Myth vs Fact

Myth Fact
Islam: Religion of peace.

Sahih BukhariVolume 7, Book 67, Number 401

Narrated Jabir:

We went out in a campaign and the army was called The Army of the Khabt, and Abu ‘Ubaida was our commander. We were struck with severe hunger. Then the sea threw a huge dead fish called Al-‘Anbar, the like of which had never been seen. We ate of it for half a month, and then Abu ‘Ubaida took one of its bones (and made an arch of it) so that a rider could easily pass under it.


Myth vs Fact

Myth Fact
Islam: Religion of peace.

Sahih BukhariVolume 7, Book 63, Number 210

Narrated Ibn ‘Abbas:

The pagans were of two kinds as regards their relationship to the Prophet and the Believers. Some of them were those with whom the Prophet was at war and used to fight against, and they used to fight him; the others were those with whom the Prophet made a treaty, and neither did the Prophet fight them, nor did they fight him. If a lady from the first group of pagans emigrated towards the Muslims, her hand would not be asked in marriage unless she got the menses and then became clean. When she became clean, it would be lawful for her to get married, and if her husband emigrated too before she got married, then she would be returned to him. If any slave or female slave emigrated from them to the Muslims, then they would be considered free persons (not slaves) and they would have the same rights as given to other emigrants. The narrator then mentioned about the pagans involved with the Muslims in a treaty, the same as occurs in Mujahid’s narration. If a male slave or a female slave emigrated from such pagans as had made a treaty with the Muslims, they would not be returned, but their prices would be paid (to the pagans). Narrated Ibn ‘Abbas: Qariba, the daughter of Abi Umaiyya, was the wife of ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab. ‘Umar divorced her and then Mu’awiyya bin Abi Sufyan married her. Similarly, Um Al-Hakam, the daughter of Abi Sufyan was the wife of ‘Iyad bin Ghanm Al-Fihri. He divorced her and then ‘Abdullah bin ‘Uthman Al-Thaqafi married her.


Myth vs Fact

Myth Fact
Islam: Religion of peace.

Sahih BukhariVolume 7, Book 62, Number 137

Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri:

We got female captives in the war booty and we used to do coitus interruptus with them. So we asked Allah’s Apostle about it and he said, “Do you really do that?” repeating the question thrice, “There is no soul that is destined to exist but will come into existence, till the Day of Resurrection.”


Miss Beth Needs a Logo!

Ok everyone–it’s been well over a year now since Miss Beth started blogging.

I don’t have a logo. So, I would like people to submit their best rendition of a Miss Beth logo and send it to my email at Put “Logo Idea” in the reference line.

Ideas will be accepted until June 30, 2008. Some guidelines: 1) It must be unashamedly pro-American, Pro-Troop and Patriotic; 2) It does NOT have to “serious”–humor is good; 3) It must be able to pass a “G” rating; 4) Vintage themes are cool and 5) It must illustrate VICTORY.

Put your thinking caps on and start submitting ideas! The theme I choose will give full credit to the designer and will be put on a line of merchandise in CafePress, with designer credit given.

Miss Beth Needs a Logo!

Ok everyone–it’s been well over a year now since Miss Beth started blogging.

I don’t have a logo. So, I would like people to submit their best rendition of a Miss Beth logo and send it to my email at Put “Logo Idea” in the reference line.

Ideas will be accepted until June 30, 2008. Some guidelines: 1) It must be unashamedly pro-American, Pro-Troop and Patriotic; 2) It does NOT have to “serious”–humor is good; 3) It must be able to pass a “G” rating; 4) Vintage themes are cool and 5) It must illustrate VICTORY.

Put your thinking caps on and start submitting ideas! The theme I choose will give full credit to the designer and will be put on a line of merchandise in CafePress, with designer credit given.

Fed Up With The GOP

I am lucky enough to have been able to vote for Ronald Reagan when he ran as President. In fact, it was the first Presidential election in which I was old enough to vote and he was the very first President I voted for.

I was raised in a conservative family with strong conservative values–both parents had college degrees (at the time my father had his first of many PhD’s), education was a MUST, we saved, my mother stayed home with us until we went to school and then she worked part time. She was also responsible for our cultural and religious extra-curricular activities while daddy was responsible for our sports activities. Hard work was rewarded with privileges, not toys and laziness, disrespect and irresponsibility were simply not tolerated. I grew up in an era when children were kicked out of their houses around 8:00 am during the summer and told not to come home until lunch; after lunch, it was back outside until the street lights came on. The entire neighborhood watched out for each other’s children and if you got into trouble at a friend’s house, your mother knew about it before you even came close to being home. Sunday Mass was MANDATORY and you dressed appropriately and respectfully. You learned what soap tasted like if you decided to try out your swearing capabilities. There was one TV in the house and the program lineup was decided by daddy. Hence, my Star Trek addiction (it was on opposite the Flinstones at that time). Bedtimes were enforced, girls didn’t call boys, and the phone better not ring after 8:00 pm unless it was a true emergency. We saved money for family vacations, there was one credit card and it was kept clear for emergency use only. We were taught the police were our friends and you ALWAYS stood for a member of the military. From the time we could focus, we were plopped in front of the tv for each and every rocket launch and the flag was proudly flown from our home. Holidays centered around their meanings rather than the cost and number of gifts and our elders were very much respected.

Family vacations were rarely to anyplace other than the grandparents homes. And such grandparents I had! One set of great-grandparents had actually pioneered parts of Colorado and Oklahome in covered wagons. They owned a small “farm” and were entirely self-sustaining. Gruesome child that I was, I thoroughly enjoyed watching Grandpa execute chickens and ducks for dinner. The pies my grandmother made were famous city-wide and she made a small contribution toward the family coffers selling her pies to the mom and pop restaurants in this small town. They raised six children in a sod hut; losing one in adulthood to a fire. To get a doctor, my grandmother had to literally run to town, find the doctor and go back to the homestead. They didn’t have stores to buy sheets and such; quilting bees were the norm. I have two of her quilts made into wall hangings for all to see their beauty. She emmigrated from Ireland and he was the son of German immigrants.

Another set of grandparents homesteaded the Idaho/Utah area. She was a British immigrant whose father was a gravedigger in England and the children played among the headstones. The highpoint of their childhood was going to the sea and eating ice cream. She was an exceptionally cheerful woman who worked magic with a crochet hook or knitting needles. She taught us how to can, preserve and store food. My memories of my grandfather aren’t so keen as he always seemed to be in the background. To her dying day, she had her afternoon tea. Her three children were successes in their own rights, my father being the only son.

Those times are gone. The values have long been since relegated to the dustbins of obscurity as old fashioned and not relevant.

However. These are the values of conservatives. Self-sufficiency. Using resources responsibly. Helping each other out in time of need. Saving for a rainy day. Legal immigration and assimilation. Giving up native languages for English. Pride in God, country and self, in that order.

Faith. Small government who trusted its citizens to pretty much govern themselves, stepping in only when necessary. Military service. Raising families to be productive citizens rather than lazy layabouts expecting everything to be handed to them.

These people were the backbone of the country and the backbone of the conservative base. They may have registered as Democrats. They may have been Republicans. Either way, the values and beliefs were strong.

These values no longer define conservatism. Conservatism is used as an epithet these days, signifying you’re hopelessly behind the times. God and Faith have been relegated to second class status, while the almighty dollar and power take their places.

Frankly, I’m tired of it. I have my own blog. Those who read my blog know I hold nothing back. I’m tired of what passes for the Republican party these days, which is nothing more than socialist lite. I’m tired of working my behind off to have my taxes taken (a nice form of armed robbery) to support the most ludicrous of leftist/liberal ideas and schemes, without asking me what I wish to support, whether it be policies or charities. I don’t like my money being taken to support lunatic schemes such as the “greening” of the world, worshiping at the altar of Al Gore and designed to take my choice away regarding everything from what I put into my gas tank to what kind of light bulbs I use. Policies designed to siphon off my funds to support failed theories and false science which has been debunked by reputable research–yet the RNC panders to in order to get votes. Policies designed to drive up prices on everything from gas prices to the food on my table. Policies designed to ravage land and starve worldwide populations. Policies based upon the ravings of a lunatic and his followers.

I’m tired of the RNC pandering to the lobbies for illegal aliens and refusing to enforce existing laws against these invaders while continuing to try to find ways to shove anmnesty down my throat. I’m tired of the cowardice of the RNC in capitulating to the appeasement mentality of islamists demanding special accomodations for footbaths, prayer rooms and times, cafeterias and facility use times at publicly funded schools and universities, using my tax dollars, while my own Judeo-Christian values and needs are prohibited because of the “separation of church and state”. I’m tired of the RNC appeasing a small percentage of the population’s sexual issues by allowing them to force their views on my family through things like special sex ed classes and accomodation of Gay Pride parades and Folsom Street Fair. I’m tired of traitors and seditionists being allowed to retain their congressional seats rather than the RNC enforcing the laws against such behavior and prosecuting these criminals. I’m tired of the RNC becoming a yellow-belly, spineless wimp in the face of the liberal lunacy. I’m tired of the RNC asking me for money to support candidates who waffle, spin, refuse to take a stand and are nothing more than democrat lite, while refusing to provide us true conservative candidates.

I’m plain tired of the RNC. I will stay registered Republican just long enough to get through this election; then I’m registering no party. I will not continue to contribute to or support any candidate run by a party I no longer recognize and a party who insists on ignoring the voices of the people.

Anyone with me?

Fed Up With The GOP

I am lucky enough to have been able to vote for Ronald Reagan when he ran as President. In fact, it was the first Presidential election in which I was old enough to vote and he was the very first President I voted for.

I was raised in a conservative family with strong conservative values–both parents had college degrees (at the time my father had his first of many PhD’s), education was a MUST, we saved, my mother stayed home with us until we went to school and then she worked part time. She was also responsible for our cultural and religious extra-curricular activities while daddy was responsible for our sports activities. Hard work was rewarded with privileges, not toys and laziness, disrespect and irresponsibility were simply not tolerated. I grew up in an era when children were kicked out of their houses around 8:00 am during the summer and told not to come home until lunch; after lunch, it was back outside until the street lights came on. The entire neighborhood watched out for each other’s children and if you got into trouble at a friend’s house, your mother knew about it before you even came close to being home. Sunday Mass was MANDATORY and you dressed appropriately and respectfully. You learned what soap tasted like if you decided to try out your swearing capabilities. There was one TV in the house and the program lineup was decided by daddy. Hence, my Star Trek addiction (it was on opposite the Flinstones at that time). Bedtimes were enforced, girls didn’t call boys, and the phone better not ring after 8:00 pm unless it was a true emergency. We saved money for family vacations, there was one credit card and it was kept clear for emergency use only. We were taught the police were our friends and you ALWAYS stood for a member of the military. From the time we could focus, we were plopped in front of the tv for each and every rocket launch and the flag was proudly flown from our home. Holidays centered around their meanings rather than the cost and number of gifts and our elders were very much respected.

Family vacations were rarely to anyplace other than the grandparents homes. And such grandparents I had! One set of great-grandparents had actually pioneered parts of Colorado and Oklahome in covered wagons. They owned a small “farm” and were entirely self-sustaining. Gruesome child that I was, I thoroughly enjoyed watching Grandpa execute chickens and ducks for dinner. The pies my grandmother made were famous city-wide and she made a small contribution toward the family coffers selling her pies to the mom and pop restaurants in this small town. They raised six children in a sod hut; losing one in adulthood to a fire. To get a doctor, my grandmother had to literally run to town, find the doctor and go back to the homestead. They didn’t have stores to buy sheets and such; quilting bees were the norm. I have two of her quilts made into wall hangings for all to see their beauty. She emmigrated from Ireland and he was the son of German immigrants.

Another set of grandparents homesteaded the Idaho/Utah area. She was a British immigrant whose father was a gravedigger in England and the children played among the headstones. The highpoint of their childhood was going to the sea and eating ice cream. She was an exceptionally cheerful woman who worked magic with a crochet hook or knitting needles. She taught us how to can, preserve and store food. My memories of my grandfather aren’t so keen as he always seemed to be in the background. To her dying day, she had her afternoon tea. Her three children were successes in their own rights, my father being the only son.

Those times are gone. The values have long been since relegated to the dustbins of obscurity as old fashioned and not relevant.

However. These are the values of conservatives. Self-sufficiency. Using resources responsibly. Helping each other out in time of need. Saving for a rainy day. Legal immigration and assimilation. Giving up native languages for English. Pride in God, country and self, in that order.

Faith. Small government who trusted its citizens to pretty much govern themselves, stepping in only when necessary. Military service. Raising families to be productive citizens rather than lazy layabouts expecting everything to be handed to them.

These people were the backbone of the country and the backbone of the conservative base. They may have registered as Democrats. They may have been Republicans. Either way, the values and beliefs were strong.

These values no longer define conservatism. Conservatism is used as an epithet these days, signifying you’re hopelessly behind the times. God and Faith have been relegated to second class status, while the almighty dollar and power take their places.

Frankly, I’m tired of it. I have my own blog. Those who read my blog know I hold nothing back. I’m tired of what passes for the Republican party these days, which is nothing more than socialist lite. I’m tired of working my behind off to have my taxes taken (a nice form of armed robbery) to support the most ludicrous of leftist/liberal ideas and schemes, without asking me what I wish to support, whether it be policies or charities. I don’t like my money being taken to support lunatic schemes such as the “greening” of the world, worshiping at the altar of Al Gore and designed to take my choice away regarding everything from what I put into my gas tank to what kind of light bulbs I use. Policies designed to siphon off my funds to support failed theories and false science which has been debunked by reputable research–yet the RNC panders to in order to get votes. Policies designed to drive up prices on everything from gas prices to the food on my table. Policies designed to ravage land and starve worldwide populations. Policies based upon the ravings of a lunatic and his followers.

I’m tired of the RNC pandering to the lobbies for illegal aliens and refusing to enforce existing laws against these invaders while continuing to try to find ways to shove anmnesty down my throat. I’m tired of the cowardice of the RNC in capitulating to the appeasement mentality of islamists demanding special accomodations for footbaths, prayer rooms and times, cafeterias and facility use times at publicly funded schools and universities, using my tax dollars, while my own Judeo-Christian values and needs are prohibited because of the “separation of church and state”. I’m tired of the RNC appeasing a small percentage of the population’s sexual issues by allowing them to force their views on my family through things like special sex ed classes and accomodation of Gay Pride parades and Folsom Street Fair. I’m tired of traitors and seditionists being allowed to retain their congressional seats rather than the RNC enforcing the laws against such behavior and prosecuting these criminals. I’m tired of the RNC becoming a yellow-belly, spineless wimp in the face of the liberal lunacy. I’m tired of the RNC asking me for money to support candidates who waffle, spin, refuse to take a stand and are nothing more than democrat lite, while refusing to provide us true conservative candidates.

I’m plain tired of the RNC. I will stay registered Republican just long enough to get through this election; then I’m registering no party. I will not continue to contribute to or support any candidate run by a party I no longer recognize and a party who insists on ignoring the voices of the people.

Anyone with me?

Myth vs Fact

Myth Fact
Islam: Religion of peace.

Sahih BukhariVolume 7, Book 62, Number 13o

Narrated ‘Abdullah:

We used to participate in the holy battles led by Allah’s Apostle and we had nothing (no wives) with us. So we said, “Shall we get ourselves castrated?” He forbade us that and then allowed us to marry women with a temporary contract (2) and recited to us: — ‘O you who believe ! Make not unlawful the good things which Allah has made lawful for you, but commit no transgression.’ (5.87)


Myth vs Fact

Myth Fact
Islam: Religion of peace.

Sahih BukhariVolume 6, Book 61, Number 577

Narrated ‘Ali:

I heard the Prophet saying, “In the last days (of the world) there will appear young people with foolish thoughts and ideas. They will give good talks, but they will go out of Islam as an arrow goes out of its game, their faith will not exceed their throats. So, wherever you find them, kill them, for there will be a reward for their killers on the Day of Resurrection.”


It’s All About Gas Prices

Cross-posted from

Faultline USA


Sticky note to McCain and Obama . . .

Unless the dollar rises quickly and gas prices come way down, the primary issue that will determine the presidential election in November WILL be the Economy/OIL Prices!!! And the solution won’t be more taxes. The candidate with the best economic recovery plan will get America’s votes. That is if most of us can still afford to drive to the polls on Election Day.

This past week the house passed the “feel good-do nothing but harm” NOPEC bill:

This from WSJ:

House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers of Michigan, who introduced the No Oil Producing and Exporting Cartels (NOPEC) Act, argued that cartels like OPEC are partly to blame for today’s high gasoline prices. The bill sailed through 345-to-72a day after the Energy Department said the average pump price of regular gasoline was a record $3.218 a gallon. The bill would change certain laws, like the Sherman Act and Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, to block OPEC countries like Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela from invoking immunity from U.S. court action relating to concerns about oil production.

I have a question. Why should it be illegal for OPEC nations “to limit the distribution and production of oil, natural gas, or any other petroleum product,” while Congress continues to severely limit "the production of oil, natural gas, or any other petroleum product” in the US???

Must read reaction to NOPEC.


Mark Steyn: Your car can’t run on Congress’ hot air

Here’s an excerpt:

. . .the Big Oil guy oozed as oleaginous as his product before the grand panjandrums of the House Subcommittee on Televised Posturing, and then they went off and passed 324-82 the so-called NOPEC bill. The NOPEC bill is, in effect, a suit against OPEC, which, if I recall correctly, stands for the Oil Price-Exploiting Club. "No War For Oil!," as the bumper stickers say. But a massive suit for oil – now that’s the American way.

"It shall be illegal and a violation of this Act," declared the House of Representatives, "to limit the production or distribution of oil, natural gas, or any other petroleum product … or to otherwise take any action in restraint of trade for oil, natural gas or any petroleum product when such action, combination, or collective action has a direct, substantial, and reasonably foreseeable effect on the market, supply, price or distribution of oil, natural gas or other petroleum product in the United States."

. . . So we complain about $4-a-gallon gas, and our leaders respond with showboating legislation like NOPEC and feel-good environmental regulatory overkill like putting the polar bear on the endangered-species list, while ensuring that we’ll continue to bankroll every radical mosque and madrassah on the planet. In Britain, new "green taxes" do nothing to "save" the planet, but they are estimated to cost the average family about $6,000 a year. That’s change you can believe in.

For a differing opinion see The Old Right Daily

But the real reason behind our troubles with Oil, is the DOLLAR’S DECLINE. (Yes, Ron Paul is right when talking about the Gold Standard). This is because, Oil is priced in dollars.

Oil is priced in dollars. So just to maintain the status quo, oil exporting countries must charge more for their oil to offset the lost revenues caused by the dollar’s decline. Indeed, of all the markets that rise when the dollar falls, oil and energy are the largest and potentially most powerful.

So, who really should our beloved Justice Department go after? The Federal Reserve. But this is an election year, and the idiots over on Capital Hill want to show you, how tough they are on those evil people who own OPEC. When in fact they should be looking at their own stupidity.

H/T to American Solutions for attempting a Tri-partisan approach.

73% of the American people agree that with appropriate safeguards to protect the environment, we should drill for oil off America’s coasts to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

As gas prices continue to increase, Congress continues to blame others while ignoring practical steps to stop the pain Americans are feeling at the pump. To reduce our dependence on foreign oil, we need real solutions to our energy challenges.

Watch Newt Gingrich explain our new Drill Here. Drill Now. Pay Less. campaign:

Memorial Weekend Travel Down Again

AAA reports that for the second year in a row, the number of people traveling will not exceed that of a typical weekend.

The agency blames the reduction in driving on another year of record high gas prices.

Chicago pays more because of high gas taxes!!!

Tired of seeing the price at the pump jump every time you need to buy gasoline? Well, the record-high price of gasoline in the Chicago area is linked to a record-high rate of taxation: nearly 20 percent of the Chicago price.

H/T to KICKIN’ AND SCREAMIN’ This article was just too good, so I had to cross-post it here!

We all know it is true. If Democrats had allowed us to build more refineries and drilled for more oil, we’d not be beholden to OPEC as we are today. I’ll be among the first to also say that there’s no guarantee prices would be lower as oil prices are, for the most part, set by futures traders since higher output and low prices drive up demand and oil companies, being international traders, sell to the highest bidder. For all we know, we can add another 3 million barrels per day to our output but countries like China would suck it up, demand goes up, prices go up, OPEC slashes production to maintain prices, etc. etc.

But that’s not really the point.

The point is this: Chuck Schumer, Democrat and asshole extraordinaire, recently said this when grilling oil company executives:

“If Saudi Arabia were to increase its production by 1 million barrels per day that translates to a reduction of 20 percent to 25 percent in the world price of crude oil, and crude oil prices could fall by more than $25 dollar per barrel from its current level of $126 per barrel. In turn, that would lower the price of gasoline between 13 percent and 17 percent, or by more than 62 cents off the expected summer regular-grade price – offering much needed relief to struggling families. “

Too bad none of the execs had access to Lexis-Nexis to dig up this by Schumer just a month earlier:

the Administration was “strangling” any attempts to make serious investments at alternative energy over the last seven years and that drilling in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge would “take ten years and reduce the price of oil by a penny.”

In conclusion, in case you liberals out there need help connecting the dots:

Schumer’s daily magic number of 1 million barrels is the exact increase experts believe we would today be pumping through the Alyeska pipeline had Bill Clinton not vetoed ANWR drilling back in 1995. And even the most rabid anti-domestic-drilling Democrats don’t take issue with that figure.

So then, the increase he demands of “Bush’s friends,” the Saudis – which he claims would reduce prices by up to 25 percent — is the exact amount he argued earlier this month would only “reduce the price of oil by a penny” were it coming from ANWR – eco-sacred breeding ground of the Porcupine Caribou.

It doesn’t take a Ph.D in economics to know that both figures can’t be right.

Nor one in Poli-Sci to know why they’re so starkly different nonetheless.

Digg IT!!!