Attention: Californians!!


As many of you may be aware, Dutch MP Geert Wilders, hero of the free world, will be visiting Orange County, CA this Saturday at Chapman University thanks to the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

We have just got word that a collection of Islamist organizations are organizing a protest. Please urge everyone you know in the surrounding area to show up in force to give these jihadis a nice counter-protest welcome.

Let's get the media to pay attention to the anti-free-speech jihadists right here in our own back yard.

Counter-protesters will assemble starting at 1:00 PM in front of Memorial Hall which faces Glassell Ave at E. Palm several blocks north of the turning circle at the intersection of Glassell and Chapman in Orange, CA.

For driving directions, campus map, and parking lots.

Bring cameras, flags, signs.

For those of you unfamiliar with Mr. Wilder's work, please see the following interview:

This message came by email from Act! For America.

Tell the MMS to Increase Off Shore Oil Exploration & Production

The U.S. Minerals Management Service (MMS) has developed a new five year (2010-2015) plan for sales of off shore oil & gas leases. The plan is in the form of a 3.7MB pdf file.

The DPP proposes a total of 31 OCS lease sales in 12 areas (4 areas off Alaska, 3 areas off the
Atlantic coast, 2 areas off the Pacific coast, and 3 areas in the Gulf of Mexico). Maps A and
B show the areas proposed for leasing (proposed program areas). Table A lists the location
and timing of the proposed lease sales. Of the 31 sales, 10 sales are in 6 areas that were
formerly under executive and/or congressional restrictions.

Of course, President Obama does not agree with his predecessor’s policy on off shore leasing. The LibTards who support him are producing increasing opposition to the draft proposal. The time frame for public comment on the plan has been extended 180 days to September 21, 2009. The extension should afford you ample time to review the plan and send in your comments before the deadline.

Everything we purchase involves petroleum in its transportation, if not as a feed stock and source of energy used in its production. The imbalance between demand and supply has caused painful inflation, which will take a bigger bite as incomes are reduced or eliminated by the economic depression.

If you want to keep your house warm and your automobile on the road, you should want to see significant increases in domestic oil and gas production. Our hope for the next five years is in the new plan. New off shore leases will be limited to those included in the final plan.

If you want to see reduced inflation and preserve your ability to keep warm and mobile, then you should express your support for the proposed five year leasing plan. The Consumer Energy Alliance provides an easy to use email form so that you can send your comments to the MMS.

Please don’t stop there; visit to send emails to President Obama, your Representative & Senators urging them to approve the plan.

Ema Nymton said

I have quoted a recent comment. Superscripts inserted into the comment are linked to my responses in an enumerated list below the horizontal line separating the comment from my responses.

Ema Nymton said…


Ali Ben Ali Mohammad Abdul,

“You have neither relevant verifiable facts nor logic with which to refute the obvious truth.”

Verifiable fact:

YOU, on this blog and other places, call for the mass killing1 of over a billion unarmed and defenseless people2, some of them citizens of USA.

Obvious truth:

Your hysterical efforts to incite genocide3 are subject to punishment. Your using the defense that you are not responsible for your degenerate criminal behavior4 because you can point to outdated documents5 written by backward people who have been dead for generations6, is not going to get you off.


April 3, 2009 2:54 PM

  1. Prove it, Ema! Display relevant, verifiable, evidence to support your moronic accusation. I disrespectfully demand the extinction of the predator known as Islam by a rational combination of inducing the ‘moderate’, ‘secular’ masses to apostatize and killing the recalcitrant recidivists.
  2. The aggressors are not unarmed nor are they defenseless. They engage in asymmetrical warfare, which is not ineffective. In the last 1400 years, Islam has caused an estimated 270 million premature deaths and untold grief & suffering.
  3. Doing unto those trying to do it to you is defense, not offense. The two are not moral equivalents.
  1. Genocide is an intrinsic sacrament of Islam.
  1. until he had made a great slaughter
  2. till when you have killed and wounded many of them
  3. those who had begun to grow hair (pubes) were killed, and those who had not were not killed
  4. servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him
  5. In the future, the Jews will support the Dajjal (False Messiah); and the Muslims, along with `Isa, son of Mary, will kill the Jews.
  • I am doing nothing criminal. I am exposing the damnable doctrines of Islam; the demonic predator which slaughtered 3000 innocents in New York & Washington, 160 at Oklahoma City, 10 in the Metropolitan Washington D.C. area, 60 in London, etc. The First Amendment to the United States Constitution makes it legal to alert one’s fellow citizens to an existential threat, document its extent, purposes & methods and demand effective defense against it.
  • The Qur’an is timeless, not outdated. Moe declared that he was the seal of the prophets; the last. That makes his the final revelation of Allah’s perfected word.
  • Perpetual conquest remains Islamic law, regardless of the date of issue and the death of the profit. It is inculcated in every madrassa and preached in every Mosque. The Middle East Media Research Institute documents numerous examples of those evils being preached in modern times. They are enshrined in the Qur’an, hadith, Shari’ah & Fiqh.
  • I have presented ample documentation of the true nature of Islam. Ema can not refute the fatal facts. In this post, I have presented fragmentary quotes from authentic Islamic sources. Each of those quotes is linked to its source and titled to identify the source. The titles will be revealed when you hover your mouse pointer over the links, which are bold blue underlined text.

    For the benefit of newcomers who have not read the proceeding posts and comment threads attached to them, I present links to Ibn Kathir’s Tafsir, which displays the Arabic text, translation, confirming hadith and Ibn Kathir’s confirmation of the obvious meaning of the ayeh. The titles are sufficient to alert any competent iintellect to the arrogant, demonic evil of Islam.

    Get a clue, for Chrissake!!! What Allah said is Islamic law, obligation binding upon all able bodied, adult male Muslims free born and financially able: fard al-kifaya.

    • commands
    • orders
    • promise of conquest
    • promise of domination

    Click the titles, read the contents and curse Islam. Copy this blog post, paste it into an email, and send it to your friends, family and associates who remain ignorant of Moe’s Murder Cult. Nobody else will carry this vital warning to the world, it is up to us. Don’t break the chain; each one teach two!

    Got a clue yet? If not, you must be incredibly stupid, an analencephalopath like Ema. Here is another clue for you, quoted from Umdat as-Salik, the most popular codification of Shari’ah. When you read Chapter 9 of Book O you will learn the definition of Jihad. You will also learn against whom it must be performed. [Emphasis & link added.]

    O9.1: The Obligatory Character of Jihad

    Jihad is a communal obligation (def: c3.2). When enough people perform it to successfully accomplish it, it is no longer obligatory upon others (O: the evidence for which is the Prophet’s saying (Allah bless him and give him peace),

    “He who provides the equipment for a soldier in jihad has himself performed jihad,”

    and Allah Most High having said:

    “Those of the believers who are unhurt but sit behind are not equal to those who fight in Allah’s path with their property and lives. Allah has preferred those who fight with their property and lives a whole degree above those who sit behind. And to each, Allah has promised great good” (Koran 4:95).

    If none of those concerned perform jihad, and it does not happen at all, then everyone who is aware that it is obligatory is guilty of sin, if there was a possibility of having performed it. In the time of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) jihad was a communal obligation after his emigration (hijra) to Medina. As for subsequent times, there are two possible states in respect to non-Muslims.

    The first is when they are in their own countries, in which case jihad (def: o9.8) is a communal obligation, and this is what our author is speaking of when he says, “Jihad is a communal obligation,” meaning upon the Muslims each year.

    The second state is when non-Muslims invade a Muslim country or near to one, in which case jihad is personally obligatory (def: c3.2) upon the inhabitants of that country, who must repel the non-Muslims with whatever they can).

    European Union and Weapons

    by Findalis

    From the Sderot Media Center

    Weapons smuggling continues into the Gaza Strip

    By Sderot Media Center

    Over 70 tons of bombmaking supplies have entered Gaza according to Shin Bet head

    Hamas is continuing to rearm itself two-and-a-half months after Operation Cast Lead, said Yuval Diskin, head of the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet). More than 22 tons of explosives, hundreds of mortar shells, dozens of rockets and anti-tank missiles and 45 tons of raw material to manufacture arms, have been smuggled into the Gaza Strip.

    Diskin added that Egypt is doing its part prevent the smuggling, but that the smuggling under the Philadelphi Corridor between Egypt and the Gaza Strip continued unabated.

    Hamas is concerned about an escalation in its confrontation with Israel, especially in light of the freeze in talks for a prisoner exchange and the failure so far of its reconciliation talks with Fatah, Diskin said.

    An additional round of Hamas-Fatah reconciliation talks was expected to be held Tuesday and Wednesday in Cairo, but nothing was expected to come of it, he said.

    “The difference between the two sides is great,” Diskin said.

    Diskin, in his last briefing to the current government, said there had been a marked decrease in the number of rocket attacks on the western Negev.

    “Hamas’s military wing is constantly on watch for fear of an escalation, especially in light of the deadlock reached around the prisoner exchange deal and Hamas-Fatah relations.”

    “There is indeed a drop in rockets, only one rocket from a small organization was fired in recent days. There are two reasons for this: Hamas is not interested in an escalation or another confrontation with Israel, and as a result, Hamas is carrying out arrests before attacks,” said Diskin.

    Diskin also stated that Hamas was taking measures to stop small organizations from firing rockets and had signed an agreement with Islamic Jihad to prevent rocket fire for the short term.

    Nevertheless, Diskin warned that the small terrorist organizations were plotting to kidnap soldiers, and were also planning attacks inside Israel – either via Sinai, or with the aid of terrorist organizations in Judea and Samaria.

    Read the full story here.

    Red Color

    View at YouTube

    No child should have to live in fear on a daily basis. Every child should have a chance to grow up in a happy, healthy environment.

    But the world is all to ready to allow the Jews of Israel, especially those living in Sderot, to suffer these attacks on a daily basis.

    Dear EU Ambassador,

    The EU is to be commended for the mandate that it has undertaken to help civilians whose lives have been affected by the recent Gaza war. EU member states remain well aware of the suffering and economic challenges that exist on the Palestinian side of the Gaza conflict.

    The EU remains the most significant financial donor to the Palestinian civilians affected by the war.

    In 2008 alone, the EU provided almost 500 million Euros for the health and welfare services to the Palestinian population in Gaza.Yet on the other side of the Gaza war, EU humanitarian aid workers may not be aware of the devastating toll that the Gaza war has taken on the lives of thousands of Israeli civilians who have endured eight years of daily rocket explosions and siren warnings.

    Writing from the perspective of an NGO in Sderot where I have worked and lived for the past 2 years, I have witnessed and written about countless homes destroyed, children maimed, and families torn apart by the impact of these lethal attacks.

    This is a reality where bomb shelters, which dot the entire city, are used almost daily. Life in Sderot is measured by 15 seconds–the time one has to race to bomb shelter when the siren goes off to warn of impending rockets. A recent study found that more than 80% of Sderot children suffer from PTSD symptoms-post traumatic stress disorder. The long term psychological damage inflicted by the constant rocket fire on both adults and children alike has not yet been fully comprehended or addressed.

    Given the mandate of the EU to help civilians in the Gaza war zone rebuild their lives, the time has come for the EU to help fund agencies in Sderot that seek to strengthen the mental heath and social functionality of ordinary Sderot civilians who need psychological aid in order to continue life under rocket terror. Two appropriate services come to mind:


    Although Sderot has no medical center (residents who are wounded by rockets must be transferred to the Barzeli hospital in Ashkelon located 20 min. away) a Sderot Mental Health Center, under the auspices of Barzeli hospital does exist, and is run by Dr. Adrianna Katz. The Mental Health Center has become a vital service for the Sderot community, providing psychological treatment to those suffering from PTSD and those who enter shock after experiencing a rocket explosion. The center has only four full time workers to help provide mental health services to almost 5,000 people in Sderot who have been diagnosed with severe mental health stress that has resulted from the anxiety of life under rocket attacks.

    The Sderot Mental Health Center needs immediate financial aid to ad staff and to service such a large community of patients.


    Providing psychological therapy for Sderot high school students by the avenue of the arts and theater, Sderot Community Theater Therapy reaches out to young people in Sderot to help them express their fears and anxieties of life under rocket fire. The high school students creatively produce dramatic presentations, under the guidance of a theater director and psychologist.

    With the understanding that the EU will address the humanitarian needs of all sides of a war zone, it would be a welcome gesture if the EU would help provide funds to the mental health services of Sderot and the Western Negev. Such financial assistance is vital to the restoration of normal life for future generations of southern Israelis.

    I look forward to hearing from you.


    Anav Silverman, Sderot Information Correspondent

    I fear that Anav Silverman’s words will be falling on deaf ears. For many of us in the US have witnessed these last few years is Europe’s embracing of the Palestinian cause and ignoring the suffering that the Palestians are doing to innocent Israeli children.

    You don’t have to be silent though. You can help.

    Remember Sderot and the people of Southern Israel in your prayers.
    Sign up for Code Red alerts here.
    Contact your congressman and Senators, reminding them of the United State’s commitment to Israel.
    And if you are able to, donate a few dollars to the Sderot Media Center. Just click on the logo at the top or bottom of this post.

    Every child deserves a happy and safe childhood!