Ad Hoc Committee on Complementary Standards

Ad Hoc Committee on Complementary Standards

What does that title tell us? Only that a special purpose committee was instituted. “Complementary Standards” tells us nothing about its purpose. Complementary to what? What standards might the committee complete?

We have only a high sounding title, for a committee instituted by men with lofty titles and low morals: the United Nations Human Rights Council.
Ms. Navanethem Pillay, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has a hint for us.

An additional mechanism, the Ad Hoc Committee on Complementary Standards was created by the Human Rights Council in 2006 to fill gaps in CERD, and to provide new normative standards aimed at combating all forms of contemporary aspects of racism.

They are talking about adding a protocol to the International Convention for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. The protocol would be enforceable international law, binding on the signatories. You probably overlooked some key words.

  • contemporary aspects of racism.

What the Hell does that mean? It does not mean hating people because of their skin color, physiognomy or supposed inferior culture.

The following quote is from Preliminary document of the African Regional Conference Preparatory to the Durban Review Conference [Emphasis added.]

4. Emphasizes the urgent need to address the scourges of anti-Semitism, Christianophobia, and Islamophobia as contemporary forms of racism as well as racial and violent movements based on racism and discriminatory ideas directed at African, Arab, Christian, Jewish, Muslim and other communities;

Islamophobia implies irrational fear and loathing. Considering Islam’s historical record of 270*106 innocent victims, there is nothing irrational about fearing or loathing Islam.

Islam is a war cult, not a race. It was contrived by an Arab, but it has enslaved people of several races, and due to their large population base and high rate of reproduction, Asian Muslims now outnumber Arab Muslims.

The next post in this series will examine the suggestions submitted to the committee by The Islamic Republic of Iran.

Prosecute HAMAS for War Crimes

88,942 People have signed the letter to U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon demanding prosecution of the leadership of HAMAS on war crimes charges. Take-A-Pen For Israel wants to increase that to 100,000 by July 31, 2009.

The petition lists the following criminal acts.

– Shooting rockets and grenades purposely on civilian targets in Israel.
– Shooting these rockets from within Palestinian civilian compounds such as schools or in close proximity of hospitals or residential buildings.
– Storing weapons and ammunition in schools, mosques, public offices and buildings and the sort.
– Regularly using their own civilians as human shield; particularly children, often forced to be in the most dangerous spots.
– During fighting with the Israeli forces the Hamas fighters, who wore uniforms at the beginning, changed to civilian clothing or IDF uniforms and continued to fight.
– Hamas fighters have routinely hid among civilians in hospitals
– To the kidnapped Israeli soldier, Gilad Schalit, Hamas did not provide the most elementary rights of war prisoners, such as information given to the other side and Red Cross visits, rights Israel grants even to convicted Hamas terrorists.
– Children and minors were routinely used by Hamas for military tasks, both battle and auxiliary. The Hamas regime has also educated, indoctrinated and trained children and minors to murderous hatred, to will and techniques to kill.
– The Hamas leadership embezzled aid money received for the peaceful needs of Gaza’s population and used these extensive funds for war efforts; weaponry, military equipment and constructions, and an enormous military build-up.

The H.R.C.’s one sided, prejudiced ‘investigation’ “of the grave war crimes Israel committed in the Gaza military operation” provides good reason for bringing this petition to the front burner at this time. Nothing can make the ‘fact finding mission’ even handed or objective, but this petition campaign is a good way to shine the light of truth on its bias which results from domination of the U.N. by the O.I.C. and its allies.

“The aim of the public hearings was to show the human side of suffering and to give a voice to victims so that they are not lost among the statistics,” former South African judge Richard Goldstone, head of the fact-finding mission, told journalists in Geneva on Tuesday. [Swiss Info] [Emphasis added.]

Canadian Inquisition


Alberta human rights commission

Keith Bonnell wrote an excellent article, Commentator defends publishing controversial Muslim cartoons, about the case of Ezra Levant , who, as publisher of the Western Standard magazine, made eight of the infamous Danish Cartoons available to Canadian readers.

Ezra Levant has been hauled before the Alberta Human Rights Council to give account of his offense to Islam. A second complaint has been lodged against him for republishing the cartoons on his blog in answer to the complaint.

Mr. Levant videotaped the inquisition and has posted videos on his blog. He also posted a transcript of his opening statement and a copy of the original complaint. I urge you to read those documents. His statement is one of the best and clearest expressions of the right to free speech.

In theory, it can’t happen here in the U.S.A., because of first amendment protection. In reality, it can and probably will, because of the corruption of our Judicial system. We owe it to ourselves and to futurity to stand up and scream curses, disrespectfully demanding the preservation of our rights before that happens.

The chief proponent of censorship is the United Nations, which resolved to ban criticism of Islam Dec. 24 last. Now is the time to get the U.S.A. out of the U.N. and the U.N. out of the U.S.A., while we still have the right to petition for redress of grievances. If you have not yet endorsed the Quit the U.N. petition, please do so now and email it to all your friends, asking them to endorse it and pass it on. Likewise the Outlaw Islam petition. The liberty you save will be your own, passed down to your children and grandchildren.

Canadian Inquisition


Alberta human rights commission

Keith Bonnell wrote an excellent article, Commentator defends publishing controversial Muslim cartoons, about the case of Ezra Levant , who, as publisher of the Western Standard magazine, made eight of the infamous Danish Cartoons available to Canadian readers.

Ezra Levant has been hauled before the Alberta Human Rights Council to give account of his offense to Islam. A second complaint has been lodged against him for republishing the cartoons on his blog in answer to the complaint.

Mr. Levant videotaped the inquisition and has posted videos on his blog. He also posted a transcript of his opening statement and a copy of the original complaint. I urge you to read those documents. His statement is one of the best and clearest expressions of the right to free speech.

In theory, it can’t happen here in the U.S.A., because of first amendment protection. In reality, it can and probably will, because of the corruption of our Judicial system. We owe it to ourselves and to futurity to stand up and scream curses, disrespectfully demanding the preservation of our rights before that happens.

The chief proponent of censorship is the United Nations, which resolved to ban criticism of Islam Dec. 24 last. Now is the time to get the U.S.A. out of the U.N. and the U.N. out of the U.S.A., while we still have the right to petition for redress of grievances. If you have not yet endorsed the Quit the U.N. petition, please do so now and email it to all your friends, asking them to endorse it and pass it on. Likewise the Outlaw Islam petition. The liberty you save will be your own, passed down to your children and grandchildren.