B*N*S*N: For our fallen heroes

In lieu of all the B*N*S*N items this week, I want to share just one thing I found that I believe deserves to receive wide play, in the msm and beyond. This past couple of weeks, our heroes have paid a heavy price for freedom, so this seems to be so fitting. Yes, it IS Canadian but it speaks to me of all our fallen heroes, no matter the flag they serve.

Country singer writes song dedicated to soldiers

The Red and White Brigade

Justin Austin has written a new song dedicated to the Canadian soldiers. Army News did a piece on it, with a preview of the song. Go to THIS link and watch the video news piece. . If you go to Justin’s own site here and download the song, all donations go to a wounded soldiers’ charity. If nothing else, go to his site and read the lyrics. Please….

Oh I found a video on YouTube…via FaceBook. Watch it, and weep.
Julian Austin performs the Red and White live in Afghanistan for our heroes.

This country sometimes
Make me so damn mad I could cry
Cause we never thank our hero’s enough anymore
How many of us thank a soldier
For everything they do
We can’t forget all those who serve who sacrifice
All for the Red and White
Lest we forget our hero’s who fought and died
For the Red and White

Thank YOU, Julian. Thank YOU to all our heroes, and their families. Can we ever repay the debt we owe you?