WHATEVER you do, don’t shoot them in the ass…

Ever have those moments when you feel like you’ve been transported to the Bizarro world? From WorldNetDaily:

Two U.S. Border Patrol agents were sentenced to prison terms of 11 years and 12 years for shooting a drug-smuggling suspect in the buttocks as he fled across the U.S.-Mexico border.

U.S. District Court Judge Kathleen Cardone in El Paso, Texas, sentenced Jose Alonso Compean to 12 years in prison and Ignacio Ramos to 11 years and one day despite a plea by their attorney for a new trial after three jurors said they were coerced into voting guilty in the case, the Washington Times reported.

Okay. Shake the head, blink the eyes, look at it again. No, it didn’t change. What the HELL?

As WorldNetDaily reported, a federal jury convicted Compean, 28, and Ramos, 37, in March after a two-week trial on charges of causing serious bodily injury, assault with a deadly weapon, discharge of a firearm in relation to a crime of violence and a civil rights violation.


In a move that still confuses Ramos and Compean, the U.S. government filed charges against them after giving full immunity to Aldrete-Davila and paying for his medical treatment at an El Paso hospital.

At trial, Assistant U.S. Attorney Debra Kanof told the court that the agents had violated an unarmed Aldrete-Davila’s civil rights.

“The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled it is a violation of someone’s Fourth Amendment rights to shoot them in the back while fleeing if you don’t know who they are and/or if you don’t know they have a weapon,” said Kanof.

When I first heard about this on the G. Gordon Liddy show, I couldn’t believe my ears. This is one of the greatest travesties of justice that I’ve heard of in this country in a long, long time. Isn’t the Border Patrol in place to do EXACTLY what these two agents did? But they give the guy immunity so he can come testify against them, and treat his injuries, ON OUR DIME?


As if THAT isn’t bad enough, then there is this:

LUKEVILLE, Ariz. — U.S. Border Patrol officials still don’t know why National Guard troops along the Arizona-Mexico border had to flee a group of armed people. The gunmen fled into Mexico.

The gunmen attacked the U.S. Border Patrol entry site along Arizona’s border before retreating back to Mexico on Wednesday night. The troops withdrew safely Wednesday night, and no was injured.

Can you believe this? Just read on, it gets better:

Several Border Patrol agents in the area told The Washington Times yesterday the armed men might have been trying to find out what the Guard troops would do if they were confronted by drug or alien smugglers. They said the increased presence of troops and additional Border Patrol agents in recent months had frustrated many of the area’s drug and alien smugglers.

“I guess they got their answer,” said one veteran agent. “When in doubt, the troops will run.”

Earlier this year, several Border Patrol agents said they had been assigned to guard National Guard personnel, given standing orders to be within five minutes of the troops deployed along the border. The agents, who referred to the assignment as “the nanny patrol,” said most of the Guard troops are not allowed to carry loaded weapons, despite a significant increase in violence directed at Border Patrol agents during the past year.


I’m in full support of the President in regards to the war in the Middle East. Our nation was attacked and we were within our full rights as a people, as a nation, to take military action in response to the imminent threat to our nation.

That being said.

There is absolutely NO logic in not sealing our borders, especially our southernmost border, and putting UNARMED troops along the border to sit and WATCH as illegal aliens come flooding into our country. And now they’re coming in armed.

Talk radio is abuzz with calls for a Presidential pardon for the two border control agents who have been convicted of shooting this drug smuggler. I fully agree with this call for action by our President. The American people have no interest, by and large, in this on the sly agreement that we have with the Mexicans to create a North American Alliance like the European Union. The President is sitting back and ignoring the problem because he doesn’t want to upset the Mexican government and damage relations in building the SPP. TOUGH SHIT.

Why isn’t the dinosaur media all over this? It’s the ONE thing the Bush administration has come up with that they’re in favor of.

We need to win in the Middle East. Burn that into your minds, into your hearts. Failure to do so will result in problems the like of which we have never seen in this country. However, we also need to ensure that we don’t hand ourselves, our nation, over into a situation that would change it in OTHER ways by creating a North American Continental governmental authority.

Right now, the SPP isn’t in the forefront of “newsworthy” items. You have to dig for information on it, other than the official government site found here.

The right thing to do would be to pardon these men for doing their duty and attempting to protect our nation from illegal entry. Will the right thing be done?

And people wonder why I wrote that piece the other day saying Southerners are pissed and saying “we don’t NEED this bullshit…

Once and always, an American Fighting Man

HCdl wrote this piece.

Bloggers Put THEIR Boots on the Ground

Hello everyone, this is Spree from Wake up America.

Faultline USA is away until Monday and I have been honored to be asked to crosspost here until then.

Michelle Malkin and Bryan from Hot Air have returned from their trip to Iraq….first off, for those of us that cannot go to Iraq to see and report firsthand on the happenings on the ground, Thank you Michelle and Bryan.

There are many of us that do our best to find quotes from our soldiers and our military to get the truth of what is happening in Iraq instead of just the grim milestones that the MSM chooses to show us without any other substance to their reporting and then we have those on the other side of the aisle that do not attempt to go to Iraq and simply spew the “partyline” for their party.

It took guts and determination for Michelle and Bryan to go to Iraq and they have come back with plenty of good AND bad to report on.

I will start with Michelle Malkin’s piece which can be found here.

Last week, I embedded with U.S. Army troops at Forward Operating Base Justice in northern Baghdad. Outside the wire, we toured the slums and met with neighborhood leaders inching toward self-sufficiency in al Salam. We sipped chai with a sheikh who condemned terrorists on all sides. We watched residents bicker over a civil affairs blanket drop in Khadamiyah. We sat with slimy Mahdi Army apologists in Hurriya. We stopped by a Sunni insurgent enclave, which soldiers I patrolled with dubbed a “sniperville,” in al Adil.

There’s nothing glamorous or romantic about these missions. No one will make a movie about our men and women in uniform engaged in the tedious, painstaking business of moving Iraq toward stability and governability. But if the war is to be won—if security is to be established and the foundations of a civil society bolstered—this is ground zero. The troops I met ask only three things of their fellow Americans back home: time, patience, and understanding of the enormous complexities on the ground.


Here, a task force of brainy commanders, brawny patrol officers, courageous Arab-American interpreters, wizened trainers and intel gatherers, baby-faced convoy drivers, and grim-humored gunners attempts to put President Bush’s “winning hearts and minds” idealism into daily practice.

Modern war in the Middle East is no longer as cut-and-dry as shooting all the bad guys and going home. We are fighting a “war of the fleas”–not just Sunni terrorists and Shiite death squads, but multiple home-grown and foreign operators, street gangs, organized crime, and freelance jihadis conducting ambushes, extrajudicial killings, sectarian attacks, vehicle bombings, and sabotage against American, coalition, and Iraqi forces. Cellphones, satellites, and the Internet have allowed the fleas to magnify their importance, disseminate insurgent propaganda instantly, and weaken political will.

I came to Iraq a darkening pessimist about the war, due in large part to my doubts about the compatability of Islam and Western-style democracy, but also as a result of the steady, sensational diet of “grim milestone” and “daily IED count” media coverage that aids the insurgency.

I left Iraq with unexpected hope and resolve.

The everyday bravery and consummate professionalism of the troops I embedded with has strengthened my faith in the U.S. military. These soldiers are well aware of the history, culture, and sectarian strife that has wracked the Muslim world for more than a millennium. “They love death,” one gunner muttered as we heard explosions in the distance while parked in al Adil. Nevertheless, these troops are willing to put their lives on the line to bring security to Iraq, one neighborhood at a time.


The troops I met scoff at peace activists’ efforts to “bring them home now.” But they are just as critical of the Bush administration and Pentagon’s missteps—from holding Iraqi elections too early, to senselessly breaking up their brigade combat team, to drawing down forces and withdrawing last year in Baghdad and Fallujah, to failing to hold cities after clearing them of insurgents. They speak candidly and critically of Shiite militia infiltration of some Iraqi police and Iraqi Army units and corruption in government ministries, but they want you to know about the unseen good news, too.

Go read the whole thing… it is well worth your time. She will also be publishing an exclusive with the New York Post on the Associated Press “media malpractice” which promises to be good.

Bryan at Hot Air has an in depth review noting the mistakes that have been made, the difficulties posed to our troops and the way to win in Iraq….. from the soldiers and military’s perspective, which is what the major MSM here in the US always purposely neglects to let the American public hear about.

Before setting off on this post, I want to stress that I don’t think spending a few days in Baghdad has turned me into an expert on the war. I’ve followed the war like you have since it began and obviously following the conflict day to day informs what I think about things. But I’ve now been in Iraq and I’ve seen the war up close. So while I don’t claim to be an expert, I guess you could call me a quick study.

This post is mostly about mistakes. The troops didn’t sit down with us and tick off all the mistakes that they think we have made in Iraq to date, so what follows isn’t their gripe list being published under my name. They did answer our questions forthrightly and we learned much from interviewing them and just talking with them over chow and listening to their crosstalk in the Humvees. So this post is made up of my observations after seeing the war up close and following it from afar, including mistakes, fumbles and ways forward to win–and what victory actually looks like.

He then goes on to to list seven different points to start with…

#1 “No plan for the post war period.”

#2 “Leaving iran Alone” where he says:

An intelligence officer in Iraq (not at Camp Justice), used the phrase “uninterrupted flow of weapons and ammunition” when I asked him how much Iran was influencing the violence in Iraq. The fact is, Iran has been sending more and more weaponry into Iraq in the past year to 18 months, and it has been assisting the insurgents and the militias (Shia and Sunni alike) in supplying what the Army calls “explosive force projectile” IEDs. These EFP-IEDs are easily hidden and incredibly destructive, and their construction is simply beyond the ability of the warring groups within Iraq. Iranian Hezbollah and Revolutionary Guard trainers have been directly assisting and training the militias as well, making them more dangerous to the Iraqi Army, the Iraqi people and to our troops. Iran must be dealt with and it must be taken out of Iraq, or Iraq will remain a violent, lethal place for our troops and its people. As long as Iranian arms and expertise get into Iraq uninterrupted, Iraq will not become stable and our troops will have to remain there in large numbers. The Iranians want Iraq to remain unstable and they want us to have to keep a large force there dealing with the insurgents, terrorists and militias, which is why the ISG’s belief that chaos in Iraq is against Iran’s interests was met with such derision by the troops in Iraq. And believe me, it was.

#3 on his list was “Pullbacks and soft failures. Leaving Moqtada al-Sadr alive was a mistake

#4 “Iraqi Elections held too early.

#5 “Misunderstanding the fundamentals

#6 “Assuming Iraq will conform only to unreasonable expectations which are based on ignorance of counterinsurgency warfare.”

The troops in Iraq will tell you about three successful American occupations if you ask them–the Philippines, Japan and Germany. The latter two took five years to go from defeated enemy to ally, and decades after that before they really stood on their own feet. The Philippine insurgency took 8 years to quell and that country still has myriad problems that keep it from enjoying true First World status a century after the US put down its insurgency. Iraq is a far more complex place than either Japan, Germany or the Philippines and should therefore be expected to take longer to make the full transition to standalone state. But not knowing the history of America’s counterinsurgency operations has led us to want quick, clean victory where it just isn’t possible and never was.

#7. “Media misconduct and malpractice leading to flagging homefront morale.”

This one isn’t so much a mistake as just part of the modern world. The media is incurious, generally unethical in its approach to reporting Iraq and far more skeptical of the US military than it is of the insurgents, the militias and even the Iranians. The media hardly ever reports on victories in Iraq because the kinds of things that demonstrate real success just aren’t sexy, and perhaps because at their core they don’t believe in victory. It’s sexy to talk about US troops engaging insurgents on Haifa Street and killing every last one of them, but that’s not a real victory in the terms that govern the Iraq conflict. Street fights and reports about them play into the enemy’s hands, in fact. The media poo-poos events like the re-opening of schools in Iraq because as defined on American terms, re-opening a school doesn’t mean much at all. But in Iraq, the re-opening of a school represents a community in the end state of achieving normalcy. A community that has a functioning school also has a liveable level of security, it has functioning services like power and water and has families that aren’t so worried about local violence that they won’t send their children outside their homes. It means there are probably jobs in the area, and it means that those jobs give families a level of economic security where they can think about their children’s future. Re-opening a school in Iraq means civil society itself has returned to that school’s community. It’s a big deal. But the media doesn’t understand that and doesn’t care to, preferring to focus on combat operations and sectarian killings while it farms its daily reporting duties out to very dubious agents and stringers. The MSM’s methods in Iraq feed the insurgency’s propaganda needs and damage our efforts to win.

His assessment is harsh on our administration as well as on the ignorance of the politicians on BOTH sides of the aisle, but his last paragraph is very noteworthy:

Having said all of this, Iraq is still very winnable. There are mistakes in every war. Iraq is a hideously complex environment to work in and its complexity has to be taken into account. Communities like Al Salam and Khadimiyah in Baghdad prove that at the end of the day most Iraqis value security and the chance to have a normal life above any notions of jihad and sectarianism, and we can work with most Iraqis to make their country safe. Most Iraqis want our troops there now, just not forever. Our troop morale is very high and they are focused on goals that they believe are attainable and will make Iraq stable. Most of the troops we spoke with support the surge; a minority don’t but it doesn’t seem to be a contentious issue. Democracy in Iraq probably won’t look like democracy here when the fight is over (and presuming that we here at home see it through), but if we correct our mistakes and change the media and political dynamics here, we can and should win. The price of failure is that Iraq would become a true hub for an al Qaeda that would see its “victory” in Iraq as Somalia times 100. Iraqi oil dollars would fuel this new terrorist power as long as Iraq’s oil infrastructure holds out. From secure bases in Iraq, the terrorists’ aims and capabilities would be practically limitless. Faith in America as a war ally would be shaken from Europe to Asian and everywhere else.

So whether we win ugly or pretty, we have to win. And we can.

Please go read both of their articles, they literally risked their lives in going to Iraq so that they could come back and let us know the realities on the ground.

They do not portray everything is rosy, but they also came back understanding that everything is also NOT lost as we are constantly being told by the MSM.

There are quite a few that are not satisfied with hearing only the death tolls that the American public is having shoved down its throat without any of the progress or successes that our soldiers are accomplishing as I show in part 21 of my series “Good News From Iraq” which I wrote yesterday, so they are putting their boots on the ground to let us know the truth.

Another citizen journalist that is in Iraq is Bill at INDC Journal, so please go visit his site and if you appreciate the work they are putting in, put a little something in the tip jar to help him pay for his travels.

We all are benefiting from their work, so lets help a little also.

Again, my heartfelt thanks to those that are doing what some of us cannot and helping us to understand the “full” picture.

Crossposted from Wake up America.


U.S. Military to Ditch the Red Cross for the Red Crystal

Today I had planned on writing about the ills of political correctness born of moral relativity and multiculturalism. I didn’t have to look far for material. It seems that International Law has prevailed and Israel has finally won acceptance into the International Red Cross. All Israel had to do was to ditch the Red Star of David as its protective symbol.

The red crystal is now official. The treaty which establishes the red crystal emblem became part of international law on Sunday, 14 January. Consequently the red crystal is now recognised in law as an additional protective emblem, with the same status as the red cross and red crescent.

You might note that the Red Cross (reversed Swiss flag based on the Christian crucifix), the Red Crescent (Islam), and the Red Lion of the Sun (Iran) may still be used. These emblems were prescribed in the 1949 Geneva Conventions. The next symbol to get the axe will be the Red Cross. Somehow I suspect that this won’t be the case with the Red Crescent or the Red Lion of the Sun. The problem with p.c./multiculturalism is the simple fact that the cultures that carry the biggest sticks, or that make the most threats, or that are known for world-wide terrorism, usually win these kind of battles. Ah but our utopianistic multiculturalists have no doubt about how to extinguish these problems!

It is hoped that the red crystal emblem, which is devoid of religious or other non-partisan connotations, will be universally accepted and its meaning understood. The red crystal, was adopted by a large majority of States at a diplomatic conference held in December 2005 in Geneva.

In the mean time it would appear that the US Military is planning to ditch the Red Cross in favor of the new Red Crystal. According to a military source, “This new symbol for the red cross was reported as being currently ready to be instated to our military medical facilities in the near future. I am confident that given the current climate of the war on terror, that it must have been designed as to “not offend” some members of the Islamic world.”

From my p.o.v. this doesn’t seem to be such a great idea while we are in the middle of a war in Iraq. Let’s see. . . . hmmmm . . . an ambulance sporting a Red Crystal symbol will tell all Muslims exactly what?

I’m cross-posting this interesting blog post from Chaplain Roland Dell.

January 14
The Red Cross, the Last Straw
I am outraged by the removal of the symbol of red cross from our medical facilities and ambulances. The Hospitalers, that gave us the term hospital are accredited with the use of the red cross as far back as the middle ages.

I am tired of apologizing to the world for our Western Heritage! Multiculturalism is supposed to celibate our differences in cultures, not remove anything that is found distasteful to others and call it accommodation. When I was trained by the Army, as an equal opportunity representative the premise was to create a greater harmony by celebrating and discussing our differences. Not by destroying any symbol of the Church or any other remotely similar symbols of western civilization. I have found that once a traditional symbol or expression is suppressed it seldom resurfaces, and is lost in posterity. This effectively erases any trace of our western civilization or culture, and our children have once again lost any cultural links to our past.

Strangely enough, one of the instructors that taught my course in the Army said that if we would not agree with her about the instatement of multiculturalism in “our” culture that we would merely be an “educated racist”. By who’s authority is this premise taught? I thought we were taught to discuss and celibate our cultures as Americans and Soldiers. The problem with pluralism is that there can be no bases of values, because no one can agree upon any particular code of conduct, or actions. The only thing that save the U.S. Army from this problem is it’s “ARMY VALUES”.

We are not even allowed to show the ten commandments in public anymore. The irony about such teaching are that they are intended to promote multiculturalism, but by the very nature that this course is taught, it denies the very principles it claims to endorse.

I did very well in this course of study, however I was disturbed by being taught that the “white man IS the oppressor”! I have never oppressed anyone! Furthermore, anything that I have ever learned about my family has always shown compassion for the oppressed or those in need.

How dare anyone inject race into the condition of the human heart! Any race has the potentencial to misuse there God given authority or power, and indeed this has always occurred. Yes, historically peoples have been oppressed by other peoples, but this will never justify the continuation of it. Can’t they see it? Teaching one thing and acting another?

The removal of the red cross from our military facilities, is no different than the removal from the ambulance in the 1960’s in this country. It was also the time that our children lost the right to pray, or even have a moment of silence in our schools, when will this organizational heresy cease?

Perhaps when western civilization is completely erased by another culture?

It is time for those who value the principles of western culture to say enough, of this hypocrisy!
Chaplain Dell
Lightship Ministries

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

Illegal Immigration, Xenophobia and Xenophily

Open Trackback Weekend

American citizens who are gravely concerned about the invasion of illegal aliens from every corner of the earth, about the open flaunting of our laws and the rising crime rate, about the plethora of criminal demands for “rights” such as educational perks, social services, social security benefits etc., and about the devastating effect this invasion is having on our economy and culture, have been labeled racists and Xenophobes.

In the past, the left has been fairly successful in creating an atmosphere of political correctness where only the left and their far left Marxist brethren are free to promulgate their filthy race-baiting tactics with impunity. It is in the interest of the left to stoke the fires of racial and cultural warfare in a thinly veiled attempt to win future votes by playing into the fears of the very people they hope to keep marginalized. It’s a 20th century fascist trick that has outlived its usefulness.

The real racists are those who try to divide and conquer this nation by pandering to the racial and ethnic fears of new immigrants. Instead of positively working to help immigrants assimilate and to lift up their lives, they whisper enticing words of “victimization”. The left can only survive if it keeps a large population of ready victims willing to fall for their lies.

When the left calls the great majority of American citizens Xenophobes, they don’t even know what they are saying. Xenophobia is an irrational fear of foreigners or strangers. It’s more than just dislike – it’s a phobia. A phobia is a persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of something despite the awareness that there is nothing dangerous. Obviously, there’s nothing irrational or phobic about a nation of citizens becoming worried about a dangerous invasion of immigrants who are openly flaunting our laws!

Now Xenophilia or Xenophily is the opposite of Xenophobia. A Xenophiliac or Xenophily is someone who has an inordinate attraction to strangers and people of other lands usually to the detriment of their own welfare. The word is derived from the word Philoxenia. Philoxenia is a compound made up of two Greek words: philos, means “love” or “attraction” and xenos, means “stranger” or “foreigner.”

According to wikopedia.com, there’s a sexual as well as a UFO connotation to the word Xenophily. I leave it to your imagination to play with this word and its implications the next time some loony leftist “loose-bolt” tries to label you a Xenophobe!

Ok – enough of these labels! Let the p.c. crowd repent once they get their fill. Remember, labels go both ways!

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Perri Nelson’s Website, Right Truth, Big Dog’s Weblog, Stuck On Stupid, The Amboy Times, Leaning Straight Up, Pursuing Holiness, 123 Beta, Rightwing Guy, third world county, The HILL Chronicles, Woman Honor Thyself, stikNstein… has no mercy, Pirate’s Cove, Renaissance Blogger, Dumb Ox News, Right Voices, The Random Yak, Adam’s Blog, basil’s blog, Conservative Cat, Wake Up America, Faultline USA, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, The World According to Carl, Blue Star Chronicles, High Desert Wanderer, and thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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Here’s a News-roundup You Will Not Likely Discover in the Mainstream Media

The Marxist Dominated Far Left Admits Pandering to Illegal Aliens
Here’s a hat-tip to Immigration Watchdog who shared this information. The following excerpt is from the Peoples Weekly World (a Communist publication). (Bold emphasis added by me to get your reading attention.)

Time to unite against Bush administration’s anti-immigrant ‘surge’
. . .In total, 186,600 immigrants were deported in 2006, a 12 percent increase over 2005’s 165,000. This is less than 2 percent of the 12 million undocumented, but it has sent a wave of anxiety through working-class immigrant communities.

The motives are obvious:
• Repression is a “logical” response to the massive marches for immigrant rights.
• A crackdown appeases the most racist right-wing elements like Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.) who have been denouncing Bush as being soft on “illegal immigration,” and encourages the ultra-right base.
• Raids serve to pressure business and others into supporting a guest worker program. Threatened with loss of their cheap labor, companies will be eager to get Congress to replace it with guest workers who can be controlled and exploited “legally.” Meanwhile, the terrorization of immigrants by means of repression is part of a long-term trend to prevent them fighting for better wages and thus helps to amass profits through super-exploitation.
So, by means of stepped up repression, Bush thinks to keep the upper hand on the immigration issue, staving off attacks from left and right and controlling the direction of legislation.

This must be contested. We can not allow the 12 million undocumented immigrants in this country, and their millions of citizen and documented spouses and children (potential future voters), to be used as policy hostages by Bush. . . .

The League of United Latin American Citizens, the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund, and the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials have united in calling for a moratorium on immigration raids and deportations. At Christmas, the American Friends Service Committee, along with the Labor Council on Latin American Affairs, the National Council of Latin American and Caribbean Communities and others, circulated a sign-on letter demanding such a moratorium, and dozens of national and local organizations added their names.

At the local and regional level, Centro Sin Fronteras and others in Chicago and the Midwest organized a 30,000-strong demonstration demanding a moratorium last July 19, and there have been a number of such protests in communities where raids have taken place. . .

To read the entire article, replace (dot) with a period. I don’t give free links to the far, far left and/or to Commies!

In which country are Muslims being taught the following lessons?

Hat-tip to Crusade Media for this excerpt:

* “Everyone who does not embrace Islam is an unbeliever and must be called an unbeliever. . . . One who does not call the Jews and the Christians unbelievers is himself an unbeliever.” *

“Whoever believes that churches are houses of God . . . or that what Jews and Christians do constitutes the worship of God . . . is an infidel.”

* To offer greetings to a Christian at Christmas — even to wish “Happy holidays” — is “a practice more loathsome to God . . . than imbibing liquor, or murder, or fornication.”

* Jews “are worse than donkeys.” They are the corrupting force “behind materialism, bestiality, the destruction of the family, and the dissolution of society.

* Muslims who convert to another religion “should be killed because [they] have denied the Koran.”

* Democracy is “responsible for all the horrible wars” of the 20th century, and for spreading “ignorance, moral decadence, and drugs.”

If this sounds to you like the kind of fanaticism you might encounter in Saudi Arabia — where the established creed is Wahhabism, an intolerant and extremist version of Islam — you’re right. Unfortunately, this religious hatred isn’t confined to the Arabian peninsula. Thanks to the Saudi government’s elaborate campaign to export Wahhabism worldwide, such anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, anti-Western poison can also be found throughout the United States.

We know this from the work of Freedom House, a venerable human rights group that promotes democracy around the globe. In a new report, it documents the alarming degree to which Wahhabist propaganda has penetrated American mosques. . . .

It is important to note that most Muslims do not share the xenophobic Wahhabi dogma. Freedom House undertook its study in part because “many Muslims . . . requested our help in exposing Saudi extremism in the hope of freeing their communities from ideological strangulation.” Now that Freedom House has done so, it is up to moderate American Muslims to purge their mosques of the Saudi toxin, and to ostracize the extremists in their midst.

Note: The Center for Religious Freedom was a self-sustaining division of Freedom House. Founded in 1941 by Eleanor Roosevelt and Wendell Willkie to oppose Nazism and Communism in Europe.

Freedom House and the Center for Religious Freedom Announce Separation
The Center for Religious Freedom, which for the past ten years has functioned as a part of Freedom House, will move to the Hudson Institute on December 31, 2006. At a meeting of the Freedom House Board of Trustees in New York City on October 26, a formal resolution was adopted clearing the way for the transfer of assets and liabilities.

A majority of Americans (57%) now believe the United Nations should be scrapped and replaced if it cannot be reformed and made more effective. That result is from an extensive national benchmark survey about the UN on the 5th anniversary of 9/11, conducted by Luntz Maslansky Strategic Research.

Year of the Dhimmi

Here’s an excerpt:

. . .The mainstream media have by and large already capitulated to Islamic dhimmitude. Most have banned the use of the word “terrorist.”

Some even refuse to mention Islam when reporting terrorism-related arrests. When Canadian authorities broke up a terrorist ring earlier this year, the Toronto Star lamented that fact the suspects were, “from all walks of Canadian life, with no apparent connection to one another.” . . .

Note: Dhimmi are the subjugated Christians Jews and other non-Muslims living in Muslim lands.

Hate Crimes

FBI’s 2005 statistics: “When it comes to hate crimes involving religion, Jews are the victims nearly 70 percent of the time.”

Unchecked Immigration = National Balkanization
Is this America’s Future?

(Here’s a couple of news items from the UK)

Muslims ‘should get special health care’
Muslims should be provided with faithbased services – including male circumcision – on the NHS, says one healthcare expert.
Professor Aziz Sheikh is also calling for women patients to see same-sex medics, better access to prayer facilities in hospitals and more information so Muslims can avoid alcohol and pig-derived drugs. . .

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Bank to woo Polish immigrants with bilingual branches
Banking giant Lloyds-TSB is to convert a number of branches to offer specialist services for Britain’s fast-growing Polish community.

In a UK first, the branches will have signs, brochures and account opening forms in Polish. Dubbed ‘international finance superstores’, they will offer services both to existing British customers and a wide range of nationalities.
However, the main focus will be to serve the thousands of Polish workers who have jobs in this country over the past two years. . . .

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The End of Deterrence
This article originally appeared in the January 11, 2007, Weekly Standard online.
January 11, 2007 by S. Enders Wimbush

If President Bush is persuaded by the Iraq Study Group to speak directly with Iran, he will be under strong pressure to cut a deal that makes Iran a significant partner in salvaging, at least temporarily, the mess in Iraq. For its quid pro quo in aiding America to come up with a face saving exit strategy, Iran will insist on a free hand to develop its “peaceful” nuclear power. One can almost hear the inevitable claims by those seeking to justify the president’s giving ground on this issue. A nuclear Iran can be “managed” or deterred, we will hear; moreover, this is a good trade-off for extricating America from Iraq. President Bush should not be taken in. He must reject even the hint of compromise. . . .

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Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Perri Nelson’s Website, The Random Yak, Big Dog’s Weblog, Right Truth, basil’s blog, Conservative Cat, Pursuing Holiness, 123 Beta, Woman Honor Thyself, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, Dumb Ox News, High Desert Wanderer, Right Voices, and thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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From the School of Neville Chamberlian: The Democratic Response to President Bush’s Address

Note: Neville “Chamberlain is perhaps the most ill-regarded British Prime Minister of the 20th century in the popular mind, because of his policy of appeasement towards Nazi Germany regarding the abandonment of Czechoslovakia to Hitler at Munich in 1938.”

The Democratic “appeasement of our enemies” response was delivered by delivered by Illinois Sen. Richard Durbin on Wednesday evening.

Here’s an excerpt of that response:
. . .The president’s response to the challenge of Iraq is to send more American soldiers into the crossfire of the civil war that has engulfed that nation.
Escalation of this war is not the change the American people called for in the last election. Instead of a new direction, the president’s plan moves the American commitment in Iraq in the wrong direction. . . .
. . .Twenty-thousand American soldiers are too few to end this civil war in Iraq and too many American lives to risk on top of those we’ve already lost.
It’s time for President Bush to face the reality of Iraq. And the reality is this: America has paid a heavy price. We have paid with the lives of more than 3,000 of our soldiers. We have paid with the sacrifice of our men and women in uniform. And we’ve paid with the hard-earned tax dollars of the families of America.

So what exactly do the Democrats want to do? In an interview with Durbin following the response this is what Durbin said:

. . .QUESTION: [Inaudible]… Do you think that the White House might actually change its position on it or scale it back?
DURBIN: I don’t know. But I’ll tell you this: I think that it’s important that we finally have a voice.
It’s been four years since we voted on the use-of-force resolution. If you look at the purpose of our invasion of Iraq, frankly every single element is unnecessary today. There is no Saddam Hussein. There are no weapons of mass destruction.
What we’re talking about now is to really bring Congress into the debate, the American debate, about what’s going to happen next in Iraq.
And we believe that if we can bring forward a resolution that really brings the president’s policy before Congress [to] ask for bipartisan support; that’s a debate that’s long overdue.

So basically, the Democrats still want to sit at the table with Iran and Syria!

. . .QUESTION: In addition to withdrawal, the Iraq Study Group … said that the U.S. should talk to Iran and Syria…
QUESTION: … you know, bring them into the fold with Iraq. And President Bush said — he basically refuted that recommendation as well. How do you respond?
DURBIN: I think that’s a mistake. If there’s any surge that we need, it’s a surge in diplomacy.
We need to have countries in that region, in the Middle East, who are interested in the stability, ultimate stability of Iraq, to get involved in its future.
We can’t do this alone. The Iraqis, as I’ve said in this statement, have to really resolve that they’re going to make their own nation strong and defend it.
But for its long-term future and the stability of its borders, we really need to engage other countries. I don’t know how we can boycott countries in that region.
We need to at least sit at a table and find out if there is some common ground. That’s the only way that I think we’re going to find any long-term stability.

Read the entire response at theEagle.com

Hummm . . . Let’s see what common ground we can find to bring Iran “into the fold”?

The following excerpt from Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 2005 speech is from InformationClearinghouse.com (Bold added by me. Take note of how Ahmadinejad takes a jab at the weak. The left here and in Europe should take note. )

“But let’s take a closer look at what Iran’s President Mahmoud said. It is a merit of the ‘New York Times’ that they placed the complete speech at our disposal. Here’s an excerpt from the publication dated 2005-10-30:”

They say it is not possible to have a world without the United States and Zionism. But you know that this is a possible goal and slogan. Let’s take a step back. [[[We had a hostile regime in this country which was undemocratic, armed to the teeth and, with SAVAK, its security apparatus of SAVAK [the intelligence bureau of the Shah of Iran’s government] watched everyone. An environment of terror existed.]]] When our dear Imam [Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the founder of the Iranian revolution] said that the regime must be removed, many of those who claimed to be politically well-informed said it was not possible. All the corrupt governments were in support of the regime when Imam Khomeini started his movement. [[[All the Western and Eastern countries supported the regime even after the massacre of September 7 [1978] ]]] and said the removal of the regime was not possible. But our people resisted and it is 27 years now that we have survived without a regime dependent on the United States. The tyranny of the East and the West over the world should have to end, but weak people who can see only what lies in front of them cannot believe this. Who would believe that one day we could witness the collapse of the Eastern Empire? But we could watch its fall in our lifetime. And it collapsed in a way that we have to refer to libraries because no trace of it is left. Imam [Khomeini] said Saddam must go and he said he would grow weaker than anyone could imagine. Now you see the man who spoke with such arrogance ten years ago that one would have thought he was immortal, is being tried in his own country in handcuffs and shackles [[[by those who he believed supported him and with whose backing he committed his crimes]]]. Our dear Imam said that the occupying regime must be wiped off the map and this was a very wise statement. We cannot compromise over the issue of Palestine. Is it possible to create a new front in the heart of an old front. This would be a defeat and whoever accepts the legitimacy of this regime [Israel] has in fact, signed the defeat of the Islamic world. Our dear Imam targeted the heart of the world oppressor in his struggle, meaning the occupying regime. I have no doubt that the new wave that has started in Palestine, and we witness it in the Islamic world too, will eliminate this disgraceful stain from the Islamic world.

“(source: www.nytimes.com, based on a publication of ‘Iranian Students News Agency’ (ISNA) — insertions by the New York Times in squared brackets — passages in triple squared brackets will be left blank in the MEMRI version printed below)”

To read the rest go to InformationClearinghouse.com

Ahmadinejad On Israel:
This is from the BBC.
“If European countries claim that they have killed Jews in World War II… why don’t they provide the Zionist regime with a piece of Europe,” Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told Iranian television.
“Germany and Austria can provide the… regime with two or three provinces for this regime to establish itself, and the issue will be resolved.”
The president’s remarks were quickly condemned by Israel and the US.

Others writing about President Bush’s address and the Democratic Response:
Wake Up America
Freedom Eden

Woman Honor Thyself Wins The Blogger Halo Award!

Voting ended this morning at midnight 12:00AM (CST). There were 140 votes cast. Only one vote per voter was allowed. Angel of Woman Honor Thyself won with 54.3% of the votes (76 votes). The runner-up was Debbie of Right Truth with 25.7% of the votes (36 votes). Congratulations to Saint Angel and Saint Debbie!!!

I can say without reservation that Saint Angel and Saint Debbie are well-deserving winners. Saint Angel has been a faithful reader (often leaving comments) and she has always given this blogger encouragement . And Saint Debbie offered advice and hands-on help when I needed it this week.

This has been a wonderful experience for me as well as for the many of us who wanted to have a way just to say “Thanks” to those veteran bloggers who have selflessly helped us navigate this crazy blogosphere. In reality everyone is a winner. Every nominee is a winner because they have gone way beyond the call of duty by demonstrating a selfless commitment to help other bloggers solve their blogging problems. Everyone who made the effort to place a fellow blogger in nomination is a winner for just showing gratitude. And everyone who dropped by to vote is a winner because they cared enough to say “Thanks.”

This was a brain-storm-not-even-a-shoe-string effort that suddenly came together when the idea first dawned on me a little over one week ago. We couldn’t have pulled it off if it weren’t for a couple of blogger’s who helped design The Blogger Halo Award Logo. I want to thank Saint Debbie of Right Truth for designing the logo that delightfully captures the sudden joy we all feel when a total stranger extends a helping hand to pull us up through another blogging challenge. I also want to thank Saint Spree of Wake Up America for creating the hot-link code for the logos, and for always being there to patiently answer my endless questions. Saint Spree’s constant hands-on help was the inspiration for this award.

To the other nominee Saints that I personally haven’t come to know as well yet, I just want to say that you now know that someone out there cared enough to nominate you and to vote for you because you cared enough to lend a hand when someone was in need.

This experience has taught me so much about the real kindness of humanity – especially of those who reside here in the blogosphere. It’s all about sharing what we’ve learned from others along the way and about building a real sense of community.

This morning I’m looking forward to the 2nd annual Blogger Halo Award. I hope you are too! We’ll have plenty of time for refinements and improvements. If you have suggestions or would just like to help, contact me at faultlineusa@yahoo.com .

Any nominee who would like to have a copy of the final voting poll screen shot, contact me at faultlineusa@yahoo.com and I’ll sent it to you.

Trackposted to Stop the ACLU, Outside the Beltway, Perri Nelson’s Website, Is It Just Me?, Mark My Words, Stuck On Stupid, The Amboy Times, The Uncooperative Blogger ®, Pursuing Holiness, 123 Beta, Rightwing Guy, The HILL Chronicles, third world county, Woman Honor Thyself, stikNstein… has no mercy, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Right Voices, The Random Yak, Don Surber, Adam’s Blog, Mensa Barbie Welcomes You, Conservative Cat, Jo’s Cafe, Wake Up America, Diary of the Mad Pigeon, Faultline USA, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, The World According to Carl, Blue Star Chronicles, Diggers Realm, Dumb Ox News, and Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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Vote for The Blogger’s Halo Award

Voting ended at 12:00 AM(CST). 140 votes were cast. The poll is now closed. The winner and runner-up will be announced on Monday, January 8, 2007.

Nominee’s Blog sites:
Adam’s blog, Bad Example, Basil’s Blog, bRight & Early, Dead Guy on the Sidebar, In The Bullpen, Iowa Voice, Lost In Lima Ohio, Planck’s Constant, Right Truth, Trouble With Angels,
Wake Up America, Woman Honor Thyself, 123beta

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Stop the ACLU, Perri Nelson’s Website, Stuck On Stupid, The Amboy Times, The Uncooperative Blogger ®, Pursuing Holiness, 123 Beta, Rightwing Guy, Outside the Beltway, The HILL Chronicles, Woman Honor Thyself, stikNstein… has no mercy, Pirate’s Cove, Renaissance Blogger, Right Voices, The Random Yak, Don Surber, Conservative Cat, Wake Up America, Faultline USA, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, The World According to Carl, Blue Star Chronicles, Diggers Realm, Dumb Ox News, and High Desert Wanderer, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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View The Blogger’s Halo Award Nominees

We have twelve fantastic nominations so far for The Blogger’s Halo Award. A number of the nominees have been nominated by several bloggers. And a few bloggers have made several nominations. So, if you see the nominated blog listed here, please don’t nominate that blog again. You still have to the end of the day to get other nominations in. Voting will begin tomorrow.

About The Blogger’s Halo Award:

The “Blogger’s Halo Award” WILL go to the blogger who has not only created a vital up-to-the minute blog with a sizable readership and dedication to excellence, but this blogger would have gone way beyond the call of duty by demonstrating a selfless commitment to help other bloggers solve their blogging problems.

Nominate your favorite Blogger Saint today (nominations end tonight)

Here are the rules:
1. Link to this post in your blog.

2. Leave a comment here that describes (in about one paragraph) why you think your favorite blog should receive a Halo. (This is the honor system, so don’t nominate your own blog).

3. Leave any new nominations in the comments on this current page. Be sure to post links to your nominee’s blog as well as to your blog in the comments.

4. Links to the grateful bloggers that made nominations will also be posted when the winner(s) are announced.

5. Check back tomorrow to vote. Each blogger gets to vote for one blogger (you can’t vote for your own blog).

If you would like to view the earlier comments made about these nominees please go to these two links:


Here Are The Nominees (listed in alpha/numeric order)
(This page will be updated if new nominees come in today)

Adam’s blog (Adam)
Bad Example (Harvey)
Basil’s Blog (Basil)
Dead Guy on the Sidebar
In The Bullpen (Chad)
Lost In Lima Ohio (Lilo)
Planck’s Constant (Bernie)
Right Truth (Debbie)
Trouble With Angels (formerly Diane’s Stuff) (Dianne)
Wake Up America (Spree and HCdl)
Woman Honor Thyself (Angel)
123beta (Butch)

Update Two More Nominees So Far Today

Iowa Voice (Brian)
bRight & Early (Jim)

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Perri Nelson’s Website, Don Surber, Stuck On Stupid, Conservative Cat, Pursuing Holiness, 123 Beta, Rightwing Guy, Wake Up America, Outside the Beltway, Faultline USA, Woman Honor Thyself, stikNstein… has no mercy, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, The World According to Carl, Blue Star Chronicles, Pirate’s Cove, Renaissance Blogger, Dumb Ox News, High Desert Wanderer, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Trackposted to Blue Star Chronicles, Pirate’s Cove, Perri Nelson’s Website, Conservative Cat, Don Surber, and High Desert Wanderer, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

An “Honest” Terrorist Writes: “No Muslim Can Pledge Loyalty to the Constitution”

The Keith Ellison swearing-in controversy continues to rage. The focus of this controversy should not be about which holy book should or should not be used, or if and when any book should be used, but rather it should focus upon questioning the adequacy of our American Constitution (specifically the two clauses of the First Amendment concerning the relationship of government to religion: the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause). Does our American Constitution, which offers blanket and unquestioning protection of religious freedom, create the very means by which the destruction of American sovereignty can be accomplished?

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Read closely the words of deported terrorist linked Dr. Jaafar Sheikh Idris

Islam cannot be separated from the state because it guides Muslims through every detail of running the state and their lives. Muslims have no choice but to reject secularism for it excludes the laws of God. . . . No Muslim could become president in a secular regime, for in order to pledge loyalty to the constitution, a Muslim would have to abandon part of his belief and embrace the belief of secularism — which is practically another religion. For Muslims, the word ‘religion’ does not only refer to a collection of beliefs and rituals, it refers to a way of life which includes all values, behaviors, and details of living.

Here’s the bio on the deported Dr. Jaafar Sheikh Idris:
Former professor and director of the Research Center at the Institute of Islamic & Arab Sciences
Jaafar Sheikh Idris was a professor of Islamic Studies and the director of the Research Center at the
Institute of Islamic & Arab Sciences (IIAS) in Fairfax, Virginia. The IIAS wasa nonprofit educational institution affiliated with the Wahhabist al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Idris was also the president of American Open University in Alexandria, Virginia.
Idris was deported in January 2004, along with 15 others affiliated with the IIAS, during a massive crackdown on Saudi extremism within the United States. He also founded the Islamic Foundation of America.
The IIAS was shut down by federal authorities on July 1, 2004 because of its links to terrorism.

Read the words of Supreme Court Justice Harry A. Blackmun in the Lee v. Weisman ruling, 1992.

“When the government puts its imprimatur on a particular religion it conveys a message of exclusion to all those who do not adhere to the favored beliefs. A government cannot be premised on the belief that all persons are created equal when it asserts that God prefers some.”

I submit that the corollary to Blackmun’s statement might go like this:

(1) When a government fails to define what constitutes a religion it conveys a message to all that any ideology can pass for religion, and that freedom of religious expression supercedes all other freedoms and overrules all duties of government – specifically the primary duty of government to protect its citizens from harm.

(2) When a government fails to define what constitutes a religion, any ideology with intent to destroy the very constitutional protections it enjoys can hide in plain view while actively undermining the very system of government that gives it protection.

Read What is a Religion?

Here’s an excerpt:

If it is unconstitutional to establish a religion, then it might sometimes be important to determine whether something is a “religion” for Establishment Clause purposes. For example, Malnak v Yogi (3rd Cir.) considered whether SCI/TM (scientific creative intelligence/transcendental meditation), offered as an elective course in New Jersey public schools, was a religion. If so, offering such a course–even on an elective basis–might be unconstitutional. Those challenging the course produced evidence that instructors told students that “creative intelligence is the basis of all growth” and that getting in touch with this intelligence through mantras is the way to “oneness with the underlying reality of the universe.” They also pointed out that students received personal mantras in puja ceremonies that include chanting and ritual. On the other hand, supporters of the course showed that SCI/TM put forward no absolute moral code, had no organized clergy or observed holidays, and had no ceremonies for passages such as marriage and funerals. Is SCI/TM a religion? Judge Adams of the Third Circuit applied these three criteria before answering the question in the affirmative:
1. A religion deals with issues of ultimate concern; with what makes life worth living; with basic attitudes toward fundamental problems of human existence.

2. A religion presents a comprehensive set of ideas–usually as “truth,” not just theory.

3. A religion generally has surface signs (such as clergy, observed holidays, and ritual) that can be analogized to well-recognized religions.

Unfortunately our constitution was not designed to deal with a religion that is also a system of laws (Sharia) as well as a system of government that is inimical to the American Constitution.

Read: The Saudi Arabian Legal and Social Structure is Examined

By way of the Establishment Clause, the United States has built a system that inherently creates a certain degree of separation between religion and state.47 This degree of separation should not be taken for granted. For example, countries operating under Shar’ia, or Islamic Law, have little to no separation between religion and state, leaving most Islamic nations under a theocratic type of government.48 In order to make a valid comparison of the different degrees of separation and the role it plays in society, a basic understanding of the Islamic legal and social structure must be achieved.

Last month I suggested a proposed amendment to the Constitution in my article Keith Ellison, Islam, American Sovereignty : Should we Amend the Constitution?

Here’s an excerpt:

Perhaps it’s time for a constitutional amendment?I submit for example: “No person shall hold any office or public Trust under the United States who adheres to or gives allegiance to any religion, ideology, or organization which by word, nature, association, or action has shown intent to undermine the sovereignty of these United States!”

Let us all begin to discuss this issue!

Today’s “Someday We’ll Laugh” Open Trackback

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

Trackposted to Is It Just Me?, Perri Nelson’s Website, The Random Yak, Don Surber, The Bullwinkle Blog, Conservative Cat, Pet’s Garden Blog, Rightwing Guy, Outside the Beltway, Faultline USA, The HILL Chronicles, third world county, Wake Up America, stikNstein… has no mercy, Pirate’s Cove, Dumb Ox News, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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