Global Warming; Myth or….?

There may be some truth in the global warming issue, but is it caused by man and is there actual scientific proof to back this claim up?
Rather than go into a long winded article I submit the following links which explain it much better than I could.

“An Inconvenient Truth” is a Fraud, Says ABC News

April 22nd, 2008 by Matthew Vadum

Kudos to Noel Sheppard of NewsBusters for pointing out the discovery by ABC News that Al Gore’s pretended documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, contains fake footage from a work of fiction. Sheppard writes:

It goes without saying that climate realists around the world believe Nobel Laureate Al Gore used false information throughout his schlockumentary “An Inconvenient Truth” in order to generate global warming hysteria.

On Friday, it was revealed by ABC News that one of the famous shots of supposed Antarctic ice shelves in the film was actually a computer-generated image from the 2004 science fiction blockbuster “The Day After Tomorrow.”

Read Sheppard’s full post here.

Al Gore The High Priest of Global Warming Hypocrisy

The Real “Inconvenient Truth”.

The Truth About Global Warming—Blame the Sun

Al Gore’s Inconvenient Lies

NASA Debunks Part of Global Warming Myth, Will Media Report It?

Photo of Noel Sheppard.

By Noel Sheppard | November 14, 2007 – 13:23 ET

Is the National Aeronautics and Space Administration filled with climate change deniers?

Such seems likely to be alleged by hysterical alarmists in the press when and if they read a new study out of NASA which determined that “not all the large changes seen in Arctic climate in recent years are a result of long-term trends associated with global warming.”

To the Leftinistra, everything is always the fault of something or someone else. Incredible. The Leftinistra rhetoric of the Global Warming Myth wrought upon the world is creating devastation across the globe driving prices higher and higher as the Leftinistra try to out-socialist each other. And now, it has created food shortages right here in the United States. Who will they blame for this?”

This is the 5th paragraph in Snoopers post; “Vultural Jihad: American Politics BAU”. Follow the embedded links.