BREAKING: Another Recruiting Station Vandalized


Fox News is reporting that a recruiting station in Wisconsin has been vandalized. Add this one to the list, Michelle!

Vandals scrawled an anti-war message on a Milwaukee Army Recruiting Station Wednesday, the day marking five years since the Iraq war began, WTMJ radio reported.

All the windows of the station were busted out, and graffiti that read “War is Offensive” was scrawled on the side of the building. A witness told WTMJ that he saw anti-war slogans written on the windows before they were broken.

The recruiting station is no stranger to such vandalism. Exactly one year ago, police arrested 21 people who reportedly attacked the facility with smoke bombs while throwing paint, WTMJ reported.

More here

Dissecting An Editorial Moonbat


The Dallas Morning News has been rampantly infected with idiots. This entire editorial piece is going to be shred beyond recognition here…this idiot needs to move to Austin where its fellow moonbats would welcome it with open cisterns of lunacy…

Editorial: Iraq’s ongoing shock and awe/Iraqis’ lives still dictated by fear, violence

12:00 AM CDT on Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Ever since the bombs started falling five years ago today, the Iraq war has been the focus of worldwide controversy. Nevertheless, it was hard to deny the sense of promise at the war’s outset, when it appeared that Iraqis would finally be free of a ruthless dictatorship. […]

Dear dingo…nice try at the spin ordeal but see if Billy Clinton can get you some of those used cigars from what’s-her-face…

Hard to deny? What was so hard about it? Ruthless dictatorship? Was that The Reason for the war? Sometimes I have to be very concerned about some of my fellow Texicans.

[…] That sense of promise quickly got buried under a mountain of flubs and missteps: the unobstructed looting, the Iraqi army’s dissolution, “Mission Accomplished,” our slow response to the insurgency, Abu Ghraib, de-Baathification. Subsequent investigations, including one from the Pentagon last week, debunked all notions about weapons of mass destruction and a link between al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein’s regime. […]


Mountain of flubs and missteps? Be specific you asswipe! Were there mistakes? Yes there were. And those mistakes were made by whom? I know the answers you idiot so please be specific. That way, your stupidity won’t be so obvious. The poor thing mentions 6 items and that somehow equates to “mountains” of errors. Damn libtard.

And I just LOVE how the media takes that Pentagon report and cherry picks data from it. Maybe this turkey should like ACTUALLY read the damn report? Is that too much to ask of these politically agenda driven libtard dweebs? Better yet, perhaps Ray Robison’s book Both In One Trench would suffice? Ray was on the ISG team and was also translating documents and such. I have read both…the book by Ray, three times and this Pentagon report twice…

This report is a redacted version of the original Iraqi Perspectives Report-Saddam and
Terrorism: Emerging Insights from Captured Iraqi Documents, Volume 1, dated January
This report is a redacted version of the original Iraqi Perspectives Report-Saddam and Terrorism: Emerging Insights from Captured Iraqi Documents, Volume 1, dated January 2007.

This redacted version was prepared by the original authors following a classification review by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) pursuant to a request by the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy.

All redactions from the original are in accordance with the 15 September 2007 DIA Memorandum, Subject: Classification Review of Iraqi Perspectives Project (IPP) Report Saddam and Terrorism. As stated in said memorandum, the DIA “made every effort to balance national security concerns, requirements of law, and the needs of an informed democracy and focused the redactions to the necessary minimum.” Moreover, all redactions have been made pursuant to Executive Orders 12958 (as amended) and 12333, and US Code provisions 5 USC 552, 5 USC 552a, and 10 USC 424.

And, the “Mission Accomplished” thing? The all so obvious ignorance of this particular editorial rapist of verbiage is nearly too much to stomach. Perhaps the poor slog should spend some more time amongst some Navy types to see what the term “Mission Accomplished” means for deployed vessels. Damn libtards.

[…] But we gain nothing by rehashing yesterday’s problems. The facts on the ground today are what matter, and those facts comprise a muddled picture suggesting neither victory nor defeat. Iraqis are rid of one dictator, but their daily lives still are dictated by fear of terrorist bombings, kidnappings, sectarian violence, joblessness and uncertainty. […]

If we gain nothing by rehashing yesterday’s problems, then why bring them up in the first place…hm? A muddled picture of what? Neither victory or defeat? Like a stalemate? This goon is a pathetically enabled emotional twit. I bet it drives a “green car” or rides a bike to work.

It never ceases to amaze me that these types never take into consideration that the reason(s) this war has taken so long is due directly to the political aspirations of the ones that bought off on this war from the beginning and then changed their minds when election season came around. I wonder how many women and men in uniform they got killed, wounded or maimed. I wonder how many Iraqi men, women and children that they had a direct cause of their death. I wonder what they say to the demons when they come calling at night. I wonder how many died when they lied.

The war has been prolonged by American politicians sticking their noses into areas in which they have no business being. The successes have come because General Petraeus released the ROE and that is the bottom line. The Commanders before General Petraeus were Clinton Era Throwbacks, plain and simple. As proof of that, how many went to the Leftinistra when they were released from duty? I know the answer…do you?

[…] Just Monday, a report by the International Committee of the Red Cross warned that Iraq faces a humanitarian crisis, with millions lacking adequate clean water, sanitation and health care. “Five years after the outbreak of the war in Iraq, the humanitarian situation in most of the country remains among the most critical in the world,” the 15-page report says. […]

An emotional dufus rambles. Hello? There is a war on and your kind only prolong it. The Red Cross? Please. We all know who ands what runs that group, don’t we? Wow! 15 pages of crap!

[…] It’s hard to argue that the lives of Iraqis are better. […]

Not if you are an Iraqi that used to live in fear of the rape rooms, the prisons of no return and the infamous shredders. Damn libtard moron.

[…] While the U.S. troop surge has brought levels of violence and casualties down, life in Baghdad and other major cities is fraught with danger. Iraq remains among the most violent countries in the world, as underscored by the explosions that punctuated a Monday visit by Vice President Dick Cheney. […]

Yes. There is a war on. Now, STFU and STFD. Thank you.

[…] Millions of Iraqis have been displaced by the war. A massive population migration has split the country along sectarian lines. Families who fled may never be able to return to their homes. […]

And the point is what, exactly? Have the homes they can never return to gone? The country has ALWAYS been split among sectarian lines! Where has this idiot been hiding?

[…] So how do we assess the war’s progress after five years? In Iraq on Monday, Mr. Cheney termed it “a difficult, challenging but nonetheless successful endeavor” and “well worth the effort.”

Others, such as Michael O’Hanlon of the Brookings Institution, have devised lists of benchmarks by which to objectively judge progress. Mr. O’Hanlon’s list indicates we’ve advanced in only five of 11 key areas. On the benchmark list devised by the Iraqi government and endorsed by the White House last year, only three out of 18 goals have been met. […]

Oh good grief. Again with the politically driven bench mark crap again. Good Lord! Get over yourself little one. The Iraqi government has made advances LEAP YEARS ahead when compared to the self-vaunted American government over the last few years. Idiot. How many of our own CONgress Critters have been threatened with death via kidnappings, assassinations, car-bombs and other means of death and destruction? And yet, the Iraqi government recently passed SEVERAL of the much adored “bench marks”? Moron libtards. I swear!

[…] Transparency International rates Iraq the third-most corrupt country on the planet. As security improves, thousands of displaced Iraqis will try to return home, only to find that they will have no place to live and no jobs because a third of Iraqis are unemployed. Even though oil production is slightly up from 2004 levels, households still are receiving only 64 percent of the energy they need. […]

Yes. There is a war going on and at the moment, that 64% is well over TWICE what it was BEFORE the war. Please enter ALL the facts you libtard asswipe. Thank you.

[…] Mr. Cheney has made wrong calls before on Iraq, and while we acknowledge progress on several fronts, it would be deceptive to label this war “successful.” […]

Another vague comment made by an uneducated parrot of stupidity. Name one instance, please…dumbass libtard.

[…] We’re glad Saddam Hussein and his murderous regime are gone. But the international trust and cooperation that the White House squandered to accomplish that goal will take years to rebuild. […]

Just what in the hell are you yammering about? The international trust? The international what? Who gives a rat’s ass about the international anything? Our country was attacked by terrorists and those nations that harbored terrorists. International trust my ass. Which international countries “fought us” and which ones of those that “fought us” were disclosed as being involved with Oil For Food? Talk about that one for a while you stupid leftwing idiot.

[…] Five years on, regrettably, we have our shock and awe. Shock that the Iraq invasion fell so woefully short of improving Iraqis’ lives. Awe in the failure of the Bush administration to address mistakes sooner.


Let me see if I have this correct. The editorial says in the second paragraph, “But we gain nothing by rehashing yesterday’s problems.”, so we suffer through a zillion wasted words gushing from an idiot that does nothing but rehash “yesterday’s problems”. The whole article is nothing but moonbat rhetoric. I hope the pathetic cretin gets this shredding piece.

Dissecting An Editorial Moonbat


The Dallas Morning News has been rampantly infected with idiots. This entire editorial piece is going to be shred beyond recognition here…this idiot needs to move to Austin where its fellow moonbats would welcome it with open cisterns of lunacy…

Editorial: Iraq’s ongoing shock and awe/Iraqis’ lives still dictated by fear, violence

12:00 AM CDT on Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Ever since the bombs started falling five years ago today, the Iraq war has been the focus of worldwide controversy. Nevertheless, it was hard to deny the sense of promise at the war’s outset, when it appeared that Iraqis would finally be free of a ruthless dictatorship. […]

Dear dingo…nice try at the spin ordeal but see if Billy Clinton can get you some of those used cigars from what’s-her-face…

Hard to deny? What was so hard about it? Ruthless dictatorship? Was that The Reason for the war? Sometimes I have to be very concerned about some of my fellow Texicans.

[…] That sense of promise quickly got buried under a mountain of flubs and missteps: the unobstructed looting, the Iraqi army’s dissolution, “Mission Accomplished,” our slow response to the insurgency, Abu Ghraib, de-Baathification. Subsequent investigations, including one from the Pentagon last week, debunked all notions about weapons of mass destruction and a link between al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein’s regime. […]


Mountain of flubs and missteps? Be specific you asswipe! Were there mistakes? Yes there were. And those mistakes were made by whom? I know the answers you idiot so please be specific. That way, your stupidity won’t be so obvious. The poor thing mentions 6 items and that somehow equates to “mountains” of errors. Damn libtard.

And I just LOVE how the media takes that Pentagon report and cherry picks data from it. Maybe this turkey should like ACTUALLY read the damn report? Is that too much to ask of these politically agenda driven libtard dweebs? Better yet, perhaps Ray Robison’s book Both In One Trench would suffice? Ray was on the ISG team and was also translating documents and such. I have read both…the book by Ray, three times and this Pentagon report twice…

This report is a redacted version of the original Iraqi Perspectives Report-Saddam and
Terrorism: Emerging Insights from Captured Iraqi Documents, Volume 1, dated January
This report is a redacted version of the original Iraqi Perspectives Report-Saddam and Terrorism: Emerging Insights from Captured Iraqi Documents, Volume 1, dated January 2007.

This redacted version was prepared by the original authors following a classification review by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) pursuant to a request by the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy.

All redactions from the original are in accordance with the 15 September 2007 DIA Memorandum, Subject: Classification Review of Iraqi Perspectives Project (IPP) Report Saddam and Terrorism. As stated in said memorandum, the DIA “made every effort to balance national security concerns, requirements of law, and the needs of an informed democracy and focused the redactions to the necessary minimum.” Moreover, all redactions have been made pursuant to Executive Orders 12958 (as amended) and 12333, and US Code provisions 5 USC 552, 5 USC 552a, and 10 USC 424.

And, the “Mission Accomplished” thing? The all so obvious ignorance of this particular editorial rapist of verbiage is nearly too much to stomach. Perhaps the poor slog should spend some more time amongst some Navy types to see what the term “Mission Accomplished” means for deployed vessels. Damn libtards.

[…] But we gain nothing by rehashing yesterday’s problems. The facts on the ground today are what matter, and those facts comprise a muddled picture suggesting neither victory nor defeat. Iraqis are rid of one dictator, but their daily lives still are dictated by fear of terrorist bombings, kidnappings, sectarian violence, joblessness and uncertainty. […]

If we gain nothing by rehashing yesterday’s problems, then why bring them up in the first place…hm? A muddled picture of what? Neither victory or defeat? Like a stalemate? This goon is a pathetically enabled emotional twit. I bet it drives a “green car” or rides a bike to work.

It never ceases to amaze me that these types never take into consideration that the reason(s) this war has taken so long is due directly to the political aspirations of the ones that bought off on this war from the beginning and then changed their minds when election season came around. I wonder how many women and men in uniform they got killed, wounded or maimed. I wonder how many Iraqi men, women and children that they had a direct cause of their death. I wonder what they say to the demons when they come calling at night. I wonder how many died when they lied.

The war has been prolonged by American politicians sticking their noses into areas in which they have no business being. The successes have come because General Petraeus released the ROE and that is the bottom line. The Commanders before General Petraeus were Clinton Era Throwbacks, plain and simple. As proof of that, how many went to the Leftinistra when they were released from duty? I know the answer…do you?

[…] Just Monday, a report by the International Committee of the Red Cross warned that Iraq faces a humanitarian crisis, with millions lacking adequate clean water, sanitation and health care. “Five years after the outbreak of the war in Iraq, the humanitarian situation in most of the country remains among the most critical in the world,” the 15-page report says. […]

An emotional dufus rambles. Hello? There is a war on and your kind only prolong it. The Red Cross? Please. We all know who ands what runs that group, don’t we? Wow! 15 pages of crap!

[…] It’s hard to argue that the lives of Iraqis are better. […]

Not if you are an Iraqi that used to live in fear of the rape rooms, the prisons of no return and the infamous shredders. Damn libtard moron.

[…] While the U.S. troop surge has brought levels of violence and casualties down, life in Baghdad and other major cities is fraught with danger. Iraq remains among the most violent countries in the world, as underscored by the explosions that punctuated a Monday visit by Vice President Dick Cheney. […]

Yes. There is a war on. Now, STFU and STFD. Thank you.

[…] Millions of Iraqis have been displaced by the war. A massive population migration has split the country along sectarian lines. Families who fled may never be able to return to their homes. […]

And the point is what, exactly? Have the homes they can never return to gone? The country has ALWAYS been split among sectarian lines! Where has this idiot been hiding?

[…] So how do we assess the war’s progress after five years? In Iraq on Monday, Mr. Cheney termed it “a difficult, challenging but nonetheless successful endeavor” and “well worth the effort.”

Others, such as Michael O’Hanlon of the Brookings Institution, have devised lists of benchmarks by which to objectively judge progress. Mr. O’Hanlon’s list indicates we’ve advanced in only five of 11 key areas. On the benchmark list devised by the Iraqi government and endorsed by the White House last year, only three out of 18 goals have been met. […]

Oh good grief. Again with the politically driven bench mark crap again. Good Lord! Get over yourself little one. The Iraqi government has made advances LEAP YEARS ahead when compared to the self-vaunted American government over the last few years. Idiot. How many of our own CONgress Critters have been threatened with death via kidnappings, assassinations, car-bombs and other means of death and destruction? And yet, the Iraqi government recently passed SEVERAL of the much adored “bench marks”? Moron libtards. I swear!

[…] Transparency International rates Iraq the third-most corrupt country on the planet. As security improves, thousands of displaced Iraqis will try to return home, only to find that they will have no place to live and no jobs because a third of Iraqis are unemployed. Even though oil production is slightly up from 2004 levels, households still are receiving only 64 percent of the energy they need. […]

Yes. There is a war going on and at the moment, that 64% is well over TWICE what it was BEFORE the war. Please enter ALL the facts you libtard asswipe. Thank you.

[…] Mr. Cheney has made wrong calls before on Iraq, and while we acknowledge progress on several fronts, it would be deceptive to label this war “successful.” […]

Another vague comment made by an uneducated parrot of stupidity. Name one instance, please…dumbass libtard.

[…] We’re glad Saddam Hussein and his murderous regime are gone. But the international trust and cooperation that the White House squandered to accomplish that goal will take years to rebuild. […]

Just what in the hell are you yammering about? The international trust? The international what? Who gives a rat’s ass about the international anything? Our country was attacked by terrorists and those nations that harbored terrorists. International trust my ass. Which international countries “fought us” and which ones of those that “fought us” were disclosed as being involved with Oil For Food? Talk about that one for a while you stupid leftwing idiot.

[…] Five years on, regrettably, we have our shock and awe. Shock that the Iraq invasion fell so woefully short of improving Iraqis’ lives. Awe in the failure of the Bush administration to address mistakes sooner.


Let me see if I have this correct. The editorial says in the second paragraph, “But we gain nothing by rehashing yesterday’s problems.”, so we suffer through a zillion wasted words gushing from an idiot that does nothing but rehash “yesterday’s problems”. The whole article is nothing but moonbat rhetoric. I hope the pathetic cretin gets this shredding piece.

It Is A Great Loss of KFSO And San Fransisco


We have all received word from Melanie Morgan via email that she will no longer be broadcasting from San Fransico’s KFSO.

In releases by Melanie Morgan: I just lost my job — but I didn’t lose a child… and MY LAST DAY AT KSFO RADIO

Dear Move America Forward Family,

I am writing this note to give you the news that you will no longer be hearing me on KSFO radio as part of the long running “Lee Rodgers and Melanie Morgan Show”. Since we’ve worked together in the pro-troop movement, I wanted to make sure you were told firsthand before the news hit elsewhere.

Citadel Broadcasting, which recently acquired the ABC Radio Group – including KSFO radio, is undergoing some major financial problems, and is involved in a company-wide cost-cutting campaign. Sadly, the decision not to renew my contract is part of their cost-cutting effort. Monday, March 3, 2008, marked my last day on the airwaves at KSFO.

On the air at KSFO – captured by the San Francisco Chronicle

It has been my honor to speak to so many of you every morning for the past 14 years on KSFO as we built a conservative movement to take on radical liberals and their attacks on our brave men and women who serve this country in the U.S. military.

I want you to know something very important, and please pay close to attention to this: our very important work supporting our troops is not done, and don’t think for a minute that I will give up the work we do here at Move America Forward. We’ve only just begun, folks!

I’ve never been paid a single penny in compensation for my work with Move America Forward. I do this work for free because I believe so passionately in our men and women who put on the uniform of the U.S. military and serve with honor, integrity and distinction.

On “The O’Reilly Factor” discussing Berkeley’s
campaign against our troops.

Having seen our troops in the Middle East in action several times now (going all the way back to the Beirut Marine Barracks bombing in 1983 and most recently this past Christmas with our troops fighting in the war on terror), I have been deeply touched by the dedication these fine young men and women have in fighting radical Islamic jihadism.

Our troops are literally saving our children’s future, and we cannot back down in our efforts in the pro-troop movement – not even for a day.

With Ollie North, visiting our troops in Kuwait

While I will miss my morning show on KSFO and my ongoing dialogue with loyal listeners, I now will have extra time and energy to support our troops. That’s good news for our troops and bad news for those insult them and attempt to undermine their missions.

You can help me continue to make an impact in this regard by making a contribution to Move America Forward.

Donate Online Here:

I’m not done fighting to make a difference in this world, and I will be honored to fight by your side in honor of our military men and women who fight to preserve our liberties and protect our lives.

Melanie Morgan, Chairman, Move America Forward

We wish Melanie Morgan well in the future endeavors of broadcast excellence and look forward to seeing her and Move America Forward in March!! EAGLES UP!!

Michelle Malkin comments…

Move America Forward’s Melanie Morgan is one of my favorite conservative activists. She’s led countless battles against anti-military goons in the San Francisco Bay Area, traveled to Iraq to bring thank you letters to our servicemen and servicewomen on the front lines, and crossed the country to lead rallies in Washington, D.C. countering the Soros mob. […]


Riehl World View disappointed:

And the libtards rejoice

We need MORE and MORE people to speak out like Melanie Morgan.

Read more at memeorandum

As an update…

From Michelle Malkin’s post previously linked…
I know she’ll land on her feet. She’s a mover, shaker, and fighter–and a big asset to the conservative movement. Send her your best wishes and encouragement here. […]

Radio Equalizer has been tracking the retarded management of the broadcasting firm here.

It Is A Great Loss of KFSO And San Fransisco


We have all received word from Melanie Morgan via email that she will no longer be broadcasting from San Fransico’s KFSO.

In releases by Melanie Morgan: I just lost my job — but I didn’t lose a child… and MY LAST DAY AT KSFO RADIO

Dear Move America Forward Family,

I am writing this note to give you the news that you will no longer be hearing me on KSFO radio as part of the long running “Lee Rodgers and Melanie Morgan Show”. Since we’ve worked together in the pro-troop movement, I wanted to make sure you were told firsthand before the news hit elsewhere.

Citadel Broadcasting, which recently acquired the ABC Radio Group – including KSFO radio, is undergoing some major financial problems, and is involved in a company-wide cost-cutting campaign. Sadly, the decision not to renew my contract is part of their cost-cutting effort. Monday, March 3, 2008, marked my last day on the airwaves at KSFO.

On the air at KSFO – captured by the San Francisco Chronicle

It has been my honor to speak to so many of you every morning for the past 14 years on KSFO as we built a conservative movement to take on radical liberals and their attacks on our brave men and women who serve this country in the U.S. military.

I want you to know something very important, and please pay close to attention to this: our very important work supporting our troops is not done, and don’t think for a minute that I will give up the work we do here at Move America Forward. We’ve only just begun, folks!

I’ve never been paid a single penny in compensation for my work with Move America Forward. I do this work for free because I believe so passionately in our men and women who put on the uniform of the U.S. military and serve with honor, integrity and distinction.

On “The O’Reilly Factor” discussing Berkeley’s
campaign against our troops.

Having seen our troops in the Middle East in action several times now (going all the way back to the Beirut Marine Barracks bombing in 1983 and most recently this past Christmas with our troops fighting in the war on terror), I have been deeply touched by the dedication these fine young men and women have in fighting radical Islamic jihadism.

Our troops are literally saving our children’s future, and we cannot back down in our efforts in the pro-troop movement – not even for a day.

With Ollie North, visiting our troops in Kuwait

While I will miss my morning show on KSFO and my ongoing dialogue with loyal listeners, I now will have extra time and energy to support our troops. That’s good news for our troops and bad news for those insult them and attempt to undermine their missions.

You can help me continue to make an impact in this regard by making a contribution to Move America Forward.

Donate Online Here:

I’m not done fighting to make a difference in this world, and I will be honored to fight by your side in honor of our military men and women who fight to preserve our liberties and protect our lives.

Melanie Morgan, Chairman, Move America Forward

We wish Melanie Morgan well in the future endeavors of broadcast excellence and look forward to seeing her and Move America Forward in March!! EAGLES UP!!

Michelle Malkin comments…

Move America Forward’s Melanie Morgan is one of my favorite conservative activists. She’s led countless battles against anti-military goons in the San Francisco Bay Area, traveled to Iraq to bring thank you letters to our servicemen and servicewomen on the front lines, and crossed the country to lead rallies in Washington, D.C. countering the Soros mob. […]


Riehl World View disappointed:

And the libtards rejoice

We need MORE and MORE people to speak out like Melanie Morgan.

Read more at memeorandum

As an update…

From Michelle Malkin’s post previously linked…
I know she’ll land on her feet. She’s a mover, shaker, and fighter–and a big asset to the conservative movement. Send her your best wishes and encouragement here. […]

Radio Equalizer has been tracking the retarded management of the broadcasting firm here.

On Columbia, Venezuela, Ecuador and FARC


What is up with the nations upset with the FARC secretariat and 15 or so others killed by Columbian troops? What is FARC? And, for that matter, what are the relationships between FARC, Columbia, Ecuador and Columbia?

(Reference previous posts here, here, and here.)

FARC is the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. Revolutionary as in the genre of one Che Guevara. They are a Marxist group with close associations with the Sandanistas. You do remember them, don’t you? A pro-communist group that has nothing better to do than to fight Freedom…this is why they are called Freedom Fighters, don’t you know. FARC has been in close quarter combat with the nation of Columbia and, seeing that the United States and Columbia are allies, it is natural for FARC to seek out allies in their quest to overthrow Columbia.

Growing out of the turmoil and fighting in the 1950s between liberal and conservative militias, the FARC was established in 1964 by the Colombian Communist Party to defend what were then autonomous Communist-controlled rural areas. The FARC is Latin America’s oldest, largest, most capable, and best-equipped insurgency of Marxist origin. […]

FARC makes their money through the production and distribution of narcotics internal of Columbia. They also get support from Cuba and Venezuela.

[…] Cuba provides some medical care and political consultation. A trial is currently underway in Bogota to determine whether three members of the Irish Republican Army – arrested in Colombia in 2001 upon exiting the FARC-controlled demilitarized zone (despeje) – provided advanced explosives training to the FARC. […]

[…] Rodrigo Granda, a senior FARC member, was reportedly responsible for garnering international support for the FARC. This, in sum, could be described as the source of the current conflict between Colombia and Venezuela. Colombia has often complained about the lack of cooperation from the Chavez government in cracking down on leftist rebels. […]

[…] Weakened by the corruption sown by cocaine cartels and a decades-long civil war, the Colombian government faces two leftist insurgent groups that not only wage guerrilla warfare but also carry out kidnappings, hijackings, attacks on civilians, and political assassinations. The U.S. State Department includes the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (known by its Spanish acronym, FARC) and the National Liberation Army (ELN) on its list of foreign terrorist organizations. Plan Colombia, the United States’ multi-billion dollar initiative to equip the Colombian military to eradicate coca (the plant from which cocaine is made), targets regions controlled by FARC and ELN. […]

The above is yet a brief synopsis of FARC and their allegiances to illicit drug distribution and known communist groups, nations and organizations. But, does it explain why Ecuador is seemingly following Venezuela’s lead of sending troops to their borders with Columbia? Yes, it does.

Columbian officials have released their findings that FARC leaders and associates have alliances with the Venezuelan and Ecuadorian governments and have conspired to aid them in their fight(s) against Columbia. This data has also been reported by the Sydney Morning Herald and is also being discussed by Atlas Shrugs. It is time for the folks that are NOT allied with known communist and socialist groups within our own borders here in the States to wake the hell up. I have been awake for decades and have preached this threat from many a soap-box. And, I will forever refer to The List of 45 until the communist and socialist threats from within are defeated one way or another.

BOGOTA, Colombia – Documents from a computer seized where Colombian commandos killed a senior rebel leader indicate Ecuador’s president is deepening relations with Colombia’s main guerrilla group, Colombia’s police commander said Sunday. […]

And that ain’t all…

Police Commander General Oscar Naranjo said documents found in computers belonging to Reyes showed contacts between a top Correa government minister and the FARC commander to discuss political proposals and projects on the frontier.

“The questions raised by these documents need concrete answers,” Commander Naranjo said. “What is the state of relations between the Ecuadorean government and a terrorist group like the FARC.”

Colombian President Alvaro Uribe has often accused the FARC of using Venezuelan and Ecuadorean territory as safe havens from military attacks. […]

And, the plot thickens…

Pajamas Media has a good piece on FARC here.

Like Atlas says:

[…] Chavez is itchin for a fight:

Chavez called Colombian President Alvaro Uribe “a criminal” and branded his government a “terrorist state,” likening it to Israel for its U.S.-backed attacks on militants. [END]

It has also been said that these terrorist groups in Central and South America have ties to Al Qaida and I don’t doubt it one bit seeing that (T)Hugo has very close ties to Iran.

All American Blogger has good posts up here and here

The Washington Times has the same conclusions we have…so does Riehl World View

CNN is reporting three computers were found to have Ecuadorian and Venezuelan ties to FARC…

PJ Media has another piece up…

Colombia’s strategic war against the FARC Marxist rebels is finally bearing fruit, and their neighbor Hugo Chavez is furious, writes Fausta Wertz. Livid after FARC’s second-in-command’s assassination on Saturday, Chavez is threatening war. […]

More to come, we are sure.

It is becoming more and more apparent that Hugo Chavez is indeed financing FARC

On Columbia, Venezuela, Ecuador and FARC


What is up with the nations upset with the FARC secretariat and 15 or so others killed by Columbian troops? What is FARC? And, for that matter, what are the relationships between FARC, Columbia, Ecuador and Columbia?

(Reference previous posts here, here, and here.)

FARC is the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. Revolutionary as in the genre of one Che Guevara. They are a Marxist group with close associations with the Sandanistas. You do remember them, don’t you? A pro-communist group that has nothing better to do than to fight Freedom…this is why they are called Freedom Fighters, don’t you know. FARC has been in close quarter combat with the nation of Columbia and, seeing that the United States and Columbia are allies, it is natural for FARC to seek out allies in their quest to overthrow Columbia.

Growing out of the turmoil and fighting in the 1950s between liberal and conservative militias, the FARC was established in 1964 by the Colombian Communist Party to defend what were then autonomous Communist-controlled rural areas. The FARC is Latin America’s oldest, largest, most capable, and best-equipped insurgency of Marxist origin. […]

FARC makes their money through the production and distribution of narcotics internal of Columbia. They also get support from Cuba and Venezuela.

[…] Cuba provides some medical care and political consultation. A trial is currently underway in Bogota to determine whether three members of the Irish Republican Army – arrested in Colombia in 2001 upon exiting the FARC-controlled demilitarized zone (despeje) – provided advanced explosives training to the FARC. […]

[…] Rodrigo Granda, a senior FARC member, was reportedly responsible for garnering international support for the FARC. This, in sum, could be described as the source of the current conflict between Colombia and Venezuela. Colombia has often complained about the lack of cooperation from the Chavez government in cracking down on leftist rebels. […]

[…] Weakened by the corruption sown by cocaine cartels and a decades-long civil war, the Colombian government faces two leftist insurgent groups that not only wage guerrilla warfare but also carry out kidnappings, hijackings, attacks on civilians, and political assassinations. The U.S. State Department includes the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (known by its Spanish acronym, FARC) and the National Liberation Army (ELN) on its list of foreign terrorist organizations. Plan Colombia, the United States’ multi-billion dollar initiative to equip the Colombian military to eradicate coca (the plant from which cocaine is made), targets regions controlled by FARC and ELN. […]

The above is yet a brief synopsis of FARC and their allegiances to illicit drug distribution and known communist groups, nations and organizations. But, does it explain why Ecuador is seemingly following Venezuela’s lead of sending troops to their borders with Columbia? Yes, it does.

Columbian officials have released their findings that FARC leaders and associates have alliances with the Venezuelan and Ecuadorian governments and have conspired to aid them in their fight(s) against Columbia. This data has also been reported by the Sydney Morning Herald and is also being discussed by Atlas Shrugs. It is time for the folks that are NOT allied with known communist and socialist groups within our own borders here in the States to wake the hell up. I have been awake for decades and have preached this threat from many a soap-box. And, I will forever refer to The List of 45 until the communist and socialist threats from within are defeated one way or another.

BOGOTA, Colombia – Documents from a computer seized where Colombian commandos killed a senior rebel leader indicate Ecuador’s president is deepening relations with Colombia’s main guerrilla group, Colombia’s police commander said Sunday. […]

And that ain’t all…

Police Commander General Oscar Naranjo said documents found in computers belonging to Reyes showed contacts between a top Correa government minister and the FARC commander to discuss political proposals and projects on the frontier.

“The questions raised by these documents need concrete answers,” Commander Naranjo said. “What is the state of relations between the Ecuadorean government and a terrorist group like the FARC.”

Colombian President Alvaro Uribe has often accused the FARC of using Venezuelan and Ecuadorean territory as safe havens from military attacks. […]

And, the plot thickens…

Pajamas Media has a good piece on FARC here.

Like Atlas says:

[…] Chavez is itchin for a fight:

Chavez called Colombian President Alvaro Uribe “a criminal” and branded his government a “terrorist state,” likening it to Israel for its U.S.-backed attacks on militants. [END]

It has also been said that these terrorist groups in Central and South America have ties to Al Qaida and I don’t doubt it one bit seeing that (T)Hugo has very close ties to Iran.

All American Blogger has good posts up here and here

The Washington Times has the same conclusions we have…so does Riehl World View

CNN is reporting three computers were found to have Ecuadorian and Venezuelan ties to FARC…

PJ Media has another piece up…

Colombia’s strategic war against the FARC Marxist rebels is finally bearing fruit, and their neighbor Hugo Chavez is furious, writes Fausta Wertz. Livid after FARC’s second-in-command’s assassination on Saturday, Chavez is threatening war. […]

More to come, we are sure.

It is becoming more and more apparent that Hugo Chavez is indeed financing FARC



Petitions Huckabee and Limbaugh and disconnected conservatives are not going to change who the Republican nominee is

Jimmy ZAs I was answering Ben in the comments section, I determined that I had a piece here on its own so I’ve posted it separately. In it, I outline clearly and finally why conservatives really do need to ‘calm down.’

A NO vote on McCain is an affirmative to either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama, period, end of sentence. This is totally and completely unacceptable.

When you sit out the vote, you get the alternative. I know a lot of you consider Rush Limbaugh to be almost a cartoon version of a political pundit. However, he really is right most of the time, and today he played an amazing tape from his own show.

In 2006, Rush Limbaugh predicted that if the conservatives sat out the election and allowed the democrat take-over of both houses of Congress, John McCain would end up being our party’s nominee for President in 2008. Now we know he was right.

Folks, listen to me and listen good: This ‘sitting out the election’ crap is the one sure way to send this country all the way deep into socialism. If you want to see liberals take over your life in every facet, sit this one out. If you want to find more of your money taken from you in higher taxes and paid to sponges like illegal aliens flooding our land, sit out the election. If you want to stand in line for an MRI, sit it out. If you want to see everyone driving the flimsy little cars liberals want for you, sit out your opportunity to vote.

I’m the original ‘bottom line’ guy. When it comes down to a choice, and you have no other options, you have to weigh one against the other and pick the best you can. Let’s say you have no toothpaste at home, and you like Crest. You’re in the store and it’s closing time, and they’re out of Crest. They have Colgate and they have Aquafresh. You have to brush your teeth. You pick one and you go to pay for it.

I acknowledge that the choice for President is not as unimportant as choosing a brand of toothpaste, but making the choice really is going to be this simple. Assume for a moment that Hillary does what is expected and wins the democrat nomination.

Now you have a choice: John McCain; imperfect, but appearing genuinely willing to work with steadfast conservatives, or Hillary Clinton.

You’re going to sit this one out? Really?

Ann Coulter says that Hillary Clinton is more conservative than John McCain. Come on! Do any of you really believe this? I love Ann, but I think she’s flipped out completely on this topic.

Conservatives stayed home and gave democrats control of Congress in 2006. It is indisputable that we gave them the House and the Senate; democrats did not win them. I fail to understand the mentality that wants to sit at home and not vote against the liberal democrat!

In my mind and my Reagan-conservative soul, the choice is not even close! Sit at home, or vote for John McCain over Hillary Clinton? People, you truly need to calm the hell down and think this through. McCain is not a liberal democrat. We can’t be as ridiculously short sighted as the democrats were when they jettisoned faithful democrats Zell Miller or Joe Leiberman.

The time has come to rally behind our candidate. We do not have time anymore to listen to the hyperbolic ranting of those of you who want a perfect and pure conservative. Honestly my friends, do you think one really exists?

I encourage you all to let go of stubborn insistence. It is going to come down to McCain vs. Hillary Clinton, and your choice is not between sitting at home and voting for McCain. Your choice is simply whether to vote for McCain or Hillary Clinton.

And if the democrats nominate Barack Obama? Take everything I wrote and multiply it times ten. I’ll see you at your neighborhood poling place.

And that’s the bottom line.