Patriots Group Given Air Time!

Through our Patriots for Conservative Values group (see top of page to join), one of the members of the ANewtOne/Rolling Headless Thompson Gunners asked our friend Snooper, from Take Our Country Back, to be a guest on the blog talk radio show “American Truth Warriors” with Jimmy Z earlier this evening.

Solo from The Victory Caucus and Eric from Blacktygrrr//The Tygrrrr Express joined Snooper and it was a great show. It was a bit low on the sound (for an interesting visual, picture someone holding their laptop up to their ear!), but overall it was great. Sonlit was kind enough to ask Snooper to stay over for the next show, the Halls of Valhalla with Loki. Solo was a guest there as well, and Miss Beth just couldn’t resist jumping in, sticking her nose into everything!

Overall, the shows were GREAT and I invite everyone to go to the sites above where the shows are archived and give them a listen!