What I Am//You’re a Republican???

This came to my email from my friend Dean originally, but I found the ad here.

George J. Esseff, Sr., took out this full page ad in the Washington Post Wednesday, October 20, 2004. You can get a free reprint here. It cost him $104,655.60 to tell the world just how and what REAL Republican is and believes, despite what the liberals would have the world believe with their over-the-top brainwashing rampant in the press, the halls of Congress, hollywierd, academia, etc. He nails it right on for the majority of us. The problem is, however, those of us that KNOW the truth will pass this on. Those that NEED to learn the truth probably won’t give it a second glance, throwing it on their trash heaps as more alleged propaganda and “conspiracy theories” to “suppress the left”. Well, I, for one, am proud to identify with Mr. Esseff (even if I don’t have his monetary wealth–lol!).

In my friend Dean’s words:

$104,655.60 ad in the Washington Post. Personally I think this money may have been wasted for this reason. The people who actually need to read this either won’t or would pick it apart as the liberal/left does in so many cases. But herein lies the real problem and that is comprehending what has been read. Reading comprises about 10% of understanding. The remaining 90% requires comprehension which the overeducated liberal/left is incapable of. Whoever coined the notion that the liberal/left are mentally ill was right on the money.

Here is someone with the money to fund a rebuttal to what Howard Dean, Democratic National Committee Chairman, said, that many Republican have never done an honest day’s work in their life The following full page ad was placed in the Washington Post by a businessman named George J. Esseff, Sr. He paid $104, 655.60 to run the ad and only did it because he is sick and tired of the way that “the rich” are portrayed by liberals these days. It is a great read.

Here it is, in it’s entirety. Kudos to George J. Esseff, Sr.
Wednesday, October 20th 2004

You’re a Republican???
In today’s America, ask a growing number of high school and college students; their teachers and professors; the self-anointed media elite and/or hard working men and women of all ethnicities, the question, “What is a Republican?”, and you’ll be told “… a rich, greedy, egotistical individual, motivated only by money and the desire to accumulate more and more of it, at the expense of the environment … the working poor ….and all whom they exploit…”
I am a Republican … I am none of those things… and I don’t know any Republicans who are.
WHAT I AM … first and foremost, is a loving husband of some 52 plus years, the father of four and an American who’s proud of his country… and his country’s heritage.
WHAT I AM … is the grandson of immigrants who risked everything, including their lives and those of their children, to escape tyranny in search of freedom.
WHAT I AM … is a man who grew up during the Depression and witnessed, first hand, the effects of the Stock Market crash and the soup lines that followed. I watched as both my parents and grand parents, who had very little themselves, share what food they had with a half dozen other families, who had even less.
WHAT I AM … is someone who worked his way through college by holding down three and four jobs at a time and then used that education to build a better life.
WHAT I AM … is a husband who, at age 24, started his own business for the “privilege” of working 60, 70 and 80 hours a week, risking everything I had, including my health, in search of a better life for myself and my loved ones.
WHAT I AM … is a businessman whose blood, sweat and tears…. and plenty of them…, made it possible for me to provide a secure living, not only for my family and myself, but also for literally hundreds of my employees throughout the years. Employees, who in turn, were able to buy their own homes, raise their own families and give back to their communities and their country.
WHAT I AM … is a man who believes in God; a God who has blessed this country… and all for which it stands.
WHAT I AM … is someone who knows, if you doubt miracles exist in today’s world, you need only to look into the face of those who received them … and the eyes of those who give them.
WHAT I AM … is an American who’s proud that his President embraces a belief in God; proud of a President who understands, as “politically incorrect” as it may be, there is evil in this world and for the security and safety of all freedom loving people everywhere, it must be confronted… and it must be defeated.
WHAT I AM … is an American who takes comfort in the knowledge that our President refuses to allow decisions concerning the very safety and security of this nation, to be governed by the political whims of foreign governments.
WHAT I AM … is tired of hearing from leading Democrats who see only negativity in America; racism in her people; class warfare in her society and “political incorrectness” in her character.
WHAT I AM … is a former democrat who now understands that it is the soldier and not the reporter that guarantees us our freedoms of press, speech and dissent.
WHAT I AM … is a man who believes in the sanctity of life. A man who is repulsed by the pandering of the political left for votes, at the expense of the unborn.
WHAT I AM … is a husband and father who believes in the sanctity of marriage and the preservation of the family unit.
WHAT I AM … is a movie go-er who is repulsed by those insecure, socially inept, elementary thinking, ego-inflated “entertainers” who have appointed themselves “experts” in the fields of national security and geo-politics and then use their forum to attack this nation, its leaders and its actions…. much to the delight and encouragement of our enemies.
WHAT I AM … is an American who understands the difference between “censorship” and “choice”. Evidently, these individuals do not, because when these same “celebrities” receive public ridicule for their offensive actions, the first thing they yell is “Censorship!”. What they seem incapable of understanding is… the right of free speech and dissent is shared equally by those offended… as well as those who offend. I support and will continue to support those films and performers whom I choose to … and refuse to support those I don’t. It is my right as an American … a right I will continue to enthusiastically exercise.
WHAT I AM … is a voter, tired of politicians, who, every time their voting records are subjected to public scrutiny, try to divert attention from their political and legislative failures by accusing their opponents of “attack ads” and “negative campaigning”…. and the news media who allow them to get away with it.

WHAT I AM … is a Catholic who loves his God and his Faith… and who’s been taught to respect all religions whose teachings are based in love, peace and charity. As such, I am embarrassed and ashamed of those individuals, in both private and public life, whose decisions and actions are devoid of any sense of character or morals; individuals who are only driven by what’s best for them … rather than what’s right … often times at the expense of many …. including our national security.
WHAT I AM … is a realist who understands that the terrorist attack that murdered hundreds of innocent Russian children could have occurred here, in our heartland. That’s why I sincerely believe America needs now, more than ever, a President who sees with a clear and focused vision and who speaks with a voice when heard by both friend and foe alike, is understood, respected and believed.
WHAT I AM … is eternally grateful to Ronald Reagan for having the bravery to speak out against Communism and the courage of his convictions in leading the fight to defeat it; and George W. Bush for the vision, courage, conviction and leadership he has shown in America’s war on terrorism amidst both the constant and vicious, personal and political attacks both he and his family are made to endure.
WHAT I AM … is a human being, full of numerous faults and failures, but a man nonetheless, who, though not always successful, has continually strived to do “what’s right” instead of “what’s easy”. A man who is challenging the religious leaders of all faiths, to not only preach to their congregations the fundamentals of “what’s right” and “what’s wrong”, but to also then hold them accountable for their actions in both the public and private sectors.
WHAT I AM … is disgusted with the Courts who, on one hand, call the murder of a pregnant woman a “double homicide” but then refer to the abortion of her baby as, “pro-choice”.
WHAT I AM … is someone deeply troubled by a political party which embraces a candidate whose primary “leadership” qualities center around his protesting of the Vietnam war and his labeling the honorable men and women who fought in it, (50,000 of whom gave their lives in that action), as rapists, and war criminals. That same political party then stepped forward this year to block the appearance of a true Vietnam war hero, retired Admiral and former United States Senator, Jeremiah Denton, (a man who spent seven years and seven torturous months in a North Vietnam prison), from speaking before an open session of the California legislature as part of that state’s 4th of July celebration. The reason Democrats gave for refusing to allow this American hero to speak before their state legislature was because of the “conservative” nature of his views. As an American, that troubles me deeply ….as well it should you.
WHAT I AM … is a man who feels the need to spend, $104, 655.60, (tax paid) of his own money, to purchase this advertisement, in order to set the story straight. Some may say this money would have been better spent feeding the world’s poor. At the risk of sounding self-serving, as an American and as a Republican, for the last six decades of my life, I have done exactly that… and more. Following the examples of my parents and grand parents, I have used my earnings to feed the poor, shelter the homeless, provide housing for the elderly and medical care for the sick….. and continue to do so… and I’m not alone in that work.
WHAT I AM … is someone who is paying for this announcement, at my sole expense, in hopes of opening the eyes of those led blindly by ill-informed elements of our great nation, who, through either ignorance, or malicious intent, repeatedly attack and belittle those of us who belong to a political party that holds true to the belief, “… the rights of the governed, exceed the power of the government”. For those interested, I am speaking only as a tax-paying individual who is in no way associated with The Republican National Committee, nor with any of its directors, or delegates.
WHAT I AM … is a man who understands, “the American way of life” is a message of self-empowerment for all.
WHAT I AM … is an American who is grateful that our nation gives each of us the opportunity of self-determination and the right to benefit from the fruits of self achievement.
WHAT I AM … is an American who wants to preserve that way of life for all who seek it.
WHAT I AM … is blessed to be an American…. and proud to be Republican.

George J. Esseff, Sr.

What I Am//You’re a Republican???

This came to my email from my friend Dean originally, but I found the ad here.

George J. Esseff, Sr., took out this full page ad in the Washington Post Wednesday, October 20, 2004. You can get a free reprint here. It cost him $104,655.60 to tell the world just how and what REAL Republican is and believes, despite what the liberals would have the world believe with their over-the-top brainwashing rampant in the press, the halls of Congress, hollywierd, academia, etc. He nails it right on for the majority of us. The problem is, however, those of us that KNOW the truth will pass this on. Those that NEED to learn the truth probably won’t give it a second glance, throwing it on their trash heaps as more alleged propaganda and “conspiracy theories” to “suppress the left”. Well, I, for one, am proud to identify with Mr. Esseff (even if I don’t have his monetary wealth–lol!).

In my friend Dean’s words:

$104,655.60 ad in the Washington Post. Personally I think this money may have been wasted for this reason. The people who actually need to read this either won’t or would pick it apart as the liberal/left does in so many cases. But herein lies the real problem and that is comprehending what has been read. Reading comprises about 10% of understanding. The remaining 90% requires comprehension which the overeducated liberal/left is incapable of. Whoever coined the notion that the liberal/left are mentally ill was right on the money.

Here is someone with the money to fund a rebuttal to what Howard Dean, Democratic National Committee Chairman, said, that many Republican have never done an honest day’s work in their life The following full page ad was placed in the Washington Post by a businessman named George J. Esseff, Sr. He paid $104, 655.60 to run the ad and only did it because he is sick and tired of the way that “the rich” are portrayed by liberals these days. It is a great read.

Here it is, in it’s entirety. Kudos to George J. Esseff, Sr.
Wednesday, October 20th 2004

You’re a Republican???
In today’s America, ask a growing number of high school and college students; their teachers and professors; the self-anointed media elite and/or hard working men and women of all ethnicities, the question, “What is a Republican?”, and you’ll be told “… a rich, greedy, egotistical individual, motivated only by money and the desire to accumulate more and more of it, at the expense of the environment … the working poor ….and all whom they exploit…”
I am a Republican … I am none of those things… and I don’t know any Republicans who are.
WHAT I AM … first and foremost, is a loving husband of some 52 plus years, the father of four and an American who’s proud of his country… and his country’s heritage.
WHAT I AM … is the grandson of immigrants who risked everything, including their lives and those of their children, to escape tyranny in search of freedom.
WHAT I AM … is a man who grew up during the Depression and witnessed, first hand, the effects of the Stock Market crash and the soup lines that followed. I watched as both my parents and grand parents, who had very little themselves, share what food they had with a half dozen other families, who had even less.
WHAT I AM … is someone who worked his way through college by holding down three and four jobs at a time and then used that education to build a better life.
WHAT I AM … is a husband who, at age 24, started his own business for the “privilege” of working 60, 70 and 80 hours a week, risking everything I had, including my health, in search of a better life for myself and my loved ones.
WHAT I AM … is a businessman whose blood, sweat and tears…. and plenty of them…, made it possible for me to provide a secure living, not only for my family and myself, but also for literally hundreds of my employees throughout the years. Employees, who in turn, were able to buy their own homes, raise their own families and give back to their communities and their country.
WHAT I AM … is a man who believes in God; a God who has blessed this country… and all for which it stands.
WHAT I AM … is someone who knows, if you doubt miracles exist in today’s world, you need only to look into the face of those who received them … and the eyes of those who give them.
WHAT I AM … is an American who’s proud that his President embraces a belief in God; proud of a President who understands, as “politically incorrect” as it may be, there is evil in this world and for the security and safety of all freedom loving people everywhere, it must be confronted… and it must be defeated.
WHAT I AM … is an American who takes comfort in the knowledge that our President refuses to allow decisions concerning the very safety and security of this nation, to be governed by the political whims of foreign governments.
WHAT I AM … is tired of hearing from leading Democrats who see only negativity in America; racism in her people; class warfare in her society and “political incorrectness” in her character.
WHAT I AM … is a former democrat who now understands that it is the soldier and not the reporter that guarantees us our freedoms of press, speech and dissent.
WHAT I AM … is a man who believes in the sanctity of life. A man who is repulsed by the pandering of the political left for votes, at the expense of the unborn.
WHAT I AM … is a husband and father who believes in the sanctity of marriage and the preservation of the family unit.
WHAT I AM … is a movie go-er who is repulsed by those insecure, socially inept, elementary thinking, ego-inflated “entertainers” who have appointed themselves “experts” in the fields of national security and geo-politics and then use their forum to attack this nation, its leaders and its actions…. much to the delight and encouragement of our enemies.
WHAT I AM … is an American who understands the difference between “censorship” and “choice”. Evidently, these individuals do not, because when these same “celebrities” receive public ridicule for their offensive actions, the first thing they yell is “Censorship!”. What they seem incapable of understanding is… the right of free speech and dissent is shared equally by those offended… as well as those who offend. I support and will continue to support those films and performers whom I choose to … and refuse to support those I don’t. It is my right as an American … a right I will continue to enthusiastically exercise.
WHAT I AM … is a voter, tired of politicians, who, every time their voting records are subjected to public scrutiny, try to divert attention from their political and legislative failures by accusing their opponents of “attack ads” and “negative campaigning”…. and the news media who allow them to get away with it.

WHAT I AM … is a Catholic who loves his God and his Faith… and who’s been taught to respect all religions whose teachings are based in love, peace and charity. As such, I am embarrassed and ashamed of those individuals, in both private and public life, whose decisions and actions are devoid of any sense of character or morals; individuals who are only driven by what’s best for them … rather than what’s right … often times at the expense of many …. including our national security.
WHAT I AM … is a realist who understands that the terrorist attack that murdered hundreds of innocent Russian children could have occurred here, in our heartland. That’s why I sincerely believe America needs now, more than ever, a President who sees with a clear and focused vision and who speaks with a voice when heard by both friend and foe alike, is understood, respected and believed.
WHAT I AM … is eternally grateful to Ronald Reagan for having the bravery to speak out against Communism and the courage of his convictions in leading the fight to defeat it; and George W. Bush for the vision, courage, conviction and leadership he has shown in America’s war on terrorism amidst both the constant and vicious, personal and political attacks both he and his family are made to endure.
WHAT I AM … is a human being, full of numerous faults and failures, but a man nonetheless, who, though not always successful, has continually strived to do “what’s right” instead of “what’s easy”. A man who is challenging the religious leaders of all faiths, to not only preach to their congregations the fundamentals of “what’s right” and “what’s wrong”, but to also then hold them accountable for their actions in both the public and private sectors.
WHAT I AM … is disgusted with the Courts who, on one hand, call the murder of a pregnant woman a “double homicide” but then refer to the abortion of her baby as, “pro-choice”.
WHAT I AM … is someone deeply troubled by a political party which embraces a candidate whose primary “leadership” qualities center around his protesting of the Vietnam war and his labeling the honorable men and women who fought in it, (50,000 of whom gave their lives in that action), as rapists, and war criminals. That same political party then stepped forward this year to block the appearance of a true Vietnam war hero, retired Admiral and former United States Senator, Jeremiah Denton, (a man who spent seven years and seven torturous months in a North Vietnam prison), from speaking before an open session of the California legislature as part of that state’s 4th of July celebration. The reason Democrats gave for refusing to allow this American hero to speak before their state legislature was because of the “conservative” nature of his views. As an American, that troubles me deeply ….as well it should you.
WHAT I AM … is a man who feels the need to spend, $104, 655.60, (tax paid) of his own money, to purchase this advertisement, in order to set the story straight. Some may say this money would have been better spent feeding the world’s poor. At the risk of sounding self-serving, as an American and as a Republican, for the last six decades of my life, I have done exactly that… and more. Following the examples of my parents and grand parents, I have used my earnings to feed the poor, shelter the homeless, provide housing for the elderly and medical care for the sick….. and continue to do so… and I’m not alone in that work.
WHAT I AM … is someone who is paying for this announcement, at my sole expense, in hopes of opening the eyes of those led blindly by ill-informed elements of our great nation, who, through either ignorance, or malicious intent, repeatedly attack and belittle those of us who belong to a political party that holds true to the belief, “… the rights of the governed, exceed the power of the government”. For those interested, I am speaking only as a tax-paying individual who is in no way associated with The Republican National Committee, nor with any of its directors, or delegates.
WHAT I AM … is a man who understands, “the American way of life” is a message of self-empowerment for all.
WHAT I AM … is an American who is grateful that our nation gives each of us the opportunity of self-determination and the right to benefit from the fruits of self achievement.
WHAT I AM … is an American who wants to preserve that way of life for all who seek it.
WHAT I AM … is blessed to be an American…. and proud to be Republican.

George J. Esseff, Sr.

What I Am//You’re a Republican???

This came to my email from my friend Dean originally, but I found the ad here.

George J. Esseff, Sr., took out this full page ad in the Washington Post Wednesday, October 20, 2004. You can get a free reprint here. It cost him $104,655.60 to tell the world just how and what REAL Republican is and believes, despite what the liberals would have the world believe with their over-the-top brainwashing rampant in the press, the halls of Congress, hollywierd, academia, etc. He nails it right on for the majority of us. The problem is, however, those of us that KNOW the truth will pass this on. Those that NEED to learn the truth probably won’t give it a second glance, throwing it on their trash heaps as more alleged propaganda and “conspiracy theories” to “suppress the left”. Well, I, for one, am proud to identify with Mr. Esseff (even if I don’t have his monetary wealth–lol!).

In my friend Dean’s words:

$104,655.60 ad in the Washington Post. Personally I think this money may have been wasted for this reason. The people who actually need to read this either won’t or would pick it apart as the liberal/left does in so many cases. But herein lies the real problem and that is comprehending what has been read. Reading comprises about 10% of understanding. The remaining 90% requires comprehension which the overeducated liberal/left is incapable of. Whoever coined the notion that the liberal/left are mentally ill was right on the money.

Here is someone with the money to fund a rebuttal to what Howard Dean, Democratic National Committee Chairman, said, that many Republican have never done an honest day’s work in their life The following full page ad was placed in the Washington Post by a businessman named George J. Esseff, Sr. He paid $104, 655.60 to run the ad and only did it because he is sick and tired of the way that “the rich” are portrayed by liberals these days. It is a great read.

Here it is, in it’s entirety. Kudos to George J. Esseff, Sr.
Wednesday, October 20th 2004

You’re a Republican???
In today’s America, ask a growing number of high school and college students; their teachers and professors; the self-anointed media elite and/or hard working men and women of all ethnicities, the question, “What is a Republican?”, and you’ll be told “… a rich, greedy, egotistical individual, motivated only by money and the desire to accumulate more and more of it, at the expense of the environment … the working poor ….and all whom they exploit…”
I am a Republican … I am none of those things… and I don’t know any Republicans who are.
WHAT I AM … first and foremost, is a loving husband of some 52 plus years, the father of four and an American who’s proud of his country… and his country’s heritage.
WHAT I AM … is the grandson of immigrants who risked everything, including their lives and those of their children, to escape tyranny in search of freedom.
WHAT I AM … is a man who grew up during the Depression and witnessed, first hand, the effects of the Stock Market crash and the soup lines that followed. I watched as both my parents and grand parents, who had very little themselves, share what food they had with a half dozen other families, who had even less.
WHAT I AM … is someone who worked his way through college by holding down three and four jobs at a time and then used that education to build a better life.
WHAT I AM … is a husband who, at age 24, started his own business for the “privilege” of working 60, 70 and 80 hours a week, risking everything I had, including my health, in search of a better life for myself and my loved ones.
WHAT I AM … is a businessman whose blood, sweat and tears…. and plenty of them…, made it possible for me to provide a secure living, not only for my family and myself, but also for literally hundreds of my employees throughout the years. Employees, who in turn, were able to buy their own homes, raise their own families and give back to their communities and their country.
WHAT I AM … is a man who believes in God; a God who has blessed this country… and all for which it stands.
WHAT I AM … is someone who knows, if you doubt miracles exist in today’s world, you need only to look into the face of those who received them … and the eyes of those who give them.
WHAT I AM … is an American who’s proud that his President embraces a belief in God; proud of a President who understands, as “politically incorrect” as it may be, there is evil in this world and for the security and safety of all freedom loving people everywhere, it must be confronted… and it must be defeated.
WHAT I AM … is an American who takes comfort in the knowledge that our President refuses to allow decisions concerning the very safety and security of this nation, to be governed by the political whims of foreign governments.
WHAT I AM … is tired of hearing from leading Democrats who see only negativity in America; racism in her people; class warfare in her society and “political incorrectness” in her character.
WHAT I AM … is a former democrat who now understands that it is the soldier and not the reporter that guarantees us our freedoms of press, speech and dissent.
WHAT I AM … is a man who believes in the sanctity of life. A man who is repulsed by the pandering of the political left for votes, at the expense of the unborn.
WHAT I AM … is a husband and father who believes in the sanctity of marriage and the preservation of the family unit.
WHAT I AM … is a movie go-er who is repulsed by those insecure, socially inept, elementary thinking, ego-inflated “entertainers” who have appointed themselves “experts” in the fields of national security and geo-politics and then use their forum to attack this nation, its leaders and its actions…. much to the delight and encouragement of our enemies.
WHAT I AM … is an American who understands the difference between “censorship” and “choice”. Evidently, these individuals do not, because when these same “celebrities” receive public ridicule for their offensive actions, the first thing they yell is “Censorship!”. What they seem incapable of understanding is… the right of free speech and dissent is shared equally by those offended… as well as those who offend. I support and will continue to support those films and performers whom I choose to … and refuse to support those I don’t. It is my right as an American … a right I will continue to enthusiastically exercise.
WHAT I AM … is a voter, tired of politicians, who, every time their voting records are subjected to public scrutiny, try to divert attention from their political and legislative failures by accusing their opponents of “attack ads” and “negative campaigning”…. and the news media who allow them to get away with it.

WHAT I AM … is a Catholic who loves his God and his Faith… and who’s been taught to respect all religions whose teachings are based in love, peace and charity. As such, I am embarrassed and ashamed of those individuals, in both private and public life, whose decisions and actions are devoid of any sense of character or morals; individuals who are only driven by what’s best for them … rather than what’s right … often times at the expense of many …. including our national security.
WHAT I AM … is a realist who understands that the terrorist attack that murdered hundreds of innocent Russian children could have occurred here, in our heartland. That’s why I sincerely believe America needs now, more than ever, a President who sees with a clear and focused vision and who speaks with a voice when heard by both friend and foe alike, is understood, respected and believed.
WHAT I AM … is eternally grateful to Ronald Reagan for having the bravery to speak out against Communism and the courage of his convictions in leading the fight to defeat it; and George W. Bush for the vision, courage, conviction and leadership he has shown in America’s war on terrorism amidst both the constant and vicious, personal and political attacks both he and his family are made to endure.
WHAT I AM … is a human being, full of numerous faults and failures, but a man nonetheless, who, though not always successful, has continually strived to do “what’s right” instead of “what’s easy”. A man who is challenging the religious leaders of all faiths, to not only preach to their congregations the fundamentals of “what’s right” and “what’s wrong”, but to also then hold them accountable for their actions in both the public and private sectors.
WHAT I AM … is disgusted with the Courts who, on one hand, call the murder of a pregnant woman a “double homicide” but then refer to the abortion of her baby as, “pro-choice”.
WHAT I AM … is someone deeply troubled by a political party which embraces a candidate whose primary “leadership” qualities center around his protesting of the Vietnam war and his labeling the honorable men and women who fought in it, (50,000 of whom gave their lives in that action), as rapists, and war criminals. That same political party then stepped forward this year to block the appearance of a true Vietnam war hero, retired Admiral and former United States Senator, Jeremiah Denton, (a man who spent seven years and seven torturous months in a North Vietnam prison), from speaking before an open session of the California legislature as part of that state’s 4th of July celebration. The reason Democrats gave for refusing to allow this American hero to speak before their state legislature was because of the “conservative” nature of his views. As an American, that troubles me deeply ….as well it should you.
WHAT I AM … is a man who feels the need to spend, $104, 655.60, (tax paid) of his own money, to purchase this advertisement, in order to set the story straight. Some may say this money would have been better spent feeding the world’s poor. At the risk of sounding self-serving, as an American and as a Republican, for the last six decades of my life, I have done exactly that… and more. Following the examples of my parents and grand parents, I have used my earnings to feed the poor, shelter the homeless, provide housing for the elderly and medical care for the sick….. and continue to do so… and I’m not alone in that work.
WHAT I AM … is someone who is paying for this announcement, at my sole expense, in hopes of opening the eyes of those led blindly by ill-informed elements of our great nation, who, through either ignorance, or malicious intent, repeatedly attack and belittle those of us who belong to a political party that holds true to the belief, “… the rights of the governed, exceed the power of the government”. For those interested, I am speaking only as a tax-paying individual who is in no way associated with The Republican National Committee, nor with any of its directors, or delegates.
WHAT I AM … is a man who understands, “the American way of life” is a message of self-empowerment for all.
WHAT I AM … is an American who is grateful that our nation gives each of us the opportunity of self-determination and the right to benefit from the fruits of self achievement.
WHAT I AM … is an American who wants to preserve that way of life for all who seek it.
WHAT I AM … is blessed to be an American…. and proud to be Republican.

George J. Esseff, Sr.

CAII Digest for Monday, June 25, 2007

Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m getting so many articles on this travesty of amnesty, it’s beyond funny. At this rate, I shouldn’t need to buy tp for a month, just from all the print outs. Most of the articles circle right back around to this group: Coalition Against ILLEGAL Immigration. Follow the links, read the articles, educate yourself. Judge for yourself just how bad this bill will be for America. Join the group, take action (good grief, CAII makes it so easy and provides all the contact information!) and let’s get this thing good and dead–once and for all.
Here’s the articles:
There are also TWO ALERTS! on this bill from CAII.
The first one is at Hot Air here:
Amnesty tomorrow: Five to seven votes needed, 12 still undecided; Update: Webb to vote no? Update: Burr to vote yes; Update: Boxer a likely no; Update: Five votes short, says Numbers USA; Update: Bond, Cochran, Bingaman, Nelson all yes? Update: Boxer’s a yes too. READ THE ARTICLE AND FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS AND LINKS!!!
The second one is at Ace of Spades here:
Two articles at AoS: 1) Burr’s Lines Are Jammed, But Gregg’s Taking Calls and 2) Use Special Pro-Amnesty Hotline To Give Burr, Gregg, And The Rest Of The Gang A Little Bit of Love I couldn’t find the permalinks, but those are the article titles in the alert. Ace is NOT a happy camper! Again, READ THE ARTICLES AND FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS AND LINKS!
**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email stiknstein-at-gmail-dot-com and let us know at what level you would like to participate.

CAII Digest for Monday, June 25, 2007

Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m getting so many articles on this travesty of amnesty, it’s beyond funny. At this rate, I shouldn’t need to buy tp for a month, just from all the print outs. Most of the articles circle right back around to this group: Coalition Against ILLEGAL Immigration. Follow the links, read the articles, educate yourself. Judge for yourself just how bad this bill will be for America. Join the group, take action (good grief, CAII makes it so easy and provides all the contact information!) and let’s get this thing good and dead–once and for all.
Here’s the articles:
There are also TWO ALERTS! on this bill from CAII.
The first one is at Hot Air here:
Amnesty tomorrow: Five to seven votes needed, 12 still undecided; Update: Webb to vote no? Update: Burr to vote yes; Update: Boxer a likely no; Update: Five votes short, says Numbers USA; Update: Bond, Cochran, Bingaman, Nelson all yes? Update: Boxer’s a yes too. READ THE ARTICLE AND FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS AND LINKS!!!
The second one is at Ace of Spades here:
Two articles at AoS: 1) Burr’s Lines Are Jammed, But Gregg’s Taking Calls and 2) Use Special Pro-Amnesty Hotline To Give Burr, Gregg, And The Rest Of The Gang A Little Bit of Love I couldn’t find the permalinks, but those are the article titles in the alert. Ace is NOT a happy camper! Again, READ THE ARTICLES AND FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS AND LINKS!
**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email stiknstein-at-gmail-dot-com and let us know at what level you would like to participate.

Skewering a Pack of AssIdiots

How to skewer a pack of pompous AssIdiots.
From the Political Debate Forum: [Use the link following the arrow to read the msg. I was responding to and gain access to the forum. ]
aldajjjal Posts 819 Last 4:59 PM
To MontyKelley (SL) [Msg # 199684.137 Message 199684.137 replying to 199684.135 199684.135 ]

Date: 2007-06-25T21:59:06

Primary rules for intellectuals:

  1. ignore facts
  2. ignore common sense.

If thats your definition of intellectual it explains why you are wedded to violence and opposed to any efforts for peace.

Typical straw man argument, employing an element of projection. It is Islam that embraces and sanctifies violence.

Peace is obtained by victory and maintained by superior strength and vigilence. The alternative is death, subjugation and slavery.

Fact: the Qur’an contains clear verses whose meaning is self-evident.

  • 3:7 …In it are Verses that are entirely clear, they are the foundations of the Book [and those are the Verses of Al-Ahkâm (commandments, etc.)…
  • 27:1 a Book (that makes things) clear
  • 43:2 By the manifest Book (that makes things clear, i.e. this Qur’ân).
  • Tafsir Ibn Kathir: The Mutashabihat and Muhkamat Ayat: Allah states that in the Qur’an, there are Ayat that are Muhkamat, entirely clear and plain, and these are the foundations of the Book which are plain for everyone.…(They are the foundations of the Book), meaning, they are the basis of the Qur’an, and should be referred to for clarification, when warranted,…The Muhkamat are the Ayat that explain the abrogating rulings, the allowed, prohibited, laws, limits, obligations and rulings that should be believed in and implemented…. [Emphasis added.]

In the Qur’an, Muhammad quotes Allah directly: “In it are Verses that are entirely clear, they are the foundations of the Book”. In his explanation of the Qur’an, directly referring to the same verse, the most accepted Qur’an scholar verifies that fact. But Monty & Alex, being self appointed intellectuals, know better than Allah. They know better than an expert who spent his entire lifetime studying Islam’s canon scripture.

They can not accept the fact that 9:29 contains a clear imperative to fight and kill “people of the scriptures” who do not submit to Islam. They can not accept that the command is within a fight until loop, with neither chronological nor geographical limitations.

The clear imperative to fight and kill Jews and Christians is confirmed by direct statements from Muhammad and the agents of his successor:

  • Bukhari1.8.387: “I have been ordered to fight the people till they say: ‘None has the right to be worshipped but Allah.’ And if they say so, pray like our prayers, face our Qibla and slaughter as we slaughter, then their blood and property will be sacred to us and we will not interfere with them except legally and their reckoning will be with Allah.
  • Bukhari9.92.388: I have been ordered to fight the people till they say ‘None has the right to be worshipped but Allah’ And whoever says: None has the right to be worshipped but Allah.’ waves his wealth and his life from me unless he deserves a legal punishment lusty, and his account will be with Allah!
  • Abu Dawud14.2635: I am commanded to fight with men till they testify that there is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad is His servant and His Apostle, face our qiblah (direction of prayer), eat what we slaughter, and pray like us. When they do that, their life and property are unlawful for us except what is due to them.
  • Bukhari4.52.196: I have been ordered to fight with the people till they say, ‘None has the right to be worshipped but Allah,’ and whoever says, ‘None has the right to be worshipped but Allah,’ his life and property will be saved by me except for Islamic law, and his accounts will be with Allah, (either to punish him or to forgive him.)”
  • Bukhari4.53.386: …Our Prophet, the Messenger of our Lord, has ordered us to fight you till you worship Allah Alone or give Jizya (i.e. tribute); and our Prophet has informed us that our Lord says:– “Whoever amongst us is killed (i.e. martyred), shall go to Paradise to lead such a luxurious life as he has never seen, and whoever amongst us remain alive, shall become your master.”

We have two fight until loops contained in 8:39 & 9:29 respectively, which are verified and confirmed by five hadith. What does the most widely accepted Qur’an scholar say about them?

  • The Order to fight until there is no more Fitnah: Allah then commanded fighting the disbelievers when He said:

    (…until there is no more Fitnah) meaning, Shirk. This is the opinion of Ibn `Abbas, Abu Al-`Aliyah, Mujahid, Al-Hasan, Qatadah, Ar-Rabi`, Muqatil bin Hayyan, As-Suddi and Zayd bin Aslam. Allah’s statement: (…and the religion (all and every kind of worship) is for Allah (Alone).) means, `So that the religion of Allah becomes dominant above all other religions.’

  • The Order to fight People of the Scriptures until They give the Jizyah : Allah said, (Fight against those who believe not in Allah, nor in the Last Day, nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth among the People of the Scripture, until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.)… Allah commanded His Messenger to fight the People of the Scriptures, Jews and Christians, on the ninth year of Hijrah, and he prepared his army to fight the Romans and called the people to Jihad announcing his intent and destination….

We have the direct statements of Allah, quoted by Muhammad in 8:39 & 9:29. We have five hadith which confirm those statements. We have the same texts quoted and confirmed by Ibn Kathir. Alex, John & Monty have:

  • intellectual superiority
  • moral superiority
  • smug certitude
  • condescension
  • no facts
  • no logic
  • no reasoning
  • a priori they are right, all opponents are wrong and all evidence is irrelevant.

In a pig’s!
[This forum post has received a non-responsive reply. Use the back link above to view the forum thread. ]

Skewering a Pack of AssIdiots

How to skewer a pack of pompous AssIdiots.
From the Political Debate Forum: [Use the link following the arrow to read the msg. I was responding to and gain access to the forum. ]
aldajjjal Posts 819 Last 4:59 PM
To MontyKelley (SL) [Msg # 199684.137 Message 199684.137 replying to 199684.135 199684.135 ]

Date: 2007-06-25T21:59:06

Primary rules for intellectuals:

  1. ignore facts
  2. ignore common sense.

If thats your definition of intellectual it explains why you are wedded to violence and opposed to any efforts for peace.

Typical straw man argument, employing an element of projection. It is Islam that embraces and sanctifies violence.

Peace is obtained by victory and maintained by superior strength and vigilence. The alternative is death, subjugation and slavery.

Fact: the Qur’an contains clear verses whose meaning is self-evident.

  • 3:7 …In it are Verses that are entirely clear, they are the foundations of the Book [and those are the Verses of Al-Ahkâm (commandments, etc.)…
  • 27:1 a Book (that makes things) clear
  • 43:2 By the manifest Book (that makes things clear, i.e. this Qur’ân).
  • Tafsir Ibn Kathir: The Mutashabihat and Muhkamat Ayat: Allah states that in the Qur’an, there are Ayat that are Muhkamat, entirely clear and plain, and these are the foundations of the Book which are plain for everyone.…(They are the foundations of the Book), meaning, they are the basis of the Qur’an, and should be referred to for clarification, when warranted,…The Muhkamat are the Ayat that explain the abrogating rulings, the allowed, prohibited, laws, limits, obligations and rulings that should be believed in and implemented…. [Emphasis added.]

In the Qur’an, Muhammad quotes Allah directly: “In it are Verses that are entirely clear, they are the foundations of the Book”. In his explanation of the Qur’an, directly referring to the same verse, the most accepted Qur’an scholar verifies that fact. But Monty & Alex, being self appointed intellectuals, know better than Allah. They know better than an expert who spent his entire lifetime studying Islam’s canon scripture.

They can not accept the fact that 9:29 contains a clear imperative to fight and kill “people of the scriptures” who do not submit to Islam. They can not accept that the command is within a fight until loop, with neither chronological nor geographical limitations.

The clear imperative to fight and kill Jews and Christians is confirmed by direct statements from Muhammad and the agents of his successor:

  • Bukhari1.8.387: “I have been ordered to fight the people till they say: ‘None has the right to be worshipped but Allah.’ And if they say so, pray like our prayers, face our Qibla and slaughter as we slaughter, then their blood and property will be sacred to us and we will not interfere with them except legally and their reckoning will be with Allah.
  • Bukhari9.92.388: I have been ordered to fight the people till they say ‘None has the right to be worshipped but Allah’ And whoever says: None has the right to be worshipped but Allah.’ waves his wealth and his life from me unless he deserves a legal punishment lusty, and his account will be with Allah!
  • Abu Dawud14.2635: I am commanded to fight with men till they testify that there is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad is His servant and His Apostle, face our qiblah (direction of prayer), eat what we slaughter, and pray like us. When they do that, their life and property are unlawful for us except what is due to them.
  • Bukhari4.52.196: I have been ordered to fight with the people till they say, ‘None has the right to be worshipped but Allah,’ and whoever says, ‘None has the right to be worshipped but Allah,’ his life and property will be saved by me except for Islamic law, and his accounts will be with Allah, (either to punish him or to forgive him.)”
  • Bukhari4.53.386: …Our Prophet, the Messenger of our Lord, has ordered us to fight you till you worship Allah Alone or give Jizya (i.e. tribute); and our Prophet has informed us that our Lord says:– “Whoever amongst us is killed (i.e. martyred), shall go to Paradise to lead such a luxurious life as he has never seen, and whoever amongst us remain alive, shall become your master.”

We have two fight until loops contained in 8:39 & 9:29 respectively, which are verified and confirmed by five hadith. What does the most widely accepted Qur’an scholar say about them?

  • The Order to fight until there is no more Fitnah: Allah then commanded fighting the disbelievers when He said:

    (…until there is no more Fitnah) meaning, Shirk. This is the opinion of Ibn `Abbas, Abu Al-`Aliyah, Mujahid, Al-Hasan, Qatadah, Ar-Rabi`, Muqatil bin Hayyan, As-Suddi and Zayd bin Aslam. Allah’s statement: (…and the religion (all and every kind of worship) is for Allah (Alone).) means, `So that the religion of Allah becomes dominant above all other religions.’

  • The Order to fight People of the Scriptures until They give the Jizyah : Allah said, (Fight against those who believe not in Allah, nor in the Last Day, nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth among the People of the Scripture, until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.)… Allah commanded His Messenger to fight the People of the Scriptures, Jews and Christians, on the ninth year of Hijrah, and he prepared his army to fight the Romans and called the people to Jihad announcing his intent and destination….

We have the direct statements of Allah, quoted by Muhammad in 8:39 & 9:29. We have five hadith which confirm those statements. We have the same texts quoted and confirmed by Ibn Kathir. Alex, John & Monty have:

  • intellectual superiority
  • moral superiority
  • smug certitude
  • condescension
  • no facts
  • no logic
  • no reasoning
  • a priori they are right, all opponents are wrong and all evidence is irrelevant.

In a pig’s!
[This forum post has received a non-responsive reply. Use the back link above to view the forum thread. ]

Myth vs Fact-Part 12

Myth Fact
Islam: Religion of peace. 3:139-141 So do not become weak (against your enemy), nor be sad, and you will be superior (in victory) if you are indeed (true) believers. If a wound (and killing) has touched you, be sure a similar wound (and killing) has touched the others. And so are the days (good and not so good), We give to men by turns, that Allâh may test those who believe, and that He may take martyrs from among you. And Allâh likes not the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong­doers). And that Allâh may test (or purify) the believers (from sins) and destroy the disbelievers.
Tafsir: 1 2 3

Myth vs Fact-Part 12

Myth Fact
Islam: Religion of peace. 3:139-141 So do not become weak (against your enemy), nor be sad, and you will be superior (in victory) if you are indeed (true) believers. If a wound (and killing) has touched you, be sure a similar wound (and killing) has touched the others. And so are the days (good and not so good), We give to men by turns, that Allâh may test those who believe, and that He may take martyrs from among you. And Allâh likes not the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong­doers). And that Allâh may test (or purify) the believers (from sins) and destroy the disbelievers.
Tafsir: 1 2 3