I DON’T Like BHO and Here are SEVERAL Reasons Why

By now it should be obvious to my readers I plain don’t like the man. It has nothing to do with racism–except his racism. It has everything to do with the fact the man is a lying, opportunistic, inexperienced, smarmy, self-hating, smug, elitist, self-satisfied worm than someone I could actually see being president of this country. He has no leadership capability and no idea what he’s doing. He is truly an empty suit.

I’ve been monitoring the comments at Spree’s Wake Up America while trying to take care of some things at home (one reason I haven’t been posting as often as I would like lately), and two commenters on her threads have made “lists” of BHO’s liabilities. Rather than take just my word for it, I’ll let them do the talking for me. I have made corrections to grammar, punctuation and spelling.

First up is “Desert Rat” and these are his views, pre BHO’s SF speech to the elite (Desert Rat’s comments are dated April 9, 2008):


His father was a Kenyan, moslem, black–we have seen pictures of his African family.

His mother was Kansan, atheist, white–WHERE ARE THE PICTURES of his Kansan, white mother and his white grandparents who raised him?

His father DESERTED him and his mother (going back to his family in Kenya) when he was very young.

His mother married an Indonesian moslem and took him to Jakarta, where he was educated in a moslem school.

His mother returned to Hawaii, where he was raised by his white, Kansan grandparents.

He later went to the best high dollar schools–HOW?

He lives in a $1.4 MILLION DOLLAR house he acquired through a deal with a wealthy fund raiser. HOW?

He “worked” as a civil rights activist in Chicago. He has never held a productive job. The Presidency is not a civil rights post.


He entered politics at the state level and then the national level, where he has MINIMAL experience.

He is proud of his “AFRICAN” heritage but it seems his only African connection was his African father impregnated a white girl and deserted her. I didn’t know sperm carried a “CULTURAL” gene. Where is the pride in his “WHITE” culture?

He goes to an “AFROCENTRIC” church that hates whites, hates Jews and blames America for all of the world’s PERCEIVED FAULTS, then repeatedly covers up for the pastor and the church.

He claims he could not confront his pastor but wants us to believe he can confron North Korea and Iran. RIGHT!!!

Yeah, I think I see how he could be a UNITER and bring us together. I think the hope is he HOPES NO ONE WILL PUT THE PIECES TOGETHER


Next up, we have Alex and his comments are post-SF elite fundraiser, where a HuffnPuff reporter was allowed but the general press was not. Even HuffnPuff was shocked at his double-speak and talking out of both sides of his mouth–so shocked, they are the ones who brought us this story (BHO’s utter contempt for the heartland and small towns).

Here are Alex’s views:

Look at Obama’s affiliations:

– Senator Meeks–who openly hates whites and gays–is listed prominently on Obama’s campaign website as a major Obama supporter and backer; he is also one of Obama’s super-delegates. Meeks has been integral in helping Obama succeed in politics.

– Mr. Ayers of the Weather Underground, a group that killed police and tried to bomb the US Capitol, served with Obama on the board of the leftist foundation called the Woods Fund.

– Robert Malley, a close senior adviser to Obama who advocates negotiations with Hamas as well as providing international assistance to the terrorist group.

– Larry Sinclair alleges in 1999 Senator Obama arranged to meet him in a limousine, sold Senator Obama cocaine and then gave Senator Obama oral sex. Larry then claims he and Obama went to a hotel and oral sex was again performed. Mr. Sinclair is testifying in court under oath these allegations are true.

– Mr. Auchi is an Iraqi billionaire, a major financial sponsor and closely connected to Obama’s rise to power. While working with Saddam Hussein, Auchi made his fortune through selling arms in Iraq and funneling money from the Oil for Food program.

– Mr. Rezko, an Iraqi citizen and long time friend of Obama and Auchi, as well as a major mob figure. Rezko is NOT known for his civic sense of duty and does not do favors without asking something in return. Coincidently, the Chicago Times today reported Rezko was negotiating to purchase rehab buildings in Obama’s district.

– Rev. Wright, a racist who hates America and whites with Hitleresque tirades. Wright has been Obama’s spiritual mentor for over 20 years. Before the media exposed Wright, Wright was on Obama’s campaign staff as Obama’s chief religious advisor. Wright and Meeks are ideologically closer to Karl Marx and Black Nationalism than to Christianity.

– Rashid Khalidi, a fundraiser for Obama, is one of Obama’s close friends. Khalidi claims Israel is a “catastrophe” and supports Palestinian terrorist groups.

– Mr. McPeaks is Obama’s military adviser and national campaign co-chairman who publicly states American Jews are the “problem” and Christian Zionists were driving America’s policy in Iraq to benefit Israel.

– Michelle Obama trumpets Obama as “the second coming of the messiah” and also states she “has never been proud to be an AMERICAN in her adult life”.

The list goes on.

How can Obama’s bad judgment in choosing to associate with criminals and fanatics be justified?
Had Hillary Clinton had any of the above ghosts in her closet, she would have been thrown out of the election long ago.

Hey everybody – am I missing something here?

Are we so in love with the color black we forget to see the man?

No, I don’t like BHO. There are so many reasons to choose from and race is “none of the above”.

Also posted at Digg! here; GOP Hub here and Real Clear Politics (at least for the moment–they like to censor my BHO articles) here.