Truth Boating Hillary

I asked Spree at Wake Up America to cross post this for me:

Via an email from John Stephenson from Stop the ACLU. (Copied from Stuck on Stupid)

In the following timeline, we will see apparent evidence of Hillary Clinton’s Senate campaign understating over $750,000 in contributions to her 2000 Senate campaign, from one Peter Paul.

Evidently, Hillary’s campaign initially denied even knowing Peter Paul, and then later, admitted meeting him but never had a conversation regarding his contribution to her campaign.

Hillary Clinton will finally be under oath in the historic civil suit, Paul v Clinton in Los Angeles Superior Court. Voters are going to see the details of the greatest campaign finance fraud in history and the Clinton role in the collapse of Stan Lee Media.

It is going to take an army armada of bloggers to break the media blockade that has protected Hillary. It is time for TRUTH BOATING HILLARY.

Here is the TIMELINE that even the mainstream media can understand:


Feb. 2000 – Peter Paul is induced to support Hillary’s 2000 Senate campaign with the promise of access to Bill Clinton to be able to make a proposal to come aboard Stan Lee Media as a rainmaker when he left the WH

June 9, 2000 – Paul pays for two Hillary Clinton fundraisers at Spago and the home of Cynthia Gershman … the costs are never declared by the campaign (note: a previous fundraiser through Rendell for Al Gore, paid for by Paul, was also never declared; Rendell also never declared a 150K stock pledge) … at the Spago lunch, Paul spent considerable time with Hillary and discussed his plan for her husband’s employment… see the 20/20 report from 2001…Amazingly, in her declaration of 4-7-06, Hillary acts as if she barely knew Peter Paul and claimed she couldn’t remember anything they might have said. Besides the email comments, Paul has video of her going on and on about how Stan Lee was a genius for hiring Paul. She is really excited about Paul’s idea of a cartoon character of Al Gore, and she wants to talk to Tony Coehlo and Terry McAuliffe about it. Her failure to remember is simply a lie.

June 23, 2000 – Kelly Craighead (a White House employee, not part of any joint funraising committee), Jim Levin, David Rosen (all agents of Hillary and Bill) meet with Aaron Tonken (agent of Paul and fundraiser for Ed Rendell) to originate the idea for a major fundraising event for Hillary as part of the Aug. 14-20 DNC Convention in L.A.

July 11, 2000 – conference call between Peter Paul, Tonken, Craighead, Wolfson, Levin, and Rosen in which Paul is solicited to pay for the Hollywood Gala….he is asked to pay $525K, and it is expected that Cynthia Gershman will pay a like amount….it was acknowledged by all that the fundraiser would cost over a million dollars

July 17, 2000 – Paul films the SMOKING GUN VIDEO. This video was withheld by an assistant US ATTY while investigations were proceeding. Hillary is shown soliciting and coordination the $1.6 mil in-kind, hard money donation. Kelly Craighead kept her completely briefed and she offered any help she could. David Kendall’s claim that this was a joint fundraiser, and thus hard money, won’t fly. Craighead was a White House employee who solicited the money on July 11. Hillary was part of closing the deal on July 17.

Aug. 12, 2000 – Hollywood Gala… it raises a million dollars for Hillary, but it cost over a million dollars…Paul spent several hours with Bill Clinton… here they are putting the final touches on the deal at the after concert dinnerLook at all the photos of the gala… Hillary actually said in her declaration of 4-7-06, “I remember Mr. Paul attending the event…” How insulting was that? Actually, she spent hours near him and publicly thanked him from the stage for all he did.

Aug 13 – Paul and his wife Andrea are at the home of Barbra Streisand for Clinton Library donors…when Hillary sees Andrea, she runs over to her, brings her over to Streisand, and introduces her as “the wife of the man who funded last night’s event…my new best friend”… Streisand’s testimony should be interesting… Chelsea came up to the table with Paul, Andrea, Tendo Oto, Oto’s interpreter Jonathon Rogers, Jim Levin, and Haim Saban. Chelsea discussed for at least a half an hour how excited she and her parents were about her dad coming to work for the creator of Spider Man… Hillary sets up her daughter for perjury

Aug. 13Tendo Oto and SLM make their deal for Asian partnershipOto gives $5 mil and promises another $5-7 mil in November for the American joint venture…On Aug. 12 he had paid $27K to attend the federal fundraiser gala. Giving money was illegal. Attending was illegal. Since Oto had no social security number to check out when he showed up at the event with his camera crew, the Secret Service said no way. Clinton had the Secret Service stand down, and Oto sat directly behind the president and first lady.

Aug 14 – Ed Rendell calls Peter Paul in a panic. Lloyd Grove is preparing a story for the WASHPOST about Paul’s felony record for “The Cuban Coffee Caper” two decades previous when he was an international attorney in Miami. Rendell tells Paul to deny he gave any money and just play along. Shortly after the warning call, Grove called. Here is the callsheet from SLM, certified by the government as evidence.

Aug 15 – Lloyd Grove writes the story in the WASHPOST about Paul’s felony past from two decades previous involving the Cuban Coffee Caper and defrauding Fidel Castro of $8.7 million … Howard Wolfson vows that they would never take any money from Peter Paul

Aug 17 – Grove writes a second story about $2,000 given by Paul at Spago … Wolfson says they will return the money, and a check is immediately cut and sent to Paul … Wolfson actually admits that the gala cost a million dollars but says it was in-kind and not a check. (Ummm, in-kind is hard money, Howard)

Aug 18 – behind the scenes, while disavowing him in public, the Clintons write personal notes to Paul, dated Aug 18, espressing their gratitude … Hillary: “We will remember it always”Bill’s noteEven Chelsea got into the act.

Aug 24 – Campaign Finance Chairman David Rosen is directed to send a fax to Paul asking for another $100,000 (actually, one of several faxes) … Hillary had promised the money for the Working Families Party in New York … Paul will send no more money until he hears it face to face from Bill Clinton that they still have a deal (second document shows Gordon’s acknowledgement that it was “done”)

Sept. 22, 2000 – Clinton steps off AF-1 in Los Angeles (we have photo) and assures Paul that the deal is still a go … Paul has Steven Gordon send a stock transfer of $55K to the Working Families Party for Hillary… we can find no evidence that they ever declared that donation. If the Clintons were disavowing Paul in public, claimed he gave no money, and had no business arrangement with the President as claimed by Hillary, why would the President of the United States be meeting Paul in public as he stepped off AF-1? For what possible purpose? That’s not hard to figure out, is it?

Nov 7 – Hillary is elected

Nov 13 – just six days after Hillary’s election, an agreement for Venture Soft USA Inc is recorded in Illinois between Jim Levin, Clinton’s business adviser, and Tendo Oto … Levin was Clinton’s “eyes and ears” in dealing with Paul, got proprietary business information, and stole the Japanese partner for their own deal

Dec 2000 – Stan Lee Media collapses … the additional $5-7 million promised in November from partner Tendo Oto was not received due to the Clinton/Levin interference In Paul v Clinton, it will be proven that Oto’s money would have kept the company solvent until Clinton came aboard as he had promised Peter Paul.

Early 2001 – Paul discovers that the campaign has filed two fraudulent FEC reports, only reporting 366K for the cost of Event 39 … he spent over a million dollars on it

June 18, 2001 – Paul files initial lawsuit against the Clintons and several others for business fraud

July 3 – Treasurer Andrew Grossman is served with the lawsuit that includes documentation for $1.6 million spent by Paul

July 11 – David Kendall accepts service for Hillary along with the $1.6 million documented expenses

July 18 – press conference at National Press Club . Paul has messenger hand deliver a demand letter to Hillary’s senate office

July 30 – despite Paul’s demand and all of the documentation, a third false FEC report is filed … this time they declare $401K for Event 39 … still no mention of Paul as the real donor

Jan 2005 – criminal indictment of David Rosen is unsealed

May 2005 – Rosen acquitted in criminal trial in Los Angeles…the perjury in this trial was astounding…the judge and prosecutor went out of their way to condemn Paul and claim that Hillary had nothing to do with it is also astounding… FBI affidavit during the trial documenting $1.2 mil from Paul that was not declared. The prosecution does not call Paul, Aaron Tonken, or key witness Kelly Craighead (Craighead was also never called by the FEC – she will be a key witness in Paul v Clinton)…. The prosecution does not use damaging evidence against Rosen obtained while Ray Reggie (brother in law of Ted Kennedy) was wearing a wire. In Tonken’s book, KING OF CONS, he tells how he sat in a van with Hillary detailing all of the money that was being spent on her.

Dec 2005 – FEC determines that the campaign deliberately underreported $721,000, fines the campaign a mere $35,000, and orders a new filing…treasurer Andrew Grossman signs conciliation agreement with the FEC, the equivalent of a nolo contendre plea

Jan 2006 – the fourth fraudulent FEC report is filed … among the problems are Stan Lee (whom we have on tape in a deposition swearing that he gave no money) is credited with a 225K donation and Paul is still never named personally as the donor as he has demanded

April 7, 2006 – Hillary removed as defendant but judge made clear to Kendall that she would be testifying … the declaration turned into the court by Kendall for Hillary can only be described as a work of fiction … no reporters attended the hearing and not one mainstream media source wrote that a trial date had been set for defendant Bill Clinton (trial date postponed until appeal is heard to bring Hillary back in as a defendant) … Chelsea will be one of the witnesses called … although her mom claims no knowledge of the business deal, if Chelsea testifies honestly, she will tell how the family stayed up late after the gala playing scrabble and discussing the excitement of daddy going to work for the creator of Spiderman … from a private fundraiser at Zev Braun’s house in early 2000, Paul has home video of Hillary laughing and discussing with him how he had arranged in 1993 for Fabio to chase her around the room and pick her up in a romance pose…the president referenced that event the next year at the Italian-American Foundation Dinner…. her declaration claiming that she met Paul in early 2000 is simply a lie

June 2006 – Senate Ethics Committee announces it will not investigate Hillary and simply relies on the flawed FEC procedure … subsequently, they refuse Paul’s offer to appear and testity

Oct. 18, 2006 – new demand letter for return of over a million dollars is delivered to Hillary’s DC office with copy delivered to Sen. Voinovich, chair of the Senate Ethics Committee

Jan. 10, 2007 – Paul counsel files Appellate Brief to bring Hillary back into the case as a defendant (that delays the trial date for Bill, set for March 27, 2007…it also delays depositions)….no mainstream media source had reported that defendant Bill Clinton had a trial date in a case involving the collapse of Spiderman Stan Lee’s company)

April 2007 – after a two-year battle for the return of evidence, including home videos, an assistant US atty provides Paul with a list of items they will return to him…..included was the “smoking gun video”: July 17, 5-minute conference call, Hillary Clinton….. when the numerous pieces of evidence were finally sent, the shipment did not include that video…..Paul’s counsel argues vehemently for that to be sent….Paul believes that a low-level functionary screwed up by putting that piece of evidence on the manifest — Hillary never thought it would see the light of day…that video was finally sent because they could not deny its possession

June 20, 2007look at this page under “Latest Filings” for June 20 briefs and declarations

July 27, 2007 – court notification that oral arguments are set for Sept. 7 before the California Court of Appeals…. a decision on whether Hillary is brought back in as a defendant is expected within 10 days thereafter…. then, it is time for depositions…. if David Kendall loses, he may appeal to the California Supreme Court…..that court had earlier refused to hear the argument about removal of Bill Clinton from the case…. Kendall may be able to delay it for a short time, but depositions are expected to begin this year.















[Update] From the comments section, here is a link with much more information about Hillary Clinton.

Truth Boating Hillary

I asked Spree at Wake Up America to cross post this for me:

Via an email from John Stephenson from Stop the ACLU. (Copied from Stuck on Stupid)

In the following timeline, we will see apparent evidence of Hillary Clinton’s Senate campaign understating over $750,000 in contributions to her 2000 Senate campaign, from one Peter Paul.

Evidently, Hillary’s campaign initially denied even knowing Peter Paul, and then later, admitted meeting him but never had a conversation regarding his contribution to her campaign.

Hillary Clinton will finally be under oath in the historic civil suit, Paul v Clinton in Los Angeles Superior Court. Voters are going to see the details of the greatest campaign finance fraud in history and the Clinton role in the collapse of Stan Lee Media.

It is going to take an army armada of bloggers to break the media blockade that has protected Hillary. It is time for TRUTH BOATING HILLARY.

Here is the TIMELINE that even the mainstream media can understand:


Feb. 2000 – Peter Paul is induced to support Hillary’s 2000 Senate campaign with the promise of access to Bill Clinton to be able to make a proposal to come aboard Stan Lee Media as a rainmaker when he left the WH

June 9, 2000 – Paul pays for two Hillary Clinton fundraisers at Spago and the home of Cynthia Gershman … the costs are never declared by the campaign (note: a previous fundraiser through Rendell for Al Gore, paid for by Paul, was also never declared; Rendell also never declared a 150K stock pledge) … at the Spago lunch, Paul spent considerable time with Hillary and discussed his plan for her husband’s employment… see the 20/20 report from 2001…Amazingly, in her declaration of 4-7-06, Hillary acts as if she barely knew Peter Paul and claimed she couldn’t remember anything they might have said. Besides the email comments, Paul has video of her going on and on about how Stan Lee was a genius for hiring Paul. She is really excited about Paul’s idea of a cartoon character of Al Gore, and she wants to talk to Tony Coehlo and Terry McAuliffe about it. Her failure to remember is simply a lie.

June 23, 2000 – Kelly Craighead (a White House employee, not part of any joint funraising committee), Jim Levin, David Rosen (all agents of Hillary and Bill) meet with Aaron Tonken (agent of Paul and fundraiser for Ed Rendell) to originate the idea for a major fundraising event for Hillary as part of the Aug. 14-20 DNC Convention in L.A.

July 11, 2000 – conference call between Peter Paul, Tonken, Craighead, Wolfson, Levin, and Rosen in which Paul is solicited to pay for the Hollywood Gala….he is asked to pay $525K, and it is expected that Cynthia Gershman will pay a like amount….it was acknowledged by all that the fundraiser would cost over a million dollars

July 17, 2000 – Paul films the SMOKING GUN VIDEO. This video was withheld by an assistant US ATTY while investigations were proceeding. Hillary is shown soliciting and coordination the $1.6 mil in-kind, hard money donation. Kelly Craighead kept her completely briefed and she offered any help she could. David Kendall’s claim that this was a joint fundraiser, and thus hard money, won’t fly. Craighead was a White House employee who solicited the money on July 11. Hillary was part of closing the deal on July 17.

Aug. 12, 2000 – Hollywood Gala… it raises a million dollars for Hillary, but it cost over a million dollars…Paul spent several hours with Bill Clinton… here they are putting the final touches on the deal at the after concert dinnerLook at all the photos of the gala… Hillary actually said in her declaration of 4-7-06, “I remember Mr. Paul attending the event…” How insulting was that? Actually, she spent hours near him and publicly thanked him from the stage for all he did.

Aug 13 – Paul and his wife Andrea are at the home of Barbra Streisand for Clinton Library donors…when Hillary sees Andrea, she runs over to her, brings her over to Streisand, and introduces her as “the wife of the man who funded last night’s event…my new best friend”… Streisand’s testimony should be interesting… Chelsea came up to the table with Paul, Andrea, Tendo Oto, Oto’s interpreter Jonathon Rogers, Jim Levin, and Haim Saban. Chelsea discussed for at least a half an hour how excited she and her parents were about her dad coming to work for the creator of Spider Man… Hillary sets up her daughter for perjury

Aug. 13Tendo Oto and SLM make their deal for Asian partnershipOto gives $5 mil and promises another $5-7 mil in November for the American joint venture…On Aug. 12 he had paid $27K to attend the federal fundraiser gala. Giving money was illegal. Attending was illegal. Since Oto had no social security number to check out when he showed up at the event with his camera crew, the Secret Service said no way. Clinton had the Secret Service stand down, and Oto sat directly behind the president and first lady.

Aug 14 – Ed Rendell calls Peter Paul in a panic. Lloyd Grove is preparing a story for the WASHPOST about Paul’s felony record for “The Cuban Coffee Caper” two decades previous when he was an international attorney in Miami. Rendell tells Paul to deny he gave any money and just play along. Shortly after the warning call, Grove called. Here is the callsheet from SLM, certified by the government as evidence.

Aug 15 – Lloyd Grove writes the story in the WASHPOST about Paul’s felony past from two decades previous involving the Cuban Coffee Caper and defrauding Fidel Castro of $8.7 million … Howard Wolfson vows that they would never take any money from Peter Paul

Aug 17 – Grove writes a second story about $2,000 given by Paul at Spago … Wolfson says they will return the money, and a check is immediately cut and sent to Paul … Wolfson actually admits that the gala cost a million dollars but says it was in-kind and not a check. (Ummm, in-kind is hard money, Howard)

Aug 18 – behind the scenes, while disavowing him in public, the Clintons write personal notes to Paul, dated Aug 18, espressing their gratitude … Hillary: “We will remember it always”Bill’s noteEven Chelsea got into the act.

Aug 24 – Campaign Finance Chairman David Rosen is directed to send a fax to Paul asking for another $100,000 (actually, one of several faxes) … Hillary had promised the money for the Working Families Party in New York … Paul will send no more money until he hears it face to face from Bill Clinton that they still have a deal (second document shows Gordon’s acknowledgement that it was “done”)

Sept. 22, 2000 – Clinton steps off AF-1 in Los Angeles (we have photo) and assures Paul that the deal is still a go … Paul has Steven Gordon send a stock transfer of $55K to the Working Families Party for Hillary… we can find no evidence that they ever declared that donation. If the Clintons were disavowing Paul in public, claimed he gave no money, and had no business arrangement with the President as claimed by Hillary, why would the President of the United States be meeting Paul in public as he stepped off AF-1? For what possible purpose? That’s not hard to figure out, is it?

Nov 7 – Hillary is elected

Nov 13 – just six days after Hillary’s election, an agreement for Venture Soft USA Inc is recorded in Illinois between Jim Levin, Clinton’s business adviser, and Tendo Oto … Levin was Clinton’s “eyes and ears” in dealing with Paul, got proprietary business information, and stole the Japanese partner for their own deal

Dec 2000 – Stan Lee Media collapses … the additional $5-7 million promised in November from partner Tendo Oto was not received due to the Clinton/Levin interference In Paul v Clinton, it will be proven that Oto’s money would have kept the company solvent until Clinton came aboard as he had promised Peter Paul.

Early 2001 – Paul discovers that the campaign has filed two fraudulent FEC reports, only reporting 366K for the cost of Event 39 … he spent over a million dollars on it

June 18, 2001 – Paul files initial lawsuit against the Clintons and several others for business fraud

July 3 – Treasurer Andrew Grossman is served with the lawsuit that includes documentation for $1.6 million spent by Paul

July 11 – David Kendall accepts service for Hillary along with the $1.6 million documented expenses

July 18 – press conference at National Press Club . Paul has messenger hand deliver a demand letter to Hillary’s senate office

July 30 – despite Paul’s demand and all of the documentation, a third false FEC report is filed … this time they declare $401K for Event 39 … still no mention of Paul as the real donor

Jan 2005 – criminal indictment of David Rosen is unsealed

May 2005 – Rosen acquitted in criminal trial in Los Angeles…the perjury in this trial was astounding…the judge and prosecutor went out of their way to condemn Paul and claim that Hillary had nothing to do with it is also astounding… FBI affidavit during the trial documenting $1.2 mil from Paul that was not declared. The prosecution does not call Paul, Aaron Tonken, or key witness Kelly Craighead (Craighead was also never called by the FEC – she will be a key witness in Paul v Clinton)…. The prosecution does not use damaging evidence against Rosen obtained while Ray Reggie (brother in law of Ted Kennedy) was wearing a wire. In Tonken’s book, KING OF CONS, he tells how he sat in a van with Hillary detailing all of the money that was being spent on her.

Dec 2005 – FEC determines that the campaign deliberately underreported $721,000, fines the campaign a mere $35,000, and orders a new filing…treasurer Andrew Grossman signs conciliation agreement with the FEC, the equivalent of a nolo contendre plea

Jan 2006 – the fourth fraudulent FEC report is filed … among the problems are Stan Lee (whom we have on tape in a deposition swearing that he gave no money) is credited with a 225K donation and Paul is still never named personally as the donor as he has demanded

April 7, 2006 – Hillary removed as defendant but judge made clear to Kendall that she would be testifying … the declaration turned into the court by Kendall for Hillary can only be described as a work of fiction … no reporters attended the hearing and not one mainstream media source wrote that a trial date had been set for defendant Bill Clinton (trial date postponed until appeal is heard to bring Hillary back in as a defendant) … Chelsea will be one of the witnesses called … although her mom claims no knowledge of the business deal, if Chelsea testifies honestly, she will tell how the family stayed up late after the gala playing scrabble and discussing the excitement of daddy going to work for the creator of Spiderman … from a private fundraiser at Zev Braun’s house in early 2000, Paul has home video of Hillary laughing and discussing with him how he had arranged in 1993 for Fabio to chase her around the room and pick her up in a romance pose…the president referenced that event the next year at the Italian-American Foundation Dinner…. her declaration claiming that she met Paul in early 2000 is simply a lie

June 2006 – Senate Ethics Committee announces it will not investigate Hillary and simply relies on the flawed FEC procedure … subsequently, they refuse Paul’s offer to appear and testity

Oct. 18, 2006 – new demand letter for return of over a million dollars is delivered to Hillary’s DC office with copy delivered to Sen. Voinovich, chair of the Senate Ethics Committee

Jan. 10, 2007 – Paul counsel files Appellate Brief to bring Hillary back into the case as a defendant (that delays the trial date for Bill, set for March 27, 2007…it also delays depositions)….no mainstream media source had reported that defendant Bill Clinton had a trial date in a case involving the collapse of Spiderman Stan Lee’s company)

April 2007 – after a two-year battle for the return of evidence, including home videos, an assistant US atty provides Paul with a list of items they will return to him…..included was the “smoking gun video”: July 17, 5-minute conference call, Hillary Clinton….. when the numerous pieces of evidence were finally sent, the shipment did not include that video…..Paul’s counsel argues vehemently for that to be sent….Paul believes that a low-level functionary screwed up by putting that piece of evidence on the manifest — Hillary never thought it would see the light of day…that video was finally sent because they could not deny its possession

June 20, 2007look at this page under “Latest Filings” for June 20 briefs and declarations

July 27, 2007 – court notification that oral arguments are set for Sept. 7 before the California Court of Appeals…. a decision on whether Hillary is brought back in as a defendant is expected within 10 days thereafter…. then, it is time for depositions…. if David Kendall loses, he may appeal to the California Supreme Court…..that court had earlier refused to hear the argument about removal of Bill Clinton from the case…. Kendall may be able to delay it for a short time, but depositions are expected to begin this year.















[Update] From the comments section, here is a link with much more information about Hillary Clinton.

Executive Order No. 12919

Executive Order No. 12919 was signed by bill June 3, 1994.
Essentially, it consolidates all power into the POTUS’ hands in case of a national emergency. By all power, I mean ALL power–the ability to declare a dictatorship, martial law, etc. What was once State’s rights will cease to exist.
The order is 10 pages long, way to long to publish here. However, it can be found in its entirety here. had this to say about it:

“President William Jefferson Clinton wrote one EO that can cover
all of these. He wrote Executive Order 12919 on June 3, 1994, which was
released on June 6, 1994. This EO will be the only thing he needs to enact
in order to become a fully empowered dictator. It covers all of the EOs
mentioned previously. The only thing this EO doesn’t do is define WHAT the
“national emergency” would have to be in order for this EO to be signed.
Please keep that in mind. Anything can be declared a “national emergency” to facilitate EO 12919 being enacted.” [2]

This came from

The answer lies with the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the
multiple executive orders that have gradually and symptomatically eroded away
all aspects of the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

A Series of Executive Orders dating from the 1960s onwards underlines the
history of FEMA. The plan for total control of every aspect of our lives has
been under construction for a long time. Below are just some of the Executive
Orders relating to FEMA. As you read them, bear in mind that they mean nothing
by themselves. They are not law, nor can they become law by and of

If you think for a second bill and hillary have forgotten about the tracks they laid down while in office, think again. They consolidated this power for the sole purpose of ruling this country with a bloodied, socialistic fist. Go read the article and the referenced sources. If it doesn’t wake you up to the danger of this woman, nothing will.

Executive Order No. 12919

Executive Order No. 12919 was signed by bill June 3, 1994.
Essentially, it consolidates all power into the POTUS’ hands in case of a national emergency. By all power, I mean ALL power–the ability to declare a dictatorship, martial law, etc. What was once State’s rights will cease to exist.
The order is 10 pages long, way to long to publish here. However, it can be found in its entirety here. had this to say about it:

“President William Jefferson Clinton wrote one EO that can cover
all of these. He wrote Executive Order 12919 on June 3, 1994, which was
released on June 6, 1994. This EO will be the only thing he needs to enact
in order to become a fully empowered dictator. It covers all of the EOs
mentioned previously. The only thing this EO doesn’t do is define WHAT the
“national emergency” would have to be in order for this EO to be signed.
Please keep that in mind. Anything can be declared a “national emergency” to facilitate EO 12919 being enacted.” [2]

This came from

The answer lies with the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the
multiple executive orders that have gradually and symptomatically eroded away
all aspects of the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

A Series of Executive Orders dating from the 1960s onwards underlines the
history of FEMA. The plan for total control of every aspect of our lives has
been under construction for a long time. Below are just some of the Executive
Orders relating to FEMA. As you read them, bear in mind that they mean nothing
by themselves. They are not law, nor can they become law by and of

If you think for a second bill and hillary have forgotten about the tracks they laid down while in office, think again. They consolidated this power for the sole purpose of ruling this country with a bloodied, socialistic fist. Go read the article and the referenced sources. If it doesn’t wake you up to the danger of this woman, nothing will.

Of Hobbits and hillary

So, there I was, watching the LOTR series the other night. And while watching the movies, my mind was ruminating on Billary’s latest nonsense of ending “an on-your-own society” and replacing it with “we’re all in it together society” where prosperity is “broadly shared”.

Two quotes follow:

Election 2008: Sen. hillary clinton shared on Tuesday her vision of the U.S.
economy under her executive stewardship. She should change her party
affiliation – or the name of her party. Speaking in New Hampshire, clinton
acknowledged that instead of the “ownership society” that George W. Bush has
promoted throughout his presidency, she prefers a “we’re all in it together
society” where prosperity is “broadly shared”.

“We must stop thinking of the individual and start thinking about what is
best for society.” [hillary clinton, 1993]

So while watching my movies and ruminating on the stalinista’s latest ramblings, I started seeing parallels.

The crux of the movies (and of course, the books) is the whole of Middle Earth depended on the actions of ONE TINY HOBBIT. Not Middle Earth broadly sharing the responsibility–ONE TINY HOBBIT.

The Elves couldn’t do it. The Dwarves couldn’t do it. The Ents couldn’t do it. The Rohirrim couldn’t do it. The Men couldn’t do it. The Wizards couldn’t do it. Neither Sam, nor even eight of the nine, could do it. Only Frodo. AN INDIVIDUAL.

Frodo got plenty of support while on his journey, yes. BUT NO ONE ELSE COULD ACCOMPLISH WHAT HE NEEDED TO–NO ONE.

Whether or not Peter Jackson knew just what he was illustrating, I have no idea.

Let’s look to another example of someone who was the only one who could accomplish something.

This person was born 2,007 years ago by modern reckoning (taken from His birth, as a matter of fact) and He died 33 years later. He had plenty of help from a loving mother, a wonderful foster-father and the King of all Fathers. He was smart, knowledgeable, spiritual beyond pale–yet down to earth, common sense, loving, kind and compassionate. He understood the flaws of humanity and forgave them. He laughed, cried, loved, and became angry at nonsense (doing business in temples comes to mind).

Instead of the fellowship of 9, He had twelve devoted friends. How many of us can say that?

He promoted INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY through His Father’s 10 rules (also known as Commandments, not suggestions) and His own 1 rule (the 11th Commandment). He advocated a hand up, not a hand out.

And yet…persons who think like the stalinista and her buddies (pelosi, reid, murtha, et. al.), who claim to know Him, don’t seem to get it. But here’s the kicker…once again, He and only He could do the job He was sent here for.

It was He who had to taste the lash, He who had to wear the Crown, He who had to die. Not the 12 together. Not society as a whole. He and He alone.

He was, of course, Jesus Christ, full Son of God, who died for OUR redemption and taught us how to work towards our own salvation.

Two individuals–one fictional, Frodo, who saved all of Middle Earth; one real, the Son of God, our Savior.

Two individuals who made a difference. Two individuals who saved their respective worlds. Not a collective such as a termite colony–a collective that centers around a queen and lives on destruction.

Do you prefer to be an individual or part of a destructive collective? A vote for billary is for a destructive collective–make no mistake.

Of Hobbits and hillary

So, there I was, watching the LOTR series the other night. And while watching the movies, my mind was ruminating on Billary’s latest nonsense of ending “an on-your-own society” and replacing it with “we’re all in it together society” where prosperity is “broadly shared”.

Two quotes follow:

Election 2008: Sen. hillary clinton shared on Tuesday her vision of the U.S.
economy under her executive stewardship. She should change her party
affiliation – or the name of her party. Speaking in New Hampshire, clinton
acknowledged that instead of the “ownership society” that George W. Bush has
promoted throughout his presidency, she prefers a “we’re all in it together
society” where prosperity is “broadly shared”.

“We must stop thinking of the individual and start thinking about what is
best for society.” [hillary clinton, 1993]

So while watching my movies and ruminating on the stalinista’s latest ramblings, I started seeing parallels.

The crux of the movies (and of course, the books) is the whole of Middle Earth depended on the actions of ONE TINY HOBBIT. Not Middle Earth broadly sharing the responsibility–ONE TINY HOBBIT.

The Elves couldn’t do it. The Dwarves couldn’t do it. The Ents couldn’t do it. The Rohirrim couldn’t do it. The Men couldn’t do it. The Wizards couldn’t do it. Neither Sam, nor even eight of the nine, could do it. Only Frodo. AN INDIVIDUAL.

Frodo got plenty of support while on his journey, yes. BUT NO ONE ELSE COULD ACCOMPLISH WHAT HE NEEDED TO–NO ONE.

Whether or not Peter Jackson knew just what he was illustrating, I have no idea.

Let’s look to another example of someone who was the only one who could accomplish something.

This person was born 2,007 years ago by modern reckoning (taken from His birth, as a matter of fact) and He died 33 years later. He had plenty of help from a loving mother, a wonderful foster-father and the King of all Fathers. He was smart, knowledgeable, spiritual beyond pale–yet down to earth, common sense, loving, kind and compassionate. He understood the flaws of humanity and forgave them. He laughed, cried, loved, and became angry at nonsense (doing business in temples comes to mind).

Instead of the fellowship of 9, He had twelve devoted friends. How many of us can say that?

He promoted INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY through His Father’s 10 rules (also known as Commandments, not suggestions) and His own 1 rule (the 11th Commandment). He advocated a hand up, not a hand out.

And yet…persons who think like the stalinista and her buddies (pelosi, reid, murtha, et. al.), who claim to know Him, don’t seem to get it. But here’s the kicker…once again, He and only He could do the job He was sent here for.

It was He who had to taste the lash, He who had to wear the Crown, He who had to die. Not the 12 together. Not society as a whole. He and He alone.

He was, of course, Jesus Christ, full Son of God, who died for OUR redemption and taught us how to work towards our own salvation.

Two individuals–one fictional, Frodo, who saved all of Middle Earth; one real, the Son of God, our Savior.

Two individuals who made a difference. Two individuals who saved their respective worlds. Not a collective such as a termite colony–a collective that centers around a queen and lives on destruction.

Do you prefer to be an individual or part of a destructive collective? A vote for billary is for a destructive collective–make no mistake.

New Site Announcement!

This site has been around at least since April 19, 2007 whenn I stumbled across it and sat up an entire Saturday night perusing it. It’s hilarious, but it’s intent is to expose Hillary for what she truly is, as well as her true agenda. It’s called and the home page is here. The blog area is here. It’s truly the one-stop spot for all the news on Hillary.

And, a joke from Dean in the old email:
I usually don’t pass along these “add your name” lists that appear in my email, but this one is too important. This one has been circulatingfor several months. Please, keep it going! To show your support for Hillary and encourage her on her run for President of the United States in 2008, please add your name to the rapidly growing list below and send it on to your entire e-mail list.

1. Bill

2. Chelsea

How To Start Each Day With a Positive Outlook

A little humor from my friend Tony!


1. Open a “new file” in your computer.

2. Name it, “Hillary Clinton”.

3. Send it to the “trash”.

4. Empty the “trash”.

5. Your PC will ask you, “Do you really want to get rid of “Hillary Clinton”?

6. Firmly, Click “Yes”.

7. Feel better.

P.S. Next week, we’ll do “Nancy Pelosi”!


This came to my email courtesy of Cyper Pastor at Do the RIGHT Thing (here: Humorous, but unfortunately way too true.


The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter.

The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.

Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed.

The grasshopper has no food or shelter, so he dies out in the cold.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Be responsible for yourself!



The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter.

The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.

Come winter, the shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while others are cold and starving.

CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, and ABC show up to provide pictures of the shivering grasshopper next to a video of the ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food.

America is stunned by the sharp contrast. How can this be, that in a country of such wealth, this poor grasshopper is allowed to suffer so?

Kermit the Frog appears on Oprah with the grasshopper and everybody cries when they sing, “It’s Not Easy Being Green.”

Jesse Jackson stages a demonstration in front of the ant’s house where the news stations film the group singing, “We shall Overcome.” Jesse then has the group kneel down to pray to God for the grasshopper’s sake.

Nancy Pelosi & John Kerry exclaim in an interview with Larry King that the ant has gotten rich off the back of the grasshopper, and both call for an immediate tax hike on the ant to make him pay his fair share.

Finally, the EEOC drafts the Economic Equity and Anti-Grasshopper Act retroactive to the beginning of the summer. The ant is fined for failing to hire a proportionate number of green bugs and, having nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes, his home is confiscated by the government.

Hillary gets her old law firm to represent the grasshopper in a defamation suit against the ant, and the case is tried before a panel of federal judges that Bill Clinton appointed from a list of single-parent welfare recipients.

The ant loses the case.

The story ends as we see the grasshopper finishing up the last bits of the ant’s food while the government house he is in, which just happens to be the ant’s old house, crumbles around him because he doesn’t maintain it.

The ant has disappeared in the snow.

The grasshopper is found dead in a drug related incident and the house, now abandoned, is taken over by a gang of spiders who terrorize the once peaceful neighborhood.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Be careful how you vote


I found this article on Pelosi at

While the original premise of Nancy calling for 100% tax on stock profits is false, the entire article is worth reading. Keep in mind, it could also apply to Billary and her statements about taking the oil profits and redistributing the wealth to the “poor and downtrodden”.

It would be laughable if it weren’t so plausible for these lunatic nutters!