Drink, Steal, Swear and Lie (NOT What You Think!)

From the title of this post, you would think I was describing politics in America today–Drink (kennedy), Steal (murtha and jefferson), Swear (mccain) and Lie (Pick one–start with the 2008 democratic presidential hopefuls).

But, then you see the picture and wonder, ok what is Miss Beth up to NOW?

Simple–a very poignant email I got this week. Here it is:


I met this guy while I was in Albuquerque and he has a motto he lives by everyday. He said listen carefully and live by these 4 rules:

Drink, Steal, Swear and Lie.

I was shaking my head ‘no’, but he then told me to listen while he explained his four rules. So here they are:

1. Drink from the “everlasting cup” every day.

2. Steal a moment to help someone who is in worse shape than you are.

3. Swear that you will be a better person today than yesterday.

4. And last, but not least, when you lie down at night thank God you live in America and have freedom.

Something to ponder–and very easy to live by.

Drink, Steal, Swear and Lie (NOT What You Think!)

From the title of this post, you would think I was describing politics in America today–Drink (kennedy), Steal (murtha and jefferson), Swear (mccain) and Lie (Pick one–start with the 2008 democratic presidential hopefuls).

But, then you see the picture and wonder, ok what is Miss Beth up to NOW?

Simple–a very poignant email I got this week. Here it is:


I met this guy while I was in Albuquerque and he has a motto he lives by everyday. He said listen carefully and live by these 4 rules:

Drink, Steal, Swear and Lie.

I was shaking my head ‘no’, but he then told me to listen while he explained his four rules. So here they are:

1. Drink from the “everlasting cup” every day.

2. Steal a moment to help someone who is in worse shape than you are.

3. Swear that you will be a better person today than yesterday.

4. And last, but not least, when you lie down at night thank God you live in America and have freedom.

Something to ponder–and very easy to live by.