Petitions Huckabee and Limbaugh and disconnected conservatives are not going to change who the Republican nominee is

Jimmy ZAs I was answering Ben in the comments section, I determined that I had a piece here on its own so I’ve posted it separately. In it, I outline clearly and finally why conservatives really do need to ‘calm down.’

A NO vote on McCain is an affirmative to either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama, period, end of sentence. This is totally and completely unacceptable.

When you sit out the vote, you get the alternative. I know a lot of you consider Rush Limbaugh to be almost a cartoon version of a political pundit. However, he really is right most of the time, and today he played an amazing tape from his own show.

In 2006, Rush Limbaugh predicted that if the conservatives sat out the election and allowed the democrat take-over of both houses of Congress, John McCain would end up being our party’s nominee for President in 2008. Now we know he was right.

Folks, listen to me and listen good: This ‘sitting out the election’ crap is the one sure way to send this country all the way deep into socialism. If you want to see liberals take over your life in every facet, sit this one out. If you want to find more of your money taken from you in higher taxes and paid to sponges like illegal aliens flooding our land, sit out the election. If you want to stand in line for an MRI, sit it out. If you want to see everyone driving the flimsy little cars liberals want for you, sit out your opportunity to vote.

I’m the original ‘bottom line’ guy. When it comes down to a choice, and you have no other options, you have to weigh one against the other and pick the best you can. Let’s say you have no toothpaste at home, and you like Crest. You’re in the store and it’s closing time, and they’re out of Crest. They have Colgate and they have Aquafresh. You have to brush your teeth. You pick one and you go to pay for it.

I acknowledge that the choice for President is not as unimportant as choosing a brand of toothpaste, but making the choice really is going to be this simple. Assume for a moment that Hillary does what is expected and wins the democrat nomination.

Now you have a choice: John McCain; imperfect, but appearing genuinely willing to work with steadfast conservatives, or Hillary Clinton.

You’re going to sit this one out? Really?

Ann Coulter says that Hillary Clinton is more conservative than John McCain. Come on! Do any of you really believe this? I love Ann, but I think she’s flipped out completely on this topic.

Conservatives stayed home and gave democrats control of Congress in 2006. It is indisputable that we gave them the House and the Senate; democrats did not win them. I fail to understand the mentality that wants to sit at home and not vote against the liberal democrat!

In my mind and my Reagan-conservative soul, the choice is not even close! Sit at home, or vote for John McCain over Hillary Clinton? People, you truly need to calm the hell down and think this through. McCain is not a liberal democrat. We can’t be as ridiculously short sighted as the democrats were when they jettisoned faithful democrats Zell Miller or Joe Leiberman.

The time has come to rally behind our candidate. We do not have time anymore to listen to the hyperbolic ranting of those of you who want a perfect and pure conservative. Honestly my friends, do you think one really exists?

I encourage you all to let go of stubborn insistence. It is going to come down to McCain vs. Hillary Clinton, and your choice is not between sitting at home and voting for McCain. Your choice is simply whether to vote for McCain or Hillary Clinton.

And if the democrats nominate Barack Obama? Take everything I wrote and multiply it times ten. I’ll see you at your neighborhood poling place.

And that’s the bottom line.