Well, edwards Got His Anti-War Protest

I’m cross posting this from Right In a Left World. This is absolutely obscene and edwards’ anti-war crap is directly responsible. I know how disgusted our troops are, defending these criminals’ right to free speech while the criminals desecrate the memories of those that have gone before to insure our freedom.

Dammit people, get off your asses and start demanding some punishment for these animals! Quit sitting around in your complacent, apathetic lives and do something! And if you don’t, don’t be surprised when YOU’RE next and YOUR freedoms are taken away to satisfy these assholes in the name of free speech!


Monday, May 28, 2007

wards’s Memorial Day Protests

As posted before, the “Breck Girl,” Democrat former Senator and presidential hopeful, John Edwards, called on supporters to Support The Troops, End The War by displaying anti-war material at Memorial Day events today, on Memorial Day!

Several people, from both the right and left political spectrum condemned this call as a bad idea, knowing full well that, as often happens things go too far.

As expected, that is what happened this morning in Orcas Island, Washington, the second-largest member of the San Juan archipelago, a string of islands located at the northwest tip of the state. Best known for kayaking opportunities and whale watching, the string of Islands of less that 10,000 population is ordinarily a sleepy quiet community.

That wasn’t to be this morning when vandals not only took American Flags off of the graves of Veterans and burned them, but replaced them with hand drawn Swastikas both on Sunday and again on Monday, Memorial Day!

Oakdale Minnesota saw this also happen this morning when a woman there woke up to find one of her Flags in a pile of ashes on her lawn. She says she feels threatened and intimidated by this violation of her homeowner rights and freedom of expression.

I know the leftinistra will say there is no proof of this being Edwards Supporters and so far, that is true. Police are lifting fingerprints and seeking the vile scum that perpetrated this hate crime. But don’t forget, it was Edwards who put out the call highjacking Memorial Day.

I’m sure Edwards will issue the obligatory condemnation, no matter how hollow, that he doesn’t support these acts, but Edwards did ask people to make their statements known today and to send him photos to display of their acts.

Now, I wonder if Edwards will display the fruits of his call for protest photos that he asked to be sent to him?

An Angry Lew

Well, edwards Got His Anti-War Protest

I’m cross posting this from Right In a Left World. This is absolutely obscene and edwards’ anti-war crap is directly responsible. I know how disgusted our troops are, defending these criminals’ right to free speech while the criminals desecrate the memories of those that have gone before to insure our freedom.

Dammit people, get off your asses and start demanding some punishment for these animals! Quit sitting around in your complacent, apathetic lives and do something! And if you don’t, don’t be surprised when YOU’RE next and YOUR freedoms are taken away to satisfy these assholes in the name of free speech!


Monday, May 28, 2007

wards’s Memorial Day Protests

As posted before, the “Breck Girl,” Democrat former Senator and presidential hopeful, John Edwards, called on supporters to Support The Troops, End The War by displaying anti-war material at Memorial Day events today, on Memorial Day!

Several people, from both the right and left political spectrum condemned this call as a bad idea, knowing full well that, as often happens things go too far.

As expected, that is what happened this morning in Orcas Island, Washington, the second-largest member of the San Juan archipelago, a string of islands located at the northwest tip of the state. Best known for kayaking opportunities and whale watching, the string of Islands of less that 10,000 population is ordinarily a sleepy quiet community.

That wasn’t to be this morning when vandals not only took American Flags off of the graves of Veterans and burned them, but replaced them with hand drawn Swastikas both on Sunday and again on Monday, Memorial Day!

Oakdale Minnesota saw this also happen this morning when a woman there woke up to find one of her Flags in a pile of ashes on her lawn. She says she feels threatened and intimidated by this violation of her homeowner rights and freedom of expression.

I know the leftinistra will say there is no proof of this being Edwards Supporters and so far, that is true. Police are lifting fingerprints and seeking the vile scum that perpetrated this hate crime. But don’t forget, it was Edwards who put out the call highjacking Memorial Day.

I’m sure Edwards will issue the obligatory condemnation, no matter how hollow, that he doesn’t support these acts, but Edwards did ask people to make their statements known today and to send him photos to display of their acts.

Now, I wonder if Edwards will display the fruits of his call for protest photos that he asked to be sent to him?

An Angry Lew