Stop the ACLU! Weekly Roundup 11/04-11/10/2007

Once again, Jay has an excellent roundup of the sublime from the group that needs to be disbanded, the ACLU. You know, the group dedicated to undermining every single American value and tradition in this country under the guise of “rights” and “stepping up for the downtrodden”. Gag.

Here’s the roundup!


Fred Thompson’s Federalism on Social Issues
Head of Arizona ACLU Arrested In Protest
Tancredo Condemns Continued Use of Giant Crescent in Flight 93 Memorial
California School Battles Over “In God We Trust”
ACLU Finds Secret Torture Memos; Leftards Waterboard One Another
Fred Thompson Calls Mike Huckabee a “Pro-Life Liberal”
Breaking: Ask President Bush to Veto ENDA, As Promised
Hey! It’s Okay to Stomp Other Flags
A Story You Might Have Missed As The Regular Press Doesn’t Cover Good News Much
Fred Thompson Proposes Social Security Fix
Hillary Clinton Planted Questions


Hillary Answers One Question With a Straight Answer
Westboro Baptist Cult’s Child Abuse
Fred Thompson’s New Ad
ACLU Finds Secret Torture Memos; Leftards Waterboard One Another
Video: Ron Paul Says the Surge Was An Absolute Failure
Happy Veteran’s Day-Republican Candidates Veteran’s Day Messages