Myth vs Fact-Part 274

Myth Fact
Islam: Religion of peace.

Sahih BukhariVolume 5, Book 59, Number 490

Narrated Anas bin Malik:

regarding Allah’s Statement: “Verily! We have granted you (O, Muhammad) Manifest victory.” (48.1) It refers to the Al-Hudaibiya Pledge. And the companions of the Prophet said (to the Prophet), “Congratulations and happiness for you; but what reward shall we get?” So Allah revealed:– “That He may admit the believing men and women to gardens beneath which rivers flow.” (48.5)


Myth vs Fact-Part 274

Myth Fact
Islam: Religion of peace.

Sahih BukhariVolume 5, Book 59, Number 490

Narrated Anas bin Malik:

regarding Allah’s Statement: “Verily! We have granted you (O, Muhammad) Manifest victory.” (48.1) It refers to the Al-Hudaibiya Pledge. And the companions of the Prophet said (to the Prophet), “Congratulations and happiness for you; but what reward shall we get?” So Allah revealed:– “That He may admit the believing men and women to gardens beneath which rivers flow.” (48.5)


J. F’n Kerry Displays Racist Dishonesty

ABC News

Kerry: Obama Could Help US Relations with Muslim Nations ‘Because He’s a Black Man’

March 20, 2008 2:45 PM

In an interview with Massachusetts’ SouthCoastToday (watch it HERE), Obama-backing Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., says among other reasons he’s supporting Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, is his belief that “it would be such an affirmation of who we say we are as a people. if we could elect an African-American president, young leader, who is obviously visionary about the ability to inspire people.”

Asked about Obama’s credibility, Kerry said:

“Because he’s African-American. Because he’s a black man. Who has come from a place of oppression and repression through the years in our own country.”

Quotes from Rush Limbaugh’s transcript

It would give us an ability to talk to those countries, to, in some cases, go around their dictator leaders to the people and inspire the people in ways that we can’t otherwise. I think in the end, um, he has an ability to help us bridge the divide of religious extremism, to maybe even give power to moderate Islam to be able to stand up against this radical misinterpretation of a legitimate religion.

Because he’s African-American! Because he’s a black man who has come from a place of oppression and repression through the years in our own country. His life story, you know, a Kenyan father who abandoned him and he was raised by a single parent and — and — and found the purpose and values to go to college and make something of himself. That’s an important lesson for America to show Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and other places in the world where disenfranchised people don’t get anything.

  • “in some cases go around their dictator leaders to the people and inspire the people in ways that we can’t otherwise.”

Is Senator Kerry really stupid enough to think that, because of his skin color, Barack Hussein Obama could hypnotize the Islamic street so that they would quit supporting Jihad? Alan Keys is blacker than Obama, could he do a better job of influencing the mobs?Do you recognize racism in Kerry’s interview?

  • “He has the ability to help us bridge the divide of religious extremism,” ; “To maybe even give power to moderate Islam to be able to stand up against this radical misinterpretation of a legitimate religion.”
  • “religious extremism ” implies the existence of a standard and a deviation from that standard. I will provide links to critical parts of the standard; these are not extremism, these are Islam. Is Kerry an ignorant fool, a traitor or both?
  • “Moderate Islam”? Islam was founded by a genocidal warmonger, it is not moderate! Anything less than Moe’s standard, set forth above, is hypocrisy, not Islam.
  • If Moe was a prophet of God, how in Hell could he misinterpret God’s message? I showed you a significant sub set of what Allah said, Moe said and Moe did. By means of the hyperlinks I supplied, you can read the rest for yourself.
  • legitimate religion”: Can an institution founded by the man who said “My provision has been placed under the shadow of my spear, and abasement and humility have been placed on the one who disobeys my command. be a legitimate religion?:
    • he was raised by a single parent” Yeah, right. His mother re-married, and he was later raised by his maternal grandparents.
    • make something of himself” Yeah, right. A Chicago politician.; just what the world needs more of.

    J. F’n Kerry Displays Racist Dishonesty

    ABC News

    Kerry: Obama Could Help US Relations with Muslim Nations ‘Because He’s a Black Man’

    March 20, 2008 2:45 PM

    In an interview with Massachusetts’ SouthCoastToday (watch it HERE), Obama-backing Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., says among other reasons he’s supporting Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, is his belief that “it would be such an affirmation of who we say we are as a people. if we could elect an African-American president, young leader, who is obviously visionary about the ability to inspire people.”

    Asked about Obama’s credibility, Kerry said:

    “Because he’s African-American. Because he’s a black man. Who has come from a place of oppression and repression through the years in our own country.”

    Quotes from Rush Limbaugh’s transcript

    It would give us an ability to talk to those countries, to, in some cases, go around their dictator leaders to the people and inspire the people in ways that we can’t otherwise. I think in the end, um, he has an ability to help us bridge the divide of religious extremism, to maybe even give power to moderate Islam to be able to stand up against this radical misinterpretation of a legitimate religion.

    Because he’s African-American! Because he’s a black man who has come from a place of oppression and repression through the years in our own country. His life story, you know, a Kenyan father who abandoned him and he was raised by a single parent and — and — and found the purpose and values to go to college and make something of himself. That’s an important lesson for America to show Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and other places in the world where disenfranchised people don’t get anything.

    • “in some cases go around their dictator leaders to the people and inspire the people in ways that we can’t otherwise.”

    Is Senator Kerry really stupid enough to think that, because of his skin color, Barack Hussein Obama could hypnotize the Islamic street so that they would quit supporting Jihad? Alan Keys is blacker than Obama, could he do a better job of influencing the mobs?Do you recognize racism in Kerry’s interview?

    • “He has the ability to help us bridge the divide of religious extremism,” ; “To maybe even give power to moderate Islam to be able to stand up against this radical misinterpretation of a legitimate religion.”
    • “religious extremism ” implies the existence of a standard and a deviation from that standard. I will provide links to critical parts of the standard; these are not extremism, these are Islam. Is Kerry an ignorant fool, a traitor or both?
  • “Moderate Islam”? Islam was founded by a genocidal warmonger, it is not moderate! Anything less than Moe’s standard, set forth above, is hypocrisy, not Islam.
  • If Moe was a prophet of God, how in Hell could he misinterpret God’s message? I showed you a significant sub set of what Allah said, Moe said and Moe did. By means of the hyperlinks I supplied, you can read the rest for yourself.
  • legitimate religion”: Can an institution founded by the man who said “My provision has been placed under the shadow of my spear, and abasement and humility have been placed on the one who disobeys my command. be a legitimate religion?:
    • he was raised by a single parent” Yeah, right. His mother re-married, and he was later raised by his maternal grandparents.
    • make something of himself” Yeah, right. A Chicago politician.; just what the world needs more of.

    Blurring the Lines–Politics, Religion and Terrorism

    Cross posted from Wake up America

    For those of us watching the chaos within the Democratic party in Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama’s battle for the nomination is definitely a sight to see.

    One campaign releases something that will hurt the other, the other campaign rushes to shift the spotlight to the other candidate and then the supporters of both campaigns jump into the fray and pound home the talking points.

    In the meantime, both camps, in their fierce battle, are forgetting that every document, ever rumor proven true, every photo and every argument they are using against each other, is out there now, to be used against the party or eventual nominee for the November elections.

    Lets take a walk through the events of the past couple of weeks.

    Religion and Politics.

    Recently there has been a firestorm in the news, blogosphere, forums and discussion groups about Barack Obama’s association and his membership in the Trinity United Church of Christ and the words of his longtime pastor, friend and man Obama calls “like family”, Jeremiah Wright, who has been in the news with snippets of some of his sermons shown, saying “God Damn America”.

    To be clear, some of his comments, such as the one I just mentioned, were offensive to many and the fact that Obama first denied hearing any of those comments, then admitted to hearing them but said he disagreed with them, led to questions of his own ideology and why he would continue to go to that church of he did not agree with the majority of what Wright was saying.

    Legitimate questions all.

    Other snippets from Wright’s sermons were taken out of context and blared across America without bothering to separate the legitimately offensive racists words from the portions where Wright was simply quoting other people.

    Obama then gave a speech, 30 plus minutes where he distanced himself from his Pastor’s remarks, but to which he was criticized because he did not distance himself from the man himself.

    Hillary Clinton supporters, specifically Lanny Davis, via the Huffington Post, then challenged Obama to answer a couple questions that were not answered in that speech.

    1. If a white minister preached sermons to his congregation and had used the “N” word and used rhetoric and words similar to members of the KKK, would you support a Democratic presidential candidate who decided to continue to be a member of that congregation?

    2. Would you support that candidate if, after knowing of or hearing those sermons, he or she still appointed that minister to serve on his or her “Religious Advisory Committee” of his or her presidential campaign?

    I hope my message gets to someone in the Obama campaign — or to a reporter traveling with the Senator — who can persuade Senator Obama to answer them directly. As I just wrote, he will have to do so — either now or perhaps in the fall.

    Again, legitimate questions, but Hillary Clinton had still not jumped on that same bandwagon and has remained suspiciously quiet, at least publicly, about the Obama/Wright controversy.

    The reason I say, at least publicly, is news reports show that according to “key allies”, the Clinton campaign was “privately pushing the issue with key party members to lift her candidacy.”

    That same New York Time article reports that the Obama campaign, in an attempt to shift focus from his relationship with Wright, supplied The New York Times with a picture of Mr. Wright and President Bill Clinton at the White House in 1998 at a breakfast meeting with religious leaders hours before the Starr report on the Monica Lewinsky scandal was made public.

    (A photo from the Obama campaign of President Bill Clinton with the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. at a breakfast in 1998.)

    They further provided a letter from Bill Clinton thanking Wright for his “kind message” and saying they were touched by his prayers.

    Blurring the lines.

    In politics it is easy to blur the lines between legitimate questions and associations and what many would call illegitimate questions and association.

    This morning’s news is full of what many would and are categorizing as the latter of the two.

    One example of what many are citing as a blurring of those lines is in a story that is creating some talk about Obama.

    The Obama buzz is about a Trinity United Church of Christ, Obama’s church, and a newsletter that was published on July 22, 2007, where the church reprinted an article by Hamas official Mousa Abu Marzook in which he justifies Hamas’ withholding of recognition of Israel’s right to exist. The article originally appeared as an op-ed in the Los Angeles Times.

    The reason that many are calling this an illegitimate association is because the World New Daily published an article about the Church reprinting that op-ed, yet WND did not get a response from Obama…… someone else did though and his response clearly denounces the op-ed, the fact that it was published in the churches newsletter as well as harshly condemning his pastor’s views about Israel.

    In a statement emailed to JTA late Thursday, Obama said, “A pro-Hamas op-ed printed in his church’s bulletin is “outrageously wrong.”

    Obama’s continues, “I have already condemned my former pastor’s views on Israel in the strongest possible terms, and I certainly wasn’t in church when that outrageously wrong Los Angeles Times piece was re-printed in the bulletin. Hamas is a terrorist organization, responsible for the deaths of many innocents, and dedicated to Israel’s destruction, as evidenced by their bombarding of Sderot in recent months. I support requiring Hamas to meet the international community’s conditions of recognizing Israel, renouncing violence, and abiding by past agreements before they are treated as a legitimate actor.

    He concludes his statement with, “The story of Queen Esther and her uncle Mordechai saving the Jews of ancient Persia from destruction. Even as the parties are held, the songs are sung, and the noisemakers are rattled, the history of a people that has had to fight for its survival, remains at the heart of the Purim story. In our day, the celebration is mingled with a determination to ensure that Israel remains safe and strong, that we fight anti-Semitism wherever it occurs, and that the American Jewish community continues to play such an active and vital role in the life of our nation.”

    The problem with blurring the lines between legitimate questions about Obama’s association with Wright and publishing a piece such as the one above without also publishing Obama’s response and clear condemnation causes difficulty in allowing people to see the whole picture.

    In politics the statement “all is fair in love and war” can be applied but without context, without providing full disclosure of information available and without acknowledging Obama’s full and stringent denouncement of Wright’s pro-terrorism sympathies, the lines between legitimate and illegitimate criticisms are becoming blurred to the point where the public cannot separate truth from rumor.

    If the public cannot separate the questions that need to be asked about why Barack Obama would continue a 17 year relationship with a racists, terrorist sympathizer, like Wright, from intellectually dishonest questions and associations that imply that Obama himself is a terrorist sympathizer, when he has made it clear he is not, then it is the public at large, the citizens and voters that lose out the most by not having the full range of information available to them.

    Blurring the Lines–Politics, Religion and Terrorism

    Cross posted from Wake up America

    For those of us watching the chaos within the Democratic party in Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama’s battle for the nomination is definitely a sight to see.

    One campaign releases something that will hurt the other, the other campaign rushes to shift the spotlight to the other candidate and then the supporters of both campaigns jump into the fray and pound home the talking points.

    In the meantime, both camps, in their fierce battle, are forgetting that every document, ever rumor proven true, every photo and every argument they are using against each other, is out there now, to be used against the party or eventual nominee for the November elections.

    Lets take a walk through the events of the past couple of weeks.

    Religion and Politics.

    Recently there has been a firestorm in the news, blogosphere, forums and discussion groups about Barack Obama’s association and his membership in the Trinity United Church of Christ and the words of his longtime pastor, friend and man Obama calls “like family”, Jeremiah Wright, who has been in the news with snippets of some of his sermons shown, saying “God Damn America”.

    To be clear, some of his comments, such as the one I just mentioned, were offensive to many and the fact that Obama first denied hearing any of those comments, then admitted to hearing them but said he disagreed with them, led to questions of his own ideology and why he would continue to go to that church of he did not agree with the majority of what Wright was saying.

    Legitimate questions all.

    Other snippets from Wright’s sermons were taken out of context and blared across America without bothering to separate the legitimately offensive racists words from the portions where Wright was simply quoting other people.

    Obama then gave a speech, 30 plus minutes where he distanced himself from his Pastor’s remarks, but to which he was criticized because he did not distance himself from the man himself.

    Hillary Clinton supporters, specifically Lanny Davis, via the Huffington Post, then challenged Obama to answer a couple questions that were not answered in that speech.

    1. If a white minister preached sermons to his congregation and had used the “N” word and used rhetoric and words similar to members of the KKK, would you support a Democratic presidential candidate who decided to continue to be a member of that congregation?

    2. Would you support that candidate if, after knowing of or hearing those sermons, he or she still appointed that minister to serve on his or her “Religious Advisory Committee” of his or her presidential campaign?

    I hope my message gets to someone in the Obama campaign — or to a reporter traveling with the Senator — who can persuade Senator Obama to answer them directly. As I just wrote, he will have to do so — either now or perhaps in the fall.

    Again, legitimate questions, but Hillary Clinton had still not jumped on that same bandwagon and has remained suspiciously quiet, at least publicly, about the Obama/Wright controversy.

    The reason I say, at least publicly, is news reports show that according to “key allies”, the Clinton campaign was “privately pushing the issue with key party members to lift her candidacy.”

    That same New York Time article reports that the Obama campaign, in an attempt to shift focus from his relationship with Wright, supplied The New York Times with a picture of Mr. Wright and President Bill Clinton at the White House in 1998 at a breakfast meeting with religious leaders hours before the Starr report on the Monica Lewinsky scandal was made public.

    (A photo from the Obama campaign of President Bill Clinton with the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. at a breakfast in 1998.)

    They further provided a letter from Bill Clinton thanking Wright for his “kind message” and saying they were touched by his prayers.

    Blurring the lines.

    In politics it is easy to blur the lines between legitimate questions and associations and what many would call illegitimate questions and association.

    This morning’s news is full of what many would and are categorizing as the latter of the two.

    One example of what many are citing as a blurring of those lines is in a story that is creating some talk about Obama.

    The Obama buzz is about a Trinity United Church of Christ, Obama’s church, and a newsletter that was published on July 22, 2007, where the church reprinted an article by Hamas official Mousa Abu Marzook in which he justifies Hamas’ withholding of recognition of Israel’s right to exist. The article originally appeared as an op-ed in the Los Angeles Times.

    The reason that many are calling this an illegitimate association is because the World New Daily published an article about the Church reprinting that op-ed, yet WND did not get a response from Obama…… someone else did though and his response clearly denounces the op-ed, the fact that it was published in the churches newsletter as well as harshly condemning his pastor’s views about Israel.

    In a statement emailed to JTA late Thursday, Obama said, “A pro-Hamas op-ed printed in his church’s bulletin is “outrageously wrong.”

    Obama’s continues, “I have already condemned my former pastor’s views on Israel in the strongest possible terms, and I certainly wasn’t in church when that outrageously wrong Los Angeles Times piece was re-printed in the bulletin. Hamas is a terrorist organization, responsible for the deaths of many innocents, and dedicated to Israel’s destruction, as evidenced by their bombarding of Sderot in recent months. I support requiring Hamas to meet the international community’s conditions of recognizing Israel, renouncing violence, and abiding by past agreements before they are treated as a legitimate actor.

    He concludes his statement with, “The story of Queen Esther and her uncle Mordechai saving the Jews of ancient Persia from destruction. Even as the parties are held, the songs are sung, and the noisemakers are rattled, the history of a people that has had to fight for its survival, remains at the heart of the Purim story. In our day, the celebration is mingled with a determination to ensure that Israel remains safe and strong, that we fight anti-Semitism wherever it occurs, and that the American Jewish community continues to play such an active and vital role in the life of our nation.”

    The problem with blurring the lines between legitimate questions about Obama’s association with Wright and publishing a piece such as the one above without also publishing Obama’s response and clear condemnation causes difficulty in allowing people to see the whole picture.

    In politics the statement “all is fair in love and war” can be applied but without context, without providing full disclosure of information available and without acknowledging Obama’s full and stringent denouncement of Wright’s pro-terrorism sympathies, the lines between legitimate and illegitimate criticisms are becoming blurred to the point where the public cannot separate truth from rumor.

    If the public cannot separate the questions that need to be asked about why Barack Obama would continue a 17 year relationship with a racists, terrorist sympathizer, like Wright, from intellectually dishonest questions and associations that imply that Obama himself is a terrorist sympathizer, when he has made it clear he is not, then it is the public at large, the citizens and voters that lose out the most by not having the full range of information available to them.