War News: How About Some Truth For a Change?

Cross posted from ANewtOne. HT to Snooper.


As most of you know, I am a proud member of the Victory Caucus. I joined that group seemingly eons ago in internet years but in reality, it hasn’t been all that long ago. It is a web site that is geared for those that seek truth and seek to learn truth.

The anti-Americanists, everywhere around the globe hates the place. Me? I love it.On April 8th, yesterday, I received an email from the Victory Caucus notifying its members of a new web site entitled IraqStatusReport. Go there and learn truth. The hard, cold truth. No holds barred, unabashed and unafraid. That is, if you really want to know truth.

Anti-Americanists need not apply. We think you suck anyway.

Have fun and fear not…Truth really doesn’t hurt all that much.

Ruck up ladies and germs…Move out.

Is There Such a Thing as a Moderate Muslim?

Personally, I don’t believe there is such a thing as a moderate muslim. There have been too many opportunities for them, if they existed, to stand up and speak out about the atrocities they’re so-called “radical/extremist” brethren are committing in the name of islam. They aren’t speaking out. At least not in any great numbers.

The ones who do call themselves “moderate” are using the term as a facade to cover their agenda of recruitment for islam. I refer specifically to one such group doing a wonderful job of “snowing” people by stating they intend to change the koran, to rid it of it’s violence. However, when this group is questioned directly and put on the spot, they become argumentative and abusive. They simply cannot defend what they purport to preach because to change the koran would mean it’s not the absolute word of god as they believe. You can’t change the Word of God and have it remain the word of god. They can’t answer to that discrepancy, and will resort to insults, abuse and filth when asked repeatedly to answer that discrepancy. This group is known as Muslims Against Sharia and I’ve blogged about them here and here.

Another such group is CAIR, who is a front group for Hamas and an unindicted co-conspirator in several lawsuits. Of course, this is the same CAIR Michael Savage is suing (lawsuit information here) as they are trying to shut down his freedom of speech by stealing his copyright material and then, basically, cut and pasting it to serve their own agenda rather than the context in which it was originally spoken.

Again, these are two groups who want you to think they’re “moderate” while behind the scenes they promote the actual agenda of jihad.

My mail box today contained a copy of an article originally published November 25, 2004 by Hugh Fitzgerald for Jihad Watch here. The title is “Ten Things to Think When Thinking of Muslim Moderates” and can be found here. It’s also posted in its entirety below. I also posted something called the “9 Point Guide to Discern islamist from Non-islamist Schools” here. This article was originally published by American Congress for Truth/Family Security Matters here.

Here, then, is Mr. Fitzgerald’s article:

Jihad Watch Board Vice President Hugh Fitzgerald’s brilliant and absolutely must-be-read exploration of the very concept of moderate Islam and the existence of moderate Muslims:

1. Not only Muslims, but “islamochristians” objectively promote and push the propagandistic line that disguises the Jihad (evidence of which can be found worldwide), and mislead as to both what prompts that Jihad (not “poverty” or “foreign policy” but the precepts of the belief-system of Islam) and what will sate it (not Kashmir, not Chechnya, not the absurd “two-state solution,” not continued appeasement in France and Holland — there is nothing that will sate or satisfy it, as long as part of the globe is as yet resistent to the rule of Islam). “Christians” such as Fawaz Gerges or Rami Khoury, or someone who was born a Christian, such as Edward Said, are Arabs whose views are colored by that self-perception. Their loyalty to the community and history of Arabs causes them to be as loyal to the Islamic view of things as if they had been born Muslim. They stoutly defend Islam against all of Western scholarship (in Orientalism), or divert attention
away from Islam and constantly assert, in defiance of all the evidence, from
Bali to Beslan to Madrid, that the “problem of Israel/Palestine” — the latest,
and most sinister formulation of the Jihad against Israel — is the fons et
origo of Muslim hostility and murderous aggression throughout the world. Save
for the Copts and Maronites, who regard themselves not as Arabs but as “users”
of the “Arabic language” (and reject the idea that such “users” therefore become
“Arabs”), many Arab Christians have crazily embraced the Islamic agenda; the
agenda, that is, of those who have made the lives of Christians in the Middle
East so uncertain, difficult, and at times, imperilled. The attempt to be “plus
islamiste que les islamistes” — the approach of Rami Khoury and Hanan Ashrawi
— simply will not do, for it has not worked. It is Habib Malik and other
Maronites in Lebanon who have analysed the problem of Islam in a clear-eyed
fashion. Indeed, the best book on the legal status of non-Muslims under Islam is
that of the Lebanese (Maronite) scholar Antoine Fattal.

Any “islamochristian” Arab who promotes the Islamic agenda, by participating in a
campaign that can only mislead Infidels and put off their understanding of Jihad
and its various instruments, is objectively as much part of the problem as the
Muslim who knowingly practices taqiyya in order to turn aside the suspicions of
non-Muslims. Whoever acts so as to keep the unwary Infidel unwary is helping the

Think, for a minute, of Oskar Schindler. A member of the Nazi Party, but hardly someone who followed the Nazi line. But what if Schindler had at some point met with Westerners — and had continued, himself, to deny that the Nazis were engaged in genocide, even if he himself deplored it and would later act against it? Would we think of him as a “moderate”? As someone who had helped the anti-Nazi coalition to understand what it was up against?

Or for another example, think of Ilya Ehrenburg, who in 1951 or so was sent abroad
by Stalin to lie about the condition of Yiddish-speaking intellectuals whom
Stalin had recently massacred. Ehrenburg went to France, went to Italy. He did
as he was told. “Peretz? Markish? Oh, yes, saw Peretz at his dacha last month
with his grandson. Such a jovial fellow. Markish — he was great last year in
Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District — you should see how it comes across in
zhargon, Yiddish…” And so it went. Eherenburg lied, and lied. He was not a
Stalinist. He hated Stalin. He of course hated the destruction of Peretz,
Markish, and many others who had been killed many months before — as Ehrenburg
knew perfectly well. When he went abroad and lied to the editors of Nouvelle
Revue Francaise, what was he? Objectively, he was promoting the interests of
Joseph Stalin, and the Red Army, and the Politburo. We need not inquire into
motives. We need only see what the results of such lying were. And the same is
true of those Christian Arabs who lie on behalf of Islam — some out of fear,
some out of an ethnocentric identification so strong that they end up defending
Islam, the religion of those who persecuted the Christian Arabs of the Middle
East, and some out of venality (if Western diplomats and journalists can be on
the Arab take, why not Arabs themselves?), some out of careerism. If you want to
rise in the academic ranks, and your field is the Middle East, unless you are a
real scholar — Cook or Crone or Lewis — better to parrot the party line, which
costs you nothing and gains you friends in tenure-awarding, grant-giving,
reference-writing circles. There is at least one example, too, among those
mentioned, in a situation where an Arabic-speaking Christian, attempting to find
refuge from Muslim persecution, needed the testimony of an “expert” — which
“expert,” instead of offering a pro-bono samaritan act, demanded so much money
to be involved (in a fantastic display of greed) that the very idea of
solidarity among Arab Christians was called by this act permanently into

2. The word “moderate”
cannot be reasonably applied to any Muslim who continues to deny the contents —
the real contents, not the sanitized or gussied-up contents — of Qur’an,
hadith, and sira.
Whether that denial is based on ignorance, or based on
embarrassment, or based on filial piety (and an unwillingness to wash dirty
ideological laundry before the Infidels) is irrelevant. Any Muslim who, while
seeming to deplore every aspect of Muslim aggression, based on clear textual
sources in Qur’an and hadith, or on the example of Muhammad as depicted in the
accepted sira — Muhammad that “model” of behavior — is again, objectively,
acting in a way that simply misleads the Infidels. And any Muslim who helps to
mislead Infidels about the true nature of Islam cannot be called a “moderate.”
That epithet is simply handed out a bit too quickly for sensible tastes.

3. What of a Muslim who says — there are terrible
things in the sira and hadith, and we must find a way out, so that this
belief-system can focus on the rituals of individual worship, and offer some
sustenance as a simple faith for simple people? This would require admitting that a great many of Muhammad’s reported acts must either be
denied, or given some kind of figurative interpretation, or otherwise removed as
part of his “model” life
. As for the hadith, somehow one would have to
say that Bukhari, and Muslim, and the other respected muhaddithin had not
examined those isnad-chains with quite the right meticulousness, and that many
of the hadith regarded as “authentic” must be reduced to the status of
“inauthentic.” And, following Goldziher, doubt would have to be cast on all of
the hadith, as imaginative elaborations from the Qur’an, without any necessarily
independent existence.

4. This leaves the Qur’an. Any “moderate” who wishes to prevent inquiry into the origins of the Qur’an — whether it may be the product of a Christian sect, or a Jewish sect, or of pagan Arabs who decided to construct a book, made up partly of Christian and Jewish material mixed with bits and pieces of pagan Arab lore from the time of the Jahiliya — or to prevent philological study (of, for example, Aramaic and other loan-words) — anyone who impedes the enterprise of subjecting the Qur’an to the kind of historical inquiry that the Christian and Jewish Bibles have undergone in the past 200 years of inquiry, is not a “moderate” but a fervent Defender of the Faith. One unwilling to encourage such study — which can only lead to a move away from literalness for at least some of the Believers — again is not “moderate.”

5. The conclusion one must reach is that there are, in truth, very few moderates. For if one sees the full meaning of Qur’an, hadith, and sira, and sees how they have affected the behavior of Muslims both over 1400 years of conquest and subjugation of non-Muslims, and in stunting the
development — political, economic, moral, and intellectual — of Muslims
everywhere, it is impossible not to conclude that this imposing edifice is not
in any sense moderate or susceptible to moderation.

What must an intelligent Muslim, living through the hell of the Islamic Republic of Iran, start to think of Islam? Or that Kuwaiti billionaire, with houses in St. James
Place and Avenue Foch and Vevey, as well as the family/company headquarters in
Kuwait City, who sends his children to the American School in Kuwait, and boasts
that they know English better than they know Arabic, helps host Fouad Ajami when
he visits Kuwait, is truly heartsick to see Kuwait’s increasing islamization?
Would he allow himself to say what he knows in public, or in front of
half-brothers, or to friends — knowing that at any moment, they may be
scandalized by his free-thinking views, and that he may run the risk of losing
his place in the family’s pecking order and, what’s more, in the family

The mere fact that Muslim numbers may grow
in the Western world represents a permanent threat to Infidels
. This is
true even if some, or many, of those Muslims are “moderates” — i.e. do not
believe that Islam has some kind of divine right, and need, to expand until it
covers the globe and swallows up dar al-harb. For if they are still to be
counted in the Army of Islam, not as Deserters (Apostates) from that Army, their
very existence in the Bilad al-kufr helps to swell Muslim ranks, and therefore
perceived Muslim power. And even the “moderate” father may sire immoderate children or grandchildren — that was the theme of the
Hanif Kureishi film, quasi-comic but politically acute, “My Son the Fanatic.”
Whether through Da’wa or large families, any growth in the Muslim population will inhibit free expression (see the fates of Pim
Fortuyn and Theo van Gogh, and the threats made to Geert Wilders, Carl Hagen,
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and many others), for politicans eager to court the Muslim vote
will poohpooh Muslim outrages and strive to have the state yield to Muslim
demands — for the sake of short-term individual gain. And Muslim numbers, even
with “moderates,” increases the number of Muslim missionaries — for every
Muslim is a missionary — whether conducting “Sharing Ramadan” Outreach in the
schools (where a soft-voiced Pakistani woman is usually the soothing
propagandist of choice), or Da’wa in a prison. The more Muslims there are, the
more there will be — and no one knows which “moderate” will end up distinctly
non-moderate in his views, and then in his acts.

And this brings up the most important problem: the impermanance of “moderate” attitudes. What makes anyone think that someone who this week or month has definitely turned his back on Jihad, who will have nothing to do with those he calls the “fanatics,” if he does not make a clean break with Islam, does not become a “renegade” or apostate, will at some point “revert” not to Islam, which he never left, but to a more devout form, in which he now subscribes to all of its tenets, and not merely to a few having to do with rites of individual worship?

6. The examples to the contrary are both those
of individuals, and of whole societies. As for individual Muslims, some started
out as mild-mannered and largely indifferent to Islam, and then underwent some
kind of crisis and reverted to a much more fanatical brand of Islam. That was
the case with urban planner Mohammad Atta, following his disorienting encounter
with modern Western ways in Hamburg, Germany — Reeperbahn and all. That was
also the case with “Mike” Hawash, the Internet engineer earning $360,000 a year,
who seemed completely integrated (American wife, Little League for the children,
friends among fellow executives at Intel who would swear up and down that he was
innocent) — until one fine day, after the World Trade Center attacks, he made
out his will, signed the house over to his wife, and set off to fight alongside
the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan (he got as far as China) against his
fellow Americans. In other words, if fanatical Muslims exist, it does not mean
that they all start out as fanatics. Islam is the necessary starting place, and
what sets off a “moderate” may have little to do with anything the Infidels do,
any question of foreign policy — it may simply be a crisis in an individual
Muslim’s life, to which he seeks an answer, not surprisingly, in … more Islam.

7. Much the same lesson can be drawn from the experience of whole societies. In passing, one can note that the position of Infidels under the Pahlevi regime was better than it had been for centuries — and under the regime that followed, that of the Islamic Republic of Iran, that position of Infidels became worse than it had been for centuries. “Secularism” in Islamic countries is never permanent; the weight and the threat of Islam is ever-present.

The best example of this is Turkey since 1924, when Ataturk began his reforms. He tried in every way he could — through the Hat Act
(banishing the salat-friendly fez); commissioning a Turkish translation of the
Qur’an and an accompanying tafsir (commentary) in Turkish; ending the use of
Arabic script for Turkish; establishing government control of the mosques (even
attacking recalcitrant imams and destroying their mosques); giving women the
right to vote; establishing a system that discouraged the wearing of the hijab;
encouraging Western dress; and discouraging, in the army, preferment of any
soldier who showed too great an interest in religion. This attempt to constrain
Islam was successful, and was reinforced by the national cult of Ataturk.

But the past few decades have shown that Islam does
not die; it keeps coming back
. In Turkey, it never went away, despite the creation of a secular stratum of society that amounts perhaps to 25% of the population, with another 25% wavering, and 50%
still definitely traditional Muslims. Meanwhile, Turks in Germany become not less, but more fervent in their faith. And Turks in
Turkey, of the kind who follow Erdogan, show that they may at any moment emerge
and take power — and slowly (very slowly, as long as that EU application has
not been acted on, one way or another) they can undo Ataturk. He was temporary;
Islam is forever.

8. That is why even the designation of some Muslims as “moderates” in the end means almost nothing. They swell Muslim numbers and the perceived Muslim power; “moderates” may help to mislead, to be in fact even more effective practitioners of taqiyya/kitman, for their motive may simply be loyalty to ancestors or embarrassment, not a malign desire to fool Infidels in order to disarm and then ultimately to destroy them.

9. For this reason, one has to keep one’s eye always on the objective situation. What will make Infidels safer from a belief-system that is inimical to art, science, and all free inquiry, that stunts the mental growth, and that is based on a cruel Manichaean division of the world between Infidel and Believer? And the answer is: limiting the power –- military, political, diplomatic, economic power — of all Muslim polities, and Muslim peoples, and diminishing, as much as possible, the Muslim presence, however amiable and plausible and seemingly untroubling a part of that presence may appear to be, in all the Lands of the Infidels. This is done not out of any spirit of enmity, but simply as an act of minimal self-protection — and out of loyalty and gratitude to those who produced the civilization which, however it has been recently debased by its own inheritors, would disappear altogether were Muslims to succeed in islamizing Europe — and then, possibly, other parts of the world as well.

10. “There are Muslim moderates. Islam itself is not moderate” is Ibn Warraq’s lapidary formulation. To this one must add: we Infidels have no sure way to distinguish the real from the feigning “moderate” Muslim. We cannot spend our time trying to perfect methods to make such distinctions. Furthermore, in the end such distinctions may be meaningless if even the “real” moderates hide from us what Islam is all about, not out of any deeply-felt sinister motive, but out of a humanly-understandable ignorance (especially among some second or third-generation Muslims in the West), or embarrassment, or filial piety. And finally, yesterday’s “moderate” can overnight be transformed into today’s fanatic — or tomorrow’s.

Shall we entrust our own safety to the dreamy consolations of the phrase
“moderate Muslim” and the shapeshifting concept behind it that can be
transformed into something else in a minute?

Like I said, I don’t believe there is such a thing as a moderate muslim. Other friends of mine do, and I respect their opinions. I, however, don’t believe as they do. The scourge of islam needs to be stopped. It’s not a religion–it is a societal ideology. One deadly to anyone not muslim.

Also posted at Digg! here; GOP Hub here and Real Clear Politics here (unless, of course, they’re still censoring me).

Is There Such a Thing as a Moderate Muslim?

Personally, I don’t believe there is such a thing as a moderate muslim. There have been too many opportunities for them, if they existed, to stand up and speak out about the atrocities they’re so-called “radical/extremist” brethren are committing in the name of islam. They aren’t speaking out. At least not in any great numbers.

The ones who do call themselves “moderate” are using the term as a facade to cover their agenda of recruitment for islam. I refer specifically to one such group doing a wonderful job of “snowing” people by stating they intend to change the koran, to rid it of it’s violence. However, when this group is questioned directly and put on the spot, they become argumentative and abusive. They simply cannot defend what they purport to preach because to change the koran would mean it’s not the absolute word of god as they believe. You can’t change the Word of God and have it remain the word of god. They can’t answer to that discrepancy, and will resort to insults, abuse and filth when asked repeatedly to answer that discrepancy. This group is known as Muslims Against Sharia and I’ve blogged about them here and here.

Another such group is CAIR, who is a front group for Hamas and an unindicted co-conspirator in several lawsuits. Of course, this is the same CAIR Michael Savage is suing (lawsuit information here) as they are trying to shut down his freedom of speech by stealing his copyright material and then, basically, cut and pasting it to serve their own agenda rather than the context in which it was originally spoken.

Again, these are two groups who want you to think they’re “moderate” while behind the scenes they promote the actual agenda of jihad.

My mail box today contained a copy of an article originally published November 25, 2004 by Hugh Fitzgerald for Jihad Watch here. The title is “Ten Things to Think When Thinking of Muslim Moderates” and can be found here. It’s also posted in its entirety below. I also posted something called the “9 Point Guide to Discern islamist from Non-islamist Schools” here. This article was originally published by American Congress for Truth/Family Security Matters here.

Here, then, is Mr. Fitzgerald’s article:

Jihad Watch Board Vice President Hugh Fitzgerald’s brilliant and absolutely must-be-read exploration of the very concept of moderate Islam and the existence of moderate Muslims:

1. Not only Muslims, but “islamochristians” objectively promote and push the propagandistic line that disguises the Jihad (evidence of which can be found worldwide), and mislead as to both what prompts that Jihad (not “poverty” or “foreign policy” but the precepts of the belief-system of Islam) and what will sate it (not Kashmir, not Chechnya, not the absurd “two-state solution,” not continued appeasement in France and Holland — there is nothing that will sate or satisfy it, as long as part of the globe is as yet resistent to the rule of Islam). “Christians” such as Fawaz Gerges or Rami Khoury, or someone who was born a Christian, such as Edward Said, are Arabs whose views are colored by that self-perception. Their loyalty to the community and history of Arabs causes them to be as loyal to the Islamic view of things as if they had been born Muslim. They stoutly defend Islam against all of Western scholarship (in Orientalism), or divert attention
away from Islam and constantly assert, in defiance of all the evidence, from
Bali to Beslan to Madrid, that the “problem of Israel/Palestine” — the latest,
and most sinister formulation of the Jihad against Israel — is the fons et
origo of Muslim hostility and murderous aggression throughout the world. Save
for the Copts and Maronites, who regard themselves not as Arabs but as “users”
of the “Arabic language” (and reject the idea that such “users” therefore become
“Arabs”), many Arab Christians have crazily embraced the Islamic agenda; the
agenda, that is, of those who have made the lives of Christians in the Middle
East so uncertain, difficult, and at times, imperilled. The attempt to be “plus
islamiste que les islamistes” — the approach of Rami Khoury and Hanan Ashrawi
— simply will not do, for it has not worked. It is Habib Malik and other
Maronites in Lebanon who have analysed the problem of Islam in a clear-eyed
fashion. Indeed, the best book on the legal status of non-Muslims under Islam is
that of the Lebanese (Maronite) scholar Antoine Fattal.

Any “islamochristian” Arab who promotes the Islamic agenda, by participating in a
campaign that can only mislead Infidels and put off their understanding of Jihad
and its various instruments, is objectively as much part of the problem as the
Muslim who knowingly practices taqiyya in order to turn aside the suspicions of
non-Muslims. Whoever acts so as to keep the unwary Infidel unwary is helping the

Think, for a minute, of Oskar Schindler. A member of the Nazi Party, but hardly someone who followed the Nazi line. But what if Schindler had at some point met with Westerners — and had continued, himself, to deny that the Nazis were engaged in genocide, even if he himself deplored it and would later act against it? Would we think of him as a “moderate”? As someone who had helped the anti-Nazi coalition to understand what it was up against?

Or for another example, think of Ilya Ehrenburg, who in 1951 or so was sent abroad
by Stalin to lie about the condition of Yiddish-speaking intellectuals whom
Stalin had recently massacred. Ehrenburg went to France, went to Italy. He did
as he was told. “Peretz? Markish? Oh, yes, saw Peretz at his dacha last month
with his grandson. Such a jovial fellow. Markish — he was great last year in
Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District — you should see how it comes across in
zhargon, Yiddish…” And so it went. Eherenburg lied, and lied. He was not a
Stalinist. He hated Stalin. He of course hated the destruction of Peretz,
Markish, and many others who had been killed many months before — as Ehrenburg
knew perfectly well. When he went abroad and lied to the editors of Nouvelle
Revue Francaise, what was he? Objectively, he was promoting the interests of
Joseph Stalin, and the Red Army, and the Politburo. We need not inquire into
motives. We need only see what the results of such lying were. And the same is
true of those Christian Arabs who lie on behalf of Islam — some out of fear,
some out of an ethnocentric identification so strong that they end up defending
Islam, the religion of those who persecuted the Christian Arabs of the Middle
East, and some out of venality (if Western diplomats and journalists can be on
the Arab take, why not Arabs themselves?), some out of careerism. If you want to
rise in the academic ranks, and your field is the Middle East, unless you are a
real scholar — Cook or Crone or Lewis — better to parrot the party line, which
costs you nothing and gains you friends in tenure-awarding, grant-giving,
reference-writing circles. There is at least one example, too, among those
mentioned, in a situation where an Arabic-speaking Christian, attempting to find
refuge from Muslim persecution, needed the testimony of an “expert” — which
“expert,” instead of offering a pro-bono samaritan act, demanded so much money
to be involved (in a fantastic display of greed) that the very idea of
solidarity among Arab Christians was called by this act permanently into

2. The word “moderate”
cannot be reasonably applied to any Muslim who continues to deny the contents —
the real contents, not the sanitized or gussied-up contents — of Qur’an,
hadith, and sira.
Whether that denial is based on ignorance, or based on
embarrassment, or based on filial piety (and an unwillingness to wash dirty
ideological laundry before the Infidels) is irrelevant. Any Muslim who, while
seeming to deplore every aspect of Muslim aggression, based on clear textual
sources in Qur’an and hadith, or on the example of Muhammad as depicted in the
accepted sira — Muhammad that “model” of behavior — is again, objectively,
acting in a way that simply misleads the Infidels. And any Muslim who helps to
mislead Infidels about the true nature of Islam cannot be called a “moderate.”
That epithet is simply handed out a bit too quickly for sensible tastes.

3. What of a Muslim who says — there are terrible
things in the sira and hadith, and we must find a way out, so that this
belief-system can focus on the rituals of individual worship, and offer some
sustenance as a simple faith for simple people? This would require admitting that a great many of Muhammad’s reported acts must either be
denied, or given some kind of figurative interpretation, or otherwise removed as
part of his “model” life
. As for the hadith, somehow one would have to
say that Bukhari, and Muslim, and the other respected muhaddithin had not
examined those isnad-chains with quite the right meticulousness, and that many
of the hadith regarded as “authentic” must be reduced to the status of
“inauthentic.” And, following Goldziher, doubt would have to be cast on all of
the hadith, as imaginative elaborations from the Qur’an, without any necessarily
independent existence.

4. This leaves the Qur’an. Any “moderate” who wishes to prevent inquiry into the origins of the Qur’an — whether it may be the product of a Christian sect, or a Jewish sect, or of pagan Arabs who decided to construct a book, made up partly of Christian and Jewish material mixed with bits and pieces of pagan Arab lore from the time of the Jahiliya — or to prevent philological study (of, for example, Aramaic and other loan-words) — anyone who impedes the enterprise of subjecting the Qur’an to the kind of historical inquiry that the Christian and Jewish Bibles have undergone in the past 200 years of inquiry, is not a “moderate” but a fervent Defender of the Faith. One unwilling to encourage such study — which can only lead to a move away from literalness for at least some of the Believers — again is not “moderate.”

5. The conclusion one must reach is that there are, in truth, very few moderates. For if one sees the full meaning of Qur’an, hadith, and sira, and sees how they have affected the behavior of Muslims both over 1400 years of conquest and subjugation of non-Muslims, and in stunting the
development — political, economic, moral, and intellectual — of Muslims
everywhere, it is impossible not to conclude that this imposing edifice is not
in any sense moderate or susceptible to moderation.

What must an intelligent Muslim, living through the hell of the Islamic Republic of Iran, start to think of Islam? Or that Kuwaiti billionaire, with houses in St. James
Place and Avenue Foch and Vevey, as well as the family/company headquarters in
Kuwait City, who sends his children to the American School in Kuwait, and boasts
that they know English better than they know Arabic, helps host Fouad Ajami when
he visits Kuwait, is truly heartsick to see Kuwait’s increasing islamization?
Would he allow himself to say what he knows in public, or in front of
half-brothers, or to friends — knowing that at any moment, they may be
scandalized by his free-thinking views, and that he may run the risk of losing
his place in the family’s pecking order and, what’s more, in the family

The mere fact that Muslim numbers may grow
in the Western world represents a permanent threat to Infidels
. This is
true even if some, or many, of those Muslims are “moderates” — i.e. do not
believe that Islam has some kind of divine right, and need, to expand until it
covers the globe and swallows up dar al-harb. For if they are still to be
counted in the Army of Islam, not as Deserters (Apostates) from that Army, their
very existence in the Bilad al-kufr helps to swell Muslim ranks, and therefore
perceived Muslim power. And even the “moderate” father may sire immoderate children or grandchildren — that was the theme of the
Hanif Kureishi film, quasi-comic but politically acute, “My Son the Fanatic.”
Whether through Da’wa or large families, any growth in the Muslim population will inhibit free expression (see the fates of Pim
Fortuyn and Theo van Gogh, and the threats made to Geert Wilders, Carl Hagen,
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and many others), for politicans eager to court the Muslim vote
will poohpooh Muslim outrages and strive to have the state yield to Muslim
demands — for the sake of short-term individual gain. And Muslim numbers, even
with “moderates,” increases the number of Muslim missionaries — for every
Muslim is a missionary — whether conducting “Sharing Ramadan” Outreach in the
schools (where a soft-voiced Pakistani woman is usually the soothing
propagandist of choice), or Da’wa in a prison. The more Muslims there are, the
more there will be — and no one knows which “moderate” will end up distinctly
non-moderate in his views, and then in his acts.

And this brings up the most important problem: the impermanance of “moderate” attitudes. What makes anyone think that someone who this week or month has definitely turned his back on Jihad, who will have nothing to do with those he calls the “fanatics,” if he does not make a clean break with Islam, does not become a “renegade” or apostate, will at some point “revert” not to Islam, which he never left, but to a more devout form, in which he now subscribes to all of its tenets, and not merely to a few having to do with rites of individual worship?

6. The examples to the contrary are both those
of individuals, and of whole societies. As for individual Muslims, some started
out as mild-mannered and largely indifferent to Islam, and then underwent some
kind of crisis and reverted to a much more fanatical brand of Islam. That was
the case with urban planner Mohammad Atta, following his disorienting encounter
with modern Western ways in Hamburg, Germany — Reeperbahn and all. That was
also the case with “Mike” Hawash, the Internet engineer earning $360,000 a year,
who seemed completely integrated (American wife, Little League for the children,
friends among fellow executives at Intel who would swear up and down that he was
innocent) — until one fine day, after the World Trade Center attacks, he made
out his will, signed the house over to his wife, and set off to fight alongside
the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan (he got as far as China) against his
fellow Americans. In other words, if fanatical Muslims exist, it does not mean
that they all start out as fanatics. Islam is the necessary starting place, and
what sets off a “moderate” may have little to do with anything the Infidels do,
any question of foreign policy — it may simply be a crisis in an individual
Muslim’s life, to which he seeks an answer, not surprisingly, in … more Islam.

7. Much the same lesson can be drawn from the experience of whole societies. In passing, one can note that the position of Infidels under the Pahlevi regime was better than it had been for centuries — and under the regime that followed, that of the Islamic Republic of Iran, that position of Infidels became worse than it had been for centuries. “Secularism” in Islamic countries is never permanent; the weight and the threat of Islam is ever-present.

The best example of this is Turkey since 1924, when Ataturk began his reforms. He tried in every way he could — through the Hat Act
(banishing the salat-friendly fez); commissioning a Turkish translation of the
Qur’an and an accompanying tafsir (commentary) in Turkish; ending the use of
Arabic script for Turkish; establishing government control of the mosques (even
attacking recalcitrant imams and destroying their mosques); giving women the
right to vote; establishing a system that discouraged the wearing of the hijab;
encouraging Western dress; and discouraging, in the army, preferment of any
soldier who showed too great an interest in religion. This attempt to constrain
Islam was successful, and was reinforced by the national cult of Ataturk.

But the past few decades have shown that Islam does
not die; it keeps coming back
. In Turkey, it never went away, despite the creation of a secular stratum of society that amounts perhaps to 25% of the population, with another 25% wavering, and 50%
still definitely traditional Muslims. Meanwhile, Turks in Germany become not less, but more fervent in their faith. And Turks in
Turkey, of the kind who follow Erdogan, show that they may at any moment emerge
and take power — and slowly (very slowly, as long as that EU application has
not been acted on, one way or another) they can undo Ataturk. He was temporary;
Islam is forever.

8. That is why even the designation of some Muslims as “moderates” in the end means almost nothing. They swell Muslim numbers and the perceived Muslim power; “moderates” may help to mislead, to be in fact even more effective practitioners of taqiyya/kitman, for their motive may simply be loyalty to ancestors or embarrassment, not a malign desire to fool Infidels in order to disarm and then ultimately to destroy them.

9. For this reason, one has to keep one’s eye always on the objective situation. What will make Infidels safer from a belief-system that is inimical to art, science, and all free inquiry, that stunts the mental growth, and that is based on a cruel Manichaean division of the world between Infidel and Believer? And the answer is: limiting the power –- military, political, diplomatic, economic power — of all Muslim polities, and Muslim peoples, and diminishing, as much as possible, the Muslim presence, however amiable and plausible and seemingly untroubling a part of that presence may appear to be, in all the Lands of the Infidels. This is done not out of any spirit of enmity, but simply as an act of minimal self-protection — and out of loyalty and gratitude to those who produced the civilization which, however it has been recently debased by its own inheritors, would disappear altogether were Muslims to succeed in islamizing Europe — and then, possibly, other parts of the world as well.

10. “There are Muslim moderates. Islam itself is not moderate” is Ibn Warraq’s lapidary formulation. To this one must add: we Infidels have no sure way to distinguish the real from the feigning “moderate” Muslim. We cannot spend our time trying to perfect methods to make such distinctions. Furthermore, in the end such distinctions may be meaningless if even the “real” moderates hide from us what Islam is all about, not out of any deeply-felt sinister motive, but out of a humanly-understandable ignorance (especially among some second or third-generation Muslims in the West), or embarrassment, or filial piety. And finally, yesterday’s “moderate” can overnight be transformed into today’s fanatic — or tomorrow’s.

Shall we entrust our own safety to the dreamy consolations of the phrase
“moderate Muslim” and the shapeshifting concept behind it that can be
transformed into something else in a minute?

Like I said, I don’t believe there is such a thing as a moderate muslim. Other friends of mine do, and I respect their opinions. I, however, don’t believe as they do. The scourge of islam needs to be stopped. It’s not a religion–it is a societal ideology. One deadly to anyone not muslim.

Also posted at Digg! here; GOP Hub here and Real Clear Politics here (unless, of course, they’re still censoring me).

Is There Such a Thing as a Moderate Muslim?

Personally, I don’t believe there is such a thing as a moderate muslim. There have been too many opportunities for them, if they existed, to stand up and speak out about the atrocities they’re so-called “radical/extremist” brethren are committing in the name of islam. They aren’t speaking out. At least not in any great numbers.

The ones who do call themselves “moderate” are using the term as a facade to cover their agenda of recruitment for islam. I refer specifically to one such group doing a wonderful job of “snowing” people by stating they intend to change the koran, to rid it of it’s violence. However, when this group is questioned directly and put on the spot, they become argumentative and abusive. They simply cannot defend what they purport to preach because to change the koran would mean it’s not the absolute word of god as they believe. You can’t change the Word of God and have it remain the word of god. They can’t answer to that discrepancy, and will resort to insults, abuse and filth when asked repeatedly to answer that discrepancy. This group is known as Muslims Against Sharia and I’ve blogged about them here and here.

Another such group is CAIR, who is a front group for Hamas and an unindicted co-conspirator in several lawsuits. Of course, this is the same CAIR Michael Savage is suing (lawsuit information here) as they are trying to shut down his freedom of speech by stealing his copyright material and then, basically, cut and pasting it to serve their own agenda rather than the context in which it was originally spoken.

Again, these are two groups who want you to think they’re “moderate” while behind the scenes they promote the actual agenda of jihad.

My mail box today contained a copy of an article originally published November 25, 2004 by Hugh Fitzgerald for Jihad Watch here. The title is “Ten Things to Think When Thinking of Muslim Moderates” and can be found here. It’s also posted in its entirety below. I also posted something called the “9 Point Guide to Discern islamist from Non-islamist Schools” here. This article was originally published by American Congress for Truth/Family Security Matters here.

Here, then, is Mr. Fitzgerald’s article:

Jihad Watch Board Vice President Hugh Fitzgerald’s brilliant and absolutely must-be-read exploration of the very concept of moderate Islam and the existence of moderate Muslims:

1. Not only Muslims, but “islamochristians” objectively promote and push the propagandistic line that disguises the Jihad (evidence of which can be found worldwide), and mislead as to both what prompts that Jihad (not “poverty” or “foreign policy” but the precepts of the belief-system of Islam) and what will sate it (not Kashmir, not Chechnya, not the absurd “two-state solution,” not continued appeasement in France and Holland — there is nothing that will sate or satisfy it, as long as part of the globe is as yet resistent to the rule of Islam). “Christians” such as Fawaz Gerges or Rami Khoury, or someone who was born a Christian, such as Edward Said, are Arabs whose views are colored by that self-perception. Their loyalty to the community and history of Arabs causes them to be as loyal to the Islamic view of things as if they had been born Muslim. They stoutly defend Islam against all of Western scholarship (in Orientalism), or divert attention
away from Islam and constantly assert, in defiance of all the evidence, from
Bali to Beslan to Madrid, that the “problem of Israel/Palestine” — the latest,
and most sinister formulation of the Jihad against Israel — is the fons et
origo of Muslim hostility and murderous aggression throughout the world. Save
for the Copts and Maronites, who regard themselves not as Arabs but as “users”
of the “Arabic language” (and reject the idea that such “users” therefore become
“Arabs”), many Arab Christians have crazily embraced the Islamic agenda; the
agenda, that is, of those who have made the lives of Christians in the Middle
East so uncertain, difficult, and at times, imperilled. The attempt to be “plus
islamiste que les islamistes” — the approach of Rami Khoury and Hanan Ashrawi
— simply will not do, for it has not worked. It is Habib Malik and other
Maronites in Lebanon who have analysed the problem of Islam in a clear-eyed
fashion. Indeed, the best book on the legal status of non-Muslims under Islam is
that of the Lebanese (Maronite) scholar Antoine Fattal.

Any “islamochristian” Arab who promotes the Islamic agenda, by participating in a
campaign that can only mislead Infidels and put off their understanding of Jihad
and its various instruments, is objectively as much part of the problem as the
Muslim who knowingly practices taqiyya in order to turn aside the suspicions of
non-Muslims. Whoever acts so as to keep the unwary Infidel unwary is helping the

Think, for a minute, of Oskar Schindler. A member of the Nazi Party, but hardly someone who followed the Nazi line. But what if Schindler had at some point met with Westerners — and had continued, himself, to deny that the Nazis were engaged in genocide, even if he himself deplored it and would later act against it? Would we think of him as a “moderate”? As someone who had helped the anti-Nazi coalition to understand what it was up against?

Or for another example, think of Ilya Ehrenburg, who in 1951 or so was sent abroad
by Stalin to lie about the condition of Yiddish-speaking intellectuals whom
Stalin had recently massacred. Ehrenburg went to France, went to Italy. He did
as he was told. “Peretz? Markish? Oh, yes, saw Peretz at his dacha last month
with his grandson. Such a jovial fellow. Markish — he was great last year in
Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District — you should see how it comes across in
zhargon, Yiddish…” And so it went. Eherenburg lied, and lied. He was not a
Stalinist. He hated Stalin. He of course hated the destruction of Peretz,
Markish, and many others who had been killed many months before — as Ehrenburg
knew perfectly well. When he went abroad and lied to the editors of Nouvelle
Revue Francaise, what was he? Objectively, he was promoting the interests of
Joseph Stalin, and the Red Army, and the Politburo. We need not inquire into
motives. We need only see what the results of such lying were. And the same is
true of those Christian Arabs who lie on behalf of Islam — some out of fear,
some out of an ethnocentric identification so strong that they end up defending
Islam, the religion of those who persecuted the Christian Arabs of the Middle
East, and some out of venality (if Western diplomats and journalists can be on
the Arab take, why not Arabs themselves?), some out of careerism. If you want to
rise in the academic ranks, and your field is the Middle East, unless you are a
real scholar — Cook or Crone or Lewis — better to parrot the party line, which
costs you nothing and gains you friends in tenure-awarding, grant-giving,
reference-writing circles. There is at least one example, too, among those
mentioned, in a situation where an Arabic-speaking Christian, attempting to find
refuge from Muslim persecution, needed the testimony of an “expert” — which
“expert,” instead of offering a pro-bono samaritan act, demanded so much money
to be involved (in a fantastic display of greed) that the very idea of
solidarity among Arab Christians was called by this act permanently into

2. The word “moderate”
cannot be reasonably applied to any Muslim who continues to deny the contents —
the real contents, not the sanitized or gussied-up contents — of Qur’an,
hadith, and sira.
Whether that denial is based on ignorance, or based on
embarrassment, or based on filial piety (and an unwillingness to wash dirty
ideological laundry before the Infidels) is irrelevant. Any Muslim who, while
seeming to deplore every aspect of Muslim aggression, based on clear textual
sources in Qur’an and hadith, or on the example of Muhammad as depicted in the
accepted sira — Muhammad that “model” of behavior — is again, objectively,
acting in a way that simply misleads the Infidels. And any Muslim who helps to
mislead Infidels about the true nature of Islam cannot be called a “moderate.”
That epithet is simply handed out a bit too quickly for sensible tastes.

3. What of a Muslim who says — there are terrible
things in the sira and hadith, and we must find a way out, so that this
belief-system can focus on the rituals of individual worship, and offer some
sustenance as a simple faith for simple people? This would require admitting that a great many of Muhammad’s reported acts must either be
denied, or given some kind of figurative interpretation, or otherwise removed as
part of his “model” life
. As for the hadith, somehow one would have to
say that Bukhari, and Muslim, and the other respected muhaddithin had not
examined those isnad-chains with quite the right meticulousness, and that many
of the hadith regarded as “authentic” must be reduced to the status of
“inauthentic.” And, following Goldziher, doubt would have to be cast on all of
the hadith, as imaginative elaborations from the Qur’an, without any necessarily
independent existence.

4. This leaves the Qur’an. Any “moderate” who wishes to prevent inquiry into the origins of the Qur’an — whether it may be the product of a Christian sect, or a Jewish sect, or of pagan Arabs who decided to construct a book, made up partly of Christian and Jewish material mixed with bits and pieces of pagan Arab lore from the time of the Jahiliya — or to prevent philological study (of, for example, Aramaic and other loan-words) — anyone who impedes the enterprise of subjecting the Qur’an to the kind of historical inquiry that the Christian and Jewish Bibles have undergone in the past 200 years of inquiry, is not a “moderate” but a fervent Defender of the Faith. One unwilling to encourage such study — which can only lead to a move away from literalness for at least some of the Believers — again is not “moderate.”

5. The conclusion one must reach is that there are, in truth, very few moderates. For if one sees the full meaning of Qur’an, hadith, and sira, and sees how they have affected the behavior of Muslims both over 1400 years of conquest and subjugation of non-Muslims, and in stunting the
development — political, economic, moral, and intellectual — of Muslims
everywhere, it is impossible not to conclude that this imposing edifice is not
in any sense moderate or susceptible to moderation.

What must an intelligent Muslim, living through the hell of the Islamic Republic of Iran, start to think of Islam? Or that Kuwaiti billionaire, with houses in St. James
Place and Avenue Foch and Vevey, as well as the family/company headquarters in
Kuwait City, who sends his children to the American School in Kuwait, and boasts
that they know English better than they know Arabic, helps host Fouad Ajami when
he visits Kuwait, is truly heartsick to see Kuwait’s increasing islamization?
Would he allow himself to say what he knows in public, or in front of
half-brothers, or to friends — knowing that at any moment, they may be
scandalized by his free-thinking views, and that he may run the risk of losing
his place in the family’s pecking order and, what’s more, in the family

The mere fact that Muslim numbers may grow
in the Western world represents a permanent threat to Infidels
. This is
true even if some, or many, of those Muslims are “moderates” — i.e. do not
believe that Islam has some kind of divine right, and need, to expand until it
covers the globe and swallows up dar al-harb. For if they are still to be
counted in the Army of Islam, not as Deserters (Apostates) from that Army, their
very existence in the Bilad al-kufr helps to swell Muslim ranks, and therefore
perceived Muslim power. And even the “moderate” father may sire immoderate children or grandchildren — that was the theme of the
Hanif Kureishi film, quasi-comic but politically acute, “My Son the Fanatic.”
Whether through Da’wa or large families, any growth in the Muslim population will inhibit free expression (see the fates of Pim
Fortuyn and Theo van Gogh, and the threats made to Geert Wilders, Carl Hagen,
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and many others), for politicans eager to court the Muslim vote
will poohpooh Muslim outrages and strive to have the state yield to Muslim
demands — for the sake of short-term individual gain. And Muslim numbers, even
with “moderates,” increases the number of Muslim missionaries — for every
Muslim is a missionary — whether conducting “Sharing Ramadan” Outreach in the
schools (where a soft-voiced Pakistani woman is usually the soothing
propagandist of choice), or Da’wa in a prison. The more Muslims there are, the
more there will be — and no one knows which “moderate” will end up distinctly
non-moderate in his views, and then in his acts.

And this brings up the most important problem: the impermanance of “moderate” attitudes. What makes anyone think that someone who this week or month has definitely turned his back on Jihad, who will have nothing to do with those he calls the “fanatics,” if he does not make a clean break with Islam, does not become a “renegade” or apostate, will at some point “revert” not to Islam, which he never left, but to a more devout form, in which he now subscribes to all of its tenets, and not merely to a few having to do with rites of individual worship?

6. The examples to the contrary are both those
of individuals, and of whole societies. As for individual Muslims, some started
out as mild-mannered and largely indifferent to Islam, and then underwent some
kind of crisis and reverted to a much more fanatical brand of Islam. That was
the case with urban planner Mohammad Atta, following his disorienting encounter
with modern Western ways in Hamburg, Germany — Reeperbahn and all. That was
also the case with “Mike” Hawash, the Internet engineer earning $360,000 a year,
who seemed completely integrated (American wife, Little League for the children,
friends among fellow executives at Intel who would swear up and down that he was
innocent) — until one fine day, after the World Trade Center attacks, he made
out his will, signed the house over to his wife, and set off to fight alongside
the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan (he got as far as China) against his
fellow Americans. In other words, if fanatical Muslims exist, it does not mean
that they all start out as fanatics. Islam is the necessary starting place, and
what sets off a “moderate” may have little to do with anything the Infidels do,
any question of foreign policy — it may simply be a crisis in an individual
Muslim’s life, to which he seeks an answer, not surprisingly, in … more Islam.

7. Much the same lesson can be drawn from the experience of whole societies. In passing, one can note that the position of Infidels under the Pahlevi regime was better than it had been for centuries — and under the regime that followed, that of the Islamic Republic of Iran, that position of Infidels became worse than it had been for centuries. “Secularism” in Islamic countries is never permanent; the weight and the threat of Islam is ever-present.

The best example of this is Turkey since 1924, when Ataturk began his reforms. He tried in every way he could — through the Hat Act
(banishing the salat-friendly fez); commissioning a Turkish translation of the
Qur’an and an accompanying tafsir (commentary) in Turkish; ending the use of
Arabic script for Turkish; establishing government control of the mosques (even
attacking recalcitrant imams and destroying their mosques); giving women the
right to vote; establishing a system that discouraged the wearing of the hijab;
encouraging Western dress; and discouraging, in the army, preferment of any
soldier who showed too great an interest in religion. This attempt to constrain
Islam was successful, and was reinforced by the national cult of Ataturk.

But the past few decades have shown that Islam does
not die; it keeps coming back
. In Turkey, it never went away, despite the creation of a secular stratum of society that amounts perhaps to 25% of the population, with another 25% wavering, and 50%
still definitely traditional Muslims. Meanwhile, Turks in Germany become not less, but more fervent in their faith. And Turks in
Turkey, of the kind who follow Erdogan, show that they may at any moment emerge
and take power — and slowly (very slowly, as long as that EU application has
not been acted on, one way or another) they can undo Ataturk. He was temporary;
Islam is forever.

8. That is why even the designation of some Muslims as “moderates” in the end means almost nothing. They swell Muslim numbers and the perceived Muslim power; “moderates” may help to mislead, to be in fact even more effective practitioners of taqiyya/kitman, for their motive may simply be loyalty to ancestors or embarrassment, not a malign desire to fool Infidels in order to disarm and then ultimately to destroy them.

9. For this reason, one has to keep one’s eye always on the objective situation. What will make Infidels safer from a belief-system that is inimical to art, science, and all free inquiry, that stunts the mental growth, and that is based on a cruel Manichaean division of the world between Infidel and Believer? And the answer is: limiting the power –- military, political, diplomatic, economic power — of all Muslim polities, and Muslim peoples, and diminishing, as much as possible, the Muslim presence, however amiable and plausible and seemingly untroubling a part of that presence may appear to be, in all the Lands of the Infidels. This is done not out of any spirit of enmity, but simply as an act of minimal self-protection — and out of loyalty and gratitude to those who produced the civilization which, however it has been recently debased by its own inheritors, would disappear altogether were Muslims to succeed in islamizing Europe — and then, possibly, other parts of the world as well.

10. “There are Muslim moderates. Islam itself is not moderate” is Ibn Warraq’s lapidary formulation. To this one must add: we Infidels have no sure way to distinguish the real from the feigning “moderate” Muslim. We cannot spend our time trying to perfect methods to make such distinctions. Furthermore, in the end such distinctions may be meaningless if even the “real” moderates hide from us what Islam is all about, not out of any deeply-felt sinister motive, but out of a humanly-understandable ignorance (especially among some second or third-generation Muslims in the West), or embarrassment, or filial piety. And finally, yesterday’s “moderate” can overnight be transformed into today’s fanatic — or tomorrow’s.

Shall we entrust our own safety to the dreamy consolations of the phrase
“moderate Muslim” and the shapeshifting concept behind it that can be
transformed into something else in a minute?

Like I said, I don’t believe there is such a thing as a moderate muslim. Other friends of mine do, and I respect their opinions. I, however, don’t believe as they do. The scourge of islam needs to be stopped. It’s not a religion–it is a societal ideology. One deadly to anyone not muslim.

Also posted at Digg! here; GOP Hub here and Real Clear Politics here (unless, of course, they’re still censoring me).

Obama Uniter? Not When it Comes to Monkeys

This story was just too ridiculous to pass up.

How many of us have played the rhyme game with our children–“ten little monkeys bouncing on the bed”…

How many of us have told our children to quit acting like monkeys and get out of that tree NOW?

Guess what? It’s not politically correct now and “offends” BHO supporters. It’s now considered a racial slur.

It seems a Chicago delegate for BHO, apparently a typical busy-body type, got ticketed for Disorderly Conduct. Why, you ask?

Well, she is Mexican. She is apparently a busy body, nosing into other people’s business all the time. As Boortz says, she’ll probably make a great Homeowner’s Association President some day. Her neighbors are black. Her neighbors have children. These children were climbing a tree in their own yard. Miss Busy Body Delegate stuck her nose into their business and told the kids they “shouldn’t be climbing in the tree like monkeys”.

This comment offended the black neighbors. They called the police and Miss Busy Body was ticketed $75 for Disorderly Conduct. It was released BHO’s campaign had asked her to resign. Now, however, she says she’s not resigning and BHO’s campaign has stated it was now clear the incident was a misunderstanding.

The whole story can be found at FOX News here.

Good grief, people are hypersensitive these days! If they can’t stand hearing the word monkey, how is BHO going to react to real hate aimed at him by Ahmadinejad? Talk about a booger eater! Get a life people–and come back down to the land of reality.

Also posted at Digg! here; GOP Hub here and Real Clear Politics here (unless they’re continuing to censor me).

Obama Uniter? Not When it Comes to Monkeys

This story was just too ridiculous to pass up.

How many of us have played the rhyme game with our children–“ten little monkeys bouncing on the bed”…

How many of us have told our children to quit acting like monkeys and get out of that tree NOW?

Guess what? It’s not politically correct now and “offends” BHO supporters. It’s now considered a racial slur.

It seems a Chicago delegate for BHO, apparently a typical busy-body type, got ticketed for Disorderly Conduct. Why, you ask?

Well, she is Mexican. She is apparently a busy body, nosing into other people’s business all the time. As Boortz says, she’ll probably make a great Homeowner’s Association President some day. Her neighbors are black. Her neighbors have children. These children were climbing a tree in their own yard. Miss Busy Body Delegate stuck her nose into their business and told the kids they “shouldn’t be climbing in the tree like monkeys”.

This comment offended the black neighbors. They called the police and Miss Busy Body was ticketed $75 for Disorderly Conduct. It was released BHO’s campaign had asked her to resign. Now, however, she says she’s not resigning and BHO’s campaign has stated it was now clear the incident was a misunderstanding.

The whole story can be found at FOX News here.

Good grief, people are hypersensitive these days! If they can’t stand hearing the word monkey, how is BHO going to react to real hate aimed at him by Ahmadinejad? Talk about a booger eater! Get a life people–and come back down to the land of reality.

Also posted at Digg! here; GOP Hub here and Real Clear Politics here (unless they’re continuing to censor me).

Florida Teen Beatdown Update

Yesterday the world learned about a girl in Florida who had been beaten and the beating filmed to be put on YouTube.

Understandably, there is mass outrage. The beating was twofold. Allegedly, the victim, Victoria Lindsay, had posted some snarky comments about some of the other girls on her MySpace account. I initially heard about this incident from Jay at Stop the ACLU here and later from Spree at Wake Up America here.

The victim in this case is 16. She may also lose her vision in one eye and her hearing in one ear.

The offenders are:

April Cooper, 14 (dob: 06/12/1993)
MySpace: 56771231 Last Login: 04/02/2008; Mood is “chill”
West Greenwood Street
Lakeland, FL 33815

Kayla Hassell, 15 (dob: 10/13/1992)
MySpace: 130301688 Last Login: 04/07/2008; Mood is “flirty”
4575 Old Colony Rd
Mulberry, FL 33860

Mercades Nichols, 16 (dob: 01/24/1991)
MySpace: 46598429 Last Login: 04/08/2008; Mood is “numb”
6124 West Calendar Court
Lakeland, FL 33813
(The attack took place at this address while Victoria Lindsay was staying with Nichols for Spring Break)

Cara Murphy, 16 (dob: 01/02/1992)
MySpace: 142434937 Last Login: 04/07/2008; Mood is “relieved”
2762 Highlands Creek Dr
Lakeland, FL 33183

Brittini Hardcastle, 17 (dob: 09/10/1990)
MySpace: 92531314 Last Login: 04/08/2008; Mood is “loved”
1242 Thomasville Circle
Lakeland, FL 33811

Britney Mayes, 17 (dob: 01/20/1991)
MySpace: 74398264 Last Login: 04/08/2008; Mood is “sad”
421 Carlton Street
Lakeland, FL 33803

Zachary Ashley, 17 (dob: 03/11/1991)
MySpace: 85447208 Last Login: 04/07/2008 (no “mood” noted)
6116 West Calendar Court
Lakeland, FL 33812

Stephen Schumaker, 18 (dob: 10/20/1989)
MySpace: 5110994 (NOT confirmed!) Last Login: 04/09/2008 (No “mood” noted)
6020 West Calendar Court
Lakeland, FL 33812

The information published above is public information and is outlined in the press release filed by Sheriff Grady Judd for the Polk County Sheriff’s Department. It can be found here and the PCSO website is here. I have not and will not publish home phone numbers.

The MySpace information was published in a comment section at Wake Up America by a commenter. It is interesting to note all of the MySpace accounts have been slammed down to “private only”–that was not the case last night. In fact, Mercades Nichols was showing her complete lack of remorse with this blurb:


It has since been taken down, but it also showed a little “flag” saying “Fuck You I’m Famous”.

I got the above information, again from Wake Up America here. The rant on Nichols MySpace was PDF’d by Republican Ranting for just such a contingency. That can be found here.

These young adults are facing felony charges of assault. Three are facing felony kidnapping charges. The victim, Victoria Lindsay, will be home schooled.

There has been a lot of outrage and speculation, hoping these people face jail time, some have called for boot camp, some have said they would personally like to beat on these kids for a bit. Some have blamed the parents, the internet, the removal of God from the public sector and society becoming more secular. There is little doubt this story has sparked nationwide outrage.

The fact is, however, beatdowns have been going on for years. This story is different for many reasons. The first reason, of course, is this was purposely staged for YouTube and MySpace. The second is this was done by girls, and frankly, people don’t expect girls to be as vicious as boys. The third reason was the outright ferocity of this attack.

Now, who is at fault here? Who do we point our fingers at and say, “It’s your fault?”

Several people. First and foremost is the parents. Before all you parents start howling, shut up and listen. Parents these days don’t take the time to even know their children, much less know what their children are up to. It’s much easier to let the tail wag the dog, as it were. You buy off your kids with the latest toys–phones, computers, ipods, whatever. Because you don’t want to hear your child whine that “everyone else has or does”. You gave up your parenting rights.

You let the state take care of your children. How many of you even know what your child’s school curriculum is? Have you ever taken a look at their textbooks? Seen their class schedule? Made a point to know their teachers?

How about when they come home from school? Are you there?

Whose car is your child riding in? Do you know this person? How about his or her parents? Do you have a phone number to this person’s house? How about your child’s friends? Do you know them? Or their parents? When your child leaves the house, do you know where they’re going to be? Are you sure?

Do they have a computer in their room? With webcams and speakers? Do you monitor their web presence? Do you know each and every site your child goes to? Who they’re speaking to on IM? How about email–do you even know your child’s email address?

What kinds of movies do you allow your child to see? Books to read? Does your child even read a book or know what one is?

Do you ever–or have you ever–given your child any kind of a religious foundation? Any kind of faith or belief structure?

No? You don’t do any of that? Then shame on you. You are just as guilty as these children for this attack.

By not “vetting” anything, everything and every person your child has contact with or potentially will come in contact with, from friends to textbooks, you have failed your child. By not censoring and monitoring their online presence, you have given up your parental rights. By not taking the time to know their teachers, their schedules, their friends, where they go, who they go with–every little aspect of their lives, you have failed as a parent. Period. You have voluntarily given up your parental responsibilities. You have no one to blame but yourself. If you haven’t given them a foundation of religious belief and faith, you have taught them they are the final rule. Not God. Not a Higher Power. You’ve bought into the secularism. Congratulations. Here’s another question–how many of your children are using drugs and engaging in sex? How about drinking? Don’t know? Or do you think YOUR child would NEVER do that. Are you sure?

You have failed your child.

By failing your child, you’ve left them open to predators on the computer–and allowed them to become predators themselves. Your lax attitude in raising your child has simply exacerbated the influence of the social networking sites. The sites themselves aren’t good or evil–they are simply there. How they’re used is either for good or evil purposes. How many of you even knew your child had a MySpace account? Show of hands? Why didn’t you? And why didn’t you monitor their accounts? Especially in light of the predators popping up on such sites? Do sites like this help problems like this? I don’t know–I sent them an email yesterday asking for their policy. We’ll see.

As a parent myself, I fully understand you can be the most diligent parent in the world and still have rotten kids. But, these eight? No, these are kids whose parents flat didn’t give a damn. These are tails wagging the dog. And if the parents don’t like being seen as such, well, it’s a little late to care now, isn’t it?

I do not advocate hate mail to these children or their families. I do advocate contacting Florida’s State Attorney and letting him know exactly how you feel about this incident and submitting your input for punishment for these children. His website is here.

In the meantime, pray for the victim–and pray for these children who have been so grossly neglected by their parents–neglected by their parents allowing them to be the tails wagging the dog. Then pray for the parents, as they face the fruits of their failed parenting. These children are perfect examples of the lunatic, leftist fringe idea of “not hurting your child’s self esteem” and “not disciplining because it harms”. Yeah, right. Who got harmed? Not YOUR children. But someone else’s child, who became a victim of your animalistic children.

Also posted at Digg! here; GOP Hub here; Real Clear Politics here (unless they’re still censoring me).

Florida Teen Beatdown Update

Yesterday the world learned about a girl in Florida who had been beaten and the beating filmed to be put on YouTube.

Understandably, there is mass outrage. The beating was twofold. Allegedly, the victim, Victoria Lindsay, had posted some snarky comments about some of the other girls on her MySpace account. I initially heard about this incident from Jay at Stop the ACLU here and later from Spree at Wake Up America here.

The victim in this case is 16. She may also lose her vision in one eye and her hearing in one ear.

The offenders are:

April Cooper, 14 (dob: 06/12/1993)
MySpace: 56771231 Last Login: 04/02/2008; Mood is “chill”
West Greenwood Street
Lakeland, FL 33815

Kayla Hassell, 15 (dob: 10/13/1992)
MySpace: 130301688 Last Login: 04/07/2008; Mood is “flirty”
4575 Old Colony Rd
Mulberry, FL 33860

Mercades Nichols, 16 (dob: 01/24/1991)
MySpace: 46598429 Last Login: 04/08/2008; Mood is “numb”
6124 West Calendar Court
Lakeland, FL 33813
(The attack took place at this address while Victoria Lindsay was staying with Nichols for Spring Break)

Cara Murphy, 16 (dob: 01/02/1992)
MySpace: 142434937 Last Login: 04/07/2008; Mood is “relieved”
2762 Highlands Creek Dr
Lakeland, FL 33183

Brittini Hardcastle, 17 (dob: 09/10/1990)
MySpace: 92531314 Last Login: 04/08/2008; Mood is “loved”
1242 Thomasville Circle
Lakeland, FL 33811

Britney Mayes, 17 (dob: 01/20/1991)
MySpace: 74398264 Last Login: 04/08/2008; Mood is “sad”
421 Carlton Street
Lakeland, FL 33803

Zachary Ashley, 17 (dob: 03/11/1991)
MySpace: 85447208 Last Login: 04/07/2008 (no “mood” noted)
6116 West Calendar Court
Lakeland, FL 33812

Stephen Schumaker, 18 (dob: 10/20/1989)
MySpace: 5110994 (NOT confirmed!) Last Login: 04/09/2008 (No “mood” noted)
6020 West Calendar Court
Lakeland, FL 33812

The information published above is public information and is outlined in the press release filed by Sheriff Grady Judd for the Polk County Sheriff’s Department. It can be found here and the PCSO website is here. I have not and will not publish home phone numbers.

The MySpace information was published in a comment section at Wake Up America by a commenter. It is interesting to note all of the MySpace accounts have been slammed down to “private only”–that was not the case last night. In fact, Mercades Nichols was showing her complete lack of remorse with this blurb:


It has since been taken down, but it also showed a little “flag” saying “Fuck You I’m Famous”.

I got the above information, again from Wake Up America here. The rant on Nichols MySpace was PDF’d by Republican Ranting for just such a contingency. That can be found here.

These young adults are facing felony charges of assault. Three are facing felony kidnapping charges. The victim, Victoria Lindsay, will be home schooled.

There has been a lot of outrage and speculation, hoping these people face jail time, some have called for boot camp, some have said they would personally like to beat on these kids for a bit. Some have blamed the parents, the internet, the removal of God from the public sector and society becoming more secular. There is little doubt this story has sparked nationwide outrage.

The fact is, however, beatdowns have been going on for years. This story is different for many reasons. The first reason, of course, is this was purposely staged for YouTube and MySpace. The second is this was done by girls, and frankly, people don’t expect girls to be as vicious as boys. The third reason was the outright ferocity of this attack.

Now, who is at fault here? Who do we point our fingers at and say, “It’s your fault?”

Several people. First and foremost is the parents. Before all you parents start howling, shut up and listen. Parents these days don’t take the time to even know their children, much less know what their children are up to. It’s much easier to let the tail wag the dog, as it were. You buy off your kids with the latest toys–phones, computers, ipods, whatever. Because you don’t want to hear your child whine that “everyone else has or does”. You gave up your parenting rights.

You let the state take care of your children. How many of you even know what your child’s school curriculum is? Have you ever taken a look at their textbooks? Seen their class schedule? Made a point to know their teachers?

How about when they come home from school? Are you there?

Whose car is your child riding in? Do you know this person? How about his or her parents? Do you have a phone number to this person’s house? How about your child’s friends? Do you know them? Or their parents? When your child leaves the house, do you know where they’re going to be? Are you sure?

Do they have a computer in their room? With webcams and speakers? Do you monitor their web presence? Do you know each and every site your child goes to? Who they’re speaking to on IM? How about email–do you even know your child’s email address?

What kinds of movies do you allow your child to see? Books to read? Does your child even read a book or know what one is?

Do you ever–or have you ever–given your child any kind of a religious foundation? Any kind of faith or belief structure?

No? You don’t do any of that? Then shame on you. You are just as guilty as these children for this attack.

By not “vetting” anything, everything and every person your child has contact with or potentially will come in contact with, from friends to textbooks, you have failed your child. By not censoring and monitoring their online presence, you have given up your parental rights. By not taking the time to know their teachers, their schedules, their friends, where they go, who they go with–every little aspect of their lives, you have failed as a parent. Period. You have voluntarily given up your parental responsibilities. You have no one to blame but yourself. If you haven’t given them a foundation of religious belief and faith, you have taught them they are the final rule. Not God. Not a Higher Power. You’ve bought into the secularism. Congratulations. Here’s another question–how many of your children are using drugs and engaging in sex? How about drinking? Don’t know? Or do you think YOUR child would NEVER do that. Are you sure?

You have failed your child.

By failing your child, you’ve left them open to predators on the computer–and allowed them to become predators themselves. Your lax attitude in raising your child has simply exacerbated the influence of the social networking sites. The sites themselves aren’t good or evil–they are simply there. How they’re used is either for good or evil purposes. How many of you even knew your child had a MySpace account? Show of hands? Why didn’t you? And why didn’t you monitor their accounts? Especially in light of the predators popping up on such sites? Do sites like this help problems like this? I don’t know–I sent them an email yesterday asking for their policy. We’ll see.

As a parent myself, I fully understand you can be the most diligent parent in the world and still have rotten kids. But, these eight? No, these are kids whose parents flat didn’t give a damn. These are tails wagging the dog. And if the parents don’t like being seen as such, well, it’s a little late to care now, isn’t it?

I do not advocate hate mail to these children or their families. I do advocate contacting Florida’s State Attorney and letting him know exactly how you feel about this incident and submitting your input for punishment for these children. His website is here.

In the meantime, pray for the victim–and pray for these children who have been so grossly neglected by their parents–neglected by their parents allowing them to be the tails wagging the dog. Then pray for the parents, as they face the fruits of their failed parenting. These children are perfect examples of the lunatic, leftist fringe idea of “not hurting your child’s self esteem” and “not disciplining because it harms”. Yeah, right. Who got harmed? Not YOUR children. But someone else’s child, who became a victim of your animalistic children.

Also posted at Digg! here; GOP Hub here; Real Clear Politics here (unless they’re still censoring me).

Myth vs Fact-Part 293

Myth Fact
Islam: Religion of peace.

Sahih BukhariVolume 5, Book 59, Number 561

Narrated Anas:

The Prophet had informed the people of the martyrdom of Zaid, Ja’far and Ibn Rawaha before the news of their death reached. The Prophet said, “Zaid took the flag (as the commander of the army) and was martyred, then Ja’far took it and was martyred, and then Ibn Rawaha took it and was martyred.” At that time the Prophet’s eyes were shedding tears. He added, “Then the flag was taken by a Sword amongst the Swords of Allah (i.e. Khalid) and Allah made them (i.e. the Muslims) victorious.”


War News: Vets On The Hill 4/8/08 PART 1



Yesterday on 08 APR 08, a group of men and women – Patriots – both currently serving in the United States Armed Services and those of service past, gathered in a Ballroom at the Sheraton Hotel in Arlington, VA. The Gathering began – per orders – at 0500 hours and, all be known and told, Uncle Jimbo from Blackfive was there, having the evening before swore to be present and accounted for “later on that morning”.

The intensity of the concentration to the mission at hand was truly a marvel to behold. Mission parameters were established and anti-flanking controls were set into place. As only Warriors could possibly understand, sloganeering was bantered about and there was in evidence, inter-service rivalries – SOP. Yet, in the midst of it all, the camaraderie was exquisitely prevalent and Mission Jitters were dealt with accordingly. The apprehensions came and went as they always do with the Old Salts – The Leatherskinned – soothed the atmosphere of Giterdun.

This all took place within the first 30 minutes or so – coffee was to be had – then, the Speakers arrived and messed it all up – damn Officers. NOTE: to the folks in Arlington and the surrounding areas that organize such events as this…a few Danish and some mystery buns, accompanied by neatly aligned plates of butterballs – aligned as if laid out in the fashion of bowling pins – does not constitute a definition of “breakfast”. (I had to get the only grievance out of the way – again, SOP.)

Pete Hegseth and Company laid out the Ground Rules and the MO of assaulting The Hill and the plethora of foolish debutantes that occupy the Peoples’ Congress. As an Armed Service Member once wrote home – I AM THE DAMN WAR – so was our Battle Cry this day. This day was about us; us meaning all those still serving and those that have served.

The Mantra of the day and shall always be – LET US WIN!

The tide has turned and we are winning, that much is obvious…even to the foolish little debutantes on The Hill. Why else would “they” not see their constituents? We’ll get to that later.

I met many men on this day and spent quality time with several. We all began arriving on Monday the 7th and after experiencing the oddest mannerisms by the Hotel Staff assigning rooms – and airliners actually delivering baggage – we all migrated to various locales within the Hotel and began The Plotting and, invariably, there was the bar. Many Mission Statements come from such “maintenance meetings” – Vets For Freedom being one of them; ask Sen Lindsey Graham – and after watching the 4-Month Wonder Motor Pool Fraud Jonny Soltz and Chris Matthews of Spit Ball get a royal thrashing by Pete Hegseth, the Final Outcome of this Gathering was set in stone. Anything shy of total Victory is defeat.

The Morning Debrief was accomplished, apprehensions were set aside and many a man donned the Mission Face – as a Warrior only knows. We boarded the buses and headed to The Hill. As I sat in that cushy seat, I drifted back to days gone by of many insertions, less the cushy seat – will this be the one? – the one what? – will I be at my best? – my best what? – will I be able to perform as my country expects to and will my comrades accept my actions? – many a man talked amongst themselves as we made our way to Indian Country; that is what The Hill is, by the way.

We arrived at Union Station and egressed transportation, making our Way to Senate Park to take part in the Press Conference. It was cold and drizzly – again, SOP. Figures. The Press Corps was setting up their final machinations and had their plastic eco-harming bags protecting their cameras and we all wondered at what point they would vanish. It didn’t take long.

Pete Hegseth said a few things and introduced each Speaker in an order that someone developed and one by one, each added to the crescendos of nearly 500 OORAHs and HOOAHs…for 30 minutes…too much for pansy reporters because after the first few microseconds of Senator John McCain speaking, they, the Press Corps, vanished back into their spider holes. Amazing but, again, SOP.

Pete Hegseth
David Bellavia
Sen McCain
Sen Lieberman
Sen Graham
Sen Inhofe
Sen Bond
Rep Marshall
Rep Sam Johnson
Marcus Luttrell
Steve Russell

There were at least three others and one added that I know I have forgotten and I am sure someone will remind me. You can hear them all right here because we, A Newt One, New Media, broadcast to the world via internet the THE Real News of our time…PERIOD. Bar none.

The Arizona Vets For Freedom stood on the stage with their Senator and soon to be President Elect, John McCain. Get used to it. It is already a done deal. The Nation has yet won another hard-fought Victory on The Hill today. As the After Action Reports came streaming in, it was revealed that exactly 2.5 anti-Americanists stood in our way, only to be brushed aside as the slag which they are. I say 2.5 anti-Americanists for the following reasons: one was a bright blue-eyed and glossed over in the eyes lost soul wearing a sign for the pinkies and when looking into the eyes of this pathetic member of the universe, there was no one at home; another was a sad one on a mission to locate Admiral Fallon at Union Station because “they have him locked up at Guantanimo Bay”…why this one was looking for him at Union Station still has the Intel Guys wondering; the last .5 anti-Americanist is classified as “.5” because she just might not be one but the question asked “are you guys protesting?” was asked in a hopeful way…perhaps not.

During the testimonies of General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker, we watched as another anti-Americanist was hauled off and dealt with accordingly. I still feel – personally and not speaking for the other members of A Newt One – the Sergeant of Arms failed to rid the Senate of the remaining anti-Americanists, Hillary RODHAM Clinton and Barack HUSSEIN Obama. But, that is another and separate post soon forthcoming.

During the course of the day, I was privileged and honored to accompany, by invitation, LTC William Russell which is running against John “Jerk-Off” Murtha, 3 Haditha Marines, several other veterans and a veteran’s wife, to visit one John “Jack-Leg” Murtha. I have ZERO respect for this…….man…….for the lack of a better term, of the very much dishonorable Representative Murtha (D-PA). You all know the story and what has come of this self-induced for political gain quagmire wrought upon his nation by this dishonorable thug. Alas, I digress.

Rep Murtha not only would NOT see us or his constituents or his challenger but, he had his people – primarily Broom Hilda – lie to us several times as for the reasons to NOT see at least his constituents. Yet, his little tinker-toy Aides kept coming out of the closed door to see what was happeing and returning to the spider hole with the closed door. Also, while there, in front of us all, soon to be Representative Elect LTC William Russell – hopefully – issued a challenge for a debate in Pennsylvania to Rep Murtha. We shall see what comes of this. Murtha has no honor and is indeed a coward. He will NOT face the men he besmirched and we will NOT forget nor shall we allow him to sweep this shameful act under his Pork Spending blankets.

One other story of a cut and run type is Barack HUSSEIN Obama. “Someone” went to see him and Barack closed his door in this man’s face, as it were. No visits and the door clanged shut…literally. Shameful.

Towards the end of the day, Cyber Pastor and myself had lunch with LTC William Russell after his 60 second bit with Fox News and we were pleased that the encounter with “murtha” was publicized. I wish I lived in PA…well, not really but I sure would vote for LTC Russell if I did.

This observation was made by many but I heard it first from Cyber Pastor and it echoed on during the day…those that would not see “us” have lost and they cannot face the music. They know they were and are wrong still. We know that they were and are wrong still. And, they know that we know all about them and they cannot – will not – face “us”. They cannot admit to errors in judgment. They cannot escape their willful suspension of disbelief because they see their tenure in Congress ebbing and slipping into the Great Abyss of Obscurity.

Cyber Pastor and I had back to back BTR shows on Monday evening and among the guests were Uncle Jimbo of Blackfive…awesome show that. Tuesday morning, Robert hosted a show for the live broadcast of the Press Conference. Last night, Cyber Pastor had his show but I did not because BTR had yet another melt-down. Please stay tuned for more of this event coming in future posts. I will be traveling back to Dallas in the afternoon of the 9th, my 53rd birthday.

Until then, good night and God Bless.

And, what is the cost of Freedom, anyway? Catch the wave at Memeorandum