Obama Uniter? Not When it Comes to Monkeys

This story was just too ridiculous to pass up.

How many of us have played the rhyme game with our children–“ten little monkeys bouncing on the bed”…

How many of us have told our children to quit acting like monkeys and get out of that tree NOW?

Guess what? It’s not politically correct now and “offends” BHO supporters. It’s now considered a racial slur.

It seems a Chicago delegate for BHO, apparently a typical busy-body type, got ticketed for Disorderly Conduct. Why, you ask?

Well, she is Mexican. She is apparently a busy body, nosing into other people’s business all the time. As Boortz says, she’ll probably make a great Homeowner’s Association President some day. Her neighbors are black. Her neighbors have children. These children were climbing a tree in their own yard. Miss Busy Body Delegate stuck her nose into their business and told the kids they “shouldn’t be climbing in the tree like monkeys”.

This comment offended the black neighbors. They called the police and Miss Busy Body was ticketed $75 for Disorderly Conduct. It was released BHO’s campaign had asked her to resign. Now, however, she says she’s not resigning and BHO’s campaign has stated it was now clear the incident was a misunderstanding.

The whole story can be found at FOX News here.

Good grief, people are hypersensitive these days! If they can’t stand hearing the word monkey, how is BHO going to react to real hate aimed at him by Ahmadinejad? Talk about a booger eater! Get a life people–and come back down to the land of reality.

Also posted at Digg! here; GOP Hub here and Real Clear Politics here (unless they’re continuing to censor me).