Obama and His ACORNs – What Tangled Webs Are Woven

In more or less breaking news, Winged Hussar 1683 posting at Grizzly Groundswell brings us news of defections from the Obama Campaign over his lack of renouncing the ACORN voter fraud scandals breaking out all over the Nation. The Google cached comments are all listed in this post and the Obama web site is being monitored for the comment deletions that are soon to come. I am sure The One cannot afford for folks to see that his implosion will continue over the ACORN debacle.

I wonder where the pollsters are. LOL! Be sure to visit there to read the comments. I would place them here but I was having a difficult time trying to decide which ones.

There can be or, there should be no doubt that Barack’s fingerprints are indeed all over ACORN. He has denied it but we all know that he, at one time, was a trainer for the ACORN activists.

Obama lied about ACORN. He lied about Ayers. He lied about Rev. Wright. How can you believe what he says about taxes, education or health care?

The only folks that can actually trust Obama are the easily duped and the emotional childlike people that cannot discern that which is evil in this world. And, Barack is an evil man. Like most other Democrat Party political aspirants, it doesn’t matter what they have to do or say to get into political positions of power. Power is all they are after. Obama has lied his way to where he is today, period. End of discussion.

Suitably Flip linked to a story I saw earlier at Ace’s place. First, SF:

[…] The avian metaphor Ace prefers is that of the black swan, but that’s inappropriate for two reasons. 1) It wasn’t all that hard to predict that Obama’s web of seediness was interconnected and 2) it’s patently racist to use the word “black” while deigning to criticize a post-racial candidate who happens to be half black. [END]

Ace has a news tip of credible origin and we should all be hearing about it either Sunday or Monday. It has something to do with ACORN…go figure.

The tip is solid, not one of those internetish ones I occasionally peddle when I’m high on modeling glue… and hatred.

10,000 duplicate/fraudulent registrations in Hamilton County (Cincinnati) and around 8000 bad registrations in Cuyahoga County (Cleveland). Cincinnati story should be out tomorrow, Cleveland one Sunday or Monday.

Ironically, ACORN may prove out Marx’s aphorism that the system contains the seeds of its own destruction. […]

This might just be that Magic Bullet. At some point, the old dinosaur media will no longer be able to shield Obama’s hoodlum activities from the American People. Until then, we in the Main Street Media will continue to hammer away.

I have known for quite some time that the DNC is crooked. We all know that the DNC runs the Party of Corruption and as the Vatican calls them – the Party of Death. That said, I ran across an interesting rumor at the Confederate Yankee that has been neither denied or confirmed by those that are theoretically involved. He links to two pro-Hillary posts located here and here. Bob wrote to Randall Samborn, Assistant US Attorney and Public Information Officer for the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Northern District of Illinois and received the following reply:

“We do not confirm or deny the existence of any investigation – therfore, we decline comment and I am unable to answer any of your questions.”

That’s poli-speak for, “How in the hell did you find out about this!?” Anyway, here is the rumor.

[…] If everything rumored here is true, it looks like David Axelrod, Howard Dean, Donna Brazile, SoetorObama himself, and possibly even Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid were all involved, together, in massive RICO violations, and thus federal fraud, if the DNC and party leadership knew what the SoetorObama campaign and ACORN were up to and allowed it to proceed. Knowledge of federal crimes being committed makes all parties accessories to those crimes — and part of the conspiracy to defraud the public. […]

That is a BIG if folks so don’t get all fired up just yet. And, by the way, I have no idea what “SoeterObama” is. Theoretically, there is a missing article, missing no more, unearthed from someplace proving beyond a shadow of a doubt, Obama’s associations with ACORN. The link is located at Memeorandum so have some fun and go read it and then show all your idiot friends and relatives that are voting for the fraud.

Gateway Pundit and Riehl World View have more information to the Obama-ACORN quagmire. Obama keeps getting dirtier and dirtier. Must have something to do with the Chicago political climate he latched onto. FYI, Barack was an attorney for ACORN and was instrumental in getting folks home loans that had no capacity to pay…sound familiar? I wonder if he will deny that ACORN helped him win his 2006 election. Seeing that he is a liar, I wouldn’t put it passed him.

Photo credit Gateway Pundit…click to enlarge…

[UPDATE] – from McNorman’s Weblog: the definition of ACORN: Association of Corrupted Organizations for Registration of Non-Eligible Voters

Obama and His ACORNs – What Tangled Webs Are Woven

In more or less breaking news, Winged Hussar 1683 posting at Grizzly Groundswell brings us news of defections from the Obama Campaign over his lack of renouncing the ACORN voter fraud scandals breaking out all over the Nation. The Google cached comments are all listed in this post and the Obama web site is being monitored for the comment deletions that are soon to come. I am sure The One cannot afford for folks to see that his implosion will continue over the ACORN debacle.

I wonder where the pollsters are. LOL! Be sure to visit there to read the comments. I would place them here but I was having a difficult time trying to decide which ones.

There can be or, there should be no doubt that Barack’s fingerprints are indeed all over ACORN. He has denied it but we all know that he, at one time, was a trainer for the ACORN activists.

Obama lied about ACORN. He lied about Ayers. He lied about Rev. Wright. How can you believe what he says about taxes, education or health care?

The only folks that can actually trust Obama are the easily duped and the emotional childlike people that cannot discern that which is evil in this world. And, Barack is an evil man. Like most other Democrat Party political aspirants, it doesn’t matter what they have to do or say to get into political positions of power. Power is all they are after. Obama has lied his way to where he is today, period. End of discussion.

Suitably Flip linked to a story I saw earlier at Ace’s place. First, SF:

[…] The avian metaphor Ace prefers is that of the black swan, but that’s inappropriate for two reasons. 1) It wasn’t all that hard to predict that Obama’s web of seediness was interconnected and 2) it’s patently racist to use the word “black” while deigning to criticize a post-racial candidate who happens to be half black. [END]

Ace has a news tip of credible origin and we should all be hearing about it either Sunday or Monday. It has something to do with ACORN…go figure.

The tip is solid, not one of those internetish ones I occasionally peddle when I’m high on modeling glue… and hatred.

10,000 duplicate/fraudulent registrations in Hamilton County (Cincinnati) and around 8000 bad registrations in Cuyahoga County (Cleveland). Cincinnati story should be out tomorrow, Cleveland one Sunday or Monday.

Ironically, ACORN may prove out Marx’s aphorism that the system contains the seeds of its own destruction. […]

This might just be that Magic Bullet. At some point, the old dinosaur media will no longer be able to shield Obama’s hoodlum activities from the American People. Until then, we in the Main Street Media will continue to hammer away.

I have known for quite some time that the DNC is crooked. We all know that the DNC runs the Party of Corruption and as the Vatican calls them – the Party of Death. That said, I ran across an interesting rumor at the Confederate Yankee that has been neither denied or confirmed by those that are theoretically involved. He links to two pro-Hillary posts located here and here. Bob wrote to Randall Samborn, Assistant US Attorney and Public Information Officer for the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Northern District of Illinois and received the following reply:

“We do not confirm or deny the existence of any investigation – therfore, we decline comment and I am unable to answer any of your questions.”

That’s poli-speak for, “How in the hell did you find out about this!?” Anyway, here is the rumor.

[…] If everything rumored here is true, it looks like David Axelrod, Howard Dean, Donna Brazile, SoetorObama himself, and possibly even Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid were all involved, together, in massive RICO violations, and thus federal fraud, if the DNC and party leadership knew what the SoetorObama campaign and ACORN were up to and allowed it to proceed. Knowledge of federal crimes being committed makes all parties accessories to those crimes — and part of the conspiracy to defraud the public. […]

That is a BIG if folks so don’t get all fired up just yet. And, by the way, I have no idea what “SoeterObama” is. Theoretically, there is a missing article, missing no more, unearthed from someplace proving beyond a shadow of a doubt, Obama’s associations with ACORN. The link is located at Memeorandum so have some fun and go read it and then show all your idiot friends and relatives that are voting for the fraud.

Gateway Pundit and Riehl World View have more information to the Obama-ACORN quagmire. Obama keeps getting dirtier and dirtier. Must have something to do with the Chicago political climate he latched onto. FYI, Barack was an attorney for ACORN and was instrumental in getting folks home loans that had no capacity to pay…sound familiar? I wonder if he will deny that ACORN helped him win his 2006 election. Seeing that he is a liar, I wouldn’t put it passed him.

Photo credit Gateway Pundit…click to enlarge…

[UPDATE] – from McNorman’s Weblog: the definition of ACORN: Association of Corrupted Organizations for Registration of Non-Eligible Voters

That Sound You Heard Today

cross-posted from TOCB

This post was written and posted at TOCB the day the unconstitutional Wall Street bail out bill failed…

That sound you heard today was Common Sense once thought to be dead and buried coming to life and coming home to roost.

That sound you heard today was the United States Constitution making itself noticed.

That sound you heard today was We The People getting our message made known.

That sound you heard today was socialists screaming from the rooftops in anguish and pain.

That sound you heard today was Collective Reasoning forcing itself upon the unreasonable and the intolerant.

That sound you heard today was the fat cats, crooks and robbers screeching in agony as their reign of deceit, lies and charlatanism being exposed.

That sound you heard today was Free Markets fixing itself in spite of government fabricated cure intrusion.

That sound you heard today was defective government meddling into financial markets coming to a screeching halt.

That sound you heard today was the sound of the demanding of Personal and Professional Accountability of those responsible for the current self-induced quagmire.

That sound you heard today was the sound of charlatans admitting, without the integrity to actually admit, failure.

That sound you heard today was the groans of those responsible being made known.

That sound you heard today were those trying to not get caught red-handed lying as being exposed as liars and having to face the American People for their lies.

That sound you heard today was the death of an unconstitutional Wall Street Bail Out Bill.

That sound you heard today was the politicians that actually still care about the United States Constitution standing up to be recognized as the Constitutional Caretakers that they are, both Democrat and Republican alike.

That sound you heard today was the Free Market Ghosts of days past being revived as if to say, “Leave us alone and we will take care of ourselves, thank you very much.”

That sound you heard today was foolish people knowing that their days of defrauding the American People are gone.

That sound you heard today was a message being sent to CONgress and those in CONgress responsible for the self-induced idiocy CONgress has become: “The party is over.”

That sound you heard today was the sound of We The People dictating to CONgress and not the other way around.

That sound you heard today was the American People reclaiming their Constitution and once more claiming it as their own as it does not belong to the government and never has.

That sound you heard today was the sound of Freedom annihilating the Socialist Demons of the Democrat and Republican Parties.

That sound you heard today was Free Enterprise reasserting itself.

That sound you heard today was Capitalism reasserting itself and granting the ability to either succeed or fail on one’s own merit and not some governmental intrusion and fabricated reality.

That sound you heard today was Reality settling in.

That sound you heard today was Personal Responsibility raising its ugly head.

That sound you heard today was the inevitability of the official acknowledgment of the total and complete lack of leadership qualities of the Speaker of The House Nancy Pelosi being revealed for what it is…the worse leadership in the People’s House in the history of this Nation.

That sound you heard today was the inevitability of the official acknowledgment of the total and complete lack of leadership qualities of the Senate leader Senator Harry Reid being revealed for what it is…the worse leadership in the People’s Senate in the history of this Nation.

And I will ask the following: what program, policy or legislation of note that has had a positive influence on our Nation that the SoH Pelosi or Senate Leader Reid has accomplished in their two years of service? Someone please name me one. Just one. That is all I ask. I have been searching and I have not detected any. And they dare criticize others within and without or Nation? Please. Stop insulting our intelligence.

That sound you heard today was the Death Knell of American Socialism.


Vets On The Hill Instant Replay Press Conference of 4/8/08


UPCOMING SHOW: 4/11/2008 7:00 PM

Host Name A Newt One
Show Name Vets On The Hill Press Conference
Show Length 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Show Description
This is a FULL replay of the Press Conference on 4/8/2008 that the REAL media…US…aired. We will NOT be taking calls until the very end if there is time.

Keywords Vets For Freedom, Vets On The Hill

The call in number AFTER the Instant Replay is 646-652-2670. We will not be taking calls until after the show if time permits. Naturally, the chat room will be open and available.

I was pleased and proud to stand with my Brothers and Sisters in DC as we marched on The Hill. This is a press conference that we aired live from DC…the entire Press Conference will be aired once more for those that missed it the first time, live, and have not listened to it in archive.

Vets On The Hill Instant Replay Press Conference of 4/8/08


UPCOMING SHOW: 4/11/2008 7:00 PM

Host Name A Newt One
Show Name Vets On The Hill Press Conference
Show Length 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Show Description
This is a FULL replay of the Press Conference on 4/8/2008 that the REAL media…US…aired. We will NOT be taking calls until the very end if there is time.

Keywords Vets For Freedom, Vets On The Hill

The call in number AFTER the Instant Replay is 646-652-2670. We will not be taking calls until after the show if time permits. Naturally, the chat room will be open and available.

I was pleased and proud to stand with my Brothers and Sisters in DC as we marched on The Hill. This is a press conference that we aired live from DC…the entire Press Conference will be aired once more for those that missed it the first time, live, and have not listened to it in archive.

War News: Vets On The Hill 4/8/08 PART 1



Yesterday on 08 APR 08, a group of men and women – Patriots – both currently serving in the United States Armed Services and those of service past, gathered in a Ballroom at the Sheraton Hotel in Arlington, VA. The Gathering began – per orders – at 0500 hours and, all be known and told, Uncle Jimbo from Blackfive was there, having the evening before swore to be present and accounted for “later on that morning”.

The intensity of the concentration to the mission at hand was truly a marvel to behold. Mission parameters were established and anti-flanking controls were set into place. As only Warriors could possibly understand, sloganeering was bantered about and there was in evidence, inter-service rivalries – SOP. Yet, in the midst of it all, the camaraderie was exquisitely prevalent and Mission Jitters were dealt with accordingly. The apprehensions came and went as they always do with the Old Salts – The Leatherskinned – soothed the atmosphere of Giterdun.

This all took place within the first 30 minutes or so – coffee was to be had – then, the Speakers arrived and messed it all up – damn Officers. NOTE: to the folks in Arlington and the surrounding areas that organize such events as this…a few Danish and some mystery buns, accompanied by neatly aligned plates of butterballs – aligned as if laid out in the fashion of bowling pins – does not constitute a definition of “breakfast”. (I had to get the only grievance out of the way – again, SOP.)

Pete Hegseth and Company laid out the Ground Rules and the MO of assaulting The Hill and the plethora of foolish debutantes that occupy the Peoples’ Congress. As an Armed Service Member once wrote home – I AM THE DAMN WAR – so was our Battle Cry this day. This day was about us; us meaning all those still serving and those that have served.

The Mantra of the day and shall always be – LET US WIN!

The tide has turned and we are winning, that much is obvious…even to the foolish little debutantes on The Hill. Why else would “they” not see their constituents? We’ll get to that later.

I met many men on this day and spent quality time with several. We all began arriving on Monday the 7th and after experiencing the oddest mannerisms by the Hotel Staff assigning rooms – and airliners actually delivering baggage – we all migrated to various locales within the Hotel and began The Plotting and, invariably, there was the bar. Many Mission Statements come from such “maintenance meetings” – Vets For Freedom being one of them; ask Sen Lindsey Graham – and after watching the 4-Month Wonder Motor Pool Fraud Jonny Soltz and Chris Matthews of Spit Ball get a royal thrashing by Pete Hegseth, the Final Outcome of this Gathering was set in stone. Anything shy of total Victory is defeat.

The Morning Debrief was accomplished, apprehensions were set aside and many a man donned the Mission Face – as a Warrior only knows. We boarded the buses and headed to The Hill. As I sat in that cushy seat, I drifted back to days gone by of many insertions, less the cushy seat – will this be the one? – the one what? – will I be at my best? – my best what? – will I be able to perform as my country expects to and will my comrades accept my actions? – many a man talked amongst themselves as we made our way to Indian Country; that is what The Hill is, by the way.

We arrived at Union Station and egressed transportation, making our Way to Senate Park to take part in the Press Conference. It was cold and drizzly – again, SOP. Figures. The Press Corps was setting up their final machinations and had their plastic eco-harming bags protecting their cameras and we all wondered at what point they would vanish. It didn’t take long.

Pete Hegseth said a few things and introduced each Speaker in an order that someone developed and one by one, each added to the crescendos of nearly 500 OORAHs and HOOAHs…for 30 minutes…too much for pansy reporters because after the first few microseconds of Senator John McCain speaking, they, the Press Corps, vanished back into their spider holes. Amazing but, again, SOP.

Pete Hegseth
David Bellavia
Sen McCain
Sen Lieberman
Sen Graham
Sen Inhofe
Sen Bond
Rep Marshall
Rep Sam Johnson
Marcus Luttrell
Steve Russell

There were at least three others and one added that I know I have forgotten and I am sure someone will remind me. You can hear them all right here because we, A Newt One, New Media, broadcast to the world via internet the THE Real News of our time…PERIOD. Bar none.

The Arizona Vets For Freedom stood on the stage with their Senator and soon to be President Elect, John McCain. Get used to it. It is already a done deal. The Nation has yet won another hard-fought Victory on The Hill today. As the After Action Reports came streaming in, it was revealed that exactly 2.5 anti-Americanists stood in our way, only to be brushed aside as the slag which they are. I say 2.5 anti-Americanists for the following reasons: one was a bright blue-eyed and glossed over in the eyes lost soul wearing a sign for the pinkies and when looking into the eyes of this pathetic member of the universe, there was no one at home; another was a sad one on a mission to locate Admiral Fallon at Union Station because “they have him locked up at Guantanimo Bay”…why this one was looking for him at Union Station still has the Intel Guys wondering; the last .5 anti-Americanist is classified as “.5” because she just might not be one but the question asked “are you guys protesting?” was asked in a hopeful way…perhaps not.

During the testimonies of General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker, we watched as another anti-Americanist was hauled off and dealt with accordingly. I still feel – personally and not speaking for the other members of A Newt One – the Sergeant of Arms failed to rid the Senate of the remaining anti-Americanists, Hillary RODHAM Clinton and Barack HUSSEIN Obama. But, that is another and separate post soon forthcoming.

During the course of the day, I was privileged and honored to accompany, by invitation, LTC William Russell which is running against John “Jerk-Off” Murtha, 3 Haditha Marines, several other veterans and a veteran’s wife, to visit one John “Jack-Leg” Murtha. I have ZERO respect for this…….man…….for the lack of a better term, of the very much dishonorable Representative Murtha (D-PA). You all know the story and what has come of this self-induced for political gain quagmire wrought upon his nation by this dishonorable thug. Alas, I digress.

Rep Murtha not only would NOT see us or his constituents or his challenger but, he had his people – primarily Broom Hilda – lie to us several times as for the reasons to NOT see at least his constituents. Yet, his little tinker-toy Aides kept coming out of the closed door to see what was happeing and returning to the spider hole with the closed door. Also, while there, in front of us all, soon to be Representative Elect LTC William Russell – hopefully – issued a challenge for a debate in Pennsylvania to Rep Murtha. We shall see what comes of this. Murtha has no honor and is indeed a coward. He will NOT face the men he besmirched and we will NOT forget nor shall we allow him to sweep this shameful act under his Pork Spending blankets.

One other story of a cut and run type is Barack HUSSEIN Obama. “Someone” went to see him and Barack closed his door in this man’s face, as it were. No visits and the door clanged shut…literally. Shameful.

Towards the end of the day, Cyber Pastor and myself had lunch with LTC William Russell after his 60 second bit with Fox News and we were pleased that the encounter with “murtha” was publicized. I wish I lived in PA…well, not really but I sure would vote for LTC Russell if I did.

This observation was made by many but I heard it first from Cyber Pastor and it echoed on during the day…those that would not see “us” have lost and they cannot face the music. They know they were and are wrong still. We know that they were and are wrong still. And, they know that we know all about them and they cannot – will not – face “us”. They cannot admit to errors in judgment. They cannot escape their willful suspension of disbelief because they see their tenure in Congress ebbing and slipping into the Great Abyss of Obscurity.

Cyber Pastor and I had back to back BTR shows on Monday evening and among the guests were Uncle Jimbo of Blackfive…awesome show that. Tuesday morning, Robert hosted a show for the live broadcast of the Press Conference. Last night, Cyber Pastor had his show but I did not because BTR had yet another melt-down. Please stay tuned for more of this event coming in future posts. I will be traveling back to Dallas in the afternoon of the 9th, my 53rd birthday.

Until then, good night and God Bless.

And, what is the cost of Freedom, anyway? Catch the wave at Memeorandum

War News: Vets On The Hill 4/8/08 PART 1



Yesterday on 08 APR 08, a group of men and women – Patriots – both currently serving in the United States Armed Services and those of service past, gathered in a Ballroom at the Sheraton Hotel in Arlington, VA. The Gathering began – per orders – at 0500 hours and, all be known and told, Uncle Jimbo from Blackfive was there, having the evening before swore to be present and accounted for “later on that morning”.

The intensity of the concentration to the mission at hand was truly a marvel to behold. Mission parameters were established and anti-flanking controls were set into place. As only Warriors could possibly understand, sloganeering was bantered about and there was in evidence, inter-service rivalries – SOP. Yet, in the midst of it all, the camaraderie was exquisitely prevalent and Mission Jitters were dealt with accordingly. The apprehensions came and went as they always do with the Old Salts – The Leatherskinned – soothed the atmosphere of Giterdun.

This all took place within the first 30 minutes or so – coffee was to be had – then, the Speakers arrived and messed it all up – damn Officers. NOTE: to the folks in Arlington and the surrounding areas that organize such events as this…a few Danish and some mystery buns, accompanied by neatly aligned plates of butterballs – aligned as if laid out in the fashion of bowling pins – does not constitute a definition of “breakfast”. (I had to get the only grievance out of the way – again, SOP.)

Pete Hegseth and Company laid out the Ground Rules and the MO of assaulting The Hill and the plethora of foolish debutantes that occupy the Peoples’ Congress. As an Armed Service Member once wrote home – I AM THE DAMN WAR – so was our Battle Cry this day. This day was about us; us meaning all those still serving and those that have served.

The Mantra of the day and shall always be – LET US WIN!

The tide has turned and we are winning, that much is obvious…even to the foolish little debutantes on The Hill. Why else would “they” not see their constituents? We’ll get to that later.

I met many men on this day and spent quality time with several. We all began arriving on Monday the 7th and after experiencing the oddest mannerisms by the Hotel Staff assigning rooms – and airliners actually delivering baggage – we all migrated to various locales within the Hotel and began The Plotting and, invariably, there was the bar. Many Mission Statements come from such “maintenance meetings” – Vets For Freedom being one of them; ask Sen Lindsey Graham – and after watching the 4-Month Wonder Motor Pool Fraud Jonny Soltz and Chris Matthews of Spit Ball get a royal thrashing by Pete Hegseth, the Final Outcome of this Gathering was set in stone. Anything shy of total Victory is defeat.

The Morning Debrief was accomplished, apprehensions were set aside and many a man donned the Mission Face – as a Warrior only knows. We boarded the buses and headed to The Hill. As I sat in that cushy seat, I drifted back to days gone by of many insertions, less the cushy seat – will this be the one? – the one what? – will I be at my best? – my best what? – will I be able to perform as my country expects to and will my comrades accept my actions? – many a man talked amongst themselves as we made our way to Indian Country; that is what The Hill is, by the way.

We arrived at Union Station and egressed transportation, making our Way to Senate Park to take part in the Press Conference. It was cold and drizzly – again, SOP. Figures. The Press Corps was setting up their final machinations and had their plastic eco-harming bags protecting their cameras and we all wondered at what point they would vanish. It didn’t take long.

Pete Hegseth said a few things and introduced each Speaker in an order that someone developed and one by one, each added to the crescendos of nearly 500 OORAHs and HOOAHs…for 30 minutes…too much for pansy reporters because after the first few microseconds of Senator John McCain speaking, they, the Press Corps, vanished back into their spider holes. Amazing but, again, SOP.

Pete Hegseth
David Bellavia
Sen McCain
Sen Lieberman
Sen Graham
Sen Inhofe
Sen Bond
Rep Marshall
Rep Sam Johnson
Marcus Luttrell
Steve Russell

There were at least three others and one added that I know I have forgotten and I am sure someone will remind me. You can hear them all right here because we, A Newt One, New Media, broadcast to the world via internet the THE Real News of our time…PERIOD. Bar none.

The Arizona Vets For Freedom stood on the stage with their Senator and soon to be President Elect, John McCain. Get used to it. It is already a done deal. The Nation has yet won another hard-fought Victory on The Hill today. As the After Action Reports came streaming in, it was revealed that exactly 2.5 anti-Americanists stood in our way, only to be brushed aside as the slag which they are. I say 2.5 anti-Americanists for the following reasons: one was a bright blue-eyed and glossed over in the eyes lost soul wearing a sign for the pinkies and when looking into the eyes of this pathetic member of the universe, there was no one at home; another was a sad one on a mission to locate Admiral Fallon at Union Station because “they have him locked up at Guantanimo Bay”…why this one was looking for him at Union Station still has the Intel Guys wondering; the last .5 anti-Americanist is classified as “.5” because she just might not be one but the question asked “are you guys protesting?” was asked in a hopeful way…perhaps not.

During the testimonies of General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker, we watched as another anti-Americanist was hauled off and dealt with accordingly. I still feel – personally and not speaking for the other members of A Newt One – the Sergeant of Arms failed to rid the Senate of the remaining anti-Americanists, Hillary RODHAM Clinton and Barack HUSSEIN Obama. But, that is another and separate post soon forthcoming.

During the course of the day, I was privileged and honored to accompany, by invitation, LTC William Russell which is running against John “Jerk-Off” Murtha, 3 Haditha Marines, several other veterans and a veteran’s wife, to visit one John “Jack-Leg” Murtha. I have ZERO respect for this…….man…….for the lack of a better term, of the very much dishonorable Representative Murtha (D-PA). You all know the story and what has come of this self-induced for political gain quagmire wrought upon his nation by this dishonorable thug. Alas, I digress.

Rep Murtha not only would NOT see us or his constituents or his challenger but, he had his people – primarily Broom Hilda – lie to us several times as for the reasons to NOT see at least his constituents. Yet, his little tinker-toy Aides kept coming out of the closed door to see what was happeing and returning to the spider hole with the closed door. Also, while there, in front of us all, soon to be Representative Elect LTC William Russell – hopefully – issued a challenge for a debate in Pennsylvania to Rep Murtha. We shall see what comes of this. Murtha has no honor and is indeed a coward. He will NOT face the men he besmirched and we will NOT forget nor shall we allow him to sweep this shameful act under his Pork Spending blankets.

One other story of a cut and run type is Barack HUSSEIN Obama. “Someone” went to see him and Barack closed his door in this man’s face, as it were. No visits and the door clanged shut…literally. Shameful.

Towards the end of the day, Cyber Pastor and myself had lunch with LTC William Russell after his 60 second bit with Fox News and we were pleased that the encounter with “murtha” was publicized. I wish I lived in PA…well, not really but I sure would vote for LTC Russell if I did.

This observation was made by many but I heard it first from Cyber Pastor and it echoed on during the day…those that would not see “us” have lost and they cannot face the music. They know they were and are wrong still. We know that they were and are wrong still. And, they know that we know all about them and they cannot – will not – face “us”. They cannot admit to errors in judgment. They cannot escape their willful suspension of disbelief because they see their tenure in Congress ebbing and slipping into the Great Abyss of Obscurity.

Cyber Pastor and I had back to back BTR shows on Monday evening and among the guests were Uncle Jimbo of Blackfive…awesome show that. Tuesday morning, Robert hosted a show for the live broadcast of the Press Conference. Last night, Cyber Pastor had his show but I did not because BTR had yet another melt-down. Please stay tuned for more of this event coming in future posts. I will be traveling back to Dallas in the afternoon of the 9th, my 53rd birthday.

Until then, good night and God Bless.

And, what is the cost of Freedom, anyway? Catch the wave at Memeorandum

Paul Abrams Is A Class Act Moron


Not only is Paulie a moron, he is a disingenuous bloviating fool.

In his ill-conceived and retarded rhetoric posted at the Leftinistra hang-out called the Huff and Puff, his grip on reality is not only questionable, it is out-right lost in space. This clown and other doltish cads that subscribe to the same lame train of feigned intelligence, have no clue what this war against terror is all about…not a damn clue.

To George W Bush, the loss of nearly 4000 lives, 30,000 wounded and $500B on the Iraq War is “worth it”. But, there is no evidence his family, Republican members of Congress or any member of his Administration agrees—unless, of course, they mean it is “worth it” for others to be doing the fighting, the dying, and the multiple tours-of-duty. […]

So, let’s get this straight…had the above alluded to went to war, all would be OK. Right? Wrong. It doesn’t matter to these retarded left-wing sycophants of the One World Socialist Soros. No matter what happens or what doesn’t happen, nothing satisfies these chronic malcontents and selfish whiners of the hate-filled socialists in this country.

This dumbass has no idea that the vast majority – the frauds of Winter Soldier II not withstanding – volunteered in a time of war to fight the enemy over there so Paul Abrams and his whining dweebs can stab them in the back at every turn. Simply pathetic.

[…] Pat Tillman left his lucrative and high-profile career in the NFL to volunteer for Afghanistan. Yet, not a single Republican member of Congress of military age has thought the Iraq war “worth it” enough to resign and volunteer for his country. Adam Putnam (R-FLA), for example, votes to send his generation to war, but will not volunteer himself. […]

So, I suppose that Paulie Baby is under the delusion that in order to think the war is worth it, one has to serve. Such an idiot. Does he not think things through before he makes such a raging ass of himself? Hey, Paulie? We all have a job to do in this war because it is America’s war, you blithering fool.

[…] Many members of the Bush Administration are under 40. None have volunteered. […]

Idiot. How many have ALREADY served you silly boy? While we are at it, how many Democrats that bought off on the war that haven’t “signed up for duty”? Idiot. Do the Democrats get a free pass for whatever test you have initiated? Idiot.

[…] Neither of the Bush daughters, nor Jenna’s fiance, nor military age Bush nephews or nieces appear to think the war is “worth it” enough to volunteer. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has two military-age sons. Neither has volunteered despite their dad’s sending troops on second and third and fourth extended tours-of-duty. Does Secretary Gates think it is “worth it”? His sons apparently do not. […]

BDS personified. What a childish and immature dweeb this Paulie is. Most are called to service and they answer the call – something this Paultard will never understand.

[…] Everyone knows the Iraq War would never have been launched if the military age Republican members of Congress would have been expected to resign and volunteer, or that members of their families and the Bush family would have been expected to go. Both of Lyndon Johnson’s sons-in-law volunteered for Vietnam. […]

More ignorance from a leftist hack and complete blithering idiot. Substantiation for this “charge”? Idiot.

[…] To all Americans arguing about the cherry-picked intelligence or lies used to get us into this war, you should stop your bickering. Bush would have invaded anyhow. Even without WMD, even without the link to al-Qaeda, he would have invaded. How do we know? He keeps telling us. Knowing what he knows now, he would have done the same (and would he lie?). […]

Perhaps, Paulie, you should check your facts before you sound so incredibly retarded. I know it will hurt, Paulie, but, do try to keep up. Oh. Wait. Substantiation for the above? We’ll wait.

Well, that is enough of that retard’s verbiage. Perhaps this blithering dunce should find out how many members of Congress ARE serving and to what degree, both R and D. I know the answer and it wasn’t hard to find out a while back, either. I also know which sons and or daughters of Congress Critters are also serving.

Paulie? You are a foolish leftist hack.

Paul Abrams Is A Class Act Moron


Not only is Paulie a moron, he is a disingenuous bloviating fool.

In his ill-conceived and retarded rhetoric posted at the Leftinistra hang-out called the Huff and Puff, his grip on reality is not only questionable, it is out-right lost in space. This clown and other doltish cads that subscribe to the same lame train of feigned intelligence, have no clue what this war against terror is all about…not a damn clue.

To George W Bush, the loss of nearly 4000 lives, 30,000 wounded and $500B on the Iraq War is “worth it”. But, there is no evidence his family, Republican members of Congress or any member of his Administration agrees—unless, of course, they mean it is “worth it” for others to be doing the fighting, the dying, and the multiple tours-of-duty. […]

So, let’s get this straight…had the above alluded to went to war, all would be OK. Right? Wrong. It doesn’t matter to these retarded left-wing sycophants of the One World Socialist Soros. No matter what happens or what doesn’t happen, nothing satisfies these chronic malcontents and selfish whiners of the hate-filled socialists in this country.

This dumbass has no idea that the vast majority – the frauds of Winter Soldier II not withstanding – volunteered in a time of war to fight the enemy over there so Paul Abrams and his whining dweebs can stab them in the back at every turn. Simply pathetic.

[…] Pat Tillman left his lucrative and high-profile career in the NFL to volunteer for Afghanistan. Yet, not a single Republican member of Congress of military age has thought the Iraq war “worth it” enough to resign and volunteer for his country. Adam Putnam (R-FLA), for example, votes to send his generation to war, but will not volunteer himself. […]

So, I suppose that Paulie Baby is under the delusion that in order to think the war is worth it, one has to serve. Such an idiot. Does he not think things through before he makes such a raging ass of himself? Hey, Paulie? We all have a job to do in this war because it is America’s war, you blithering fool.

[…] Many members of the Bush Administration are under 40. None have volunteered. […]

Idiot. How many have ALREADY served you silly boy? While we are at it, how many Democrats that bought off on the war that haven’t “signed up for duty”? Idiot. Do the Democrats get a free pass for whatever test you have initiated? Idiot.

[…] Neither of the Bush daughters, nor Jenna’s fiance, nor military age Bush nephews or nieces appear to think the war is “worth it” enough to volunteer. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has two military-age sons. Neither has volunteered despite their dad’s sending troops on second and third and fourth extended tours-of-duty. Does Secretary Gates think it is “worth it”? His sons apparently do not. […]

BDS personified. What a childish and immature dweeb this Paulie is. Most are called to service and they answer the call – something this Paultard will never understand.

[…] Everyone knows the Iraq War would never have been launched if the military age Republican members of Congress would have been expected to resign and volunteer, or that members of their families and the Bush family would have been expected to go. Both of Lyndon Johnson’s sons-in-law volunteered for Vietnam. […]

More ignorance from a leftist hack and complete blithering idiot. Substantiation for this “charge”? Idiot.

[…] To all Americans arguing about the cherry-picked intelligence or lies used to get us into this war, you should stop your bickering. Bush would have invaded anyhow. Even without WMD, even without the link to al-Qaeda, he would have invaded. How do we know? He keeps telling us. Knowing what he knows now, he would have done the same (and would he lie?). […]

Perhaps, Paulie, you should check your facts before you sound so incredibly retarded. I know it will hurt, Paulie, but, do try to keep up. Oh. Wait. Substantiation for the above? We’ll wait.

Well, that is enough of that retard’s verbiage. Perhaps this blithering dunce should find out how many members of Congress ARE serving and to what degree, both R and D. I know the answer and it wasn’t hard to find out a while back, either. I also know which sons and or daughters of Congress Critters are also serving.

Paulie? You are a foolish leftist hack.

BREAKING: Another Recruiting Station Vandalized


Fox News is reporting that a recruiting station in Wisconsin has been vandalized. Add this one to the list, Michelle!

Vandals scrawled an anti-war message on a Milwaukee Army Recruiting Station Wednesday, the day marking five years since the Iraq war began, WTMJ radio reported.

All the windows of the station were busted out, and graffiti that read “War is Offensive” was scrawled on the side of the building. A witness told WTMJ that he saw anti-war slogans written on the windows before they were broken.

The recruiting station is no stranger to such vandalism. Exactly one year ago, police arrested 21 people who reportedly attacked the facility with smoke bombs while throwing paint, WTMJ reported.

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