The Time Has Come


I issued a challenge a little over a month ago for people to design a logo for Miss Beth. Tonight is the deadline. Below, I’ve uploaded the best and I need my readers to choose which they would like to see. Leave your choice in the comments section.

There is a new entry which came in after I hit publish but before the cutoff time! It follows as Number 8!

Number 1:********************

Number 2: ********************

Number 3:


Number 4:


Number 5:


Number 6:


Number 7:


Number 8:

I thank everyone who participated in designing these logos. They’re all great and it’s been a LOT of fun! I wish I had even HALF the creative talent of my contributors to this contest!

The Time Has Come


I issued a challenge a little over a month ago for people to design a logo for Miss Beth. Tonight is the deadline. Below, I’ve uploaded the best and I need my readers to choose which they would like to see. Leave your choice in the comments section.

There is a new entry which came in after I hit publish but before the cutoff time! It follows as Number 8!

Number 1:********************

Number 2: ********************

Number 3:


Number 4:


Number 5:


Number 6:


Number 7:


Number 8:

I thank everyone who participated in designing these logos. They’re all great and it’s been a LOT of fun! I wish I had even HALF the creative talent of my contributors to this contest!

Miss Beth Needs a Logo!

Ok everyone–it’s been well over a year now since Miss Beth started blogging.

I don’t have a logo. So, I would like people to submit their best rendition of a Miss Beth logo and send it to my email at Put “Logo Idea” in the reference line.

Ideas will be accepted until June 30, 2008. Some guidelines: 1) It must be unashamedly pro-American, Pro-Troop and Patriotic; 2) It does NOT have to “serious”–humor is good; 3) It must be able to pass a “G” rating; 4) Vintage themes are cool and 5) It must illustrate VICTORY.

Put your thinking caps on and start submitting ideas! The theme I choose will give full credit to the designer and will be put on a line of merchandise in CafePress, with designer credit given.

Miss Beth Needs a Logo!

Ok everyone–it’s been well over a year now since Miss Beth started blogging.

I don’t have a logo. So, I would like people to submit their best rendition of a Miss Beth logo and send it to my email at Put “Logo Idea” in the reference line.

Ideas will be accepted until June 30, 2008. Some guidelines: 1) It must be unashamedly pro-American, Pro-Troop and Patriotic; 2) It does NOT have to “serious”–humor is good; 3) It must be able to pass a “G” rating; 4) Vintage themes are cool and 5) It must illustrate VICTORY.

Put your thinking caps on and start submitting ideas! The theme I choose will give full credit to the designer and will be put on a line of merchandise in CafePress, with designer credit given.