A Call to Justice–Dedicated to the Mothers of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsome

Once again, this article is from Spree at Wake Up America. She passed this along at the request of the Steve Gill Show, and I’m doing the same. The mothers of these victims shouldn’t be forced to suffer this way. And where is Sharp-ima-ton with his blathering about a lack of justice? Nowhere–because the victims, Channon and Christopher, were white, not nappy headed hos.

And, by the way, does anyone know which Congressional District this happened in and why the Representatives haven’t grown a spine to demand JUSTICE for these victims and their families?


I’m going to tell you about something horrible. Something horrendous. Something so terrible that you may not want to do much more than glance over the details and go to the bare facts. Why am I going to tell you about this? Because it needs to be told, and JUSTICE needs to be done.

This is the story the Tennessean isn’t covering. This is the story the National Media is paying no attention to. This is the story that has not gotten the coverage that is warranted considering the heinous nature of the crimes committed, the lives lost in such a brutal way. It’s heartbreaking, it’s tragic and, in my mind, there is a very, very large TRAVESTY OF JUSTICE being committed as the story unfolds.

Going outside the blog world, my hat tip for this one goes to the Steve Gill Show, for that is where I first heard about this story today, nearly six months later, during his commentary on how that this story isn’t getting any media coverage.

I’ll begin with what media coverage there has been, then make commentary.

UT student’s body found
January 9, 2007

Police say the body of a UT student was found Tuesday in a Knoxville home is just down the street from where her boyfriend was found dead on Sunday.

The body of Channon Christian, 21, was found in a rental house on the 2300 block of Chipman Street in East Knoxville. It was taken to the UT Forensic Center where the positive identification was made.

The body of Christian’s boyfriend, Christopher Newsom, 23, was found Sunday afternoon along the railroad tracks near 9th Ave.

The couple disappeared Saturday night while they were on a date.

Police have not released the cause of their deaths, but they say Newsom was murdered.


Search warrants reveal disturbing new details in Knoxville double murder investigation
January 16, 2007
6 News Reporter

Search warrants in the double murder investigation of a young Knoxville couple reveal disturbing new details about what happened.

According to the affidavits for those search warrants, investigators found the body of Channon Christian, 21, stuffed in a trash can in the kitchen of Lemaricus Davidson’s home at 2316 Chipman Street.

Investigators obtained the warrants after they found the body of her boyfriend, Christopher

Newsom, 23, near the railroad tracks behind 1701 Whittle Springs on January 7.Newsom had been shot at least three times. He was bound with rope or bootlaces and wrapped in a sheet. His shoes and socks were missing, along with his ID and iPOD. His body had been burned and physically assaulted.


When officers went to Davidson’s house on Chipman Street, they say the front door was ajar. As they looked for Davidson, they found Christian’s body in the trash can.

In that house, investigators also seized evidence that includes: a .9mm magazine, two .22 rounds, a rifle, three black trash bags with more possible evidence, cell phones, iPODs, loose .38 ammunition, a .22 shell casing, a plastic bag with hair and socks and a gun cleaning kit.

Another affidavit says that two more of the suspects who are charged, Letalvis Cobbins and George Thomas, voluntarily told investigators they were at Davidson’s house when he and a fourth suspect, Eric Boyd, came in with the couple bound and blindfolded.

Cobbins and Thomas also told investigators that Eric Boyd took Newsom from the house at gunpoint and later returned without him.

And Cobbins and Thomas said they were at the house when Boyd sexually assaulted Christian while she was still alive.

Officers have obtained DNA samples and fingernail scrapings from Boyd as part of their investigation.

All four suspects are facing a variety of felony charges. But so far, none of the men has been charged with murder.


Four suspects charged with murder in Knoxville double slaying
February 1, 2007

Four suspects, including a woman arrested in Kentucky Wednesday night, are now facing murder, rape and kidnapping charges in the double slaying of a young Knoxville couple.

But the location of the carjacking that began the series of charges in the investigation and why it happened is still being kept quiet.

The suspects were indicted Thursday in Knox County, separate from the federal charges some of the men already face relating to the carjacking. The rape charges involve both murder victims, Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom.

Lemaricus Davidson faces 46 counts including felony murder, premeditated murder, aggravated robbery, aggravated kidnapping, aggravated rape and theft.

Letalvis Cobbins faces 46 counts including 16 counts of felony murder, two counts of premeditated murder, two counts of especially aggravated robbery, four counts of especially aggravated kidnapping, 20 counts of aggravated rape and two counts of theft.

George Thomas faces 46 counts including 16 counts of felony murder, two counts of premeditated murder, two counts of especially aggravated robbery, four counts of especially aggravated kidnapping, 20 counts of aggravated rape and two counts of theft.

Vanessa Lynn Coleman, 18, faces 40 counts including 12 counts of felony murder, one count of premeditated murder, one count of especially aggravated robbery, four counts of especially aggravated kidnapping, 20 counts of aggravated rape and two counts of theft.


What they don’t state on the news reports listed above, from what I’ve found so far, are the horrible details of what happened to this young couple. Both of them were raped, sodomized, he was castrated and her breasts where cut off before they were killed. Words cannot express my feelings about this. There are no words. The full count indictments against these animals–and I say animals because anyone who can do what was done here can’t be classified as human–can be found here. And yes, I know that we proscribe to innocent until proven guilty. That being said, WHOEVER DID THIS to this young couple should be put down like rabid animals, in my opinion.

Insult to injury: the DA in this case is NOT, I repeat NOT seeking the death penalty according to the Gill Show.

I’m sure he’d love to explain to anyone who wishes to call him as to why?

Knox County District AttorneyAddress:

Randy Nichols
400 W Main St
Rm 168
Knoxville, TN37902
Phone: (865) 215-2515

Why is this not being shown nationally? Why does the Duke Lacrosse team make the headlines over false allegations and this horrible, horrible situation that really did happen go unnoticed?

A few thoughts on this can be found here:

The Truth About Who Suffers And About Who Inflicts the Suffering
By Jack Dunphy

It may seem like ancient history now, but it was only a year ago that we were first subjected to the media circus that was the so-called and now-dropped Duke Rape Case. For months thereafter, you couldn’t pick up a newspaper or turn on the television or radio without learning some new tidbit about the accused lacrosse players, even as their accuser remained shrouded in mystery. Today we know there was no rape and now not even a case at all, but even in those early days it was apparent enough that there were glaring problems with the accuser’s story (or, as it happened, stories). But not even those problems prevented the case from consuming the attention of the sages in our national media, whose foot soldiers decamped from New York and Los Angeles and such places to descend on Durham, North Carolina, as quickly as they could find it on the map.

The case was simply irresistible to our sophisticated betters in Manhattan and the tonier zip codes of southern California. The “victim” was black and a single mother, each in itself a shield against criticism, but taken together an impregnable defense against any judgment of her own behavior and motives. Furthermore, she claimed to have been attacked by a group of southern white elites, thus justifying the low opinion of such elites held by those who live within sight of the Pacific Ocean or the Hudson River. (Never mind that none of the accused were actually from the south.) Only when the evidence of the defendants’ innocence and of the prosecutor’s misconduct accumulated to an undeniable critical mass did the media slink off to await the next Big Story.

Compare the attention given the Duke case with that accorded a far more heinous crime, one whose victims have thus far failed to arouse the sympathies or even the notice of those who found so much enjoyment in their condemnation of the lacrosse players. Chances are, unless you live in Tennessee, you will not recognize the names Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom. Christian, 21, and Newsome, 23, both of Knoxville, were driving through that city together on the night of January 6 when they were kidnapped and murdered. Newsome’s burned body was found along some railroad tracks on January 7. Christian remained missing for two more days until her body, stuffed in a trash can, was found in a home not far from where Newsome’s was found. Police and prosecutors allege both victims were raped before being killed. Yes, both. Three men and a woman have been charged with the crimes in a 46-count grand jury indictment handed down in Knoxville on January 31.


Steve Gill has this to say on his Daily Notes page:

I guarantee that if the victims were a black college couple, and the murderers were a bunch of white guys you would have seen this story on television so much your eyes would be bleeding. As it is, the media has ignored it. Where is Jesse Jackson? Al Sharpton? Don’t they think racially motivated crimes deserve attention? Or is only white on black crime worthy of our contempt and outrage? (Emphasis mine)

This is why I’m against hate crimes legislation. We don’t need the thought police telling us “this crime was a HATE crime and they deserve more punishment for it.” Bull. It’s a crime. How much more dead would Phillip Workman be today if he had been charged with a hate crime when he was found guilty of killing a Memphis police officer instead of just being charged for the crime itself? He’d still be dead after his execution this week.

I don’t know the Christian or Newsom families; they live at the other end of the state from me. My heart goes out to them, though, as a parent, as a human, as a man. I can’t imagine the grief and the pain they must be suffering.

Again I want to pose the questions: Why is this not being tried as a capital crime? It makes no sense to me that it would be treated as anything but. Why the lack of media attention for this case? Does this story have less merit, less importance, than finding out who the father of Anna Nicole Smith’s baby is? Is it more important that we know that Paris Hilton is going to have to pay the price for driving on a suspended license?

I’m going to ask my fellow Tennesseans especially to feel free to cross post this one, in it’s entirety, in part, trackback to it, link to it, whatever. Get the word out. Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom deserve it, and so do their families. They deserve justice. And they deserve, and need, our prayers and support. Any of you with more information on this story, feel free to pass it along to us.This needs to be told, and it needs to be told now.

Once and Always, an American Fighting Man


For myself, I’ll add–below are the names of the Tennessee Representatives in Washington, D.C. Maybe, if enough people raise hell, there might be a chance for TRUE JUSTICE for these victims and their families, even if they AREN’T BLACK.

The following information was copied from Complete Email Addresses for Congress, Senate, Governors and State Legislators here. Burn up their phone, fax and email boxes with DEMANDS FOR JUSTICE for this couple and their families!

Gov. Phil Bredesen (D) 615-741-2001
State Legislature Links
Sen. Bob Corker (R) Fax: 202-228-1264
Sen. Lamar Alexander (R) Fax: 202-228-3398
Rep. William Jenkins (R-1) Fax: 202-225-5714
Rep. John Duncan, Jr. (R-2) Fax: 202-225-6440
Rep. Zach Wamp (R-3) Fax: 202-225-3494
Rep. Lincoln Davis (D-4) Fax: 202-226-5172
Rep. Jim Cooper (D-5) Fax: 202-226-1035
Rep. Bart Gordon (D-6) Fax: 202-225-6887
Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-7) Fax: 202-223004
Rep. John Tanner (D-8) Fax: 202-225-1765
Rep. Steve Cohen (D-9) Fax: 202-225-5663

Seems My Views of Jackson & Sharpton are Shared

Found this cartoon on Townhall. Pretty Self Explanatory.

Seems My Views of Jackson & Sharpton are Shared

Found this cartoon on Townhall. Pretty Self Explanatory.

Hate-Mongers Sharpton & Jackson; Discrimination Against Whites; The First Amendment



Now, Ladies and Gentleman, why on earth would I start a post like that? Because I’ve had it.

We have three cases on the table right now that are somewhat interrelated. One is the Duke LaCrosse players vs. Rutgers’ Women’s Basketball Team. One is Rutgers’ Women’s Basketball Team vs. Don Imus. One is Don Imus and Duke LaCrosse Players.

They all have one thing in common (well, two if you want to get technical). Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Hate-Mongers supreme. Men who are allegedly men of the cloth. And the two fat, black jerk-offs have had their sausage-sized fingers in every single one of these pies, using the “race victim” card in each one. To that, I say a resounding BULLSHIT.

First off, the two assholes (who can barely speak around the food crammed in their mouths), need to learn this is AMERICA. We are entitled to free speech. If you don’t like what someone says, TOUGH. It does NOT entitle you (yes, I said “entitle”, a word often used when throwing around the “race victim” card) to demand someone else’s job. That’s number one.

Number two, you majorly incoherent, totally overfed jerkoffs, when you’re wrong in your accusations about people, PARTICULARLY WHITES, you DAMN well better learn how to squat yourself off that soapbox (you might break an ankle jumping off, although there’s no danger of that when you’re jumping on) and apologize for ruining people’s lives. You BETTER learn to practice what you PREACH with your sham “Rev.”‘s in front of your name. But then, both Jackson and Sharpton have already lost credibility with anyone who matters.

Let’s start with Al “I’m Fat as a Pig and Have to Get My Suits Tailor made” Sharp-Ima-ton.

Somewhere in the vicinity of 1987, and a then 15 year old girl named Tawana Brawley. A case tailor-made to garner headlines, complete with conspiracy theories about the police all the way up to the District Attorney.

Allegedly, Tawana Brawley was missing for 4 days and when found–in a trash bag with racial slurs and dog feces covering her body–had allegedly been kidnapped and held in the woods of upstate New York; raped, abused, and sodomized by at least 2 and possibly 6 white men, at least one of whom had a badge (a cop). She, her mother and Sharp-Ima-ton made a great show in the police station of Brawley’s “spaciness” (pretend trauma), uttering of only one word (“neon”) and inability to communicate except by writing, shoulder shrugs and, basically, grunts. Oh yeah, they also DEMANDED to be interviewed by a black officer.

The case began to unravel when Brawley and her mother ignored subpoenas to testify before the grand jury, as well as refusing to cooperate in any way with the prosecutors and police. They still have arrest warrants out for them for ignoring those subpoenas.

It was later revealed that Brawley had actually been to a party when she was allegedly kidnapped and one of the party goers saw her climb into the trash bag herself. When found, she was found to have NO signs of exposure, the rape kit was inconsistent with her story, she had recently brushed her teeth–in short, there were simply no signs of the story being true on any level of forensic investigation.

The next victim tagged by Sharp-Ima-Ton was prosecutor Steven Pagones, as the actual abductor and participator in the incident-asserting at least 33 times that Pagones had allegedly kidnapped, abused and raped Brawley. 33 TIMES they made that assertion! 33 TIMES!

Brawley refused to cooperate at all levels with police and investigators. Now, I’ve been a victim of sexual assault myself. While it was heart wrenchingly difficult to cooperate, I did so because I had to set an example for my then 5 year old daughter. I also took advantage of the free counseling offered to me. So, I think I can speak with some authority and personal reference on the actions of a rape victim. Ultimately, my criminal was sentenced to 4 consecutive life terms and is a guest of the graybar hotel in Elko, Nevada. And, oh yeah—I’m white and he was black, so I also got to listen to all the bullshit of race relations and white women putting the black man down.

Ultimately, when all the pieces were put together, it was clear Brawley had cooked up this little scheme. Her purpose? Unknown. Pagones sued Brawley as well and won a substantial judgment. Brawley and her mother hot-footed it to Virginia to avoid prosecution for ignoring the subpoenas and have yet to pay Pagones a dime of what he was awarded. Further, Sharp-Ima-ton was sued by Pagones, as were the rest of Brawley’s attorneys. Johnny Cochran (of OJ fame) and other friends and benefactors paid Sharp-Ima-ton’s court debt.

Brawley has also changed her name to Maryam Muhammad. Now THAT was an interesting tidbit I didn’t know about. She’s now posing as a muslim, probably hoping to play that card somewhere along the line.

And Sharp-Ima-ton? He refuses to apologize. He doesn’t think he’s done anything wrong. In fact, he’s quoted as saying, “…Sharpton replied that Brawley “identified Pagones. I was her spokesperson. I cannot turn around in what I said I believed.” As to the jury verdict against him, Sharpton told the New York Daily News in July 2003 that “a jury said in the Central Park jogging case … that I was wrong, and it was just overturned 13 years later. Juries can be wrong. I’ve stood by what I believe. Juries are proven wrong every day.”

As for the other attorneys involved? Let’s see–Alton H. Maddox was later disbarred for billing and abandoning clients in a series of unrelated cases.

I used three sources for this information.

Source 1: “The Worst of Al Sharpton”; http://www.slate.com/id/2087557

Source 2: “Tawana Brawley”; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tawana_Brawley

Source 3: “Tawana Brawley Goes to College”; http://www.jewishworldreview.com/michelle/malkin040804.asp

On to “I Can’t Be Bothered to be Coherent” Jackson.

This blight on the American behind loves to call people names himself–yet refuses to apologize for his comments, stating they were taken out of context. REALLY??? Calling New York “Hymietown” and American Jews “Hymies”–how IS that supposed to be taken? In WHAT context? Please, tell me!

Further, he denied he’d made the remark and then decided to admit it but refused to apologize for his comment; he brought in Louis Farrakhan who THREATENED the Jewish people (“…issuing a public warning to Jews, made in Jackson’s presence: “If you harm this brother [Jackson], it will be the last one you harm.”). Later, Jackson admitted guilt and sought atonement in an emotional speech. However, he never distanced himself from the threats Farrakhan made on his behalf.

I guess John Kerry got his procedural points from this Jerkoff–first deny, then refuse to apologize, then emotionally apologize (Remember the “botched joke” about get good grades or go to Iraq?).

These are my sources for this creep:

Source 1: “Jesse Jackson Says Organization Will Pay Alleged Rape Victim’s Tuition”: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1816422/posts (This post will also be used in the upcoming segment re: Duke LaCrosse Players)

Source 2: “Jesse Jackson is a Nappy Headed Ho”: http://wizbangblog.com/2007/04/12/jesse-jackson-is-a-nappy-headed-ho.php

Source 3: “Jackson Denies Using Term Offensive to Jews”: http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F20D1FF7385F0C738EDDAB0894DC484D81&n=Top%2fReference%2fTimes%20Topics%2fPeople%2fJ%2fJackson%2c%20Jesse%20L%2e

Source 4: “Jesse Jackson’s Hymietown Remark-1984”: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/clinton/frenzy/jackson.htm

On to Duke’s LaCrosse players.

Let’s start with Crystal Gayle Mangum. You know, the skanky ho who accused these boys, nearly started riots in the streets, played the “I’m a poor BLACK woman working my way through college” victim card, got both Jackson and Sharp-Ima-ton to be her voice, influenced 88 professors to scholastically annihilate these boys…shall I go on?

Let’s look at HER record and credibility. Hmmmmmmmm…yeah, this NAPPY HEADED HO is REAL credible!

For starters: “In 1993, when she was 14 years old, Mangum claimed to have been kidnapped by three men, driven to a house in Creedmoor, N.C., 15 miles away from Durham, and raped. She said one of the men was her boyfriend at the time, and was a physically and emotionally abusive man seven years older than she was. Creedmoor Police Chief Ted Pollard said Mangum filed a report on the incident in Aug. 18, 1996, three years after the rapes allegedly took place. The case, however, was not pursued, because the accuser backed away from the charges out of fear for her life, according to her relatives.”

On to: “On June 16, 1998, she accused her husband of taking her into a wooded area and threatening to kill her, which he has denied doing. When she failed to appear at a court hearing, the complaint was dismissed. The two separated after 17 months of marriage, and that same year, Mangum was discharged from the Navy, pregnant by a sailor she has begun a relationship with. That man would have another child with her as well, but that relationship wouldn’t last.”

Next: “In June 2002, she was arrested on a multitude of charges while working at a topless dance club called Diamond Girls. According to police, she removed a customer’s keys to his taxicab while giving him a lap dance, then stole the taxi while he was in the bathroom. Police chased her at speeds up to 70 miles per hour — frequently in the wrong lane — and when an officer tried to approach her, she barely missed running him over, and struck his patrol car instead. She tried to escape again, but a flat tire ended the second leg of her getaway. Finally in custody, she was found to have a blood-alcohol content of 0.19 (the state limit is 0.08). While being questioned, Mangum passed out and was taken to a hospital.”

“In the end, Mangum had racked up 10 charges, including driving while impaired, driving with a revoked license (her license has been suspended three times), eluding police, reckless driving, failure to heed a siren and lights, assault on an officer and larceny of a motor vehicle. In 2003, she pleaded guilty to four misdemeanors: larceny, speeding to elude arrest, assault on a government official and DWI. She served three weekends in jail, was placed on two years’ probation and paid $4,200 in restitution and court fees.”

And: “As time went on, her romantic life didn’t get more stable, either. According to reports, Mangum said she’d had sex with at least three men in the days leading up to the Duke lacrosse incident, including her boyfriend and two of the men who drove her to dancing gigs. Somewhere around this time, she again became pregnant. She gave birth to a premature girl in January 2007.”

The full article will be referenced below.

Overall, yeah, isn’t she just a shining example of a fine, upstanding, young lady who should be believed at all costs? SCREW THE VICTIM CARD–and everyone who says it’s Nifong’s fault. Nifong is a total sleaze and should be disbarred for this, but it was this NAPPY HEADED HO that started the whole thing!

She’s an opportunistic skank who needs to be locked up for HER PERJURY, at the very LEAST!

Dammit, I’M a single parent not getting child support–and I haven’t received any for 11 YEARS. Yet, I can manage to go to school, work, raise my children, manage my money, pay my bills…she gets NO sympathy from me. NONE. She’s a lazy assed HO who makes her money on her back and wants others to foot her bills. She’s obviously skilled in the art of inciting the public into near riot status…and who are the two puppets brought in to help her?

THAT’S RIGHT—JACKSON (IS he still going to pay her tuition?) and SHARP-IMA-TON.

These boys are white. They are going to college. THANK GOD their parents were able to secure counsel for them–however, they’ve been left with over $5 MILLION in legal fees. They were ostracized from their college. Their coach was fired. They were villified by 88 academics–in writing no less. And WHY? So some NAPPY HEADED HO could make something up in the hopes of getting a fat payoff.

Instead of the legal equivalent of armed robbery, the bitch needs to get a job and do what WHITES do every day–work hard at both her job and go to school, learn how to manage her money and quit coming up with get rich schemes at the expense of innocent people. Start being accountable for her actions, quit playing the “race victim” card, and GROW UP.

Maybe she should listen to Bill Cosby and Juan Williams, to quit expecting everyone else to pay for her and her life and live as an honorable person instead of a criminal. Oh, wait a minute…Cosby and Williams are considered “Uncle Tom” blacks, sell-outs, because they DARED to call a spade a spade and told them to dig themselves out of their own holes (and yes, I mean a spade is a spade).

And what about our fat reverends? Do they plan on apologizing? No, they do not. Has Oprah invited these boys onto her show? No she has not. Those “honors” are reserved for “race victims”, not TRUE victims, particularly not for true WHITE victims, victimized by NAPPY HEADED HOS and CORRUPT POLITICIANS. These boys and their families are going to have to sue to get any kind of closure on this case. However, where DO they go to get their reputations back? Chances are, though, they will forgive. Maybe not immediately, but my bets are they will.

The word “forgiveness” doesn’t seem to be in the lexicon of the dishonorable Revs. They EXPECT forgiveness and respect, yet fail to reciprocate.

Sources here:

Source 1: “Jackson is a Nappy Headed Ho”: http://wizbangblog.com/2007/04/12/jesse-jackson-is-a-nappy-headed-ho.php

Source 2: “Jesse Jackson Says Organization Will Pay Alleged Rape Victim’s Tuition”: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1816422/posts

Source 3: “Crystal Gail Mangum: Profile of the Duke Rape Accuser”: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,265374,00.html

On to Imus.

I don’t listen to Imus. I generally don’t listen to shock jocks; it’s just not my thing.

I understand, though, he hurt the feelings of the Rutgers Women’s Basketball Team by calling them NAPPY HEADED HOS.


NOT, however, according to Jackson and Sharp-Ima-ton. Nor is accountability part of their vision of the American landscape.

See, I don’t think Imus was too bright saying what he said. In fact, it was a pretty stupid remark to make. However, let’s keep things in perspective. He admitted his mistake; he begged forgiveness.

It wasn’t good enough for for the TUBBY DUO. It was FINE for Jackson; however, he’s unwilling to give the same forgiveness he asked for from the American Jews. I suppose to his way of thinking, he’s the only one who should ever be forgiven.

Nope, these two pus-filled boils, wanted Imus’ job. Because it was a BLACK team and Imus is a WHITE man. Oprah’s invited the damsels onto her show. The NAPPY HEADED HOOD RATS have refused to accept Imus’ apology. BUT–they’ll take all the attention given to them and ride that ticket for as long as they can.

Again, while this wasn’t Imus’ smartest move, let’s look at a few things. LET’S LOOK AT THE IPODS AND MP3’S OF THE INJURED DAMSELS. What do they have playing? More than likely, songs by JZ, 50 Cent, whoever is the rapper of the day, talking about bitches, hos, niggas and pimps. Hmmmm. But Imus offends them.

They’ve been called niggas, hos and bitches in their neighborhoods and on courts growing up; in their music–but Imus offends them. GET FLIPPIN’ REAL!

Everything I’ve read about these women is they are very talented players, with wonderful life goals. They’ve been inspired by their coach. Why, then, are they buying into the hate proponents of Jackson and Sharp-Ima-ton? Why are they lowering themselves to the level of these clowns? Why are they buying into the hate propaganda? Why are they letting these jerks speak for them?

We also, of course, have the liberal dems jumping on this bandwagon. Barak made a very lackluster-I-Couldn’t-Care-Less sounding remark. Billary is on her way to “comfort the team”.

Granted, the team played their hearts out. They lost, and that’s ALWAYS emotionally heartwrenching when you have indeed played your best. Imus WAS out of line to make the remarks he did. But Jackson and Sharp-Ima-ton should stay the hell out of it. These are WOMEN. They should be able to shrug asshole comments like this off, particularly if they are hoping to go on to a professional career. Their hides need to “toughen up”. They can’t go running to mommy whenever someone makes an idiotic remark.

HAD these women developed coping skills along with their basketball skills, they would have learned that by not giving such an asinine comment credence, they were superior in that instance. They would have come out as shining examples of LADIES. Instead, they’re playing the “RACE VICTIM” card. What a waste. And they’re letting the prime clowns be their voiceboxes. Even more of a waste, particularly with the track record of these clowns.

I have no doubt some of these women will go on to athletic greatness. Now, if they can develop the life skills they need to go with their sport skills, they will truly be formidable. But by demanding everyone’s job who insults them, by continuing to buy into the hip-hop lifestyle, by giving in to the “RACE VICTIM” card, they’re lost. And that is truly sad.

Grow a skin, ladies. Learn to forgive as you expect to be forgiven. It will come back to haunt you when someone refuses your apology some day–and then, if you have the guts, reflect back to the day you refused Imus’ apology. You reap what you sow. You might also want to increase the class of the people you hang out with and allow to be your mouthpieces. Jackson and Sharp-Ima-ton do nothing but bring you down.

If you wish to be seen with leaders of the black community, look to blacks who are respected, such as Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice–blacks who can communicate effectively, without ebonics, and who have some class. Not hate-mongers like these two jackasses.

And, get yourselves out of the ghetto with your so-called music choices or what parades as music in the black world. The only thing that masquerade does is incite further hatred between the races and instill “double standards” as okay–y’all can call each other niggas, bitches, hos and pimps, but God help anyone else that follows your lead. Get some self respect–that crap is nothing but hate set to a beat. Otherwise, don’t get pissy because someone else applies your standards to you.

And, frankly, you’re not victims. If you want to see TRUE victims, go take a look at the train-wreck of the Duke players. Or does that not matter to you because they’re white? Their reputations are forever ruined; you simply suffered a stupid remark. Nobody died and nobody will die because of that remark (although you’ve already cost a man his job). People could have died from the possible riots perpetrated by these jackasses in their false accusations of these players. Put it in perspective–if this is the worst that’s ever said about you, you’re fortunate.

Get a clue, get a life, get real. And get some better, classier, spokesmen who are relevant instead of hypocritical jokes and hate mongers.