Community Organizing: Seizing Power, Creating Socialism

Cross-posted by Maggie at Maggie’s Notebook

[transcription of above] Our final goal is the destruction of imperialism, the seizure of power, and the creation of socialism. Our strategy for this stage of the struggle is to organize the oppressed people of the imperial nation itself to join the colonies in the attack on imperialism. The process of attacking and weakening imperialism involves defeat of all kinds of national chauvinism and arrogance; this precondition to our fight for socialism.

The above from Prairie Fire – written by William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn

Zomblog has copies of a rare Weather Underground newspaper known as Osawatomie. Published in 1975 as William Ayers and Bernardine Dohn were hiding from authorities, and as Zomblog put it:

“transitioning from terrorism…”

to inside work for the revolution…what we now know was a plan to overthrow the government of the United States, tells us what community organizing is all about, and it’s all about the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis.

If you are beyond weary of hearing about William Ayers’ connection to Barack Obama, Zomblog makes THE point, and I’ll use it here, because it cannot be said better:

Ayers was not simply protesting “against” the Vietnam War. Firstly, he wasn’t against war in principle, he was agitating for the victory of the communist forces in Vietnam. In other words: He wasn’t against the war, he was against our side in the war. This is spelled out in great detail in Prairie Fire. Secondly, and more significantly, the Vietnam War was only one of many issues cited by the Weather Undergound as the justifications for their violent acts. As you will see below, in various quotes from Prairie Fire and in their own list of their violent actions (and in additional impartial documentary links), Ayers and the Weather Underground enumerated dozens of different grievances as the rationales for their bombings — their overarching goal being to inspire a violent mass uprising against the United States government in order to establish a communist “dictatorship of the proletariat,” in Ayers’ own words.

The plan was to overturn the government by “creativity and AUDACITY.”
The following from Osawatomie:

[transcript]… the system itself is inhuman, and socialism is a real alternative; the energy crisis is the fault of Rockefeller and the oil companies, not the Arab people; unemployment is caused by capitalism not “illegal aliens” stealing jobs; war in Indochina or the Mideast is part of the problem, not the solution; political and social action can change things.

[transcript of above] Organizers must be intimately aware of every problem and each injustice, and they must show that underneath each particular problem lies another problem, and another and another until you reach the system of imperialism itself. The system is designed to create problems for poor, Third World and working-class people. Organizers need to find small solutions to small problems and great solutions to great problems. Our solutions should be drastic.

We need to build a successful struggle, strong organization and a winning revolutionary party. This is a process, which will not emerge full-blown from our minds. It will emerge and change and grow from practice. We know where to begin.

It is with all this in mind that we have created OSAWATOMIE, the revolutionary voice of the Weather Underground Organization.

The following from Ayers and Dohrn’s book, Prairie Fire (more at Zomblog):

William Ayers is a communist. But don’t take my word for it. He said so himself:

[transcript of above] We are a guerrilla organization. We are communist women and men, underground in the United States for more than four years.

[Zomblog] And not some nicey-nice peace-and-love kind of communist. Through his group the Weather Underground, Ayers was planning to “seize power” in a violent communist takeover of the United States:

[transcript of above] We need a revolutionary communist praty in order to lead the struggle, give coherence and direction to the fight, seize power and build the new society.

Manufactured Crisis:

[transcript of above] Our job is to tap the discontent seething in many sectors of the population, to find allies everywhere people are hungry or angry, to mobilize poor and working people against imperialism.

You’ve heard by now that Prarie Fire was dedicated to U.S. “political prisoners,”…one of those deemed a “political prisoner” is Sirhan Sirhan – the murderer of Robert F. Kennedy. Here it is, scanned directly from the book:

Visit for more.

Why I’m Voting For Obama

(Cross-posted from America Needs Me)

(Note: America Needs Me would like to welcome its first guest contributor ever. Buffi lives in West Hollywood and works in the entertainment industry. She’s asked to keep her personal information to a minimum here because, “You Republicans have, like, guns and stuff.”)

Why I’m Voting For Obama

Well, let’s just start by saying that I’ve never really been a political sort of person before because I thought my vote didn’t matter. But then that guy from the Black Eyed Peas told me it would. You know, the one who isn’t Fergie. And is a guy. Anyway. He told me it did count but only if I voted for Bar…I can’t say His name just yet, I’ll get too emotional.

I’m young but I know that He appeals to all ages because that old lady from the 80’s loves him too. I think her name is Magina. She’s divorcing some British guy and she bought an African school and took a kid from it once. I heard she was really hot when Reagan was president and people my age gave a crap about MTV. But she loves…Him.

I have to say His name or everything inside of me might explode.


OMG, I did it! Just like His website, I will only refer to him by his last name.


Just like all those chanting Germans said it. There isn’t anything that thousands of chanting Germans could be wrong about, is there? Europeans are SO da bomb!

I support Obama because only He will bring change. This election is all about change. We need change in Washington. I don’t want George Bush to win again. If Obama doesn’t win, it will be four more years of George Bush. I said this to someone who brought up something about “term limits”. I just stuck my hand in his face and said, “That’s old politics! I’m for change and a new way.” Yeah, I went there.

I support Obama because I can call Sarah Palin a c**t and hate her dumb Alaska way of having kids and a job but still tell people I’m a feminist. Besides, the New York Times said she probably killed Abraham Lincoln, so, I mean, you know, that’s bad.

I support Obama because He is going to take money from other people and give it to me. I think that’s called racism. I’m not sure. Something is called racism, because they say it a lot.

I support Obama because He picked that guy from the wax museum with fake hair to be His running mate. It’s important to have people from olden times around to explain things like the Beatles and hockey to the president. Wax Museum Guy even saw President Roosevelt on TV so he must be really smart about things I can’t understand.

I support Obama because he smiles a lot and, well, it’s good to smile. Especially if our enemies are talking to us. We should always smile then. And listen. A hug would be nice. Whoa, here comes an enemy and he has a really, really, thick vest on. He might be hard to hug.

I support Obama because I can get free health care during an abortion, a sinus infection or a herpes flare-up. If any other man offered me that I would marry him. But I wouldn’t tell him about the herpes. Or the abortion. I just want free stuff, actually.

I support Obama because He supports alternative fuels. That means growing so much corn to make ethanol that poor people starve to death and no one needs to drive or fly to see them. That saves gas. Seriously, how obvious is that, people? Get with the program! Oh, windmills are important too.

I support Obama because He and that blond guy on MSNBC have such a beautiful love affair. America is totally ready for an openly gay president.

Mostly, I support Obama because He’s, well, gosh, just look at Him. And listen to Him. He keeps saying all those words. Then He turns them into sentences with all kinds of punctuation and stuff. Like the one time He said…um, something I don’t remember right now but He said it in such an awesome way that my friends and I are still talking about the total awesomeness of it.

Obama makes me feel happy inside. Like McDonald’s fries. But when He is president He will make sure I get those fries for free.

That’s why I support Obama.

Biden Compares Obama to JFK – Warns He’ll be Way Down in the Polls Within a Year

Senator Biden, V.P. candidate, said of his runningmate to fundraiser attendees in Seattle, WA on Sunday:

“Mark my words, it will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We’re about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don’t remember anything else I said. Watch, we’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.

“Gird your loins. We’re gonna win with your help, God willing, we’re gonna win, but this is not gonna be an easy ride. This president, the next president, is gonna be left with the most significant task. It’s like cleaning the Augean stables, man. This is more than just, this is more than – think about it, literally, think about it – this is more than just a capital crisis, this is more than just markets. This is a systemic problem we have with this economy.

…I promise you, you all are gonna be sitting here a year from now going, ‘Oh my God, why are they there in the polls? Why is the polling so down? Why is this thing so tough?’ We’re gonna have to make some incredibly tough decisions in the first two years. So I’m asking you now, I’m asking you now, be prepared to stick with us. Remember the faith you had at this point because you’re going to have to reinforce us.”

This is not the first time an Obama-Kennedy comparison has been drawn. In the Spring, Hillary reminded the world about John F. Kennedy’s June assassination as a way of explaining why it was too early for her to concede the Democratic nomination.

Many have said that Michelle Obama is emulating the Jackie O look in her dress and style.

Frank Rich of the New York Times points out that Obama’s weaknesses resembles JFK’s weaknesses at the start of his campaign.

Even Senator Ted Kennedy and several members of the Kennedy family have used John F. Kennedy’s legacy to publicly endorse Barack Obama.

Would these comparisons continue into an Obama presidency? Or would they also dissolve into nothingness with the first year, as Biden has suggested, as the liberal left is given a reality check?

Also see:

Biden Compares Obama to JFK – Warns He’ll be Way Down in the Polls Within a Year

Senator Biden, V.P. candidate, said of his runningmate to fundraiser attendees in Seattle, WA on Sunday:

“Mark my words, it will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We’re about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don’t remember anything else I said. Watch, we’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.

“Gird your loins. We’re gonna win with your help, God willing, we’re gonna win, but this is not gonna be an easy ride. This president, the next president, is gonna be left with the most significant task. It’s like cleaning the Augean stables, man. This is more than just, this is more than – think about it, literally, think about it – this is more than just a capital crisis, this is more than just markets. This is a systemic problem we have with this economy.

…I promise you, you all are gonna be sitting here a year from now going, ‘Oh my God, why are they there in the polls? Why is the polling so down? Why is this thing so tough?’ We’re gonna have to make some incredibly tough decisions in the first two years. So I’m asking you now, I’m asking you now, be prepared to stick with us. Remember the faith you had at this point because you’re going to have to reinforce us.”

This is not the first time an Obama-Kennedy comparison has been drawn. In the Spring, Hillary reminded the world about John F. Kennedy’s June assassination as a way of explaining why it was too early for her to concede the Democratic nomination.

Many have said that Michelle Obama is emulating the Jackie O look in her dress and style.

Frank Rich of the New York Times points out that Obama’s weaknesses resembles JFK’s weaknesses at the start of his campaign.

Even Senator Ted Kennedy and several members of the Kennedy family have used John F. Kennedy’s legacy to publicly endorse Barack Obama.

Would these comparisons continue into an Obama presidency? Or would they also dissolve into nothingness with the first year, as Biden has suggested, as the liberal left is given a reality check?

Also see:

Obama’s Admiration of China – A Country with No Water

Cross-posted by Maggie at Maggie’s Notebook

“Everybody’s watching what’s going on in Beijing right now with the Olympics. Think about the amount of money that China has spent on infrastructure. Their ports, their train systems, their airports are vastly the superior to us now which means if you are a corporation deciding where to do business you’re starting to think, Beijing looks like a pretty good option.”

The problem is, China has no water. Beijing may look sleek and gorgeous at the Olympics, but the truth is, water is an apocalyptic issue to the Chinese.

Beijing, the business environment admired by Senator Obama, is a northern city – where the water is not. Forget the reports of diverting water from farmers for the Olympics; that’s no big deal, but what is a big deal is that Beijing’s water supply is down to one-third of the supply available just ten years ago. MSNBC reported that despite China’s efforts to quell the use of water by farmers and move industry out of the city, Beijing’s water has dropped by two-thirds in ten years:

BEIJING – When 16,000 athletes and officials show up this summer, they will be able to turn the taps and get drinkable water — something few Beijing residents ever have enjoyed.

China has a long history of championing water conservation, but with an exploding population and often less-than responsible regulatory policies, few measurable results are evident.

In May 2000 the Earth Policy Institute reported that the water table underneath the city of Beijing fell by eight feet, and since 1965 the water table has fallen nearly 200 feet.

In November 2007, The International Herald Tribune confirmed that the underground water table beneath Shijiazhuang, China is “steadily running dry.”

The underground water table is sinking about four feet a year. Municipal wells have already drained two-thirds of the local groundwater.

In the 1950’s, Shijiazhuang was home to 335,000 people. Today, the population of the city and its surrounds is in excess of 9 million. Increased population, accelerated housing and commercial development, combined with policies that have sometimes allowed building at the “lowest points in the city’s water table,” have created a mammoth problem.

China’s disadvantage, compared with the United States, is that it has a smaller water supply yet almost five times as many people. China has about 7 percent of the world’s water resources and roughly 20 percent of its population. It also has a severe regional water imbalance, with about four-fifths of the water supply in the south.

Throughout the country groundwater shows unacceptable levels of contamination. From WorldWatch Intitute:

The water in Zhao Bo’s village on the outskirts of Beijing was a sickly shade of green. After drinking from the local well, Zhao and his fellow villagers could not go a month without suffering from diarrhea.


[BEIJING] Some 65 million Chinese rely on underground water supplies that are heavily contaminated with arsenic or fluoride, according to the first national survey of the quality of the country’s supply of drinking water.

Another problem: China can only barely feed it’s people, and water is part of the problem.

China’s plan to self-feed 95% of its population “within 12 years,” faces huge challenges. Current facts reveal the enormity of the task.

Vice Minister of Water Resources, Hu Siyi, recently announced a price increase on water usage to the consumer. Siyi cited the country’s “low-level” of efficiency of agricultural water usage. According to the Vice Minister, 70% of China’s water is used for agricultural purposes.

In February 2008, China announced an increase in the country’s “minimum purchasing price for wheat and rice,” in an effort to protect the profit levels of the farming industry:

The announcement said the minimum purchasing price for different types of rice ranges from 75 yuan (about US$10.4) to 79 yuan per 50 kilograms; while that for wheat ranges between 70 yuan and 75 yuan.

Last year the minimum purchasing price for wheat and rice stood at 69 to 72 yuan and 70 to 75 yuan, respectively.

I can’t think of anything (and I’ve spent some time thinking about it) in China that is superior – certainly not “vastly superior” to the U.S. Trains? China must have them; the people cannot afford autos. Ports? China cranks out the goods to the West, but we are certainly capable of receiving them in our ports. Airports: I count twelve major airports for China’s huge population. Getting around this enormous country must be hell.

Obama: not much thought given to his remarks – trying to convince Americans how very disadvantaged we are. Most Americans know better.

Obama’s Admiration of China – A Country with No Water

Cross-posted by Maggie at Maggie’s Notebook

“Everybody’s watching what’s going on in Beijing right now with the Olympics. Think about the amount of money that China has spent on infrastructure. Their ports, their train systems, their airports are vastly the superior to us now which means if you are a corporation deciding where to do business you’re starting to think, Beijing looks like a pretty good option.”

The problem is, China has no water. Beijing may look sleek and gorgeous at the Olympics, but the truth is, water is an apocalyptic issue to the Chinese.

Beijing, the business environment admired by Senator Obama, is a northern city – where the water is not. Forget the reports of diverting water from farmers for the Olympics; that’s no big deal, but what is a big deal is that Beijing’s water supply is down to one-third of the supply available just ten years ago. MSNBC reported that despite China’s efforts to quell the use of water by farmers and move industry out of the city, Beijing’s water has dropped by two-thirds in ten years:

BEIJING – When 16,000 athletes and officials show up this summer, they will be able to turn the taps and get drinkable water — something few Beijing residents ever have enjoyed.

China has a long history of championing water conservation, but with an exploding population and often less-than responsible regulatory policies, few measurable results are evident.

In May 2000 the Earth Policy Institute reported that the water table underneath the city of Beijing fell by eight feet, and since 1965 the water table has fallen nearly 200 feet.

In November 2007, The International Herald Tribune confirmed that the underground water table beneath Shijiazhuang, China is “steadily running dry.”

The underground water table is sinking about four feet a year. Municipal wells have already drained two-thirds of the local groundwater.

In the 1950’s, Shijiazhuang was home to 335,000 people. Today, the population of the city and its surrounds is in excess of 9 million. Increased population, accelerated housing and commercial development, combined with policies that have sometimes allowed building at the “lowest points in the city’s water table,” have created a mammoth problem.

China’s disadvantage, compared with the United States, is that it has a smaller water supply yet almost five times as many people. China has about 7 percent of the world’s water resources and roughly 20 percent of its population. It also has a severe regional water imbalance, with about four-fifths of the water supply in the south.

Throughout the country groundwater shows unacceptable levels of contamination. From WorldWatch Intitute:

The water in Zhao Bo’s village on the outskirts of Beijing was a sickly shade of green. After drinking from the local well, Zhao and his fellow villagers could not go a month without suffering from diarrhea.


[BEIJING] Some 65 million Chinese rely on underground water supplies that are heavily contaminated with arsenic or fluoride, according to the first national survey of the quality of the country’s supply of drinking water.

Another problem: China can only barely feed it’s people, and water is part of the problem.

China’s plan to self-feed 95% of its population “within 12 years,” faces huge challenges. Current facts reveal the enormity of the task.

Vice Minister of Water Resources, Hu Siyi, recently announced a price increase on water usage to the consumer. Siyi cited the country’s “low-level” of efficiency of agricultural water usage. According to the Vice Minister, 70% of China’s water is used for agricultural purposes.

In February 2008, China announced an increase in the country’s “minimum purchasing price for wheat and rice,” in an effort to protect the profit levels of the farming industry:

The announcement said the minimum purchasing price for different types of rice ranges from 75 yuan (about US$10.4) to 79 yuan per 50 kilograms; while that for wheat ranges between 70 yuan and 75 yuan.

Last year the minimum purchasing price for wheat and rice stood at 69 to 72 yuan and 70 to 75 yuan, respectively.

I can’t think of anything (and I’ve spent some time thinking about it) in China that is superior – certainly not “vastly superior” to the U.S. Trains? China must have them; the people cannot afford autos. Ports? China cranks out the goods to the West, but we are certainly capable of receiving them in our ports. Airports: I count twelve major airports for China’s huge population. Getting around this enormous country must be hell.

Obama: not much thought given to his remarks – trying to convince Americans how very disadvantaged we are. Most Americans know better.

John Edwards Blames his own Celebrity

Cross-posted by Maggie at Maggie’s Notebook

The John Edwards “affair,” and his own words should give pause to every voter, not for the obvious reasons, but because he is such a weasel at heart.

…through a lot of work and success I got some acclaim as a lawyer. People were telling me, oh you’re such a great person, such a great lawyer, such a talent, no telling what you’ll do.

This was when I was 30, 31 years old. Then I went from being a young senator to being considered for vice president, running for president, being a vice presidential candidate, all of which fed a self-focus, an egotism, a narcissicism that leads you to believe you can do anything you want, you are invincible and there will be no consequences.

Blaming your public fall from grace on your ability to shill your followers is disingenuous and despicable.

The lesson for voters? Pompous and grandiose candidates are rejected by American voters, as was John Edwards, John Kerry and Al Gore.

Barack Obama will find that he is the not the One We Have Been Waiting For.

Tyson Foods Brings Latent Tuberculosis to Emporia, Kansas

Cross-posted by Maggie at Maggie’s Notebook

Photo from the Topeka Capital-Journal. Their caption reads:
Courtesy / Kansas Health Institute

An estimated 750 to 1,000 Somali refugees are living in Emporia, a magnet because of jobs at the Tyson Foods meatpacking plant. Many have latent tuberculosis.

H/T to Texas Fred and his comment thread.

Tyson Foods’ blatant disregard for the institutions of America is worse than we thought – and it stretches outside just the Shelbyville, TN plant.

Here’s how the Topeka Capital-Journal under the heading “Somalis arrive in Emporia with tuberculosis” describes the “exotic, new arrivals:”

EMPORIA — When hundreds of Somali refugees began showing up to work at the meatpacking plant, nurses Lori Torres and Renee Hively were among the first to get to know the exotic, new arrivals.

“We got notified a day in advance that 70 Somalis were being transferred from a (Tyson Foods) plant in Nebraska,” Hively recalled. “That 70 soon grew into 400, seemingly overnight.”…Torres is the case manager for about 160 Somalis in Emporia who have been diagnosed with latent tuberculosis….

WHERE WAS the Center for Disease Control?

I found the following at

Section 212(a)(1) of the Immigration and Nationality Act states that aliens with specific health-related conditions are ineligible to receive visas and ineligible for admission into the United States. The Attorney General may waive application of this inadmissibility on health-related grounds if an application for waiver is filed and approved by the consular office considering the application for a visa. The Division of Migration and Quarantine, NCID uses this application primarily to collect information to establish and maintain records of waiver applicants in order to notify the Immigration and Naturalization Service when terms, conditions and controls imposed by waiver are not met. NCID is requesting the extension of this data for 3 years. There total estimated annualize burden is 167 hours.

More from the Topeka Capital-Journal:

…each of the department’s [Tyson’s] nurses divided the case management responsibilities, but with the surge it was decided Torres would take them all, in essence creating a full-time tuberculosis nurse position. They also persuaded the clinic’s managers to hire a full-time Somali translator. [Your package of chicken fingers just went up a quarter.}

Here’s the EXOTIC word again:

The Somalis are the most recent and perhaps most exotic wave for this city of about 25,000 people. Not everyone in Emporia has been welcoming. There have been incidents of vandalism and an armed robbery attempt at the Ayan Restaurant, a Somali-owned eatery that also serves as an informal community center for the refugees.

An article posted Nov. 3 on the Emporia Gazette Web site about a state grant to Catholic Community Services to help the Somalis settling in Emporia drew scores of angry, anonymous reader reactions, including this one:

“Emporia is going to be its own 3rd world country before long because of all the damn, bleeding hearts.”

“They came post 9/11. They’re black and they’re Muslim,” Hively said, describing some of the hostility demonstrated toward the Somalis. “Emporia didn’t have many black people before. This is a small town.”

If you haven’t caught the latest news, Tyson contractually, with its Union, canceled Labor Day – no joking here – at their Shelbyville, TN plant and replaced it with a Muslim holiday sometime each Fall.

Let us put Tyson Foods out of business!
No extraordinary measures needed.
No time out of your day
Just don’t buy anything made by Tyson Foods

Tyson is not only about chicken. They sell beef and pork products, including bacon. One of my readers suggested that we query restaurants. Are they using Tyson for their chicken fingers, hot wings, etc.?

Don’t buy Tyson until Labor Day is acknowledged again at their Shelbyville plant and these refugees are sent back home.

Contact Information

Mail: Tyson Foods, Inc.
P.O. Box 2020
Springdale, AR 72764-6999
Telephone: 1-800-643-3410
Consumer Relations CP631
2210 West Oaklawn Drive
Springdale, AR 72764-6999

Tyson Foods Brings Latent Tuberculosis to Emporia, Kansas

Cross-posted by Maggie at Maggie’s Notebook

Photo from the Topeka Capital-Journal. Their caption reads:
Courtesy / Kansas Health Institute

An estimated 750 to 1,000 Somali refugees are living in Emporia, a magnet because of jobs at the Tyson Foods meatpacking plant. Many have latent tuberculosis.

H/T to Texas Fred and his comment thread.

Tyson Foods’ blatant disregard for the institutions of America is worse than we thought – and it stretches outside just the Shelbyville, TN plant.

Here’s how the Topeka Capital-Journal under the heading “Somalis arrive in Emporia with tuberculosis” describes the “exotic, new arrivals:”

EMPORIA — When hundreds of Somali refugees began showing up to work at the meatpacking plant, nurses Lori Torres and Renee Hively were among the first to get to know the exotic, new arrivals.

“We got notified a day in advance that 70 Somalis were being transferred from a (Tyson Foods) plant in Nebraska,” Hively recalled. “That 70 soon grew into 400, seemingly overnight.”…Torres is the case manager for about 160 Somalis in Emporia who have been diagnosed with latent tuberculosis….

WHERE WAS the Center for Disease Control?

I found the following at

Section 212(a)(1) of the Immigration and Nationality Act states that aliens with specific health-related conditions are ineligible to receive visas and ineligible for admission into the United States. The Attorney General may waive application of this inadmissibility on health-related grounds if an application for waiver is filed and approved by the consular office considering the application for a visa. The Division of Migration and Quarantine, NCID uses this application primarily to collect information to establish and maintain records of waiver applicants in order to notify the Immigration and Naturalization Service when terms, conditions and controls imposed by waiver are not met. NCID is requesting the extension of this data for 3 years. There total estimated annualize burden is 167 hours.

More from the Topeka Capital-Journal:

…each of the department’s [Tyson’s] nurses divided the case management responsibilities, but with the surge it was decided Torres would take them all, in essence creating a full-time tuberculosis nurse position. They also persuaded the clinic’s managers to hire a full-time Somali translator. [Your package of chicken fingers just went up a quarter.}

Here’s the EXOTIC word again:

The Somalis are the most recent and perhaps most exotic wave for this city of about 25,000 people. Not everyone in Emporia has been welcoming. There have been incidents of vandalism and an armed robbery attempt at the Ayan Restaurant, a Somali-owned eatery that also serves as an informal community center for the refugees.

An article posted Nov. 3 on the Emporia Gazette Web site about a state grant to Catholic Community Services to help the Somalis settling in Emporia drew scores of angry, anonymous reader reactions, including this one:

“Emporia is going to be its own 3rd world country before long because of all the damn, bleeding hearts.”

“They came post 9/11. They’re black and they’re Muslim,” Hively said, describing some of the hostility demonstrated toward the Somalis. “Emporia didn’t have many black people before. This is a small town.”

If you haven’t caught the latest news, Tyson contractually, with its Union, canceled Labor Day – no joking here – at their Shelbyville, TN plant and replaced it with a Muslim holiday sometime each Fall.

Let us put Tyson Foods out of business!
No extraordinary measures needed.
No time out of your day
Just don’t buy anything made by Tyson Foods

Tyson is not only about chicken. They sell beef and pork products, including bacon. One of my readers suggested that we query restaurants. Are they using Tyson for their chicken fingers, hot wings, etc.?

Don’t buy Tyson until Labor Day is acknowledged again at their Shelbyville plant and these refugees are sent back home.

Contact Information

Mail: Tyson Foods, Inc.
P.O. Box 2020
Springdale, AR 72764-6999
Telephone: 1-800-643-3410
Consumer Relations CP631
2210 West Oaklawn Drive
Springdale, AR 72764-6999

Video: Glen Beck on Obama’s Global Poverty Act

Cross-posted by Maggie at Maggie’s Notebook

The “good stuff” is about 3 minutes into the video – solid information on Senator Obama’s Senate Bill 2433 – The Global Poverty Act.

Video courtesy of

Related links providing background, including Bill sponsors and information on the U.N.:

Will Obama’s Global Poverty Act Tax Fossil Fuels, Currency, Land and Freeze Militaries?

Obama’s Global Poverty Act – Here’s the Evil in S.2433

U.N. Millennium Goal Forum
