Dear Mr. President

By Findalis of Monkey in the Middle

I am not going to wait for someone to snitch on me. I will snitch on myself instead.

I am a middle aged white woman, a widow and mother of 2 grown daughters. I am a veteran of the US Air Force and the widow of a retired Air Force NCO.

I am the citizen who attends City Hall meetings, School Board meetings, who gets involved in working and demanding good government. I am a citizen. And I am your boss. Just like the other 300 million citizens of this great nation. And I don’t like your proposed bill: H.R. 3200: America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009.

While there are some good points in the bill, this proposed law does nothing to correct the problems with the Health Care Industry. It forces American citizens into a single-payer plan regardless of their rights and choices. It forces a raise on taxes to Middle Class Americans to pay for this new system. And in the end, it will lead to a system of rationed Health Care that is now in effect in Great Britain, Canada and most of Europe. A system in which the survival rates for Cancer (to use just one example) are lower than the US (the quality of medicine is the same).

This is not what the American people want or asked for.

What we want is for our existing Health Care Providers to provide the service that they are being paid for. That preexisting conditions be covered. That screening for Cancer on a yearly basis be provided. That necessary medical exams and tests be done.

No person should have to go into debt to pay for their health care if they are already paying for it through an Insurance company. And the premium costs should be regulated to insure that the average family can afford it.

For those who through their own stupidity or hubris refuse to insure themselves, then they will be forced to bear the full costs of their Health Care if they become ill. It is time that people take responsibility for their actions.

In the past Congress has been able to regulate the Health Care Industry. The passage of Newborns’ and Mothers’Health Protection Act of 1996 (NMHPA), signed by President Bill Clinton was a step in the right direction and was done with bi-partisan cooperation. Congress could do it again and such moves would improve the quality of Health Care in this country.

I suggest that during your summer vacation you sit down and actually read this bill. Then wonder why no Member of Congress will answer the question: “Would you put yourself and your family under this plan?” I ask that of you Mr. President. If not, why? And then why should I?

On a personal note.

I find your tactics in trying to pass this bill unworthy of the Leader of the Free World.

Having neighbor spy on neighbor, children spy on their parents, friends spy on friends is more the tactics of the Soviet Union (which locked up political dissenters in Psychiatric Hospitals for speaking out) or Nazi Germany (which sent political opponents to Concentration Camps).

In the United States, dissenting political speech is protected by the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights. You don’t have to agree with what is said, but you cannot prevent the words from being spoken.

What your representative, and thus you said was:

“There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to”

These are the words of a dictator, not an “elected official” with a temporary position subject to the will of the people.

Thank you for your time and patience. I know that you mean well with this idea, but this bill is not the right answer. Perhaps it is time to sit down, examine the issue fully, and do it right, not do it fast.

Monkey in the Middle (

Idiotic Petition Comments

I recently visited the Ban Islam Petition and discovered two interesting new comments. The petition asks the World Court to outlaw Islam because of its intrinsically evil doctrines & practices.

787. Morgan Brykein Care to read the First Amendment?

The petition’s author is a citizen of Canada, not shaded by the First Amendment’s umbrella of protection. The Canadian Human Rights Council has the power to persecute him. The amendment’s establishment & free exercise clauses apply to the federal government of the U.S.A., they have no application to the World Court.

786. Frikka Wow Wow Freedom of religion, crackers, ever hear of it?

Casting aside the racial slur as irrelevant, I’ll tackle the freedom of religion argument. Those persons fortunate enough to be under the First Amendment’s umbrella of protection are shielded from establishment of a national church and protected from national interference with their faith & practice. Freedom of religion implies that we can’t be compelled to believe or worship nor be obstructed from belief & practice.

Islam has no such provision. 3:85 declares that no religion will be accepted but Islam and those who seek other religions will be condemned to Hellfire. 8:39 & 9:29 declare unremitting warfare against pagans and Jews & Christians respectively until all resistance ceases, only Allah is worshiped and “people of the book” are humbled, subjugated & extorted. In Sahih Bukhari 1.8.387, Moe informs us that our lives & property are not sacred to Muslims until we become Muslims.

If Muslims are free to practice Islam, then the rest of us are deprived of the right to live in addition to our freedom of religion. Open your Qur’an to 2:216, which ordains Jihad for Muslims. Jihad is what a Muslim must do to avoid Hellfire and be assured of admission to Paradise. Open your Qur’an to 61:10 and read through the 13th ayeh. Muslims are obligated to fight in Allah’s cause. Allah’s cause is making his word and system dominate the entire world. Doubters & dissenters should turn to 9:33 followed by Sahih Bukhari 4.52.65. Offensive Jihad is fard Kifaya, binding on every able bodied male Muslim of military age until a sufficient number have answered the call. Defensive Jihad is fard Ayn, binding on every Muslim who can get to the front.

Idiotic Petition Comments

I recently visited the Ban Islam Petition and discovered two interesting new comments. The petition asks the World Court to outlaw Islam because of its intrinsically evil doctrines & practices.

787. Morgan Brykein Care to read the First Amendment?

The petition’s author is a citizen of Canada, not shaded by the First Amendment’s umbrella of protection. The Canadian Human Rights Council has the power to persecute him. The amendment’s establishment & free exercise clauses apply to the federal government of the U.S.A., they have no application to the World Court.

786. Frikka Wow Wow Freedom of religion, crackers, ever hear of it?

Casting aside the racial slur as irrelevant, I’ll tackle the freedom of religion argument. Those persons fortunate enough to be under the First Amendment’s umbrella of protection are shielded from establishment of a national church and protected from national interference with their faith & practice. Freedom of religion implies that we can’t be compelled to believe or worship nor be obstructed from belief & practice.

Islam has no such provision. 3:85 declares that no religion will be accepted but Islam and those who seek other religions will be condemned to Hellfire. 8:39 & 9:29 declare unremitting warfare against pagans and Jews & Christians respectively until all resistance ceases, only Allah is worshiped and “people of the book” are humbled, subjugated & extorted. In Sahih Bukhari 1.8.387, Moe informs us that our lives & property are not sacred to Muslims until we become Muslims.

If Muslims are free to practice Islam, then the rest of us are deprived of the right to live in addition to our freedom of religion. Open your Qur’an to 2:216, which ordains Jihad for Muslims. Jihad is what a Muslim must do to avoid Hellfire and be assured of admission to Paradise. Open your Qur’an to 61:10 and read through the 13th ayeh. Muslims are obligated to fight in Allah’s cause. Allah’s cause is making his word and system dominate the entire world. Doubters & dissenters should turn to 9:33 followed by Sahih Bukhari 4.52.65. Offensive Jihad is fard Kifaya, binding on every able bodied male Muslim of military age until a sufficient number have answered the call. Defensive Jihad is fard Ayn, binding on every Muslim who can get to the front.

Rush-Media Research Center Update

I’m a subscriber to Media Research Center and in my previous posts here , and here I published a few petitions to sign. These petitions ARE NOT simply a support of Rush, but are also a support of the First Amendment Rights of ALL people, not just the left. And the left is trying to shut down YOUR First Amendment Rights whenever someone on the right calls them on their nonsense and exposes the truth behind their lies.

It seems it’s okay for the left to twist, spin and outright lie (in recent days about what Rush said, even with a full transcript AND video available AND about the actual need of the Frost family for government healthcare). For the right to expose the truth is unforgivable.

In other words, they can dish it out but they can’t take it.

When they get their knickers in a twist the entire government comes to a screeching halt–thereby wasting MORE of yours and my tax dollars because their feelings are hurt. Then they try to dust off the “Fairness Doctrine”.

Here is a rather chilling quote from the American Spectator regarding how the left intends to shut down your right–and Rush’s and everyone else who doesn’t goosestep to the left–to free speech:

Rep. Henry Waxman has asked his investigative staff to begin compiling reports on Limbaugh, and fellow radio hosts Sean Hannity and Mark Levin based on transcripts from their shows, and to call in Federal Communications Commission chairman Kevin Martin to discuss the so-called “Fairness Doctrine.”

“Limbaugh isn’t the only one who needs to be made uncomfortable about what he says on the radio,” says a House leadership source. “We don’t have as big a megaphone as these guys, but this all political, and we’ll do what we can to gain the advantage. If we can take them off their game for a while, it will help our folks out there on the campaign trail.”

Now, if you want to stand up and fight for your right to speak as you choose, without censorship, stand with Rush on this one. Yes, Rush is one of–if not THE most–successful media personality out there today and he represents the conservatives on many issues. He is also a symbol of our free speech rights. If the left succeeds in taking him down, what do you think will happen to the free speech right of John Q. Public?

Rush didn’t lie. The left did and does. Support Rush now to protect us later.

Here is the email I received from MRC, and the links to follow. One link has quotes from the MSM and the left, showing their quotes and how they have all twisted and spun. It’s actually pretty funny, so I’d recommend heading over there.

Media Research Center
From the Desk of:
Douglas Mills, Executive Director


Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is continuing his campaign
against Rush!

Despite clear evidence to the contrary (including Rush's
staunch support of the troops and their mission), Reid and
other liberal elites are seeking to score political points
with their base by misrepresenting what Rush said.

Last week, Reid and 40 other Senators sent a letter of
complaint to Clear Channel CEO Mark Mays demanding Rush
apologize. Now they're urging DSCC supporters to follow suit.

Read the story as reported by our own

In addition to Reid's actions, American Spectator reports:
"Rep. Henry Waxman has asked his investigative staff to
begin compiling reports on Limbaugh, and fellow radio
hosts Sean Hannity and Mark Levin based on transcripts
from their shows, and to call in Federal Communications
chairman Kevin Martin to discuss the so-called
'Fairness Doctrine.'"

Liberal mouthpieces like MSNBC's Chris Matthews and Keith
continue to harp on Rush's "phony soldier" quote
to their audiences as well.

Don't let the liberal elite force Rush off the radio!

++ Citizen Letter Condemning Reid’s Actions

To counter Reid's attack, the MRC launched a national Citizen
Letter condemning Reid’s actions that will be delivered to
both Reid and Clear Channel. Already, 26,047
citizens have added their name, with hundreds more
signing every hour.

[Redacted], help us reach our goal by doing the following:

Forward this message to 20-30 friends and family,
urging them to join with you by clicking here:

Tell your friends now that in addition to adding their
names to our Citizen Letter, they can also send personal
messages of support to Rush--that MRC President Brent
Bozell will deliver!

Click here to sign our Citizen Letter and send your personal
message to Rush:

We’re counting on the MRC Action Team to help us reach our goal of
50,000 signatures. Help us effectively counter this baseless
attack by forwarding this message to your friends today.

We cannot afford to allow the liberals in America to silence
talk radio, and especially not Rush! But only if we take action
now can we stop the latest attack.

Thank you for taking action with us.

Douglas Mills, Executive Director
Media Research Center

P.S. Click here to visit MRC's "Notable Quotables" page to read
what the liberal media have to say about the attack on Rush!

What? You're still here? GO--NOW--SIGN!

Others speaking on the subject:

Wake Up America
The Jawa Report
Hot Air

Catch the Wave!

Rush-Media Research Center Update

I’m a subscriber to Media Research Center and in my previous posts here , and here I published a few petitions to sign. These petitions ARE NOT simply a support of Rush, but are also a support of the First Amendment Rights of ALL people, not just the left. And the left is trying to shut down YOUR First Amendment Rights whenever someone on the right calls them on their nonsense and exposes the truth behind their lies.

It seems it’s okay for the left to twist, spin and outright lie (in recent days about what Rush said, even with a full transcript AND video available AND about the actual need of the Frost family for government healthcare). For the right to expose the truth is unforgivable.

In other words, they can dish it out but they can’t take it.

When they get their knickers in a twist the entire government comes to a screeching halt–thereby wasting MORE of yours and my tax dollars because their feelings are hurt. Then they try to dust off the “Fairness Doctrine”.

Here is a rather chilling quote from the American Spectator regarding how the left intends to shut down your right–and Rush’s and everyone else who doesn’t goosestep to the left–to free speech:

Rep. Henry Waxman has asked his investigative staff to begin compiling reports on Limbaugh, and fellow radio hosts Sean Hannity and Mark Levin based on transcripts from their shows, and to call in Federal Communications Commission chairman Kevin Martin to discuss the so-called “Fairness Doctrine.”

“Limbaugh isn’t the only one who needs to be made uncomfortable about what he says on the radio,” says a House leadership source. “We don’t have as big a megaphone as these guys, but this all political, and we’ll do what we can to gain the advantage. If we can take them off their game for a while, it will help our folks out there on the campaign trail.”

Now, if you want to stand up and fight for your right to speak as you choose, without censorship, stand with Rush on this one. Yes, Rush is one of–if not THE most–successful media personality out there today and he represents the conservatives on many issues. He is also a symbol of our free speech rights. If the left succeeds in taking him down, what do you think will happen to the free speech right of John Q. Public?

Rush didn’t lie. The left did and does. Support Rush now to protect us later.

Here is the email I received from MRC, and the links to follow. One link has quotes from the MSM and the left, showing their quotes and how they have all twisted and spun. It’s actually pretty funny, so I’d recommend heading over there.

Media Research Center
From the Desk of:
Douglas Mills, Executive Director


Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is continuing his campaign
against Rush!

Despite clear evidence to the contrary (including Rush's
staunch support of the troops and their mission), Reid and
other liberal elites are seeking to score political points
with their base by misrepresenting what Rush said.

Last week, Reid and 40 other Senators sent a letter of
complaint to Clear Channel CEO Mark Mays demanding Rush
apologize. Now they're urging DSCC supporters to follow suit.

Read the story as reported by our own

In addition to Reid's actions, American Spectator reports:
"Rep. Henry Waxman has asked his investigative staff to
begin compiling reports on Limbaugh, and fellow radio
hosts Sean Hannity and Mark Levin based on transcripts
from their shows, and to call in Federal Communications
chairman Kevin Martin to discuss the so-called
'Fairness Doctrine.'"

Liberal mouthpieces like MSNBC's Chris Matthews and Keith
continue to harp on Rush's "phony soldier" quote
to their audiences as well.

Don't let the liberal elite force Rush off the radio!

++ Citizen Letter Condemning Reid’s Actions

To counter Reid's attack, the MRC launched a national Citizen
Letter condemning Reid’s actions that will be delivered to
both Reid and Clear Channel. Already, 26,047
citizens have added their name, with hundreds more
signing every hour.

[Redacted], help us reach our goal by doing the following:

Forward this message to 20-30 friends and family,
urging them to join with you by clicking here:

Tell your friends now that in addition to adding their
names to our Citizen Letter, they can also send personal
messages of support to Rush--that MRC President Brent
Bozell will deliver!

Click here to sign our Citizen Letter and send your personal
message to Rush:

We’re counting on the MRC Action Team to help us reach our goal of
50,000 signatures. Help us effectively counter this baseless
attack by forwarding this message to your friends today.

We cannot afford to allow the liberals in America to silence
talk radio, and especially not Rush! But only if we take action
now can we stop the latest attack.

Thank you for taking action with us.

Douglas Mills, Executive Director
Media Research Center

P.S. Click here to visit MRC's "Notable Quotables" page to read
what the liberal media have to say about the attack on Rush!

What? You're still here? GO--NOW--SIGN!

Others speaking on the subject:

Wake Up America
The Jawa Report
Hot Air

Catch the Wave!

An “Honest” Terrorist Writes: “No Muslim Can Pledge Loyalty to the Constitution”

The Keith Ellison swearing-in controversy continues to rage. The focus of this controversy should not be about which holy book should or should not be used, or if and when any book should be used, but rather it should focus upon questioning the adequacy of our American Constitution (specifically the two clauses of the First Amendment concerning the relationship of government to religion: the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause). Does our American Constitution, which offers blanket and unquestioning protection of religious freedom, create the very means by which the destruction of American sovereignty can be accomplished?

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Read closely the words of deported terrorist linked Dr. Jaafar Sheikh Idris

Islam cannot be separated from the state because it guides Muslims through every detail of running the state and their lives. Muslims have no choice but to reject secularism for it excludes the laws of God. . . . No Muslim could become president in a secular regime, for in order to pledge loyalty to the constitution, a Muslim would have to abandon part of his belief and embrace the belief of secularism — which is practically another religion. For Muslims, the word ‘religion’ does not only refer to a collection of beliefs and rituals, it refers to a way of life which includes all values, behaviors, and details of living.

Here’s the bio on the deported Dr. Jaafar Sheikh Idris:
Former professor and director of the Research Center at the Institute of Islamic & Arab Sciences
Jaafar Sheikh Idris was a professor of Islamic Studies and the director of the Research Center at the
Institute of Islamic & Arab Sciences (IIAS) in Fairfax, Virginia. The IIAS wasa nonprofit educational institution affiliated with the Wahhabist al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Idris was also the president of American Open University in Alexandria, Virginia.
Idris was deported in January 2004, along with 15 others affiliated with the IIAS, during a massive crackdown on Saudi extremism within the United States. He also founded the Islamic Foundation of America.
The IIAS was shut down by federal authorities on July 1, 2004 because of its links to terrorism.

Read the words of Supreme Court Justice Harry A. Blackmun in the Lee v. Weisman ruling, 1992.

“When the government puts its imprimatur on a particular religion it conveys a message of exclusion to all those who do not adhere to the favored beliefs. A government cannot be premised on the belief that all persons are created equal when it asserts that God prefers some.”

I submit that the corollary to Blackmun’s statement might go like this:

(1) When a government fails to define what constitutes a religion it conveys a message to all that any ideology can pass for religion, and that freedom of religious expression supercedes all other freedoms and overrules all duties of government – specifically the primary duty of government to protect its citizens from harm.

(2) When a government fails to define what constitutes a religion, any ideology with intent to destroy the very constitutional protections it enjoys can hide in plain view while actively undermining the very system of government that gives it protection.

Read What is a Religion?

Here’s an excerpt:

If it is unconstitutional to establish a religion, then it might sometimes be important to determine whether something is a “religion” for Establishment Clause purposes. For example, Malnak v Yogi (3rd Cir.) considered whether SCI/TM (scientific creative intelligence/transcendental meditation), offered as an elective course in New Jersey public schools, was a religion. If so, offering such a course–even on an elective basis–might be unconstitutional. Those challenging the course produced evidence that instructors told students that “creative intelligence is the basis of all growth” and that getting in touch with this intelligence through mantras is the way to “oneness with the underlying reality of the universe.” They also pointed out that students received personal mantras in puja ceremonies that include chanting and ritual. On the other hand, supporters of the course showed that SCI/TM put forward no absolute moral code, had no organized clergy or observed holidays, and had no ceremonies for passages such as marriage and funerals. Is SCI/TM a religion? Judge Adams of the Third Circuit applied these three criteria before answering the question in the affirmative:
1. A religion deals with issues of ultimate concern; with what makes life worth living; with basic attitudes toward fundamental problems of human existence.

2. A religion presents a comprehensive set of ideas–usually as “truth,” not just theory.

3. A religion generally has surface signs (such as clergy, observed holidays, and ritual) that can be analogized to well-recognized religions.

Unfortunately our constitution was not designed to deal with a religion that is also a system of laws (Sharia) as well as a system of government that is inimical to the American Constitution.

Read: The Saudi Arabian Legal and Social Structure is Examined

By way of the Establishment Clause, the United States has built a system that inherently creates a certain degree of separation between religion and state.47 This degree of separation should not be taken for granted. For example, countries operating under Shar’ia, or Islamic Law, have little to no separation between religion and state, leaving most Islamic nations under a theocratic type of government.48 In order to make a valid comparison of the different degrees of separation and the role it plays in society, a basic understanding of the Islamic legal and social structure must be achieved.

Last month I suggested a proposed amendment to the Constitution in my article Keith Ellison, Islam, American Sovereignty : Should we Amend the Constitution?

Here’s an excerpt:

Perhaps it’s time for a constitutional amendment?I submit for example: “No person shall hold any office or public Trust under the United States who adheres to or gives allegiance to any religion, ideology, or organization which by word, nature, association, or action has shown intent to undermine the sovereignty of these United States!”

Let us all begin to discuss this issue!

Today’s “Someday We’ll Laugh” Open Trackback

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

Trackposted to Is It Just Me?, Perri Nelson’s Website, The Random Yak, Don Surber, The Bullwinkle Blog, Conservative Cat, Pet’s Garden Blog, Rightwing Guy, Outside the Beltway, Faultline USA, The HILL Chronicles, third world county, Wake Up America, stikNstein… has no mercy, Pirate’s Cove, Dumb Ox News, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Permalink: An “Honest” Terrorist Writes: “No Muslim Can Pledge Loyalty to the Constitution”

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