War News: Vets On The Hill 4/8/08 PART 1



Yesterday on 08 APR 08, a group of men and women – Patriots – both currently serving in the United States Armed Services and those of service past, gathered in a Ballroom at the Sheraton Hotel in Arlington, VA. The Gathering began – per orders – at 0500 hours and, all be known and told, Uncle Jimbo from Blackfive was there, having the evening before swore to be present and accounted for “later on that morning”.

The intensity of the concentration to the mission at hand was truly a marvel to behold. Mission parameters were established and anti-flanking controls were set into place. As only Warriors could possibly understand, sloganeering was bantered about and there was in evidence, inter-service rivalries – SOP. Yet, in the midst of it all, the camaraderie was exquisitely prevalent and Mission Jitters were dealt with accordingly. The apprehensions came and went as they always do with the Old Salts – The Leatherskinned – soothed the atmosphere of Giterdun.

This all took place within the first 30 minutes or so – coffee was to be had – then, the Speakers arrived and messed it all up – damn Officers. NOTE: to the folks in Arlington and the surrounding areas that organize such events as this…a few Danish and some mystery buns, accompanied by neatly aligned plates of butterballs – aligned as if laid out in the fashion of bowling pins – does not constitute a definition of “breakfast”. (I had to get the only grievance out of the way – again, SOP.)

Pete Hegseth and Company laid out the Ground Rules and the MO of assaulting The Hill and the plethora of foolish debutantes that occupy the Peoples’ Congress. As an Armed Service Member once wrote home – I AM THE DAMN WAR – so was our Battle Cry this day. This day was about us; us meaning all those still serving and those that have served.

The Mantra of the day and shall always be – LET US WIN!

The tide has turned and we are winning, that much is obvious…even to the foolish little debutantes on The Hill. Why else would “they” not see their constituents? We’ll get to that later.

I met many men on this day and spent quality time with several. We all began arriving on Monday the 7th and after experiencing the oddest mannerisms by the Hotel Staff assigning rooms – and airliners actually delivering baggage – we all migrated to various locales within the Hotel and began The Plotting and, invariably, there was the bar. Many Mission Statements come from such “maintenance meetings” – Vets For Freedom being one of them; ask Sen Lindsey Graham – and after watching the 4-Month Wonder Motor Pool Fraud Jonny Soltz and Chris Matthews of Spit Ball get a royal thrashing by Pete Hegseth, the Final Outcome of this Gathering was set in stone. Anything shy of total Victory is defeat.

The Morning Debrief was accomplished, apprehensions were set aside and many a man donned the Mission Face – as a Warrior only knows. We boarded the buses and headed to The Hill. As I sat in that cushy seat, I drifted back to days gone by of many insertions, less the cushy seat – will this be the one? – the one what? – will I be at my best? – my best what? – will I be able to perform as my country expects to and will my comrades accept my actions? – many a man talked amongst themselves as we made our way to Indian Country; that is what The Hill is, by the way.

We arrived at Union Station and egressed transportation, making our Way to Senate Park to take part in the Press Conference. It was cold and drizzly – again, SOP. Figures. The Press Corps was setting up their final machinations and had their plastic eco-harming bags protecting their cameras and we all wondered at what point they would vanish. It didn’t take long.

Pete Hegseth said a few things and introduced each Speaker in an order that someone developed and one by one, each added to the crescendos of nearly 500 OORAHs and HOOAHs…for 30 minutes…too much for pansy reporters because after the first few microseconds of Senator John McCain speaking, they, the Press Corps, vanished back into their spider holes. Amazing but, again, SOP.

Pete Hegseth
David Bellavia
Sen McCain
Sen Lieberman
Sen Graham
Sen Inhofe
Sen Bond
Rep Marshall
Rep Sam Johnson
Marcus Luttrell
Steve Russell

There were at least three others and one added that I know I have forgotten and I am sure someone will remind me. You can hear them all right here because we, A Newt One, New Media, broadcast to the world via internet the THE Real News of our time…PERIOD. Bar none.

The Arizona Vets For Freedom stood on the stage with their Senator and soon to be President Elect, John McCain. Get used to it. It is already a done deal. The Nation has yet won another hard-fought Victory on The Hill today. As the After Action Reports came streaming in, it was revealed that exactly 2.5 anti-Americanists stood in our way, only to be brushed aside as the slag which they are. I say 2.5 anti-Americanists for the following reasons: one was a bright blue-eyed and glossed over in the eyes lost soul wearing a sign for the pinkies and when looking into the eyes of this pathetic member of the universe, there was no one at home; another was a sad one on a mission to locate Admiral Fallon at Union Station because “they have him locked up at Guantanimo Bay”…why this one was looking for him at Union Station still has the Intel Guys wondering; the last .5 anti-Americanist is classified as “.5” because she just might not be one but the question asked “are you guys protesting?” was asked in a hopeful way…perhaps not.

During the testimonies of General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker, we watched as another anti-Americanist was hauled off and dealt with accordingly. I still feel – personally and not speaking for the other members of A Newt One – the Sergeant of Arms failed to rid the Senate of the remaining anti-Americanists, Hillary RODHAM Clinton and Barack HUSSEIN Obama. But, that is another and separate post soon forthcoming.

During the course of the day, I was privileged and honored to accompany, by invitation, LTC William Russell which is running against John “Jerk-Off” Murtha, 3 Haditha Marines, several other veterans and a veteran’s wife, to visit one John “Jack-Leg” Murtha. I have ZERO respect for this…….man…….for the lack of a better term, of the very much dishonorable Representative Murtha (D-PA). You all know the story and what has come of this self-induced for political gain quagmire wrought upon his nation by this dishonorable thug. Alas, I digress.

Rep Murtha not only would NOT see us or his constituents or his challenger but, he had his people – primarily Broom Hilda – lie to us several times as for the reasons to NOT see at least his constituents. Yet, his little tinker-toy Aides kept coming out of the closed door to see what was happeing and returning to the spider hole with the closed door. Also, while there, in front of us all, soon to be Representative Elect LTC William Russell – hopefully – issued a challenge for a debate in Pennsylvania to Rep Murtha. We shall see what comes of this. Murtha has no honor and is indeed a coward. He will NOT face the men he besmirched and we will NOT forget nor shall we allow him to sweep this shameful act under his Pork Spending blankets.

One other story of a cut and run type is Barack HUSSEIN Obama. “Someone” went to see him and Barack closed his door in this man’s face, as it were. No visits and the door clanged shut…literally. Shameful.

Towards the end of the day, Cyber Pastor and myself had lunch with LTC William Russell after his 60 second bit with Fox News and we were pleased that the encounter with “murtha” was publicized. I wish I lived in PA…well, not really but I sure would vote for LTC Russell if I did.

This observation was made by many but I heard it first from Cyber Pastor and it echoed on during the day…those that would not see “us” have lost and they cannot face the music. They know they were and are wrong still. We know that they were and are wrong still. And, they know that we know all about them and they cannot – will not – face “us”. They cannot admit to errors in judgment. They cannot escape their willful suspension of disbelief because they see their tenure in Congress ebbing and slipping into the Great Abyss of Obscurity.

Cyber Pastor and I had back to back BTR shows on Monday evening and among the guests were Uncle Jimbo of Blackfive…awesome show that. Tuesday morning, Robert hosted a show for the live broadcast of the Press Conference. Last night, Cyber Pastor had his show but I did not because BTR had yet another melt-down. Please stay tuned for more of this event coming in future posts. I will be traveling back to Dallas in the afternoon of the 9th, my 53rd birthday.

Until then, good night and God Bless.

And, what is the cost of Freedom, anyway? Catch the wave at Memeorandum

War News: Vets On The Hill 4/8/08 PART 1



Yesterday on 08 APR 08, a group of men and women – Patriots – both currently serving in the United States Armed Services and those of service past, gathered in a Ballroom at the Sheraton Hotel in Arlington, VA. The Gathering began – per orders – at 0500 hours and, all be known and told, Uncle Jimbo from Blackfive was there, having the evening before swore to be present and accounted for “later on that morning”.

The intensity of the concentration to the mission at hand was truly a marvel to behold. Mission parameters were established and anti-flanking controls were set into place. As only Warriors could possibly understand, sloganeering was bantered about and there was in evidence, inter-service rivalries – SOP. Yet, in the midst of it all, the camaraderie was exquisitely prevalent and Mission Jitters were dealt with accordingly. The apprehensions came and went as they always do with the Old Salts – The Leatherskinned – soothed the atmosphere of Giterdun.

This all took place within the first 30 minutes or so – coffee was to be had – then, the Speakers arrived and messed it all up – damn Officers. NOTE: to the folks in Arlington and the surrounding areas that organize such events as this…a few Danish and some mystery buns, accompanied by neatly aligned plates of butterballs – aligned as if laid out in the fashion of bowling pins – does not constitute a definition of “breakfast”. (I had to get the only grievance out of the way – again, SOP.)

Pete Hegseth and Company laid out the Ground Rules and the MO of assaulting The Hill and the plethora of foolish debutantes that occupy the Peoples’ Congress. As an Armed Service Member once wrote home – I AM THE DAMN WAR – so was our Battle Cry this day. This day was about us; us meaning all those still serving and those that have served.

The Mantra of the day and shall always be – LET US WIN!

The tide has turned and we are winning, that much is obvious…even to the foolish little debutantes on The Hill. Why else would “they” not see their constituents? We’ll get to that later.

I met many men on this day and spent quality time with several. We all began arriving on Monday the 7th and after experiencing the oddest mannerisms by the Hotel Staff assigning rooms – and airliners actually delivering baggage – we all migrated to various locales within the Hotel and began The Plotting and, invariably, there was the bar. Many Mission Statements come from such “maintenance meetings” – Vets For Freedom being one of them; ask Sen Lindsey Graham – and after watching the 4-Month Wonder Motor Pool Fraud Jonny Soltz and Chris Matthews of Spit Ball get a royal thrashing by Pete Hegseth, the Final Outcome of this Gathering was set in stone. Anything shy of total Victory is defeat.

The Morning Debrief was accomplished, apprehensions were set aside and many a man donned the Mission Face – as a Warrior only knows. We boarded the buses and headed to The Hill. As I sat in that cushy seat, I drifted back to days gone by of many insertions, less the cushy seat – will this be the one? – the one what? – will I be at my best? – my best what? – will I be able to perform as my country expects to and will my comrades accept my actions? – many a man talked amongst themselves as we made our way to Indian Country; that is what The Hill is, by the way.

We arrived at Union Station and egressed transportation, making our Way to Senate Park to take part in the Press Conference. It was cold and drizzly – again, SOP. Figures. The Press Corps was setting up their final machinations and had their plastic eco-harming bags protecting their cameras and we all wondered at what point they would vanish. It didn’t take long.

Pete Hegseth said a few things and introduced each Speaker in an order that someone developed and one by one, each added to the crescendos of nearly 500 OORAHs and HOOAHs…for 30 minutes…too much for pansy reporters because after the first few microseconds of Senator John McCain speaking, they, the Press Corps, vanished back into their spider holes. Amazing but, again, SOP.

Pete Hegseth
David Bellavia
Sen McCain
Sen Lieberman
Sen Graham
Sen Inhofe
Sen Bond
Rep Marshall
Rep Sam Johnson
Marcus Luttrell
Steve Russell

There were at least three others and one added that I know I have forgotten and I am sure someone will remind me. You can hear them all right here because we, A Newt One, New Media, broadcast to the world via internet the THE Real News of our time…PERIOD. Bar none.

The Arizona Vets For Freedom stood on the stage with their Senator and soon to be President Elect, John McCain. Get used to it. It is already a done deal. The Nation has yet won another hard-fought Victory on The Hill today. As the After Action Reports came streaming in, it was revealed that exactly 2.5 anti-Americanists stood in our way, only to be brushed aside as the slag which they are. I say 2.5 anti-Americanists for the following reasons: one was a bright blue-eyed and glossed over in the eyes lost soul wearing a sign for the pinkies and when looking into the eyes of this pathetic member of the universe, there was no one at home; another was a sad one on a mission to locate Admiral Fallon at Union Station because “they have him locked up at Guantanimo Bay”…why this one was looking for him at Union Station still has the Intel Guys wondering; the last .5 anti-Americanist is classified as “.5” because she just might not be one but the question asked “are you guys protesting?” was asked in a hopeful way…perhaps not.

During the testimonies of General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker, we watched as another anti-Americanist was hauled off and dealt with accordingly. I still feel – personally and not speaking for the other members of A Newt One – the Sergeant of Arms failed to rid the Senate of the remaining anti-Americanists, Hillary RODHAM Clinton and Barack HUSSEIN Obama. But, that is another and separate post soon forthcoming.

During the course of the day, I was privileged and honored to accompany, by invitation, LTC William Russell which is running against John “Jerk-Off” Murtha, 3 Haditha Marines, several other veterans and a veteran’s wife, to visit one John “Jack-Leg” Murtha. I have ZERO respect for this…….man…….for the lack of a better term, of the very much dishonorable Representative Murtha (D-PA). You all know the story and what has come of this self-induced for political gain quagmire wrought upon his nation by this dishonorable thug. Alas, I digress.

Rep Murtha not only would NOT see us or his constituents or his challenger but, he had his people – primarily Broom Hilda – lie to us several times as for the reasons to NOT see at least his constituents. Yet, his little tinker-toy Aides kept coming out of the closed door to see what was happeing and returning to the spider hole with the closed door. Also, while there, in front of us all, soon to be Representative Elect LTC William Russell – hopefully – issued a challenge for a debate in Pennsylvania to Rep Murtha. We shall see what comes of this. Murtha has no honor and is indeed a coward. He will NOT face the men he besmirched and we will NOT forget nor shall we allow him to sweep this shameful act under his Pork Spending blankets.

One other story of a cut and run type is Barack HUSSEIN Obama. “Someone” went to see him and Barack closed his door in this man’s face, as it were. No visits and the door clanged shut…literally. Shameful.

Towards the end of the day, Cyber Pastor and myself had lunch with LTC William Russell after his 60 second bit with Fox News and we were pleased that the encounter with “murtha” was publicized. I wish I lived in PA…well, not really but I sure would vote for LTC Russell if I did.

This observation was made by many but I heard it first from Cyber Pastor and it echoed on during the day…those that would not see “us” have lost and they cannot face the music. They know they were and are wrong still. We know that they were and are wrong still. And, they know that we know all about them and they cannot – will not – face “us”. They cannot admit to errors in judgment. They cannot escape their willful suspension of disbelief because they see their tenure in Congress ebbing and slipping into the Great Abyss of Obscurity.

Cyber Pastor and I had back to back BTR shows on Monday evening and among the guests were Uncle Jimbo of Blackfive…awesome show that. Tuesday morning, Robert hosted a show for the live broadcast of the Press Conference. Last night, Cyber Pastor had his show but I did not because BTR had yet another melt-down. Please stay tuned for more of this event coming in future posts. I will be traveling back to Dallas in the afternoon of the 9th, my 53rd birthday.

Until then, good night and God Bless.

And, what is the cost of Freedom, anyway? Catch the wave at Memeorandum

Announcing the National Heroes Tour!

Vets for Freedom Members,

Vets for Freedom is proud to announce the National Heroes Tour, a coast-to-coast bus tour aimed at honoring America’s veterans, active troops and their families.

The bus tour kicks off in San Diego on March 14 and will include 22 stops in 16 states over three weeks, culminating on the steps of Capitol Hill on April 8th, for another “Vets on the Hill” event. The tour will bring together veterans from across the country to tell their stories and highlight their sacrifices, as well as rally support for successfully completing the missions in Afghanistan and Iraq.
CLICK HERE to see when the tour will be coming through your state, and to view updates of exact times and locations of tour events!
In addition to the local heroes we pick up along the way, here are a few of the heroes that will be featured on the tour:
David Bellavia-recipient of the Silver Star, and nominee for the Medal of Honor and author of House to House (a memoir about house-to-house combat in Iraq).

Marcus Luttrell-recipient of the Navy Cross and sole survivor of a mission in which four Navy SEALS were sent into a Taliban stronghold on the Afghan-Pakistan border; Luttrell was badly injured yet managed to escape enemy capture and later author the New York Times best-selling book Lone Survivor.

Marco Martinez-recipient of the Navy Cross for heroic action on the battlefield in Iraq and author of Hard Corps, Martinez was involved in gang activity in Los Angeles and joined the Marine Corps to straighten out his life.

Steve Russell-recipient of the Bronze Star Medal with Valor Device for his actions in Iraq; Lieutenant Colonel Russell led the battalion responsible for the capture of Saddam Hussein.

Jeremiah Workman-recipeient of the Navy Cross for his heroic actions in Fallujah; Corporal Workman’s actions, under fire and while injured, led to the death of over 24 enemy insurgents and saved fellow Marines from being ambushed.
The veterans on the National Heroes Tour represent the courage, conviction, and commitment of our men and women in the U.S. armed forces.

These highly decorated veterans-as well as local heroes-will tell their personal stories directly to the American public through local media, rallies, speeches, debates, and personal meetings.

What Can I Do To Support the Tour?

Donate. Our goal is to raise $25,000 this week for the Tour. Would you consider a $100 donation today? Renting a bus and driving across the country is an expensive undertaking, and your donation will go directly to supporting the Tour. Click here to help ensure that our message is heard all across America!

Support the Tour. Contact your State Captain and volunteer to help make our stop in your state-or neighboring state-as effective as possible. If you don’t know your State Captain, send an email to info@vetsforfreedom.org with any ideas or contacts.

Spread the Word. Contact the local media and local leaders in your area and tell them about the Tour. For specific media inquiries regarding the tour, direct them to Judy Mayka, Vets for Freedom Press Secretary at judy@vetsforfreedom.org

Telling the stories of our heroes and galvanizing support for success is the goal of the tour, we hope to see you soon…in your neck of the woods.

Move Out and Draw Fire!

Pete Hegseth

Executive Director

Announcing the National Heroes Tour!

Vets for Freedom Members,

Vets for Freedom is proud to announce the National Heroes Tour, a coast-to-coast bus tour aimed at honoring America’s veterans, active troops and their families.

The bus tour kicks off in San Diego on March 14 and will include 22 stops in 16 states over three weeks, culminating on the steps of Capitol Hill on April 8th, for another “Vets on the Hill” event. The tour will bring together veterans from across the country to tell their stories and highlight their sacrifices, as well as rally support for successfully completing the missions in Afghanistan and Iraq.
CLICK HERE to see when the tour will be coming through your state, and to view updates of exact times and locations of tour events!
In addition to the local heroes we pick up along the way, here are a few of the heroes that will be featured on the tour:
David Bellavia-recipient of the Silver Star, and nominee for the Medal of Honor and author of House to House (a memoir about house-to-house combat in Iraq).

Marcus Luttrell-recipient of the Navy Cross and sole survivor of a mission in which four Navy SEALS were sent into a Taliban stronghold on the Afghan-Pakistan border; Luttrell was badly injured yet managed to escape enemy capture and later author the New York Times best-selling book Lone Survivor.

Marco Martinez-recipient of the Navy Cross for heroic action on the battlefield in Iraq and author of Hard Corps, Martinez was involved in gang activity in Los Angeles and joined the Marine Corps to straighten out his life.

Steve Russell-recipient of the Bronze Star Medal with Valor Device for his actions in Iraq; Lieutenant Colonel Russell led the battalion responsible for the capture of Saddam Hussein.

Jeremiah Workman-recipeient of the Navy Cross for his heroic actions in Fallujah; Corporal Workman’s actions, under fire and while injured, led to the death of over 24 enemy insurgents and saved fellow Marines from being ambushed.
The veterans on the National Heroes Tour represent the courage, conviction, and commitment of our men and women in the U.S. armed forces.

These highly decorated veterans-as well as local heroes-will tell their personal stories directly to the American public through local media, rallies, speeches, debates, and personal meetings.

What Can I Do To Support the Tour?

Donate. Our goal is to raise $25,000 this week for the Tour. Would you consider a $100 donation today? Renting a bus and driving across the country is an expensive undertaking, and your donation will go directly to supporting the Tour. Click here to help ensure that our message is heard all across America!

Support the Tour. Contact your State Captain and volunteer to help make our stop in your state-or neighboring state-as effective as possible. If you don’t know your State Captain, send an email to info@vetsforfreedom.org with any ideas or contacts.

Spread the Word. Contact the local media and local leaders in your area and tell them about the Tour. For specific media inquiries regarding the tour, direct them to Judy Mayka, Vets for Freedom Press Secretary at judy@vetsforfreedom.org

Telling the stories of our heroes and galvanizing support for success is the goal of the tour, we hope to see you soon…in your neck of the woods.

Move Out and Draw Fire!

Pete Hegseth

Executive Director

Breakfast With The President On The South Lawn…UPDATED

This is what we should all learn:

A Leader (though some disagree with him at times)

The White House Is Pretty Cool

Marines In The Mix…Brothers

We assaulted The Hill today, 250+ Vets For Freedom in alliance with nearly 600 of Families United. We spoke with our Representatives and our Senators. Most of them were completely on our side and some of them were receptive. The others were flat-out losers.

We had a press conference around 1430 hours. Naturally, the moonbats just felt it a requirement to break the laws…again…and were arrested. I believe 4 or 5 were arrested because we ignored them. However, all 250+ of us diligently observed the Code Wacko Pinko Moonbat Fruit Loops as they unlawfully unfurled their banners, keeping a keen eye for this one.

The Capital Police and the DC Police were on hand, knowing that 250 + veterans and currently active duty would not allow the banner to be raised. The above banner was not presented and that is a good thing for all concerned.

I find it curious that we, professional warriors, do not feel the need to disrupt moonbat rallies. Yet, the Moonbats in the Fruit Loop Brigades, feel it needful to disrupt ours. Why is that? Oh. Wait. Fruit Loops have no respect for anyone or anything but themselves. I forgot.

As we were getting on stage and waiting for many Congress Critters to arrive, the moonbats began to chant something retarded like “healthcare not warfare.” They were drowned out by Kansas:

Carry on my wayward son
There’ll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don’t you cry no more

Once I rose above the noise and confusion
Just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion
I was soaring ever higher
But I flew too high

Though my eyes could see I still was a blind man
Though my mind could think I still was a mad man
I hear the voices when I’m dreaming
I can hear them say

Carry on my wayward son
There’ll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don’t you cry no more

Once I rose above the noise and confusion
Just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion
I was soaring ever higher
But I flew too high

Though my eyes could see I still was a blind man
Though my mind could think I still was a mad man
I hear the voices when I’m dreaming
I can hear them say

Carry on my wayward son
There’ll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don’t you cry no more

Masquerading as a man with a reason
My charade is the event of the season
And if I claim to be a wise man, well
It surely means that I don’t know

On a stormy sea of moving emotion
Tossed about I’m like a ship on the ocean
I set a course for winds of fortune
But I hear the voices say

Carry on my wayward son
There’ll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don’t you cry no more


Carry on, you will always remember
Carry on, nothing equals the splendor
The center lights around your vanity
But surely heaven waits for you

Carry on my wayward son
There’ll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don’t you cry (don’t you cry no more)

They behaved for a while. But, alas, spoiled children NOT getting their way and sorely outnumbered, just had to begin their disruptive bull and cutting a long story short, 4 of 5 of their number were arrested and carted off and we stood tall, confident and professional…not that we didn’t want to severely trounce some more trolls, we did not take the bait…they took ours as they always do.

Not only did we make history on 9/15/2007, we also made history today, 9/18/2007. The opposition has lost their momentum and we could see it in their countenance last Saturday and again today as we met them in the Halls of Congress. We did not see all that many in either House and when we saw them on the street, they could not maintain eye contact with warriors.

The more I review the videos of 9/15/2007 and the more I go by one frame at a time, I notice that the bloated numbers of our opposition is most assuredly NOT what they claim. I am nearly convinced that we had them outnumbered again. Last March we had them outnumbered 3 to 1.

Today, we had them outnumbered nearly 12 to 1. Naturally, the Lame Stream Media plays it another way. We have our own videos and Vets For Freedom will post them as they conclude their activities of this rally in a few days.

We have the momentum and with the CONgress Critters and the usual suspects of ignorance, we have them beat and it will only be a matter of time before the full impact of the MoveOn infamous ad and the “special” Code Pinko Banner takes its full effect; we have them on the run and they’ll not recover.

UDATE! The Texas Vets split up into three groups…our groups visited Sessions, Bernice Johnson, Burgess, Carter, Hutchison, Cornyn, Sam Johnson.

The only ones we have pics with is Burgess and he is very much on board:

Pastor Ed and myself met up with Forest Langley, a thrice decorated Iraq War Hero.

The poetry written by Forest Langley is outstanding and one day, I will be able to read an entire piece. There are too many ghosts and demons in my life at this time and reading Forest’s material brings them rushing in…perhaps that is a good thing…I cannot say at this point.

Wake Up America, Do The Right Thing and Mary Katharine Ham all have excellent and multiple posts covering this day that Pastor Ed and myself attended and stood with our brothers and sisters…fellow True Patriots.

And yes, I do and always will call into question the patriotism of others that support people that say it is OK to murder American Troops.

cross post by Snooper

Breakfast With The President On The South Lawn…UPDATED

This is what we should all learn:

A Leader (though some disagree with him at times)

The White House Is Pretty Cool

Marines In The Mix…Brothers

We assaulted The Hill today, 250+ Vets For Freedom in alliance with nearly 600 of Families United. We spoke with our Representatives and our Senators. Most of them were completely on our side and some of them were receptive. The others were flat-out losers.

We had a press conference around 1430 hours. Naturally, the moonbats just felt it a requirement to break the laws…again…and were arrested. I believe 4 or 5 were arrested because we ignored them. However, all 250+ of us diligently observed the Code Wacko Pinko Moonbat Fruit Loops as they unlawfully unfurled their banners, keeping a keen eye for this one.

The Capital Police and the DC Police were on hand, knowing that 250 + veterans and currently active duty would not allow the banner to be raised. The above banner was not presented and that is a good thing for all concerned.

I find it curious that we, professional warriors, do not feel the need to disrupt moonbat rallies. Yet, the Moonbats in the Fruit Loop Brigades, feel it needful to disrupt ours. Why is that? Oh. Wait. Fruit Loops have no respect for anyone or anything but themselves. I forgot.

As we were getting on stage and waiting for many Congress Critters to arrive, the moonbats began to chant something retarded like “healthcare not warfare.” They were drowned out by Kansas:

Carry on my wayward son
There’ll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don’t you cry no more

Once I rose above the noise and confusion
Just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion
I was soaring ever higher
But I flew too high

Though my eyes could see I still was a blind man
Though my mind could think I still was a mad man
I hear the voices when I’m dreaming
I can hear them say

Carry on my wayward son
There’ll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don’t you cry no more

Once I rose above the noise and confusion
Just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion
I was soaring ever higher
But I flew too high

Though my eyes could see I still was a blind man
Though my mind could think I still was a mad man
I hear the voices when I’m dreaming
I can hear them say

Carry on my wayward son
There’ll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don’t you cry no more

Masquerading as a man with a reason
My charade is the event of the season
And if I claim to be a wise man, well
It surely means that I don’t know

On a stormy sea of moving emotion
Tossed about I’m like a ship on the ocean
I set a course for winds of fortune
But I hear the voices say

Carry on my wayward son
There’ll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don’t you cry no more


Carry on, you will always remember
Carry on, nothing equals the splendor
The center lights around your vanity
But surely heaven waits for you

Carry on my wayward son
There’ll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don’t you cry (don’t you cry no more)

They behaved for a while. But, alas, spoiled children NOT getting their way and sorely outnumbered, just had to begin their disruptive bull and cutting a long story short, 4 of 5 of their number were arrested and carted off and we stood tall, confident and professional…not that we didn’t want to severely trounce some more trolls, we did not take the bait…they took ours as they always do.

Not only did we make history on 9/15/2007, we also made history today, 9/18/2007. The opposition has lost their momentum and we could see it in their countenance last Saturday and again today as we met them in the Halls of Congress. We did not see all that many in either House and when we saw them on the street, they could not maintain eye contact with warriors.

The more I review the videos of 9/15/2007 and the more I go by one frame at a time, I notice that the bloated numbers of our opposition is most assuredly NOT what they claim. I am nearly convinced that we had them outnumbered again. Last March we had them outnumbered 3 to 1.

Today, we had them outnumbered nearly 12 to 1. Naturally, the Lame Stream Media plays it another way. We have our own videos and Vets For Freedom will post them as they conclude their activities of this rally in a few days.

We have the momentum and with the CONgress Critters and the usual suspects of ignorance, we have them beat and it will only be a matter of time before the full impact of the MoveOn infamous ad and the “special” Code Pinko Banner takes its full effect; we have them on the run and they’ll not recover.

UDATE! The Texas Vets split up into three groups…our groups visited Sessions, Bernice Johnson, Burgess, Carter, Hutchison, Cornyn, Sam Johnson.

The only ones we have pics with is Burgess and he is very much on board:

Pastor Ed and myself met up with Forest Langley, a thrice decorated Iraq War Hero.

The poetry written by Forest Langley is outstanding and one day, I will be able to read an entire piece. There are too many ghosts and demons in my life at this time and reading Forest’s material brings them rushing in…perhaps that is a good thing…I cannot say at this point.

Wake Up America, Do The Right Thing and Mary Katharine Ham all have excellent and multiple posts covering this day that Pastor Ed and myself attended and stood with our brothers and sisters…fellow True Patriots.

And yes, I do and always will call into question the patriotism of others that support people that say it is OK to murder American Troops.

cross post by Snooper