Obamination: Treachery In Cairo #9

REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT ON A NEW BEGINNING Cairo University Cairo, Egypt. [Block quote format, Ariel font, emphasis added.]
Refutation by a disgusted citizen interspersed in Times New Roman.

For decades then, there has been a stalemate: two peoples with legitimate aspirations, each with a painful history that makes compromise elusive. It’s easy to point fingers — for Palestinians to point to the displacement brought about by Israel’s founding, and for Israelis to point to the constant hostility and attacks throughout its history from within its borders as well as beyond. But if we see this conflict only from one side or the other, then we will be blind to the truth: The only resolution is for the aspirations of both sides to be met through two states, where Israelis and Palestinians each live in peace and security. (Applause.)

two peoples with legitimate aspirations

No, only one people with legitimate aspirations, and a group of Arab squatters who seek to kill and supplant the legitimate owners of the holy land.

painful history

Everything the Falestinians bitterly bitch about is a consequence of their attempted genocide and policide against Israel.

only resolution

Any “solution” that leaves live Muslims within rocket range of Israel is part of the problem, not part of the solution.

two states

Israel & Jordan. But Jordan is full of Muslims. No solution! Anything that leaves live Muslims within rocket range of Israel is part of the problem, not part of the solution!

peace and security

While there are live Muslims on this earth, Israel will never have peace or security!

That is in Israel’s interest, Palestine’s interest, America’s interest, and the world’s interest. And that is why I intend to personally pursue this outcome with all the patience and dedication that the task requires. (Applause.) The obligations — the obligations that the parties have agreed to under the road map are clear. For peace to come, it is time for them — and all of us — to live up to our responsibilities.


Which of their Oslo Accord obligations did the Falestinians carry out? Which of their Wye River obligations did they carry out? Which of their road map obligations did they carry out?

Palestinians must abandon violence. Resistance through violence and killing is wrong and it does not succeed. For centuries, black people in America suffered the lash of the whip as slaves and the humiliation of segregation. But it was not violence that won full and equal rights. It was a peaceful and determined insistence upon the ideals at the center of America’s founding. This same story can be told by people from South Africa to South Asia; from Eastern Europe to Indonesia. It’s a story with a simple truth: that violence is a dead end. It is a sign neither of courage nor power to shoot rockets at sleeping children, or to blow up old women on a bus. That’s not how moral authority is claimed; that’s how it is surrendered.

abandon violence

That is tantamount to abandoning Islam. Allah will curse them for abandoning Jihad. Jihad is their only guarantee of avoiding condemnation to Hellfire. While they are Muslims, they will be violent.


That is another classic shibboleth. Falestinians are the aggressors, not the defenders. They are engaged in genocide, not resistance. Falestinians are not analogous to slaves in America. Those slaves were enslaved and sold by Muslims! They were victims, not aggressors.

moral authority

Since when do the means justify the ends? Islam seeks total world domination; to kill you, rape your widow, take your property and sell your orphans into slavery. What difference does it make how they accomplish their objective? Ballot or bullet, sword or demographics, the end is still unacceptable.

Now is the time for Palestinians to focus on what they can build. The Palestinian Authority must develop its capacity to govern, with institutions that serve the needs of its people. Hamas does have support among some Palestinians, but they also have to recognize they have responsibilities. To play a role in fulfilling Palestinian aspirations, to unify the Palestinian people, Hamas must put an end to violence, recognize past agreements, recognize Israel’s right to exist.


Hamas is violent because it is Islam. Islam and Hamas are one and the same. Read their charter; read the Qur’an.

recognize Israel’s right to exist

How stupid & dishonest can a Harvard Lawyer be? The objective is genocide and policide. The last Jew must be hunted down and killed. Israel is proof that Allah is an impotent idol. That blasphemy is intolerable to Muslims. Muslims are commanded to make war on Jews. They can’t quit, that would condemn them to Hell.

At the same time, Israelis must acknowledge that just as Israel’s right to exist cannot be denied, neither can Palestine’s. The United States does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements. (Applause.) This construction violates previous agreements and undermines efforts to achieve peace. It is time for these settlements to stop. (Applause.)

Fallestine’s right to exist

Palestine is another name for Israel. Israel has a right to exist; Fallestine does not. Falestinians are undifferentiated Arabs, with their own nations and homelands far from Israel. Let them go home and stay home. Israel is not their home. They were squatting on Israel’s territory when they launched a genocidal war against Israel.

And Israel must also live up to its obligation to ensure that Palestinians can live and work and develop their society. Just as it devastates Palestinian families, the continuing humanitarian crisis in Gaza does not serve Israel’s security; neither does the continuing lack of opportunity in the West Bank. Progress in the daily lives of the Palestinian people must be a critical part of a road to peace, and Israel must take concrete steps to enable such progress.


Israel made progress because she engaged in productive pursuits. Falestians make no progress because they invested in genocide and corruption. Israel has no responsibility to Falestinians! All they owe their enemies is a proper burial.

Has Iran Gone Nuclear?

Cross posted from Monkey in the Middle

Reports coming out from the Middle East suggest that last weekends 5.0 earthquake in Southern Iran was in reality a nuclear weapons test. If these reports are true, then the worst fears of the West and Israel have come to reality. Could a major attack on Israel or a Western city be only weeks away?

(IsraelNN.com) A weekend 5.0 Richter earthquake in Iran was actually a nuclear bomb test, says an Iranian nuclear scientist claiming to be working on the project.

The report is an Israel Insider exclusive.

This past Saturday night, southern Iran experienced what was reported as a significant earthquake – a seismic event measuring 5.0 on the Richter scale. Its epicenter was just north of the strategic Straits of Hormuz, which separates Iran from Abu Dhabi and Oman and which is the gateway to the Persian Gulf.

The report quotes an Iranian nuclear scientist who claims to be working in uranium enrichment for the project, and who said that the “quake” was acutally an undergound nuclear bomb test.

Israel Insider adds that the test/quake was actually the second in a series. Nine days ago, a 4.8 Richter scale event occurred, with its epicenter only five kilometers away from the weekend tremor.

The Israel Insider source reports that two nuclear rockets are currently ready – and are intended for use against Israel in the coming months.

If the report is correct, it would belie previous speculation that Iran would not begin nuclear testing until it had more nuclear-bomb production capability.

The geographical location of the test has several advantages. It is exposed to significant seismic activity, which could serve to mask nuclear tests; it is believed to be close to Iran’s nuclear development facility; delivery and transport of material and personnel can be effected easily through the Hormuz Strait; and Iranian enemies would hesitate to bomb the area because that would threaten the flow of a substantial percentage of the world’s oil.

Reuters reports Thursday morning that Iran has begun building a line of naval bases along its southern coast and up to the Straits of Hormuz.

Full Story

If true, this will have changed the whole dynamic of the region. Iran could dictate to the Persian Gulf nations their terms of surrender to them.

An attack by Iran of a nuclear nature on any nation will bring upon disaster not only for that nation, but for Iran. It would mean a like attack in response. Millions would die.