Nevada Editorial Calls Harry Reid BOZO THE CLOWN!

This article came from Wake Up America and I’m cross-posting it here. Seems even Harry’s home state is fed up with him. Maybe Nevada will grow a spine this next election and throw this crook out!
Here’s the article.

Hat Tip to Don Surber for finding this.

Pretty bad when an editorial in your OWN states newspaper is calling you Bozo the Clown, but due to Harry Reid’s idiotic words, that is what has happened.

Enter Sen. Reid, flopping around in big red shoes like Bozo the Clown.

A few weeks ago, Sen. Reid said on a major weekend talk show that he favored a firm deadline for withdrawal of all forces from Iraq. When members of his own caucus said, “What? First we’ve heard,” the senator went into damage control mode — the kind that starts out with staffers explaining, “What the senator meant to say was …”

But last week he was back at it. As the Democratic House voted 215-199 Thursday to uphold legislation ordering troops out of Iraq next year, Sen. Reid appeared in public to declare the war in Iraq is “lost.”

“I can’t begin to imagine how our troops in the field, who are risking their lives every day, are going to react when they get back to base and hear that the Democrat leader of the United States Senate has declared the war is lost,” responded Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.

Now, purists may object this is not “a declared war,” but that hasn’t stopped the Congress from funding it. And in time of war, it’s at least incredibly stupid to tell the enemy a fixed date by which the ammo and other supplies of the American troops will be cut off, encouraging the enemy to merely lay low and hold on.
Not all Democrats seem to have such trouble keeping their feet out of their mouths. In a much more defensible yet still realistic statement, Rep. David Obey, D-Wis., chairman of the Appropriations Committee, differed with Sen. Reid last week, responding, “Our troops won the war clearly, cleanly and quickly. But now they are stuck in a civil war.” The only solution to that is a political and diplomatic compromise, Rep. Obey added, “and there is no soldier who can get
that done.”
Is that what Harry Reid meant to say?

Friday morning, the majority leader returned to the Senate floor, supposedly to reiterate his Thursday comments. Yet this time Sen. Reid carefully avoided using the word “lost.” Less than 24 hours after declaring Iraq a lost cause, Sen. Reid insisted, “No one wants us to succeed in Iraq more than the Democrats.”

Um … what?
What he actually meant to say is that Iraq is lost if we continue to follow President Bush’s strategy, the Democratic leader explained — while once more carefully resisting the temptation to put forward any better strategy.

Sen. Reid then attempted the old cushion shot — “deny everything and make counter-accusations” — as he sought to shift the blame to those who had criticized him the day before.”

The partisans who launched attacks on my comments are the same ones who continue to support a failed strategy that hurts our troops,” Sen. Reid said.Ah. But it doesn’t “hurt our troops” to tell them — and the enemy — that our Marines and G.I.s are risking their lives in a lost cause before they even suit up and start their engines for this morning’s patrol?


He deserves it, the man is so busy trying to score political points he never once stopped to consider the damage his words were causing to OUR TROOPS.

Related posts with letters from our ACTIVE MILITARY, telling us exactly how Harry Boys words have hurt them and in one instance says, “Your words are killing us” can be found:

For the record, let me repeat, sending your indignation and letters as well as emails to Harry Reid will do no good, the man cares about his politics and couldn’t give a damn about our soldiers.

Please spend your time sending the GOP leadership your letters and complaints and make sure to demand, as respectfully as possible, that they be read INTO the record on the house and senate floor.

The ONLY way to get Reid to listen is to hurt him politically, so, lets stand up for our toops here at home .