Myth vs Fact-Part 167

Myth Fact
Islam: Religion of peace.

Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 52, Number 42:

Narrated Ibn ‘Abbas:

Allah’s Apostle said, “There is no Hijra (i.e. migration) (from Mecca to Medina) after the Conquest (of Mecca), but Jihad and good intention remain; and if you are called (by the Muslim ruler) for fighting, go forth immediately.


Myth vs Fact-Part 167

Myth Fact
Islam: Religion of peace.

Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 52, Number 42:

Narrated Ibn ‘Abbas:

Allah’s Apostle said, “There is no Hijra (i.e. migration) (from Mecca to Medina) after the Conquest (of Mecca), but Jihad and good intention remain; and if you are called (by the Muslim ruler) for fighting, go forth immediately.


This Week’s Sunday Funnies-12/02/2007

Time for the weekly roundup in pictures–and what a whacky week it’s been, from the CNN YouTube Republican Debate (Brawl?) complete with the Democrat plants, the usual border issues, the farcical Mideast Peace Conference at Annapolis (is anyone REALLY fooled by this? There will BE NO PEACE until the islam monsters wipe Israel off the face of the earth–how often do they have to state that?), Sesame Street’s original seasons being deemed not suitable for children and the typical ACLU/PC nonsense. Enjoy!

Does this dog REALLY look like he wants to track ANYONE?

What we should call America until and unless our representatives do their jobs and protect American Sovereignty by enforcing existing laws:

Once again, the defeatists and far left nutroots can’t handle success and Bush is a completely deranged idiot in their eyes. Truth is difficult for these people to face, much less accept:

Good one George!

The “Religion of Peace”? Tell me another fairy tale, Mother Goose!

I think lying is inbred into the Clintons–the problem is ((“IS”?) they’re not very good at it and keep getting caught. So, just what “IS” their charm? I don’t want someone this transparently bad at lying leading me–at least find someone who has lying down to a fine art and can get away with it about 50% of the time!

This is perfect for these two year olds who can’t get out of the sandbox, much less do anything constructive. Where’s the nanny’s to change the diapers?

These just speak for themselves:

As stated above, does this “conference” really fool anyone? If it does, they must have their heads buried in the sand so deeply they’re seeing the opposite pole. What a farce–my advice? Israel, ruck up!

And the ACLU’s standard pretend outrage. It’s CHRISTmas (for Christians) and Hanukkah for our Jewish friends. Get over it already, and if it offends you, look away, dammit.
Sesame Street no suitable for children? GIVE ME A BREAK!


Enjoy. And have a great week!

This Week’s Sunday Funnies-12/02/2007

Time for the weekly roundup in pictures–and what a whacky week it’s been, from the CNN YouTube Republican Debate (Brawl?) complete with the Democrat plants, the usual border issues, the farcical Mideast Peace Conference at Annapolis (is anyone REALLY fooled by this? There will BE NO PEACE until the islam monsters wipe Israel off the face of the earth–how often do they have to state that?), Sesame Street’s original seasons being deemed not suitable for children and the typical ACLU/PC nonsense. Enjoy!

Does this dog REALLY look like he wants to track ANYONE?

What we should call America until and unless our representatives do their jobs and protect American Sovereignty by enforcing existing laws:

Once again, the defeatists and far left nutroots can’t handle success and Bush is a completely deranged idiot in their eyes. Truth is difficult for these people to face, much less accept:

Good one George!

The “Religion of Peace”? Tell me another fairy tale, Mother Goose!

I think lying is inbred into the Clintons–the problem is ((“IS”?) they’re not very good at it and keep getting caught. So, just what “IS” their charm? I don’t want someone this transparently bad at lying leading me–at least find someone who has lying down to a fine art and can get away with it about 50% of the time!

This is perfect for these two year olds who can’t get out of the sandbox, much less do anything constructive. Where’s the nanny’s to change the diapers?

These just speak for themselves:

As stated above, does this “conference” really fool anyone? If it does, they must have their heads buried in the sand so deeply they’re seeing the opposite pole. What a farce–my advice? Israel, ruck up!

And the ACLU’s standard pretend outrage. It’s CHRISTmas (for Christians) and Hanukkah for our Jewish friends. Get over it already, and if it offends you, look away, dammit.
Sesame Street no suitable for children? GIVE ME A BREAK!


Enjoy. And have a great week!

This Week’s Sunday Funnies-12/02/2007

Time for the weekly roundup in pictures–and what a whacky week it’s been, from the CNN YouTube Republican Debate (Brawl?) complete with the Democrat plants, the usual border issues, the farcical Mideast Peace Conference at Annapolis (is anyone REALLY fooled by this? There will BE NO PEACE until the islam monsters wipe Israel off the face of the earth–how often do they have to state that?), Sesame Street’s original seasons being deemed not suitable for children and the typical ACLU/PC nonsense. Enjoy!

Does this dog REALLY look like he wants to track ANYONE?

What we should call America until and unless our representatives do their jobs and protect American Sovereignty by enforcing existing laws:

Once again, the defeatists and far left nutroots can’t handle success and Bush is a completely deranged idiot in their eyes. Truth is difficult for these people to face, much less accept:

Good one George!

The “Religion of Peace”? Tell me another fairy tale, Mother Goose!

I think lying is inbred into the Clintons–the problem is ((“IS”?) they’re not very good at it and keep getting caught. So, just what “IS” their charm? I don’t want someone this transparently bad at lying leading me–at least find someone who has lying down to a fine art and can get away with it about 50% of the time!

This is perfect for these two year olds who can’t get out of the sandbox, much less do anything constructive. Where’s the nanny’s to change the diapers?

These just speak for themselves:

As stated above, does this “conference” really fool anyone? If it does, they must have their heads buried in the sand so deeply they’re seeing the opposite pole. What a farce–my advice? Israel, ruck up!

And the ACLU’s standard pretend outrage. It’s CHRISTmas (for Christians) and Hanukkah for our Jewish friends. Get over it already, and if it offends you, look away, dammit.
Sesame Street no suitable for children? GIVE ME A BREAK!


Enjoy. And have a great week!

Stop the ACLU! Weekly Roundup 11/25-12/01/2007

I’m combining two things this week because they’re both timely. First, of course, is the standard Stop the ACLU! Weekly Round-up from Jay here. Following the round-up is a little bit of help from the American Center for Law and Justice (“ACLJ”) here, regarding your and your family’s rights this Christmas season.

Boston Wants to Ban Spanking
Nannystating at its core definition. Boston wants Mass to be first! I can only ask what the h**l is wrong with these people? There was a time when an unruly child got paddled when they misbehaved. Over the last couple of decades that has been set aside in favor of “time outs” and other such “punishments” that don’t really work. What do we have to show for it? Unruly children terrorizing teachers across the land, falling test scores and disrespectful children.

Kucinich and Ron Paul Ticket?
Kucinich is actually suggesting his hopes for this. Wouldn’t this be a sign of the apocalypse if it happens?

“Christ” Taken Out of Christmas Festival
Just another casuality in the war. Thanks to political correctness and groups like the ACLU. Chipping away at the core.

The traditional Dickens Christmas Festival has been re-named the Dickens Holiday Festival so the city can advertise in local schools.

In order to get more bang for their buck out of a thinning advertisement budget, the organization wants to put fliers in schools. For that to happen, the word “Christmas” had to be removed.

Downtown Development Coordinator Michelle Sponseller said many people are unhappy with the change.

“We changed the name this year for the schools because we wanted to advertise in the school brochures and the schools have a list of words you can’t use like Santa, Christmas and Nativity. So did a brochure for the schools and we took those words out.”

Hillary Plant in Republican CNN YouTube Debate?
It is basically confirmed. Of course, not admitted, but much that wasn’t disclosed on this guy. He member of the Hillary Clinton campaign

Report: Guiliani’s Mistress Used N.Y. Police as Taxi Service
Hopefully I don’t make any enemies with this one, or accusations of eating my own, but I’m not a Rudy fan and don’t look at him as one of our own anyway. I really don’t understand why I’m not seeing more conservative blogs comment on this. Rudy’s explanations are shabby, and don’t even answer the accusations that his mistress had her own taxi service with the Police. It will be of interest to me to hear his explanations to the charges. Innocent until proven guilty. However, I think he is wrong that this will not hurt him. I’ve put up my opinion on this.

The ACLU Thinks This Is An Endorsement?
Seriously, the ACLU just put out a snarky press release thanking Mitt Romney for recognizing their work. It full of sarcasm, and while I’m not a big Romney fan, he just scored points with me by getting a personal attack from the ACLU.

Rudy Guiliani Should Not Be the Republican Nominee; He Really Shouldn’t Even Call Himself Republican
I’m having a hard time understanding why the most liberal contender is getting so much support. I’m having a hard time understanding those that say he is the only one that can beat Hillary. He is on the opposite side of almost every conservative issue. If he were to be president it would be a backwards step for the conservative movement. It is about more than just beating Hillary. Its about beating back liberalism. The only thing that can do that is conservative values and principles being incorporated. That isn’t gonna happen if Rudy Giuliani gets elected. Hopefully anyone supporting Rudy on the false premise that he is the only candidate that can beat Hillary will wake up and come back to core principles of conservatism. Thats really the only thing that can win in the end.

New York Times Hopes for SCOTUS Gun Grab
The “paper of record” once again makes like a broken record with another prosaic call to take away guns from the average American. The New York Times again displays its complete disregard of the Constitution in an editorial titled, “The Court and the Second Amendment”, claiming our founding law is out of date and doesn’t “confront modern-day reality.” In another editorial filled with extreme language, untrue definitions and arrogance, and cementing its reputation against self-defense and American principles, the Times addressed the recent decision by the Supreme Court to soon take on the DC Gun banning reversal case. Hitting all its best low notes and filled with propaganda laced verbiage, the Times again made the case that you, Mr. and Mrs. America, are too stupid and filled with bloodlust to be trusted with a firearm… quite despite that musty, stupid old, out of date Constitution thingie.


Liveblogging CNN/YouTube Debate
I’ve got some nifty new way of liveblogging.

Fred Thompson’s Revolution Ad
They asked for fire in the belly…heh.

Muslim Questioner at CNN Debate Was CAIR Plant
I thought you would want the scoop on this. The Plantgate keeps going and going and going.

Frontrunners Get Passed Up In Latest Iowa Poll
Things are starting to get interesting. Latest Iowa poll puts Huckabee and Obama at the top.


Jay Sekulow at ACLJ has set up some guidelines for us during this Christmas season. Follow the links and contact the ACLJ if you run into any legal issues this season!

Your personal, constitutional rights are important to me and the staff at ACLJ.

We want to make sure you are fully aware of what is permissible when it comes to celebrating the Christmas holiday according to your religious beliefs.

With this in mind, we have prepared an online Christmas Resource Center that I invite you to visit right now.

There, you will find answers – clearly spelled out – to the most common questions we receive this time of year regarding your legal rights.

We have also prepared and posted legal guidelines outlining the proper way for students to express their religious beliefs in school during this holiday season.

I encourage you to visit this valuable online Christmas Resource Center and know your rights … and the rights of your children or grandchildren … when it comes to celebrating Christmas.

If you encounter any hostility or have further questions about your rights, contact the ACLJ at 757-226-2489.

God bless you and Merry Christmas!


Lot’s of good stuff, some timely, some sure to set off some excellent debates. Enjoy!

Stop the ACLU! Weekly Roundup 11/25-12/01/2007

I’m combining two things this week because they’re both timely. First, of course, is the standard Stop the ACLU! Weekly Round-up from Jay here. Following the round-up is a little bit of help from the American Center for Law and Justice (“ACLJ”) here, regarding your and your family’s rights this Christmas season.

Boston Wants to Ban Spanking
Nannystating at its core definition. Boston wants Mass to be first! I can only ask what the h**l is wrong with these people? There was a time when an unruly child got paddled when they misbehaved. Over the last couple of decades that has been set aside in favor of “time outs” and other such “punishments” that don’t really work. What do we have to show for it? Unruly children terrorizing teachers across the land, falling test scores and disrespectful children.

Kucinich and Ron Paul Ticket?
Kucinich is actually suggesting his hopes for this. Wouldn’t this be a sign of the apocalypse if it happens?

“Christ” Taken Out of Christmas Festival
Just another casuality in the war. Thanks to political correctness and groups like the ACLU. Chipping away at the core.

The traditional Dickens Christmas Festival has been re-named the Dickens Holiday Festival so the city can advertise in local schools.

In order to get more bang for their buck out of a thinning advertisement budget, the organization wants to put fliers in schools. For that to happen, the word “Christmas” had to be removed.

Downtown Development Coordinator Michelle Sponseller said many people are unhappy with the change.

“We changed the name this year for the schools because we wanted to advertise in the school brochures and the schools have a list of words you can’t use like Santa, Christmas and Nativity. So did a brochure for the schools and we took those words out.”

Hillary Plant in Republican CNN YouTube Debate?
It is basically confirmed. Of course, not admitted, but much that wasn’t disclosed on this guy. He member of the Hillary Clinton campaign

Report: Guiliani’s Mistress Used N.Y. Police as Taxi Service
Hopefully I don’t make any enemies with this one, or accusations of eating my own, but I’m not a Rudy fan and don’t look at him as one of our own anyway. I really don’t understand why I’m not seeing more conservative blogs comment on this. Rudy’s explanations are shabby, and don’t even answer the accusations that his mistress had her own taxi service with the Police. It will be of interest to me to hear his explanations to the charges. Innocent until proven guilty. However, I think he is wrong that this will not hurt him. I’ve put up my opinion on this.

The ACLU Thinks This Is An Endorsement?
Seriously, the ACLU just put out a snarky press release thanking Mitt Romney for recognizing their work. It full of sarcasm, and while I’m not a big Romney fan, he just scored points with me by getting a personal attack from the ACLU.

Rudy Guiliani Should Not Be the Republican Nominee; He Really Shouldn’t Even Call Himself Republican
I’m having a hard time understanding why the most liberal contender is getting so much support. I’m having a hard time understanding those that say he is the only one that can beat Hillary. He is on the opposite side of almost every conservative issue. If he were to be president it would be a backwards step for the conservative movement. It is about more than just beating Hillary. Its about beating back liberalism. The only thing that can do that is conservative values and principles being incorporated. That isn’t gonna happen if Rudy Giuliani gets elected. Hopefully anyone supporting Rudy on the false premise that he is the only candidate that can beat Hillary will wake up and come back to core principles of conservatism. Thats really the only thing that can win in the end.

New York Times Hopes for SCOTUS Gun Grab
The “paper of record” once again makes like a broken record with another prosaic call to take away guns from the average American. The New York Times again displays its complete disregard of the Constitution in an editorial titled, “The Court and the Second Amendment”, claiming our founding law is out of date and doesn’t “confront modern-day reality.” In another editorial filled with extreme language, untrue definitions and arrogance, and cementing its reputation against self-defense and American principles, the Times addressed the recent decision by the Supreme Court to soon take on the DC Gun banning reversal case. Hitting all its best low notes and filled with propaganda laced verbiage, the Times again made the case that you, Mr. and Mrs. America, are too stupid and filled with bloodlust to be trusted with a firearm… quite despite that musty, stupid old, out of date Constitution thingie.


Liveblogging CNN/YouTube Debate
I’ve got some nifty new way of liveblogging.

Fred Thompson’s Revolution Ad
They asked for fire in the belly…heh.

Muslim Questioner at CNN Debate Was CAIR Plant
I thought you would want the scoop on this. The Plantgate keeps going and going and going.

Frontrunners Get Passed Up In Latest Iowa Poll
Things are starting to get interesting. Latest Iowa poll puts Huckabee and Obama at the top.


Jay Sekulow at ACLJ has set up some guidelines for us during this Christmas season. Follow the links and contact the ACLJ if you run into any legal issues this season!

Your personal, constitutional rights are important to me and the staff at ACLJ.

We want to make sure you are fully aware of what is permissible when it comes to celebrating the Christmas holiday according to your religious beliefs.

With this in mind, we have prepared an online Christmas Resource Center that I invite you to visit right now.

There, you will find answers – clearly spelled out – to the most common questions we receive this time of year regarding your legal rights.

We have also prepared and posted legal guidelines outlining the proper way for students to express their religious beliefs in school during this holiday season.

I encourage you to visit this valuable online Christmas Resource Center and know your rights … and the rights of your children or grandchildren … when it comes to celebrating Christmas.

If you encounter any hostility or have further questions about your rights, contact the ACLJ at 757-226-2489.

God bless you and Merry Christmas!


Lot’s of good stuff, some timely, some sure to set off some excellent debates. Enjoy!