Gabrielle Giffords In Tucson September 15, 2007; Questions for Her and Raul Grijalva

Those of you familiar with me know I seem to have an on-going, rather wary relationship with Arizona’s 8th District Freshman Congressman, Gabrielle Giffords.

In our last go round, I published a letter she had sent me, and shredded it. I then emailed that blog entry to her office.

What I didn’t get a chance to do was follow up with that blog entry until now. Allow me to do so.

I was contacted by Miss Giffords’ chief of staff, who called me at work. I hadn’t yet arrived; however, I was told she would be calling later that morning. From what I’ve seen of Miss Giffords, she is NOT one of the normal Dems who has an extensive, expensive staff. I have got to give her kudos for that. Further, her chief of staff appears to be her only staff member. No one can accuse Miss Giffords’ of wasting taxpayer money on staffing and I will certainly give her that. I will also grant her this: her chief of staff was EXTREMELY cordial, pleasant, willing to answer questions (to a point) and certainly did not have to personally call me to discuss my concerns.

What we did disagree on, and I was very vocal about, was the lack of respect given to the office of Commander in Chief and the underlying disrespect in communications regarding the president and the war. I did get rather testy on that and stated it was NOT “Bush’s war” it is AMERICA’S war and, she was perfectly entitled not to like the president but she was out of line in showing her disrespect for the office. That, however, was about the testiest it became; the vast majority of the conversation was extremely pleasant, cordial and polite.

I was actually invited to personally call anytime I had further concerns I wished to discuss–and it appeared to be a genuine invitation.

But, wait Miss Beth–you’re being NICE to Miss Giffords! WHAT GIVES? HAVE YOU TURNED TRAITOR ON US?

NOT AT ALL. However, when one is treated nicely and with polite respect from a member of a party that appears to be on the verge of a total implosion and/or meltdown, it bears acknowledgment and appreciation to the person(s) who gave you that treatment. Just as I would be ripping her to shreds had it been otherwise, it is only right and proper to acknowledge when one has been treated with respect and politeness.

Imagine, then, my utter surprise when I found I was on Miss Giffords’ email list (of course, I track her voting record through MegaVote and other vote tracking services) updating me on her activities on Capitol Hill. Imagine my further surprise when I received an invitation to her forum this weekend on Veteran’s Affairs. You could have knocked me over with a feather!

Unfortunately (GROAN), I missed the rsvp date and won’t be going as I had anticipated. So, I will ask my questions here and send her another email with the blog link. Keep in mind I have not yet checked her voting record regarding Veteran’s Affairs. Nevermind, I just did. It apparently hasn’t made it to Congress yet so she hasn’t yet voted on it; I can be cautiously optimistic and hope she is having this forum to address Veteran’s concerns in order to better formulate her vote.

Again, I will give her the benefit of the doubt based on the fact she hasn’t yet voted and appears to want input prior to voting–I would expect that kind of responsiblity from any representative, Republican or Democrat, and I will try to think the best until I see otherwise.

One thing I must point out here is, while my and Miss Giffords’ views are often in direct opposition to each other, I must commend her on her attention to her district. It is certainly NOT unusual to see her in Tucson, OFTEN, meeting with her constituents. Certainly far more than her counterpart, Mr. Grijalva (see below) who seems to think his deigning to visit his consitutency is the equivalent of a visit by crowned royalty. Again, DON’T GET ME WRONG, MISS GIFFORDS AND I ARE IN VERY DIFFERENT MINDSETS BUT SHE DOES KEEP IN CONSTANT TOUCH WITH HER CONSTITUENTS. That’s a positive, a very definite positive.

Veteran’s Affairs are something a lot of people don’t think about; those blogging and doing our best to support the troops see horror stories of the mistreatment our Veterans receive upon their return home. It’s not enough to support the troops while they’re in battle–far too many need help upon their return home and subsequent discharge and far too many of THOSE Veterans just can’t get the help they need.

One of my guest posters asked me to ask Miss Giffords something very specific. It was this:

Ask her why she isn’t supporting legislation right now to protect our veterans monuments. Ask her why she isn’t supporting legislation to make it a crime to desecrate our flag or insult our troops in a time of war. Ask her why she isn’t supporting legislation right now that would make it a crime to spout out inflammatory, seditious and treasonable speech in public while this country is at war.

So, Miss Giffords? What is your answer to this Veteran’s questions? Are you aware of the vandalism that occurred this past weekend to the Vietnam memorial? Are you aware of the pictures we have here on our blogs showing the criminal acts being perpetrated under the umbrella of “Free Speech”?

Here’s a post from yesterday that was cross posted from another blog to mine–and many, many others. It’s called “THIS Is What Anti-War Protestors Are Folks” and shows a late teen/early 20’s male dropping his pants in an Oregon protest in March, 2007, in front of God and everybody (including children) to SHIT on OUR FLAG–a flag that had been burned earlier–along with a soldier in effigy–and he was shitting to put out the flames. This is NOT “Free Speech”. This is “Hate Crime”. How do you stand on Hate Crimes against this country, Miss Giffords?

And along that line of questioning, please tell me how you feel about the’s New York Times full page ad villifying and slandering General David Petraeus. And please tell me why I haven’t heard you come out strongly and extremely vociferously against that slander. Why you haven’t distanced yourself IMMEDIATELY from that ad? Would you please clarify that for me? I would certainly have more respect for you, regardless of party differences, if you were to immediately and loudly divorce yourself from any association with–not just because of the ad, but also because of’s statement:

In a December 9th e-mail signed by “Eli Pariser, Justin Ruben, and the whole MoveOn PAC team,” the Soros front group stated: “In the last year, grassroots contributors like us gave more than $300 million to the Kerry campaign and the DNC, and proved that the Party doesn’t need corporate cash to be competitive. Now it’s our Party: we bought it, we own it, and we’re going to take it back.” (quoted from article MoveOn: ‘We Bought’ the Democratic Party; December 10, 2004)

I’m sure I’m not the only constituent that would be very interested in your response to these questions.


THIS Congressman is Raul Grijalva, Arizona’s Senior 7th District Congressman.

I’ve written him just as many letters as I have Miss Giffords. I’ve asked him just as many questions; in fact I’ve asked him identical questions.

I’ve received one form letter in response to my concerns. I signed up for his email notifications. It has been ignored. His email form on the contact reps page has cutesy little “tests” you have to answer correctly before you can leave him an email. Little things, like what is 2 + 2 (tonight’s little challenge was 3 x 1–and you had three tries to correctly answer).

Now, considering he used to be a member of the Tucson Unified School District (and his daughter is now a member of said district), one would think he could have come up with something a little more challenging as a “screening” agent. Or not. The question is though–why should he be afraid to hear from his constituents to begin with?

Then again, once he got the NEA firmly ensconced into the school district with their agenda at dumbing down and indoctrinating the kids into mindless, non-questioning, goose-stepping obedience to the liberal, communistic, socialistic agenda, he went on to run for Congress. His work in Tucson was accomplished.

See, Mr. Grijalva only wants to hear from you if your skin is brown and you’re mexican; legal or illegal doesn’t matter. I happen to be white with a white surname, so I don’t count. He even ran his campaign ads almost exclusively in spanish and did not campaign in the white areas of his district.

His voting record over his tenure shows him to be, in fact, one of the far left fringe. One particular issue that completely irritated me with this man was a particular young soldier Tucson lost. This was a young man who was an illegal, brought by his illegal parents across the border. However, this young man graduated high school and enlisted because of his love for this country. He fought AND DIED for this country. He was awarded his citizenship posthumously. I do not recall seeing Mr. Grijalva at this young man’s grave site. I don’t recall him being anywhere near the memorials.

I could be wrong and if I am, I will gladly apologize.

However, the message was clear–though this young man was illegal, he did the unthinkable in this far leftist’s eyes–he enlisted to DEFEND THIS COUNTRY. He GAVE HIS LIFE to his adopted country. And that is unforgiveable in Mr. Grijalva’s lexicon of the downtrodden illegal. This young man, had he not have died in a field of battle, would surely have made a success of himself. He had the drive and the ambition. He had the desire to become legal and do something FOR the country he loved rather than leech off the government his entire life. This ambition, this drive, this love of country is completely foreign to Mr. Grijalva. It doesn’t fit in with his agenda; so, this young man was postuhumously punished because he didn’t fit the party line agenda of entitlement and law breaking.

However, I’ll give Mr. Grijalva one more chance. I presented several questions to Miss Giffords above.

I ask Mr. Grijalva to answer those same questions. In a public forum. Televised on mainstream stations, not just spanish speaking ones. And to answer those questions in the language of the land, English–AND ONLY ENGLISH, THE OFFICIAL LANGUAGE OF AMERICA, so his American constituents can easily understand his answers without being forced to learn a language not the official language of this country.

Frankly, I have more faith in Miss Giffords. Even if there is some residual Democratic spin on the answers, I feel she will make a sincere effort to answer the questions in a somewhat thoughtful, measured manner.

I don’t think Mr. Grijalva will even read this when I email it to him. After all, I’m white–I don’t count. I’d wager it’ll be ignored at best, and if by some chance it gets through his screeners (remember his cutesy little tests), it’ll be deleted at worst. But we’ll always have it here, won’t we?

Who’s with the traitors and seditionists at and who isn’t? Hopefully we shall soon see.

Who is going to at least make the effort to talk to Veterans before voting and who isn’t?

Again, we have that answer.

It’s not Mr. Grijalva. He could care less about Veterans. The Veteran’s Administration complex is in his district. But, you see, they’re VETERANS. THEY LOVE THIS COUNTRY. THEY TOOK AN OATH TO LAY DOWN THEIR LIVES FOR THIS COUNTRY. Completely foreign thought, totally anathemic idea to Mr. Grijalva. The only thing America is good for in his eyes is entitlement programs for the lazy and illegal, the drug thugs and the gangs (highly concentrated and growing in his district) while refusing the children quality education (most of the failing schools in the city are also in his district–his aversion to immersing the children in the language of the land so they can thrive here). In his eyes, America certainly isn’t worth fighting and dying for. Just using.

Updates will follow.
For those wondering why I have both these people as representatives, I own a house in Grijalva’s district (my daughter lives in that house) and I live in Miss Giffords’ district.

Gabrielle Giffords In Tucson September 15, 2007; Questions for Her and Raul Grijalva

Those of you familiar with me know I seem to have an on-going, rather wary relationship with Arizona’s 8th District Freshman Congressman, Gabrielle Giffords.

In our last go round, I published a letter she had sent me, and shredded it. I then emailed that blog entry to her office.

What I didn’t get a chance to do was follow up with that blog entry until now. Allow me to do so.

I was contacted by Miss Giffords’ chief of staff, who called me at work. I hadn’t yet arrived; however, I was told she would be calling later that morning. From what I’ve seen of Miss Giffords, she is NOT one of the normal Dems who has an extensive, expensive staff. I have got to give her kudos for that. Further, her chief of staff appears to be her only staff member. No one can accuse Miss Giffords’ of wasting taxpayer money on staffing and I will certainly give her that. I will also grant her this: her chief of staff was EXTREMELY cordial, pleasant, willing to answer questions (to a point) and certainly did not have to personally call me to discuss my concerns.

What we did disagree on, and I was very vocal about, was the lack of respect given to the office of Commander in Chief and the underlying disrespect in communications regarding the president and the war. I did get rather testy on that and stated it was NOT “Bush’s war” it is AMERICA’S war and, she was perfectly entitled not to like the president but she was out of line in showing her disrespect for the office. That, however, was about the testiest it became; the vast majority of the conversation was extremely pleasant, cordial and polite.

I was actually invited to personally call anytime I had further concerns I wished to discuss–and it appeared to be a genuine invitation.

But, wait Miss Beth–you’re being NICE to Miss Giffords! WHAT GIVES? HAVE YOU TURNED TRAITOR ON US?

NOT AT ALL. However, when one is treated nicely and with polite respect from a member of a party that appears to be on the verge of a total implosion and/or meltdown, it bears acknowledgment and appreciation to the person(s) who gave you that treatment. Just as I would be ripping her to shreds had it been otherwise, it is only right and proper to acknowledge when one has been treated with respect and politeness.

Imagine, then, my utter surprise when I found I was on Miss Giffords’ email list (of course, I track her voting record through MegaVote and other vote tracking services) updating me on her activities on Capitol Hill. Imagine my further surprise when I received an invitation to her forum this weekend on Veteran’s Affairs. You could have knocked me over with a feather!

Unfortunately (GROAN), I missed the rsvp date and won’t be going as I had anticipated. So, I will ask my questions here and send her another email with the blog link. Keep in mind I have not yet checked her voting record regarding Veteran’s Affairs. Nevermind, I just did. It apparently hasn’t made it to Congress yet so she hasn’t yet voted on it; I can be cautiously optimistic and hope she is having this forum to address Veteran’s concerns in order to better formulate her vote.

Again, I will give her the benefit of the doubt based on the fact she hasn’t yet voted and appears to want input prior to voting–I would expect that kind of responsiblity from any representative, Republican or Democrat, and I will try to think the best until I see otherwise.

One thing I must point out here is, while my and Miss Giffords’ views are often in direct opposition to each other, I must commend her on her attention to her district. It is certainly NOT unusual to see her in Tucson, OFTEN, meeting with her constituents. Certainly far more than her counterpart, Mr. Grijalva (see below) who seems to think his deigning to visit his consitutency is the equivalent of a visit by crowned royalty. Again, DON’T GET ME WRONG, MISS GIFFORDS AND I ARE IN VERY DIFFERENT MINDSETS BUT SHE DOES KEEP IN CONSTANT TOUCH WITH HER CONSTITUENTS. That’s a positive, a very definite positive.

Veteran’s Affairs are something a lot of people don’t think about; those blogging and doing our best to support the troops see horror stories of the mistreatment our Veterans receive upon their return home. It’s not enough to support the troops while they’re in battle–far too many need help upon their return home and subsequent discharge and far too many of THOSE Veterans just can’t get the help they need.

One of my guest posters asked me to ask Miss Giffords something very specific. It was this:

Ask her why she isn’t supporting legislation right now to protect our veterans monuments. Ask her why she isn’t supporting legislation to make it a crime to desecrate our flag or insult our troops in a time of war. Ask her why she isn’t supporting legislation right now that would make it a crime to spout out inflammatory, seditious and treasonable speech in public while this country is at war.

So, Miss Giffords? What is your answer to this Veteran’s questions? Are you aware of the vandalism that occurred this past weekend to the Vietnam memorial? Are you aware of the pictures we have here on our blogs showing the criminal acts being perpetrated under the umbrella of “Free Speech”?

Here’s a post from yesterday that was cross posted from another blog to mine–and many, many others. It’s called “THIS Is What Anti-War Protestors Are Folks” and shows a late teen/early 20’s male dropping his pants in an Oregon protest in March, 2007, in front of God and everybody (including children) to SHIT on OUR FLAG–a flag that had been burned earlier–along with a soldier in effigy–and he was shitting to put out the flames. This is NOT “Free Speech”. This is “Hate Crime”. How do you stand on Hate Crimes against this country, Miss Giffords?

And along that line of questioning, please tell me how you feel about the’s New York Times full page ad villifying and slandering General David Petraeus. And please tell me why I haven’t heard you come out strongly and extremely vociferously against that slander. Why you haven’t distanced yourself IMMEDIATELY from that ad? Would you please clarify that for me? I would certainly have more respect for you, regardless of party differences, if you were to immediately and loudly divorce yourself from any association with–not just because of the ad, but also because of’s statement:

In a December 9th e-mail signed by “Eli Pariser, Justin Ruben, and the whole MoveOn PAC team,” the Soros front group stated: “In the last year, grassroots contributors like us gave more than $300 million to the Kerry campaign and the DNC, and proved that the Party doesn’t need corporate cash to be competitive. Now it’s our Party: we bought it, we own it, and we’re going to take it back.” (quoted from article MoveOn: ‘We Bought’ the Democratic Party; December 10, 2004)

I’m sure I’m not the only constituent that would be very interested in your response to these questions.


THIS Congressman is Raul Grijalva, Arizona’s Senior 7th District Congressman.

I’ve written him just as many letters as I have Miss Giffords. I’ve asked him just as many questions; in fact I’ve asked him identical questions.

I’ve received one form letter in response to my concerns. I signed up for his email notifications. It has been ignored. His email form on the contact reps page has cutesy little “tests” you have to answer correctly before you can leave him an email. Little things, like what is 2 + 2 (tonight’s little challenge was 3 x 1–and you had three tries to correctly answer).

Now, considering he used to be a member of the Tucson Unified School District (and his daughter is now a member of said district), one would think he could have come up with something a little more challenging as a “screening” agent. Or not. The question is though–why should he be afraid to hear from his constituents to begin with?

Then again, once he got the NEA firmly ensconced into the school district with their agenda at dumbing down and indoctrinating the kids into mindless, non-questioning, goose-stepping obedience to the liberal, communistic, socialistic agenda, he went on to run for Congress. His work in Tucson was accomplished.

See, Mr. Grijalva only wants to hear from you if your skin is brown and you’re mexican; legal or illegal doesn’t matter. I happen to be white with a white surname, so I don’t count. He even ran his campaign ads almost exclusively in spanish and did not campaign in the white areas of his district.

His voting record over his tenure shows him to be, in fact, one of the far left fringe. One particular issue that completely irritated me with this man was a particular young soldier Tucson lost. This was a young man who was an illegal, brought by his illegal parents across the border. However, this young man graduated high school and enlisted because of his love for this country. He fought AND DIED for this country. He was awarded his citizenship posthumously. I do not recall seeing Mr. Grijalva at this young man’s grave site. I don’t recall him being anywhere near the memorials.

I could be wrong and if I am, I will gladly apologize.

However, the message was clear–though this young man was illegal, he did the unthinkable in this far leftist’s eyes–he enlisted to DEFEND THIS COUNTRY. He GAVE HIS LIFE to his adopted country. And that is unforgiveable in Mr. Grijalva’s lexicon of the downtrodden illegal. This young man, had he not have died in a field of battle, would surely have made a success of himself. He had the drive and the ambition. He had the desire to become legal and do something FOR the country he loved rather than leech off the government his entire life. This ambition, this drive, this love of country is completely foreign to Mr. Grijalva. It doesn’t fit in with his agenda; so, this young man was postuhumously punished because he didn’t fit the party line agenda of entitlement and law breaking.

However, I’ll give Mr. Grijalva one more chance. I presented several questions to Miss Giffords above.

I ask Mr. Grijalva to answer those same questions. In a public forum. Televised on mainstream stations, not just spanish speaking ones. And to answer those questions in the language of the land, English–AND ONLY ENGLISH, THE OFFICIAL LANGUAGE OF AMERICA, so his American constituents can easily understand his answers without being forced to learn a language not the official language of this country.

Frankly, I have more faith in Miss Giffords. Even if there is some residual Democratic spin on the answers, I feel she will make a sincere effort to answer the questions in a somewhat thoughtful, measured manner.

I don’t think Mr. Grijalva will even read this when I email it to him. After all, I’m white–I don’t count. I’d wager it’ll be ignored at best, and if by some chance it gets through his screeners (remember his cutesy little tests), it’ll be deleted at worst. But we’ll always have it here, won’t we?

Who’s with the traitors and seditionists at and who isn’t? Hopefully we shall soon see.

Who is going to at least make the effort to talk to Veterans before voting and who isn’t?

Again, we have that answer.

It’s not Mr. Grijalva. He could care less about Veterans. The Veteran’s Administration complex is in his district. But, you see, they’re VETERANS. THEY LOVE THIS COUNTRY. THEY TOOK AN OATH TO LAY DOWN THEIR LIVES FOR THIS COUNTRY. Completely foreign thought, totally anathemic idea to Mr. Grijalva. The only thing America is good for in his eyes is entitlement programs for the lazy and illegal, the drug thugs and the gangs (highly concentrated and growing in his district) while refusing the children quality education (most of the failing schools in the city are also in his district–his aversion to immersing the children in the language of the land so they can thrive here). In his eyes, America certainly isn’t worth fighting and dying for. Just using.

Updates will follow.
For those wondering why I have both these people as representatives, I own a house in Grijalva’s district (my daughter lives in that house) and I live in Miss Giffords’ district.

Petraeus Speech/Statement to Congress: Updated

Cross posted from Wake up America

[Update] This one is being put on top– PDF of Ambassador Crockers statement. PDF of the Petraeus statement. The charts General Petraeus used, again PDF format.

I will look for text versions and add them when I find them. (Thanks to Hot Air for supplying these)[End Update]

Ok, that last thread was getting out of hand with all the new information coming in, so I am adding the updated version of the last post which started with asking if the Democrats would be denouncing Move On org and their calling General Petraeus a traitor and just adding the portions here dealing with the testimony given today.

This WILL be updated all day and I as soon as I get my hands on his whole speech and Crockers, I will be putting that here too.

[Updates below] All day updates on the statement from General Petraeus.

General Petraeus speaks: His quote: “This is my testimony…I wrote this testimony myself.”

Malkin is also live blogging the testimony.

General Petraeus speaks: His quote: “This is my testimony…I wrote this testimony myself.”

[Update] 10:33am- General Petraeus stated that if progress continues along the lines they are seeing, there will be a draw down of troops to pre-surge levels by 2008.

FYI: Search engines still not showing any democrats denouncing Move and their ad.

[Update] 10:42am- Petraeus is explaing his charts and showing how bombings and violence has declined significantly, especially over the last couple months and more so in the last weeks—- (Note from spree-the last weeks were deliberately left out of the GAO, the group that works for Congress and their recent report.)

[Update] 10:44 am– They are having more hecklers removed as they try to scream over General Petraeus as he is speaking because they do not like his report.

[Update] 10:46 am- He is speaking to Iraqi security forces and showing how they are completely engaged in securing Iraq and out of 140 Iraqi security forces, 95 of them are taking the lead in securing their areas with “minimal” Coalition help.

[Update 11:00am- General Petraeus finishes and more hecklers being removed and Skelton is now threatening that any more disturbances will prosecuted under the law….AFTER he let them to stay TO cause a disturbance.

[Update] 11:02 am– Ambassador Crocker is now speaking.

Crocker: “I will not minimize the enormity of the challenges and at the same time I will show that it IS possible for the United States to achieve their goals and the Iraqis are capable of learning to secure their own country.”

[Update] 11:18am- Crocker discussed how on provincial levels political progress is being seen in Iraq. Also he discussed how Anbar tribes have been fighting against al-Qaeda. Talking about Iraq making some gains in rebuilding and economical gains.

[Update] 11:35am- Move America Forward is also live blogging the statements by General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker:


Finally. Gen. David Petraeus is speaking on the troop surge. Here’s a short synopsis:
* Tribal leaders are turning against al-Qaida
* Force levels will begin dropping soon.
* Huge drops in deaths of civilians, allied troops, violence and attacks, though the numbers are still not acceptable
* Coalition and Iraqi troops deal serious blows to al-Qaida
* Troop levels may be reduced by next summer and maintain current security.
* It is possible to meet America’s objectives over time.
“Security situation in Iraq is improving,” Gen. Petreaus said.
Premature drawdown would have devastating effects,” Petreaus said. (Are you listening Armchair Gen. Nancy Pelosi?)

Oh, and one other thing. Gen. Petraeus testified he did not allow the White House nor any Senator or even to see his report before he handed it out on Monday.

So Sens. Durbin, Boxer and Clinton – you may go change your diapers now.

To our troops and their families: Hooray


As the Pink Scream of the Pepto Bismol babes, Code Pink, was shuttered (thankfully), Ambassador Crocker on Monday said a secure Iraq is attainable.

He is looking at the situation on the ground not from a military standpoint, but as a diplomat. Diplomacy is always tough in a war-torn country – even when that war is fruitful in its creation of peace.

Saddam Hussein left a legacy of fear between foes, friends, and even family, Crocker said.

“A new Iraq had to be built literally from scratch,” Crocker said.

“The past 18 months have further strained Iraqi society,” Crocker said.

Al-Qaida attacks and sectarian violence has gnawed away at Iraq, which is now a traumatized society, Crocker said.

Iraqi politicians need to step up to the plate.

On the good side, many leaders are ready to set aside their sect’s needs first for the sake of the country.

“The seeds of reconciliation are being planted,” Crocker said.

Oil and revenue sharing is important, but what is difficult about these laws is that it takes Iraq one step closer to federalism which not all Iraqis have embraced, Crocker said.

Iraqis are struggling with a horrific past. (Rep. Lantos should know this pain. And he should not look like somebody kicked him in the gut after Gen. Petraeus says U.S. is winning)

“We should not be surprised or dismayed that that Iraqis” are still struggling with these issues,” Crocker said.

Iraq’s five most prominent leaders have agreed on many issues and publicly addressed their desire for a long-term relationship with the United States.

They acknowledged a continued presence of America in their country (kind of like in Japan and Germany and Kosovo, eh, Sen. Kerry?)

[Update]11:45am- As much as I dislike Harry “Baghdad” Reid, I did say I would bring any statements against Move and although Reid calls it a distraction, I have to be fair and say he is the first to “distance” himself with Move On or. for the attack ad against Petraeus. (Hat Tip to Hot Air)

WASHINGTON (CNN) — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid expressed frustration Monday with a new print ad attacking Gen. David Petraeus that is being paid for by a liberal advocacy organization on the same day the general is providing testimony before Congress on the situation in Iraq.

When asked early this morning if this was the right message for his party to send, the Nevada Democrat curtly answered “No.”

In a separate conversation, a senior Democratic leadership aide called the ad an “unnecessary distraction

Fair is fair and although he didn’t denounce it as strongly as the GOP leadership has, he DID distance himself.

Another Hat Tip to Hot Air, YouTube video of Code Pink being removed after heckling General Petraeus.

Hot Air has something in his updates I did not mention so let me show you that here.

Duncan Hunter:

Duncan Hunter’s ripping on the Petraeus critics and mentions Lantos by name for impugning his testimony as the product of political operatives. He does a good job responding to Lantos’s point that Anbar is only 5% of the population, noting that it used to comprise 50% of the attacks. Now he’s analogizing the left’s opposition to the Iraq war with their opposition to the cold war. Heh. Hunter asks Skelton to stipulate that Petraeus’s and Crocker’s integrity should be stipulated to by the panel — and Skelton complies.

Good for Duncan Hunter!!!!!

[Update] 12:02pm- Ros-Lehtinen calls on the Democrats to distance themselves from the Move On or. ad again!!! Good for her.

[Update] 12:17pm- quote from Roger about Lanto’s, via email.

Now Tom Lantos is countering Petraeus expert testimony by qouting JOURNALISTS!! JEEEEZ.

Exactly my first reaction Roger.

[Update] 12:41pm- More protesters arrested for disturbance.

[Update] 12:53pm- Real quick lets remind everyone of General Petraeus’ unblemished career and devotion to America, shown in his 35 years of dedicated service:

Here are the credentials of General Petraeus which we showed you yesterday afternoon while showing you how the Democrats, (before Move On anounced their full page ad in the NYT), were already trying to discredit General Petraeus:

General David H. Petraeus assumed command of the Multi-National Force-Iraq on February 10th, 2007, following his assignment as the Commanding General, U.S. Army Combined Arms Center and Fort Leavenworth. Prior to assuming command at Ft. Leavenworth, he was the first commander of the Multi-National Security Transition Command-Iraq, which he led from June 2004 to September 2005, and the NATO Training Mission- Iraq, which he commanded from October 2004 to September 2005. That deployment to Iraq followed his command of the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), during which he led the “Screaming Eagles” in combat throughout the first year of Operation Iraqi Freedom. His command of the 101st followed a year deployed on Operation Joint Forge in Bosnia, where he was the Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations of the NATO Stabilization Force and the Deputy Commander of the US Joint Interagency Counter-Terrorism Task Force-Bosnia. Prior to his tour in Bosnia, he spent two years at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, serving first as the Assistant Division Commander for Operations of the 82nd Airborne Division and then as the Chief of Staff of XVIII Airborne Corps.

General Petraeus was commissioned in the Infantry upon graduation from the United States Military Academy in 1974. He has held leadership positions in airborne, mechanized, and air assault infantry units in Europe and the United States, including command of a battalion in the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) and a brigade in the 82nd Airborne Division. In addition, he has held a number of staff assignments: Aide to the Chief of Staff of the Army; battalion, brigade, and division operations officer; Military Assistant to the Supreme Allied Commander – Europe; Chief of Operations of the United Nations Force in Haiti; and Executive Assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

General Petraeus was the General George C. Marshall Award winner as the top graduate of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College Class of 1983. He subsequently earned MPA and Ph.D. degrees in international relations from Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, and later served as an Assistant Professor of International Relations at the US Military Academy. He also completed a fellowship at Georgetown University.

Awards and decorations earned by General Petraeus include the Defense Distinguished Service Medal, two awards of the Distinguished Service Medal, two awards of the Defense Superior Service Medal, four awards of the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star Medal for valor, the State Department Superior Honor Award, the NATO Meritorious Service Medal, and the Gold Award of the Iraqi Order of the Date Palm. He is a Master Parachutist and is Air Assault and Ranger qualified. He has also earned the Combat Action Badge and French, British, and German Jump Wings. In 2005 he was recognized by the U.S. News and World Report as one of America’s 25 Best Leaders.

This is the man that Move is accusing of being a traitor and “cooking the books”: Calls Petraeus a Traitor
Do Democrats in Congress agree?
by Pete Hegseth
09/09/2007 5:28:00 PM

Tomorrow–as General David Petraeus provides his Iraq assessment to Congress–the antiwar group is running a full-page advertisement in the New York Times under the headline: “General Petraeus or General Betray us? Cooking the books for the White House.”

Let’s be clear: is suggesting that General Petraeus has ‘betrayed’ his country. This is disgusting. To attack as a traitor an American general commanding forces in war because his ‘on the ground’ experience does not align with’s political objectives is utterly shameful. It shows contempt for America’s military leadership, as well as for the troops who have confidence in him, as our fellow soldiers in Iraq certainly do.

General Petraeus has served this country for over 35 years with honor, distinction, and integrity. And this is not just about General Petraeus. After all, if General Petraeus is “cooking the books,” then the entire military chain of command in Baghdad, and all the staff, military and civilian, who have been working with General Petraeus are complicit, since Petraeus did not write his report in isolation. They are all, apparently, ‘betray[ing] us.’ has been working closely with the Democratic congressional leadership –as an article in today’s Sunday New York Times Magazine makes clear. And consider this comment by a Democratic senator from Friday’s Politico: “‘No one wants to call [Petraeus] a liar on national TV,’ noted one Democratic senator, who spoke on the condition on anonymity. ‘The expectation is that the outside groups will do this for

General Petraeus was confirmed, unanimously 81-0, (that link is to the roll call vote) and given the job of heading up a new counterinsurgency strategy in Iraq back in February and he received his full compliment of troops a approximately two months ago. [End Update]

More updates to follow…. they are still questioning General Petraeus and his education and expertise is making “some” of those questioners look as uninformed as they are. Especially the ones that are quoting “newspapers” to try to counter General Petraeus and his experience and military expertise.

He is making mincemeat out of them and he is doing it in such a respectful manner, which is high lighting THEIR deliberate disrespect.

Petraeus Speech/Statement to Congress: Updated

Cross posted from Wake up America

[Update] This one is being put on top– PDF of Ambassador Crockers statement. PDF of the Petraeus statement. The charts General Petraeus used, again PDF format.

I will look for text versions and add them when I find them. (Thanks to Hot Air for supplying these)[End Update]

Ok, that last thread was getting out of hand with all the new information coming in, so I am adding the updated version of the last post which started with asking if the Democrats would be denouncing Move On org and their calling General Petraeus a traitor and just adding the portions here dealing with the testimony given today.

This WILL be updated all day and I as soon as I get my hands on his whole speech and Crockers, I will be putting that here too.

[Updates below] All day updates on the statement from General Petraeus.

General Petraeus speaks: His quote: “This is my testimony…I wrote this testimony myself.”

Malkin is also live blogging the testimony.

General Petraeus speaks: His quote: “This is my testimony…I wrote this testimony myself.”

[Update] 10:33am- General Petraeus stated that if progress continues along the lines they are seeing, there will be a draw down of troops to pre-surge levels by 2008.

FYI: Search engines still not showing any democrats denouncing Move and their ad.

[Update] 10:42am- Petraeus is explaing his charts and showing how bombings and violence has declined significantly, especially over the last couple months and more so in the last weeks—- (Note from spree-the last weeks were deliberately left out of the GAO, the group that works for Congress and their recent report.)

[Update] 10:44 am– They are having more hecklers removed as they try to scream over General Petraeus as he is speaking because they do not like his report.

[Update] 10:46 am- He is speaking to Iraqi security forces and showing how they are completely engaged in securing Iraq and out of 140 Iraqi security forces, 95 of them are taking the lead in securing their areas with “minimal” Coalition help.

[Update 11:00am- General Petraeus finishes and more hecklers being removed and Skelton is now threatening that any more disturbances will prosecuted under the law….AFTER he let them to stay TO cause a disturbance.

[Update] 11:02 am– Ambassador Crocker is now speaking.

Crocker: “I will not minimize the enormity of the challenges and at the same time I will show that it IS possible for the United States to achieve their goals and the Iraqis are capable of learning to secure their own country.”

[Update] 11:18am- Crocker discussed how on provincial levels political progress is being seen in Iraq. Also he discussed how Anbar tribes have been fighting against al-Qaeda. Talking about Iraq making some gains in rebuilding and economical gains.

[Update] 11:35am- Move America Forward is also live blogging the statements by General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker:


Finally. Gen. David Petraeus is speaking on the troop surge. Here’s a short synopsis:
* Tribal leaders are turning against al-Qaida
* Force levels will begin dropping soon.
* Huge drops in deaths of civilians, allied troops, violence and attacks, though the numbers are still not acceptable
* Coalition and Iraqi troops deal serious blows to al-Qaida
* Troop levels may be reduced by next summer and maintain current security.
* It is possible to meet America’s objectives over time.
“Security situation in Iraq is improving,” Gen. Petreaus said.
Premature drawdown would have devastating effects,” Petreaus said. (Are you listening Armchair Gen. Nancy Pelosi?)

Oh, and one other thing. Gen. Petraeus testified he did not allow the White House nor any Senator or even to see his report before he handed it out on Monday.

So Sens. Durbin, Boxer and Clinton – you may go change your diapers now.

To our troops and their families: Hooray


As the Pink Scream of the Pepto Bismol babes, Code Pink, was shuttered (thankfully), Ambassador Crocker on Monday said a secure Iraq is attainable.

He is looking at the situation on the ground not from a military standpoint, but as a diplomat. Diplomacy is always tough in a war-torn country – even when that war is fruitful in its creation of peace.

Saddam Hussein left a legacy of fear between foes, friends, and even family, Crocker said.

“A new Iraq had to be built literally from scratch,” Crocker said.

“The past 18 months have further strained Iraqi society,” Crocker said.

Al-Qaida attacks and sectarian violence has gnawed away at Iraq, which is now a traumatized society, Crocker said.

Iraqi politicians need to step up to the plate.

On the good side, many leaders are ready to set aside their sect’s needs first for the sake of the country.

“The seeds of reconciliation are being planted,” Crocker said.

Oil and revenue sharing is important, but what is difficult about these laws is that it takes Iraq one step closer to federalism which not all Iraqis have embraced, Crocker said.

Iraqis are struggling with a horrific past. (Rep. Lantos should know this pain. And he should not look like somebody kicked him in the gut after Gen. Petraeus says U.S. is winning)

“We should not be surprised or dismayed that that Iraqis” are still struggling with these issues,” Crocker said.

Iraq’s five most prominent leaders have agreed on many issues and publicly addressed their desire for a long-term relationship with the United States.

They acknowledged a continued presence of America in their country (kind of like in Japan and Germany and Kosovo, eh, Sen. Kerry?)

[Update]11:45am- As much as I dislike Harry “Baghdad” Reid, I did say I would bring any statements against Move and although Reid calls it a distraction, I have to be fair and say he is the first to “distance” himself with Move On or. for the attack ad against Petraeus. (Hat Tip to Hot Air)

WASHINGTON (CNN) — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid expressed frustration Monday with a new print ad attacking Gen. David Petraeus that is being paid for by a liberal advocacy organization on the same day the general is providing testimony before Congress on the situation in Iraq.

When asked early this morning if this was the right message for his party to send, the Nevada Democrat curtly answered “No.”

In a separate conversation, a senior Democratic leadership aide called the ad an “unnecessary distraction

Fair is fair and although he didn’t denounce it as strongly as the GOP leadership has, he DID distance himself.

Another Hat Tip to Hot Air, YouTube video of Code Pink being removed after heckling General Petraeus.

Hot Air has something in his updates I did not mention so let me show you that here.

Duncan Hunter:

Duncan Hunter’s ripping on the Petraeus critics and mentions Lantos by name for impugning his testimony as the product of political operatives. He does a good job responding to Lantos’s point that Anbar is only 5% of the population, noting that it used to comprise 50% of the attacks. Now he’s analogizing the left’s opposition to the Iraq war with their opposition to the cold war. Heh. Hunter asks Skelton to stipulate that Petraeus’s and Crocker’s integrity should be stipulated to by the panel — and Skelton complies.

Good for Duncan Hunter!!!!!

[Update] 12:02pm- Ros-Lehtinen calls on the Democrats to distance themselves from the Move On or. ad again!!! Good for her.

[Update] 12:17pm- quote from Roger about Lanto’s, via email.

Now Tom Lantos is countering Petraeus expert testimony by qouting JOURNALISTS!! JEEEEZ.

Exactly my first reaction Roger.

[Update] 12:41pm- More protesters arrested for disturbance.

[Update] 12:53pm- Real quick lets remind everyone of General Petraeus’ unblemished career and devotion to America, shown in his 35 years of dedicated service:

Here are the credentials of General Petraeus which we showed you yesterday afternoon while showing you how the Democrats, (before Move On anounced their full page ad in the NYT), were already trying to discredit General Petraeus:

General David H. Petraeus assumed command of the Multi-National Force-Iraq on February 10th, 2007, following his assignment as the Commanding General, U.S. Army Combined Arms Center and Fort Leavenworth. Prior to assuming command at Ft. Leavenworth, he was the first commander of the Multi-National Security Transition Command-Iraq, which he led from June 2004 to September 2005, and the NATO Training Mission- Iraq, which he commanded from October 2004 to September 2005. That deployment to Iraq followed his command of the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), during which he led the “Screaming Eagles” in combat throughout the first year of Operation Iraqi Freedom. His command of the 101st followed a year deployed on Operation Joint Forge in Bosnia, where he was the Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations of the NATO Stabilization Force and the Deputy Commander of the US Joint Interagency Counter-Terrorism Task Force-Bosnia. Prior to his tour in Bosnia, he spent two years at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, serving first as the Assistant Division Commander for Operations of the 82nd Airborne Division and then as the Chief of Staff of XVIII Airborne Corps.

General Petraeus was commissioned in the Infantry upon graduation from the United States Military Academy in 1974. He has held leadership positions in airborne, mechanized, and air assault infantry units in Europe and the United States, including command of a battalion in the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) and a brigade in the 82nd Airborne Division. In addition, he has held a number of staff assignments: Aide to the Chief of Staff of the Army; battalion, brigade, and division operations officer; Military Assistant to the Supreme Allied Commander – Europe; Chief of Operations of the United Nations Force in Haiti; and Executive Assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

General Petraeus was the General George C. Marshall Award winner as the top graduate of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College Class of 1983. He subsequently earned MPA and Ph.D. degrees in international relations from Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, and later served as an Assistant Professor of International Relations at the US Military Academy. He also completed a fellowship at Georgetown University.

Awards and decorations earned by General Petraeus include the Defense Distinguished Service Medal, two awards of the Distinguished Service Medal, two awards of the Defense Superior Service Medal, four awards of the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star Medal for valor, the State Department Superior Honor Award, the NATO Meritorious Service Medal, and the Gold Award of the Iraqi Order of the Date Palm. He is a Master Parachutist and is Air Assault and Ranger qualified. He has also earned the Combat Action Badge and French, British, and German Jump Wings. In 2005 he was recognized by the U.S. News and World Report as one of America’s 25 Best Leaders.

This is the man that Move is accusing of being a traitor and “cooking the books”: Calls Petraeus a Traitor
Do Democrats in Congress agree?
by Pete Hegseth
09/09/2007 5:28:00 PM

Tomorrow–as General David Petraeus provides his Iraq assessment to Congress–the antiwar group is running a full-page advertisement in the New York Times under the headline: “General Petraeus or General Betray us? Cooking the books for the White House.”

Let’s be clear: is suggesting that General Petraeus has ‘betrayed’ his country. This is disgusting. To attack as a traitor an American general commanding forces in war because his ‘on the ground’ experience does not align with’s political objectives is utterly shameful. It shows contempt for America’s military leadership, as well as for the troops who have confidence in him, as our fellow soldiers in Iraq certainly do.

General Petraeus has served this country for over 35 years with honor, distinction, and integrity. And this is not just about General Petraeus. After all, if General Petraeus is “cooking the books,” then the entire military chain of command in Baghdad, and all the staff, military and civilian, who have been working with General Petraeus are complicit, since Petraeus did not write his report in isolation. They are all, apparently, ‘betray[ing] us.’ has been working closely with the Democratic congressional leadership –as an article in today’s Sunday New York Times Magazine makes clear. And consider this comment by a Democratic senator from Friday’s Politico: “‘No one wants to call [Petraeus] a liar on national TV,’ noted one Democratic senator, who spoke on the condition on anonymity. ‘The expectation is that the outside groups will do this for

General Petraeus was confirmed, unanimously 81-0, (that link is to the roll call vote) and given the job of heading up a new counterinsurgency strategy in Iraq back in February and he received his full compliment of troops a approximately two months ago. [End Update]

More updates to follow…. they are still questioning General Petraeus and his education and expertise is making “some” of those questioners look as uninformed as they are. Especially the ones that are quoting “newspapers” to try to counter General Petraeus and his experience and military expertise.

He is making mincemeat out of them and he is doing it in such a respectful manner, which is high lighting THEIR deliberate disrespect.

Do Democrats Stand by MoveOn or Denounce Them?-UPDATE- Petraeus Speech/Statement

Cross posted from Wake up America

[Updates below] All day updates on the statement from General Petraeus.

General Petraeus speaks: His quote: “This is my testimony…I wrote this testimony myself.”

There is no middle ground here. None. Zip. Zilch.

As we told you late last night, Move On org has bought a full page ad, seen here, in the NYT, headlined “General Petraeus or General Betray Us? Cooking the books for the White House”.

From Pete Hegseth, Executive Director of the non partisan group, Vets For Freedom. They are a group of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans: Calls Petraeus a Traitor
Do Democrats in Congress agree?
by Pete Hegseth
09/09/2007 5:28:00 PM

Tomorrow–as General David Petraeus provides his Iraq assessment to Congress–the antiwar group is running a full-page advertisement in the New York Times under the headline: “General Petraeus or General Betray us? Cooking the books for the White House.”

Let’s be clear: is suggesting that General Petraeus has ‘betrayed’ his country. This is disgusting. To attack as a traitor an American general commanding forces in war because his ‘on the ground’ experience does not align with’s political objectives is utterly shameful. It shows contempt for America’s military leadership, as well as for the troops who have confidence in him, as our fellow soldiers in Iraq certainly do.

General Petraeus has served this country for over 35 years with honor, distinction, and integrity. And this is not just about General Petraeus. After all, if General Petraeus is “cooking the books,” then the entire military chain of command in Baghdad, and all the staff, military and civilian, who have been working with General Petraeus are complicit, since Petraeus did not write his report in isolation. They are all, apparently, ‘betray[ing] us.’ has been working closely with the Democratic congressional leadership –as an article in today’s Sunday New York Times Magazine makes clear. And consider this comment by a Democratic senator from Friday’s Politico: “‘No one wants to call [Petraeus] a liar on national TV,’ noted one Democratic senator, who spoke on the condition on anonymity. ‘The expectation is that the outside groups will do this for

General Petraeus was confirmed, unanimously 81-0, (that link is to the roll call vote) and given the job of heading up a new counterinsurgency strategy in Iraq back in February and he received his full compliment of troops a approximately two months ago.

Here are the credentials of General Petraeus which we showed you yesterday afternoon while showing you how the Democrats, (before Move On anounced their full page ad in the NYT), were already trying to discredit General Petraeus:

General David H. Petraeus assumed command of the Multi-National Force-Iraq on February 10th, 2007, following his assignment as the Commanding General, U.S. Army Combined Arms Center and Fort Leavenworth. Prior to assuming command at Ft. Leavenworth, he was the first commander of the Multi-National Security Transition Command-Iraq, which he led from June 2004 to September 2005, and the NATO Training Mission- Iraq, which he commanded from October 2004 to September 2005. That deployment to Iraq followed his command of the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), during which he led the “Screaming Eagles” in combat throughout the first year of Operation Iraqi Freedom. His command of the 101st followed a year deployed on Operation Joint Forge in Bosnia, where he was the Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations of the NATO Stabilization Force and the Deputy Commander of the US Joint Interagency Counter-Terrorism Task Force-Bosnia. Prior to his tour in Bosnia, he spent two years at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, serving first as the Assistant Division Commander for Operations of the 82nd Airborne Division and then as the Chief of Staff of XVIII Airborne Corps.

General Petraeus was commissioned in the Infantry upon graduation from the United States Military Academy in 1974. He has held leadership positions in airborne, mechanized, and air assault infantry units in Europe and the United States, including command of a battalion in the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) and a brigade in the 82nd Airborne Division. In addition, he has held a number of staff assignments: Aide to the Chief of Staff of the Army; battalion, brigade, and division operations officer; Military Assistant to the Supreme Allied Commander – Europe; Chief of Operations of the United Nations Force in Haiti; and Executive Assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

General Petraeus was the General George C. Marshall Award winner as the top graduate of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College Class of 1983. He subsequently earned MPA and Ph.D. degrees in international relations from Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, and later served as an Assistant Professor of International Relations at the US Military Academy. He also completed a fellowship at Georgetown University.

Awards and decorations earned by General Petraeus include the Defense Distinguished Service Medal, two awards of the Distinguished Service Medal, two awards of the Defense Superior Service Medal, four awards of the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star Medal for valor, the State Department Superior Honor Award, the NATO Meritorious Service Medal, and the Gold Award of the Iraqi Order of the Date Palm. He is a Master Parachutist and is Air Assault and Ranger qualified. He has also earned the Combat Action Badge and French, British, and German Jump Wings. In 2005 he was recognized by the U.S. News and World Report as one of America’s 25 Best Leaders.

Caught up now? Good.

Via Michelle Malkin we see that the GOP leadership has directly asked the Democratic leaders to stand up and be heard, to denounce Move On and their baseless accusations.

Will they? Or will they let their silence make them complicit with Move On in their disgraceful conduct and accusations against this General that has devoted his life to his country?

Update 10:45am Eastern.

U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, this morning called on the Democratic leadership in Congress to condemn the full-page advertisement that appeared this morning in the New York Times suggesting that General David Petraeus is a traitor.

“Every American, including a Washington special interest organization like, has the right to voice their opinion on the Iraq war. But to suggest that the four-star General leading the fight against al-Qaeda in Iraq has ‘betrayed’ his country is abhorrent.

“General Petraeus has dedicated his life to securing American liberty and protecting his fellow countrymen. He and all who serve under him are fighting al-Qaeda in Iraq to help ensure that we do not have to fight them here at home.

“This is an important moment for the Democratic leadership, which as the New York Times Magazine reported yesterday, has been working closely with to coordinate opposition to the conflict in Iraq – will Democrats in Congress stand by and say nothing as their liberal allies attack the patriotism of our military commander in Iraq or will they condemn this disgusting personal attack on his character and integrity?

“There should be a full and honest debate on the war on terror. Americans can have that debate because the brave men and women in our military have fought and died to defend that right over the years. But hateful, personal attacks that call our military leaders traitors should be condemned. It is my hope that Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will disassociate themselves from this attack, condemn it, and cease further coordination with”

NOTE: The Politico newspaper reported Friday: “‘No one wants to call [Petraeus] a liar on national TV,’ noted one Democratic senator, who spoke on the condition on anonymity. ‘The expectation is that the outside groups will do this for us.’

National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Tom Cole issued the following statement today in response to a full-page ad in this morning’s New York Times by the extremist group

“It is bad enough that has been trying to bully Members of Congress into a course of action that most experts believe would lead to catastrophe in Iraq and the death of tens of thousands in a regional sectarian war. But comparing an American general, who has spent his life serving and defending our country, to traitors like Adam Gadahn, Jose Padilla and John Walker Lindh goes too far.

“ owes General Petraeus and every American in uniform an apology.

“This is a critical time for the future of our country and we ought to be working together to find a real solution, instead of turning the Iraq war into a political, partisan game. Democrats ought to reflect on whether or not they want their party associated with the tactics of an organization that spends its time, resources and credibility attacking the character of the men and women who defend its right to engage in such egregious activities.”

Congressman Bill Shuster, a member of the House Armed Services Committee, released the following statement on’s attack ad against General David Petraeus:

“’s ad is an outrageous affront to our military commanders and to the men and women under their command. General Petraeus is regarded as a respected, resolute and responsible leader who was unanimously confirmed by the Senate. His perspective on our progress in Iraq should be welcomed with an open mind.

In running this despicable ad, and their facilitators at the New York Times have carried the anti-war fringe to a new low. I call on my Democratic colleagues to put an end to this political theater and reject the ad immediately.

It is well known that holds significant power over Democrats in Congress. If their leadership fails to reject this ad, it will prove to the American people exactly whose interests they are serving in Congress and whether they are more invested in our defeat than our victory in Iraq.”

We also run across Jon Kyl’s statement on this:

“It’s repugnant, but unfortunately not surprising, to see launch this despicable ad campaign against General Petraeus.

“The Senate had absolute confidence in General Petraeus when it unanimously confirmed him earlier this year. Because of organizations like and its affiliations with the leftist, liberal wing of the Democratic Party, the question arises whether this ad represents the stance of all Democrats.

“If not, it is time for the Democratic leadership to announce whether it stands with or whether it stands behind the general Democrats unanimously confirmed – and his military strategy – to carry out our mission in Iraq.

“We’re beginning to see real, measurable progress in Iraq since the increased troop levels earlier this year, and despite this fact, has chosen to engage in slanderous and partisan personal attacks on the commander of our troops on the ground. Because seems unable to contest the facts, it has instead chosen to attack the messenger because it doesn’t like the message.

“I can’t imagine any act more despicable than personally attacking our troops. I call on all of my colleagues, Democrats and Republicans alike, to repudiate and any organizations that launch personal and slanderous attacks on our brave men and women who’ve laid down their lives to protect our nation.”

The far left are encouraging and agreeing with slandering General Petraeus.

Red State is encouraging everyone to let your Democratic leaders know that they must either stand with regarding this issue, or stand against these slanderous implications.

If you are as outraged by this disgraceful ad as I am, I urge all of you to call the Democrat leaders, call your Congressman, write letters to your local newspapers and make your feelings known.

There IS no middle ground and they must not be allowed to crawl under a rock and stay silent.

With that said, here are ways to contact your representatives and force them to take a stand, one way or another.

Sen. Harry Reid

Washington Office:
528 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-2803
Phone: (202) 224-3542
Fax: (202) 224-7327
Here is Harry Reid’s Contact Form.
Rep. Nancy Pelosi

Washington Office:
235 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-0508
Phone: (202) 225-4965
Fax: (202) 225-8259
Here is Nancy Pelosi’s contact form.

Rep. Steny Hoyer

1705 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-2005
Phone: (202) 225-4131
Fax: (202) 225-4300
Here is Steny Hoyers Contact Form.
At a time when the NYT/CBS poll has shown that 68% of the American population trust our military commanders on the war, than they do congress or the administration.

Move on org has just overplayed their hand and the Democratic leaders must come out for or against this.

No middle ground.

We must insist on it.

Michael van der Galiën says they have crossed a line and then goes on to show how the far left (Daily Kos) shows that they have no respect for the military.

Kathryn Jean Lopez shows us where this desperation from Move on org is stemming from.

Captain’s Quarters brings us the words of Colonel Joe Repya, who is a retired soldier, a veteran of Vietnam, Desert Storm, and Operation Iraqi Freedom…go read it.

I will be updating this with reactions as the day goes on and I will be sure to bring you any denouncement of this Move On org tactic from any politicians, Democrat or Republican….although the silence from the Democratic leaders up until now has been deafening.

[Update] 10:11 am (AZ timezone)Watching the political leadership make speeches before General Petraeus starts his testimony. The GOP are insisting that Democratic leaders denounce Move On orgs, head line of General Betray us. The Democrats are NOT denouncing them as of yet.

I guess they are more scared of losing Move On org’s votes and money than they are for standing up for the man they voted into leadership of our military, UNANIMOUSLY, in February.

[Update] 10:14 am- Lieberman urges Democrats to denounce Move on .org:

Senator Joe Lieberman (ID-CT) issued the following statement in response to the ad attacking General Petraeus in today’s New York Times:

“The personal attack on Gen. David Petraeus launched today by is an outrageous and despicable act of slander that every member of the Congress — Democrat and Republican — has a solemn responsibility to condemn.

“General Petraeus has served his country honorably and selflessly for over thirty-five years. He has risked his life in combat and accepted lengthy deployments away from his family to defend our nation and its citizens from its enemies. For this, he deserves the respect, admiration, and gratitude of every American — not the disgraceful slander of

“It has been widely reported that has worked closely over the past months with many members of the Democratic Party in coordinating their efforts to derail the strategy that General Petraeus has been leading in Iraq.

“I do not know whether the Democratic leadership was consulted in any way or informed by Moveon about this personal, political attack on General Petraeus. That is not the point. The point is that when partisan political attacks which have already divided and weakened our nation in many ways are directed at a non-partisan, non-political commander like General Petraeus, everyone has a responsibility to shout, “Stop. Enough.”

“As a member of the Senate Democratic caucus, I therefore call on Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to denounce in no uncertain terms for its vile attack on Gen. Petraeus. General Petraeus deserves no less.

“Regardless of our disagreements on the way forward in Iraq, the claim that one of our most decorated and accomplished soldiers — whom the Senate unanimously confirmed in his command — would “betray” his country is an insult to the honor of all of our brave men and women in uniform who are fighting today in Iraq.

“As we debate our Iraq policy in the days ahead, we should leave no doubt that Democrats and Republicans stand united behind our troops and the commander who is leading them. We must reject the slander of this brave soldier and patriot.”

[Update] 10:19 am– More reactions from the Washington Times:

Democrats stayed silent this morning despite the calls to denounce the ad.
House Minority Whip Roy Blunt, Missouri Republican, said, “Enough is enough. has gone too far with an ad that attacks one of our nation’s finest generals.”

Rep. Jeb Hensarling of Texas, chariman of hte Republican Study Comittee, said the ad was “classless” and called on Democratic leaders to denounce it.

“Though MoveOn has the freedom to opine as they choose, that does not preclude elected Democrat members of Congress from pushing back against such slanderous charges, no matter their opinion on the ongoing military efforts in Iraq,” Mr. Hensarling said.

“The men and women serving our nation deserve our full respect and gratitude, regardless of one’s political ideology,” he said. “Though we live in a tumultuous world in which opinions are bound to differ, there is a right way and a wrong way to conduct oneself and there is a difference between class and classless.”

Rep. John Carter, Texas Republican, called it a “shameful, disrespectful attack.

“Any member of Congress — Republican or Democrat — should denounce an attack that is so outright distasteful,” he said.

Mr. Carter continued, “Now is the time to show our enemies that the security of our nation is more important than party politics and cheap shots from the home front. As Americans, we owe General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker the courtesy of listening to their honest report about what is going on in Iraq, and then we must work together to face the challenges that lie ahead in Iraq.”

Malkin is also live blogging the testimony.

General Petraeus speaks: His quote: “This is my testimony…I wrote this testimony myself.”

[Update] 10:33am- General Petraeus stated that if progress continues along the lines they are seeing, there will be a draw down of troops to pre-surge levels by 2008.

FYI: Search engines still not showing any democrats denouncing Move and their ad.

[Update] 10:42am- Petraeus is explaing his charts and showing how bombings and violence has declined significantly, especially over the last couple months and more so in the last weeks—- (Note from spree-the last weeks were deliberately left out of the GAO, the group that works for Congress and their recent report.)

[Update] 10:44 am– They are having more hecklers removed as they try to scream over General Petraeus as he is speaking because they do not like his report.

[Update] 10:46 am- He is speaking to Iraqi security forces and showing how they are completely engaged in securing Iraq and out of 140 Iraqi security forces, 95 of them are taking the lead in securing their areas with “minimal” Coalition help.

[Update 11:00am- General Petraeus finishes and more hecklers being removed and Skelton is now threatening that any more disturbances will prosecuted under the law….AFTER he let them to stay TO cause a disturbance.

[Update] 11:02 am– Ambassador Crocker is now speaking.

Crocker: “I will not minimize the enormity of the challenges and at the same time I will show that it IS possible for the United States to achieve their goals and the Iraqis are capable of learning to secure their own country.”

[Update] 11:18am- Crocker discussed how on provincial levels political progress is being seen in Iraq. Also he discussed how Anbar tribes have been fighting against al-Qaeda. Talking about Iraq making some gains in rebuilding and economical gains.

[Update] 11:35am- Move America Forward is also live blogging the statements by General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker:


Finally. Gen. David Petraeus is speaking on the troop surge. Here’s a short synopsis:
* Tribal leaders are turning against al-Qaida
* Force levels will begin dropping soon.
* Huge drops in deaths of civilians, allied troops, violence and attacks, though the numbers are still not acceptable
* Coalition and Iraqi troops deal serious blows to al-Qaida
* Troop levels may be reduced by next summer and maintain current security.
* It is possible to meet America’s objectives over time.
“Security situation in Iraq is improving,” Gen. Petreaus said.
Premature drawdown would have devastating effects,” Petreaus said. (Are you listening Armchair Gen. Nancy Pelosi?)

Oh, and one other thing. Gen. Petraeus testified he did not allow the White House nor any Senator or even to see his report before he handed it out on Monday.
So Sens. Durbin, Boxer and Clinton – you may go change your diapers now.
To our troops and their families: Hoorah!


As the Pink Scream of the Pepto Bismol babes, Code Pink, was shuttered (thankfully), Ambassador Crocker on Monday said a secure Iraq is attainable.
He is looking at the situation on the ground not from a military standpoint, but as a diplomat. Diplomacy is always tough in a war-torn country – even when that war is fruitful in its creation of peace.

Saddam Hussein left a legacy of fear between foes, friends, and even family, Crocker said.

“A new Iraq had to be built literally from scratch,” Crocker said.

“The past 18 months have further strained Iraqi society,” Crocker said.

Al-Qaida attacks and sectarian violence has gnawed away at Iraq, which is now a traumatized society, Crocker said.

Iraqi politicians need to step up to the plate.

On the good side, many leaders are ready to set aside their sect’s needs first for the sake of the country.

“The seeds of reconciliation are being planted,” Crocker said.

Oil and revenue sharing is important, but what is difficult about these laws is that it takes Iraq one step closer to federalism which not all Iraqis have embraced, Crocker said.

Iraqis are struggling with a horrific past. (Rep. Lantos should know this pain. And he should not look like somebody kicked him in the gut after Gen. Petraeus says U.S. is winning)

“We should not be surprised or dismayed that that Iraqis” are still struggling with these issues,” Crocker said.

Iraq’s five most prominent leaders have agreed on many issues and publicly addressed their desire for a long-term relationship with the United States.

They acknowledged a continued presence of America in their country (kind of like in Japan and Germany and Kosovo, eh, Sen. Kerry?)

[Update]11:45am- As much as I dislike Harry “Baghdad” Reid, I did say I would bring any statements against Move and although Reid calls it a distraction, I have to be fair and say he is the first to “distance” himself with Move On or. for the attack ad against Petraeus. (Hat Tip to Hot Air)

WASHINGTON (CNN) — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid expressed frustration Monday with a new print ad attacking Gen. David Petraeus that is being paid for by a liberal advocacy organization on the same day the general is providing testimony before Congress on the situation in Iraq.

When asked early this morning if this was the right message for his party to send, the Nevada Democrat curtly answered “No.”

In a separate conversation, a senior Democratic leadership aide called the ad an “unnecessary distraction

Fair is fair and although he didn’t denounce it as strongly as the GOP leadership has, he DID distance himself.

Another Hat Tip to Hot Air, YouTube video of Code Pink being removed after heckling General Petraeus.

Hot Air has something in his updates I did not mention so let me show you that here.

Duncan Hunter:

Duncan Hunter’s ripping on the Petraeus critics and mentions Lantos by name for impugning his testimony as the product of political operatives. He does a good job responding to Lantos’s point that Anbar is only 5% of the population, noting that it used to comprise 50% of the attacks. Now he’s analogizing the left’s opposition to the Iraq war with their opposition to the cold war. Heh. Hunter asks Skelton to stipulate that Petraeus’s and Crocker’s integrity should be stipulated to by the panel — and Skelton complies.

Good for Duncan Hunter!!!!!

[Update] 12:02pm- Ros-Lehtinen calls on the Democrats to distance themselves from the Move On or. ad again!!! Good for her.

Do Democrats Stand by MoveOn or Denounce Them?-UPDATE- Petraeus Speech/Statement

Cross posted from Wake up America

[Updates below] All day updates on the statement from General Petraeus.

General Petraeus speaks: His quote: “This is my testimony…I wrote this testimony myself.”

There is no middle ground here. None. Zip. Zilch.

As we told you late last night, Move On org has bought a full page ad, seen here, in the NYT, headlined “General Petraeus or General Betray Us? Cooking the books for the White House”.

From Pete Hegseth, Executive Director of the non partisan group, Vets For Freedom. They are a group of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans: Calls Petraeus a Traitor
Do Democrats in Congress agree?
by Pete Hegseth
09/09/2007 5:28:00 PM

Tomorrow–as General David Petraeus provides his Iraq assessment to Congress–the antiwar group is running a full-page advertisement in the New York Times under the headline: “General Petraeus or General Betray us? Cooking the books for the White House.”

Let’s be clear: is suggesting that General Petraeus has ‘betrayed’ his country. This is disgusting. To attack as a traitor an American general commanding forces in war because his ‘on the ground’ experience does not align with’s political objectives is utterly shameful. It shows contempt for America’s military leadership, as well as for the troops who have confidence in him, as our fellow soldiers in Iraq certainly do.

General Petraeus has served this country for over 35 years with honor, distinction, and integrity. And this is not just about General Petraeus. After all, if General Petraeus is “cooking the books,” then the entire military chain of command in Baghdad, and all the staff, military and civilian, who have been working with General Petraeus are complicit, since Petraeus did not write his report in isolation. They are all, apparently, ‘betray[ing] us.’ has been working closely with the Democratic congressional leadership –as an article in today’s Sunday New York Times Magazine makes clear. And consider this comment by a Democratic senator from Friday’s Politico: “‘No one wants to call [Petraeus] a liar on national TV,’ noted one Democratic senator, who spoke on the condition on anonymity. ‘The expectation is that the outside groups will do this for

General Petraeus was confirmed, unanimously 81-0, (that link is to the roll call vote) and given the job of heading up a new counterinsurgency strategy in Iraq back in February and he received his full compliment of troops a approximately two months ago.

Here are the credentials of General Petraeus which we showed you yesterday afternoon while showing you how the Democrats, (before Move On anounced their full page ad in the NYT), were already trying to discredit General Petraeus:

General David H. Petraeus assumed command of the Multi-National Force-Iraq on February 10th, 2007, following his assignment as the Commanding General, U.S. Army Combined Arms Center and Fort Leavenworth. Prior to assuming command at Ft. Leavenworth, he was the first commander of the Multi-National Security Transition Command-Iraq, which he led from June 2004 to September 2005, and the NATO Training Mission- Iraq, which he commanded from October 2004 to September 2005. That deployment to Iraq followed his command of the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), during which he led the “Screaming Eagles” in combat throughout the first year of Operation Iraqi Freedom. His command of the 101st followed a year deployed on Operation Joint Forge in Bosnia, where he was the Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations of the NATO Stabilization Force and the Deputy Commander of the US Joint Interagency Counter-Terrorism Task Force-Bosnia. Prior to his tour in Bosnia, he spent two years at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, serving first as the Assistant Division Commander for Operations of the 82nd Airborne Division and then as the Chief of Staff of XVIII Airborne Corps.

General Petraeus was commissioned in the Infantry upon graduation from the United States Military Academy in 1974. He has held leadership positions in airborne, mechanized, and air assault infantry units in Europe and the United States, including command of a battalion in the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) and a brigade in the 82nd Airborne Division. In addition, he has held a number of staff assignments: Aide to the Chief of Staff of the Army; battalion, brigade, and division operations officer; Military Assistant to the Supreme Allied Commander – Europe; Chief of Operations of the United Nations Force in Haiti; and Executive Assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

General Petraeus was the General George C. Marshall Award winner as the top graduate of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College Class of 1983. He subsequently earned MPA and Ph.D. degrees in international relations from Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, and later served as an Assistant Professor of International Relations at the US Military Academy. He also completed a fellowship at Georgetown University.

Awards and decorations earned by General Petraeus include the Defense Distinguished Service Medal, two awards of the Distinguished Service Medal, two awards of the Defense Superior Service Medal, four awards of the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star Medal for valor, the State Department Superior Honor Award, the NATO Meritorious Service Medal, and the Gold Award of the Iraqi Order of the Date Palm. He is a Master Parachutist and is Air Assault and Ranger qualified. He has also earned the Combat Action Badge and French, British, and German Jump Wings. In 2005 he was recognized by the U.S. News and World Report as one of America’s 25 Best Leaders.

Caught up now? Good.

Via Michelle Malkin we see that the GOP leadership has directly asked the Democratic leaders to stand up and be heard, to denounce Move On and their baseless accusations.

Will they? Or will they let their silence make them complicit with Move On in their disgraceful conduct and accusations against this General that has devoted his life to his country?

Update 10:45am Eastern.

U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, this morning called on the Democratic leadership in Congress to condemn the full-page advertisement that appeared this morning in the New York Times suggesting that General David Petraeus is a traitor.

“Every American, including a Washington special interest organization like, has the right to voice their opinion on the Iraq war. But to suggest that the four-star General leading the fight against al-Qaeda in Iraq has ‘betrayed’ his country is abhorrent.

“General Petraeus has dedicated his life to securing American liberty and protecting his fellow countrymen. He and all who serve under him are fighting al-Qaeda in Iraq to help ensure that we do not have to fight them here at home.

“This is an important moment for the Democratic leadership, which as the New York Times Magazine reported yesterday, has been working closely with to coordinate opposition to the conflict in Iraq – will Democrats in Congress stand by and say nothing as their liberal allies attack the patriotism of our military commander in Iraq or will they condemn this disgusting personal attack on his character and integrity?

“There should be a full and honest debate on the war on terror. Americans can have that debate because the brave men and women in our military have fought and died to defend that right over the years. But hateful, personal attacks that call our military leaders traitors should be condemned. It is my hope that Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will disassociate themselves from this attack, condemn it, and cease further coordination with”

NOTE: The Politico newspaper reported Friday: “‘No one wants to call [Petraeus] a liar on national TV,’ noted one Democratic senator, who spoke on the condition on anonymity. ‘The expectation is that the outside groups will do this for us.’

National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Tom Cole issued the following statement today in response to a full-page ad in this morning’s New York Times by the extremist group

“It is bad enough that has been trying to bully Members of Congress into a course of action that most experts believe would lead to catastrophe in Iraq and the death of tens of thousands in a regional sectarian war. But comparing an American general, who has spent his life serving and defending our country, to traitors like Adam Gadahn, Jose Padilla and John Walker Lindh goes too far.

“ owes General Petraeus and every American in uniform an apology.

“This is a critical time for the future of our country and we ought to be working together to find a real solution, instead of turning the Iraq war into a political, partisan game. Democrats ought to reflect on whether or not they want their party associated with the tactics of an organization that spends its time, resources and credibility attacking the character of the men and women who defend its right to engage in such egregious activities.”

Congressman Bill Shuster, a member of the House Armed Services Committee, released the following statement on’s attack ad against General David Petraeus:

“’s ad is an outrageous affront to our military commanders and to the men and women under their command. General Petraeus is regarded as a respected, resolute and responsible leader who was unanimously confirmed by the Senate. His perspective on our progress in Iraq should be welcomed with an open mind.

In running this despicable ad, and their facilitators at the New York Times have carried the anti-war fringe to a new low. I call on my Democratic colleagues to put an end to this political theater and reject the ad immediately.

It is well known that holds significant power over Democrats in Congress. If their leadership fails to reject this ad, it will prove to the American people exactly whose interests they are serving in Congress and whether they are more invested in our defeat than our victory in Iraq.”

We also run across Jon Kyl’s statement on this:

“It’s repugnant, but unfortunately not surprising, to see launch this despicable ad campaign against General Petraeus.

“The Senate had absolute confidence in General Petraeus when it unanimously confirmed him earlier this year. Because of organizations like and its affiliations with the leftist, liberal wing of the Democratic Party, the question arises whether this ad represents the stance of all Democrats.

“If not, it is time for the Democratic leadership to announce whether it stands with or whether it stands behind the general Democrats unanimously confirmed – and his military strategy – to carry out our mission in Iraq.

“We’re beginning to see real, measurable progress in Iraq since the increased troop levels earlier this year, and despite this fact, has chosen to engage in slanderous and partisan personal attacks on the commander of our troops on the ground. Because seems unable to contest the facts, it has instead chosen to attack the messenger because it doesn’t like the message.

“I can’t imagine any act more despicable than personally attacking our troops. I call on all of my colleagues, Democrats and Republicans alike, to repudiate and any organizations that launch personal and slanderous attacks on our brave men and women who’ve laid down their lives to protect our nation.”

The far left are encouraging and agreeing with slandering General Petraeus.

Red State is encouraging everyone to let your Democratic leaders know that they must either stand with regarding this issue, or stand against these slanderous implications.

If you are as outraged by this disgraceful ad as I am, I urge all of you to call the Democrat leaders, call your Congressman, write letters to your local newspapers and make your feelings known.

There IS no middle ground and they must not be allowed to crawl under a rock and stay silent.

With that said, here are ways to contact your representatives and force them to take a stand, one way or another.

Sen. Harry Reid

Washington Office:
528 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-2803
Phone: (202) 224-3542
Fax: (202) 224-7327
Here is Harry Reid’s Contact Form.
Rep. Nancy Pelosi

Washington Office:
235 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-0508
Phone: (202) 225-4965
Fax: (202) 225-8259
Here is Nancy Pelosi’s contact form.

Rep. Steny Hoyer

1705 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-2005
Phone: (202) 225-4131
Fax: (202) 225-4300
Here is Steny Hoyers Contact Form.
At a time when the NYT/CBS poll has shown that 68% of the American population trust our military commanders on the war, than they do congress or the administration.

Move on org has just overplayed their hand and the Democratic leaders must come out for or against this.

No middle ground.

We must insist on it.

Michael van der Galiën says they have crossed a line and then goes on to show how the far left (Daily Kos) shows that they have no respect for the military.

Kathryn Jean Lopez shows us where this desperation from Move on org is stemming from.

Captain’s Quarters brings us the words of Colonel Joe Repya, who is a retired soldier, a veteran of Vietnam, Desert Storm, and Operation Iraqi Freedom…go read it.

I will be updating this with reactions as the day goes on and I will be sure to bring you any denouncement of this Move On org tactic from any politicians, Democrat or Republican….although the silence from the Democratic leaders up until now has been deafening.

[Update] 10:11 am (AZ timezone)Watching the political leadership make speeches before General Petraeus starts his testimony. The GOP are insisting that Democratic leaders denounce Move On orgs, head line of General Betray us. The Democrats are NOT denouncing them as of yet.

I guess they are more scared of losing Move On org’s votes and money than they are for standing up for the man they voted into leadership of our military, UNANIMOUSLY, in February.

[Update] 10:14 am- Lieberman urges Democrats to denounce Move on .org:

Senator Joe Lieberman (ID-CT) issued the following statement in response to the ad attacking General Petraeus in today’s New York Times:

“The personal attack on Gen. David Petraeus launched today by is an outrageous and despicable act of slander that every member of the Congress — Democrat and Republican — has a solemn responsibility to condemn.

“General Petraeus has served his country honorably and selflessly for over thirty-five years. He has risked his life in combat and accepted lengthy deployments away from his family to defend our nation and its citizens from its enemies. For this, he deserves the respect, admiration, and gratitude of every American — not the disgraceful slander of

“It has been widely reported that has worked closely over the past months with many members of the Democratic Party in coordinating their efforts to derail the strategy that General Petraeus has been leading in Iraq.

“I do not know whether the Democratic leadership was consulted in any way or informed by Moveon about this personal, political attack on General Petraeus. That is not the point. The point is that when partisan political attacks which have already divided and weakened our nation in many ways are directed at a non-partisan, non-political commander like General Petraeus, everyone has a responsibility to shout, “Stop. Enough.”

“As a member of the Senate Democratic caucus, I therefore call on Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to denounce in no uncertain terms for its vile attack on Gen. Petraeus. General Petraeus deserves no less.

“Regardless of our disagreements on the way forward in Iraq, the claim that one of our most decorated and accomplished soldiers — whom the Senate unanimously confirmed in his command — would “betray” his country is an insult to the honor of all of our brave men and women in uniform who are fighting today in Iraq.

“As we debate our Iraq policy in the days ahead, we should leave no doubt that Democrats and Republicans stand united behind our troops and the commander who is leading them. We must reject the slander of this brave soldier and patriot.”

[Update] 10:19 am– More reactions from the Washington Times:

Democrats stayed silent this morning despite the calls to denounce the ad.
House Minority Whip Roy Blunt, Missouri Republican, said, “Enough is enough. has gone too far with an ad that attacks one of our nation’s finest generals.”

Rep. Jeb Hensarling of Texas, chariman of hte Republican Study Comittee, said the ad was “classless” and called on Democratic leaders to denounce it.

“Though MoveOn has the freedom to opine as they choose, that does not preclude elected Democrat members of Congress from pushing back against such slanderous charges, no matter their opinion on the ongoing military efforts in Iraq,” Mr. Hensarling said.

“The men and women serving our nation deserve our full respect and gratitude, regardless of one’s political ideology,” he said. “Though we live in a tumultuous world in which opinions are bound to differ, there is a right way and a wrong way to conduct oneself and there is a difference between class and classless.”

Rep. John Carter, Texas Republican, called it a “shameful, disrespectful attack.

“Any member of Congress — Republican or Democrat — should denounce an attack that is so outright distasteful,” he said.

Mr. Carter continued, “Now is the time to show our enemies that the security of our nation is more important than party politics and cheap shots from the home front. As Americans, we owe General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker the courtesy of listening to their honest report about what is going on in Iraq, and then we must work together to face the challenges that lie ahead in Iraq.”

Malkin is also live blogging the testimony.

General Petraeus speaks: His quote: “This is my testimony…I wrote this testimony myself.”

[Update] 10:33am- General Petraeus stated that if progress continues along the lines they are seeing, there will be a draw down of troops to pre-surge levels by 2008.

FYI: Search engines still not showing any democrats denouncing Move and their ad.

[Update] 10:42am- Petraeus is explaing his charts and showing how bombings and violence has declined significantly, especially over the last couple months and more so in the last weeks—- (Note from spree-the last weeks were deliberately left out of the GAO, the group that works for Congress and their recent report.)

[Update] 10:44 am– They are having more hecklers removed as they try to scream over General Petraeus as he is speaking because they do not like his report.

[Update] 10:46 am- He is speaking to Iraqi security forces and showing how they are completely engaged in securing Iraq and out of 140 Iraqi security forces, 95 of them are taking the lead in securing their areas with “minimal” Coalition help.

[Update 11:00am- General Petraeus finishes and more hecklers being removed and Skelton is now threatening that any more disturbances will prosecuted under the law….AFTER he let them to stay TO cause a disturbance.

[Update] 11:02 am– Ambassador Crocker is now speaking.

Crocker: “I will not minimize the enormity of the challenges and at the same time I will show that it IS possible for the United States to achieve their goals and the Iraqis are capable of learning to secure their own country.”

[Update] 11:18am- Crocker discussed how on provincial levels political progress is being seen in Iraq. Also he discussed how Anbar tribes have been fighting against al-Qaeda. Talking about Iraq making some gains in rebuilding and economical gains.

[Update] 11:35am- Move America Forward is also live blogging the statements by General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker:


Finally. Gen. David Petraeus is speaking on the troop surge. Here’s a short synopsis:
* Tribal leaders are turning against al-Qaida
* Force levels will begin dropping soon.
* Huge drops in deaths of civilians, allied troops, violence and attacks, though the numbers are still not acceptable
* Coalition and Iraqi troops deal serious blows to al-Qaida
* Troop levels may be reduced by next summer and maintain current security.
* It is possible to meet America’s objectives over time.
“Security situation in Iraq is improving,” Gen. Petreaus said.
Premature drawdown would have devastating effects,” Petreaus said. (Are you listening Armchair Gen. Nancy Pelosi?)

Oh, and one other thing. Gen. Petraeus testified he did not allow the White House nor any Senator or even to see his report before he handed it out on Monday.
So Sens. Durbin, Boxer and Clinton – you may go change your diapers now.
To our troops and their families: Hoorah!


As the Pink Scream of the Pepto Bismol babes, Code Pink, was shuttered (thankfully), Ambassador Crocker on Monday said a secure Iraq is attainable.
He is looking at the situation on the ground not from a military standpoint, but as a diplomat. Diplomacy is always tough in a war-torn country – even when that war is fruitful in its creation of peace.

Saddam Hussein left a legacy of fear between foes, friends, and even family, Crocker said.

“A new Iraq had to be built literally from scratch,” Crocker said.

“The past 18 months have further strained Iraqi society,” Crocker said.

Al-Qaida attacks and sectarian violence has gnawed away at Iraq, which is now a traumatized society, Crocker said.

Iraqi politicians need to step up to the plate.

On the good side, many leaders are ready to set aside their sect’s needs first for the sake of the country.

“The seeds of reconciliation are being planted,” Crocker said.

Oil and revenue sharing is important, but what is difficult about these laws is that it takes Iraq one step closer to federalism which not all Iraqis have embraced, Crocker said.

Iraqis are struggling with a horrific past. (Rep. Lantos should know this pain. And he should not look like somebody kicked him in the gut after Gen. Petraeus says U.S. is winning)

“We should not be surprised or dismayed that that Iraqis” are still struggling with these issues,” Crocker said.

Iraq’s five most prominent leaders have agreed on many issues and publicly addressed their desire for a long-term relationship with the United States.

They acknowledged a continued presence of America in their country (kind of like in Japan and Germany and Kosovo, eh, Sen. Kerry?)

[Update]11:45am- As much as I dislike Harry “Baghdad” Reid, I did say I would bring any statements against Move and although Reid calls it a distraction, I have to be fair and say he is the first to “distance” himself with Move On or. for the attack ad against Petraeus. (Hat Tip to Hot Air)

WASHINGTON (CNN) — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid expressed frustration Monday with a new print ad attacking Gen. David Petraeus that is being paid for by a liberal advocacy organization on the same day the general is providing testimony before Congress on the situation in Iraq.

When asked early this morning if this was the right message for his party to send, the Nevada Democrat curtly answered “No.”

In a separate conversation, a senior Democratic leadership aide called the ad an “unnecessary distraction

Fair is fair and although he didn’t denounce it as strongly as the GOP leadership has, he DID distance himself.

Another Hat Tip to Hot Air, YouTube video of Code Pink being removed after heckling General Petraeus.

Hot Air has something in his updates I did not mention so let me show you that here.

Duncan Hunter:

Duncan Hunter’s ripping on the Petraeus critics and mentions Lantos by name for impugning his testimony as the product of political operatives. He does a good job responding to Lantos’s point that Anbar is only 5% of the population, noting that it used to comprise 50% of the attacks. Now he’s analogizing the left’s opposition to the Iraq war with their opposition to the cold war. Heh. Hunter asks Skelton to stipulate that Petraeus’s and Crocker’s integrity should be stipulated to by the panel — and Skelton complies.

Good for Duncan Hunter!!!!!

[Update] 12:02pm- Ros-Lehtinen calls on the Democrats to distance themselves from the Move On or. ad again!!! Good for her.

Democrats "Try" to Discredit General Petraeus

Cross posted from Wake up America

General Petraeus, a military leader that has dedicated his life to serving his country, will be delivering a report to Congress and testifying before the U.S. House Armed Services Committee Monday and perhaps Tuesday.

General Petraeus was confirmed unanimously 81-0 (that link is to the roll call vote) and given the job of heading up a new counterinsurgency strategy in Iraq back in February and he received his full compliment of troops a approximately two months ago.

Since then he and our troops have seen tremendous military success in places like Anbar Province, which was once an al-Qaeda stronghold and just last summer was given up as lost, is now flourishing, life is returning to normal after our troops-led by General Pestraeus-and the local population rose up and drove al-Qaeda elements out.

In the General’s own words from an interview given to The Australian:

**Dramatic reduction of sectarian killings.
**Drop in the number of roadside bombings.
**Killing or capturing of al-Qaeda fighters causing the terrorist group to lose influence with local Sunnis.
**75 per cent reduction in religious and ethnic killings since last year.
**Doubling in the seizure of insurgents’ weapons caches between January and August.
**US forces are pursuers instead of defenders.
**Religious-related deaths would be down to a quarter of what they were last December by the end of August.

He acknowledges the challenges that still face us in Iraq, but his words are also accompanied by the reports from Democratic leaders that have returned from Iraq in August and have reported the same thing: that progress has been amazing, violence is down and the surge is working.

Keith Ellison and Jerry McNerney are two of those politicians, but the most amazing turn around has been from Brian Baird, a war critic that voted against every action in Iraq since the beginning of the war. Brian Baird returned from Iraq stating “The Troops have earned more time” and has also stated “It could well cost me the next election,”That’s alright.“.

“The easiest thing in the world would have been to go over there…and just say, using partisan rhetoric, ‘Get out now,'” he said.

As the evening wore on, Baird repeatedly insisted that Iraq would descend into worse chaos if the U.S. withdrew precipitously, with Iran gaining greater influence. “I think the probability is 95 percent if we withdraw prematurely, in our hearts we will live to regret it,” he said.

Baird said industries are starting to reopen and things are starting to get better. “We’re putting people back to work and that is good news,” he said.

“I am truly impressed by Brian’s willingness to stand here and take it gracefully,” said Joy Overstreet, a Vancouver writer, as the meeting passed the two-hour mark. But she said she would consider voting out the congressmen next year if there is a “viable alternative.”

“It could well cost me the next election,” Baird said at the end of the meeting. “That’s alright.”

There were, however, some hints that Baird’s new stance also had attracted some people. Bill Turlay, a Vancouver Republican and Navy veteran, said he hadn’t voted for Baird before. But he said he was impressed by Baird’s new stance on Iraq and said, “I’m going to seriously consider him next year.”

For his honesty he has been targeted by, attacking him because instead of lying he came back and told the truth, changing an opinion that he has held for 6 years because of the progress he had seen in Iraq when he went there.

Last March, Rep. Baird voted with the Democrats to force Bush to bring troops home. Now he says he’ll oppose timelines to bring our troops home from the unwinnable civil war in Iraq. We’ve got a new ad challenging Rep. Baird on his new support for the Iraq War.

Now we see that Democratic politicians, invested in defeat and failure, are trying to discredit General Petraeus because he did the unthinkable in their eyes: he started to demand and get progress in Iraq and he started succeeding where the Democratic politicians only wanted him to fail.

Now, remember what I wrote above:

General Petraeus was confirmed unanimously 81-0 (that link is to the roll call vote) and given the job of heading up a new counterinsurgency strategy in Iraq back in February and he received his full compliment of troops a approximately two months ago.

Also remember and look for yourself, Harry “Baghdad” Reid was one of those 81 unanimous votes in favor of sending General Petreus to lead the new strategy which included the surge in Iraq.

In April, before the full number of troops to be involved in the surge had arrived, Harry Reid made the statement that the surge was accomplishing nothing and Iraq was lost.

The war in Iraq “is lost” and a US troop surge is failing to bring peace to the country, the leader of the Democratic majority in the US Congress, Harry Reid, said Thursday.

“I believe … that this war is lost, and this surge is not accomplishing anything, as is shown by the extreme violence in Iraq this week,” Reid told journalists.

Then after the full compliment of troops did arrive and the new strategies were being implemented and started seeing progress, as admitted by multiple Democratic politicians that went to Iraq and saw this for themselves, Baghdad Reid tried to move the goalposts from his earlier gaffe of the “surge is accomplishing nothing” to the “political progress isn’t happening”.

Well, then al-Maliki started working behind the scenes, went and courted the Sunnis and the Sunnis ended their boycott and rejoined the parliament.

Once again, Reid has opened his big mouth too soon and showed that he was out of touch with conditions on the ground in Iraq.

NOW, the new “gameplan” is to discredit General Petraeus as we have seen by more recent comments from, you got it…HARRY REID again.

Democratic leaders are not waiting to hear the general’s testimony Monday before the House Armed Services and Foreign Affairs Committee.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said in his party’s weekly radio address today that he expects the Petraeus report to be nothing more than the Bush administration’s selective take on the surge.

Nancy Pelosi also joined in on the “lets give up my credibility” game by quoting newspaper sources to counter the reports from the commander on the ground in Iraq.

She will quote from papers and ignore the experts?

This echoes the statements from the Democratic politicians invested in defeat and who are unable to reconcile the progress being made in Iraq with their political agenda of declaring defeat.

Let’s take a look at credibility here.

Reid said the surge was accomplishing nothing (follow the links above) before the surge even has all the troops on the ground.

Reid claimed no political progress was being made as al-Maliki was making him into a liar by making tremendous leaps on the political front.

Pelosi quotes newspapers and ignores the conditions on the ground as reported by those actually there.

Reid and Pelosi’s credibility on Iraq is at zero, so let’s take a look at General Petraeus and his record.

General David H. Petraeus assumed command of the Multi-National Force-Iraq on February 10th, 2007, following his assignment as the Commanding General, U.S. Army Combined Arms Center and Fort Leavenworth. Prior to assuming command at Ft. Leavenworth, he was the first commander of the Multi-National Security Transition Command-Iraq, which he led from June 2004 to September 2005, and the NATO Training Mission- Iraq, which he commanded from October 2004 to September 2005. That deployment to Iraq followed his command of the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), during which he led the “Screaming Eagles” in combat throughout the first year of Operation Iraqi Freedom. His command of the 101st followed a year deployed on Operation Joint Forge in Bosnia, where he was the Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations of the NATO Stabilization Force and the Deputy Commander of the US Joint Interagency Counter-Terrorism Task Force-Bosnia. Prior to his tour in Bosnia, he spent two years at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, serving first as the Assistant Division Commander for Operations of the 82nd Airborne Division and then as the Chief of Staff of XVIII Airborne Corps.

General Petraeus was commissioned in the Infantry upon graduation from the United States Military Academy in 1974. He has held leadership positions in airborne, mechanized, and air assault infantry units in Europe and the United States, including command of a battalion in the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) and a brigade in the 82nd Airborne Division. In addition, he has held a number of staff assignments: Aide to the Chief of Staff of the Army; battalion, brigade, and division operations officer; Military Assistant to the Supreme Allied Commander – Europe; Chief of Operations of the United Nations Force in Haiti and Executive Assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

General Petraeus was the General George C. Marshall Award winner as the top graduate of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College Class of 1983. He subsequently earned MPA and Ph.D. degrees in international relations from Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs and later served as an Assistant Professor of International Relations at the US Military Academy. He also completed a fellowship at Georgetown University.

Awards and decorations earned by General Petraeus include the Defense Distinguished Service Medal, two awards of the Distinguished Service Medal, two awards of the Defense Superior Service Medal, four awards of the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star Medal for valor, the State Department Superior Honor Award, the NATO Meritorious Service Medal and the Gold Award of the Iraqi Order of the Date Palm. He is a Master Parachutist and is Air Assault and Ranger qualified. He has also earned the Combat Action Badge and French, British, and German Jump Wings. In 2005 he was recognized by U.S. News and World Report as one of America’s 25 Best Leaders.

Lets compare. What MPA and Ph.D’s has Reid earned? hmmmmmm?

What awards has Reid earned?

Which of these two men have proven, in word and action, that they are on the side of America and will risk life and limb for their country?

Reid? NOPE. Pelosi? NOPE. Petraeus? YES.

When speaking of credibility, General Petraeus has more credibility, more honor, more valor and more courage than Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi could hope to achieve in their lifetimes and by trying to discredit General Petraeus for no other reason that the good general is seeing progress where Reid and Pelosi were praying for failure, shows yet another character flaw in Reid and Pelosi.

Even more amazing is that leaders from other countries can recognize General Petraeus and our troops progress and success when the Democratic members of our own Congress and Senate cannot:

Dr. Brendan Nelson, the Australian Defense Minister had this to say:

Dr Nelson, who went to Afghanistan and Iraq this week and is now in Washington, said General Petraeus had presented a detailed presentation on security inside the country.

“We finished our meeting with a very clear picture of his thinking of the assessment of the security situation, not just in Baghdad but also in the south and the work being done by us and the British,” he said.

“No one should underestimate the importance to what is happening in Iraq of our contribution and the significance of it to the Americans and the Iraqis themselves.

“We will wait until we see the President’s response to the report and we will shape our forward planning around that response.

“I think it is fair to say that we will continue to look for increased opportunities for training.”

The Defence Minister said Australian forces were highly regarded as trainers and whenever he asked the Iraqis to nominate what they wanted they “always said training”.

“Our support for continuing support and involvement in Iraq is a minority position but we have a moral responsibility to these people to see this job through,” Dr Nelson said.

By trying to discredit General Petraeus because the General dared to accomplish what many did not believe could be accomplished, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi have managed to further discredit our own Democratic politicians in Washington, namely themselves, at the same time attacking their own politicians that dared return from Iraq with news or progress.

Ambassador Ryan Crocker will join Gen. David Petraeus, the top commander in Iraq, in recommending that no significant changes be made to Bush’s war strategy in order to avoid jeopardizing the limited progress achieved from the troop surge.

The statements and testimony will also be released to the public so that the discredited Democrats cannot “spin” and distort the live testimony that General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker will give as well as interviews with the media.

The American people will get to hear the two of them instead of the lies that Reid and Pelosi will try to tell about the testimony.


[End Update]
On a stopover in Hawaii yesterday on his way back from Australia, Bush said, “There’s no question there’s still hard work to do. But my resolve is as strong as it has ever been.”

The surge and the progress will continue. General Petraeus has stated that if the progress continues as he has been seeing it, we will be able to draw down some of the troops to before surge levels and Congress and the Senate would do well to start backing the good General because they are at the lowest approval ratings in the history of Gallup polling those numbers, but they can and WILL drop farther down if they continue to bet and actively work to undermine General Petraeus and our troops in a time of war.

Democrats "Try" to Discredit General Petraeus

Cross posted from Wake up America

General Petraeus, a military leader that has dedicated his life to serving his country, will be delivering a report to Congress and testifying before the U.S. House Armed Services Committee Monday and perhaps Tuesday.

General Petraeus was confirmed unanimously 81-0 (that link is to the roll call vote) and given the job of heading up a new counterinsurgency strategy in Iraq back in February and he received his full compliment of troops a approximately two months ago.

Since then he and our troops have seen tremendous military success in places like Anbar Province, which was once an al-Qaeda stronghold and just last summer was given up as lost, is now flourishing, life is returning to normal after our troops-led by General Pestraeus-and the local population rose up and drove al-Qaeda elements out.

In the General’s own words from an interview given to The Australian:

**Dramatic reduction of sectarian killings.
**Drop in the number of roadside bombings.
**Killing or capturing of al-Qaeda fighters causing the terrorist group to lose influence with local Sunnis.
**75 per cent reduction in religious and ethnic killings since last year.
**Doubling in the seizure of insurgents’ weapons caches between January and August.
**US forces are pursuers instead of defenders.
**Religious-related deaths would be down to a quarter of what they were last December by the end of August.

He acknowledges the challenges that still face us in Iraq, but his words are also accompanied by the reports from Democratic leaders that have returned from Iraq in August and have reported the same thing: that progress has been amazing, violence is down and the surge is working.

Keith Ellison and Jerry McNerney are two of those politicians, but the most amazing turn around has been from Brian Baird, a war critic that voted against every action in Iraq since the beginning of the war. Brian Baird returned from Iraq stating “The Troops have earned more time” and has also stated “It could well cost me the next election,”That’s alright.“.

“The easiest thing in the world would have been to go over there…and just say, using partisan rhetoric, ‘Get out now,'” he said.

As the evening wore on, Baird repeatedly insisted that Iraq would descend into worse chaos if the U.S. withdrew precipitously, with Iran gaining greater influence. “I think the probability is 95 percent if we withdraw prematurely, in our hearts we will live to regret it,” he said.

Baird said industries are starting to reopen and things are starting to get better. “We’re putting people back to work and that is good news,” he said.

“I am truly impressed by Brian’s willingness to stand here and take it gracefully,” said Joy Overstreet, a Vancouver writer, as the meeting passed the two-hour mark. But she said she would consider voting out the congressmen next year if there is a “viable alternative.”

“It could well cost me the next election,” Baird said at the end of the meeting. “That’s alright.”

There were, however, some hints that Baird’s new stance also had attracted some people. Bill Turlay, a Vancouver Republican and Navy veteran, said he hadn’t voted for Baird before. But he said he was impressed by Baird’s new stance on Iraq and said, “I’m going to seriously consider him next year.”

For his honesty he has been targeted by, attacking him because instead of lying he came back and told the truth, changing an opinion that he has held for 6 years because of the progress he had seen in Iraq when he went there.

Last March, Rep. Baird voted with the Democrats to force Bush to bring troops home. Now he says he’ll oppose timelines to bring our troops home from the unwinnable civil war in Iraq. We’ve got a new ad challenging Rep. Baird on his new support for the Iraq War.

Now we see that Democratic politicians, invested in defeat and failure, are trying to discredit General Petraeus because he did the unthinkable in their eyes: he started to demand and get progress in Iraq and he started succeeding where the Democratic politicians only wanted him to fail.

Now, remember what I wrote above:

General Petraeus was confirmed unanimously 81-0 (that link is to the roll call vote) and given the job of heading up a new counterinsurgency strategy in Iraq back in February and he received his full compliment of troops a approximately two months ago.

Also remember and look for yourself, Harry “Baghdad” Reid was one of those 81 unanimous votes in favor of sending General Petreus to lead the new strategy which included the surge in Iraq.

In April, before the full number of troops to be involved in the surge had arrived, Harry Reid made the statement that the surge was accomplishing nothing and Iraq was lost.

The war in Iraq “is lost” and a US troop surge is failing to bring peace to the country, the leader of the Democratic majority in the US Congress, Harry Reid, said Thursday.

“I believe … that this war is lost, and this surge is not accomplishing anything, as is shown by the extreme violence in Iraq this week,” Reid told journalists.

Then after the full compliment of troops did arrive and the new strategies were being implemented and started seeing progress, as admitted by multiple Democratic politicians that went to Iraq and saw this for themselves, Baghdad Reid tried to move the goalposts from his earlier gaffe of the “surge is accomplishing nothing” to the “political progress isn’t happening”.

Well, then al-Maliki started working behind the scenes, went and courted the Sunnis and the Sunnis ended their boycott and rejoined the parliament.

Once again, Reid has opened his big mouth too soon and showed that he was out of touch with conditions on the ground in Iraq.

NOW, the new “gameplan” is to discredit General Petraeus as we have seen by more recent comments from, you got it…HARRY REID again.

Democratic leaders are not waiting to hear the general’s testimony Monday before the House Armed Services and Foreign Affairs Committee.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said in his party’s weekly radio address today that he expects the Petraeus report to be nothing more than the Bush administration’s selective take on the surge.

Nancy Pelosi also joined in on the “lets give up my credibility” game by quoting newspaper sources to counter the reports from the commander on the ground in Iraq.

She will quote from papers and ignore the experts?

This echoes the statements from the Democratic politicians invested in defeat and who are unable to reconcile the progress being made in Iraq with their political agenda of declaring defeat.

Let’s take a look at credibility here.

Reid said the surge was accomplishing nothing (follow the links above) before the surge even has all the troops on the ground.

Reid claimed no political progress was being made as al-Maliki was making him into a liar by making tremendous leaps on the political front.

Pelosi quotes newspapers and ignores the conditions on the ground as reported by those actually there.

Reid and Pelosi’s credibility on Iraq is at zero, so let’s take a look at General Petraeus and his record.

General David H. Petraeus assumed command of the Multi-National Force-Iraq on February 10th, 2007, following his assignment as the Commanding General, U.S. Army Combined Arms Center and Fort Leavenworth. Prior to assuming command at Ft. Leavenworth, he was the first commander of the Multi-National Security Transition Command-Iraq, which he led from June 2004 to September 2005, and the NATO Training Mission- Iraq, which he commanded from October 2004 to September 2005. That deployment to Iraq followed his command of the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), during which he led the “Screaming Eagles” in combat throughout the first year of Operation Iraqi Freedom. His command of the 101st followed a year deployed on Operation Joint Forge in Bosnia, where he was the Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations of the NATO Stabilization Force and the Deputy Commander of the US Joint Interagency Counter-Terrorism Task Force-Bosnia. Prior to his tour in Bosnia, he spent two years at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, serving first as the Assistant Division Commander for Operations of the 82nd Airborne Division and then as the Chief of Staff of XVIII Airborne Corps.

General Petraeus was commissioned in the Infantry upon graduation from the United States Military Academy in 1974. He has held leadership positions in airborne, mechanized, and air assault infantry units in Europe and the United States, including command of a battalion in the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) and a brigade in the 82nd Airborne Division. In addition, he has held a number of staff assignments: Aide to the Chief of Staff of the Army; battalion, brigade, and division operations officer; Military Assistant to the Supreme Allied Commander – Europe; Chief of Operations of the United Nations Force in Haiti and Executive Assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

General Petraeus was the General George C. Marshall Award winner as the top graduate of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College Class of 1983. He subsequently earned MPA and Ph.D. degrees in international relations from Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs and later served as an Assistant Professor of International Relations at the US Military Academy. He also completed a fellowship at Georgetown University.

Awards and decorations earned by General Petraeus include the Defense Distinguished Service Medal, two awards of the Distinguished Service Medal, two awards of the Defense Superior Service Medal, four awards of the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star Medal for valor, the State Department Superior Honor Award, the NATO Meritorious Service Medal and the Gold Award of the Iraqi Order of the Date Palm. He is a Master Parachutist and is Air Assault and Ranger qualified. He has also earned the Combat Action Badge and French, British, and German Jump Wings. In 2005 he was recognized by U.S. News and World Report as one of America’s 25 Best Leaders.

Lets compare. What MPA and Ph.D’s has Reid earned? hmmmmmm?

What awards has Reid earned?

Which of these two men have proven, in word and action, that they are on the side of America and will risk life and limb for their country?

Reid? NOPE. Pelosi? NOPE. Petraeus? YES.

When speaking of credibility, General Petraeus has more credibility, more honor, more valor and more courage than Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi could hope to achieve in their lifetimes and by trying to discredit General Petraeus for no other reason that the good general is seeing progress where Reid and Pelosi were praying for failure, shows yet another character flaw in Reid and Pelosi.

Even more amazing is that leaders from other countries can recognize General Petraeus and our troops progress and success when the Democratic members of our own Congress and Senate cannot:

Dr. Brendan Nelson, the Australian Defense Minister had this to say:

Dr Nelson, who went to Afghanistan and Iraq this week and is now in Washington, said General Petraeus had presented a detailed presentation on security inside the country.

“We finished our meeting with a very clear picture of his thinking of the assessment of the security situation, not just in Baghdad but also in the south and the work being done by us and the British,” he said.

“No one should underestimate the importance to what is happening in Iraq of our contribution and the significance of it to the Americans and the Iraqis themselves.

“We will wait until we see the President’s response to the report and we will shape our forward planning around that response.

“I think it is fair to say that we will continue to look for increased opportunities for training.”

The Defence Minister said Australian forces were highly regarded as trainers and whenever he asked the Iraqis to nominate what they wanted they “always said training”.

“Our support for continuing support and involvement in Iraq is a minority position but we have a moral responsibility to these people to see this job through,” Dr Nelson said.

By trying to discredit General Petraeus because the General dared to accomplish what many did not believe could be accomplished, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi have managed to further discredit our own Democratic politicians in Washington, namely themselves, at the same time attacking their own politicians that dared return from Iraq with news or progress.

Ambassador Ryan Crocker will join Gen. David Petraeus, the top commander in Iraq, in recommending that no significant changes be made to Bush’s war strategy in order to avoid jeopardizing the limited progress achieved from the troop surge.

The statements and testimony will also be released to the public so that the discredited Democrats cannot “spin” and distort the live testimony that General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker will give as well as interviews with the media.

The American people will get to hear the two of them instead of the lies that Reid and Pelosi will try to tell about the testimony.


[End Update]
On a stopover in Hawaii yesterday on his way back from Australia, Bush said, “There’s no question there’s still hard work to do. But my resolve is as strong as it has ever been.”

The surge and the progress will continue. General Petraeus has stated that if the progress continues as he has been seeing it, we will be able to draw down some of the troops to before surge levels and Congress and the Senate would do well to start backing the good General because they are at the lowest approval ratings in the history of Gallup polling those numbers, but they can and WILL drop farther down if they continue to bet and actively work to undermine General Petraeus and our troops in a time of war.

Madame Speaker Meet General Petraeus

This is an excellent piece from (trackbacked below), sent to me by my friend Cassy.

Madame Speaker, Meet General Petraeus
By John Boehner
Saturday, April 21, 2007

Earlier this year, top Democrats in both houses of Congress refused to attend a bipartisan briefing offered by General David Petraeus to discuss the challenges in Iraq. Next week they’ll have another chance when the General comes to Capitol Hill to brief lawmakers in the House and Senate on our progress in the Global War on Terror.

General Petraeus was unanimously confirmed by the United States Senate to be the U.S. commander of the Multinational Force in Iraq. He has a clear track record as a straight-shooter and as someone who gets things done. So one has to wonder why next week’s important briefing almost didn’t happen. According to Roll Call, when the Pentagon tried to schedule the briefing through House Democrats they were declined – twice – because Democrats were originally “too busy” to schedule anything.

Too busy? The only thing that could be more important than hearing from the top general in a war effort that is critical to America’s long-term national security would be providing our troops the resources they need to succeed. But Democrats certainly haven’t been busy doing that.

Instead, Democratic leaders pushed through a pork-laden surrender bill that would undermine General Petraeus and our troops on the ground. In an editorial titled “Do We Really Need a General Pelosi,” the Los Angeles Times said the Democrats’ plan is “an unruly mess: bad public policy, bad precedent and bad politics. If the legislation passes, Bush says he’ll veto it, as well he should.”

After that, House Democrats left Washington for the first two weeks of April in no apparent hurry to begin negotiations with the Senate on providing our troops with the funding they need. Such delays in funding, says the Secretary of the Army, “carry consequential effects, including substantial disruption to installation functions, decreasing efficiency and potentially further degrading the readiness of non-deployed units.”

Lawmakers often receive information that is filtered through media reports, bolstered by suspect polling data, or drummed up by ideologically-driven activist groups. When it comes to America’s commitment to fighting al Qaeda, this information-deficit can have real consequences.

For example, in a March press conference, General Petraeus insisted that “military action is necessary to help improve security” in Iraq. He also said military force alone “is not sufficient,” a reflection of his new strategy which relies on military, political, and diplomatic force alike. But as is their way, liberal special interest groups seized on that single phrase – military force “is not sufficient” – and presented a false portrait of what the General was saying to give cover to politicians who would rather abandon Iraq to al Qaeda than see it through to victory.

That’s why General Petraeus’ visit to Capitol Hill is so timely – and so important. Members of Congress not only need to hear about the need for a clean troop funding bill, they need to hear from America’s top commander in Iraq about the realities on the ground. Petraeus has said we will make progress even if there are setbacks along the way, and that is exactly what is happening.

The deficit of on-the-ground information has caused some Members to go so far as to outlandishly suggest the war effort is “lost.” That’s what Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) told reporters earlier this week, igniting a firestorm of criticism from veterans groups and others who recognize the danger of demoralizing American troops and conceding defeat to al Qaeda.

I would like to challenge my colleagues to not only attend this briefing by General Petraeus, but to come with an open mind. The General has been entrusted with an historic task; he deserves not only our full faith and support, but the courtesy of acknowledging that he knows better than 535 Members of Congress how to succeed in a war effort.

The questions for each member of Congress to consider after Senator Reid’s recent comments are real and they go to the heart at the battle against our enemies:

Do we support our troops? Or do we starve them of resources?

Do we put politics aside during a time of war? Or do we “bleed” America’s military forces in an attempt to derive partisan benefit?

Do we fight to win? Or do we preemptively declare defeat?

The most important question, however, is this: will Members of Congress listen to General Petraeus … or to Democratic leaders who believe they know best?

John Boehner is the Republican Minority Leader for the House of Representatives.

Page link here:,_meet_general_petraeus’

Madame Speaker Meet General Petraeus

This is an excellent piece from (trackbacked below), sent to me by my friend Cassy.

Madame Speaker, Meet General Petraeus
By John Boehner
Saturday, April 21, 2007

Earlier this year, top Democrats in both houses of Congress refused to attend a bipartisan briefing offered by General David Petraeus to discuss the challenges in Iraq. Next week they’ll have another chance when the General comes to Capitol Hill to brief lawmakers in the House and Senate on our progress in the Global War on Terror.

General Petraeus was unanimously confirmed by the United States Senate to be the U.S. commander of the Multinational Force in Iraq. He has a clear track record as a straight-shooter and as someone who gets things done. So one has to wonder why next week’s important briefing almost didn’t happen. According to Roll Call, when the Pentagon tried to schedule the briefing through House Democrats they were declined – twice – because Democrats were originally “too busy” to schedule anything.

Too busy? The only thing that could be more important than hearing from the top general in a war effort that is critical to America’s long-term national security would be providing our troops the resources they need to succeed. But Democrats certainly haven’t been busy doing that.

Instead, Democratic leaders pushed through a pork-laden surrender bill that would undermine General Petraeus and our troops on the ground. In an editorial titled “Do We Really Need a General Pelosi,” the Los Angeles Times said the Democrats’ plan is “an unruly mess: bad public policy, bad precedent and bad politics. If the legislation passes, Bush says he’ll veto it, as well he should.”

After that, House Democrats left Washington for the first two weeks of April in no apparent hurry to begin negotiations with the Senate on providing our troops with the funding they need. Such delays in funding, says the Secretary of the Army, “carry consequential effects, including substantial disruption to installation functions, decreasing efficiency and potentially further degrading the readiness of non-deployed units.”

Lawmakers often receive information that is filtered through media reports, bolstered by suspect polling data, or drummed up by ideologically-driven activist groups. When it comes to America’s commitment to fighting al Qaeda, this information-deficit can have real consequences.

For example, in a March press conference, General Petraeus insisted that “military action is necessary to help improve security” in Iraq. He also said military force alone “is not sufficient,” a reflection of his new strategy which relies on military, political, and diplomatic force alike. But as is their way, liberal special interest groups seized on that single phrase – military force “is not sufficient” – and presented a false portrait of what the General was saying to give cover to politicians who would rather abandon Iraq to al Qaeda than see it through to victory.

That’s why General Petraeus’ visit to Capitol Hill is so timely – and so important. Members of Congress not only need to hear about the need for a clean troop funding bill, they need to hear from America’s top commander in Iraq about the realities on the ground. Petraeus has said we will make progress even if there are setbacks along the way, and that is exactly what is happening.

The deficit of on-the-ground information has caused some Members to go so far as to outlandishly suggest the war effort is “lost.” That’s what Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) told reporters earlier this week, igniting a firestorm of criticism from veterans groups and others who recognize the danger of demoralizing American troops and conceding defeat to al Qaeda.

I would like to challenge my colleagues to not only attend this briefing by General Petraeus, but to come with an open mind. The General has been entrusted with an historic task; he deserves not only our full faith and support, but the courtesy of acknowledging that he knows better than 535 Members of Congress how to succeed in a war effort.

The questions for each member of Congress to consider after Senator Reid’s recent comments are real and they go to the heart at the battle against our enemies:

Do we support our troops? Or do we starve them of resources?

Do we put politics aside during a time of war? Or do we “bleed” America’s military forces in an attempt to derive partisan benefit?

Do we fight to win? Or do we preemptively declare defeat?

The most important question, however, is this: will Members of Congress listen to General Petraeus … or to Democratic leaders who believe they know best?

John Boehner is the Republican Minority Leader for the House of Representatives.

Page link here:,_meet_general_petraeus’