Myth vs Fact

Myth Fact
Islam: Religion of peace.

Sahih Muslim Book 019, Number 4337:

It has been narrated on the authority of Abdullah b. ‘Umar that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) used to give (from the spoils of war) to small troops seat on expeditions something more than the due share of each fighter in a large force. And Khums (one-fifth of the total spoils) was to be reserved (for Allah and His Apostle) in all cases.

Tafsir Ruling on the Spoils of War (Ghanimah and Fai )

McCain: ‘Obama would rather lose a war in order to win a political campaign’

Cross posted from Wake up America

Joe Klein thinks that statement from John McCain sounds desperate but in reality it is brilliant because it is the absolute truth.

This is a clear choice that the American people have. I had the courage and the judgment to say I would rather lose a political campaign than lose a war. It seems to me that Obama would rather lose a war in order to win a political campaign.

Here it is on YouTube, good for McCain!!!

Klein also says: The reality is that neither Barack Obama nor Nouri al-Maliki nor most anybody else believes that the Iraq war can be “lost” at this point.


Perhaps we should ask Mr. “The war is lost” Reid? Or maybe get Pelosi to actually say the words “the surge worked”, or Murtha, or Kerry and the list goes on.

The problem Klein is showing is he doesn’t like hearing John McCain state the truth publicly.

This Washington Post editorial makes some good points as well.

Yet Mr. Obama’s account of his strategic vision remains eccentric. He insists that Afghanistan is “the central front” for the United States, along with the border areas of Pakistan. But there are no known al-Qaeda bases in Afghanistan, and any additional U.S. forces sent there would not be able to operate in the Pakistani territories where Osama bin Laden is headquartered. While the United States has an interest in preventing the resurgence of the Afghan Taliban, the country’s strategic importance pales beside that of Iraq, which lies at the geopolitical center of the Middle East and contains some of the world’s largest oil reserves. If Mr. Obama’s antiwar stance has blinded him to those realities, that could prove far more debilitating to him as president than any particular timetable.

Obama does care more about the election than he does the country and John McCain would do well to remember that and use it as often as possible.

Althouse tears Klein a new one.

If Klein wants to get all outraged about something, he should get outraged retrospectively about how Obama and many Democrats were ready and even eager to embrace defeat. If Klein wants to worry about who is unsuited for the presidency, he ought to recognize that if Obama had been President two years ago, we would have suffered a humiliating defeat in Iraq that would have repercussions for decades.

Couldn’t have said it better myself, but she rips him more, so please go check it out.

The left is having a hissy fit that John McCain dared speak the truth, so I hope he continues to pound home on that. America needs to know exactly how invested in defeat Barack Obama truly is.


McCain: ‘Obama would rather lose a war in order to win a political campaign’

Cross posted from Wake up America

Joe Klein thinks that statement from John McCain sounds desperate but in reality it is brilliant because it is the absolute truth.

This is a clear choice that the American people have. I had the courage and the judgment to say I would rather lose a political campaign than lose a war. It seems to me that Obama would rather lose a war in order to win a political campaign.

Here it is on YouTube, good for McCain!!!

Klein also says: The reality is that neither Barack Obama nor Nouri al-Maliki nor most anybody else believes that the Iraq war can be “lost” at this point.


Perhaps we should ask Mr. “The war is lost” Reid? Or maybe get Pelosi to actually say the words “the surge worked”, or Murtha, or Kerry and the list goes on.

The problem Klein is showing is he doesn’t like hearing John McCain state the truth publicly.

This Washington Post editorial makes some good points as well.

Yet Mr. Obama’s account of his strategic vision remains eccentric. He insists that Afghanistan is “the central front” for the United States, along with the border areas of Pakistan. But there are no known al-Qaeda bases in Afghanistan, and any additional U.S. forces sent there would not be able to operate in the Pakistani territories where Osama bin Laden is headquartered. While the United States has an interest in preventing the resurgence of the Afghan Taliban, the country’s strategic importance pales beside that of Iraq, which lies at the geopolitical center of the Middle East and contains some of the world’s largest oil reserves. If Mr. Obama’s antiwar stance has blinded him to those realities, that could prove far more debilitating to him as president than any particular timetable.

Obama does care more about the election than he does the country and John McCain would do well to remember that and use it as often as possible.

Althouse tears Klein a new one.

If Klein wants to get all outraged about something, he should get outraged retrospectively about how Obama and many Democrats were ready and even eager to embrace defeat. If Klein wants to worry about who is unsuited for the presidency, he ought to recognize that if Obama had been President two years ago, we would have suffered a humiliating defeat in Iraq that would have repercussions for decades.

Couldn’t have said it better myself, but she rips him more, so please go check it out.

The left is having a hissy fit that John McCain dared speak the truth, so I hope he continues to pound home on that. America needs to know exactly how invested in defeat Barack Obama truly is.


Did The National Enquirer Catch John Edwards With Mistress?

Cross posted from Wake up America

Grain of salt added, here is the run down.

The NATIONAL ENQUIRER got wind of a meeting that was going to occur, watched Edwards enter the Beverly Hilton hotel where blonde divorcée Rielle Hunter was staying on July 21, 2008,then saw the couple leave, return, and the reporters waited for Edwards to depart and greeted him.

They say he actually hid in the bathroom until hotel security helped escort him out.

They produce pictures and there will be no way he can get out of this one.

The NATIONAL ENQUIRER learned ahead of time that one such meeting was set for yesterday.

At 9:45 p.m. (PST) Monday, Edwards appeared at the hotel, and was dropped off at a side entrance. NATIONAL ENQUIRER reporter Alan Butterfield witnessed the ex-senator get out of a BMW driven by a male companion and stroll into the hotel.

Said Butterfield: “Edwards was not carrying anything. He walked in alone. He was wearing a blue dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He was looking around nervously before he entered the hotel.

“Once inside, he interestingly bypassed the lobby and ducked down a side stairs to go to the bottom floor to catch the elevator up – rather than taking the elevator in the main lobby. He went out of his way not to be seen.”

Meanwhile, Rielle had reserved rooms 246 and 252 under the name of the friend who had accompanied her from Santa Barbara, Bob McGovern. Rielle was in one room and McGovern was in another with her baby. This allowed her and Edwards to spend time alone, a source revealed.

Edwards went out of the hotel briefly with Rielle, they were observed by the NATIONAL ENQUIRER and then went back to her room, where he stayed until attempting to sneak out of the hotel unseen at 2:40 a.m. (PST). But when he emerged alone from an elevator into the hotel basement he was greeted by several reporters from the NATIONAL ENQUIRER.

Senior NATIONAL ENQUIRER Reporter Alexander Hitchen asked Edwards why he was visiting Rielle and whether he was ready to confirm that he was the father of her baby.

Shocked to see a reporter, and without saying anything, Edwards ran up the stairs leading from the hotel basement to the lobby. But, spotting a photographer, he doubled back into the basement. As he emerged from the stairwell, reporter Butterfield questioned him about his hookup with Rielle.

Edwards did not answer and then ran into a nearby restroom. He stayed inside for about 15 minutes, refusing to answer questions from the NATIONAL ENQUIRER about what he was doing in the hotel. A group of hotel security men eventually escorted him from the men’s room, while preventing the NATIONAL ENQUIRER reporters from following him out of the hotel.

They have more, read it for yourself.

I am waiting for picture proof or witnesses to speak up, but if this can be proven, or if they have photo evidence, then that rumor that he is on the Obama VP short list, just blew up and that list just got shorter.

Pajamas Media says they also had wind of the story but didn’t have proof enough to publish, then they make this point.

Oh, one last thing, for those of you who says it’s The National Enquirer, how do we know it’s true? I suggest you Google the “National Enquirer and OJ Simpson.” They broke most of the important stories on that case. In general, these days they’re vastly more reliable than The New York Times.

That is a good point.

Disclaimer- I have never particularly trusted stories in the NATIONAL ENQUIRER but once in a while they do get things right and there is so much detail to this story that it should be easy to prove or disprove.

The Corner also notes that it was the Enquirer that broke the Limbaugh story long ago.

[Update] I delve more into the story and ask some questions in a more detailed piece I wrote at DJ, found here.
