House contender Barack Obama has torn into his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton for using terrorism to scare up votes, and Republican John McCain for offering broken policies.

In a tub-thumping speech in Indiana, which along with North Carolina is the next stop in the Democratic nominating race on May 6, Senator Obama conceded defeat to Senator Clinton in the day’s Pennsylvania primary. […]

Stop whining. This guy makes me ill. It seems as though he only wants to talk about subjects he has practiced on and when he has a teleprompter handy.

Look, Barack, not only are you not suited to be the President of The United States or the CIC in a time of war, let alone in a time of peace, your gaffes are a portent into what you really are – an empty Marxist suit.

Hillary isn’t much better when it comes to the Marxist/Stalinist rhetoric but she does pander better than you do. Get over it. You are headed for a brokered convention and you are going leave that place a Senator and that is all.

Have fun in that Abyss of Obscurity that you have secured for yourself because you won’t win re-election to that post. Period. You. Are. Toast.