As I mentioned in Part One, this part will illustrate a troll attack on a fellow VICTORY blogger yesterday and how he completely degenerated. He was later traced to Prince Edward Island, Canada–which leads one to believe he is indeed one of these “planted jihadist trolls”. This belief is also based on his subtle but obvious syntax and sentence structure errors, and the fact he became completely enraged over my attacks upon his masculinity.

His name is “Gil” and I will edit enough of the posting for you to get a true idea of what he was up to. If, by some chance, he is NOT a “jihadist troll” and has been educated in America, take a look at his deplorable education in reasoned writing, grammar, spelling, etc. A definite by-product of the liberal public school system our children are subjected to.


Wake Up America! published a post on Harry Reid–“Harry Reid Once Again Mimics Al Qaeda’s Words”.

Gil didn’t like it. Gil tried to use the liberal/defeatist talking points and rhetoric used by the “cut and run” crowd repeatedly, obviously thinking (as they all do) that by repeating something over and over again, it becomes true. Several commentors are either Veterans, parents of service men and women or both. Gil also tried to demand we answer questions from him (which we did, repeatedly) while completely ignoring our questions. Below I will post a list of those questions as well as his incoherent, rambling, answers. Further, he did everything he could to divert–typical tactics for the losing defeatists.

It started getting interesting here:

1). Why don’t you support our troops by demanding that our Army get’s a larger share of the Pentagon’s budget??Reason I ask is because the only way I see you “supporting our troops” is by attacking Democrats that are trying to help them.

If empty slogans make you feel like you are “supporting our troops” fine…. Just let’s not pretend that you Republicans actually “Support” any troops….. No dear Republicans, what you do is you USE OUR TROOPS as cover for a failed policy.

Please do the descent thing and defend your ideas without hiding behind the troops. Please stop pretending that to disagree with Bush’s failures in Iraq is some how not supporting the troops. We are all adults here, so let’s start acting like we are OK?
gil Homepage 04.20.07 – 11:29 pm #

2). I know that there is nothing Bush can say or do that will make you Republicans loose faith in him…. But for the rest of us Americans, and for the entire world… That point was reached a long time ago and for darn good reasons. If you want to continue to support an moron is your right, just don’t be surprised if in the next elections your party is sent into a dead spiral.

God knows you Republicans are asking for it…. And you know what they say… Be careful what you ask because you might get it. You want this war to continue? OK !! give your support to Bush right up to election time in 08 … Let’s find out if the people considered you supported Bush or the troops. Let’s see how much the American people appreciates the fact that in “supporting our troops” you Republicans put our Army on the ropes,and spent hundreds of billions of Dollars to “buy” us a Civil War at best and a quagmire from hell at worst.
gil Homepage 04.21.07 – 12:00 am #

3). Today, I can see this mom. We stay we loose, and we live we loose. Now congratulations Republicans !!! What a great way of conducting foreign policy!! We stay until “victory” goes the party line…. What victory? The Shiite victory? So that the Shiite in Iraq can ally themselves to Iran??? Is that your victory Republicans??? OH but as long as we have a talking point, and a slogan we “win” is that it Republicans? I don’t know at what point you Republicans left hearth and went to live in the twilight zone, but this “Republican patriotic party” thing does not work any more. Look at the polls and tell me if you see any one other that the usual 30% buying your B.S. anymore.

Republicans are basically telling Americans that they don’t support the troops because we are against a policy that ask us to spend hundreds of billioms of Dollars more, with no strings attached on top of the hundreds of billions already spent because a “Leader” that has not been correct about anithing once, ask us to?

What on hearth do you people take us for, fools?
gil Homepage 04.21.07 – 1:36 am #

4). One of the most incredibly idiotic lines from the Republicans is the “We fight them there so that we don’t fight them here” .

Is there a terrorist contract I don’t know about? Did Osama sign a contract limiting himself to fight us in Iraq and Afghanistan I missed?

Is there a logical reason why can’t terrorist fight us there and here?In short Republicans please stop insulting our intelligence will you?

As for the training of Iraqi troops … Dear, I hate to brake the news to you but 350,000 Iraqi troops are already trained, and “ready” to fight… Too bad is not for us, or for their “Democracy”.And even if by some miracle they were, the Shiite are the ones that win, the Iranians are the ones that win, not us…. Bush made sure with his incredible stupidity that we had no way of winning period.
gil Homepage 04.21.07 – 2:02 am #

5). Answer to Beth.

You know Beth since you pay so much attention to the soldiers on the grownd let me remind you of what the soldiers on the grownd were saying before they got fired by the “Decider” for saying the wrong thing.

Gen. Shenseky. We will need over 200,000 troops and years to secure Iraq. Dismissed.

Gen. Abizaid. We need more troops and new strategies. Wrong timing. Dismissed.

Gen. Casey and Obierno. We need more troops, Iraq is moving to a Civil War statement. Dismissed.

Your new hero Gen. Petraeus. Lost command of the training of Iraqi security forces when he voiced his frustration with operational matters.

So dear Beth the last thing you are going to make me buy, is your theory that the boots on the grownd are telling us anithing other than what this administration whant us to hear. To do otherwise is to invite immediate dismissal. Bush and Rumsfeld were for less troops not more and several Generals lost their jobs over that…. And now the “Desider” has had a change of hearth three years too late and we have ourslves a “surge” . Go figure … the guy is slow I guess… 4 years ago Shenseky was telling him just that.

Now the surge dear Beth is designed to buy time for political progress… You see any political progress in Iraq????? Or do you think we need not put to much preassure on Mr. Al Malaki to PRODUCE… Hey, let’s not bother the man, we can keep on spending hundreds of billions that we never planned to spend, and continue to send back our troops for fourth and fifth tours (You really support the troops indeed… To get killed that is)into eternity .

The “defeatists” are telling you dear Beth that your victory parade needs to start producing something other than saliva, and empty adjetives. As I pointed out already …. The “defeatist” around the world warned you people of what mess you were about to start…. You know Beth you are like the crazy man that continues to reject help while drowning in a pool because ” The people trowing me the life saver don’t believe I can swim … Bunch of defeatist”

Fact is Beth you don’t know how to swim, and you are going to drown in the pool calling your would be saviors “defeatists”. Your side already ignored the same “defeatist” telling you not to invade Iraq in the first place …. And look where you are!!! But some people just never learn.

I challenged the likes of you already to tell me how do you win in Iraq Beth. If the Shiite take unchallenged control they will ally themselves to Iran … THAT IS A FACT. How is that victory Beth??? Care to explain that one to us “defeatists”?
gil Homepage 04.21.07 – 11:18 am #

That was a long one, I know. Suffice it to say, I burst his little bubble about my swimming abilities and started going for blood. NO ONE CALLS ME “DEAR”, “DARLING” OR ANYTHING ELSE IN SUCH A CONDESCENDING MANNER UNLESS THEY ARE SOMEONE NEAR AND DEAR TO MY HEART. TRAITORS AREN’T.

My Responses that finally drove him over the edge:

1). There are several fallacies in your argument gil, along with several grammatical and spelling mistakes–thereby making you look even sillier and more wild eyed than usual. Most people that think intelligently bother to use proper grammar in stating an argument and try to catch their spelling errors. Otherwise they appear as rabid as they sound.

I noticed you blatantly ignored the challenge I threw down–show me a perfectly prosecuted war with no mistakes. You have, once again, failed to do so, as have all the defeatists–and I reiterate ALL–since I began throwing that challenge down.

I also suppose more of your “inconvenient truth” revolves around you defeatists have forgotten your leaders–Kerry, Edwards, Clinton, Pelosi and Bubba–were fully supportive of the war effort when it started and have forgotten the truth of the video running around youtube showing their support. So your strawman argument about the warnings not to go in are not relevant. New media keeps things like that around forever.

Why don’t you and others of your ilk admit that in your blindy rabid BDS, none of you can face the fact that Bush has kept his promises–he said the war would not be short-term and we had to plan for the long-term. He didn’t say it once, but several times. The ultimate fact is those who suffer from BDS don’t have the guts to do what needs to be done, take the time to do it properly (had the UN not tied Bush I’s hands, it would have been finished in 1991–tied his hands like y’all are trying to do again thereby insuring we will have to go back yet again if we don’t finish this here and now and do it properly), you are all a bunch of spineless, gutless, yellow-bellied wimps, and Bush is the only one with the cajones to stand firm and get the job done. Because he’s not saying what you want to hear in your “rosie” colored world, you tune out.

So, ultimately, it comes down to spinelessness on the part of the defeatists, distraction attempts from things actually said and by whom, blind BDS because you can’t control Bush, and the fact you want nothing more than to be the weaklings of the world rather than the strong nation we are.

If you’re so enamored with being spineless, gutless, yellow-bellied wimps, go to France.
Miss Beth 04.21.07 – 2:44 pm #

2). Oh and let’s see–you also forgot to address the oil issue (why we aren’t at war with Canada when they are the major importers of our foreign oil)as well as the fact the billions spent on defense are only 3% of the national budget while the majority of the rest of the spending is for defeatists pet pork projects such as welfare and affirmative action (allegedly humanitarian projects but simply racism in disguise) and the fact that those billions spent are on the technology that has contributed the greatly reduced troop casualties. I’ll see if you’ll dodge this question as well–would you rather not spend those billions on technology that significantly cuts troop casualties and go back to the way the casualty rosters used to read? Technology is expensive and I’m happy to pay for that technology for the lives it has and continues to save.

The assumptions so blindly accepted that our troops are mere grunts is an insult to any true patriot. We have the smartest, best trained, most versatile military there is, but people such as yourself and Kerry seem intractable in putting out there our troops are nothing more than dumb people too stupid to do anything more than be trained to blindly kill.

You assume each and every soldier kills, in fact, gleefully and joyfully and for that you are indeed very sick. Not one of the men and women I’ve met that has had to kill has been joyful or gleeful about it–they mourn those they are forced to kill.

You also avoided the issue of differentiating between those trained to kill as soldiers and those trained to kill as law enforcement officers. Tell me, what is the difference? BOTH the soldier and the officer is there to protect YOU–but you’d rather spit on them and call them names. Do you think, deep down, after all the hate you and those of your ilk have thrown at them, they wouldn’t rather just turn their backs on you? But they DON’T–not like you and your ilk REPEATEDLY turn YOUR backs on those that protect you.

And tell me how pulling out now and surrendering makes us safer from Iran–go ahead, this should be great comedy!
Miss Beth 04.21.07 – 3:00 pm #

He really starts losing it here:

1). Answer to Betsy.

Betsy, I could care less if Clinton supported the war…. I am not a Democrat dear, and you are wrong the war is a mistake it always was….. And the Democrats unlike people like you, are recognizing they made a mistake in supporting the war (does that did). Specking of mistakes Beth I would much rather make grammatical mistakes than make the tragic mistake to follow an idiot that has cost thousands of lives and huindreds of Billions of Dollars…. Any “victory” in the horizon Beth???? OH, Don’t tell me…. Is coming right??? Is just us the “defeatist” that are stopping you… If we only would stop you heroes will have this mess already solved!! I am holding you Beth!!! Is me that keeps this war going !!! OH and the soldiers on their third tour, are not demoralised by their repeated tours but by people like me trying to keep them home.. Because you see we don’t support the troops, you do!! by sending them back again, and again, and again and giving Iraq corrupt politicians every brake as the years go by and none to our soldiers. I just have a question Beth…. What’s your adress in the twilight Zone?

By the way Beth, since you are telling me that I loose credibility because of my Grammer …. Have you checked your God Bush’s “Bushisms”? … The man has created a multi million Dollar industry dedicated entirely to call on his incoherence’s, distortion of the English language, and creation of new words. Oddly enoug that does not affect Bush’s credibility in your eyes… Only mine. How nice Beth.

Beth please educate yourself in more than Grammer.BUSH NEVER SAID THE WAR IN IRAK WAS GOING TO LAST A LONG TIME. He said the War on terrorism was going to last a long time. No one dear Beth even remotely planned for this war in Iraq…. Please stop LYING BETH will you?

Another thing Beth… Who the hell is assuming that our soldiers are not smart or mere grunts as you put it???? I gave you a list of Generals that disagreed with Bush and lost their jobs… So stop hiding behind our troops to justify your policies Beth. You can understand the difference of not supporting a policy and not supporting the troops can you???? …. Or can’t you? Because if you can’t you are not an American any longer Beth… You are a Republican partisan Hack.

I assume that “soldiers kill in fact gleefully and joyfully and for that I m very sick” … Beth maibe you know how to spell but I recomend you learn how to read… Or consult a DOctor… When did I ever said that? or assumed that? What in hell are you talking about?

Finally let me repeat my challange Beth…. How agin do we “win” Beth? If the Shiite is the product of our “Victory” how is that a victory Beth… Do you even know what I am talking about dear? No war is perfect you said… No and this one specially is not… In fact is so imperfect that we can’t win even if we win .. How is that for imprefect?

Like I said Beth… You don’t know how to swim and think yo
gil Homepage 04.21.07 – 4:06 pm #

2). Beth.

Dear like I said the loosers here so far is your kind.

You lost Congress did you not?

Bush sits today as one of the worst presidents in history. Polls don’t lie dear.

70% of Americans believe the war is going badly.

67% of Americans want to end the war.

Every poll comes out with Iraq beeing a big problem for the Republican party and will cause them to loose big in 08.

You see Beth at the end of the day you guys are the real loosers for your ideas Iraq in particular will not ever be the victory you claim it to be. The war in the end will be finished by an exhausted country while you loosers continue to waste saliva and insults in rage at the defeatists that did not let you win.

Problem with you Beth is that you and the Republicans are all talk and no results. You think you fool any one with your “we are just getting started in Iraq” thing, or the “nano- second” B.S. ? Please Lady !!! Grow up that’s why your party lost in 06 and will loose even more in 08. NO ONE BUYS YOUR BULL ANY MORE OTHER THAN YOU AND YOUR KIND 30% OF POLITICAL MANIACS.

Since this is a Democracy Beth you loose, and we “defeatists” get to tell you loosers to go fly a kite. One way or another the war ends after 08 Beth mark my words. What can I say, we defeatists get to end a war you only won in the saliva industrial contest.

And Beth… Again so that you understand ; A person is “defeated” is he/she partisipates in a decision, a game, or in general comits to defend something. I and millions like me NEVER agreed to your idiotic policies in the Middle East so I don’t see how can I be “defeated” or be a “defeatist” No dear the only one defeated is you, your kind, and the poor Iraqies that will suffer the consecuences of your invasion for generations to come. Your kind Beth, are the ones that invested in this idea that went wrong not me. So as defeated people go Beth… Look at yourself in the mirror darling.

Me… I am like millions of Americans, I see you with amusement and feel sorrow for the pain you caused to my country.
gil Homepage 04.21.07 – 6:16 pm #

As you can see, this troll has no concept of American politics nor even an inkling we are a Constitutional Republic. I have purposely not printed other poster’s comments. If you would like to read the whole thing, I’ve trackbacked the article this happened on.

Now for the attacks on his masculinity.

This one from Spree, owner of Wake Up America!

1). Ok, Beth, in lil gil’s defense, I have to say this:

How can he grow a set when you have CUT THEM OFF?

(Throw that knife away, I will buy you a new one, blood is getting everywhere!!!!)

More popcorn?
spree Homepage 04.21.07 – 7:42 pm #


Let’s do this pose your questions clearly and I answer them how is that?

Let’s stop pretending that you have anithing on me will you?

Now after I do answer your so called questions…. I do expect you cowards do answer my only one question you keep on dancing around

You stick to the subject, you don’t use talking points (defeatists, supporting the troops, etc, etc) and you don’t invent, or use personal opinions (like with Sun Tzu). You want a debate dear? Then let’s debate, but stop dancing because you don’t do it very well.

gil Homepage 04.21.07 – 8:10 pm #

3). It’s also showing ITS inherent laziness in not wanting to read back over the posts to find the questions asked of IT, wants us to do the research IT’S too lazy to do. Plus, IT can’t seem to find the repeated answer to ITS own question!

Just like trolls that expect everyone to do the work for them while denigrating and insulting them for doing it.

Not this time–gil, go find the questions yourself, do your own work. You can also find the answer yourself. I’m not doing your legwork for you because you’re too lazy to do anything except spout nonsense.
Miss Beth 04.21.07 – 8:14 pm #

4). (This one is intended to be diversionary rather than look up the questions).


Only the very ignorant call our country a Democracy…. Really?

And Bush ???? and all our Republican politicians???

Spree you are really trying too hard, and frankly you sound like you live your life in a blog…. Me I do go out for some fresh air and stumbled in a nut cage with chimps talking to each other.

OK Spree please tell Bush your ideas OK … Be preapred to be kicked out of the WHite House tough. Like I said Bush has his mouth full with the word “Democracy” for you now to ask him to be “Correct” and say Constitutional Republic, or Federal Republic or why not Constitutional Federal Republic… Even snooper now changed from Constitutional Republic to Federal Republic so if he can so can I …. Now since Snoop here thinks he is right and Spree here thinks he is right then it most be a Constitutional Federal Republic …. So who is right people??

I am starting to sound like you… This is bad news … So I’ll just say…… As far as I am concerned I could care less how you people dedide to call it here at the twilight zone.
gil Homepage 04.21.07 – 8:23 pm #

5). Beth if you were a man you know what I would be thinking right? And Hawk Let’s not get too personal here will you… Did you see my answer? did you like it ? Is that debate? NO right ? So let’s just come down will you.
gil Homepage 04.21.07 – 9:24 pm #

6). Here he tries to write a letter from Harry Reid’s perspective

I read your open letter to the Democratic leadership…. Very, very touching how we are trying to help the Iraqi Government stay on its feet and how our soldiers are gettin killed by his and her words!!! OH my God I almost cried….

Here’s Reid answers if he could answer .

Dear Sir.

As the Leader of the Senate it is my resonsibilty to give the American people a voice. The President of our great Nation is not a king or a Dictator. The President has the responsibility to account for progress in order to validate his policies. For too long this President answered to no one as if he was a King. That stops now.

Progess not words will be demanded. We can not continue to ask our brave soldiers to sacrifice for much longer. At some point in time the Iraqi people and it’s elected Government has to stend up to the plate and take control of their country. That time is fast approaching.

If I have my opinion about Iraq, so does Bush and he and I have every right to express it. If you don’t like my opinion that is your right, but really Sir, stop pretending that I am harming the troops that your side keeps on sending back again and again in deed not in words like mine.After all Sir words in this case will not kill our troops, but our troops beeing there for the fourth tour with hardly any rest will.

In the end Sir, you and I as good Americans will have the time and place to decide with our votes if and when we live Iraq. At such time I will expect you accept the will of the people and cooperate in healing the great divide that our Leaders created among our people.

Once that everithing is said and done we in Congress and the President in the White House, had the responsibility to keep us united and on that we failed misserably. Four years of insults and recreminations, and failure, and rubber stamping failure, has come to this.

Made God forgive us for so many lives have been lost.
gil Homepage 04.21.07 – 9:44 pm #

7). Beth.

You are getting on my nerves.

I ask you to give me your questions and I answer them…. Are you a getting this or are you dumb????

In turn I ask you to answer mine .

Still dancing…. Beth you jut don’t have it OK?

Here it is again simple.

Give me your questions ..I’ll answer them. I give you my questions (now there is more than one) and you do the same.

Stop running Beth it looks bad. You look like…. “You are cutting and running” like the talking point ? You are an expert at them so maibe that will work.

Forget it Beth YOU ARE A COWARD.

When confronted with pull up or shut up…. You ran… Why should I answer your questions you ask? and why should I confront you on a debate you say…. Because you were asking for one last I checked so I accept. So you run.

Simple because you were demanding me to do it…until I called your bluff. You are an ignorant individual that hides behind talking points Beth. So much for your ideas Lady to this day I don’t even know what were your stupid questions.

I have better thing s to do that continue to be with you people. Beth you are the worst of all a coward with no convictions.
gil Homepage 04.21.07 – 9:53 pm #

8). You have nerves? Didn’t think amoebas had nerves, being the one-celled creatures they are. And if I am getting on your nerves, GOOD.

You are an ignorant, backwater, piece of filth that refuses to do anything but talk on point from the mothership. You have no education, you have no skills and you have no capability of answering anything intelligently because you have no intelligence. You obviously cannot read, and the fact you started in with the “if you were a man” garbage shows just how lacking you are in all areas. You are not a man, you don’t even qualify as a mouse. You are the ultimate coward, pissing yourself in the face of reality.
Miss Beth 04.21.07 – 9:59 pm #

After repeated attempts from Gil to have us do his work for him, I rounded up the questions and posted in another comment section of Spree’s. She was kind enough to post them. Below are the questions.

1). Only 5% of our oil comes from Iraq, 0% from Iran; 12% from the Middle East overall; 48% from Canada yet we’re not at war with Canada so how is this a war for oil?

2). Show me a perfectly prosecuted war that DIDN’T contain numerous mistakes

3). Why don’t you and others of your ilk admit that in your blindy rabid BDS, none of you can face the fact that Bush has kept his promises–he said the war would not be short-term and we had to plan for the long-term. He didn’t say it once, but several times. The ultimate fact is those who suffer from BDS don’t have the guts to do what needs to be done, take the time to do it properly (had the UN not tied Bush I’s hands, it would have been finished in 1991–tied his hands like y’all are trying to do again thereby insuring we will have to go back yet again if we don’t finish this here and now and do it properly), you are all a bunch of spineless, gutless, yellow-bellied wimps, and Bush is the only one with the cajones to stand firm and get the job done. Because he’s not saying what you want to hear in your “Rosie” colored world, you tune out.

4). You cowards who think skewed polls, worded in a way guaranteed to give you the answers you so desparately want to hear, are going to impress ME?

5). Do you honestly think the American public is happy with the way your beloved democrats have turned congress into the circus it is today?

6). Do you honestly think a difference of only 100,000 votes was a major win for you? (in a country of 298,444,215?)

7). Do you honestly think the majority of TRUE Americans want to see the images from the 60’s repeated with your so-called peace protests in which you support Nazi-ism, Communism, Fascism, Socialism, burning troops in effigy and supporting those who slice off innocents heads for sport and disagreement (think Nick Berg if your brain cells aren’t too fried from the drugs you’re obviously on)?

8). And are you so filled with overconfidence and self importance you KNOW you’re going to win in 08 after the democrats have made a complete mockery of this country?
Miss Beth 04.21.07 – 10:01 pm #

Here are Gil’s answers:

Here are your answers.

1) First of all I did not say this war was over oil … But if you ask me this war has become over oil. You know Geography Spree? Iraq is right in the middle of the largest reserves of oil in the world. What happens in Iraq affects the world economy and the world economy affects us. In invading Iraq we went to war in the oil fields of the Middle East Saudi Arabia, Iran, Irak Kuwait, etc. You want to play with matches in a powder cage people ? You got your wish. You have us suffering the consecuences. Truth is we can’t get out of Iraq now nut we can “win” aither. We are in fact trapped thnaks to your idiotic policies.

2) There are no perfect wars … But then again the most imperfect ones are the ones we or others loose…. Show me a war that some one has not lost Spree. And why do you think that staying will make us “win” … If it was a contest of who can stay the longest we would still be fighting the British in America pal.

3) Because in fact he never said prior to selling the war that the invasion and subsecuent occupation was going to be long. Show me a speach BEFORE THE WAR where he stated that we were going to stay in Iraq for years, spend hundred of billions of Dollars, and strand our Militatu for years …. Or please shut up and stop making things up will you? As for the “cajones” thing pal, fact is that if Bush had any he would send his daughters and put his blood where his mouth is.. Is easy to have cajones when THEY ARE NOT YOURS…. That is for cowards… You like Patton right?… The guy was at the front with his troops, and even then he got the now infamous quote from one of his soldiers “There goes old guts and blood”… “Yes, His guts, our blood” responded the other soldier. You people RENT the balls you say you have, and then act like you have done something. Pathetic.

4) I don’t give a rat’s ass if you are impressed or not. Polls are there to educate you moron. Is kind of a window of where we are. You don’t like the answers you are getting from the polls you can always come hide in blogs like this and make pretend with your fellow idiots. You can create a world all of your own here.

5) OH, I don’t know why don’t we say that Democrats will get better and that they are “turning the corner”… I am sure you will understand. Patience people after all we have to have patience with the Iraqi Government … And with Bush’s so called surge so why not with the Democratic Congress? Ot is the patience flowing one way in your eyes. Is it do as I say buy not as I do with you hipocrites?

6) Your ass hole President won by a few votes in Florida so I say a win has consecuences if is 1 vote or 1 million votes. Bush is living proof of it. So yes pal 100,000 votes represent your defeat, and in 08 even by one vote your party is going down. We Americans are too tired of loosers pretending they can lead.

7) Yu know spree you are out of it. No one is protesting for the simple Continue. simple reason that we have ourselves an rent-a- balls program so that rich republican kids can be heroes from the comfort of their homes. A voluntary Army fits perfect on your crowd… You “support” them by sending them back again, and again. And you borrow from the Chinese to finance the war so that the war does not cut in your manicure budget. Lovely.

I answered your questions… And that makes Beth a BULL SHITTER by saing I ignore questions… ANd you…. Where is your answer to my question??????

Again. If we give Iraq to the Shiite then al Sistani and al Malaki get the power . They are fully allied to Iran. In fact al Sadar is reported to be living in Iran. So that’s how you “win”? By handing Iraq to Iran in a silver platter while the Iranians are embarqued with a REAL nuclear program in fron of your “tough guy” noses?Is that your victory… Or do you think you give Iraq the means to protect and defend themselves in a vacum?

Where are Bush’s “cajones” with the Iranians pal? Where is Bush’s pre-emptive policies now? For how long can any one resonably ask the voluntary Army to return to Iraq Spree?… How many tours of duty is enough for you? How many billions before America says ENOUGH.?

Simple questions care to answer?
gil Homepage 04.22.07 – 12:03 am #

By the end of this tirade, he had also called Spree a man and started a comment to me like this: “Beth. Bitch”. Spree deleted the comment (and it was filthy).

While this has been a long post, I hope it illustrates a few things: 1). The rampant BDS infecting the liberal defeatists; 2) What the left really feels regarding the troops; 3) our public schools SUCK (if in fact he was educated in a public school in AMERICA) and 4). What a jihadist troll sounds like and how easy it is to get them to “LOSE IT” and degenerate into total incoherence.