This section is a re-post from Snooper at Capitalism or Socialism…You Decide (http://takeourcountryback.townhall.com/g/3ae2c70f-da1f-46b1-a6cc-ef86fd897623) All emphasis mine. Part two will illustrate a troll attack on a fellow VICTORY blogger yesterday and how he completely degenerated. He was later traced to Prince Edward Island, Canada–which leads one to believe he is indeed one of these “plants”. This belief is also based on his subtle but obvious syntax and sentence structure errors, and the fact he became completely enraged over my attacks upon his masculinity.

Terrorists Use Web Against “Idiot” Americans

Sunday, April 22, 2007 4:03 AM

This is a repost of post #211.

Evidently, a Jihadist plant did not like me spreadiing the word around.

Good thing I save ALL and EVERYTHING!!

This Just In!!!

Amazing, isn’t it? The terrorists are using the internent to appeal to the Jihadist Sympathizers, the emotionally controlled masses, to adhere to the calling of the losers in the GWOT, the terrorists. Go figure.

I also contend that a good potion of the moonbats on the various blogs around the world ARE terrorists themselves, well versed in the art of deceit and lies. It causes one to sit back and dwell on that possibility, does it not?


Terrorists use Web against ‘Idiot’ Americans
Fostering anti-war sentiment by posing online as citizens
By Jerome R. Corsi

Islamic terrorists are engaged in a “media jihad” in which they encourage jihadists to pose online as Americans to foster anti-war sentiment in the U.S.

According to the Middle East Media Research Institute, or MEMRI, a posting on the Al-Mohajroon Islamist website with the username Al-Wathig Billah provides instructions on how to infiltrate popular American Internet forums and use them to distribute jihad films and spread anti-war sentiments.

“Our experience shows that such instructions often yield compliance,” Eli Alshech, director of the Jihad and Terrorism Project at MEMRI, told WND.
The instructions direct jihadists to “raid non-political forums and trivia forums which American people favor.”

Contributors are encouraged to register as Americans and to use a purely American-sounding username: “Choose an icon that indicates that you are an American, and place it next to your nickname.”

Click the link at the top and read the whole article. Then, click the link within the article. Your eyes shall be opened…unless, naturally, you are one of “them”…then you would have to disagree and become mean-spirited in your reply…

The “distraction” technique will not work on this blog…

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