Return Gilad Schalit Home NOW!

By Findalis

Hat tip to A Soldier’s Mother

When Alan Johnston went missing in Gaza on 12 March 2007, the world press went ape over it, demanding his immediate release. On 4 July 2007 he was released.

On 25 June 2006 Gilad Schalit was kidnapped. That was over 1050 days ago. There has been no word of his condition, no Red Cross visits, nothing. Just a handful of letters.

The world’s press silently applauds this action. After all Gilad is just another Jew. And Jews are the worst people on Earth to them. So what if he is never seen alive again.

The Obama administration doesn’t condemn this action. They reward it with a cash handout of $1.2 billion. Job well done?

But you have a voice. Let the Obama administration know that you do NOT support this action.

This appeal is coming directly from Noam Shalit, father of Gilad. Please don’t let him down. All it takes is a click.

We, the undersigned, call on the United States government to make its $300 million humanitarian aid pledge to the people of Gaza, conditional upon the Hamas leadership releasing Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, held in captivity for over 1,000 days.

Please sign the petition at: and forward to your friends in Israel and abroad.

Thank you!

Gilad’s family has been living this nightmare for 3 years, not knowing where their loved one is, how he is. Not knowing if he is being tortured, suffering, alive or dead.

And Gilad himself – he was just a boy when he was captured by a cruel and intractable enemy. What kind of people give no information about a prisoner of war, only torment the family? What kind of a world does not speak up about this injustice? Don’t be like them. Please help this family. Click and then send this on to everyone you know.

Sign the petition, link any aid to Gaza with the return of Gilad Schalit. Bring him home NOW!