Another FIRE – Another call for help

Yes, another fire has taken EVERYTHING some of our troops have. This time it is an army unit in Iraq. Excerpts from the calls for help I got:

It is … Army and they are at FOB ****** which is somewhere in Baghdad and a pit hole to begin with….

40 guys lost EVERYTHING – I MEAN EVERYTHING – so anything is good as they have nothing. More than that lost some things due to water and smoke and all the other things that come with a fire…

It can be as small as snacks or coffee or towels or socks or t-shirts or underwear – I mean they lost everything..

…ARMY unit who had a fire in their building and they lost EVERYTHING!! I mean these kids lost their uniforms, ipods, computer, cd’s, DVD’s, shoes, towels, Literally everything! …

…but it was like close to 100 soldiers who are without anything….They are all male soldiers….

I combined a few different emails to put this together – but the main point is that these guys lost EVERYTHING. If you can help with any of this – or donate money to help cover costs of the stuff that has also ready gone out via Soldiers’ Angels – please email me at:

or my personal email addy if you know me well enough to have that.;) If I know you, I can give you a direct POC. If I don’t know you, I’ll give you the gmail addy of the person within SA who is co-ordinating this one.

Let’s get THIS one done. Thank you!
