Stop Funding Terrorists!

The Unity Coalition for Israel is soliciting emails in protest of military aid to Falestine. They want us to send this message to President Obama, the Cabinet and Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu.

Letter to President Barack Obama

Dear Mr. President,

I am concerned that we have been squandering U.S. taxpayer dollars by assisting the Palestinian Authority with vast sums of money used to train Palestinians to kill. In addition to the $900 million your Administration offered the Palestinians on March 2, your training of 1,500 new Palestinian soldiers is costing American taxpayers another $161 million. During our severe financial crisis, our hard-earned tax dollars should be directed to more worthwhile causes in the U.S.

The funding lavished on the Palestinian Authority will not fulfill the domestic needs of the Palestinian people because there has never been, and probably never will be, any badly needed PA accountability. Both Hamas and Fatah are terrorist organizations that detest America and revile everything for which the United States stands. And yet they are in charge of the Palestinian Authority in Gaza and Judea and Samaria and they are the ones reaping the benefit of U.S. aid.

In addition to the $900 million your Administration offered the Palestinians on March 2, your training of 1,500 new Palestinian soldiers is costing American taxpayers another $161 million, money that would be better spent helping Americans during this current recession.

Lt. General Keith Dayton, U.S. security coordinator for Israel and the PA, insists that the “new men [receiving U.S. training]… are on a mission to create a new Palestinian State.” These are in addition to thousands of men already trained by the U.S. since the creation of the Palestinian Authority (PA) in 1994.

I implore you to stop training these Palestinian terrorists. This policy is not in the best interest of either the U.S. or Israel!

Abu Yusef, a member of the PA Chairman`s own security unit – Force 17, has an unambiguous view of this American military training of the Palestinians: “The operations of the Palestinian resistance would [not] have been so successful and would not have killed more than 1,000 Israelis since 2000 and defeated the Israelis in Gaza without [American military] trainings,” he boasted in an interview in August 2007. “All the methods and techniques that we studied in these trainings, we applied against the Israelis… with US-trained snipers targeting Israeli settlers and soldiers.” The special intelligence training they received from the U.S. instructors helped them “collect information on the movements of soldiers and settlers… [determining] the best timing to infiltrate our bombers inside Israel.” Abu Yusef specified: “We used weapons and we produced explosives, and of course the trainings we received from the Americans and the Europeans were a great help to the resistance.”

Why is the Obama Administration determined to further expedite this training? We need to hear the answer loud and clear!

In addition, there is no possible justification for blocking Israel`s request for advanced U.S. attack helicopters, denying our firm ally Israel a strong defense against the very warfare we are currently PAYING FOR. This policy is counterproductive to our support of our democratic ally and instead favors the enemies of Western civilization and the free world. This schizophrenic policy must stop!

The newly pledged international aid to the Palestinians would amount to $1,125- $1,300 dollars to each of the 4 million Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. This is on top of hundreds of millions of dollars in “humanitarian aid” sent to Hamas controlled Gaza by Israel, the U.S., European Union (EU), Saudi Arabia, Iran and other international organizations since December 2008.

Despite all this money pouring into the PA, Israel`s daily newspaper, Ha`aretz, on May 26th, the very day of your visit with PA leader Abbas, quoted PA representative Ahmed Qureia (Abu Ala), boasting “It`s not fair to demand that we recognize you [Israel] as the state of the Jewish people…Our refusal is adamant.” President Obama, why did you not demand that the Palestinian Authority recognize the State of Israel? Why are you now insisting U.S. taxpayers finance yet another losing Palestinian venture – a Palestinian terrorist state in the heartland of Israel?

As an American taxpayer, I strongly protest this dangerous U.S. support of international terrorism.

You say, Mr. President, that one country, the U.S., does not have the right to prevent another country (Iran) from becoming nuclear. Likewise it must follow that the U.S. does not have the right to prevent another country (Israel) from protecting itself from a nuclear attack. I respectfully ask that you permit Prime Minister Netanyahu to support his democracy and that you concentrate on supporting ours.


I am in complete agreement with that missive, except for one word and its derivatives. Genuine Palestinians are Jews, not Muslim Arabs.
Please join me in endorsing and sending the email by clicking here: . Wasting taxes is bad enough; funding the enemy is treason. I can’t stop it, but I can protest, and I can exhort others to join in protesting against wasteful treason.

There is something else you can do: sign the Defund HAMAS petition and send its url to your Congressman & Senators. Educating the Congress about this vital issue may be the most effective act we can take to stop the travesty of subsidizing the enemy.

Two States: the Insolvent Solution


The heads of the Arab League states met at Khartoum August 29 and on September 1, 1967, issued the Khartoum Declaration which included the three no’s:

  1. no peace with Israel
  2. no recognition of Israel
  3. no negotiation with Israel.

When Egypt signed a peace treaty with Israel, she was expelled from the Arab League.

Reagan Plan

The Reagan Plan of 1982 would have Israel withdraw to the ’67 border, freeze settlement and allow an autonomous government in the territories. Prime Minister Begin’s response is informative.

  • […]millennia ago there was a Jewish kingdom of Judea and Samaria, where our kings knelt to God, where our prophets brought forth the vision of eternal peace, where we developed our rich civilization which we took with us in our hearts and minds on our long global trek for over 18 centuries and, with it, we came back home[…]
  • […]“Geography and history have determined that Judea and Samaria are mountainous country; two-thirds of our population lives in the Coastal Plain below. From those mountains you can hit every city, every town, each township and village, not to speak of our principal airport in the plain below. We used to live penned up into eight miles from the seashore and now, Mr. President, you suggest that we return to almost that same situation. Under no circumstances shall we accept such a possibility ever arising; it would endanger our very existence.[…]
  • […]a friend does not weaken his friend, and an ally does not put his ally in jeopardy.[…]

Yehuda Avner offers significant details about how the proposal was communicated to Begin, who was the last to learn of it.

Fez Accord

Mid East Web lists the points of the Fez Accord which was based on Prince Fahd’s plan, which I will try to distill down to its essentials.

  1. Withdrawal to ’67 border.
  2. Dismantling of settlements.
  3. Guaranteed freedom of worship & ritual practice at holy places.
  4. Fallestinian self-determination & right of return.
  5. Short term UN supervision.
  6. Independent Falestinian state with Jerusalem as it s capital.
  7. Security Council guarantee of peace.
  8. Security Council guarantee of implementation of these principles.

When you launch a military adventure in hopes of gaining territory, you risk losing more than you gain. That risk is a significant disincentive to aggression. Why should Muslims be exempt from it? They declared a war of genocidal intent. They lost. They demand that territory, which they had illegally seized in ’48 and lost in ’67 when they attacked Israel again, be returned to them. That is avarice & arrogance, with no foundation on justice or equity.

Israel was willing to return captured land in return for peace. Instead, the Arab League declared the three no’s outlined above. Jews have every right in justice and equity to live in the stolen land they recovered. Israel allows Muslims to live in her territory but Muslims demand that the land be judenrein. How do you justify the double standard?

When Jordan illegally seized and annexed Jerusalem, Hussein guaranteed free access to holy sites, yet he barred Jews from their holy sites and desecrated cemeteries and synagogues. Why in Hell should Jews expect any better performance from his son and the UN?


As pointed out earlier in Peace: in a Pig’s …, ‘Palestine’ & ‘Palestinians’ really refer to Israel & Jews. Falestinian claims to being a particular people, distinct from the mill run of Arabs with special national aspirations are entirely fraudulent. They had a right to stay put, they chose to leave in order to facilitate genocidal aggression against the Jews. Why should they be allowed to return to destroy Israel militarily or demographically?

United Nothing!

When and where has the UN been of any real benefit? Have they stopped any wars or prevented any genocides? Have they prevented Hezbollah from re-arming and firing rockets? Have they stopped Hamas rocket fire?

Jerusalem was divided from ’48 to ’67. During that period, Jews were barred from the Temple Mount and their cemeteries & synagogues were desecrated, in contravention of King Hussein’s promise. Why should she revert to that condition?

The Security Council can’t guarantee anything. It is a useless appendage, with Russia & China exercising veto power in support of their Arab dependencies.

Oslo, Road Map & Wye River

When did the Falestinians cease propagation of propaganda for war & incitement of terrorism? When did they take active & effective steps to stop terror attacks? When did they close the revolving prison door? When did they recognize Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state? When did they quit chanting “from the river to the sea”? When did they quit honoring terrorists as martyrs? What makes anyone but a deluded fool think they ever will do any of those things?

Peace through victory

Victory: the Path to Peace exposes the foundation of Islamic aggression: Qir’an, hadith & Shari’ah. In the end, it all boils down to this.

Only a total, absolute military and ideological victory; one which destroys Islam completely, can put an end to Jihad. This is the fatal fact of Islam which none dares contemplate. Nixon & Kissinger could not force peace. Reagan & Baker could not force peace. Clinton & Albright could not force peace. Bush , Powell & Rice could not force peace. Peace must come from total and absolute victory over Islam, it has no other source. While there is Islam, there is Jihad.

You who believe that reforming Islamic governments, introducing democracy, educating the populace and abolishing poverty will end Jihad are blind, ignorant fools. Jihad is a mandatory sacrament, an eternal commandment of Allah’s perfected, immutable word. Jihad; holy fighting in Allah’s cause, is an intrinsic part of Islam; it is the Muslim’s “original religion“, and they are cursed if they abandon it.

The victory must be so complete, total, intense and extensive that the remaining Muslims will recognize Islam for the fraud it is and abandon it completely. Until that happens, any peace will be partial, insecure and temporary.