Do The Right Thing

Indiana Planned Parenthood Covers Up Sexual Abuse of 13-year OldClick here for more free videos

Do The Right Thing

Indiana Planned Parenthood Covers Up Sexual Abuse of 13-year OldClick here for more free videos

Genocide Hadith Uncensored

A Youtube video complaining about censorship of the USC-MSA Hadith Database was referenced in an email from CVF. I was aware that the hadith had been stricken from the database and retained a previously compiled copy for comparison.

This is the text of Sahih Mulim 41.6985 as it appears in the .chm file, which is available at Crusader’s Armory.

Book 041, Number 6985:

Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.

Subsequent to viewing the video, made a fresh visit to USC-MSA and found this:

Book 041, Number 6985:

Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.

Evidently the censorship has been reversed. The sidebar has also been edited, the original links are gone. New links have been added to the Tanach and to Muhammad Assad’s Qur’an translation, it links to a Geocities site which appears to have typos. It is difficult to discern between the text and Assad’s commentary. It appears that the commentary preceeds the translation.

This Jihad Watch article of 08/22/08 cites the text of the deleted ahadith and gives the history of the case with other details of interest.

A Yahoo search for Book 041, Number 6985 turns up this URL:

my URLGenerator produces this URL:

which opens the exact same page as that discovered in the search.

The following hadith appears in Bewley’s translation, and in the collection at Sunni Path, but not in the Compendium at USC.

It is mentioned from Ibn ‘Umar from the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, “My provision has been placed under the shadow of my spear, and abasement and humility have been placed on the one who disobeys my command.”

Bewley associates that hadith to another in which Moe allegedly kills, cooks & eats a wild ass, over the objections of his companions. Other sources cite Ahmad, with a somewhat different text.

I have been sent before the Hour so that Allaah alone should be worshipped without any partner for Him, and my provision has been placed beneath the shade of my spear, and subservience and humiliation have been placed upon those who disobey my orders, and whoever imitates a people then he is one of them.[9]

Objection to Muslim 41.6985 is based upon its expression of genocidal intention against the Jews. Similar sayings in Bukhari’s Sahih collection express the same concept; where is the objection to them & demand that they be stricken? Where is the objection to 9:29 and demand that it be stricken? Where is the objection to Eternal Humiliation placed on the Jews, which depicts Jesus Christ as returning to lead the Muslims in exterminating the remaining Jews? Who objects to Muslim 1.0287, which encrypts the same concept?

The creator of the video bases his objection to censorship on the difficulty it poses by removing authentic documentation of one of his arguments. While one can find the passage in printed hadith collections, one must invest money to obtain them and can not link to them in blog posts & forums. Furthermore, different editions have varying page and reference numbers.

While sympathetic to that objection, I have previously expressed a different objection: censoring hadith only removes the outward sign, it does nothing to altar the mindset of Muslims who have memorized the saying or those who will hear it from Mullahs & Imams in their Mosques.

Thousands of hadith books have been printed; they are in Mosques, Madrassahs, libraries and private collections all over the world in many languages. Censoring a web site does nothing to altar that fact*, nor does it change Islam’s doctrine of genocide. Taking down that hadith is like amputating a snake’s rattles; it makes a deadly viper appear harmless.

*Note: most of the on line hadith search engines are dependent on the USC database. Removing the cited ahadith would make them much more difficult to find on line.

Obama Threatened by Muslim Cleric

From the Mid East Meadia Research Institute comes Special Bulletin # 2139 informing us that Egyptian Cleric Hassan Abu Al-Ashbal issued Dawa to President Elect Obama, calling on him to revert to Islam. MEMRI has a video clip from the speech.

“My message to him is threefold. First, I invite him to convert to Islam. This is the call of the Prophet and of Allah. Oh Obama – convert to Islam, and you will be saved. I hope that Allah will reward you twice: once for converting to Islam, and another reward for all those who will convert in your footsteps. If you want glory – you will find it in Islam. If you want honor – you will find it in Islam. In religions other than Islam there is utter humiliation, even if you are the president of the entire world….

The invitation to convert to Islam is a prerequisite for ghazwat, the rule is laid down in Sahih Muslim Book 019, Number 4294.

When you meet your enemies who are polytheists invite them to three courses of action. If they respond to any one of these, you also accept it and withold yourself from doing them any harm. Invite them to (accept) Islam; if they respond to you, accept it from them and desist from fighting against them.

The invitation is accompanied by a promise and a threat. Glory and honor are promised as rewards for reverting to Islam. Al-Ashbal likened Obama to the Byzantine Emperor. How does an Emperor obtain glory & Honor? By conquest; expanding his empire. The threat is utter humiliation, despite high ranking elected office. Examine Moe’s extortion letter to the Byzantine Emperor. Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 52, Number 191:

“In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful (This letter is) from Muhammad, the slave of Allah, and His Apostle, to Heraculius, the Ruler of the Byzantine. Peace be upon the followers of guidance. Now then, I invite you to Islam (i.e. surrender to Allah), embrace Islam and you will be safe; embrace Islam and Allah will bestow on you a double reward. But if you reject this invitation of Islam, you shall be responsible for misguiding the peasants (i.e. your nation). O people of the Scriptures! Come to a word common to you and us and you, that we worship. None but Allah, and that we associate nothing in worship with Him; and that none of us shall take others as Lords besides Allah. Then if they turn away, say: Bear witness that we are (they who have surrendered (unto Him)

  • Peace be upon the followers of guidance.
  • The unstated corollary: war on whomever rejects the Qur’an.
  • embrace Islam and you will be safe
    • The unstated corollary: reject Islam and be attacked.

    Where does the humiliation come from? From defeat in this world, conquered by Muslims and eternal damnation in the next.

    6:124. And when there comes to them a sign (from Allâh) they say: “We shall not believe until we receive the like of that which the Messengers of Allâh had received.” Allâh knows best with whom to place His Message. Humiliation and disgrace from Allâh and a severe torment will overtake the criminals (polytheists, sinners, etc.) for that which they used to plot.

    40:60. And your Lord said: “Invoke Me, [i.e. believe in My Oneness (Islâmic Monotheism)] (and ask Me for anything) I will respond to your (invocation). Verily! Those who scorn My worship [i.e. do not invoke Me, and do not believe in My Oneness, (Islâmic Monotheism)] they will surely enter Hell in humiliation!

    Al-Ashbal made other threats, which conflict with each other.

    “Know, Obama, that America, with all its size and might, will know no peace as long as a single Muslim child lacks food, drink, medicine, or housing.

    “If you refuse, Obama, and insist on remaining in Muslim lands, know that Allah still plants in [Muslims] obedience to Him, and that they are willing to wait for Paradise, which is closer than their own shoelaces.

    “Know, Obama, that in the lands of Islam, there are people who seek death, and are eager for it, even more than you and your people are eager for life – any kind of life, even a life of humiliation.”

    Concern about poverty and preference for Paradise conflict. Muslims have sold life & possessions for Paradise, obtained through Jihad. Refer to 9:38, 9:69, 9:85, and

    47:36. The life of this world is but play and pastime, but if you believe (in the Oneness of Allâh Islâmic Monotheism), and fear Allâh, and avoid evil, He will grant you your wages, and will not ask you your wealth.

    Muslims seek death in battle against us because of the promised reward of one of the best seats in the celestial bordello.

    3:157. And if you are killed or die in the Way of Allâh, forgiveness and mercy from Allâh are far better than all that they amass (of worldly wealths, etc.).

    3:158. And whether you die, or are killed, verily, unto Allâh you shall be gathered.

    3:169. Think not of those who are killed in the Way of Allâh as dead. Nay, they are alive, with their Lord, and they have provision.

    4:74. Let those (believers) who sell the life of this world for the Hereafter fight in the Cause of Allâh, and whoso fights in the Cause of Allâh, and is killed or gets victory, We shall bestow on him a great reward.

    The threat is clear and unmistakable. Who will answer it with a curse?

    Sderot: November Update

    Crossposted by Findalis at Monkey in the Middle

    By Anav Silverman – Sderot Media Center

    More than 126 Qassam and 71 mortar rockets were fired at Sderot and the Negev from northern Gaza since November 4 according to the Intelligence and Terrorism and Information Center.

    November 4-5, 2008: Over 60 Palestinian Qassam rockets were fired on Sderot and the western Negev. Hamas renewed Qassam rocket fire against Israeli civilians living in the Negev throughout Tuesday night and early Wednesday morning, in light of. The rockets damaged several green houses in the western Negev. Two rockets landed in Ashkelon, one which hit a quiet neighborhood, and sent three people into shock and trauma. The massive rocket attack came about when IDF Special Forces entered Gaza to blow up a tunnel dug by Hamas terrorists that was created in order to abduct Israeli soldiers.

    Photo courtesy of Sderot Media Center

    November 7, 2008: Southern Israelis woke up to another day of rocket attacks Friday as Palestinian terrorists fired five Kassams at western Negev neighborhoods. The rockets landed in the Sderot, Eshkol and Sha’ar Hanegev regions. No one was wounded and no damage was reported. One of the Kassams landed near a kibbutz reservoir, while a second hit the fence surrounding another western Negev kibbutz. The other rockets hit open areas. The Islamic Jihad’s armed wing claimed responsibility for the attacks. (Jerusalem Post)

    November 14, 2008: A Qassam rocket launched from the northern Gaza Strip hit an electric pole near a house in Sderot on Friday, injuring an 80-year-old woman with shrapnel and seven people suffered from shock from the attack.

    Four more rockets hit the Ashkelon area later Friday. One landed inside the city, another fell just outside, and two more landed in nearby open fields shortly after an alarm was sounded. Defense establishment officials said at least two of the rockets were Grad missiles. Three people suffered from shock. All victims were evacuated to Barzilai hospital in Ashkelon. A total of 14 rockets were fired on the Western Negev on Friday. (YNET News)

    November 20, 2008: The port city of Ashdod, 24 km north of the Gaza border, was this week connected to the rocket alert system already in use in Ashkelon and Sderot. It is an acknowledgement that threats by Palestinian militants to bring it within range are being taken
    seriously. (Jewish Chronicle)

    November 27, 2008: Gaza terrorists continued their attacks on southern Israel Thursday evening, firing a Kassam rocket that hit a home in the Eshkol region, damaging the structure wounding no one. Earlier Thursday, two rockets landed in open areas in the western Negev. The exact impact sites of the other two rockets could not initially be ascertained due to heavy fog in the area, however there were no reports of wounded or further damage.

    November 29, 2008: Eight Israel Defense Forces soldiers were wounded Friday evening, two seriously, after mortars fired by Gaza Strip militants hit a military base near Kibbutz Nahal Oz in the western Negev. The soldiers were evacuated to Soroka Hospital in Be’er Sheva and to Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon. Six soldiers were still hospitalized Saturday morning. Doctors had to amputate the leg of one of the soldiers who was brought to the hospital in serious condition.

    From Monkey in the Middle:

    Just imagine you are sitting down to your Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner and a rocket lands in your home, or your neighbors, or your child’s school. Imagine the stress and trauma that the people of the Western Negev have lived with these 8 years. No nation on Earth would put up with it for this long, and yet Israel has to. Why? Because the world would condemn them if they truly struck back.

    This holiday season please give a small donation to the Sderot Media Center. Help make a traumatized child’s Hanukkah a little more joyful.

    It has been said by many that only Jews can make light of a tragedy. That when things are bad they turn to comedy. And so it is in Israel with the situation in the Western Negev. And only Yaakov Kirschen can do it best.

    From Dry Bones

    Sderot: November Update

    Crossposted by Findalis at Monkey in the Middle

    By Anav Silverman – Sderot Media Center

    More than 126 Qassam and 71 mortar rockets were fired at Sderot and the Negev from northern Gaza since November 4 according to the Intelligence and Terrorism and Information Center.

    November 4-5, 2008: Over 60 Palestinian Qassam rockets were fired on Sderot and the western Negev. Hamas renewed Qassam rocket fire against Israeli civilians living in the Negev throughout Tuesday night and early Wednesday morning, in light of. The rockets damaged several green houses in the western Negev. Two rockets landed in Ashkelon, one which hit a quiet neighborhood, and sent three people into shock and trauma. The massive rocket attack came about when IDF Special Forces entered Gaza to blow up a tunnel dug by Hamas terrorists that was created in order to abduct Israeli soldiers.

    Photo courtesy of Sderot Media Center

    November 7, 2008: Southern Israelis woke up to another day of rocket attacks Friday as Palestinian terrorists fired five Kassams at western Negev neighborhoods. The rockets landed in the Sderot, Eshkol and Sha’ar Hanegev regions. No one was wounded and no damage was reported. One of the Kassams landed near a kibbutz reservoir, while a second hit the fence surrounding another western Negev kibbutz. The other rockets hit open areas. The Islamic Jihad’s armed wing claimed responsibility for the attacks. (Jerusalem Post)

    November 14, 2008: A Qassam rocket launched from the northern Gaza Strip hit an electric pole near a house in Sderot on Friday, injuring an 80-year-old woman with shrapnel and seven people suffered from shock from the attack.

    Four more rockets hit the Ashkelon area later Friday. One landed inside the city, another fell just outside, and two more landed in nearby open fields shortly after an alarm was sounded. Defense establishment officials said at least two of the rockets were Grad missiles. Three people suffered from shock. All victims were evacuated to Barzilai hospital in Ashkelon. A total of 14 rockets were fired on the Western Negev on Friday. (YNET News)

    November 20, 2008: The port city of Ashdod, 24 km north of the Gaza border, was this week connected to the rocket alert system already in use in Ashkelon and Sderot. It is an acknowledgement that threats by Palestinian militants to bring it within range are being taken
    seriously. (Jewish Chronicle)

    November 27, 2008: Gaza terrorists continued their attacks on southern Israel Thursday evening, firing a Kassam rocket that hit a home in the Eshkol region, damaging the structure wounding no one. Earlier Thursday, two rockets landed in open areas in the western Negev. The exact impact sites of the other two rockets could not initially be ascertained due to heavy fog in the area, however there were no reports of wounded or further damage.

    November 29, 2008: Eight Israel Defense Forces soldiers were wounded Friday evening, two seriously, after mortars fired by Gaza Strip militants hit a military base near Kibbutz Nahal Oz in the western Negev. The soldiers were evacuated to Soroka Hospital in Be’er Sheva and to Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon. Six soldiers were still hospitalized Saturday morning. Doctors had to amputate the leg of one of the soldiers who was brought to the hospital in serious condition.

    From Monkey in the Middle:

    Just imagine you are sitting down to your Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner and a rocket lands in your home, or your neighbors, or your child’s school. Imagine the stress and trauma that the people of the Western Negev have lived with these 8 years. No nation on Earth would put up with it for this long, and yet Israel has to. Why? Because the world would condemn them if they truly struck back.

    This holiday season please give a small donation to the Sderot Media Center. Help make a traumatized child’s Hanukkah a little more joyful.

    It has been said by many that only Jews can make light of a tragedy. That when things are bad they turn to comedy. And so it is in Israel with the situation in the Western Negev. And only Yaakov Kirschen can do it best.

    From Dry Bones