"Day of Infamy"

Attack at Pearl Harbor, 1941

The surprise was complete. The attacking planes came in two waves; the first hit its target at 7:53 AM, the second at 8:55. By 9:55 it was all over. By 1:00 PM the carriers that launched the planes from 274 miles off the coast of Oahu were heading back to Japan.

Behind them they left chaos, 2,403 dead, 188 destroyed planes and a crippled Pacific Fleet that included 8 damaged or destroyed battleships. In one stroke the Japanese action silenced the debate that had divided Americans ever since the German defeat of France left England alone in the fight against the Nazi terror.

Approximately three hours later, Japanese planes began a day-long attack on American facilities in the Philippines. …

Marine Corporal E.C. Nightingale was aboard the Arizona that fateful Sunday morning:

“At approximately eight o’clock on the morning of December 7, 1941, I was leaving the breakfast table when the ship’s siren for air defense sounded. Having no anti-aircraft battle station, I paid little attention to it. Suddenly I heard an explosion. I ran to the port door leading to the quarterdeck and saw a bomb strike a barge of some sort alongside the NEVADA, or in that vicinity. The marine color guard came in at this point saying we were being attacked. I could distinctly hear machine gun fire. I believe at this point our anti-aircraft battery opened up.

“We stood around awaiting orders of some kind. General Quarters sounded and I started for my battle station in secondary aft. As I passed through casement nine I noted the gun was manned and being trained out. The men seemed extremely calm and collected. I reached the boat deck and our anti-aircraft guns were in full action, firing very rapidly. I was about three quarters of the way to the first platform on the mast when it seemed as though a bomb struck our quarterdeck. I could hear shrapnel or fragments whistling past me. As

A captured Japanese photo shows
Battleship Row under attack.
Hickam Field burns in the distance

soon as I reached the first platform, I saw Second Lieutenant Simonson lying on his back with blood on his shirt front. I bent over him and taking him by the shoulders asked if there was anything I could do. He was dead, or so nearly so that speech was impossible. Seeing there was nothing I could do for the Lieutenant, I continued to my battle station.

“When I arrived in secondary aft I reported to Major Shapley that Mr. Simonson had been hit and there was nothing to be done for him. There was a lot of talking going on and I shouted for silence which came immediately. I had only been there a short time when a terrible explosion caused the ship to shake violently. I looked at the boat deck and everything seemed aflame forward of the mainmast. I reported to the Major that the ship was aflame, which was rather needless, and after looking about, the Major ordered us to leave.

“I was the last man to leave secondary aft because I looked around and there was no one left. I followed the Major down the port side of the tripod mast. The railings, as we ascended, were very hot and as we reached the boat deck I noted that it was torn up and burned. The bodies of the dead were thick, and badly burned men were heading for the quarterdeck, only to fall apparently dead or badly wounded. The Major and I went between No. 3 and No. 4 turret to the starboard side and found Lieutenant Commander Fuqua ordering the men over the side and assisting the wounded. He seemed exceptionally calm and the Major stopped and they talked for a moment. Charred bodies were everywhere.

“I made my way to the quay and started to remove my shoes when I suddenly found myself in the water. I think the concussion of a bomb threw me in. I started swimming for the pipe line which was about one hundred and fifty feet away. I was about half way when my strength gave out entirely. My clothes and shocked

The USS Shaw explodes

condition sapped my strength, and I was about to go under when Major Shapley started to swim by, and seeing my distress, grasped my shirt and told me to hang to his shoulders while he swam in.

“We were perhaps twenty-five feet from the pipe line when the Major’s strength gave out and I saw he was floundering, so I loosened my grip on him and told him to make it alone. He stopped and grabbed me by the shirt and refused to let go. I would have drowned but for the Major. We finally reached the beach where a marine directed us to a bomb shelter, where I was given dry clothes and a place to rest.” (source)

Did You Know?

Did You Know?
The bond between USS Arizona shipmates went beyond being comrades; there were 37 sets of brothers assigned to the USS Arizona on December 7, 1941.

37 Sets of Brothers Assigned to USS Arizona
December 7, 1941

Go – read their names: National Park Service

The names on the memorial wall tell a poignant tale of the price paid by their families….there were 37 sets of brothers assigned to the USS Arizona on the day it went down, including Delbert and John Anderson, one set of twins. The ship’s crew included three sets of three brothers: Becker, Doherty and Murdock. One brother survived in each set. Twenty-three sets of brothers were lost that day.

There were a total of 77 brothers serving on the USS Arizona; 62 died as a result of the attack.

Thomas Augusta Free, from Texas, and his son William Thomas Free were the only father and son serving on the USS Arizona; they were killed in action as well. Kenneth and Russell Warriner were the only set of USS Arizona brothers who survived…

The plaque at the memorial is dedicated to the 1,177 men from the USS Arizona who gave their lives that day, most of whom are permanently entombed beneath the ocean waves.

“Dedicated to the eternal memory of our gallant shipmates in the USS Arizona, who gave their lives in action 7 December 1941. ‘From today on the USS Arizona will again fly our country’s flag just as proudly as she did on the morning of 7 December 1941. I am sure the Arizona’s crew will know and appreciate what we are doing.’ Admiral A.W. Radford, USN, 7 March 1950. May God make His face to shine upon them and grant them peace.”

Salvaged from the floor of Pearl Harbor, the anchor of the battleship USS Arizona is displayed at the entrance of the USS Arizona Memorial Visitor Center operated by the National Park Service. The anchor was cast in Chester, Pennsylvania, and weighs 19,585 pounds. Photographer: Bill Dasher. Courtesy Impact.

The wake of a tour boat as it pulls away with visitors from the USS Arizona Memorial. Constructed in 1961, it was dedicated on Memorial Day, 1962. In 1980 it became a unit of the National Park Service. Photographer: David Thoresen. Courtesy Impact. (source for both here)


The ship’s bell from the USS Arizona hangs in the tower of the University of Arizona Student Union building. The bell is tolled at the memorial services, held each year on the Sunday closest to December 7. This is one of two recovered. The other is at the memorial at Pearl Harbor. (source)

A history from the Navy here.


Rest in Peace

*cross-posted from Assolutas Tranquillita*

"Day of Infamy"

Attack at Pearl Harbor, 1941

The surprise was complete. The attacking planes came in two waves; the first hit its target at 7:53 AM, the second at 8:55. By 9:55 it was all over. By 1:00 PM the carriers that launched the planes from 274 miles off the coast of Oahu were heading back to Japan.

Behind them they left chaos, 2,403 dead, 188 destroyed planes and a crippled Pacific Fleet that included 8 damaged or destroyed battleships. In one stroke the Japanese action silenced the debate that had divided Americans ever since the German defeat of France left England alone in the fight against the Nazi terror.

Approximately three hours later, Japanese planes began a day-long attack on American facilities in the Philippines. …

Marine Corporal E.C. Nightingale was aboard the Arizona that fateful Sunday morning:

“At approximately eight o’clock on the morning of December 7, 1941, I was leaving the breakfast table when the ship’s siren for air defense sounded. Having no anti-aircraft battle station, I paid little attention to it. Suddenly I heard an explosion. I ran to the port door leading to the quarterdeck and saw a bomb strike a barge of some sort alongside the NEVADA, or in that vicinity. The marine color guard came in at this point saying we were being attacked. I could distinctly hear machine gun fire. I believe at this point our anti-aircraft battery opened up.

“We stood around awaiting orders of some kind. General Quarters sounded and I started for my battle station in secondary aft. As I passed through casement nine I noted the gun was manned and being trained out. The men seemed extremely calm and collected. I reached the boat deck and our anti-aircraft guns were in full action, firing very rapidly. I was about three quarters of the way to the first platform on the mast when it seemed as though a bomb struck our quarterdeck. I could hear shrapnel or fragments whistling past me. As

A captured Japanese photo shows
Battleship Row under attack.
Hickam Field burns in the distance

soon as I reached the first platform, I saw Second Lieutenant Simonson lying on his back with blood on his shirt front. I bent over him and taking him by the shoulders asked if there was anything I could do. He was dead, or so nearly so that speech was impossible. Seeing there was nothing I could do for the Lieutenant, I continued to my battle station.

“When I arrived in secondary aft I reported to Major Shapley that Mr. Simonson had been hit and there was nothing to be done for him. There was a lot of talking going on and I shouted for silence which came immediately. I had only been there a short time when a terrible explosion caused the ship to shake violently. I looked at the boat deck and everything seemed aflame forward of the mainmast. I reported to the Major that the ship was aflame, which was rather needless, and after looking about, the Major ordered us to leave.

“I was the last man to leave secondary aft because I looked around and there was no one left. I followed the Major down the port side of the tripod mast. The railings, as we ascended, were very hot and as we reached the boat deck I noted that it was torn up and burned. The bodies of the dead were thick, and badly burned men were heading for the quarterdeck, only to fall apparently dead or badly wounded. The Major and I went between No. 3 and No. 4 turret to the starboard side and found Lieutenant Commander Fuqua ordering the men over the side and assisting the wounded. He seemed exceptionally calm and the Major stopped and they talked for a moment. Charred bodies were everywhere.

“I made my way to the quay and started to remove my shoes when I suddenly found myself in the water. I think the concussion of a bomb threw me in. I started swimming for the pipe line which was about one hundred and fifty feet away. I was about half way when my strength gave out entirely. My clothes and shocked

The USS Shaw explodes

condition sapped my strength, and I was about to go under when Major Shapley started to swim by, and seeing my distress, grasped my shirt and told me to hang to his shoulders while he swam in.

“We were perhaps twenty-five feet from the pipe line when the Major’s strength gave out and I saw he was floundering, so I loosened my grip on him and told him to make it alone. He stopped and grabbed me by the shirt and refused to let go. I would have drowned but for the Major. We finally reached the beach where a marine directed us to a bomb shelter, where I was given dry clothes and a place to rest.” (source)

Did You Know?

Did You Know?
The bond between USS Arizona shipmates went beyond being comrades; there were 37 sets of brothers assigned to the USS Arizona on December 7, 1941.

37 Sets of Brothers Assigned to USS Arizona
December 7, 1941

Go – read their names: National Park Service

The names on the memorial wall tell a poignant tale of the price paid by their families….there were 37 sets of brothers assigned to the USS Arizona on the day it went down, including Delbert and John Anderson, one set of twins. The ship’s crew included three sets of three brothers: Becker, Doherty and Murdock. One brother survived in each set. Twenty-three sets of brothers were lost that day.

There were a total of 77 brothers serving on the USS Arizona; 62 died as a result of the attack.

Thomas Augusta Free, from Texas, and his son William Thomas Free were the only father and son serving on the USS Arizona; they were killed in action as well. Kenneth and Russell Warriner were the only set of USS Arizona brothers who survived…

The plaque at the memorial is dedicated to the 1,177 men from the USS Arizona who gave their lives that day, most of whom are permanently entombed beneath the ocean waves.

“Dedicated to the eternal memory of our gallant shipmates in the USS Arizona, who gave their lives in action 7 December 1941. ‘From today on the USS Arizona will again fly our country’s flag just as proudly as she did on the morning of 7 December 1941. I am sure the Arizona’s crew will know and appreciate what we are doing.’ Admiral A.W. Radford, USN, 7 March 1950. May God make His face to shine upon them and grant them peace.”

Salvaged from the floor of Pearl Harbor, the anchor of the battleship USS Arizona is displayed at the entrance of the USS Arizona Memorial Visitor Center operated by the National Park Service. The anchor was cast in Chester, Pennsylvania, and weighs 19,585 pounds. Photographer: Bill Dasher. Courtesy Impact.

The wake of a tour boat as it pulls away with visitors from the USS Arizona Memorial. Constructed in 1961, it was dedicated on Memorial Day, 1962. In 1980 it became a unit of the National Park Service. Photographer: David Thoresen. Courtesy Impact. (source for both here)


The ship’s bell from the USS Arizona hangs in the tower of the University of Arizona Student Union building. The bell is tolled at the memorial services, held each year on the Sunday closest to December 7. This is one of two recovered. The other is at the memorial at Pearl Harbor. (source)

A history from the Navy here.


Rest in Peace

*cross-posted from Assolutas Tranquillita*

Another Call to Feed Israel to the Alligators

A Google Alert brought this press release to my attention:

ELCA Presiding Bishop, Other Leaders Call for Priority on Middle East Peace

At the bottom of the press release, I found this link to the statement of the
the National Interreligious Leadership Initiative for Peace in the Middle
East: http://www.episcopal-life.org/documents/NILINov08Statement.pdf .

The document is titled:

National Interreligious Leadership Initiative
for Peace in the Middle East

Sub titled:

A Window of Hope for the Peace of Jerusalem:
Jewish, Christian and Muslim Religious Leaders Call for Urgent U.S. Leadership

The subtitle informs us that the the leaders who wrote it have no knowledge of the nature of the conflict and abandoned rationality in favor of blind faith in an impossible goal. Jerusalem was conquered by the ancient Hebrews about three thousand years ago. Jews have maintained a presence there ever since. The Temple of Solomon was built there and rebuilt seventy years after the Babylonian Captivity.

The site of Solomon’s Temple is sacred to Jews; their holiest site. Israel was taken over and occupied by Romans who destroyed the Temple after crushing a rebellion. Muhammad incorporated the site in a dramatic story woven around a dream: the Night Journey, in which he claimed to have departed to Paradise from the site of the Temple after flying there from Arabia on a burro. The story is detailed in Sahih Muslim Book 001, Number 0309 and referred to in the Qur’an 17:60 Lets have a brief look at the story.

I was brought al-Buraq Who is an animal white and long, larger than a donkey but smaller than a mule, who would place his hoof a distance equal to the range of version. I mounted it and came to the Temple (Bait Maqdis in Jerusalem), then tethered it to the ring used by the prophets. I entered the mosque and prayed two rak’ahs in it, and then came out and Gabriel brought me a vessel of wine and a vessel of milk.

There was no Temple in the 7th century, only a Christian Church on the site of the Temple. That structure was not a Mosque, but the story is used as a claim of ownership of the city for Islam.

After Muhammad died, Caliph Umar “sent the Muslims to the great countries to fight the pagans.”. The Roman Province of Syria was one of the places he sent the Muslims to. Why? To obtain the answer, we must view two sayings.

Bukhari Volume 4, Book 53, Number 392:

Narrated Abu Huraira:

While we were in the Mosque, the Prophet came out and said, “Let us go to the Jews” We went out till we reached Bait-ul-Midras. He said to them, “If you embrace Islam, you will be safe.You should know that the earth belongs to Allah and His Apostle, and I want to expel you from this land. So, if anyone amongst you owns some property, he is permitted to sell it, otherwise you should know that the Earth belongs to Allah and His Apostle.”

We learned two things from that hadith.

  • Submitting to Islam is the way to avoid being invaded by the Muslim army.
  • The earth belongs to Muhammad.

Abu Dawud 14.2477
Narrated Ibn Hawalah:

The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: It will turn out that you will be armed troops, one is Syria, one in the Yemen and one in Iraq. Ibn Hawalah said: Choose for me, Apostle of Allah, if I reach that time. He replied: Go to Syria, for it is Allah’s chosen land, to which his best servants will be gathered but if you are unwilling, go to your Yemen, and draw water from your tanks, for Allah has on my account taken special charge of Syria and its people.

  • Three invasions:
  • Syria
  • Yemen
  • Iraq
  • Syria is preferred because:
    • it is Allah’s chosen land
    • Allah has on my account taken special charge of Syria and its people.

    Umar’s conquest of Syria in 638 makes the Levant a permanent, inalienable waqf which must not be relinquished. This is explained in Article 11 of the Charter of Hamas.

    Palestine is an Islamic Waqf throughout all generations and to the Day of Resurrection … This is the status [of the land] in Islamic Shari’a, and it is similar to all lands conquered by Islam by force, and made thereby Waqf lands upon their conquest, for all generations of Muslims until the Day of Resurrection. This [norm] has prevailed since the commanders of the Muslim armies completed the conquest of Syria and Iraq, and they asked the Caliph of Muslims, ‘Umar Ibn al-Khattab, for his view of the conquered land, whether it should be partitioned between the troops or left in the possession of its population, or otherwise. Following discussions and consultations between the Caliph of Islam, ‘Umar Ibn al-Khattab, and the Companions of the Messenger of Allah, be peace and prayer upon him, they decided that the land should remain in the hands of its owners to benefit from it and from its wealth; but the control of the land and the land itself ought to be endowed as a Waqf [in perpetuity] for all generations of Muslims until the Day of Resurrection. The ownership of the land by its owners is only one of usufruct, and this Waqf will endure as long as Heaven and earth last.

    • Because Umar conquered it, the Levant belongs to Muslims forever.

    There is one little fly in the ointment. The Ottoman Empire fought on the wrong side of WW I and lost. Israel subsequently drove out the last of her conquerors reclaiming sovereignty over a tiny fragment of her ancient patrimony.

    The Levant being waqf, the Muslims can not leave it in the hands of Kuffar. To do so violates Allah’s law and proves his promises to be false. Israel, by recovering her land, proves Allah to be an impotent idol.

    Evidently the religious leaders who met to solve this problem are unaware of Allah’s promises.

    • 13:41. See they not that We gradually reduce the land (of disbelievers, by giving it to the believers, in war victories) from its outlying borders. And Allah judges, there is none to put back His Judgement and He is Swift at reckoning.

    Allah takes the land from Kuffar, giving it to Muslims through conquest, irreversibly.

    • 40:51. Verily, We will indeed make victorious Our Messengers and those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah Islâmic Monotheism) in this world’s life and on the Day when the witnesses will stand forth, (i.e. Day of Resurrection),

    If you don’t emerge victorious, it is because of insufficient faith & purity of practice; losers ain’t Islamic enough.

    • 8:66. Now Allah has lightened your (task), for He knows that there is weakness in you. So if there are of you a hundred steadfast persons, they shall overcome two hundred, and if there are a thousand of you, they shall overcome two thousand with the Leave of Allah. And Allah is with As-Sâbirin (the patient ones, etc.). .

    Allah promises a 2:1 power ratio; the Muslims will defeat armies twice as numerous as theirs. Who had the numerical advantage in 1948, 1956, 1967 & 1973? And what happened? Israel is still there, proving Allah’s promises vain. There is no way that Muslims can tolerate that insult.

    There is something else the clerics ignore: Allah’s commandments. The earth must be conquered so that only Allah is worshiped. Jews & Christians must be conquered, subjugated & extorted. These are clear, outcome oriented commands without geographic or chronological limits.

    • 8:39. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and polytheism: i.e. worshipping others besides Allah) and the religion (worship) will all be for Allah Alone [in the whole of the world ]. But if they cease (worshipping others besides Allah), then certainly, Allah is All-Seer of what they do.
    • 9:29. Fight against those who (1) believe not in Allah, (2) nor in the Last Day, (3) nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger (4) and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (i.e. Islâm) among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

    Those commands are obligatory, not optional.

    • 2:216. Jihâd (holy fighting in Allah’s Cause) is ordained for you (Muslims) though you dislike it, and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know.

    How long does this Jihad go on? Until Resurrection Day.

    • Abu Dawud Book 14, Number 2526

      Narrated Anas ibn Malik:

      The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: Three things are the roots of faith: to refrain from (killing) a person who utters, “There is no god but Allah” and not to declare him unbeliever whatever sin he commits, and not to excommunicate him from Islam for his any action; and jihad will be performed continuously since the day Allah sent me as a prophet until the day the last member of my community will fight with the Dajjal (Antichrist). The tyranny of any tyrant and the justice of any just (ruler) will not invalidate it. One must have faith in Divine decree.

    What will happen to Muslims if they beat their swords into plowshares? They will be cursed by Allah.

    • Abu Dawud Book 23, Number 3455:

      Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar:

      I heard the Apostle of Allah, (peace_be_upon_him) say: When you enter into the inah transaction, hold the tails of oxen, are pleased with agriculture, and give up conducting jihad (struggle in the way of Allah). Allah will make disgrace prevail over you, and will not withdraw it until you return to your original religion.

    From this hadith we learn two important facts.

    • If Muslims abandon Jihad, Allah will curse them with disgrace.
    • Allah will not withdraw the curse until Muslims return to their original religion, which is Jihad.

    Click that last link and read the translator’s footnote. What is the difinition of Jihad? What are the consequences of abandoning it? There is one more hadith you need to read and understand. It sets a prerequisite for Resurrection Day, when faithful believing Muslims hope to gain admission to Paradise with its rivers of wine and perpetual virgins.

    • Muslim Book 041, Number 6985:
      Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.

    Muslims must hunt down and kill the last Jew before they can enter Paradise and receive the hard earned rewards of Jihad. Can you guess who will lead them in the final genocidal battle? No? The answer is inconceivable to any but a Muslim.

    • Bukhari Volume 3, Book 43, Number 656:

      Narrated Abu Huraira:

      Allah’s Apostle said, “The Hour will not be established until the son of Mary (i.e. Jesus) descends amongst you as a just ruler, he will break the cross, kill the pigs, and abolish the Jizya tax. Money will be in abundance so that nobody will accept it (as charitable gifts).

    What will Jesus do?

    • Break the cross: destroy Christianity; kill the remaining Christians.
    • Kill the pigs: complete the genocide against the Jews.

    Inconceivable you say? No, it aint! Ibn Kathir’s Tafsir of 7:167.

    • 7:167. And (remember) when your Lord declared that He would certainly keep on sending against them (i.e. the Jews), till the Day of Resurrection, those who would afflict them with a humiliating torment. Verily, your Lord is Quick in Retribution (for the disobedient, wicked) and certainly He is Oft­Forgiving, Most Merciful (for the obedient and those who beg Allah’s Forgiveness).

    Who might he continuously send to torment the Jews? Who might he send to finish the job? Ibn Kathir has the second answer; you already know the first.

    • In the future, the Jews will support the Dajjal (False Messiah); and the Muslims, along with `Isa, son of Mary, will kill the Jews. This will occur just before the end of this world.

    What so deludes any fool that he thinks Islam will tolerate Israel’s continued existence? What so deludes any fool that he believes the Muslims want a state beside Israel when their demand is a state instead of Israel; “from the river to the sea”?

    What Muslims will act in contradiction to Allah’s commands to conquer? What Muslims will abandon Jihad, incurring Allah’s curse and condemning themselves to eternal Hellfire?

    No matter how much land the Jews cede to Islam, the Muslims must take it all. Allah will not allow Kuffar to retake and hold land once conquered by Muslims. Making concessions to Islam is feeding alligators in hope that they will eat you last.
    These church leaders begin with this false claim.

    Our faith traditions teach that every person is created by the one God and deserving of respect. This common religious heritage-which we trace to Abraham-finds expression in a common commitment to peace with justice for all God’s children.

    It ain’t true, never was and never will be. Islam does not recognize the rights and dignity of Kuffar. Our blood and property are not sacred to Muslims until we become Muslim. This fact is made clear in Muhammad’s confirmation of the commandments cited above.

    • Sahih Bukhari Volume 1, Book 8, Number 387:
      Narrated Anas bin Malik:
      Allah’s Apostle said, “I have been ordered to fight the people till they say: ‘None has the right to be worshipped but Allah.’ And if they say so, pray like our prayers, face our Qibla and slaughter as we slaughter, then their blood and property will be sacred to us and we will not interfere with them except legally and their reckoning will be with Allah.” …

    Majorities of both Israelis and Palestinians still support a two-state solution.

    There is no solution that includes the existence of Islam. While there are Muslims within rocket range, Israel will not have peace. I showed you why that is impossible. Peace conflicts with Allah’s commandments and Muhammad’s Sunnah.

    Christian and Muslim religious leaders both here and in the region reject the killing of innocents, support a just peace and believe sustained negotiations are the only path to peace.

    False! Muslim religious leaders do not consider Jews to be innocent. They classify Jews as rebels against Allah, who must be killed. Allah commands them to make war on the Jews. I have shown you Muhammad’s statement that they must hunt down and kill the last Jew. What part of that do these so called Christian religious leaders not understand?

    The path to peace shuns violence and embraces dialogue. This path demands reciprocal steps that build confidence.

    When you are attacked with genocidal intent as expressed in 1948 & 1967, the path to peace is victory: the complete extermination of the enemy who seeks to exterminate you. All else is delusion.

    Islamic law requires total world conquest because Allah commands it; I showed you his commands. I showed you Muhammad’s confirmation of those commands. I showed you his statement that Jihad would continue to the last day. I showed you his statement that the last Jew must be hunted down and killed before Muslims can enter Paradise. I showed you Allah’s curse upon the Muslims if they abandon world conquest.

    You have seen evidence which proves that the two state solution and ‘peace process’ are bogus. We are wasting time and treasure in pretending otherwise.

    The attacks against Israel and the attacks against Western Civilization are two battlefronts in one war: Islam’s world conquest. Wake up. Wise up. Rise up!

    If you have any doubt of the evidence I have displayed to you, or its meaning, then turn to this blog post: ROPMA click each of the Tafsir links and read them carefully. What did Allah command Muslims to do? What did he promise them? What is the good news?

    What does Electing Obama Say to Muslims?

    An Obama donor quoted as quoting Obama.

    “imagine if on January 20, 2009 a guy named Barack Hussein Obama was sworn in on the US Capitol steps as the President of the United States, what that would say to the world, especially the Muslim world, about our nation.”

    This was cited by NMJ, and earlier by Ben Stein at Politico.

    Our national elections are intended to elect leaders, not send messages. We are not a tribe, nor do we send smoke signals. If the world infers a message from the outcome of the Nov. 4 ’08 election, it will be this.

    • The majority of the participating American electorate are ignorant, narcissist damned fools who can not discern the difference between ambiguous slogans pandering to their selfish desires and sound public policy.

    The answer to the second half of the question is contained in the question itself; in the act of propounding it. Propounding that question to a group of fat cat political donors implies that electing Obama would send a positive message to Muslim aliens: that one of their own had been elected to the office of President, where he would enact policies favorable to their Jihad.

    • Obama is a closet Muslim; a stealth candidate falsely claiming to be Christian in hopes that the Christian majority will vote for him. As a Muslim, he is one of the attackers, not a defender.
    • We have elected one of the enemy to mislead us into defeat, destruction & dhimmitude.
    • Reinforcing Muslim hopes of destroying America so as to ease the process of conquering the rest of the world is a good thing.
    • As President, Obama will not mount an effective defense against Islamic conquest.
    • As President, Obama will not mount any offense against Islamic conquest.

    As a consequence of the concealment of Obama’s arrogant boast before his fat cat donors, and its revelation subsequent to the election, when it can have no direct effect upon the election, it is necessary that reasonable members of the electorate; those who care about the preservation of liberty, rise up and demand that the Electoral College disqualify the Obama/Biden ticket as traitors and elect the McCain/Palin ticket in their stead.

    Action Alert: Contact AIG Today!

    Cross posted by Findalis of Monkey in the Middle

    From Act for America

    The news that AIG is now promoting Shariah-compliant products in America is spreading fast. Our friend and colleague Jeffrey Imm has been writing about this for some time now. His commentary below provides additional insight into this situation.

    In his commentary he urges us, as taxpayer owners of AIG, to make our disapproval of AIG’s entanglement with Shariah known. We agree. Because of the government bailout of AIG we are all “shareholders” now.

    There are two things you can do. First, read Mr. Imm’s commentary below. Second, either call AIG or sign the online petition – or both. The preferred course of action is to place a phone call. If you can’t make the time to call today, do so on Monday or Tuesday next week.

    There are two people we can call. Peter Tulupman is AIG’s Public Relations Manager. His number is 212.770.3141. Jim Crain is listed on AIG’s press release as the person to call for more information about the Shariah-compliant insurance now being offered. Mr. Crain can be reached at 617.345.4105. When you call please be respectful but unequivocal in expressing your strong disapproval with how AIG is entangling itself with Shariah.

    AIG needs to hear from us. Thousands of calls into AIG will not only send a message to AIG, it will send a message to other companies that are considering or beginning to wade into the morass of Shariah-compliant finance.

    Let’s do what we do best! ACT! today!

    AIG Defies U.S. Taxpayers by Promoting Sharia in America

    December 4, 2008
    by Jeffrey Imm
    Anti-Jihad League of America

    For the third month in a row, AIG is in the news regarding its promotion of Sharia-compliant finance (SCF) products, which promote the Islamic supremacist, segregationist ideology of Sharia. For a company struggling with its financial survival, it remains astounding that AIG would want to incite its American taxpayer owners by promoting products that are based on an Islamic supremacist political ideology. In October 2008, I wrote how the U.S. government gave an $85 billion loan to AIG, without demanding divestment of its business ventures reselling Sharia mutual trusts and its AIG Takaful division selling Sharia-based insurance. In November 2008, I wrote about how the U.S. government purchased $40 billion in AIG stock, making you as a taxpayer, an owner of a company promoting Sharia through such businesses.

    For two months, I have warned that AIG’s Takaful division was planning to expand to offer such AIG-specific Sharia products here in the United States. Now AIG has announced that it has Sharia-based insurance products for the United States, and AIG is promoting them.

    On December 1, 2008, AIG announced that it was “introducing a Takaful Homeowners Policy, the first installment in Lexington Takaful Solutions, a series of Shari’ah-compliant (Takaful) product offerings in the U.S. The newly announced Takaful products are compliant with key Islamic finance tenets and based on the concept of mutual insurance.” Note that AIG indicates that such Sharia insurance products are the “first installment” in a series of Sharia products. In the AIG press release, AIG Takaful’s Abdallah Kubursi expresses his pride in AIG’s ability to promote Sharia within the United States, stating “This is truly a global effort on the part of AIG.”

    This is our company, using our taxpayer dollars, to promote Islamic supremacist Sharia-based products in our country. As we are $40 billion owners in AIG, this is our problem as Americans. What is our government and AIG going to do about this?

    First, let’s remember what Sharia is and is not.

    Sharia is a legal codification of the political ideology of Islamic supremacism. This Sharia legal codification is intended to enforce discriminatory and segregationist practices against women and non-Muslims and to suppress the liberties of those living in Islamic theocracies. As a legal codification of a supremacist ideology, Sharia is incompatible with democratic values and the inalienable human right that “all men are created equal.” In 2001, nearly two months before the 9/11 attacks, the European Court of Human Rights determined that Sharia law was incompatible with democracy and human rights. The President of the European Court of Human Rights stated that “the Court found that sharia was incompatible with the fundamental principles of democracy as set forth in the Convention… Principles such as pluralism in the political sphere or the constant evolution of public freedoms have no place in it. According to the Court, it was difficult to declare one’s respect for democracy and human rights while at the same time supporting a regime based on sharia…”. Even British courts have ruled that Sharia is “discriminatory.”

    In a nation such as the United States, based on the inalienable human rights of equality and liberty, why would American taxpayers seek to fund a business selling products that promote a discriminatory, segregationist, and supremacist ideology that is “incompatible with democracy and human rights”?

    Sharia is not merely “cultural beliefs,” “religious beliefs,” or “social preference.” In the AIG press release, AIG’s Abdallah Kubursi would have Americans believe that the goal of promoting such Sharia products is to expand “social preference.” But America has rejected those who would label supremacist values as “social preference,” just as they rejected white supremacists who once called for racial segregation and discrimination. America’s society, businesses, government, and law rejects supremacist ideologies. Just ask President-Elect Barack Obama.

    This is the same Sharia ideology that has been used by the Islamic supremacist Taliban to murder those who they believe have committed moral crimes, the same Sharia ideology that was used to murder a 13 year old girl last month who was raped in Somalia, and the same Sharia ideology supported by the Taliban, Al Qaeda, and Islamic supremacists around the world. It is the same Sharia ideology whose zakat charities have been used to fund jihadist terrorist organizations. On September 18, 2008, Congressman Tom Tancredo’s office introduced “Jihad Prevention Act” (H.R. 6975). According to the press release from his office on this bill, “the legislation would make the advocacy of Sharia law by radical Muslims already in the United States a deportable offense.”

    But now American taxpayer dollars are being used to promote products based on Sharia?

    In fairness to AIG, there are many who do not understand the political Islamic supremacist nature of Sharia.

    Stop Sharia Now (FAQ item 17) provides a quote regarding an “Islamic Finance conference” in New York City where an attendee asked the meaning of Sharia. One of AIG’s Sharia advisors, Sheik Nizam Yaquby, ambiguously responded by stating that “Shariah is the path on which we walk, the water which we drink.” Those of us who are aware that Sharia is a legal codification for all aspects of Islamic supremacist life grasp what Yaquby was trying to communicate; certainly none of the supremacist aspects of Sharia was communicated by Yaquby. It is then reported that “Not one person in the room followed up with a question. The group went back to looking at flowcharts and graphs.” So it should be little surprise that few people involved with Sharia finance products actually understand the ramifications of promoting Islamic supremacist Sharia.

    To give AIG an opportunity to respond to this, I called the individual listed on AIG’s press release for its Sharia Takaful Homeowners Policy, Jim Crain, and talked to him about the AIG product. My impression is that AIG’s Jim Crain is a businessman, and I got the distinct feeling that he was uncomfortable with being named as the AIG point of contact on a product with political connotations. I told AIG’s Jim Crain about the online petition signed by over 100 individuals calling for the Federal Reserve Board and the Department of Treasury to call for AIG to divest itself of its Sharia businesses. I also told AIG’s Jim Crain about how the Islamic supremacist Taliban and other groups are seeking to promote Sharia.

    AIG’s Jim Crain told me that he had no comment on AIG’s Sharia product linkage to the Islamic supremacist Sharia ideology, but stated that with “this business venture” it was not AIG’s intent “to enter into the political arena at all.” Jim Crain stated that he did understand that Sharia is viewed as a political ideology, and commented “that is becoming more apparent as the days go on.” (I would conclude from this that I was not the first person who has called Jim Crain about this.) He stated that “it is entirely possible” that the public is going to think that AIG is taking a political position that is pro-Sharia. Jim Crain concluded our discussion by stating “I am going to pass your concerns on to our senior management and legal.”

    Now it is your turn. American taxpayers own $40 billion worth of AIG stock. This is your company and your responsibility to contact AIG about both its Sharia finance businesses and its efforts now to promote Sharia-based insurance in the United States.

    Let AIG’s Jim Crain know that the calls he has gotten thus far complaining about AIG’s Sharia based business is the tip of the iceberg. Jim Crain’s phone number and email address are provided on the AIG press release to discuss AIG’s Sharia-based Takaful Homeowners Policy. Let him know precisely what you think of it as a shareholder in AIG, and ask Jim Crain to make certain that his senior management also is aware of your concerns as well.

    Sign our online petition demanding that the Federal Reserve, Securities Exchange Commission, and Department of Treasury carry out their fiduciary responsibilities under H.R. 1424 to act as the Financial Stability Oversight Board in America’s interest – and demand that AIG divest itself now of its Sharia businesses. This is an opportunity to make American commitment to human rights a part of how companies do business in America. It is our responsibility to let AIG know our concerns.

    Let’s make our voices heard on this outrage, just as we would if AIG was offering a white supremacist financial products, black supremacist financial products, or any other products or services linked to a supremacist ideology. We need to make our voices heard because supremacism is fundamentally against the inalienable human rights of equality and liberty, as defined in America’s Declaration of Independence… and declaration of our identity as well. By the very definition of America, we are responsible for equality and liberty, and we are responsible for confronting Islamic supremacism.

    From Monkey in the Middle:

    AIG received billions in a bailout from the US Taxpayers. This was to help keep it in business, not perpetuate a scam that will cost the US Taxpayers even more money. Shar’ia financing is one of the biggest scams that has come along in years. Banks are running towards it knowing that if they go under because of it, the US Government will just bail them out again.

    We must finally take a stand and say NO! This is not acceptable to us. Not when your bank is facing ruin. Not when the US taxpayer is throwing money at you. Not now, not ever!

    Sign the petition and call today!

    Action Alert: Contact AIG Today!

    Cross posted by Findalis of Monkey in the Middle

    From Act for America

    The news that AIG is now promoting Shariah-compliant products in America is spreading fast. Our friend and colleague Jeffrey Imm has been writing about this for some time now. His commentary below provides additional insight into this situation.

    In his commentary he urges us, as taxpayer owners of AIG, to make our disapproval of AIG’s entanglement with Shariah known. We agree. Because of the government bailout of AIG we are all “shareholders” now.

    There are two things you can do. First, read Mr. Imm’s commentary below. Second, either call AIG or sign the online petition – or both. The preferred course of action is to place a phone call. If you can’t make the time to call today, do so on Monday or Tuesday next week.

    There are two people we can call. Peter Tulupman is AIG’s Public Relations Manager. His number is 212.770.3141. Jim Crain is listed on AIG’s press release as the person to call for more information about the Shariah-compliant insurance now being offered. Mr. Crain can be reached at 617.345.4105. When you call please be respectful but unequivocal in expressing your strong disapproval with how AIG is entangling itself with Shariah.

    AIG needs to hear from us. Thousands of calls into AIG will not only send a message to AIG, it will send a message to other companies that are considering or beginning to wade into the morass of Shariah-compliant finance.

    Let’s do what we do best! ACT! today!

    AIG Defies U.S. Taxpayers by Promoting Sharia in America

    December 4, 2008
    by Jeffrey Imm
    Anti-Jihad League of America

    For the third month in a row, AIG is in the news regarding its promotion of Sharia-compliant finance (SCF) products, which promote the Islamic supremacist, segregationist ideology of Sharia. For a company struggling with its financial survival, it remains astounding that AIG would want to incite its American taxpayer owners by promoting products that are based on an Islamic supremacist political ideology. In October 2008, I wrote how the U.S. government gave an $85 billion loan to AIG, without demanding divestment of its business ventures reselling Sharia mutual trusts and its AIG Takaful division selling Sharia-based insurance. In November 2008, I wrote about how the U.S. government purchased $40 billion in AIG stock, making you as a taxpayer, an owner of a company promoting Sharia through such businesses.

    For two months, I have warned that AIG’s Takaful division was planning to expand to offer such AIG-specific Sharia products here in the United States. Now AIG has announced that it has Sharia-based insurance products for the United States, and AIG is promoting them.

    On December 1, 2008, AIG announced that it was “introducing a Takaful Homeowners Policy, the first installment in Lexington Takaful Solutions, a series of Shari’ah-compliant (Takaful) product offerings in the U.S. The newly announced Takaful products are compliant with key Islamic finance tenets and based on the concept of mutual insurance.” Note that AIG indicates that such Sharia insurance products are the “first installment” in a series of Sharia products. In the AIG press release, AIG Takaful’s Abdallah Kubursi expresses his pride in AIG’s ability to promote Sharia within the United States, stating “This is truly a global effort on the part of AIG.”

    This is our company, using our taxpayer dollars, to promote Islamic supremacist Sharia-based products in our country. As we are $40 billion owners in AIG, this is our problem as Americans. What is our government and AIG going to do about this?

    First, let’s remember what Sharia is and is not.

    Sharia is a legal codification of the political ideology of Islamic supremacism. This Sharia legal codification is intended to enforce discriminatory and segregationist practices against women and non-Muslims and to suppress the liberties of those living in Islamic theocracies. As a legal codification of a supremacist ideology, Sharia is incompatible with democratic values and the inalienable human right that “all men are created equal.” In 2001, nearly two months before the 9/11 attacks, the European Court of Human Rights determined that Sharia law was incompatible with democracy and human rights. The President of the European Court of Human Rights stated that “the Court found that sharia was incompatible with the fundamental principles of democracy as set forth in the Convention… Principles such as pluralism in the political sphere or the constant evolution of public freedoms have no place in it. According to the Court, it was difficult to declare one’s respect for democracy and human rights while at the same time supporting a regime based on sharia…”. Even British courts have ruled that Sharia is “discriminatory.”

    In a nation such as the United States, based on the inalienable human rights of equality and liberty, why would American taxpayers seek to fund a business selling products that promote a discriminatory, segregationist, and supremacist ideology that is “incompatible with democracy and human rights”?

    Sharia is not merely “cultural beliefs,” “religious beliefs,” or “social preference.” In the AIG press release, AIG’s Abdallah Kubursi would have Americans believe that the goal of promoting such Sharia products is to expand “social preference.” But America has rejected those who would label supremacist values as “social preference,” just as they rejected white supremacists who once called for racial segregation and discrimination. America’s society, businesses, government, and law rejects supremacist ideologies. Just ask President-Elect Barack Obama.

    This is the same Sharia ideology that has been used by the Islamic supremacist Taliban to murder those who they believe have committed moral crimes, the same Sharia ideology that was used to murder a 13 year old girl last month who was raped in Somalia, and the same Sharia ideology supported by the Taliban, Al Qaeda, and Islamic supremacists around the world. It is the same Sharia ideology whose zakat charities have been used to fund jihadist terrorist organizations. On September 18, 2008, Congressman Tom Tancredo’s office introduced “Jihad Prevention Act” (H.R. 6975). According to the press release from his office on this bill, “the legislation would make the advocacy of Sharia law by radical Muslims already in the United States a deportable offense.”

    But now American taxpayer dollars are being used to promote products based on Sharia?

    In fairness to AIG, there are many who do not understand the political Islamic supremacist nature of Sharia.

    Stop Sharia Now (FAQ item 17) provides a quote regarding an “Islamic Finance conference” in New York City where an attendee asked the meaning of Sharia. One of AIG’s Sharia advisors, Sheik Nizam Yaquby, ambiguously responded by stating that “Shariah is the path on which we walk, the water which we drink.” Those of us who are aware that Sharia is a legal codification for all aspects of Islamic supremacist life grasp what Yaquby was trying to communicate; certainly none of the supremacist aspects of Sharia was communicated by Yaquby. It is then reported that “Not one person in the room followed up with a question. The group went back to looking at flowcharts and graphs.” So it should be little surprise that few people involved with Sharia finance products actually understand the ramifications of promoting Islamic supremacist Sharia.

    To give AIG an opportunity to respond to this, I called the individual listed on AIG’s press release for its Sharia Takaful Homeowners Policy, Jim Crain, and talked to him about the AIG product. My impression is that AIG’s Jim Crain is a businessman, and I got the distinct feeling that he was uncomfortable with being named as the AIG point of contact on a product with political connotations. I told AIG’s Jim Crain about the online petition signed by over 100 individuals calling for the Federal Reserve Board and the Department of Treasury to call for AIG to divest itself of its Sharia businesses. I also told AIG’s Jim Crain about how the Islamic supremacist Taliban and other groups are seeking to promote Sharia.

    AIG’s Jim Crain told me that he had no comment on AIG’s Sharia product linkage to the Islamic supremacist Sharia ideology, but stated that with “this business venture” it was not AIG’s intent “to enter into the political arena at all.” Jim Crain stated that he did understand that Sharia is viewed as a political ideology, and commented “that is becoming more apparent as the days go on.” (I would conclude from this that I was not the first person who has called Jim Crain about this.) He stated that “it is entirely possible” that the public is going to think that AIG is taking a political position that is pro-Sharia. Jim Crain concluded our discussion by stating “I am going to pass your concerns on to our senior management and legal.”

    Now it is your turn. American taxpayers own $40 billion worth of AIG stock. This is your company and your responsibility to contact AIG about both its Sharia finance businesses and its efforts now to promote Sharia-based insurance in the United States.

    Let AIG’s Jim Crain know that the calls he has gotten thus far complaining about AIG’s Sharia based business is the tip of the iceberg. Jim Crain’s phone number and email address are provided on the AIG press release to discuss AIG’s Sharia-based Takaful Homeowners Policy. Let him know precisely what you think of it as a shareholder in AIG, and ask Jim Crain to make certain that his senior management also is aware of your concerns as well.

    Sign our online petition demanding that the Federal Reserve, Securities Exchange Commission, and Department of Treasury carry out their fiduciary responsibilities under H.R. 1424 to act as the Financial Stability Oversight Board in America’s interest – and demand that AIG divest itself now of its Sharia businesses. This is an opportunity to make American commitment to human rights a part of how companies do business in America. It is our responsibility to let AIG know our concerns.

    Let’s make our voices heard on this outrage, just as we would if AIG was offering a white supremacist financial products, black supremacist financial products, or any other products or services linked to a supremacist ideology. We need to make our voices heard because supremacism is fundamentally against the inalienable human rights of equality and liberty, as defined in America’s Declaration of Independence… and declaration of our identity as well. By the very definition of America, we are responsible for equality and liberty, and we are responsible for confronting Islamic supremacism.

    From Monkey in the Middle:

    AIG received billions in a bailout from the US Taxpayers. This was to help keep it in business, not perpetuate a scam that will cost the US Taxpayers even more money. Shar’ia financing is one of the biggest scams that has come along in years. Banks are running towards it knowing that if they go under because of it, the US Government will just bail them out again.

    We must finally take a stand and say NO! This is not acceptable to us. Not when your bank is facing ruin. Not when the US taxpayer is throwing money at you. Not now, not ever!

    Sign the petition and call today!