Myth Fact

Myth Fact
Islam: Religion of peace.

Sahih MuslimBook 001, Number 0032:

It is narrated on the authority of Jabir that the Messenger of Allah said: I have been commanded that I should fight against people till they declare that there is no god but Allah, and when they profess it that there is no god but Allah, their blood and riches are guaranteed protection on my behalf except where it is justified by law, and their affairs rest with Allah, and then he (the Holy Prophet) recited (this verse of the Holy Qur’an):” Thou art not over them a warden” (lxxxviii, 22).

[Read 88:22…24 and the tafsir for context.]

Tafsir The Messenger is only charged with delivering the Message

"…being a veteran…NOT a qualification to be President…."

That quote is part of an email from Vets for Freedom. You can bet that they have been watching the disrespect paid to veteran Senator McCain. And yes, they have lots to say:

As we all prepare to celebrate the 232nd birthday of this great nation, we as veterans have a duty and solemn responsibility to honor all of those who have worn or are currently wearing the uniform of the United States of America. Among the millions who share this common bond, 31 Presidents have had the honor and privilege of serving in our Armed Forces.

Today, as sacred guardians of our constitution, we are shocked that United States Senators and trusted loyal advisors to presidential candidates think that being a veteran and fighting for America is NOT a qualification to be President.

If service to one’s country in armed combat is not a qualification to be Commander in Chief, what is?

For several months now we have observed the irresponsible judgment of some of Senator Obama’s most trusted and loyal advisors as they have unfairly attacked the notion that a veteran is not qualified to serve as President.

Here are several examples of this poor judgment by Obama’s supporters and advisors:

  • “I don’t think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to be President.” – General Wesley Clark, Obama Advisor and Surrogate, June 29, 2008.
  • “Everything is looked at from his life experiences, from always having been in the military, and I think that can be pretty dangerous…it’s one thing to have been drafted and served, but another thing when you come from generations of military people and that’s just how you’re steeped, how you’ve learned, how you’ve grown up.” – Senator Tom Harkin, May 16, 2008.
  • “… I think that the notion that the members of the Senate who were in the ground forces or who were ashore in Vietnam have a very different view of Vietnam and the cost that you described than John McCain does because he was in isolation essentially for many of those year…So I think … to some extent his national security experience in that regard is sadly limited…” – Rand Beers, Obama Foreign Policy Advisor, June 30, 2008.
  • “McCain should calm down”…”on using military service…” – Senator Jim Webb, Obama Supporter, July 1, 2008….

Yes, that is MY emphasis. Now, you all are probably better-versed in the history of the US than I am (you BETTER be!), but it seems that this “being a veteran does not qualify anyone to be President” is a non-starter to me, and apparently to many.

I have long said, that with all our current servicemen and women returning home, I anticipate many of them continuing their service to their country, and stepping into the political arena. Why they would even consider entering the cesspool that is US politics is another question for another day. But the fact is, anyone who has seen combat as they serve their country with honour, has the patriotic credentials. And yes, VFF has something to say about that. It seems the veterans ARE stepping forward and heading in to politics:

Yesterday, Vets for Freedom rolled out the endorsements of 5 more candidates running for the United States Congress, most who have worn the uniform, all who strongly believe in the mission of our organization, as well as our nation’s efforts in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Global War on Terror.

Our candidates include extraordinary Americans – patriots such as Tom Manion, who spent 20 years in the United States Marine Corps and who gave his son in service to our country. I encourage you to watch his VIDEO made in honor of his son Travis, who lost his life in Iraq in 2007. Below are all of our candidates – help us support them by visiting their websites.

Tom Manion (PA-08) is a former Colonel in the Marine Corps, successful business executive, and Gold Star Parent whose son was killed in Iraq.

Steve Stivers (OH-15) is a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army National Guard who was awarded the Bronze Star for actions in OIF.

Jeff Beatty (Senate–MA) is a former member of Delta Force, to FBI Hostage Rescue Team, to CIA’s Counter-Terrorism Center.

Mike Rocque (NY-20) is a former officer in the Green Berets and Delta Force.

Allen West (FL-22) is a former LTC who served with distinction in Operation Desert Storm, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Operation Enduring Freedom, earning a Bronze Star, three Meritorious Service Medals, three Army Commendation Medals (one with Valor), and a Valorous Unit Award

Lee Zeldin (NY-1) served in Iraq with the 82nd Airborne Division and continues to serve as a Captain in the Army Reserves.

Duane Sand (ND-At Large) is a Commander in the Navy who served in Iraq, and aboard 3 nuclear submarines throughout the 1990’s

Kent Greenough (TN-04) is a former Marine whose family emulates service to ones country.

Tom Rooney (FL-16) served as an Army JAG for four years before teaching Constitutional and Criminal Law at the United States Military Academy at West Point.

Duncan Hunter (CA-52) signed up to serve our country the day after September 11th, and served two tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan with the United States Marine Corps. He remains in the Marine Reserves.

John Cornyn (Senate–TX) is a first-term Texas Senator who is active in the Senate Armed Services Committee and a strong supporter of veterans and active duty military.

Dean Andal (CA-11) is a strong supporter of the military and veterans, and is a member of the Employer Support Council for the US National Guard.

Mark Ellmore (VA-08) is a Red Star parent whose son is currently deployed overseas in the Air Force.

All of these men have either worn the uniform or understand what is at stake in the Global War on Terrorism, and will fight for victory if elected to Congress. Please visit our website for more information….

And yes, VFF PAC has much more to say. Check them out here, and see how YOU can engage in the political process.


Cross-posted at Wake Up America and Assoluta Tranquillita

Obama site urges: ‘Revolution’ against U.S. ‘oppressive’ regime

Marxists, socialists, communists form group to plot on official campaign blog

Posted: June 30, 2008
By Aaron Klein

© 2008 WorldNetDaily

JERUSALEM – Marxists, socialists and communists have created a safe space online to congregate, exchange ideas – including a stated revolution against the U.S. “oppressive” regime – and support their favored presidential candidate.

Their meeting spot? Sen. Barack Obama’s official campaign website, which allows registered users to form groups and post content in online “community” blogs.

One popular community group on the Illinois senator’s official MyObama website calls itself “Marxists/Socialists/Communists for Obama.”

This group is for self-proclaimed Marxists/Communists/Socialists for the election of Barack Obama to the Presidency. By no means is he a true Marxist, but under Karl Marx’s writings we are to support the party with the best interests of the mobilization of the proletariat,” states the groups charter.

“We support Barak Obama because he knows what is best for the people!” exclaims the group’s online creed.

And on Obama’s site, the declared Marxist, communist and socialist bloggersrant against such varied targets as Republicans, capitalism and the Fox News Channel. According to author profiles, the bloggers range from registered voters to underage high school students who state they are looking to foment revolt.

In a posting titled “The Nature of the Proletariat,” one group member calls for revolution against the U.S. “oppressive” regime.

According to Marxist doctrine, the proletariat is the only class that can
overpower and vanquish the oppressive bourgeoisie. … In America, the
‘peasantry’ is not scattered from each other but rather seem (sic) to be
isolated in certain high-population areas. This then leaves the
Petty-Bourgeoisie. Are they a possible force of a Revolution? I believe so. Not
because I think that they could on there own, but because of the fact that they
seemed to have assimilated with the Proletariat.

The middle class is now made up of the laborers who must face the grueling
task of providing the bourgeoisie with power and capital. This assimilation only
proves that the Revolution is inevitable.

“Eventually, the bourgeoisie controlled government will fail to keep the ever growing masses at bay, and the Revolution will occur,” adds the posting.

The user argues Obama will help advance the “revolution,” which he says can be a physical revolt or massive governmental reform:

“The Neo-proleatarian is now the bearer of the Revolution. That’s why I support Obama. He helps destroy the paradigm of bourgeoisie government, which is best for the Proletariat. In the end, this will only hasten the Revolution even if the Revolution must come as a massive government reform.”

Another posting by a registered group member calling himself “The Chalk Graffiti Terrorist” argues on Obama’s site against the “evils” of capitalism.

“We can’t just accept the evil side of capitalism. The nature of capitalism is to maximize profits, and this is often done by minimizing expenditure—in short, cutting costs. And cutting costs means less benefits, less pay, and poorer conditions for the workers. But capitalism has more evil in it than that. The profit motive drives the destruction of our environment, it has caused the current foreclosure crisis, and it exploits and basically enslaves those poor not protected by legitimate representative government.”

One group member urges Obama site readers to support the Fair Tax bill, which calls for the abolishment of the IRS and for the income tax to be replaced with a national consumption tax.

The bill has some support across the U.S. political spectrum, including with some Republicans.
“This bill was created to try and rectify the problems that have emerged from the Federal Income Tax and the IRS’s existence. It would repeal the 16th Amendment and put in its place a national sales tax for the United States Government to collect revenue.”

It was not immediately clear whether Obama’s website staff approves new groups registered on his site. His campaign did not return WND e-mail and phone requests for comment. While the website carries a disclaimer that it does not monitor all blog posts, the site doesn’t state whether staff approve new groups.

According to the MyObama site, there were 18,911 registered community groups as of yesterday, including such groups as “Atheists for Obama,” “Jedi Knights for Obama,” “Muslims for Obama” and “‘The Secret’ Believers for Obama.”
Obama spokesmen previously have stated the campaign cannot monitor all content posted on blogs, but it promptly removes content brought to its attention that is deemed inappropriate or hateful.
Yesterday WND reported a blog posting on Obama’s official campaign site urged Americans to take action to secure the release of imprisoned terrorist fundraiser Sami Al-Arian, comparing the controversial former professor to Martin Luther King and Malcolm X.
The posting, which has been removed since publication of the story, is just a sampling of a large volume of racist, anti-Semitic and pro-Palestinian rhetoric published on the user-friendly MyObama community blog pages.
One recently removed posting claims Jews control the media. Another referred to Jews as “puppet masters” and “war criminals.” Yet another posting, titled “The Israeli connection to 9/11,” claimed Israeli intelligence was involved in the mega-attack and planted “false flags” to blame Arab countries.
Other MyObama posts have warned of “Judeofacists and their Neocon comrades” who “already destroyed America” and declare the “entire Congress should be overthrown by revolution for having sold America to the Israelis.”
A popular topic on Obama’s site apparently is the so-called Israel Lobby.
An Obama site search under the key words “Israel lobby” brings up a large number of pages with titles such as “Bush uses Nazi history against Obama to pander to the Jewish lobby” and “The Israel Lobby: bad for the world.”

In one recently removed posting, titled, “How the Jewish Lobby works,” the page read, “No lobby is feared more” and claimed Jews “run the Federal Reserve Bank, US Homeland Security, and the US State Department.”

Obama site urges: ‘Revolution’ against U.S. ‘oppressive’ regime

Marxists, socialists, communists form group to plot on official campaign blog

Posted: June 30, 2008
By Aaron Klein

© 2008 WorldNetDaily

JERUSALEM – Marxists, socialists and communists have created a safe space online to congregate, exchange ideas – including a stated revolution against the U.S. “oppressive” regime – and support their favored presidential candidate.

Their meeting spot? Sen. Barack Obama’s official campaign website, which allows registered users to form groups and post content in online “community” blogs.

One popular community group on the Illinois senator’s official MyObama website calls itself “Marxists/Socialists/Communists for Obama.”

This group is for self-proclaimed Marxists/Communists/Socialists for the election of Barack Obama to the Presidency. By no means is he a true Marxist, but under Karl Marx’s writings we are to support the party with the best interests of the mobilization of the proletariat,” states the groups charter.

“We support Barak Obama because he knows what is best for the people!” exclaims the group’s online creed.

And on Obama’s site, the declared Marxist, communist and socialist bloggersrant against such varied targets as Republicans, capitalism and the Fox News Channel. According to author profiles, the bloggers range from registered voters to underage high school students who state they are looking to foment revolt.

In a posting titled “The Nature of the Proletariat,” one group member calls for revolution against the U.S. “oppressive” regime.

According to Marxist doctrine, the proletariat is the only class that can
overpower and vanquish the oppressive bourgeoisie. … In America, the
‘peasantry’ is not scattered from each other but rather seem (sic) to be
isolated in certain high-population areas. This then leaves the
Petty-Bourgeoisie. Are they a possible force of a Revolution? I believe so. Not
because I think that they could on there own, but because of the fact that they
seemed to have assimilated with the Proletariat.

The middle class is now made up of the laborers who must face the grueling
task of providing the bourgeoisie with power and capital. This assimilation only
proves that the Revolution is inevitable.

“Eventually, the bourgeoisie controlled government will fail to keep the ever growing masses at bay, and the Revolution will occur,” adds the posting.

The user argues Obama will help advance the “revolution,” which he says can be a physical revolt or massive governmental reform:

“The Neo-proleatarian is now the bearer of the Revolution. That’s why I support Obama. He helps destroy the paradigm of bourgeoisie government, which is best for the Proletariat. In the end, this will only hasten the Revolution even if the Revolution must come as a massive government reform.”

Another posting by a registered group member calling himself “The Chalk Graffiti Terrorist” argues on Obama’s site against the “evils” of capitalism.

“We can’t just accept the evil side of capitalism. The nature of capitalism is to maximize profits, and this is often done by minimizing expenditure—in short, cutting costs. And cutting costs means less benefits, less pay, and poorer conditions for the workers. But capitalism has more evil in it than that. The profit motive drives the destruction of our environment, it has caused the current foreclosure crisis, and it exploits and basically enslaves those poor not protected by legitimate representative government.”

One group member urges Obama site readers to support the Fair Tax bill, which calls for the abolishment of the IRS and for the income tax to be replaced with a national consumption tax.

The bill has some support across the U.S. political spectrum, including with some Republicans.
“This bill was created to try and rectify the problems that have emerged from the Federal Income Tax and the IRS’s existence. It would repeal the 16th Amendment and put in its place a national sales tax for the United States Government to collect revenue.”

It was not immediately clear whether Obama’s website staff approves new groups registered on his site. His campaign did not return WND e-mail and phone requests for comment. While the website carries a disclaimer that it does not monitor all blog posts, the site doesn’t state whether staff approve new groups.

According to the MyObama site, there were 18,911 registered community groups as of yesterday, including such groups as “Atheists for Obama,” “Jedi Knights for Obama,” “Muslims for Obama” and “‘The Secret’ Believers for Obama.”
Obama spokesmen previously have stated the campaign cannot monitor all content posted on blogs, but it promptly removes content brought to its attention that is deemed inappropriate or hateful.
Yesterday WND reported a blog posting on Obama’s official campaign site urged Americans to take action to secure the release of imprisoned terrorist fundraiser Sami Al-Arian, comparing the controversial former professor to Martin Luther King and Malcolm X.
The posting, which has been removed since publication of the story, is just a sampling of a large volume of racist, anti-Semitic and pro-Palestinian rhetoric published on the user-friendly MyObama community blog pages.
One recently removed posting claims Jews control the media. Another referred to Jews as “puppet masters” and “war criminals.” Yet another posting, titled “The Israeli connection to 9/11,” claimed Israeli intelligence was involved in the mega-attack and planted “false flags” to blame Arab countries.
Other MyObama posts have warned of “Judeofacists and their Neocon comrades” who “already destroyed America” and declare the “entire Congress should be overthrown by revolution for having sold America to the Israelis.”
A popular topic on Obama’s site apparently is the so-called Israel Lobby.
An Obama site search under the key words “Israel lobby” brings up a large number of pages with titles such as “Bush uses Nazi history against Obama to pander to the Jewish lobby” and “The Israel Lobby: bad for the world.”

In one recently removed posting, titled, “How the Jewish Lobby works,” the page read, “No lobby is feared more” and claimed Jews “run the Federal Reserve Bank, US Homeland Security, and the US State Department.”

Mexican Human Traffickers Behead Young Girl in Florida For Resisting Rape

Cross posted from Wake Up America. Thanks to Norm for the heads up on this.

One has to wonder why this hasn’t been reported by the major news outlets, why outrage hasn’t been expressed, and why it took a blogger to bring the Florida House of Representatives -State Affairs Committee video segment to our attention?

The YouTube video above is a portion of the original public record which is linked below and the part in the video above can be found 2 hours 18 minutes and 20 seconds in to this video of the State Affairs Committee, in the Florida House of Representatives, discussing immigration legislation on April 8, 2008. (You can fast forward to the appropriate time mark)

This was public testimony on House bill 287g and at the time mentioned above, Bill Stewart, Deputy Chief of Staff for Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum, steps up to the microphone and is given 90 seconds to speak and the excerpt below is part of his public statement.


It is impossible to separate national security issues from illegal immigration, and one of the most important illegal immigration issues in Florida is the issue of human trafficking”.

I think one of the most predominant ones, or issue of most important to the state of Florida is the issue of human trafficking.

Florida is the number one state in the nation for human trafficking.

And I will just leave you with a recent story that occurred in the panhandle.

There were several girls that were trafficked into the panhandle from Mexico. These girls were raped repeatedly over a week’s period of time, and one of them actually resisted while she was being raped.

So the smugglers grabbed all of these girls, chained them in chairs, and put them in a room. They brought in the girl who refused to be raped, and they beheaded her, in front of all of the other girls that were in that room. And they left them there, with her body, and those little girls, for several hours…

This is the reality, of dangerous criminal aliens, in our state, and what happens. They do not care about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. What they care about is money, and people are merely an avenue to get them to their needs.”

This was reported on by HyScience, a blogger.

A search on google news for this story brings up nothing from major news papers which begs the question of why?

Back in 2004, CNN reported that Florida was one of the top three destinations for human traffickers, along with New York and Texas, according to the Center for the Advancement of Human Rights at Florida State University.

There are arrests and indictments on a regular basis in Florida, such as on May 8, 2008 when the Department of Justice issued a news release about a man pleading guilty to charges of human trafficking and alien smuggling.

That man, Cadena-Sosa, conspired with his family and smuggled women and girls into the United States and forced them to work in brothels with intimidation, violence, and threats of physical harm, until the “smuggling debt” had been paid off.

Human trafficking is nothing new to Florida but when a young girl is brought to the United States of America, raped and beheaded in front of other girls…is this not news worthy?

Is her life and death just being casually ignored or did this somehow slip through the cracks of journalism?

Is anyone paying attention anymore?

(Thanks to Norman for the email)

[Update] The fact that I cannot find this incident reported in any news media outlet kept bothering me, so I have sent the Attorney General of Florida, Bill McCollum, an email asking for a few questins about the incident his Deputy Chief of Staff spoke about.


Attorney General Bill McCollum,

I am writing to request some information on an incident that your Deputy Chief of Staff, spoke about at a meeting of the State Affairs Committee, in the Florida House of Representatives, discussing immigration legislation on April 8, 2008.

In his statement which I have just recent wrote about and watched the video of, he describes an incident he refers to as “recent” where a young girl was smuggled into the panhandle of Florida and after resisting rape, was then beheaded in front of other girls as an example.

I am writing to request the date this happened and why it hasn’t been reported in the major news organizations as of yet.

I would also like to get the answers to a few questions about the incident, for the record, if at all possible.

1. Was anybody arrested in relation to this case?

2. How did your office become aware of the crime?

3. Why has there been no coverage in the media?

I thank you for your time and hopefully the information asked for.

Respectfully,Susan Duclos

Lets see if he answers. It was worth a shot.

Mexican Human Traffickers Behead Young Girl in Florida For Resisting Rape

Cross posted from Wake Up America. Thanks to Norm for the heads up on this.

One has to wonder why this hasn’t been reported by the major news outlets, why outrage hasn’t been expressed, and why it took a blogger to bring the Florida House of Representatives -State Affairs Committee video segment to our attention?

The YouTube video above is a portion of the original public record which is linked below and the part in the video above can be found 2 hours 18 minutes and 20 seconds in to this video of the State Affairs Committee, in the Florida House of Representatives, discussing immigration legislation on April 8, 2008. (You can fast forward to the appropriate time mark)

This was public testimony on House bill 287g and at the time mentioned above, Bill Stewart, Deputy Chief of Staff for Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum, steps up to the microphone and is given 90 seconds to speak and the excerpt below is part of his public statement.


It is impossible to separate national security issues from illegal immigration, and one of the most important illegal immigration issues in Florida is the issue of human trafficking”.

I think one of the most predominant ones, or issue of most important to the state of Florida is the issue of human trafficking.

Florida is the number one state in the nation for human trafficking.

And I will just leave you with a recent story that occurred in the panhandle.

There were several girls that were trafficked into the panhandle from Mexico. These girls were raped repeatedly over a week’s period of time, and one of them actually resisted while she was being raped.

So the smugglers grabbed all of these girls, chained them in chairs, and put them in a room. They brought in the girl who refused to be raped, and they beheaded her, in front of all of the other girls that were in that room. And they left them there, with her body, and those little girls, for several hours…

This is the reality, of dangerous criminal aliens, in our state, and what happens. They do not care about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. What they care about is money, and people are merely an avenue to get them to their needs.”

This was reported on by HyScience, a blogger.

A search on google news for this story brings up nothing from major news papers which begs the question of why?

Back in 2004, CNN reported that Florida was one of the top three destinations for human traffickers, along with New York and Texas, according to the Center for the Advancement of Human Rights at Florida State University.

There are arrests and indictments on a regular basis in Florida, such as on May 8, 2008 when the Department of Justice issued a news release about a man pleading guilty to charges of human trafficking and alien smuggling.

That man, Cadena-Sosa, conspired with his family and smuggled women and girls into the United States and forced them to work in brothels with intimidation, violence, and threats of physical harm, until the “smuggling debt” had been paid off.

Human trafficking is nothing new to Florida but when a young girl is brought to the United States of America, raped and beheaded in front of other girls…is this not news worthy?

Is her life and death just being casually ignored or did this somehow slip through the cracks of journalism?

Is anyone paying attention anymore?

(Thanks to Norman for the email)

[Update] The fact that I cannot find this incident reported in any news media outlet kept bothering me, so I have sent the Attorney General of Florida, Bill McCollum, an email asking for a few questins about the incident his Deputy Chief of Staff spoke about.


Attorney General Bill McCollum,

I am writing to request some information on an incident that your Deputy Chief of Staff, spoke about at a meeting of the State Affairs Committee, in the Florida House of Representatives, discussing immigration legislation on April 8, 2008.

In his statement which I have just recent wrote about and watched the video of, he describes an incident he refers to as “recent” where a young girl was smuggled into the panhandle of Florida and after resisting rape, was then beheaded in front of other girls as an example.

I am writing to request the date this happened and why it hasn’t been reported in the major news organizations as of yet.

I would also like to get the answers to a few questions about the incident, for the record, if at all possible.

1. Was anybody arrested in relation to this case?

2. How did your office become aware of the crime?

3. Why has there been no coverage in the media?

I thank you for your time and hopefully the information asked for.

Respectfully,Susan Duclos

Lets see if he answers. It was worth a shot.