Obama’s Secret Meetings With Iran

By Findalis of Monkey in the Middle

During the last campaign season it seems that now President Obama was conducting his own foreign policy. He had representatives meet with high officials of Syria and Iran, promising them what? And giving them what guarantees?

United States President Barack Obama employed representatives and experts to hold secret high-level talks with Iran and Syria months prior to his election as president, organizers of the meetings told Agence France Presse on Monday.

Over the past few months, Obama campaign and election officials, as well as nuclear non-proliferation experts, had several “very, very high-level” contacts with Iranian leaders, according to Jeffrey Boutwell, executive director for the U.S. branch of the Pugwash group, a Nobel Prize-winning international organization of scientists. Former defense secretary William Perry, who served in Obama’s election campaign, also participated in some of the meetings, which included discussions on Iran’s nuclear program and the Arab-Israeli conflict. Though Boutwell refused to name other participants, he said they were senior figures in the Iranian and US governments.

In his first television interview as president, conducted by the Muslim Al-Arabiya television network, Obama called Iranians “a great people,” adding “the U.S. has a stake in the well being of the Muslim world.”

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad affirmed the reports Monday that Obama officials had repeated contact with his country for some time prior to the U.S. elections. “Dialogue started some weeks ago in a serious manner through personalities who are close to the administration and who were dispatched by the administration,” Assad said.

A group of experts, under the auspices of the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) think tank, announced Thursday that they met for more than two hours in Damascus with President al-Assad. Obama transition team member and former Clinton White House adviser Ellen Laipson attended the meeting as well, they said.

Seeing that Obama is reaching out to the Muslim/Arab world, and seeing that his Middle East envoy, George Mitchell, was one of the biggest supporters of the Arab world, it is not surprising to me that Israelis do not see Obama as a friend, but one who is opposed to the very idea of Israel and is working towards its demise. As Ali Abunimah, co-founder of Electronic Intifada, dear friend of Obama has recently stated:

Accusing the Jewish state of “genocide,” an anti-Israel Palestinian activist once commended by President Obama has predicted the end of Israel, which, he boasted, is “within reach, in our lifetimes.”

In a piece earlier this month titled, “Why Israel won’t survive,” Ali Abunimah, co-founder of Electronic Intifada, a pro-Palestinian online publication, accused Israel of war crimes and gloated, “Now, the other pillar of Israeli power – Western support and complicity – is starting to crack. We must do all we can to push it over.”

“It is Israel as a Zionist state, not Palestine or the Palestinian people, that cannot survive this attempted genocide. Its problem is legitimacy, or rather a profound and irreversible lack of it,” wrote Abunimah.

Abunimah previously was described as close to Obama and has introduced the politician at pro-Palestinian events. Referring to a time period in the late 1990s, Abunimah said that “Obama used to be very comfortable speaking up for and being associated with Palestinian rights and opposing the Israeli occupation.”

Abunimah was quoted stating Obama was “quite frank that the U.S. needed to be more evenhanded, that it leaned too much toward Israel.”

He noted Obama’s unusual stance toward Israel, commenting “these were the kind of statements I’d never heard from a U.S. politician who seemed like he was going somewhere, rather than at the end of his career.”

In his piece this month, Abunimah blasted Israel’s three-week campaign against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, accusing the Israel Defense Forces of “massacr[ing] civilians in the hope that the population would turn against those fighting the occupier.”

Just another one of Obama’s close friends. This one is closer to the President than Ayers, or Wright. And Obama receives his advice on the region from this man, not anyone else.

Obama screams that he wants an open government, but his actions speak volumes of the secrecy and deceit that he has and does employ.

More Nancy Pelosi Fallout

This picture says it all (courtesy of Family Security Matters at this link:

It seems she received a letter from the President today. There have been a LOT of fingers flying over the blogs and the MSM has gone banana-cakes over her terrorist-loving self, but the letter is priceless. Here it is from Drudge (http://www.drudgereport.com/flash6.htm):

Mon Apr 09 2007 10:28:28 ET

Today, GOP Leaders from both chambers urged Speaker Pelosi to call the House back into session immediately to finish its work on the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations bill for the troops. Speaker Pelosi neglected to appoint House conferees before the two-week break, further delaying negotiations on a final bill. The joint letter to Pelosi is attached. Text follows:

Dear Speaker Pelosi: We are writing to urge you to call the House back into session immediately so that Congress can finish its work on the emergency legislation to fund the Global War on Terrorism. This funding request has been pending since February 5, but your leadership team chose to leave town for more than two weeks rather than completing this bill. As a result, our troops have been put at risk.

We are especially troubled by the House’s failure to appoint conferees. The Senate appointed conferees on March 29, moments after passing its bill, but the House never did so despite passing the bill a week earlier. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told the Senate that he hoped the House-Senate conference would begin on March 30. That hoped-for progress has been thwarted by your failure to act.

It should go without saying that our military leaders are in the best position to know the needs of our troops, and they have left no doubt that this funding is needed urgently. General Peter Schoomaker, United States Army Chief of Staff, has written that, “without approval of the supplemental funds in April, we will be forced to take increasingly draconian measures which will impact Army readiness and impose hardships on our Soldiers and their families.” Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has also emphasized the dangers of delay: “This kind of disruption to key programs will have a genuinely adverse effect on the readiness of the Army and the quality of life for soldiers and their families.”

Our troops need this funding, and they need it soon. The Senate is in session and ready to work. We respectfully request that you cancel the remainder of your break, call the House back into session, appoint conferees promptly, and work in good faith to pass a clean supplemental funding bill that the President can sign as soon as possible. Every day we don’t fund our troops is a day their ability to fight this war is weakened.

Her lapdog Steny Hoyer visiting Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=55087

The Democratic Progressive Caucus:

Pelosi’s Office Calls GOP Demand For Action on Iraq Bill ‘Political Stunt’:

Arab Media Reactions to Nancy Pelosi’s Visit to Damascas:
http://www.americancongressfortruth.com/ArchDetails.aspx?id=174 and

Pelosi’s Diplomacy: She Speaks Only for Herself:

Pelosi’s Middle East Tumble:

And, finally, IF you have the stomach for it and won’t lose your lunch, here’s a little ditty from the moonbats:

The Media’s Ideological View of Pelosi’s Trip: http://news.yahoo.com/s/thenation/20070409/cm_thenation/7183655
There’s just one problem with this article, however–the Constitution (and said Separation of Powers listed within and how those apply to Pelosi’s gross over-stepping those powers) is conveniently omitted by author Katrina vanden Heuvel.

Stay posted for more! This isn’t going to blow over like Botox Queen wanted and could have serious effects on the Democratic party–more serious than they either wanted or expected.

More Nancy Pelosi Fallout

This picture says it all (courtesy of Family Security Matters at this link:

It seems she received a letter from the President today. There have been a LOT of fingers flying over the blogs and the MSM has gone banana-cakes over her terrorist-loving self, but the letter is priceless. Here it is from Drudge (http://www.drudgereport.com/flash6.htm):

Mon Apr 09 2007 10:28:28 ET

Today, GOP Leaders from both chambers urged Speaker Pelosi to call the House back into session immediately to finish its work on the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations bill for the troops. Speaker Pelosi neglected to appoint House conferees before the two-week break, further delaying negotiations on a final bill. The joint letter to Pelosi is attached. Text follows:

Dear Speaker Pelosi: We are writing to urge you to call the House back into session immediately so that Congress can finish its work on the emergency legislation to fund the Global War on Terrorism. This funding request has been pending since February 5, but your leadership team chose to leave town for more than two weeks rather than completing this bill. As a result, our troops have been put at risk.

We are especially troubled by the House’s failure to appoint conferees. The Senate appointed conferees on March 29, moments after passing its bill, but the House never did so despite passing the bill a week earlier. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told the Senate that he hoped the House-Senate conference would begin on March 30. That hoped-for progress has been thwarted by your failure to act.

It should go without saying that our military leaders are in the best position to know the needs of our troops, and they have left no doubt that this funding is needed urgently. General Peter Schoomaker, United States Army Chief of Staff, has written that, “without approval of the supplemental funds in April, we will be forced to take increasingly draconian measures which will impact Army readiness and impose hardships on our Soldiers and their families.” Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has also emphasized the dangers of delay: “This kind of disruption to key programs will have a genuinely adverse effect on the readiness of the Army and the quality of life for soldiers and their families.”

Our troops need this funding, and they need it soon. The Senate is in session and ready to work. We respectfully request that you cancel the remainder of your break, call the House back into session, appoint conferees promptly, and work in good faith to pass a clean supplemental funding bill that the President can sign as soon as possible. Every day we don’t fund our troops is a day their ability to fight this war is weakened.

Her lapdog Steny Hoyer visiting Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=55087

The Democratic Progressive Caucus:

Pelosi’s Office Calls GOP Demand For Action on Iraq Bill ‘Political Stunt’:

Arab Media Reactions to Nancy Pelosi’s Visit to Damascas:
http://www.americancongressfortruth.com/ArchDetails.aspx?id=174 and

Pelosi’s Diplomacy: She Speaks Only for Herself:

Pelosi’s Middle East Tumble:

And, finally, IF you have the stomach for it and won’t lose your lunch, here’s a little ditty from the moonbats:

The Media’s Ideological View of Pelosi’s Trip: http://news.yahoo.com/s/thenation/20070409/cm_thenation/7183655
There’s just one problem with this article, however–the Constitution (and said Separation of Powers listed within and how those apply to Pelosi’s gross over-stepping those powers) is conveniently omitted by author Katrina vanden Heuvel.

Stay posted for more! This isn’t going to blow over like Botox Queen wanted and could have serious effects on the Democratic party–more serious than they either wanted or expected.

Impeach Nancy Pelosi!

Nancy Pelosi has done more harm in 4 months than anyone could ever imagine.

She and her ilk are continually screeching for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Cheney. Why? Because these two men have the audacity to stand firm in the face of ridiculous criticism from burned out hippies and because they refuse to allow non-combatants to micro-manage a war. In other words, this harpie can’t stand the thought of mere men standing up to her. Nor can other “enlightened” women, such as Hillary.

Further, these man haters can’t stand the thought there is a REAL woman who wields a big stick and speaks softly, one with true power, as well as maintains her complete femininity all the while showing herself to be the true lady she is–educated, eloquent, trustworthy, and, yes, attractive. THAT woman is Dr. Condoleeza Rice. They would love to impeach her, as well, I’m sure.

However, when it comes to TRUE high crimes and misdemeanors, we need only look to Pelosi.

First, there is a video in my video section here regarding Democrats and their views on Saddam Hussein, WMD and the war. Pelosi WISHES this video would disappear, but in this age of the internet, that’s not going to happen.

Then we hear all about how she “supports the troops but not the war”. If the bills she’s trying to pass, laden with pork and withdrawal dates (thus emboldening the enemy and further endangering our troops) is any indication of her “troop support”, we can do without her support, thank you very much.

How about her choice for her lapdog, John Murtha? He of ABSCAM fame and a disgrace to his marine uniform? A criminal? Not that Steny Hoyer is any better, but MURTHA??? C’mon!

And the stink about Air Force 3. Along with her demands that AF3 be made available not only to her but her entire family. At taxpayer expense.

The non-binding resolution? That whole mess was also a complete waste of taxpayer time AND money, simply to get across an opinion.

Now, Syria. Was she authorized to go to Syria? NO. And, one of her tagalongs was Keith Ellison, a muslim congressman whose loyalties remain to be seen. After all, the Koran demands total obeisance above all else. His presence in her entourage is highly suspect.

She was told not to go. She is fully cognizant of the current state Syria is held in, that state being a terrorist state and sponsor of terrorism. She knows Iran and Syria are in collusion with Iraq and in the continued murder of Iraqui civilians and our troops. Yet, she thumbed her nose at the President and tried to do Dr. Rice’s job. That is not part of her job and steps way over the boundaries of decorum for the SoH.

And the ultimate pratfall of the trip? Giving Syria a “message” from Israel, one Israel never gave to her. Oh, and of course, wearing a hijab as a fashion statement.

Pelosi is the one who should be impeached. For sedition, treason, aid and comfort to the enemy, fiduciary misconduct (wasting taxpayer money), flat out lying as to her intentions in getting elected, collusion and finally, violation of the Logan Act. She has no business trying to play with the “big boys”. She’s still in kindergarten when it comes to politics. However, she has let her blind hatred of the administration guide her actions, simply because the administration won’t cave to her foot-stomping temper tantrums and LISTEN to her.

Over at Victory Caucus, there are several links to excellent articles about her behaviour. I’ll list them here and let you be the judge.


“Terrorists Agree: Nancy’s Da Bomb”: http://littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/?entry=25032_Terrorists_Agree-_Nancys_Da_Bomb&only

“Pratfall in Damascus–Nancy Pelosi’s Foolish Shuttle Diplomacy”; http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/04/04/AR2007040402306_pf.html

“Speaker Pelosi’s Adventure in Damascus Has Cost Her a lot of Political Capital”: http://www.mcall.com/news/opinion/all-editorial1apr08,0,117465.story?coll=all-opiniontop-hed

“Nancy Pelosi Should Resign”; http://newsmax.com/archives/articles/2007/4/6/151249.shtml?s=lh (This one is written by a Democrat, no less!)

“Pelosi Defends Visit to Mideast”; http://washingtontimes.com/national/20070406-115248-8516r.htm

“Pelosi Mideast Trip Strengthened Ties”; http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D8OB9KC80&show_article=1

These are the links in just TWO threads at TVC!

Bottom line is, Pelosi’s gotta go. ‘Nuf said!