Every Day Heroes

This week, something a little different. On the US Army site, I found a new section. You will see why I feel the need to share this with you:

You’re about to meet some everyday heroes. They might be your sons and daughters, spouses, parents, neighbors, friends or total strangers, but each one has always answered his or her Country’s call with selfless service and undaunted courage. Some are Soldiers, some are family members, some are community volunteers – we celebrate them all, and invite you to look into their eyes as you read their stories. You may not remember their names, but you will never forget these “Faces of Strength.”

So reads the introduction to these incredible profiles. This is an Adobe flash presentation that I found, with many “every day heroes.” Since I can’t figure out how to copy it, 😦 (above my pay grade? ouch…lol) please go and watch it here.

Oh, and yes! You will need a tissue or two..:) Go HERE, and spend time with some who truly are “Faces of Strength“.